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"stroke", "on schedule", "on time", "sharp", "(be) on time", "on the stroke"], "(建)空中阁楼": ["(build)castles in the air"], "空中阁楼": ["(build)castles in the air"], "正如你愿意的": ["(just)as you wish"], "房地产经纪人": ["realtor", "(real) estate agent"], "(某事)使某人心烦意乱": ["(sth.)upset sb."], "使某人心烦意乱": ["(sth.)upset sb.", "drive sb to distraction"], "紧张和刺激": ["(the)thrills and spills"], "艾滋病病毒": ["AIDs Virus"], "只手遮天": ["Absolute monarch"], "奥斯卡奖": ["Academy Award"], "科学院": ["Royal society", "Academy of sciences"], "非洲杯": ["Africa Cup"], "非洲联盟": ["African Union"], "爱丽丝奇境记": ["Alice in Wonderland"], "全体起立": ["All rise"], "全体肃立": ["All rise"], "美国文化": ["American culture"], "南冰洋": ["Antarctic Ocean"], "南极半岛": ["Antarctic Peninsula"], "愚人节": ["April fool", "April fool's day"], "愚人节中受愚弄者": ["April fool"], "阿拉伯联合酋长国": ["Arab Emirates"], "阿拉伯联盟": ["Arab league"], "射箭队": ["Archery Team"], "箭类武器商店": ["Archery shop"], "建筑结构": ["Architectural structure"], "总体结构": ["Architectural structure"], "构筑布局": ["Architectural structure"], "北极传说": ["Arctic Tale"], "盛气凌人": ["Arrogantly Overbearing"], "亚裔美国人": ["Asian American", "Asian-American"], "天文学会": ["Astronomy Club"], "请注意": ["Attention Please", "mind you"], "昔日": ["Auld Lang syne", "past"], "美好的往时": ["Auld Lang syne"], "澳大利亚日": ["Australia Day"], "澳洲国庆日": ["Australia Day"], "澳大利亚国立大学": ["Australian National University"], "澳币": ["Australian dollar"], "自动扫描": ["Auto scan"], "自动扫描系统": ["Auto scan"], "自动组态扫瞄": ["Auto scan"], "自动扫描功能": ["Auto scan"], "文科学士": ["Bachelor of Art"], "羽毛球队": ["Badminton Team"], "行李车": ["Baggage Cart"], "行李手推车": ["Baggage Cart"], "行李推车": ["Baggage Cart"], "手推车": ["trolley", "wheelbarrow", "truck", "cart", "buggy", "Baggage Cart", "barrow", "wagon"], "资产负债表": ["Balance sheet"], "资产负债对照表": ["Balance sheet"], "平衡表": ["Balance sheet"], "资产欠债表": ["Balance sheet"], "竹风铃": ["Bamboo chime"], "浴缸效应": ["Bathtub Effect"], "要有礼貌": ["Be respectful"], "沙滩套房": ["Beach suite"], "海滩套房": ["Beach suite"], "沙滩别墅": ["Beach suite"], "沙滩别墅房": ["Beach suite"], "漂亮制造": ["Beauty Maker"], "恋爱小粉扑": ["Beauty Maker"], "使用香槟金": ["Beauty Maker"], "标致造制": ["Beauty Maker"], "以前的同学": ["Beforehand schoolmate"], "白令海峡": ["Bering strait"], "表演者": ["Bering strait", "player", "act", "interpreter", "performer", "entertainer", "original soundtrack"], "亡羊补牢": ["Better late than never"], "迟做比不做好": ["Better late than never"], "倒不如说": ["or rather", "Better say"], "敬礼毕": ["Bi salute"], "数据衰落": ["Bit rot"], "不堪回首": ["Bitterly painful"], "黑色幽默正在翻译": ["Black humour"], "混合变形": ["Blend shape"], "融合形": ["Blend shape"], "融合变形": ["Blend shape"], "混合形状": ["Blend shape"], "模糊锐化": ["Blur sharpen"], "书籍摘要": ["Book Excerpt"], "和她的男友分手": ["Break up with her boyfriend"], "与男朋友分手": ["Break up with her boyfriend"], "辉煌与悲惨": ["Brilliant Tragic"], "大英帝国": ["British empire"], "商业奖学金": ["Business scholarship"], "凯撒沙拉": ["Caesar salad"], "我能帮您吗?": ["Can I help you ?"], "纸酒盒": ["Cardboard wine box"], "天主教": ["Catholicism", "Catholic Church"], "天主教会": ["Catholic 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"电动帆": ["Electric sail"], "音频打包": ["Embed Audio"], "情感选择": ["Emotional selection"], "工程奖学金": ["Engineering scholarship"], "企业博客": ["Enterprise Blogger"], "委托费": ["Entrust Cost"], "欧洲委员会": ["European Commission"], "欧洲经济共同体": ["European Economic Community"], "欧洲投资银行": ["European Investment Bank"], "欧洲议会": ["European Parliament"], "最终处理结果": ["Eventually results"], "凡人皆有得意日": ["Every dog has its day"], "考试大纲": ["Examination syllabus"], "表演花式": ["Exhibition Flair"], "专家预测": ["Experts predict"], "世博标语": ["Expo slogan"], "国际足盟大赛": ["FIFA soccer"], "十分忠心的玩伴": ["Faithful playmate"], "熟悉了就会觉得很平常。": ["Familiarity breeds contempt."], "2月14日": ["February the 14th"], "联邦欧洲": ["Federal Europe"], "坐卧不宁": ["Feel restless"], "财务经理": ["Fiance Manager"], "(美国纽约的)第五大道": ["Fifth Avenue"], "第五大道": ["Fifth Avenue"], "先发制人": ["First strike", "anticipation", "forestall", "anticipate"], "第一击": ["First strike"], "第一次打击": ["First strike"], "抢先攻击": ["First strike"], "热血造物": ["Flaming Creatures"], "热血怪人": ["Flaming 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"公历": ["Gregorian calendar"], "阳历(自1582年起在西方使用的历法)": ["Gregorian calendar"], "阳历": ["Gregorian calendar"], "指路标志": ["Guide sign"], "指示标志": ["Guide sign"], "指路标记": ["Guide sign"], "导向标志": ["Guide sign"], "吉普赛女郎": ["Gypsy Woman"], "人事专员": ["HR specialist"], "人力资源专员": ["HR specialist"], "人力专员": ["HR specialist"], "招聘专员": ["HR specialist"], "生日快乐!": ["Happy birthday!"], "硬式摇滚": ["Hard Rock"], "硬摇滚": ["Hard Rock"], "重摇滚": ["Hard Rock"], "毫不令人奇怪": ["Hardly surprising"], "并不令人吃惊": ["Hardly surprising"], "计算机软件开发公司": ["Hardware Company"], "和谐社区": ["Harmonious community", "harmonious community"], "(表示祝愿)过得愉快!": ["Have a good day!"], "过得愉快!": ["Have a good time!", "Have a good day!"], "(表示祝愿)": ["Have a good time!"], "无奈的悲伤": ["Helpless sadness"], "无奈的忧伤": ["Helpless sadness"], "给你": ["Here you are", "Here you are."], "给你。": ["Here you are."], "历史遗址": ["Historical sites"], "历史古迹": ["Historical sites"], "水平清晰度": ["Horizontal Definition"], "水平分辨率": ["Horizontal Definition"], "恐怖电影": ["Horror 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["Interviewer Officer"], "倒装": ["Inverted sentence"], "倒装句": ["Inverted sentence"], "第六节": ["Inverted sentence"], "也叫做倒置的句子": ["Inverted sentence"], "隔离室": ["Isolation room"], "拒却室": ["Isolation room"], "断绝室": ["Isolation room"], "坚决要求…": ["It is urged that…(should)do sth."], "重要的是…": ["It is vital that…(should)do…"], "做…是重要的": ["It is vital to do…"], "据私下/秘密传闻…": ["It is whispered that…"], "做某事是值得的": ["It is worthwhile doing sth", "It is worthwhile to do sth."], "让某人心烦的是…": ["It upset(s) sb. that…", "It upset(s) sb. to do sth."], "我请客": ["It's my treat"], "意大利食品": ["Italian food"], "意大利菜": ["Italian food"], "很遗憾…": ["It’s great pity that …"], "冲绳海藻": ["Japanese seaweed"], "日本海藻": ["Japanese seaweed"], "石花菜": ["Japanese seaweed"], "日式海草": ["Japanese seaweed"], "日元": ["yen", "Japanese yen"], "期刊论文": ["Journal Papers"], "学术期刊论文": ["Journal Papers"], "肯尼迪回合": ["Kennedy Round"], "甘乃迪回合": ["Kennedy Round"], "肯尼迪回合谈判": ["Kennedy Round"], "肯道尔等级相关系数": ["Kennedy Round"], "金赛量表": ["Kinsey 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["National semiconductor"], "自然萌": ["Natural adorable"], "新科学人": ["New scientist"], "新科学家": ["New scientist"], "尼亚加拉瀑布": ["Niagara Falls"], "第九交响曲": ["Ninth symphony"], "没有耐性": ["No Patience"], "北部非洲": ["North Africa"], "北非": ["North Africa"], "北大西洋公约": ["North Atlantic Treaty"], "北岛": ["North Island"], "北方岛": ["North Island"], "不只": ["Not only"], "不仅": ["Not only", "not just but"], "不仅仅": ["more than", "Not only"], "不仅是": ["Not only"], "算不上": ["Not really"], "不完全是": ["Not really"], "不尽然": ["Not really"], "无所不通": ["Nothing unreasonable"], "遗忘花园": ["Oblivious Garden"], "遗忘庭园": ["Oblivious Garden"], "奥委会": ["Olympic Committee"], "奥林匹克运动委员会": ["Olympic Committee"], "奥林匹克圣火": ["Olympic flame"], "奥林匹克体育精神": ["Olympic sportsmanship"], "自身修养": ["Oneself accomplishment"], "杂货铺子": ["Online grocer"], "组织选举": ["Organise Elections"], "组织拍卖": ["Organise auctions"], "迎新日": ["Orientation Day"], "奥斯卡金像奖(著名电影奖项)": ["Oscar awards"], "奥斯卡金像奖": ["Academy Award", "Oscar", "Oscar awards"], "无理的要求": ["Outrageous Request"], "包装说明": ["Packaging Introduction"], "禁止停车": ["no parking", "Parking prohibition"], "参加者指南": ["Participant Guide"], "中华人民共和国": ["People's Republic of China", "the People's Republic of China"], "警察敬礼": ["Police salute"], "原雪邦赛道": ["Polo sporty"], "波罗劲情": ["Polo sporty"], "伊丽莎白港": ["Port Elizabeth"], "可能有效": ["Possibly Effective"], "邮政局": ["Post Office"], "邮差包": ["Postman bag"], "校长办公室": ["President office"], "概率论": ["Probability Theory", "probability"], "机率论": ["Probability Theory"], "概率方法": ["Probability Theory"], "几率论": ["Probability Theory"], "大概什么时候": ["Probably when"], "专业人员": ["Professional staff", "professional", "spec", "profession"], "专业职员": ["Professional staff"], "禁止泊车": ["Prohibit parking"], "禁止服务": ["Prohibit service"], "发音正确正确发音": ["Pronounce correctly"], "心理学奖学金": ["Psychology scholarship"], "纯属意外": ["Purely accidental"], "纯属偶然": ["Purely accidental"], "正统派": ["Radical Orthodoxy"], "激进正统": ["Radical Orthodoxy"], "虹桥(美国犹他州南部天然拱形石桥)": ["Rainbow 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["Roman Conquest"], "客房服务": ["Room service"], "皇家之路": ["Royal Route"], "皇家大道": ["Royal Route"], "皇家路线": ["Royal Route"], "鹿鼎记": ["Royal Tramp"], "皇家流浪汉": ["Royal Tramp"], "皇家学会": ["Royal society"], "皇家协会": ["Royal society"], "伦敦皇家学会": ["Royal society"], "橡皮图章": ["Rubber stamp"], "人云亦云的人": ["Rubber stamp"], "未经审查即批准": ["Rubber stamp"], "官样批文": ["Rubber stamp"], "橄榄球大赛": ["Rugby Nations"], "乡村社会学": ["Rural sociology"], "农村社会学": ["Rural sociology"], "田园社会学": ["Rural sociology"], "星空传媒": ["STAR TV"], "卫星电视": ["satellite", "STAR TV"], "雪地车救援任务": ["SnowMobile Rescue"], "球运动": ["Table Tennis"], "桌上网球": ["Table Tennis"], "表扫描": ["Table scan"], "全表扫描": ["Table scan"], "资料表扫描": ["Table scan"], "表格扫瞄": ["Table scan"], "乒乓球学会": ["Table-tennis Club"], "乒乓学会": ["Table-tennis Club"], "平板计算机": ["Tablet PC"], "平板式电脑": ["Tablet PC"], "唐朝": ["Tang Dynasty"], "道士": ["Taoist priest"], "教学计划": ["Teaching Programme", "teaching programme"], "电话面试": ["Telephone interview"], "电话访问": ["Telephone interview"], "电面": ["Telephone interview"], "就是这样": ["That's about it.", "that's it", "That's it"], "《论语》": ["The Analects"], "理发院": ["The Barbershop"], "自作多情": ["The Eighteenth"], "守护者注视下": ["The Eye of the Beholder"], "烈焰红唇": ["The Flaming Lips"], "烈焰红唇乐队": ["The Flaming Lips"], "星体永恒的运行使他著迷。": ["The eternal motion of the stars fascinated him."], "最印象深刻的": ["The most impressive"], "最深刻的印象": ["The most impressive"], "最令人印象深刻的感受": ["The most impressive experience"], "最给力的战队": ["The most impressive team"], "主题公园": ["Theme Park"], "毫无疑问…": ["There’s no doubt that …"], "他们说": ["They say"], "语录": ["They say", "quotation", "quote"], "人们说": ["They say"], "据说": ["said", "apparently", "supposedly", "reportedly", "They say", "report", "allegedly", "say", "reported"], "暴徒生活": ["Thug Life"], "暴徒生涯": ["Thug Life"], "暴徒人生": ["Thug Life"], "藏羚羊": ["Tibetan antelope"], "试金石法": ["Touchstone test"], "玩具冲突": ["Toy Clash"], "交通指挥员": ["Traffic Marshal"], "郁金香泡沫": ["Tulip Bubble"], "扭亏为盈": ["Turn roughly"], "无止境的渴望": ["Un satisfied"], "无尽的渴望": ["Un satisfied"], "联合车站": ["Union station"], "共构与共站": ["Union station"], "联合火车站": ["Union station"], "火车站": ["railway station", "depot", "train station", "station", "Union station"], "联合国": ["United Nations"], "非熟练劳动": ["Unskilled Labour"], "粗工": ["Unskilled Labour"], "非熟练工": ["Unskilled Labour"], "立式健身车": ["Upright cycle"], "键身车": ["Upright cycle"], "复仇之梦": ["Vengeful Dreams"], "风险投资": ["Venture Invest"], "风险资本": ["Venture Invest"], "维多利亚岛": ["Victoria Island"], "金银岛": ["Victoria Island"], "维多利亚": ["Victoria Island"], "美国之音": ["Voice of America"], "独立战争": ["War of Independence"], "水立方(北京奥运会主游泳馆)": ["Water Cube"], "水立方": ["Water Cube"], "水喷雾": ["Water spray"], "保湿喷雾": ["Water spray"], "失重的世界": ["Weightless world"], "西欧": ["Western Europe"], "真遗憾!": ["What a shame!"], "怎么样": ["What about ?", "how", "What about", "how about", "what about doing sth"], "(询问消息或提出建议)…怎么样?…好吗?": ["What about ?"], "…怎么样?…好吗?": ["What about ?"], "假使…将会怎么样": ["What if"], "汉白玉": ["White Jade"], "白玉": ["White Jade"], "条纹白玉": ["White Jade"], "白玉玺": ["White Jade"], "为之黯然": ["Whom sadly"], "冬奥运会": ["Winter Olympics"], "祝你成功": ["Wish you success", "May you succeed!"], "很少说话": ["Words seldom"], "工作指南": ["Work Guideline"], "〈正式〉劳您驾做…好吗?": ["Would you be kind to…"], "书写流利": ["Write smoothly"], "迎宾环岛": ["YINGBIN Roundabout"], "黄帝(轩辕)": ["Yellow Emperor"], "黄帝": ["Yellow Emperor"], "别客气": ["be my guest", "make oneself at home", "not at all", "You're welcome."], "对长辈": ["Your respectfully"], "你忠实的(用于书信结尾)": ["Yours faithfully"], "你忠实的": ["Yours faithfully"], "电视剧作家": ["a TV dramatist"], "颠三倒四": ["a bag of nails"], "大致相近的估计": ["a ballpark estimate"], "一脸盆…": ["a basin of"], "高尚和优雅的指向标": ["a beacon of elegance and grace"], "一阵风": ["a blast of", "blast"], "塞翁失马": ["a blessing in disguise"], "一大块…": ["a block of"], "一瓶": ["bottle", "jar", "a bottle of"], "一碗水": ["a bowl of water"], "拳击冠军": ["a boxing champion", "heavyweight champion"], "对…简单的介绍": ["a brief introduction to"], "一束": ["shaft", "cluster", "lock", "tuft", "skein", "sheaf", "a bunch of", "truss"], "强烈的愿望": ["a burning desire", "craving"], "买方市场": ["a buyer's market"], "恰当的例子": ["a case in point"], "一定数量的": ["a certain amount of"], "接踵而来的灾祸": ["a chapter of accidents"], "一连串未预料到的事情": ["a chapter of accidents"], "抽屉柜": ["a chest of drawers"], "一大块": ["mass", "a chunk of"], "收藏的": ["a collection of"], "一整套": ["a complete set of", "package"], "混凝土垃圾箱": ["a concrete dustbin"], "络绎不绝的船只": ["a continuous line of boats"], "一份": ["share", "copy", "helping", "slice", "snack", "a copy of", "drink", "serving", "heritage", "whack", "single", "split", "dose", "a, an", "portion"], "一本": ["title", "copy", "a copy of", "reel"], "两三个…": ["a couple of"], "一对…": ["a couple of", "a pair of"], "一组工作人员": ["a crew of", "crew"], "一大群": ["swarm", "shoal", "legion", "regiment", "throng", "cloud", "host", "drove", "a crowd of", "ruck", "a host of", "horde"], "一杯…": ["a cup of"], "一个治疗…的方法": ["a cure for"], "一点儿": ["least", "taste", "touch", "a little bit", "a dash of", "whit", "dick", "a little", "fig", "seam", "dot", "molecule", "suspicion", "smack", "little", "mite", "hair", "somewhat"], "耀眼的微笑": ["a dazzling smile"], "关键时刻": ["juncture", "crunch", "crisis", "a deceive moment"], "一个令人愉快的夜晚": ["a delightful evening"], "令人沮丧的经历": ["a depressing experience"], "令人沮丧的景象": ["a depressing sight"], "令人沮丧的想法": ["a depressing thought"], "被遗弃的妻子": ["a deserted wife"], "发达国家": ["a developed country", "developed country"], "忠诚的粉丝": ["a devoted fan"], "忠诚的朋友": ["a devoted friend"], "忠诚的儿子": ["a devoted son"], "科幻小说的狂热爱好者": ["a devotee of science fiction"], "在…之间的对话": ["a dialogue between"], "艰难的选择": ["a difficult choice"], "关于…的摘要": ["a digest of", "digest of"], "令人失望的表现": ["a disappointing performance"], "令人失望的结果": ["a disappointing result"], "令人泄气的话": ["a discouraging word"], "不良嗜好": ["a disgusting habit"], "难闻的味道": ["a disgusting smell"], "捐赠帐户": ["a donation account"], "一打鸡蛋": ["a dozen eggs"], "一个剧作家": ["a dramatist"], "沧海一粟": ["a drop in the bucket"], "一滴水": ["a drop of water"], "喝醉的司机": ["a drunk driver"], "褪色的红衬衫": ["a faded red shirt"], "与…大不相同": ["a far cry from"], "赏心悦目": ["visually energetic", "a feast for the eyes"], "几分钟": ["a few minutes"], "几句鼓励的话": ["a few words of encouragement"], "阵发": ["a fit of"], "突发一阵": ["a fit of"], "健身教练": ["a fitness instructor"], "飞行模拟器": ["a flight simulator"], "一群(鸟,羊等)": ["a flock of"], "一大批…": ["a flood of"], "大肆宣扬": ["blurb", "a flourish of trumpets", "trumpet", "blaze"], "一种…的形式": ["a form of"], "一排明亮的蜡烛": ["a galaxy of candles"], "市场上的空白": ["a gap in the market"], "逃跑用的汽车": ["a getaway car"], "侧击拳": ["a glancing blow"], "间接提及": ["a glancing mention", "indicate", "allusion", "allude"], "旁敲侧击": ["beat about the bush", "a glancing reference"], "一杯": ["drink", "cup", "a glass of", "tot"], "一线希望": ["silver lining", "a gleam of hope"], "全球卫生观察站": ["a global health observatory"], "一个好的雇主": ["a good employer"], "相当多": ["a good few", "quite a few", "a good many", "some"], "善良的人": ["a good samaritan"], "乐善好施的人": ["philanthropist", "a good samaritan"], "一粒…": ["a grain of"], "伟大的发现": ["a great discovery"], "一组": ["battery of", "gang", "cluster", "a crew of", "batch", "battery", "pack", "platoon", "bank", "set", "troop", "consort", "a set of", "a group of", "block", "brood"], "内疚": ["compunction", "guilt", "a guilty conscience", "conscience"], "问心有愧": ["a guilty conscience"], "少量的": ["slender", "odd", "marginal", "spare", "a handful of", "meagre, meager", "scanty", "miserly", "a small quantity of", "light", "little", "slight", "some"], "一小部分": ["tag", "iceberg", "a handful of"], "一把米": ["a handful of rice"], "中庸之道": ["the happy medium", "a happy medium", "a/the happy medium"], "折中办法": ["a happy medium", "the happy medium", "midway", "compromise", "a/the happy medium"], "难题": ["a tough nut to crack", "difficulty", "puzzle", "crux", "sticker", "stickler", "problem", "trouble", "tickler", "headache", "difficult problems", "nut", "a hard nut to crack", "conundrum", "challenge", "question"], "危险的旅程": ["a hazardous journey"], "一群(牛、鹿等)": ["a herd of"], "一群牛": ["a herd of cattle"], "一部非常值得一读的书": ["a highly recommendable book"], "一点点": ["whiff", "toss", "whoop", "snatch", "sparingly", "damn", "shadow", "drop", "whit", "modicum", "a hint of", "wee", "ounce", "smattering", "hoot"], "家喻户晓的名字": ["a household name"], "谦逊的渔夫": ["a humble fisherman"], "百分之百": ["one hundred percent", "a hundred percent"], "一种": ["brand", "one", "a kind of", "title", "a, an"], "一类": ["brand", "a, an", "a kind of"], "有一点": ["kinda", "touched", "a kind of"], "大规模": ["wholesale", "a large dimension"], "软件产品的大经销商": ["a large distributor of software products"], "一大部分": ["a large proportion of"], "一大笔": ["pot", "a large sum of"], "学问渊博的博士": ["a learned doctor"], "大名鼎鼎的人物": ["a legendary figure"], "有点儿": ["certain", "kind of", "a little bit", "bit", "in a way", "trifle", "rather", "something"], "当地知名人士": ["a local celebrity"], "非常有意思": ["a lot of fun"], "很大的乐趣": ["a lot of fun"], "幸运儿": ["mascot", "a lucky dog", "favorite", "duck"], "生死攸关的事": ["a matter of life and death"], "威猛的斗士": ["a mighty warrior"], "轻度止痛药": ["a mild painkiller"], "知识的宝库": ["a mine of information"], "镜面": ["a mirror-like surface"], "一小片纸": ["a morsel of paper"], "成堆的": ["mountains of", "stacked", "a mountain of"], "一包": ["a pack of", "pack"], "(野兽等的)一群": ["a pack of"], "一盒": ["a pack of", "box"], "一包香烟": ["a packet of cigarettes"], "一叠信封": ["a packet of envelope"], "一副…": ["a pair of"], "一副眼镜": ["a pair of glasses"], "一片": ["a chorus of", "forest", "slice", "round", "sheet", "morsel", "a piece of", "stretch"], "名胜": ["interesting places", "sight", "a place of interest"], "名胜古迹": ["historical events", "Historical sites", "a place of interest", "monument"], "诗歌朗诵": ["a poetry reading"], "一种观点": ["a point of view"], "有名无实": ["a poor apology"], "大众喜爱的电视演员": ["a popular television entertainer"], "耐人寻味的停顿": ["a pregnant pause"], "心照不宣的沉默": ["a pregnant silence"], "负责任的环保组织": ["a responsible environmentalist organization"], "高龄": ["advanced age", "a ripe old age", "antiquity"], "学校宿舍": ["a school dormitory"], "卖方市场": ["a seller's market"], "满足感": ["a sense of fulfilment", "fulfilment"], "成就感": ["a sense of achievement", "sport", "fulfilment"], "一系列的": ["serial", "a series of", "a sequence of"], "一连串的": ["serial", "a train of", "a series of", "sequential"], "极度的困境": ["a severe embarrassment"], "一声叹息": ["a sigh"], "手语译员": ["a sign language interpreter"], "(一对一的)格斗": ["a single combat"], "一声抽泣": ["a sob"], "一位社会名流": ["a social celebrity"], "老于世故的人": ["sophisticate", "sophisticated man", "a sophisticated man"], "一匙盐": ["a spoonful of salt"], "街头艺人": ["a street entertainer"], "一串": ["string", "rope", "a string of", "cluster", "trail", "stream"], "一条": ["swath", "particular", "loaf", "item", "a strip of"], "十分搞笑的喜剧片": ["a surprisingly entertaining film"], "小题大作": ["tempest", "fuss", "a tempest in a teapot"], "大惊小怪": ["to-do", "fuss", "create", "a tempest in a teapot", "carry-on"], "轩然大波": ["a tempest in a teapot"], "晕头胀脑": ["a thick head"], "稀里糊涂": ["a thick head"], "一篇深思熟虑的文章": ["a thoughtful essay"], "咚咚的击鼓声": ["a throbbing drumbeat"], "总数为…": ["a total of"], "典型的科学发现者": ["a typical scientific discoverer"], "种种": ["a variety of"], "形形色色": ["a variety of"], "…的愿景": ["a vision of"], "浪费…": ["waste in", "a waste of"], "易被说服或诱惑的时刻": ["a weak moment"], "一片谎话": ["a web of lies"], "湿地栖息地": ["a wetland habitat"], "善意的谎言": ["a white lie"], "大范围的": ["massive", "a wide range of", "large-scale", "gross"], "许多各种不同的": ["a wide range of"], "心甘情愿努力干活的人": ["a willing horse"], "…的证人/证据": ["a witness to"], "披着羊皮的狼": ["a wolf in sheep's clothing"], "幻想的作品": ["a work of fantasy"], "诗歌的世界": ["a world of poetry"], "弃锚": ["abandon anchor"], "放弃打算": ["abandon one's intention"], "沉溺于": ["indulge", "riot in", "abandon oneself", "surrender", "indulge in", "be addicted to", "wallow", "mainline", "addicted to", "be given to"], "废弃资产": ["abandoned asset"], "废弃河道": ["abandoned channel"], "引诱抗力": ["abetd annoyance"], "在…的能力": ["ability for"], "能人": ["hotshot", "able person", "wonder"], "有能力的人": ["able person"], "有用的人才": ["able person"], "一级水手": ["able seaman"], "熟练水手": ["able seaman"], "二等水兵": ["able seaman"], "异常行为": ["vagaries", "aberration", "abnormal behavior"], "变态行为": ["abnormal behavior"], "异常现象": ["abnormal phenomena"], "最终废除": ["abolish ultimately"], "淘汰制": ["abolishment system"], "要求流产者": ["abortion applicant"], "关于艾滋病": ["about AIDs"], "最重要的是": ["above all", "most of all", "above all else"], "尤其是": ["above all", "most of all", "above all else"], "自大傲慢的": ["above oneself"], "零上": ["above zero", "plus"], "留学生": ["abroad student", "foreign student"], "急剧退化": ["abrupt degradation"], "陡坡": ["abrupt slope", "steep", "steep hill", "scarp"], "走神": ["space", "wander", "wandering", "zone out", "stray", "absence of mind"], "心不在焉": ["abstraction", "absence of mind", "in the clouds"], "绝对优势": ["absolute advantage"], "无水酒精": ["absolute alcohol"], "绝对误差": ["absolute error"], "不共戴天": ["absolutely irreconcilable"], "誓不两立": ["absolutely irreconcilable"], "绝对必要": ["absolutely necessary"], "全神贯注于": ["be absorbed in", "be lost in", "concentrate on", "engross", "preoccupied with", "absorb (oneself) in", "absorb in", "zero in on", "be anchored in"], "全神贯注于专心于中吸收": ["absorb in"], "引起兴趣": ["appealing", "absorb interest", "appeal", "drum", "click"], "吸引某人注意": ["absorb sb.'s attention"], "吸附水": ["absorbed water"], "吸收水": ["absorbed water"], "戒绝": ["abstain from", "eschew", "abstention", "abstain"], "抽象思维": ["abstract thinking"], "荒谬的幻想": ["absurd fantasy"], "荒诞派戏剧": ["absurd theatre"], "荒谬剧场": ["absurd theatre"], "丰硕的成果": ["abundant accomplishment"], "丰收": ["abundant harvest"], "富于": ["abundant in", "abundant", "rich in", "teem", "abound"], "过量降雨": ["abundant rainfall"], "侮辱性语言": ["abusive language"], "粗言秽语": ["abusive language"], "叫嚣的中士": ["abusive sergeant"], "学历证书": ["academic certificate"], "学术交流": ["academic exchange"], "学年": ["instructive year", "session", "year", "academic year"], "加速至(加速的幅度)": ["accelerate by"], "加速至": ["accelerate to", "accelerate by"], "加大": ["increase", "increasing", "accelerate increase"], "加速到(加速到具体一个数值)": ["accelerate to"], "加速到": ["accelerate to"], "强光灯": ["accent light"], "主景植物": ["accent plant"], "接受邀请": ["accept an invitation"], "接受为": ["accept as"], "承认是": ["accept as"], "应战": ["accept battle", "take up the challenge"], "适中居所": ["acceptable accommodation"], "质量合格": ["acceptable quality"], "有权使用": ["access to"], "通向…的入口": ["access to"], "非法访问": ["access violation"], "访问冲突": ["access violation"], "访问违例": ["access violation"], "安排住宿": ["accommodate detail"], "向…供应": ["accommodate with"], "随行": ["accompany by"], "伴奏": ["accompany", "support", "backing", "back", "accompaniment", "accompany by", "backup"], "在…的陪同下": ["accompany by"], "伴随着": ["accompany with"], "兼带着": ["accompany with"], "陪…同行": ["accompany with"], "大有作为": ["accomplish much"], "一事无成": ["accomplish nothing", "get nowhere"], "一无所成": ["accomplish nothing"], "同…相符合": ["accord with"], "与…一致": ["in harmony with", "accord", "in accordance with", "in line with", "identical to", "the same as", "consist with", "agree", "coincide with", "whereby", "consistent with", "in accordance", "conform with", "accord with", "match", "fit in with", "square", "be consistent with", "accordance"], "取决于": ["according as", "subject", "function", "according to", "be dependent on", "ride", "subject to", "be dependent upon", "depend", "depend upon", "contingent", "dependent", "turn on", "ride on", "depend on"], "据…所说": ["according to"], "按某人的说法": ["according to sb's version"], "对…负有责任": ["account for"], "对…做出解释": ["account for"], "说明…的原因": ["account for"], "占…比例": ["account for"], "会计事务所": ["accounting firm"], "会计师事务所": ["accounting firm"], "会计报表": ["accounting statement"], "特派记者": ["accredited journalist"], "积聚财富": ["accumulate wealth"], "公积金": ["accumulation fund"], "积累基金": ["accumulation fund"], "精确记录": ["accurate record"], "控告某人犯某事": ["accuse sb. of sth.", "accuse sb of sth"], "指控某人做某事": ["charge sb with sth", "accuse sb. of doing sth."], "因…指责或控告": ["accuse…of…"], "使自己习惯于做某事": ["accustom oneself to doing"], "习惯于": ["make it a rule", "be accustomed to", "get into the habit of", "used", "accustomed to", "be in the habit of", "get into", "get used to", "be used to", "become accustomed to", "wont", "get accustomed to"], "全身疼痛": ["ache all over"], "不适": ["blah", "turn", "distress", "complaint", "ail", "disorder", "discomfort", "malaise", "aches and pains"], "各种各样的病痛": ["aches and pains"], "取得一致": ["achieve harmony"], "实现目标": ["achieve one's goals", "achieve one's aim"], "达到目的": ["have one's will", "effect", "do the trick", "achieve one's aim"], "取得成功": ["rise", "achieve success", "pay off"], "获得成功": ["onward", "ahead", "achieve", "achieve success", "come through", "get ahead", "do the trick"], "同时达到": ["achieved simultaneously"], "同时获得": ["achieved simultaneously"], "在…方面的成就": ["achievements in…"], "酸分解": ["acid digestion"], "酸性消化": ["acid digestion"], "酸雨": ["acid rain"], "动作影片": ["acion movie"], "回执": ["acknowledgement", "acknowledgement of receipt"], "接收确认": ["acknowledgement of receipt"], "声发射": ["acoustic emission"], "声频发射": ["acoustic emission"], "声发射检验": ["acoustic emission"], "完全了解": ["acquaint entirely"], "获得知识": ["acquire knowledge"], "求得知识": ["acquire knowledge"], "兼并": ["acquisition and merger", "annex", "merger", "merge"], "在…对面": ["opposite", "across", "across from", "over against", "opposite to"], "担当": ["act as", "play"], "站岗": ["on guard", "stand sentry", "act as a guard"], "放哨": ["sentinel", "keep watch", "sentry", "act as a guard"], "作为主人招待": ["act as host"], "做东": ["treat", "host", "act as host"], "行动明确": ["act definitely"], "故意行事": ["act deliberately"], "代办": ["act for", "commission"], "在…方面行动": ["act in"], "慷慨的行为": ["act of generosity", "good"], "对…起作用": ["work on", "have an effect on", "react on", "influence", "have an effect upon", "act on", "operate on"], "按照…行事": ["act on"], "把…表演出来": ["act out"], "把…付诸行动": ["act out"], "代理主席": ["acting chairman"], "动作片": ["action movie"], "对…的作用": ["effect on", "action on"], "积极于": ["be active in", "active in"], "主动参与": ["active participation"], "积极参加": ["active participation", "take an active part in", "be active in"], "活火山": ["active volcano"], "实际成本": ["actual cost"], "针灸针": ["acupuncture needle"], "穴位": ["acupuncture point"], "穴道": ["acupuncture point"], "锐角": ["acute angle"], "急性毒性": ["acute toxicity"], "急性中毒": ["acute toxicity"], "清醒地看到": ["acutely aware"], "使适合于": ["adapt for"], "为…改编": ["adapt for"], "根据…改编": ["adapt from"], "使自己适应": ["adapt oneself to"], "使适应于…": ["adapt to"], "适应某事": ["adapt to sth"], "把A加到B中": ["add A to B"], "把…包括在内": ["subsume", "factor", "add in"], "雪上加霜": ["add insult to injury"], "伤害之外又加侮辱": ["add insult to injury"], "加到": ["add to…", "add to"], "增添…": ["add to…"], "合计": ["total", "amount to", "sum", "make", "in all", "footing", "amount", "total up", "figure up", "tote", "add…up", "total up to", "summation", "tally", "aggregate", "tot", "add up"], "合计达": ["add up to"], "总计达": ["add up to"], "沉迷于": ["bound up in", "addicted to"], "对…有瘾": ["addicted to"], "醉心于": ["keen on", "be crazy about", "bent on", "addicted to"], "成瘾的行为": ["addictive behavior"], "附加说明": ["additional explanation"], "通讯簿": ["address book"], "住址名册": ["address book"], "针对…而说": ["address oneself to"], "向…讲话": ["address oneself to", "address", "address sb"], "对…发表演说": ["address sb"], "称呼…": ["address sb"], "对…说": ["address…to"], "写信给": ["write", "address…to"], "把…加起来": ["total", "count up", "total up", "figure up", "add…up"], "善于": ["good at", "adept in", "excel"], "擅长": ["be expert at", "forte", "adept in", "be skilful in", "vocation", "good at", "excel", "be good with…"], "长于": ["adept in"], "配套服务": ["adequate and systematic service"], "胜任…的": ["adequate for"], "对…是足够的": ["adequate for"], "适合…的": ["proper for", "suitable for", "be suitable for", "adequate for"], "粘附层": ["adhere layer"], "齿轮轴": ["adhere shaft"], "粘附": ["sticking", "adhere to", "adherence", "adhere"], "拥护": ["go for", "stand up for", "advocacy", "championship", "attachment", "allegiance", "for", "support", "stand up", "be for", "countenance", "champion", "espouse", "advocate", "adhere to", "espousal", "adhere", "in support of"], "创可贴": ["plaster", "adhesive bandage", "Band-Aid"], "放射性废弃物": ["adioactive waste"], "使自己适应于": ["adjust oneself to sth"], "调整价格": ["adjust price"], "调整以适应": ["adjust to"], "调节阀": ["adjust valve"], "可调节范围": ["adjustable range"], "可调支架": ["adjustable support"], "调整幅度": ["adjustment range"], "管理中心": ["administration center"], "行政裁量": ["administrative discretion"], "行政自由裁量权": ["administrative discretion"], "自由裁量权": ["judicial discretion", "discretion", "administrative discretion"], "压轴戏": ["admirable afterpiece"], "极好的例子": ["admirable example"], "赏月": ["admire the moon"], "很想做某事": ["admire to do sth"], "准许进入…": ["admission to…"], "做广告的人": ["admit advertiser"], "收容": ["admit into", "internment", "house"], "容许": ["tolerate", "allow", "wearing", "admit of", "concede", "admit", "suffer", "allow of", "let in", "permit"], "有…的可能": ["admit of"], "准许某人进入": ["admit sb to sp", "admit sb into sp"], "许可进入": ["admit into", "admit to"], "青少年读物": ["juvenile", "adolescence literature"], "青少年健康": ["adolescent health"], "青少年问题": ["adolescent problems"], "选定": ["adopt", "slate", "anoint", "tab", "select", "destine", "decide", "fix on", "selected", "make choice of", "decide on", "adopt as", "decide upon"], "采购程序": ["adoption process"], "采用过程": ["adoption process"], "崇拜神灵": ["adore gods"], "成人教育": ["adult education"], "成人教育教师": ["adult educators"], "成年人口": ["adult population"], "预付款": ["advance payment", "advance"], "老年": ["age", "advanced age"], "高等代数": ["advanced algebra"], "高等数学": ["advanced mathematics", "higher mathematics"], "高级检索": ["advanced search"], "高级搜索": ["advanced search"], "进阶检索": ["advanced search"], "高级研讨会": ["advanced seminar"], "先进技术": ["advanced technology", "vanguard technology"], "惊险片": ["adventure film"], "冒险游戏": ["adventure game"], "冒险远征": ["adventurous expeditions"], "冒险精神": ["adventure", "adventurous spirit"], "反向批评": ["adverse criticism"], "逆向评论": ["adverse criticism"], "逆向选择": ["adverse selection"], "逆选择": ["adverse selection"], "逆向选择模型": ["adverse selection"], "逆淘汰": ["adverse selection"], "广告部": ["publicity department", "advertise department"], "登广告征求": ["advertise for"], "广告公司": ["advertising agency", "advertisement company"], "广告帐户": ["advertiser account"], "广告商": ["advertising agency", "advertiser"], "强烈反对": ["backlash", "flak", "advise against", "deplore"], "告诫": ["tip", "admonish", "remonstrance", "advise against", "teach", "lecture", "warn sb. of sth.", "caution", "caveat", "warning", "warn", "expostulate", "caution against", "remonstrate", "tell", "correct", "warn sb. of sth.", "lesson", "charge"], "劝告不要": ["advise against"], "倡导式规划": ["advocate planning"], "有氧运动": ["aerobic exercise", "aerobic", "aerobics"], "有氧呼吸": ["aerobic respiration"], "需氧呼吸": ["aerobic respiration"], "健美操中心": ["aerobics center"], "健身中心": ["aerobics center"], "健身训练中心": ["aerobics center"], "审美": ["taste", "aesthetic", "aesthetic appreciation"], "美育": ["aesthetic education"], "审美教育": ["aesthetic education"], "美学教育": ["aesthetic education"], "美感": ["aesthetic feeling", "aesthetic"], "审美价值": ["aesthetic value"], "美学价值": ["aesthetic value"], "艺术审美价值": ["aesthetic value"], "美学界": ["aesthetic world"], "摆出一副高不可攀的样子": ["affect a superior air"], "情感调节": ["affect regulation"], "情感结构": ["affect structure"], "使…感动得流下眼泪": ["affect to tears", "move to tears"], "病变机制": ["affection mechanism"], "作用机制": ["affection mechanism"], "深情的吻": ["affectionate kiss"], "经济上负担得起": ["afford financially"], "有条件做": ["afford to"], "能承担": ["afford to", "afford to do"], "买得起某物": ["afford to", "afford to do"], "支付得起": ["afford to", "afford to do"], "(有条件)做": ["afford to", "afford to do"], "给予信赖": ["afford trust"], "可负担住房": ["affordable homes"], "可承受价": ["affordable price"], "在途货物": ["afloat goods"], "怕做": ["afraid doing"], "过了一会儿": ["after a while"], "终究": ["in the long run", "after all"], "餐后": ["after dinner"], "晚餐后": ["after dinner"], "下班后": ["after hours"], "适合自己心意的": ["after one's own heart"], "不久后": ["shortly after", "after shortly"], "晚饭后": ["after supper"], "懒汉": ["afternoon farmer", "slug", "poke", "soldier", "lazy dogs", "goldbrick", "bum"], "日晒后用品": ["afterward sun"], "实龄": ["age chronological"], "编年积": ["age chronological"], "议题设定": ["agenda setting"], "议程设定": ["agenda setting"], "侵犯态度": ["aggressive attitude"], "攻击行为": ["offence", "offense", "aggressor behavior", "aggressive behavior"], "侵犯行为": ["aggressive behavior", "tort"], "(报刊上的)答读者问专栏作家": ["agony aunt"], "答读者问专栏作家": ["agony aunt"], "答疑解惑专栏作家": ["agony aunt"], "(感情上的)突然而强烈的爆发": ["agony of"], "突然而强烈的爆发": ["agony of"], "任何精神上的激动": ["agony of"], "农业社会": ["agrarian society"], "对…有相同的看法": ["agree about"], "就…取得一致意见": ["agree about"], "对…取得一致意见": ["agree on"], "同意安排": ["agree to arrangement"], "赞成做某事": ["decide for", "agree to do sth"], "同意计划": ["agree to plan"], "同意建议": ["agree to suggestion"], "和…意见一致": ["agree with"], "一致意见": ["agreement on"], "同…达成协议": ["agreement with"], "农业植物学": ["agricultural botany"], "农产物农产品农业生产农业增产": ["agricultural produce"], "农产品": ["farm products", "produce", "agricultural produce", "agricultural products"], "农业灌溉": ["agriculture irrigate"], "提早": ["early", "advance", "ahead of time"], "病态经济": ["ailing economy"], "失调的经济": ["ailing economy"], "针对": ["in allusion to", "on", "aim at", "about", "against", "aim"], "承认做过…": ["aim at doing"], "准许做": ["aim at doing"], "以…为目标": ["aim for"], "旨在": ["aim of", "be aimed at", "aim", "be aimed to do"], "旨在做某事": ["aim to do"], "无系统耕作": ["aimless farming"], "漫无目的等待": ["aimless waiting"], "砂眼": ["air bubble", "blister"], "空运货物": ["air cargo"], "空调": ["air-condition", "air condition"], "空气调节设备": ["air condition"], "空调机": ["air conditioner", "air-condition"], "空调设备": ["air conditioner"], "空气帘": ["air curtain"], "防空": ["air defence"], "空防": ["air defence"], "空气分配器": ["air distributor"], "空气分布箱": ["air distributor"], "气垫": ["air float"], "气托": ["air float"], "空气格栅": ["air grill"], "空气污染": ["air pollution"], "空袭": ["airstrike", "air raid"], "空中小姐(空姐)": ["air stewardess"], "空中小姐": ["air stewardess", "stewardess", "airhostess"], "空中服务员": ["air stewardess", "flight attendant"], "机场伏击": ["airfield ambush"], "机场跑道": ["airfield runway"], "飞机票": ["airline ticket"], "航空信": ["airmail letter"], "飞机场设施": ["airport facilities"], "空间危险区": ["airspace danger"], "详细翻译": ["airy spiral"], "警钟": ["alarm bell"], "警铃": ["alarm bell"], "报警系统": ["alarm system"], "告警控制": ["alarming control"], "酒精含量": ["alcohol content"], "酒精依赖": ["alcohol dependence"], "酒精饮料": ["piss", "stimulant", "drink", "alcoholic beverage"], "酒精度": ["alcoholic strength"], "匿名戒酒互助社": ["alcoholics anonymous"], "匿名戒毒会": ["alcoholics anonymous"], "盛行的": ["predominant", "prevalent", "flourishing", "alive and well", "prevailing", "epidemic"], "依然存在的": ["alive and well"], "充满着": ["glow with", "alive with", "thick with"], "洋溢着": ["bubbling", "alive with", "glow with", "run over with", "pulse", "overflow"], "差一点": ["within an inch of", "all but"], "全靠自己": ["all by oneself"], "独立": ["stand-alone", "independence", "breakaway", "autonomy", "all by oneself", "independence from"], "单独": ["several", "singularity", "alone", "by themselves", "all by oneself", "solitude", "by oneself", "by one's self"], "总而言之": ["in balance", "on balance", "all in all", "to sum up", "altogether", "in a word", "in sum"], "头等重要的东西": ["all in all"], "各种类型的": ["all kinds of"], "各种各样": ["assortment", "all kinds of"], "整夜": ["all night"], "出乎意料地": ["out of the blue", "miraculously", "suddenly", "all of a sudden", "precipitously", "sudden", "unexpectedly", "on a sudden"], "浑身": ["all over"], "全部结束": ["all over"], "全世界": ["all over the world", "globally", "around the world"], "顺利": ["all right", "big", "hit the ball", "right"], "一切顺利": ["tick all the right boxes", "all the best"], "万事如意": ["all the best"], "风行一时的事物": ["all the rage"], "一直": ["as ever", "ever", "will", "throughout", "away", "clear", "all the while", "all through", "always", "at all times", "all the time", "along"], "一路上": ["quite", "the whole way", "all the way"], "一年到头": ["all year around", "all the year round"], "从全面考虑": ["all things considered"], "实在太…": ["all too"], "各行各业": ["all walks of life"], "社会各界": ["all walks of life"], "全年": ["all year around", "all the year round"], "全因死亡率": ["all-cause mortality"], "全因死亡": ["all-cause mortality"], "过敏反应": ["allergy", "allergic reaction"], "过敏性鼻炎": ["allergic rhinitis"], "壁灯": ["alley lamp"], "盟军入侵": ["allied invasion"], "为…而分配": ["allocate for"], "把…拨给": ["allocate for"], "分配资金": ["allocate funds"], "允许某人去做…": ["allow doing", "allow sb to do"], "虑及": ["allow for"], "几乎所有": ["almost all", "mostly", "almost everywhere"], "几乎到处": ["almost everywhere"], "几乎没有": ["scarce", "almost extinct", "few", "bare of", "barely", "scarcely", "hardly", "hardly any", "squat"], "几乎难免": ["almost inevitable"], "与…一起": ["alongside", "alone with", "company with", "come with"], "连同…一起": ["along with"], "与…一道": ["along with"], "随同…一起": ["along with"], "与…并肩": ["alongside of", "alongside"], "字母顺序": ["alphabetical order"], "字顺排列法": ["alphabetical order"], "至交": ["alter ego", "intimate"], "回心转意": ["alter one's mind"], "代用燃料": ["alternative energy"], "代替方式": ["alternative form"], "替换制度": ["alternative form"], "另类投资": ["alternative investment"], "另类摇滚": ["alternative rock"], "非主流摇滚": ["alternative rock"], "另类摇滚类": ["alternative rock"], "交替各用": ["alternatively for"], "高空病": ["altitude sickness"], "原煤": ["altogether coal"], "铝合金": ["aluminium alloy"], "制铝工业": ["aluminium industry"], "铝罐": ["aluminum can"], "常常如此": ["always the case"], "业余音乐": ["amateur musical"], "吃惊于…": ["amazed at"], "琥珀灯": ["amber light"], "琥珀色灯光": ["amber light"], "交变透视": ["ambiguous perspective"], "模糊战略": ["ambiguous strategy"], "宏伟蓝图": ["ambitious plans"], "趁火打劫的人": ["vulture", "ambulance chaser"], "救护主任": ["ambulance officer"], "氨氮": ["ammonia nitrogen"], "氨型氮": ["ammonia nitrogen"], "氨基氮": ["ammonia nitrogen"], "出血量": ["amount of bleeding"], "相当于": ["amount to", "up to", "tantamount", "correspond to", "amount", "represent", "translate", "as", "correspond", "corresponding"], "总计为": ["amount to", "run into", "tot"], "充分证据": ["ample evidence"], "宽敞的空间": ["ample space"], "餐前开胃小吃": ["amuse bouche"], "娱乐自己": ["amuse himself"], "自娱自乐": ["amusing oneself", "amuse oneself"], "逗乐读者": ["amuse the reader"], "游乐园": ["amusement park"], "大量的…": ["an abundance of"], "做…的方法": ["an approach to doing"], "一名忠实的信徒": ["an ardent devotee"], "一排": ["procession", "row", "tier", "bank", "an array of"], "雅致的氛围": ["an atmosphere of elegance"], "对…的态度": ["an attitude towards", "an attitude to"], "平均是…": ["an average of"], "早起的人": ["an early bird"], "早到者": ["an early bird"], "资深女作家": ["an elder stateswoman"], "令人难堪的错误": ["an embarrassing mistake"], "尴尬的时刻": ["an embarrassing moment"], "令人难堪的问题": ["an embarrassing question"], "令人难堪的处境": ["an embarrassing situation"], "使某人难堪": ["an embarrassment to sb", "put sb on the spot"], "令人愉快的经历": ["an enjoyable experience"], "令人愉快的周末": ["an enjoyable weekend"], "妙趣横生的演讲": ["an entertaining speech/evening"], "令人开心的晚会": ["an entertaining speech/evening"], "狂热的棒球迷": ["an enthusiastic baseball fan"], "积极的环保主义着": ["an enthusiastic environmentalist"], "完全不同的事情": ["an entirely different matter"], "嫉妒的表情": ["an envious look"], "一个插曲": ["an episode in"], "通向…的出口处": ["an exit to", "exit to"], "已灭绝的物种": ["an extinct species"], "非凡的成就": ["an extraordinary achievement"], "有影响力的教育家": ["an influential educator"], "一位有影响的教育家": ["an influential educator."], "铁灰色": ["an irony gray color"], "有独创性的剧作家": ["an original dramatist"], "地下洞穴": ["an underground grotto"], "解析几何": ["analytic geometry"], "母语": ["ancestor language", "native language", "native tongue", "mother tongue"], "祖先崇拜": ["ancestor worship"], "祭祖": ["ancestor worship"], "先祖之魂": ["ancestral spirit"], "先祖之灵": ["ancestral spirit"], "古都": ["ancient city"], "古代帝国": ["ancient empire"], "但还是": ["but yet", "and yet"], "可是还": ["but yet", "and yet"], "于是": ["thereupon", "and then", "now", "whereupon", "accordingly", "as thus", "thus", "then"], "逸事小说": ["anecdote novels"], "天使投资者": ["angel investor"], "天使投资人": ["angel investor"], "谋取": ["jockey", "angle", "angle for", "figure for", "enlist"], "畜牧业": ["animal husbandry", "livestock breeding", "husbandry"], "畜牧学": ["animal husbandry"], "动画": ["animated cartoon"], "踝骨": ["ankle bone"], "短靴": ["ankle boot"], "宣布新的发现": ["announce a new discovery"], "广播录像机": ["announce machine"], "正式宣布": ["announce officially", "proclaim", "pronounce", "render"], "广播室": ["announcement office"], "烦恼度": ["annoyance degree"], "对…烦恼": ["annoyed at"], "烦恼…": ["annoyed with"], "给…烦死了": ["annoyed with"], "年终分红": ["annual bonus"], "周年晚宴": ["annual dinner"], "公司年会": ["annual dinner"], "年会": ["annual meeting"], "年支付额": ["annual payment"], "年度汇总表": ["annual summary"], "年度摘要": ["annual summary"], "年度汇编": ["annual summary"], "年度总结": ["annual summary"], "年度奖金": ["annually bonus"], "流年运程": ["annually prediction"], "匿名访问": ["anonymous access"], "对答如流": ["answer fluently"], "因…而受罚": ["answer for"], "对…负责": ["account for", "behind", "report", "answer for", "answer", "carry", "be responsible for"], "粗鲁地回答": ["answer rudely"], "(与某人)顶嘴": ["answer sb back"], "顶嘴": ["talk back", "retort", "crosstalk", "answer sb back"], "回嘴": ["talk back", "retort", "answer sb back"], "响应号召": ["answer the call"], "南极大陆": ["antarctic continent"], "古董店": ["antique shop"], "反社会行为": ["antisocial acts"], "焦虑症": ["anxiety", "anxiety disorder"], "焦虑性障碍": ["anxiety disorder"], "焦虑症候群": ["anxiety disorder"], "对…着急": ["anxious about"], "为…而焦虑": ["anxious for"], "任意次数": ["any times"], "别人": ["someone else", "anybody", "anybody else"], "根本不": ["anything but", "negative"], "远非": ["far from", "not nearly", "anything but"], "远不是": ["anything but"], "单单除…之外": ["anything but"], "只除…之外": ["anything but"], "与…有关系": ["ally", "anything to do with", "associated with", "connect", "be associated with", "connected"], "无处不在": ["anywhere is"], "任何地方都是如此": ["anywhere is"], "远离": ["far from", "away", "away from", "far apart", "aloof", "keep away from", "off", "distance", "remove", "eschew", "keep…free from", "keep … away from", "apart from"], "且不说": ["not to mention", "apart from"], "缺少": ["poverty", "short", "fail in", "shortfall", "shortage", "want", "empty of", "wanting", "minus", "out of", "be lacking in", "shortage of", "be short of", "run short", "fail", "scarcity", "wanted", "apart from"], "要不是": ["except", "for", "but for", "only that", "if not", "but", "only", "apart from"], "公寓大楼": ["apartment block", "court"], "向某人道歉": ["apologize to sb"], "为某事向某人道歉": ["apologize to sb for(doing) sth"], "可视面积": ["apparent area"], "表面面积": ["apparent area"], "上诉机构": ["appeal body"], "对…有吸引力": ["appealing", "pull on", "appeal", "be attractive to…", "holds a fascination for", "appeal to"], "对某人有吸引力": ["appeal to sb."], "向某人呼吁": ["appeal to sb."], "诉诸暴力": ["appeal to violence"], "造型美丽": ["appealing design"], "造型优美": ["appealing design"], "公共话语": ["appealing discourse"], "在…上出现": ["appear on"], "好像是": ["appear to be"], "仿佛": ["feel as if", "seem", "as if", "could", "appear to be", "as though"], "偶然遇到或发现": ["appen on"], "附录条款": ["appendix provisions"], "附录表": ["appendix table"], "对…的欲望": ["appetite for"], "热烈鼓掌": ["ovation", "applaud warmly"], "为自己鼓掌": ["applaud yourself"], "精彩之词": ["applause line"], "苹果马丁尼": ["apple martini"], "苹果马提尼": ["apple martini"], "苹果马提尼鸡尾酒": ["apple martini"], "金玉其外": ["apple of sodom"], "败絮其中": ["apple of sodom"], "徒具其表而无其实之物": ["apple of sodom"], "瞳子": ["apple of the eye"], "极珍爱之人": ["apple of the eye"], "极珍爱之物": ["apple of the eye"], "申请表": ["application", "application form"], "申请书": ["application", "application form", "petition"], "应用软件": ["application", "application software"], "应用科学": ["applied science", "technology"], "把A应用到B中": ["apply A to B"], "专心致志于某事": ["apply oneself to"], "把…适用于": ["apply sth to sth"], "适用于": ["apply to", "be used in", "refer to", "adequate for", "be true of", "be adequate for", "be used to", "bind", "be used in"], "应用于": ["apply to"], "向某人申请某物": ["apply to sb for"], "向某人申请": ["apply to sb for"], "请求某人": ["apply to sb for"], "任命州长": ["appoint a governor"], "任命为": ["appoint as"], "约定时间": ["appointed", "appoint time", "make it"], "委任精算师指定精算师委任": ["appointed actuary"], "欣赏外国文学": ["appreciate foreign literature"], "约等于": ["approach to", "approximate", "roughly equal", "approximately equal"], "通往…的方法": ["approach to"], "以…方式处理": ["approach with"], "向…提出建议": ["approach with"], "有关当局": ["respective authorities", "appropriate authority"], "赞成某人做某事": ["approve of one's doing"], "完全赞成": ["approve thoroughly"], "近似公式": ["approximately formula", "approximate formula"], "近似法": ["approximate method", "approximation"], "近似等于": ["approximately equal"], "履带": ["caterpillar", "apron wheel", "track"], "能力倾向测验": ["aptitude test"], "仲裁裁决": ["arbitral award"], "公断书": ["arbitral award"], "任意函数": ["arbitrary function"], "任意值": ["arbitrary value"], "拱形桥": ["arch bridge"], "美术考古": ["archaeology of fine arts"], "宗教考古": ["archaeology of religion"], "建筑设计": ["architecture", "architectural design"], "结构设计": ["architectural design"], "档案学": ["archival science"], "档案科学": ["archival science"], "档案学研究": ["archival science"], "北极气候": ["arctic climate"], "议论某事": ["argue about"], "和…争吵": ["quarrel with", "argue with"], "与某人就某事争吵": ["argue with sb about sth", "argue with sb over sth"], "由…引起": ["come", "arise from", "result from", "arise", "issue from", "be down to"], "起因于": ["root in", "arise from", "arise out of", "result from", "result"], "起于…": ["arise out of"], "算术运算": ["arithmetic operation"], "臂挽臂": ["arm in arm"], "手挽手": ["arm in arm"], "携手": ["arm in arm", "join hands"], "手挽手地": ["arm in arm"], "热情而高兴地欢迎": ["receive with open arms"], "纸上谈兵的战略家": ["armchair strategist"], "武警": ["armed policeman"], "漫无目的地等待": ["armless waiting"], "拐弯抹角": ["hedge", "shift", "around the bush"], "说话绕圈子": ["around the bush"], "日以继夜地": ["around the clock", "night and day"], "连续一整天": ["around the clock"], "在拐角处": ["around the corner"], "即将来临": ["upon", "around the corner", "lie ahead", "brew"], "世界各地": ["around the world"], "引起厌恶": ["arouse disgust"], "从…中唤醒": ["arouse from"], "调动积极性": ["arouse the enthusiasm of"], "为…做准备": ["be ready for", "arrange for", "be ready to", "paving", "prepare for", "preparation for", "lead up to", "make preparations for", "get ready for"], "安排某人做某事": ["make arrangements for sb to do", "arrange for sb to do"], "安排做某事": ["arrange to do"], "对…的安排": ["arrangement for"], "因某事拘捕某人": ["arrest sb for sth"], "逮捕证": ["arrest warrant"], "到达时间": ["arrival time"], "到达某地": ["arrive at", "arrive in"], "从某地来(这里)": ["arrive from"], "从某地来": ["arrive from"], "武库舰": ["arsenal ship"], "工艺品": ["art and craft"], "艺术评论家": ["art critic"], "美术馆": ["art museum", "art gallery", "gallery", "picture gallery"], "艺术史学者": ["art historian"], "美术博物馆": ["art museum"], "艺术博物馆": ["art museum"], "日常用品": ["articles of everyday use"], "人造毛皮": ["artificial fur"], "人造草皮": ["artificial grass"], "人工港": ["artificial harbour"], "假肢": ["artificial limb", "stump"], "人工填充": ["artificially replenishment"], "艺术精湛": ["artistically excellent"], "由于…的结果": ["as a consequence of"], "照例": ["as usual", "as per usual", "as a general rule"], "万不得已(作为最后手段)": ["as a last resort"], "万不得已": ["as a last resort"], "作为…的结果": ["as a result of", "in the wake (of)", "in one's wake (of)"], "作为…的报酬": ["as a reward for", "in reward for", "in return for"], "作为…的回报": ["as a reward for", "reward for"], "一般说来": ["as a rule", "on an average", "on the average"], "作为…的标志": ["as a token of"], "总的来说": ["overall", "in balance", "on balance", "as a whole", "in the mass", "altogether"], "照样": ["as also"], "作为观察者": ["as an observer"], "如以前": ["as before"], "早在…的时候": ["as early as"], "十分容易": ["as easy as pie"], "轻而易举": ["as easy as pie", "naturally"], "依旧": ["as ever", "still"], "直到": ["up to", "unto", "as far as", "into", "till", "while", "until", "pending"], "远到": ["as far as"], "就我个人而言": ["as far as I am concerned"], "据我所知": ["as far as I know"], "就我而言": ["as far as I am concerned", "as far as I’m concerned"], "依我看来": ["in my opinion", "as far as I’m concerned"], "尽量": ["possibly", "all", "as far as possible"], "尽可能": ["possibly", "as much as possible", "as far as possible"], "就某人…而言": ["as far as sb. (be) concerned", "so far as sb. (be) concerned"], "据我们所知": ["as far as we know"], "和…一样快": ["as fast as"], "把…归因于": ["refer", "attribute to", "attribute", "ascribe", "set down", "assigned"], "把某事归因于某人(某事)": ["attribute to"], "把某事归因于某人": ["attribute to"], "认为某作品出自某人之手": ["attribute to"], "认为某事(物)属于某人(物)": ["attribute to"], "认为某事…属于某人…": ["attribute to"], "如下": ["as follows"], "据…": ["as for as"], "对我来说": ["as for me"], "依我之见": ["as for me"], "极温顺": ["as gentle as a dove"], "极温驯": ["as gentle as a dove"], "和…几乎一样": ["as good as"], "实际上等于…": ["as good as"], "表现很好的": ["as good as gold"], "犹如": ["as if"], "好似": ["as if"], "众所周知": ["come to light", "open", "truism", "as is known to all", "as we know"], "情况常常如此": ["as is often the case"], "这是常有的事": ["as is often the case"], "通常就是这样": ["as is often the case"], "既然如此": ["under the circumstances", "in the circumstances", "under the circumstance", "then", "as it is"], "可以说是": ["as it were"], "似乎就是": ["as it were"], "好像": ["as it were", "might", "seem", "apparently", "be similar", "as if", "like", "could", "it seem", "appear", "seemingly", "as though"], "只要": ["on condition", "if only", "as long as", "provided", "so long as", "so far as"], "和…一样长": ["so long as", "as long as"], "同样多的": ["as much"], "尽…那样多": ["as much as"], "非常友好的": ["as nice as pie(informal)"], "很善良的(尤指出乎意料)": ["as nice as pie(informal)"], "很善良的": ["as nice as pie(informal)"], "往往": ["more often than not", "often", "as often as not"], "至少有一半时间": ["as often as not"], "与…截然相反": ["as opposed to"], "照常": ["as per normal", "as per usual"], "按惯例": ["as per normal", "as per usual"], "一如既往": ["as per normal", "as per usual"], "一…就…": ["the moment (that)", "once", "upon", "no sooner…than…", "instantly", "no sooner …than…", "the instant", "directly", "as soon as", "scarcely…when"], "尽快": ["as soon as possible"], "本身": ["as such", "self", "in itself"], "就其本身而论": ["as such"], "千真万确地": ["as sure as fate", "really and truly"], "有句谚语说道": ["as the proverb goes"], "俗话说": ["as the proverb goes"], "像这样": ["as thus"], "像往常一样": ["as usual"], "正如我们所知": ["as we know"], "还不如": ["as well"], "和…一样": ["like", "as well as", "identical to", "as"], "以…作证": ["as witnessed by sth"], "到目前为止": ["by far", "yet", "as yet", "so far", "up to now", "hitherto"], "灰分含量": ["ash content"], "含灰量": ["ash content"], "排灰": ["ash discharge"], "出灰": ["ash discharge"], "害臊": ["be shy", "ashamed of"], "对…感到羞耻": ["ashamed of"], "对…感到惭愧": ["ashamed of"], "除…以外": ["in addition to", "barring", "but", "aside from", "aside", "beside", "apart from"], "请某人帮忙": ["ask a favor of sb", "ask sb a favour"], "探问": ["ask after", "nose", "pry into"], "请一天假": ["ask for a day off", "take a day off"], "请求原谅": ["ask for forgiveness"], "请假": ["ask for leave"], "(向女方)求婚": ["ask for somebody's hand in marriage"], "让某人做…": ["ask sb to do"], "请求做某事": ["ask to do"], "恳求(给予)": ["ask…for…"], "超速的司机": ["aspeeding motorist"], "汇编语言": ["assemble language"], "自信训练": ["assertive training"], "肯定词": ["affirmative", "assertive word"], "评估信息": ["assess information"], "评价中心": ["assessment center"], "评价法": ["assessment method"], "派活": ["assign work"], "指派工作": ["assign work"], "转让方法": ["assignment method"], "帮助某人做某事": ["assist sb with sth", "assist sb in doing", "assist sb to do", "help sb with sth"], "助理教练": ["assistant coach", "trainer"], "副院长": ["deputy director", "assistant dean", "associate dean"], "助理编辑": ["assistant editor", "sub"], "校长助理": ["assistant headmaster"], "助理教授(级别高于讲师而低于副教授)": ["assistant professor"], "助理教授": ["assistant professor"], "助理研究员": ["assistant scientist"], "辅助自杀": ["assisted suicide"], "与…联系在一起": ["associate with", "associate A with B"], "和…来往": ["associate with", "associate A with B"], "副教授": ["associate professor"], "相关联": ["intersect", "linked", "associated with"], "伴随": ["play", "accompany", "go with", "attach", "attend", "associated with", "accompanying", "couple with", "to", "accompany by"], "相关": ["correlation", "relevance", "associated with"], "与…的交往": ["association with"], "与…联合": ["ally", "league", "association with", "unite with", "link up with"], "各式整鱼": ["assorted fish"], "承担责任": ["bear the blame", "carrying", "assume responsibility", "take the blame", "take responsibility", "undertake one’s responsibilities", "respond"], "查明": ["pinpoint", "identify", "find", "detect", "assure of", "determined", "see", "determine", "pin down", "get at", "discover", "probe", "ascertain", "find out", "spy"], "向某人确保…": ["assure sb of sth"], "向某人保证某事": ["assure sb of sth"], "非常吃惊": ["astonish amazingly"], "令人惊讶的成绩": ["astonishing achievement"], "奇石": ["astonishing stone"], "分腿腾越": ["astride vault"], "像…一样的": ["as…as…"], "无拘无束": ["at (one's) ease"], "至迟": ["at (the) latest"], "最晚": ["at (the) latest", "latest"], "至多": ["at (the) most", "at best", "top", "not more than", "at most"], "在复活节": ["at Easter"], "在复活节期间": ["at Easter"], "大削价": ["at a big reduction"], "处于关键时刻": ["at a crossroads"], "处于不利地位": ["suffer", "at a disadvantage"], "不受欢迎": ["out of favour", "at a discount"], "没销路": ["at a discount"], "有相当距离": ["at a distance"], "在…的距离": ["at a distance of"], "在宴会上": ["at a feast"], "飞快地": ["rapidly", "fast and furious", "at a gallop"], "用最快速度": ["at a gallop"], "看一眼": ["glimpse", "give a glance", "have a look", "at a glance", "peek", "glance"], "相当快地": ["at a good pace"], "一举": ["at a heat", "stroke", "shoot", "at one fell swoop", "go"], "在…的高度": ["at a height of"], "亏本地": ["at a loss"], "困惑不解": ["at a loss"], "不知所措": ["lose one's nerves", "at a loss", "flounder", "lose one's nerve", "lost", "at one's wit's end", "lose the plot", "swamp"], "价格可议": ["at a negotiable price"], "以很高的代价": ["at a price"], "以较高的价格": ["at a price"], "以…的速度": ["at a speed of"], "一口气地": ["at a heat", "at a stretch"], "不休息地": ["nonstop", "at a stretch"], "在少不更事的…岁时": ["at a tender age"], "幼年时": ["at a tender age"], "在某时": ["at a time"], "拿…工资": ["at a wage of"], "(否定句)根本": ["at all"], "不惜任何代价": ["give one's ears", "at any cost", "at all costs"], "完结": ["end off", "close", "at an end"], "随时": ["at any time", "hourly", "whenever", "at any moment", "always", "at all times"], "至少": ["anyhow", "at any rate", "least", "minimum", "anyway", "at least", "good", "fully"], "在任何时候": ["at any time", "ever", "anytime", "at any moment"], "充其量": ["maximum", "at best"], "出生时": ["at birth"], "早餐时": ["at breakfast"], "正在吃早饭": ["at breakfast"], "案例": ["case", "example of case", "at case"], "拂晓": ["dawn", "daybreak", "daylight", "dawning", "at dawn"], "天一亮": ["at dawn"], "吃晚餐": ["have supper", "sup", "eat dinner", "at dinner"], "黄昏时刻": ["at dusk"], "互相攻击": ["at each other's throats"], "自由自在": ["unleash", "at ease"], "不拘束": ["at ease with", "let loose", "feel at home", "at ease"], "在交易会上": ["at fair"], "出毛病": ["at fault", "go wrong", "break down"], "感到困惑": ["at fault"], "起先": ["at first"], "乍一看": ["at first sight", "at first blush"], "第一手地": ["at first hand"], "初看之下": ["at first sight"], "最有效率地": ["at full blast"], "全力地": ["at full blast"], "全速": ["career", "at top speed", "at full speed"], "在手边": ["at hand", "on hand", "at one's fingertips"], "即将到来": ["on the way(to)", "at hand"], "内心里": ["at heart", "inward"], "在国内": ["at home", "home", "internally"], "国内外": ["at home and abroad", "home and abroad"], "不时地": ["at intervals", "every now and then", "on and off", "now and again", "at interval(of)", "off and on"], "每隔…时间(距离)": ["at interval(of)"], "每隔…时间": ["at interval(of)"], "时时": ["at intervals", "whilst"], "不时": ["at intervals", "from time to time", "every so often", "sometimes", "now and then", "now and again"], "相隔一定距离(或时间)": ["at intervals"], "相隔一定距离": ["at intervals"], "争论中": ["at issue"], "争议中的": ["at issue"], "待解决的": ["at issue"], "在争论中": ["under debate", "at issue"], "未被捕的": ["at-large", "at large"], "从容地": ["leisurely", "at leisure", "easy"], "闲着地": ["at leisure"], "随意": ["random", "at liberty", "at will"], "有空": ["managed", "at liberty", "manage"], "成熟时期": ["at maturity"], "在午夜": ["at midnight"], "在夜里": ["in the night", "by night", "at night", "overnight"], "从不": ["at no time", "never"], "一下子": ["quick as a flash", "at one fell swoop"], "一度": ["at one time", "once", "one-time"], "在某人方便之时": ["at one's convenience"], "掌握(信息)": ["absorb", "at one's fingertips"], "熟悉、精通(知识等)": ["at one's fingertips"], "熟悉、精通": ["at one's fingertips"], "了如指掌": ["at one's fingertips"], "自费": ["at one's own expense"], "按照某人的请求": ["at one's request"], "智穷力竭": ["at one's wit's end"], "任某人处置": ["at one’s disposal"], "空闲时": ["at one’s leisure"], "在其它时候": ["at other times"], "处于和平状态": ["at peace"], "胡乱地": ["broadside", "randomly", "at random", "wild", "random", "promiscuous"], "任意地": ["arbitrarily", "randomly", "at random", "indiscriminately", "haphazard"], "每隔一定时间(或距离)": ["at regular intervals"], "每隔一定时间": ["at regular intervals"], "处于危险中": ["at risk", "at stake"], "任某人处理": ["at sb's disposal"], "听某人的使唤": ["at sb's whistle"], "嘲笑某人": ["at sb’s expense"], "在海上": ["at sea", "afloat"], "茫然": ["muddle", "vacancy", "shadow", "stupefy", "at sea"], "感觉困惑": ["at sea"], "二手货": ["at second hand"], "一看见": ["at sight"], "一见到": ["at sight"], "一看见就…": ["at sight"], "受某人支配": ["at someone's command", "at the mercy of"], "在产地": ["at source"], "在源头": ["at source"], "濒临险境": ["at stake"], "处于危险境地": ["at stake"], "处于成败关头": ["at stake"], "日落时": ["at sunset"], "在餐桌边": ["at table"], "在进餐": ["at table"], "在那个阶段": ["at that point"], "那样的话": ["at that rate"], "照那种情形": ["at that rate"], "在…岁": ["at the age of"], "在酒吧": ["at the bar"], "受到公开审问": ["at the bar"], "从一开始": ["at the beginning", "from the(very )beginning"], "从头开始": ["at the beginning"], "在…的开始": ["at the beginning of"], "在底部": ["at the bottom"], "在底端": ["at the bottom"], "在…底部": ["underneath", "at the bottom of"], "在…的中心": ["at the core of", "in the centre of", "in the heart of", "at the heart of…"], "以…为代价": ["at the cost of", "at the expense of", "the cost of", "for"], "破晓时分": ["at the crack of dawn"], "大清早": ["at the crack of dawn"], "在门边": ["at the door"], "在…的边缘": ["on the edge of", "at the edge of", "on the brink of"], "在…尽头": ["at the end of"], "在…结束时": ["at the end of"], "在表演会上": ["at the entertainment"], "由…支付费用": ["at the expense of"], "在牺牲(或损害)…的情况下": ["at the expense of"], "在牺牲…的情况下": ["at the expense of"], "在节日庆典上": ["at the festival"], "第一次尝试": ["at the first attempt"], "在…(山)脚下": ["at the foot of"], "在…脚下": ["at the foot of"], "在…的下部": ["at the foot of"], "处于最前列的": ["at the forefront of"], "进入重要地位的": ["at the forefront of"], "在蔬菜水果零售商店里": ["at the greengrocer"], "在…的最前面": ["at the head of"], "获最多的选票": ["at the head of"], "在…顶点": ["at the height of"], "在…的顶峰或鼎盛时期": ["at the height of"], "任由": ["at the mercy of", "let"], "受…支配": ["at the mercy of …", "at the mercy of"], "任…摆布": ["at the mercy of"], "此刻": ["here and now", "now", "yet", "just now", "of the moment", "at the moment"], "恰恰在那个时刻": ["at the precise moment"], "期待着(想到要)": ["at the prospect of"], "期待着": ["at the prospect of", "in the hope of"], "应…的邀请": ["at the request of"], "应…的要求": ["at the request of"], "冒着…的危险": ["at the risk of"], "第二次尝试": ["at the second attempt"], "一看见…就…": ["at the sight of"], "在…的建议下": ["at the suggestion of"], "一想起": ["at the thought of"], "在最高地位": ["at the top of"], "在…的顶端": ["at the top of"], "在最开始": ["at the very beginning of"], "在周末": ["on the weekend", "at the weekend"], "在这个瞬间": ["at this moment"], "这时候": ["now", "just yet", "at this point"], "此时此刻": ["here and now", "at this point"], "在不同的时代": ["at various times"], "任意": ["random", "at will"], "在工作": ["in employment", "at work"], "上班": ["duty", "at work", "on duty"], "在最坏的情况下": ["at worst"], "作为最坏的可能性": ["at worst"], "田径场地": ["athletic field"], "田径运动员": ["athletics competitor", "athlete"], "竞技对抗": ["athletics opposition"], "原子弹": ["atom bomb"], "原子讹诈": ["atomic blackmail"], "着重于…": ["attach importance to"], "对…给予重视": ["attach importance to"], "上商标": ["attach label"], "强调…的重要性": ["attach much importance to sth"], "赋予…以意义": ["attach significance to", "attach weight to"], "附属": ["attach", "affiliate", "belong", "attach to", "subordination"], "使依恋": ["attach", "attach to"], "把…放在": ["attach to"], "附属中学": ["attached middle school"], "附上…请查收": ["attached please find"], "阀值": ["attachment point"], "附着点": ["attachment point"], "获得财富": ["attain wealth"], "企图做某事": ["attempt at doing"], "尝试做某事": ["try doing sth", "attempt at doing"], "试图做某事": ["attempt to"], "尝试去做": ["attempt to do"], "努力…": ["make an effort to do", "in an effort to do", "attempt to do something"], "试图…": ["attempt to do something", "in an attempt to do"], "谋杀未遂": ["attempted murder"], "自杀未遂": ["attempted suicide"], "上学": ["attend school", "school"], "去上学": ["attend school"], "妙语": ["punchline", "quip", "crank", "repartee", "witticism", "attic salt"], "优雅的俏皮话": ["attic salt"], "文雅的机智": ["attic salt"], "典雅隽永的妙语": ["attic salt"], "态度新派": ["attitudinal modernity"], "招商": ["attract investment"], "招商引资": ["attract investment"], "吸引某人的注意力": ["attract one's attention", "catch sb's attention", "attract on", "draw sb's attention"], "对…的吸引力": ["attraction for"], "美观耐用": ["attractive and durable"], "造型美观": ["attractive appearance"], "迷人的身材": ["attractive figure"], "定语从句": ["attributive clause"], "拍卖行": ["auction house"], "思维化声": ["audible thought"], "思维鸣响": ["audible thought"], "受众份额": ["audience share"], "音轨": ["audio track", "track"], "听管": ["auditory canal"], "听道": ["auditory canal"], "耳道(等于auditory": ["auditory canal"], "meatus)": ["auditory canal"], "听觉神经": ["auditory nerve"], "声音信号": ["tone", "aural signal"], "音频信号": ["aural signal"], "清真": ["authentic Muslim"], "真实自我": ["authentic self"], "有关…的权威": ["authority on"], "…的专家": ["authority on"], "自动选择": ["auto select"], "自动选取": ["auto select"], "自己主动选择": ["auto select"], "根据室内情况自动选择": ["auto select"], "自动化设计": ["automated design"], "自动想象": ["automated design"], "自动控制": ["automatic control"], "自动求解": ["automatic solve"], "自动更新": ["automatically renewed"], "汽车发动机引擎": ["automobile engine"], "独立作战": ["autonomous operation"], "自治区": ["autonomous region"], "秋收": ["autumn harvest"], "辅助程序": ["auxiliary routine"], "辅助例行程序": ["auxiliary routine"], "辅助例程": ["auxiliary routine"], "辅助常规程序": ["auxiliary routine"], "可用于…的": ["available for"], "对…有效的": ["available for"], "能参加…的": ["available for"], "可向…购买": ["available from"], "成功之道": ["avenue to success", "making"], "避免做某事": ["avoid doing"], "逃避…": ["avoid doing"], "防止过时": ["avoid obsolescence"], "逃避责任": ["avoid one's duty", "shuffle", "pull out", "welsh", "goldbrick", "truant", "flee from responsibility", "shirk one's duty", "Welsh", "fudge", "avoid one's responsibility", "shirk one's responsibility"], "躲避某人的注意": ["avoid sb.'s observation", "avoid sb's observation"], "从…中醒来": ["awake from", "wake from"], "颁奖仪式": ["award ceremony"], "颁奖典礼": ["award ceremony"], "因某事奖励某人": ["award sb sth"], "授予某物给某人": ["award sth to sb"], "避开痛苦": ["away from"], "威仪": ["awesome deportment"], "真棒电影": ["awesome movie"], "气候恶劣": ["awful weather"], "非常糟糕的天气": ["awful weather"], "尴尬地位": ["awkward position"], "冷场": ["awkward silence"], "不方便的时间": ["awkward time"], "轴对称性": ["axial symmetry"], "婴儿潮": ["baby boom"], "生育高峰": ["baby boom"], "婴儿娃娃": ["baby dolls"], "小布娃娃": ["baby dolls"], "婴儿鞋": ["baby shoe"], "宝宝鞋": ["baby shoe"], "学士学位": ["undergraduate degree", "bachelor degree"], "大学本科学位证书": ["bachelor degree"], "来回地": ["back and forth", "back", "fro"], "后门": ["back door"], "非法途径": ["back door"], "承认错误": ["reverse", "back down", "eat one's words"], "认输": ["capitulate", "fold", "back down", "cave in", "surrender", "throw in the towel", "concede", "concession", "resignation"], "收回(诺言等)": ["back out of"], "食言": ["break one's word", "rat", "renege", "betray", "default", "break one's promise", "back out of", "eat one's words"], "背信": ["infidelity", "renege", "back out of", "treason"], "后兜": ["back pocket"], "(资料)备份": ["back up"], "备份": ["back up", "backup", "redundancy"], "倒退": ["reverse", "relapse", "regression", "back up", "backwards", "regress", "back", "backset", "put back", "winding", "backslide"], "背景音乐": ["background music"], "伴奏曲": ["backing track"], "后台人员": ["backstage crew"], "备份与还原": ["backup and restore"], "落后地区": ["backward area"], "倒毛跟斗": ["backward somersault"], "倒筋斗跳": ["backward somersault"], "后空翻": ["backward somersault", "backflip"], "火腿脾": ["bacon spleen"], "细菌感染": ["bacterial infection"], "细菌污染物": ["bacterial pollutant"], "不良志向": ["bad ambition"], "重感冒": ["bad cold"], "重伤风": ["bad cold"], "坏蛋": ["crook", "heavy", "wretch", "shit", "jerk", "bad egg", "villain", "heel", "scoundrel", "evildoer", "rascal", "demon"], "不可信任的人": ["bad egg"], "坏心情": ["bad mood"], "坏情绪": ["bad mood"], "容易晕船的人": ["bad sailor"], "晕船的人": ["bad sailor"], "易晕船的水手": ["bad sailor"], "坏脾气": ["bile", "mood", "bad temper", "spleen", "temper", "vice"], "暴躁": ["testiness", "petulance", "temperament", "bad temper"], "穷困的": ["destitute", "impoverished", "deprived", "badly off", "distressed", "indigent", "miserable"], "没钱的": ["badly off"], "境况不佳的": ["ailing", "badly off"], "羽毛球场": ["badminton court"], "羽毛球拍": ["badminton racket"], "行李认领": ["baggage claim"], "领取行李": ["baggage claim"], "取行李处": ["baggage claim"], "(运)行李电梯": ["baggage elevator"], "行李电梯": ["baggage elevator"], "(运)行李升降机": ["baggage elevator"], "行李升降机": ["baggage elevator"], "法棍包": ["baguette bag"], "提包": ["baguette bag"], "烘蛋糕": ["bake a cake"], "食品厂": ["bakery and confectionery"], "面包烘烤炉": ["bakery oven"], "均衡发展": ["balanced development"], "均衡饮食": ["balanced diet"], "平衡增长": ["balanced growth"], "阳台绿化": ["balcony greening"], "阳台窗": ["balcony window"], "秃鹰(美国的国鸟)": ["bald eagle"], "秃鹰": ["condor", "vulture", "bald eagle"], "比喻秃头的政治家": ["bald eagle"], "圆珠笔": ["ball-point pen", "ball pen"], "芭蕾舞蹈家": ["ballet dancer"], "桔梗花": ["balloon flower"], "交际舞": ["ballroom dancing"], "暖色": ["balmy colour"], "竹篱笆": ["bamboo fence"], "竹林": ["bamboo grove"], "竹叶": ["bamboo leaves"], "竹亭": ["bamboo pavilion"], "香蕉皮": ["banana skin"], "尴尬事": ["banana skin"], "飞中目标": ["bang on"], "了不起": ["beat all", "bang on"], "银行存款": ["credit", "bank account"], "银行帐户": ["bank account"], "银行办事人员": ["bank clerk"], "钞票": ["note", "money", "bank note", "banknote", "bill", "spot"], "银行券": ["bank note"], "擦板球": ["bank shot"], "打板投篮": ["bank shot"], "完全缺乏": ["bankrupt of"], "宴会厅": ["banquet room"], "宴会室": ["banquet room"], "酒吧的高脚凳": ["bar stool"], "烧烤炉": ["barbecue pit"], "芭比娃娃": ["barbie dolls", "barbie doll s"], "没有头脑的人": ["barbie dolls", "barbie doll s"], "徒有其表的人": ["barbie dolls", "barbie doll s"], "赤脚": ["bare feet"], "光脚": ["bare feet"], "光着脚": ["bare feet"], "(向某人)打开心扉": ["bare your soul (to sb)"], "打开心扉": ["bare your soul (to sb)"], "倾诉衷肠": ["pour out your heart to sb.", "pour out your heart to sb", "open your heart to sb.", "pour open your heart to sb", "bare your soul (to sb)"], "差强人意": ["barely satisfactory"], "想以廉价买": ["bargain for"], "与…讨价还价": ["bargain with"], "与某人就…讨价还价": ["bargain with sb about sth"], "狗朝着(对着)某人叫": ["bark at"], "狗朝着某人叫": ["bark at"], "枪管长度": ["barrel length"], "筒体长度": ["barrel length"], "筒长": ["barrel length"], "手摇风琴": ["barrel organ"], "筒风琴": ["barrel organ"], "黑心棉": ["base affection"], "本底效应": ["base affection"], "基于": ["base in", "be based upon", "base on", "base… on", "predicate", "rest", "be based upon…", "on", "behind", "rest on", "on the basis of", "found on", "be based on…"], "在…基础上": ["base… on", "base on"], "棒球迷": ["baseball enthusiast"], "棒球比赛": ["baseball game"], "地下室层": ["basement floor"], "地窖层面": ["basement floor"], "基岩": ["bedrock", "basement rock"], "基底岩石": ["basement rock"], "以…为基础": ["base… on", "premise", "found", "be based on", "base", "build on", "be based on…", "founding", "based"], "改编自": ["base… on"], "基本概念": ["basic concept"], "本义": ["basic concept", "principle"], "基本事实": ["basic fact"], "基本框架": ["frame", "basic framework"], "基本功能": ["basic function"], "基本函数": ["basic function"], "基本水平": ["basic level"], "底薪": ["basic salary"], "基础课程": ["basic seminar"], "基本课程": ["basic seminar"], "为…打基础": ["basis for"], "四肢不全的人": ["basket case"], "完全伤残者": ["basket case"], "完全没有希望的人": ["basket case"], "篮球场": ["basketball court"], "大鼓": ["bass drum"], "低音鼓": ["bass drum"], "低音吉他": ["bass guitar", "bass"], "详细讨论": ["traverse", "canvass", "chew over", "bat around"], "到处游荡": ["kick about", "bat around"], "浴巾": ["bath towel", "washcloth"], "浴室配件": ["bathroom accessories"], "电瓶车": ["electric bicycle", "battery cart"], "电池车": ["battery cart"], "电池剃须刀": ["battery shaver"], "海湾地区": ["bay area"], "插接座": ["bayonet socket"], "卡口灯座": ["bayonet socket"], "无价值": ["nothingness", "uselessness", "be a dead loss", "indifference", "futility"], "是耻辱": ["be a disgrace"], "是丢脸的事": ["be a disgrace"], "做某事用很长时间": ["be a long time(in)doing sth"], "要求苛刻": ["be a tall order"], "能够负担得起某事": ["be able to afford sth", "can afford sth", "could afford sth"], "能够负担得起做某事": ["can afford to do", "be able to afford to do", "could afford to do"], "能够做": ["afford", "be able to do"], "即将": ["rising", "be ready to", "nearly", "on the point of", "be about to do"], "正要做某事": ["be on the point of doing sth", "be about to do"], "即将或正要(做某事)": ["be about to do sth"], "即将或正要": ["be about to do sth"], "即将做某事时": ["be about to do sth…when"], "被…吸收": ["be absorbed by"], "为…吸收": ["be absorbed by"], "被…吞并": ["be absorbed by"], "专心做某事": ["be absorbed in doing sth."], "容易进入的": ["be accessible to", "be accessible to sb"], "专长": ["be accomplished in", "department", "specialty", "expertise", "speciality", "speciality, specialty", "line"], "与…相识": ["be acquainted with"], "与…熟悉": ["be acquainted with"], "对…上瘾": ["be addicted to"], "获准做某事": ["be admitted to"], "被…所感动": ["be affected at/by"], "害怕做某事": ["be afraid of doing", "be afraid to do sth"], "目的是": ["be aimed at", "about", "be aimed to do"], "与…雷同": ["be alike to"], "对…敏感": ["be sensitive about", "sensitive to", "delicate for", "be alive to", "be sensitive to"], "对…过敏": ["be allergic to", "be sensitive to"], "对…感到惊奇": ["be amazed at", "be surprised at"], "以…为乐": ["thriving", "take delight in", "thrive", "delight", "delighted", "be amused at"], "对…觉得有趣(好笑)": ["be amused at"], "对…觉得有趣": ["be amused at"], "对…觉得好笑": ["be amused at"], "对某事感到生气": ["be angry about sth", "be angry at sth"], "因某人之言行而生气": ["be angry about sth", "be angry at sth"], "为…生气": ["be angry at"], "生某人的气": ["be angry with"], "跟某人生气": ["be angry with sb"], "为…而生气": ["be annoyed at", "be mad for", "be mad about"], "对(某人)生气": ["be annoyed with"], "对…生气": ["be annoyed with"], "担忧": ["worry", "concerned about", "be anxious to do", "care", "uneasy about", "tremble", "anxious about", "misgiving", "be anxious for", "fret", "dread", "be worried about", "brood", "fear", "dismay", "trouble", "uneasiness", "caring", "stew", "be anxious about", "alarm"], "适合于": ["for", "be appropriate for", "be suited for", "befit", "agree with", "be fit for", "cut out for", "suitable for", "be suitable for", "be suited to", "be calculated for"], "为…感到羞耻": ["be ashamed for"], "为做…而感到羞耻": ["be ashamed to do"], "和…联系在一起": ["be associated with"], "对…感到非常惊讶": ["be astonished at"], "处境危险": ["at risk", "out on a limb", "be at risk", "dangerous situation"], "受到威胁": ["be at risk"], "进行竞争": ["be at war with", "be at war"], "处于交战状态": ["be at war"], "与…交战": ["engage", "be at war with", "war with"], "附属于": ["be attached to", "affiliate"], "照应": ["see after", "be attentive to"], "被吸引到": ["be attracted to", "gravitate"], "有效": ["hold", "in force", "subsistence", "availability", "hold true", "validity", "in effect", "be available for", "do the trick"], "对…有用": ["be available for", "benefit", "serve", "be useful to"], "可被…利用或得到的": ["be available to sb"], "在外度假": ["be away for the vacation"], "完全复原": ["be back on one's feet"], "对…有害": ["be harmful to", "do harm to", "be bad for"], "建立在…基础上": ["be based on", "be based on…"], "专心致力于": ["dedicate oneself to", "be bent on"], "情况好": ["be better off"], "境况富裕": ["be better off"], "更舒适": ["be better off"], "受诅": ["be blessed"], "受祝福": ["be blessed"], "在…方面有福": ["be blessed with"], "赋有…的": ["be blessed with"], "享有…的": ["be blessed with"], "不了解": ["be ignorant of", "misunderstand", "be blind to"], "对…是盲目的": ["be blind to"], "对…视而不见": ["blinking", "turn a blind eye to", "be blind to"], "看不懂": ["be blind to"], "对…感到厌烦": ["be annoyed with", "be fed up with", "be bored with"], "天生具有": ["be born with", "endow"], "到…地方": ["be bound for"], "开赴": ["be bound for"], "很有可能": ["be likely to", "be bound to"], "肯定会": ["be bound to"], "必定": ["gosh", "sure", "certainly", "out of necessity", "necessarily", "must", "be bound to", "no doubt", "without fail"], "一定要": ["be bound to (do)", "must", "be bound to"], "热心于": ["enthuse", "be active in", "enthusiasm for", "be bound up in"], "与…有密切关系": ["engage", "be bound up with"], "负重担": ["be burdened with"], "埋葬在": ["be buried in"], "忙于做某事": ["busy doing sth", "go about sth", "be busy (in) doing sth", "be engaged in sth", "be engaged in doing sth"], "忙于某事": ["be busy with"], "忙着做…": ["be busy with", "be occupied with"], "忙着做某事": ["be busy(in)doing sth"], "适合于…": ["be suited to", "suitable for", "be suited for", "be calculated for"], "为适合…而设计的": ["be calculated for"], "有能力做": ["be capable of"], "能够胜任…": ["be capable of(doing)sth"], "能够胜任的": ["be capable of(doing)sth"], "当心…": ["be careful of", "be cautious of"], "对…仔细": ["be careful of"], "小心做某事": ["be careful(in)doing sth"], "被发现在做某事": ["be caught doing"], "突然遭遇(风暴等)": ["be caught in"], "突然遭遇": ["be caught in"], "陷入…的困境": ["be caught in a trap of doing"], "被卷入": ["get involved in", "be caught up in"], "谨慎对待": ["be cautious about"], "留心…": ["be cautious of"], "谨防…": ["beware of", "be cautious of"], "确信": ["certain", "be positive about", "be convinced of", "be certain of", "convince of", "knowing", "assurance", "stand firmly on", "make sure", "be sure about", "conviction", "be confident in", "positiveness", "know", "assure", "bet", "confident of", "depend", "say", "certitude", "satisfaction", "sure of"], "一定做…": ["be certain to do sth"], "被指控犯有…罪": ["be charged with"], "对…慈善": ["be charitable to"], "对…有礼貌": ["be civil to"], "对…谦恭": ["be civil to"], "显而易见": ["be clearly evident", "tell its own tale", "plain to see", "touch", "transparency", "in plain sight", "obviously"], "比得上…的": ["be comparable to", "be comparable with"], "与…可比较的": ["be comparable to", "be comparable with"], "对某人是复杂的": ["be complicated for sb"], "关心某事": ["be concerned about sth."], "担心某事": ["be concerned about sth."], "相干": ["be concerned with"], "被判处死刑": ["be condemned to death"], "面对(某事物)": ["be confronted with"], "与…混淆": ["be confused with"], "与…相连": ["be connected to", "be connected with"], "与…有联系": ["be connected to", "brigade", "be in touch with", "have connection with", "be connected with", "connecting", "map"], "意识到…": ["be conscious of"], "被认为/看作是…": ["be considered as"], "做某事很满意": ["be content to do"], "愿意做某事": ["be willing to do", "be ready to", "be willing to do sth", "be content to do", "be prepared to do"], "满足于做某事": ["be content to do"], "甘心干": ["be content to do"], "以…为满足": ["be content with…", "be content with", "feel content with"], "对…满意": ["be content with…", "pleased with"], "不断地做某事": ["be continuous to do sth."], "与…相矛盾": ["be contradictory to"], "与…相反": ["be contrary to", "unlike", "contrary to", "over against", "cut across", "opposite to", "in contrast to", "in opposition to"], "方便": ["facility", "convenience", "be convenient for", "suit", "expediency", "relieved"], "宜于": ["be convenient for"], "便于": ["be convenient for"], "被…覆盖": ["be covered by", "beneath"], "被…盖满": ["be covered with"], "充满着…": ["be covered with"], "对…着迷/迷恋": ["be crazy about"], "对…疯狂": ["be crazy for"], "充满": ["fullness", "teeming", "be charged with", "bustle", "populate", "swarm", "bulge", "teem", "dripping", "drip", "be heavy with", "replenish", "pullulate", "ride", "filling", "overflow", "fill with", "simmer", "burst", "inundate", "people", "resonate", "rung", "suffuse", "colour", "scent", "consume", "pulse", "buzz", "swell with", "devour", "shot", "fraught", "permeate", "transfuse", "flow", "flood", "be full of", "pervade", "brim", "ring", "injection", "be thick with", "swell", "run over with", "fill", "settle", "be filled with", "riddle", "abound", "be crowded with"], "对…感到好奇": ["be curious about"], "深受…之害": ["be cursed with"], "因…而遭殃": ["be cursed with"], "对某事上瘾": ["be dedicated to(doing)sth"], "为…而高兴": ["be delighted at", "be delighted for"], "对…感到高兴": ["pleased with", "be delighted with sth/sb", "glad of"], "因…而兴奋": ["flush with", "be delighted with sth/sb"], "中意": ["be delighted with sth/sb"], "对…憋闷": ["be depressed at"], "意气消沉": ["slump", "be in low spirits", "be depressed at"], "被描述成…": ["be described as"], "因…而绝望": ["be desperate at"], "极想…": ["be desperate for"], "受重伤": ["be desperately wounded", "seriously injured"], "把…从…上卸下": ["be detached from"], "脱离…": ["be detached from", "break away from"], "由…所决定": ["be determined by"], "决意做…": ["be determined to do sth"], "决心做某事": ["be determined to do sth"], "下定决心做…": ["be determined to do sth"], "专心于/致力于…的": ["be devoted to"], "献身…的": ["be devoted to"], "不同于": ["be distinguished from", "unlike", "vary from", "remove", "other than", "differ", "distinguish from", "differ from", "differing", "be different from"], "对…发脾气": ["be disagreeable to"], "不合…意": ["be disagreeable to"], "对某事感到失望": ["be disappointed about"], "对某人(某事)失望": ["be disappointed in sb/sth"], "对某人失望": ["be disappointed in sb/sth"], "对…感到失望": ["be disappointed with"], "被…挫败": ["be discouraged by…"], "对某事失去信心": ["be discouraged in sth", "discourage in sth", "be discouraged over sth"], "嫌弃": ["be disgusted at", "rejection", "reject", "rejected"], "讨厌…": ["be allergic to", "be disgusted with"], "厌恶…": ["be disgusted with"], "辨明为": ["be distinguished as"], "称之为": ["be distinguished as", "calling"], "以…为特征": ["be distinguished by", "characterise, characterize", "characterize"], "不同于…": ["be distinguished from"], "与…加以区别": ["be distinguished from"], "被分成": ["be divided into"], "精疲力尽": ["work out", "wash out", "be done in", "play out", "burnout"], "与…了结关系": ["be done with"], "对…感到疑惑": ["be doubtful about", "wonder about"], "由…引起(或造成)": ["be down to"], "征召…入伍": ["be drafted into", "draft"], "被洪水淹没": ["be drowned by flood"], "醉酒": ["drunk", "intoxication", "intoxicating", "be drunken with"], "按理该做": ["be due to do"], "预定做(某事)": ["be due to do"], "预定做": ["be due to do"], "切望": ["be dying to", "die for"], "有所隐瞒": ["be economical with the truth"], "装潢优雅": ["be elegantly decorated"], "这样的请求使某人为难": ["be embarrassed at such a request"], "经济困难": ["be embarrassed in economy", "embarrassment", "economic hardship"], "被…危害": ["be endangered by…"], "从事于": ["in", "employ oneself in", "engage in", "employ in", "at", "engage oneself in", "about", "be engaged in sth", "be engaged in doing sth"], "与…订婚": ["be engaged to"], "正与…接洽": ["be engaged with"], "忙于": ["address", "work on", "engage with", "employ oneself in", "be engaged with", "be employed in", "at", "at work", "engage oneself in", "be up to", "busy in", "about", "bound up in", "employ", "concerned with"], "能胜任做某事": ["be equal to doing/sth"], "同样重要": ["be equally important"], "配备有…": ["be equipped with"], "对…必不可少的": ["be essential for", "be essential to"], "对…必要的": ["be essential to"], "对…感到兴奋": ["be excited about"], "由于…而兴奋": ["be excited at"], "被某人激怒": ["be excited by sb"], "为…而兴奋": ["be excited by sb"], "因…被开除": ["be expelled for…"], "在…方面有经验": ["be experienced in"], "曝露": ["expose to", "exposition", "be exposed to"], "为…所熟悉": ["be familiar to", "familiar to sb"], "因…而著名": ["be famous for"], "着迷": ["revel", "trance", "enchantment", "bug", "fascination", "obsessed", "possession", "charm", "rapture", "obsess", "be crazy for", "crazy about", "swoon", "be fascinated", "absorption"], "迷恋…": ["be fascinated with…", "have a crush on"], "被…吸引": ["desire", "be fascinated by", "desired"], "有利于": ["advantage", "stead", "to one's advantage", "favour, favor", "avail", "be beneficial to", "be favourable to", "favour", "favor", "be in favor of", "benefit from"], "惧怕…": ["be fearful of"], "受到猛烈攻击": ["be fiercely attacked by"], "非常自豪": ["be fiercely proud of"], "被…充满": ["be filled with"], "最终解决": ["clinch", "be finally settled"], "对…合适": ["be fit for", "become"], "喜欢…": ["prefer to do", "be fond of…"], "做某事是幸运的": ["be fortunate(in)doing sth"], "免受": ["be free of", "be free from", "freedom"], "免于": ["free of", "above", "be free of", "free from", "save from", "free", "freedom from", "be free from"], "不受…影响的": ["be free of", "be free from", "be immune to"], "成为某人的朋友": ["be friends with sb."], "全面投产开工": ["be fully"], "充分认识到": ["be fully appreciated"], "乐于…": ["be generous in"], "在…上很大方": ["be generous with"], "不吝啬": ["be generous with"], "有…的天赋": ["be gifted with", "have a talent for", "gifted with"], "癖好": ["idiosyncrasy", "weakness", "hobby", "foible", "partiality", "inclination", "propensity", "trick", "tendency", "be given to", "mania"], "全神贯注看着某物": ["be glued to sth"], "离某物很近": ["be glued to sth"], "擅长做…": ["be good at"], "对…有好处": ["do good to", "be good for"], "善于应付…的": ["be good with…"], "对…有办法": ["be good with…"], "对…心存感激": ["be grateful for"], "感谢某人所做的事": ["be grateful to sb for doing"], "贪图": ["be greedy for", "coveted", "covet"], "贪图禄位": ["be greedy of office"], "对某人严厉/苛刻": ["be hard on sb"], "对某人苛刻": ["be hard on sb."], "对某人要求严厉": ["be hard on sb."], "朝…方向去": ["head for", "be headed for"], "有大量的…": ["be heavy with"], "非常可取": ["be highly desirable"], "非常/特别可取": ["be highly/particularly desirable"], "为…的所在地": ["be home to"], "坦诚": ["be honest with"], "对…诚实": ["be honest with"], "因…而受到尊敬": ["be honoured for"], "很荣幸做某事": ["be honoured to do sth"], "对…抱有希望": ["be hopeful of", "be hopeful about"], "相信…": ["be hopeful of"], "与…相同/一致": ["be identical with"], "不知道": ["wonder if", "have no idea", "in the dark", "unaware", "be ignorant of", "be unconscious of", "ignorant of", "unconscious of", "wonder"], "对…免疫": ["be immune to"], "对…不耐烦": ["be impatient with", "be tired with"], "对…感到急躁": ["be impatient with"], "处于(极大)危险之中": ["be in (great) danger"], "处于危险之中": ["be in (great) danger"], "心情坏": ["be in a bad mood"], "心情好": ["in a good mood", "be in a good mood", "in good spirits"], "在场": ["in", "on the scene", "in the way", "on hand", "present at", "be in at", "assist", "being"], "赞成…": ["be favourable to", "be in favor of"], "必定会遭到": ["be in for"], "定要受罚": ["be in for"], "和…和谐": ["be in harmony with"], "情绪高涨": ["be in high spirits", "in good spirits", "fly high", "euphoria"], "兴高采烈": ["exaltation", "ebullience", "above oneself", "rapture", "hilarity", "be in high spirits", "in good heart", "elation", "euphoria", "glow", "effervesce"], "兴致勃勃": ["be in high spirits", "in the mood", "gusto"], "成直线": ["alignment", "be in line"], "与…恋爱": ["sweetheart", "be in love with"], "爱恋": ["affection", "fancy", "passion", "be in love with"], "情绪低落": ["doldrums", "be in low spirits"], "实施中": ["be in operation", "in operation"], "有…的习惯": ["be in the habit of", "in the habit of", "practice of"], "有意(做某事)": ["be in the mood to do sth", "feel in the mood to do sth", "feel in the mood for sth", "be in the mood for sth"], "有意": ["think", "feel in the mood to do sth", "by intention", "on purpose", "be in the mood to do sth", "feel in the mood for sth", "purpose", "be in the mood for sth"], "有(做某事的)心情": ["be in the mood to do sth", "feel in the mood to do sth", "feel in the mood for sth", "be in the mood for sth"], "有心情": ["be in the mood to do sth", "feel in the mood to do sth", "feel in the mood for sth", "be in the mood for sth"], "在痛苦中": ["be in torture"], "与…保持联系": ["keep track of", "keep in touch with", "be in touch with"], "处于危险/受罚/痛苦之中": ["be in trouble"], "在使用中": ["in use", "be in use"], "独立于": ["independent of", "be independent from", "be independent of"], "脱离": ["withdraw", "secession", "exit", "pull out", "come off", "disconnect", "break away(from)", "break away from", "separate", "disengagement", "isolated", "abscission", "break away from sb/sth", "detach", "deviate", "be independent from", "off", "sever", "defection", "disengage", "isolation", "divorce", "split off from", "breakaway", "detachment", "break off", "escape", "be independent of", "bolt", "drop out", "renegade", "detached", "leave", "secede"], "沾染上": ["be infected with"], "劣于": ["be inferior to"], "次于": ["be inferior to", "after", "beneath"], "因地震受伤": ["be injured by an earthquake"], "对…一无所知": ["be innocent about"], "受…的鼓舞": ["be inspired by"], "有指导性和有意义的": ["be instructive and meaningful to"], "目的是作为某物": ["be intended to be something"], "目的是做某事": ["be intended to do something"], "对…感兴趣": ["be interested in", "take an interest in", "have an interest in"], "被…打断〔阻断〕": ["be interrupted by"], "不切题与…不相关与与…不相关": ["be irrelevant to"], "妒嫉": ["be jealous of"], "忌妒": ["be jealous of", "envy"], "年龄小于": ["be junior to"], "比…年幼": ["be junior to"], "被认为是": ["be considered as", "be regarded as", "be known as"], "被称为": ["be known as"], "以…而著称": ["be remarkable for", "be known as"], "因…而众所周知": ["be known for"], "为…所熟知": ["be known to"], "名字被记录在案": ["be known to"], "缺乏…": ["want for", "be lacking in", "be short of"], "缺少…": ["be lacking in", "shortage of"], "需要…": ["be lacking in"], "满载": ["be laden with"], "迟到": ["be late for", "tardy", "late for"], "做某事迟到": ["be late(in)doing sth", "be late for"], "因…而出名": ["be noted for", "be legendary for"], "很有可能会…": ["be likely to"], "可能作某事": ["be likely to do"], "用车船装运": ["be loaded with"], "装载着": ["be loaded with"], "坐落于…": ["be located in"], "位于…": ["be located in", "to"], "迷路": ["wander", "astray", "lose one's way", "get lost", "straggle", "labyrinth", "stray", "be lost"], "失传": ["be lost"], "失群": ["be lost"], "沉浸于": ["be lost in", "drown in", "immerse", "drown", "stew"], "对…不起作用": ["be lost on"], "忠于…": ["be loyal to"], "尽忠": ["be loyal to"], "因某事生某人的气": ["be mad at sb. about sth.", "be mad with sb. about sth"], "因做某事生某人的气": ["be mad at sb. for doing sth.", "be mad with sb. for doing sth."], "由…所做成(用于原材料不易看出的场合)": ["be made from"], "由…所做成": ["be made from"], "用…做成(用于原材料显而易见的场合)": ["be made of"], "用…做成": ["be made of"], "由…制成": ["be made from", "be made out of", "make out of"], "与某人结婚": ["be married to sb", "get married to sb"], "本应为": ["be meant for"], "注定要成为": ["be meant for"], "注定要做某事": ["be meant to do sth"], "应做某事": ["be meant to do sth"], "被误认为…": ["be mistaken for"], "被误解为": ["be mistaken for"], "根据…模仿": ["be modelled after"], "在…方面谦虚": ["be modest in…", "be modest about…"], "更确切地(说)": ["be more exact"], "更确切地": ["be more exact"], "请自便": ["enjoy yourself", "be my guest"], "以…命名": ["be named after", "name after", "after", "call after"], "源于…的": ["be native to"], "原产于…": ["be native to"], "有…的必要": ["be necessary for"], "对…怀旧的": ["be nostalgic for"], "以…闻名": ["reputation for", "be noted as"], "因…而闻名": ["known for", "be noted for", "famous for", "be famous for"], "因某事对某人感谢": ["be obliged to sb for sth"], "使忙碌于": ["be occupied in"], "使从事于": ["engage", "employ", "be occupied in"], "忙于某事物": ["be occupied with"], "有帮助": ["avail", "be of assistance"], "有好处": ["pay", "be of assistance"], "有用处": ["be of use"], "顶用": ["be of use"], "动身去…": ["be off to", "depart for"], "安排好的": ["set", "ordered", "be on"], "进规定的饮食": ["be on a diet"], "忌口": ["be on a diet"], "出差": ["on business", "be on business"], "与…有交情": ["be on good terms with"], "休假": ["on leave", "recess", "vacate", "vacation", "leave", "sabbatical", "be on leave"], "保证要做某事": ["be on one's honor to do something"], "站在某人一边": ["be on one's side"], "缠磨": ["be on sb’s back about sth"], "为某事对某人耿耿于怀": ["be on sb’s back about sth"], "迁移中": ["be on the move"], "行进中": ["be on the move"], "正要做…这时…": ["be on the point of doing… when"], "正当…的时候…": ["be on the point of doing… when"], "对…开放": ["be open to"], "愿接受…的": ["be open to"], "反对做某事": ["object to doing sth", "be opposed to doing sth", "object to doing sth."], "对…抱乐观的态度": ["be optimistic about"], "企求": ["be out for"], "力图获得": ["be out for"], "与…脱节": ["be out of touch with", "get out of touch with"], "失去联系": ["lose track", "silence", "be out of touch with", "lose contact", "out of touch", "lose track of", "get out of touch with"], "对…讲究": ["be particular over", "be particular about"], "挑剔": ["particularity", "niggling", "particular over sth", "quarrel", "quibble", "particular about sth", "criticize, criticise", "nitpick", "be particular about", "trip up", "knock", "nagging", "be particular over", "pick on", "fault", "faultfinder", "picking", "criticize"], "特别可取": ["be particularly desirable"], "对…有耐心": ["patient with", "be patient with", "be patient with…"], "乐于(做某事)": ["pleased", "pleased to do sth", "be pleased to do sth."], "乐于": ["pleased to do sth", "take delight in", "take(a)delight in", "delight", "pleased", "take pleasure in", "be pleased to do sth.", "be generous in"], "对…感到满意": ["be satisfied with", "content with", "be pleased with", "pleased with"], "为…所喜欢": ["be popular with", "be popular among"], "受…欢迎": ["popular with", "be popular with", "be popular among"], "确知": ["be positive about", "be positive of"], "确信…": ["be positive about", "be sure about", "confident of", "be positive of"], "对…有偏见": ["be prejudiced against"], "准备做某事": ["be prepared to do"], "到场": ["on the scene", "weigh with", "appearance", "on hand", "presence", "be present at", "attendance"], "遵守时间": ["be punctual"], "被惩罚": ["be punished by"], "被提出": ["come up", "be put forward"], "被送去坐牢": ["be put in prison"], "对…感到迷惑": ["be puzzled about"], "能胜任…": ["be qualified to"], "为…做好准备": ["pave the way for", "be ready for", "ripe for"], "准备好(做某事)": ["be ready to"], "愿意(做某事)": ["be ready to"], "被认为": ["go for", "as", "be regarded as", "rate"], "被看作": ["be regarded as"], "为…感到后悔": ["be regretful for"], "与…有关联": ["be connected to", "be involved in", "pertain", "mapping", "attach", "link", "be related to"], "放松解除心中的焦急愁闷感到放松面试时处于放松状态": ["be relaxed"], "不情愿": ["reluctance", "unwillingness", "hesitation", "problem", "hesitate", "be reluctant to"], "代表…": ["in behalf of", "be representative of"], "表现…": ["be representative of"], "是…的典型": ["characterize", "be representative of", "personify"], "被尊为": ["be respected as"], "为…负责": ["responsible for", "be responsible for"], "形成…的原因": ["be responsible for"], "对某人负责": ["be responsible to sb", "be responsible to sb."], "限于": ["be restricted to"], "局限于": ["be restricted to"], "(使)重聚": ["reunite", "be reunited with"], "除掉": ["remove from", "toss", "dispose of", "dispatch", "removal", "shed", "be rid of"], "大范围的风行": ["be rife"], "起源于": ["root in", "be rooted in", "descend", "date from", "descend from", "originate", "traceable", "derive", "stem", "derive from", "come from", "stem from"], "对…粗鲁": ["be rude to"], "吓得要死": ["be scared to death"], "吓个半死": ["be scared to death"], "吓得不知所措": ["be scared to death"], "魂不附体": ["be scared to death"], "怀疑…": ["be doubtful about", "be sceptical about"], "坐落于": ["be seated", "locate in", "nestle", "be located in", "standing"], "就座": ["be seated", "seating", "sit"], "挑选为…": ["be selected as"], "较…年长": ["be senior to"], "比…大": ["exceed", "be senior to"], "对…很明智": ["be sensible about"], "察觉到…": ["be sensible of"], "灵敏": ["be sensitive to"], "被判处…": ["be sentenced to"], "被处死刑": ["be sentenced to death"], "判处死刑": ["be sentenced to death"], "和…分离开": ["be separated from"], "和…分散": ["be separated from"], "被安置在": ["be set in"], "对…震惊": ["be shocked at", "shocked at"], "离…不远": ["off", "be short of"], "因惭愧而难为情": ["be shy"], "害羞": ["be shy", "redden", "self-consciousness"], "感到不好意思": ["be shy"], "相像": ["resemble in", "likeness", "resemblance", "be similar", "border"], "坐落": ["nestling", "be situated", "sitting", "stand"], "履薄冰": ["be walking on thin ice", "be skating on thin ice"], "冒风险": ["be walking on thin ice", "be skating on thin ice"], "擅长…": ["be skilled in"], "为…感到难过": ["be sorry for"], "歉疚": ["be sorry for"], "对…很外行": ["be strange to"], "(对某人)要求严格": ["be strict (with sb.)"], "要求严格": ["be strict (with sb.)"], "对…要求严格": ["strict with", "be strict in", "be strict with"], "对…严格": ["be strict with", "strict with"], "对…严厉": ["be strict with"], "被困在…": ["get stuck in", "be trapped in", "be stuck in"], "受支配": ["be subject to", "possess"], "从属于": ["be subject to"], "可以…的": ["be subject to", "capable"], "常遭受…": ["be subject to"], "在…成功的": ["successful in", "be successful in"], "适合做…": ["be suited to", "be suited for"], "优越于": ["be superior to", "be superior in"], "比…好": ["superior to", "beat", "be superior in"], "不屈服于/在…方面优越": ["be superior in"], "不屈服于": ["be superior to"], "被期望": ["be supposed to"], "对…有把握": ["be sure about", "be certain of", "trust"], "自信满怀": ["be sure of oneself"], "使…感到意外": ["be surprised at"], "对…很吃惊": ["be surprised at"], "被包围": ["be surrounded with", "beset by", "be surrounded by"], "对…起疑": ["be suspicious of", "suspicious of"], "在…方面有天赋": ["be talented in"], "变得神经紧张": ["be tensed up", "tense", "get tensed up"], "变得焦虑不安": ["be tensed up", "get tensed up"], "吓得魂不附体": ["be terrified out of your wits"], "对…感激": ["oblige", "be thankful for"], "为…向某人致谢": ["be thankful to sb for"], "对某人心存感激": ["be thankful to sb."], "成为…的家": ["be the home of"], "弥漫着": ["be thick with"], "渴望…": ["be thirsty for"], "兴奋至极": ["be thrilled to bits"], "绑在…的战车": ["be tied to the chariot of"], "因…而厌倦/疲惫": ["be tired from"], "厌烦": ["boredom", "blah", "be tired of", "sour", "jack", "tedium", "tire", "tire of", "get tired of", "weary", "irk", "weary of"], "因…而疲惫": ["be tired with"], "把…归咎于": ["blame", "be to blame", "pin on"], "应受责备": ["be to blame"], "应当承担责任": ["be to blame"], "对…应负责任": ["be to blame for"], "对…容忍": ["be tolerant of"], "符合于": ["harmonize with", "correspond to", "be true of"], "对…适用": ["be true of"], "是…的特点": ["be typical of", "be typical of …"], "不能做某事": ["be unable to"], "目不转睛": ["be unable to keep one's eyes off", "be unable to take one's eyes off"], "胆小怕事": ["be unable to say both to a goose"], "见树不见林": ["be unable to see the forest for the trees"], "对…没有把握": ["be uncertain about", "be uncertain of"], "有错觉": ["be under an illusion", "be under the illusion"], "误以为": ["take", "imagine", "labour", "be under the illusion", "Labour", "be under an illusion", "imaging"], "不适合": ["disagree with", "incompetence", "be unfit for", "unfit for", "misfit"], "不大可能会…": ["be unlikely to"], "不愿意做某事": ["be unwilling to do sth."], "施展让别人不悦的惯技": ["be up to one's old tricks"], "为某事心烦": ["be upset about sth", "be upset at sth", "be upset over sth"], "为某事而烦恼": ["be upset about sth."], "让人不安/心烦": ["be upset to do sth.", "be upset to do sth…"], "用于": ["devote", "be used in", "devoted", "toward", "reserve", "towards", "be used for", "be used in"], "习惯于(做)某事": ["get used to doing", "be used to doing"], "习惯于某事": ["get used to doing", "be used to doing"], "对…有益": ["help", "benefit", "be useful to", "helpful to", "do good to"], "自夸的": ["bumptious", "be vain of", "boastful", "braggart"], "有效起始日期": ["be valid from"], "有效期至": ["be valid until"], "对…有用的": ["be valuable for"], "对…宝贵的": ["be valuable to"], "对…重要": ["be vital for", "mean to", "be vital to"], "幸而摆脱了某事": ["be well out of sth"], "广受欢迎": ["be well received by"], "以…而闻名的": ["be well-known for"], "生活富裕": ["be well-off"], "生活宽裕": ["be well-off"], "少不更事": ["be wet behind the ears"], "乳臭未干": ["born yesterday", "be wet behind the ears"], "惊惶失措": ["be whelmed in astonishment", "consternation"], "因…对某人生气、愤怒": ["be wild with"], "乐意做某事": ["pleased", "be willing to do"], "愿意做": ["be willing to do", "mind", "up"], "愿意或乐意做某事": ["be willing to do sth"], "事后聪明": ["be wise after the event", "hindsight"], "意识/察觉到某人/某事有诈": ["get wise to sb/sth", "be wise to sb/sth"], "为…忧虑": ["be worried about", "feared"], "值得…": ["be worthy of being done", "be worthy to be done", "be worthy of", "be worth"], "值得做…": ["be worth doing", "be worthy to be done", "be worthy of being done", "worth doing"], "值得做某事": ["be worth doing sth."], "值得一干": ["be worth it"], "值得花精力(或时间)": ["be worth it"], "值得花精力": ["be worth it"], "配得上": ["be worthy of sth", "be worthy of", "worthy of"], "做自己": ["be yourself"], "声束扩散": ["beam spread"], "束发散": ["beam spread"], "光束扩展": ["beam spread"], "光束角": ["beam spread"], "束腰": ["beam waist"], "光束腰": ["beam waist"], "改变航道": ["bear away"], "施加压力于…": ["bear down on"], "冲向": ["hurtle", "dive", "bear down on", "washing"], "紧紧地拥抱": ["bear hug"], "驶离": ["bear off"], "压在…上": ["bear on"], "忍受苦难": ["bear one's cross"], "为人处事": ["bear oneself"], "空头投机": ["bear speculation"], "空头": ["bear speculation"], "记住某事": ["bear sth in mind"], "获奖": ["bear the palm"], "使振作": ["hearten", "buck", "bear up", "muster", "cheer", "perk"], "不气馁": ["bear up", "hang in there"], "支持住": ["bear up", "hold"], "谅解": ["understanding", "understand", "bear with"], "抗载能力": ["bearable capacity"], "可容忍误差": ["bearable mistake"], "须梳": ["beard comb"], "食肉兽": ["beast of prey"], "猛兽": ["beast", "beast of prey", "killer"], "转弯抹角": ["beat about the bush"], "意想不到": ["beat all"], "压倒一切": ["beat all"], "打退": ["beat off", "beat back"], "驶回": ["beat back"], "(太阳)直射": ["beat down"], "直射": ["beat down"], "烤晒": ["beat down"], "打退(敌人等)": ["beat off"], "搞清": ["beat out"], "敲平": ["beat out"], "使筋疲力尽": ["finish", "tire out", "exhaust", "beat out", "weary out"], "击败对手": ["beat the opponent"], "年久失修的": ["beat up"], "残破的": ["beat up"], "暴打": ["beat up"], "抬(价)": ["beat up"], "抬": ["beat up", "lift"], "惊动": ["beat up"], "来回奔走": ["beat up and down"], "左右奔走": ["beat up and down"], "美化侵略": ["beautify invasion"], "选美竞赛": ["beauty contest"], "风景区": ["scenery spot", "scenic zone", "beauty spot"], "美人痣": ["beauty spot"], "对…变得习以为常": ["become accustomed to"], "结缘": ["become attached to"], "对…有依赖": ["become attached to"], "观察到": ["become conscious of", "observe"], "无缘无故头晕": ["become dizzy for no apparent reason"], "绝种": ["become extinct", "extinction"], "床裙": ["bed spread"], "床罩": ["spread", "furniture", "bedspread", "bed spread"], "床盖": ["bed spread"], "层理面": ["bedding plane"], "卧室家具": ["bedroom furniture"], "蜂花粉": ["bee pollen"], "烤牛肉": ["beef roast"], "牛肉汤": ["beef soup"], "牛肉清汤": ["beef soup"], "炖牛肉": ["beef stew"], "红烩牛肉": ["beef stew"], "补充(人数": ["beef up"], "兵力)等": ["beef up"], "蜂窝式发型": ["beehive hairstyle"], "提示音量": ["beep volume"], "啤酒肚": ["pot", "beer belly"], "公元前[后]": ["before [in] the Christian era"], "前后": ["thereabout", "before and after"], "之前之后": ["before and after"], "(时间)不久之后": ["before long"], "不久之后": ["shortly Afterward", "shortly after", "before long"], "在短时间内": ["before long"], "先行行为": ["beforehand act"], "预加工": ["beforehand process"], "乞求": ["crying", "cry", "supplicate", "begging", "entreaty", "invoke", "entreat", "solicit", "plead", "beg", "beg for", "bum"], "请求免除": ["beg off"], "对不起": ["pardon", "beg your pardon", "excuse me", "sorry"], "请原谅": ["pardon", "beg your pardon", "excuse me"], "重做": ["rework", "begin again", "repeated", "make over", "iterate", "repetition", "go over", "work over", "repeat", "repeating", "do over", "remake"], "开始做某事": ["start to do sth", "begin to do", "set out", "start doing sth", "get down to(doing)sth", "begin doing"], "以…开始": ["begin with", "preface"], "举止自然": ["behave naturally"], "使举止规矩": ["behave oneself"], "行为正当": ["behave properly"], "表现好": ["behave well"], "举止得体": ["behave", "behave well"], "行为检点": ["behave well"], "表现良好": ["succeed", "behave well"], "行为规矩些": ["behave yourself"], "行为科学": ["behavior science"], "在牢里": ["behind bars"], "在幕后": ["behind the scenes", "in the background"], "被打扰": ["being bothered"], "对…的信仰": ["belief in"], "信不信由你": ["believe it or not"], "贝尔级数": ["bell series"], "肚皮舞": ["belly dance"], "应归入": ["belong", "belong in"], "在地下室": ["below stairs"], "伤人的": ["below the belt"], "零下": ["minus", "below zero"], "皮带扣": ["belt fastener", "buckle", "belt nook"], "台架测试": ["bench testing"], "蹲下": ["bend down", "crouch", "hunker", "crouch down", "squat"], "前倾": ["bend forward"], "把…往里弯": ["bend in"], "下定决心做某事": ["bend on"], "增速": ["speed", "bend on"], "系住": ["hitch", "bend on", "moor"], "俯身": ["stoop", "bend over"], "折转": ["replicate", "replication", "bend over"], "拼命": ["bend over backwards", "desperation"], "益虫": ["beneficial insects"], "得益于": ["ride", "profit from", "benefit", "benefit from"], "下决心": ["make up one's mind", "resolve", "bent on", "make a resolution", "decide", "make a decision", "determine", "will"], "执意": ["persist", "bent on", "persistence"], "气坏了": ["bent out of shape"], "大发雷霆": ["bent out of shape", "throw"], "弯矛": ["bent spear"], "为…困扰": ["beset by"], "下个月": ["beside month"], "极度兴奋": ["beside oneself", "orgasm", "euphoria", "kick"], "发狂": ["beside oneself", "craze", "craziness", "derangement", "madden", "delirium", "wig", "distraction", "go round the bend"], "最佳男主角": ["best actor"], "最佳男演员": ["best actor"], "最好的朋友": ["ace", "best friend"], "最佳编剧": ["best screenplay"], "最佳剧本": ["best screenplay"], "最佳剧情奖": ["best storytelling"], "畅销软件": ["bestselling software"], "就…打赌": ["bet on"], "坦率地流露": ["betray bluntly"], "原形毕露": ["betray oneself", "show the cloven hoof"], "经济状况好的": ["better off"], "状况好的": ["better off", "good"], "多于": ["than", "above", "better than", "upwards of", "over", "more than"], "好于…": ["better than"], "赌钱": ["bet", "betting"], "下赌注": ["wager", "lay", "back", "betting", "punt"], "用…打赌": ["betting"], "在…和…之间": ["between…and…"], "对…小心": ["beware of", "careful in"], "无与伦比": ["matchlessly excellent", "beyond challenge", "beyond comparison"], "无可比拟": ["beyond challenge"], "无法控制": ["beyond control"], "无法形容": ["beyond description"], "毫无疑问": ["clearly", "beyond dispute", "decidedly", "past question", "unquestionably", "out of question", "beyond the question", "beyond doubts", "without question", "there is no doubt"], "不容置辩": ["beyond dispute"], "无容置疑": ["undoubtedly", "beyond doubts", "beyond doubt"], "出乎意料": ["beyond expectation"], "无法想象": ["little imagine", "beyond imagination"], "精神错乱": ["demented", "mental disorders", "wander", "derangement", "lose one's mind", "lunacy", "alienation", "insanity", "psychosis", "delirium", "psychopathology", "beyond oneself", "dementia", "distraction"], "忘形": ["ecstasy", "beyond oneself"], "超出某人的预期": ["beyond one’s expectations"], "不可挽回": ["beyond recall"], "不能记起": ["beyond recall"], "面目全非": ["beyond recognition"], "识别不出": ["beyond recognition"], "无法补救": ["beyond repair"], "无法修理": ["beyond repair"], "无可指责": ["beyond reproach"], "无瑕疵的": ["beyond reproach", "impeccable", "impeccably", "immaculate", "stainless", "unblemished", "flawless", "unspotted", "spotless"], "确定无疑": ["beyond the question", "certitude"], "力所不及": ["beyond the reach"], "无法达到": ["beyond the reach"], "超出…的能力之外": ["beyond the reach"], "辞行": ["bid farewell", "farewell"], "许诺获支持": ["bid for"], "标书": ["bidding documents"], "重要人物": ["somebody", "someone", "leading light", "big cheese", "big gun", "anybody", "anyone", "star", "wheel", "something"], "愚蠢或粗鲁的男人": ["big cheese"], "大城市": ["smoke", "metropolis", "big-city", "big city", "metropolitan", "metro"], "有势力的人": ["big gun", "mighty"], "大口径水炮": ["big gun"], "多嘴": ["big mouth", "prate", "gab", "garrulity"], "大贱卖": ["big offering", "sale price"], "大": ["large", "high", "tar", "grand", "greatness", "big offering"], "年夜贱卖": ["big offering"], "大力发球": ["big serve"], "双语词典": ["bilingual dictionary", "dictionary"], "双语版": ["bilingual edition"], "双语教学": ["bilingual teaching"], "菜谱": ["bill of fare"], "节目单": ["programme, program", "programme", "bill", "bill of fare", "program"], "提货单": ["bills of lading", "bill of lading"], "提单": ["bills of lading", "bill of lading"], "(用绳等)把…绑上": ["bind on"], "把…绑上": ["bind on"], "传记式资料": ["biographical data"], "传记数据": ["biographical data"], "人信息": ["biographical data"], "生物活性": ["biological activity"], "生物学洁净度": ["biological cleanliness"], "生物差异": ["biological diversity"], "生父": ["biological father"], "生物种": ["biological species"], "生物学种": ["biological species"], "生物处理": ["biological treatment"], "仿生学研究所": ["biomimicry institute"], "生物技术产业": ["biotechnology industry"], "生物技术工业": ["biotechnology industry"], "生物技术行业": ["biotechnology industry"], "鸟笼": ["cage", "bird cage"], "禽流感": ["bird flu"], "鸟类迁徙": ["bird migration"], "鸟巢": ["bird nest"], "一丘之貉": ["birds of a feather"], "生日蛋糕": ["birthday cake"], "生日礼物": ["birthday present"], "一点一点地": ["by degrees", "bit by bit"], "逐渐地": ["generally", "little by little", "by degrees", "inch by inch", "steadily", "progressively", "gradually", "piece by piece", "bit by bit", "increasingly", "gently"], "叫骂": ["bite at"], "咬掉": ["bite off"], "尽力想": ["bite on"], "忍痛": ["bite the bullet"], "咬紧牙关": ["bite the bullet", "grit", "clench", "set one's tooth", "clench teeth"], "咬子弹(强忍痛苦)": ["bite the bullet"], "咬子弹": ["bite the bullet"], "严寒": ["freeze", "bitter cold", "frost", "nip"], "味苦": ["bitter taste"], "苦味": ["gall", "bitter", "bitter taste", "bitterness"], "透心凉": ["bitterly disappointed"], "彻底的失望": ["bitterly disappointed"], "奇异": ["oddity", "singularity", "bizarre outlandish"], "黑点": ["black dot"], "黑斑": ["cloud", "black dot", "black spot"], "黑色星期五": ["black friday"], "耶稣受难日": ["black friday"], "黑色花岗岩": ["black granite"], "黑色幽默": ["Black humour", "black humor"], "刺槐": ["locust", "black locust"], "洋槐": ["locust", "black locust"], "黑市": ["black market"], "黑市交易": ["black market"], "熄灯": ["black out"], "血肠": ["black pudding", "pudding"], "黑香肠": ["black pudding", "pudding"], "黑甘草": ["black seaweed"], "败家子": ["wastrel", "black sheep"], "害群之马": ["black sheep"], "黑天鹅": ["black swan"], "红茶": ["black tea"], "板书设计": ["blackboard display"], "黑板擦": ["rubber", "blackboard eraser", "eraser"], "因…责备": ["blame for"], "因某事而责备某人": ["blame sb for sth", "blame sb. for sth."], "把某事归咎于某人": ["blame sth. on sb.", "blame sth on sb"], "空白支票": ["blank cheque"], "无韵诗": ["blank verse"], "无韵体": ["blank verse"], "素体诗": ["blank verse"], "开辟道路": ["blaze a trail"], "黯淡的经济前景": ["bleak economic future"], "为…感到悲伤": ["bleed for"], "为…流血": ["bleed for"], "逸出": ["transgression", "escape from", "escape", "bleed off"], "放掉": ["bleed", "bleed off", "duck"], "出血倾向": ["bleeding tendency"], "死胡同": ["close", "blind alley", "cul-de-sac"], "没有前途的职业": ["blind alley"], "盲区": ["blind area", "blindness"], "静区": ["blind area"], "封闭地块": ["blind area"], "阴影区": ["blind area"], "盲目信仰": ["blind faith"], "迷信": ["blind faith", "cult", "superstition", "fetish"], "吸塑卡": ["blister card"], "框图": ["block diagram"], "方块图": ["block diagram"], "垫高": ["block up"], "博客搜索": ["blog search"], "血液循环": ["circulation", "blood circulation"], "血循环": ["blood circulation"], "献血": ["blood donation", "donate blood"], "捐血": ["blood donation"], "供血": ["blood donation"], "血脂": ["blood fat"], "血压": ["blood pressure"], "血清": ["lymph", "blood serum", "serum"], "血痕": ["blood stain"], "血糖": ["blood sugar"], "死生决断": ["bloody tie"], "生死决断": ["bloody tie"], "给…留下深刻印象": ["blow away", "impress sb with"], "刮倒": ["blow down"], "吹掉": ["blow off"], "吹熄": ["blow out"], "爆裂": ["blow out", "burst", "blowout", "crack", "blister", "busted", "bust"], "停息": ["blow over", "cease"], "被淡忘": ["blow over"], "蓝色天空": ["blue sky"], "蓝天": ["blue sky"], "模糊中心": ["blur center"], "中心模糊": ["blur center"], "蟒蛇": ["python", "boa constrictor"], "寄宿学校": ["boarding school"], "划船事故": ["boating accident"], "船只失事": ["boating accident", "shipwreck"], "船舶设备": ["boating equipment"], "船上设备": ["boating equipment"], "船舶装置": ["boating equipment"], "乘船安全": ["boating safety"], "突然出现": ["bob", "broke out", "burst", "sprout", "burst upon", "crop up", "burst in", "rush out", "materialise", "start up", "land", "bob up", "pop up", "burst on the scene", "materialize", "pop", "spring"], "身体伤害": ["bodily injury"], "(战争)死亡人数": ["body count"], "死亡人数": ["body count", "mortality"], "身体语言": ["body language"], "身体姿式": ["body posture"], "连袜内衣": ["body stocking"], "上下相连的紧身衣裤": ["body stocking"], "连身袜": ["body stocking"], "高低相连的紧身衣裤": ["body stocking"], "皮包公司": ["bogus company"], "虚设的公司": ["bogus company"], "虚构公司": ["bogus company"], "皮包自己搞": ["bogus company"], "归结为": ["resolve into", "boil down to", "boil down to sth"], "要点是": ["boil down to", "boil down to sth"], "简化为": ["boil down to"], "重点是": ["boil down to"], "将…归结为": ["boil down to"], "汽化": ["vaporize", "vapor", "boil off", "boil"], "煮掉": ["boil off"], "沸溢": ["boil over"], "水饺": ["boiled dumpling"], "水煮鸡蛋": ["boiled egg"], "大红肠": ["bologna sausage"], "年夜红肠": ["bologna sausage"], "大白肠": ["bologna sausage"], "波洛尼亚香肠": ["bologna sausage"], "防爆小组": ["bomb squad"], "债券市场": ["bond market"], "骨形成": ["bone formation"], "争论的焦点": ["bone of contention"], "争端的原因": ["bone of contention"], "炙热的心": ["bonfire heart"], "奖金制度": ["bonus system"], "分红制": ["bonus system"], "书展": ["book fair"], "预定": ["hold", "budget", "make a reservation", "slate", "engage", "schedule", "book", "reserve", "order", "reservation", "book in", "predestine", "destine", "design", "subscribe for"], "书评": ["review", "notice", "book review"], "路单": ["booking sheet"], "订舱单": ["booking sheet"], "繁荣与萧条": ["boom and bust", "prosperity and depression"], "增加某人的信心": ["boost one’s confidence"], "启动设备": ["boot device"], "引导设备": ["boot device"], "带状灌溉": ["border irrigation"], "农工]畦灌": ["border irrigation"], "接界": ["border on", "border", "abut"], "近乎": ["border on", "near"], "边境贸易": ["border 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"瘫痪": ["break down", "paralysis", "paralyse", "jam", "pith", "crash", "breakdown"], "发生故障": ["go wrong", "break down", "misbehave", "jam", "malfunction", "out of order"], "毁掉": ["stamp", "blow", "break down", "undo", "destroyed", "killing", "screw", "spike", "finished", "bag"], "(机器或车辆)出毛病": ["break down"], "(讨论、关系或系统)失败": ["break down"], "失灵": ["failure", "break down", "misbehave", "glitch", "break", "malfunction", "fail"], "将…分成若干部分": ["break down", "split"], "(使)(物质)分解": ["break down"], "感情失控(痛哭起来)": ["break down"], "感情失控": ["break down"], "捣毁": ["trash", "storm", "break down"], "破除(障碍或偏见)": ["break down"], "破除": ["break with sth", "conquer", "break down", "Scotch", "scotch", "explode"], "打破屏障": ["break down a barrier"], "背弃信仰": ["break faith"], "破门而入": ["break into", "break in", "burst in"], "突然笑起来": ["break into a smile", "burst out laughing"], "成为碎片": ["sliver", "break into pieces"], "砸碎": ["dash", "crack", "break into pieces"], "开辟新的领域": ["break new ground"], "有新发现": ["break new 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"inhale", "gulp", "suck", "breathe in", "breathe", "draw", "inspire", "consumption", "pull in", "intake", "inspiration", "inhalation", "suction", "sniff", "drink", "soak", "snort"], "给…带来起色": ["breathe life into"], "注入活力": ["zip", "breathe life into"], "带来活力": ["breathe life into"], "使恢复生机": ["revitalize", "breathe life into"], "呼出": ["breathe out", "exhale", "breathe", "expiration", "breathing", "expire"], "呼吸新鲜空气": ["blow", "breathe the fresh air"], "令人透不气来的紧张": ["breathless tension"], "轻松地做": ["breeze through"], "酿酒厂": ["winery", "brewery works"], "贿赂丑闻": ["bribery scandal"], "受贿丑闻": ["bribery scandal"], "一点一点地砌": ["brick by brick"], "新娘和新郎": ["bride and groom"], "缩小差距": ["bridge a gap"], "桥式起重机": ["bridge crane"], "桥式吊机": ["bridge crane"], "桥式吊车": ["bridge crane"], "在…上架桥": ["bridge", "bridge over"], "暂时帮助": ["bridge over"], "简要说明": ["blurb", "brief description", "snapshot"], "简介": ["blurb", "profile", "vignette", "briefing", "brief description", "brief introduction"], "简短介绍": ["brief introduction"], "扼要说明": ["briefly explain"], "简短地说": ["briefly speaking"], "愉快而警觉的": ["bright and breezy"], "阳光明媚": ["bright and sunny"], "光明的未来": ["bright future"], "光明的前途": ["bright future"], "光明的一面": ["bright side"], "光泽面": ["bright side", "varnish"], "令人高兴的一面": ["bright side"], "使增添乐趣": ["brighten up"], "使更艳丽": ["brighten up"], "神机妙算": ["brilliant inspiration"], "灿烂的阳光": ["brilliant sunshine"], "极其卓越": ["brilliantly excellent"], "使复活": ["quicken", "resurrect", "resuscitate", "raise", "renovation", "revitalize", "bring (back) to life", "revivify"], "给…以活力": ["bring (back) to life"], "使掉头": ["bring about"], "拿回来": ["bring back"], "使…恢复": ["refresh", "bring back"], "使…回忆起来": ["bring back"], "自取灭亡": ["cut ones own throat", "bring destruction upon oneself", "destroy oneself"], "击落": ["downed", "bring down", "get down", "kill", "shoot down"], "结转": ["carry", "bring forward"], "给…带来好运": ["bring good luck to"], "谋生": ["bring home the bacon", "earn one's living", "make a living", "earn one’s living", "earn a living", "fend"], "使开始行动": ["bring into action"], "行动起来": ["go into action", "bring into action"], "使脱离险境": ["bring off"], "成功完成": ["successfully completed", "throw", "bring off"], "救出": ["extricate", "help out", "rescue", "bring off"], "使发展": ["evolve", "bring on", "seed"], "呈出": ["bring out"], "发挥出…的美": ["bring out the beauty of"], "把…带来": ["bring over"], "引起某人的注意": ["attract one's attention", "bring sth to the attention of sb.", "draw one's attention", "up"], "救活": ["bring through"], "使归案受审": ["bring to justice"], "使苏醒": ["resuscitate", "revive", "bring to life"], "使落空": ["disappointed", "defy", "disappoint", "bring to ruin", "belie"], "审判某人": ["bring to trial"], "使…团结起来": ["bring together"], "把…归类于…": ["bring under"], "呕出": ["reject", "disgorge", "spew", "bring up"], "使(某事物)生效": ["bring(sth)into effect"], "使…成为焦点": ["bring… into focus"], "使想起…": ["bring…to mind"], "使…处于控制之下": ["bring…under control"], "光天化日": ["broad daylight"], "公开地": ["in broad daylight", "on the table", "broad daylight", "barely", "openly", "overtly", "blatantly", "publicly", "outright", "in public"], "开眼界": ["broad one's horizons"], "满面的笑容": ["broad smile"], "广播通信": ["broadcast communication"], "开拓眼界": ["broaden one's horizon"], "拓展视野": ["broaden one's mind"], "开阔眼界": ["broaden one's mind", "broaden one's horizon"], "(情感等)突然爆发": ["broke out"], "突然爆发": ["blazing", "burst", "broke out", "flare", "sprint", "flare up"], "蹩脚的英语": ["broken English"], "骨折": ["break", "fracture", "fracture a rib", "broken bone"], "断骨": ["broken bone"], "破碎的心": ["broken heart"], "哀恸": ["broken heart"], "折线": ["broken line"], "虚线": ["broken line", "imaginary line"], "断线": ["broken line"], "点线": ["broken line"], "铜牌获得者": ["bronze medalist"], "第三名": ["bronze medalist"], "刷去": ["brush off", "brush away"], "刷牙": ["brush one's teeth"], "温习": ["look through", "brush up(on)", "revision", "revised", "brush up", "revise", "review"], "泡沫经济": ["bubble economy"], "佛寺": ["buddhist temple"], "佛堂": ["buddhist temple"], "佛庙": ["buddhist temple"], "预算赤字": ["budget deficit"], "概算": ["budget estimate"], "为…作预算": ["budget for"], "经济型酒店": ["budget hotel"], "缺陷报告": ["bug report"], "错误报告": ["bug report"], "问题报告": ["bug report"], "建立好关系": ["build a bridge"], "修建桥梁": ["build a bridge"], "依靠…": ["build on", "off"], "建立于": ["repose", "build on"], "把…建立于…": ["build on"], "建立帝国": ["build up an empire"], "锻炼身体": ["build up one's body"], "消磁器": ["magnetic eraser", "bulk eraser", "eraser"], "整体消磁器": ["bulk eraser"], "轻泡货": ["bulky cargo"], "超大货物": ["bulky cargo"], "笨重货物": ["bulky cargo"], "多头市场": ["bull market"], "股市中的牛市": ["bull market"], "旺市": ["bull market"], "子弹轨迹": ["bullet trajectory"], "弹道": ["bullet trajectory", "trajectory"], "布告牌": ["bulletin board"], "电子公告栏": ["bulletin board"], "无意中遇到、碰到": ["bump into"], "蹦极跳": ["bungee jumping"], "说服责任": ["burden of persuasion"], "举证责任": ["burden of persuasion"], "汉堡王": ["burger king"], "(火)减弱": ["burn down"], "(使)烧毁": ["burn down"], "焚毁": ["burn down", "incinerate"], "留下不可磨灭的印象": ["burn in"], "烧坏": ["burnt", "burning", "burning off", "burn", "burn out", "burnout"], "烧尽": ["burn up", "burn out", "burnout"], "不再热衷": ["burn out"], "全部焚毁": ["burn to the ground"], "烧起来": ["burn up"], "烧掉": ["burn", "burn out", "burn up"], "为…所煎熬": ["burn with"], "燃烧(自己)": ["burn(oneself)out"], "特别热": ["burning hot"], "烧除": ["burning off"], "燃烧率": ["burning rate"], "烧穿": ["burning through"], "燃尽": ["burnout", "burning through"], "突然发作": ["burst into", "attack", "seizure", "burst"], "闯进": ["burst into"], "突然大笑": ["burst into laughter", "crack"], "突然…起来": ["burst into sth", "burst out"], "突然大哭": ["burst into tears", "burst out crying"], "突然出现在…": ["burst on sth", "burst onto sth", "burst upon sth"], "突然出现…(指突然成功)": ["burst onto"], "突然出现…": ["burst onto"], "闯出来": ["burst out"], "突然哭起来": ["burst into tears", "burst out crying"], "不禁大笑": ["burst out laughing"], "垮台": ["fold up", "wipe out", "downfall", "burst up", "tumble", "fall", "finished", "crash"], "突然来到": ["burst upon", "fall"], "突然明白": ["twig", "burst upon", "click"], "将…埋葬在": ["bury in"], "埋藏": ["bury", "burial", "bury in"], "用手帕掩住脸": ["bury one's face in one's handkerchief"], "专心致志于…": ["bury oneself in"], "公交车司机": ["bus driver"], "公共汽车票钱": ["bus fare"], "公车票": ["bus fare"], "(街道上的)公共汽车专用车道": ["bus lane"], "公共汽车专用车道": ["bus lane"], "公共汽车停车处": ["bus stand"], "汽车站台": ["bus stand"], "公共汽车站": ["bus stop", "depot", "stand"], "工会代表": ["shop steward", "business agent"], "业务代表": ["business agent"], "名片": ["business card", "card"], "商务名片": ["business card"], "商业不景气": ["business depression"], "商务区": ["business district"], "营业场所": ["business establishment"], "企业管理": ["business management"], "商务管理": ["business management"], "商务谈判": ["business negotiation"], "商业谈判": ["business negotiation"], "交易磋商": ["business negotiation"], "商业伙伴": ["business partner"], "业务合作伙伴": ["business partner"], "买卖的合伙人": ["business partner"], "经营策略": ["business strategy"], "商业策略": ["business strategy"], "企业发展战略": ["business strategy"], "职业服": ["business suit"], "职业装": ["business suit"], "忙于…": ["be busy with", "up to", "in the middle doing something", "in the middle something", "busy in"], "无暇的": ["flawless", "busy with sth/sb"], "如果没有": ["if not", "failing", "but for"], "情绪紧张": ["butterflies in one's stomach"], "心里发慌": ["butterflies in one's stomach"], "蝴蝶效应": ["butterfly effect"], "按上": ["button up"], "守口如瓶": ["button up"], "赢得胜利": ["buy a victory"], "买进": ["buying", "buy into", "buy up"], "入股": ["invest", "buy into"], "收买(某人)": ["buy off"], "收买…": ["buy off"], "买通": ["buy off"], "买下…的全部股份": ["buy out"], "赎买": ["buy out"], "购空存货": ["buy out"], "为某人买某物": ["buy sth for sb"], "全部买下": ["buyout", "buy up"], "匆忙离去": ["buzz off"], "挂断电话": ["buzz off", "ring off", "hang up"], "时髦词": ["buzz word"], "时髦词语": ["buzz word"], "流行语": ["cant", "buzz word"], "以些微之差": ["by a nose"], "偶然": ["happen to", "by chance", "by accident", "contingency", "occasionally", "accidental", "happen to do", "accident", "haphazard", "chance", "as it happens"], "乘飞机": ["by plane", "fly", "by air"], "航空邮寄(信件)": ["by air"], "航空邮寄": ["airmail", "by air"], "搭飞机": ["by plane", "by airplane"], "务必": ["by all means", "without fail"], "只管": ["by all means"], "百般": ["by all means"], "晚些时候": ["by and by"], "万一": ["by any possibility", "in case of", "in the event of", "should", "in case", "on the off chance", "in the event that", "by any chance"], "按照约定": ["by appointment"], "骑单车": ["by bike"], "搭乘公共汽车": ["take bus", "by bus"], "乘汽车": ["motor", "by car", "auto"], "相比之下": ["by contrast", "in contrast", "by comparison"], "相形之下": ["by comparison"], "与之相比": ["by contrast"], "蒙…的好意": ["by courtesy of"], "蒙…提供": ["by courtesy of"], "蓄意地": ["by design", "willfully", "deliberately", "purposely", "purposefully"], "到黄昏时": ["by dusk"], "通过电子邮件": ["by e-mail"], "不看乐谱": ["by ear"], "凭听觉": ["by ear"], "凭经验": ["by experience"], "通过经验": ["by experience"], "通过快递": ["by express"], "相关地": ["by extension"], "引申开来": ["by extension"], "强迫地": ["by force"], "靠武力": ["by force"], "强行": ["by force"], "凭猜测": ["by guess"], "用手": ["manually", "by hand"], "凭记忆": ["by heart", "from memory"], "通过模仿": ["by imitation"], "出于本能": ["by instinct"], "故意做": ["by intention"], "根据法律": ["by law"], "到午饭时间": ["by lunchtime"], "到午餐时间": ["by lunchtime"], "通过写信": ["by mail"], "通过邮递": ["by mail"], "按信件": ["by mail"], "就其本质而言": ["by nature"], "天生地": ["naturally", "constitutionally", "by nature"], "一点也不": ["far from", "none", "vestige", "none too", "not at all", "no way", "by no means", "hardly", "nothing", "not in the least", "by no manner of means", "little", "not a bit"], "绝不": ["never", "none", "by no means", "not in the least", "by no manner of means", "nah"], "独自": ["alone", "by one's self"], "通过电话": ["by phone"], "以写信的方式": ["by post"], "最好": ["number-one", "had better", "might as well", "by preference", "rather"], "在职业上": ["by profession"], "就职业来说": ["by profession"], "用无线电": ["by radio"], "应…的请求": ["by request", "at the request of"], "应邀": ["by request"], "由海路": ["by sea"], "海邮": ["by sea"], "乘船": ["by ship", "water", "board", "by sea", "boat", "shipping", "embark", "ship"], "坐轮船": ["by ship"], "航运": ["navigation", "by ship", "shipping"], "乘宇宙飞船": ["by spaceship"], "坐宇宙飞船": ["by spaceship"], "乘坐宇宙飞船": ["by spaceship"], "出其不意地": ["by surprise"], "成打地": ["by the dozen"], "按打计算": ["by the dozen"], "在…的鼓舞下": ["by the inspiration"], "名叫": ["by the name of", "under the name of"], "以…的名义": ["in the name of", "by the name of", "under the name of"], "和…一起比较": ["by the side of"], "一旁": ["by the side of", "side"], "顺便地": ["by the way", "incidentally"], "附带说说": ["by the way"], "顺便一提": ["by the way"], "独力地": ["single-handedly", "alone", "for oneself", "by themselves"], "到那时候": ["by then"], "照传统": ["by tradition"], "根据口传": ["by tradition"], "反复试验(以得出最佳结果)": ["by trial and error"], "反复试验": ["through trial and error", "trial and error", "by trial and error"], "轮流地": ["by turns", "alternately"], "交替地": ["by turns", "alternately"], "凭借…的力量": ["by virtue of"], "作为说明": ["by way of explanation"], "通过调查": ["by(on)enquiry"], "出租车司机": ["hack", "taxi driver", "cab driver"], "幽居病": ["cabin fever"], "电缆锚": ["cable anchor"], "钙片": ["calcium tablet"], "快速计算": ["calculate rapidly"], "计算方法": ["calculation method"], "历年": ["calendar year", "year"], "(给某人)回电话": ["call (sb.)back"], "回电话": ["ring back", "call (sb.)back", "call back"], "追喊": ["call after"], "拜访": ["look up", "be", "call on", "look in", "swing by", "visiting", "pay a visit to", "call at", "call", "call in", "call on sb", "called", "call upon", "see", "visit"], "停靠(车站)": ["call at"], "停靠": ["docking", "stop", "stand", "call at", "touch at"], "拜访某地": ["call at sp"], "回电": ["call back"], "招惹": ["call down"], "使产生": ["effect", "inspiring", "give", "sow", "engender", "inspired", "inspire", "call forth", "cause"], "使起作用": ["call forth", "carry into effect"], "召来": ["call in"], "叫(某人)进来": ["call in"], "叫…进来": ["call in"], "来访": ["call in", "visitation", "call"], "依次叫名": ["call off"], "叫走": ["call off"], "号召": ["call on", "call", "call on sb", "call upon", "summon"], "拜访某人": ["call on sb"], "号召某人做某事/要求某人做某事": ["call on sb to do sth", "call on sb for sth"], "正式邀请某人做某事": ["call on sb. to do sth."], "请求某人做某事": ["call on sb. to do sth."], "出动": ["turnout", "call out"], "给…打电话": ["call up", "phone", "buzz", "bell", "buzzing", "rung"], "打电话给某人": ["telephone to sb", "call(out)to sb"], "平静下来": ["calm", "calming", "calm down", "cool down", "wind down", "quiet", "go down"], "镇定下来": ["calm", "calm down", "sort out", "collect oneself"], "相机抖动": ["camera shake"], "镜头随机晃动的效果": ["camera shake"], "照相机抖动": ["camera shake"], "摄影机震动": ["camera shake"], "伪装衣": ["camouflage clothing"], "开展反对…的活动": ["campaign against"], "为…助选": ["campaign for"], "为…而进行活动": ["campaign for"], "校园文化": ["campus culture"], "校园网": ["campus network"], "园区网": ["campus network"], "迫不及待地要做": ["can hardly wait to do"], "禁不住": ["cannot help", "can not help", "can't help"], "忍不住": ["can not help", "helping", "cannot help", "can't help but", "can't help"], "情不自禁": ["can not help", "let oneself go"], "开罐器": ["can opener"], "只能选择": ["can't choose but do"], "不得不": ["cannot choose but", "cannot help", "can't help but", "can't help", "have to"], "只好": ["cannot choose but", "can't help but", "have to"], "不得不做": ["can't help but do"], "情不自禁的": ["helpless", "can't help but do", "raging"], "不禁做某事": ["can't help doing"], "禁不住做某事": ["can't help doing sth"], "不能控制自己": ["can't help oneself"], "不能自拔": ["can't help oneself"], "忍不住做某事": ["can't help(to)do sth"], "无法忍受": ["can't stand", "intolerance"], "迫不及待": ["can't wait", "champ"], "不能…足够了": ["can't…enough"], "不能…太": ["can't…too"], "取消订单": ["cancel the order"], "人选": ["candidate for"], "蔗糖蜜": ["cane molasses"], "甘蔗糖蜜": ["cane molasses"], "决不会…": ["cannot be too"], "怎样…也不过分": ["cannot be too"], "越…越好": ["cannot…too…", "cannot be too", "cannot…too"], "只得": ["cannot choose but"], "难以满足": ["cannot satisfy"], "无法满足": ["cannot satisfy"], "迫不及待要做": ["cannot wait to do"], "怎么…也不会过分": ["cannot…too…"], "独木舟涂装": ["canoe livery"], "独木舟的制服": ["canoe livery"], "独木舟制服": ["canoe livery"], "乘独木舟旅行": ["canoe trip"], "独木舟航行": ["canoe trip"], "帆布鞋": ["canvas shoes"], "谦恭地": ["cap in hand", "humbly"], "有能力": ["capability to do sth", "suffice", "competent in", "capacity for", "be capable of", "capability of doing sth"], "有…能力(或技能)的": ["capable of"], "有…能力的": ["capable of"], "能…的": ["capable of"], "…的能力": ["capacity for"], "资本积累": ["capital accumulation"], "资本增值": ["capital appreciation"], "资本市场": ["capital market"], "资本盈余": ["capital surplus"], "激发…的想象力": ["capture the imagination of"], "汽车种类": ["car classification"], "车祸": ["smash", "car crash", "accident"], "汽车碰撞": ["car crash"], "晕车": ["car sickness"], "晕车病": ["car sickness"], "二氧化碳": ["carbon dioxide"], "碳排放": ["carbon emission"], "碳源用尽": ["carbon exhaustion"], "碳化纤维": ["carbon fiber"], "碳素纤维": ["carbon fiber"], "碳纤维": ["carbon fibre", "carbon"], "卡片目录": ["card catalogue"], "心指数": ["cardiac index"], "心脏指数": ["cardiac index"], "心排指数": ["cardiac index"], "心脏指标": ["cardiac index"], "心脏病康复": ["cardiac rehabilitation"], "心脏康复": ["cardiac rehabilitation"], "心脏康复学": ["cardiac rehabilitation"], "心脏复健": ["cardiac rehabilitation"], "职场晋升": ["career advancement"], "职业发展": ["career development", "career advancement"], "职业培训": ["career development", "coursework"], "职业道路": ["career path"], "在…方面小心": ["careful in"], "粗心错误": ["careless mistake"], "不关心": ["insensibility", "nonchalance", "indifferent to", "unconcern", "let slide", "indifference", "careless of"], "不在乎": ["indifferent to", "stuff", "insensibility", "careless of"], "不感兴趣": ["nonchalance", "indifferent to", "unconcern", "indifference", "careless of"], "无忧无虑": ["in the sun", "insouciance", "careless of"], "狂欢节队伍": ["carnival parade"], "信鸽": ["carrier pigeon"], "软硬兼施的": ["carrot and stick"], "棍棒并用的": ["carrot and stick"], "胡萝卜籽": ["carrot seed"], "胡萝卜籽精油": ["carrot seed"], "胡萝卜种子": ["carrot seed"], "拿走": ["carry away", "take", "bear away", "take away"], "运走": ["collecting", "export", "carry away", "collect"], "使失去自制力": ["carry away", "intoxicate"], "还回": ["carry back"], "送回": ["carry back", "give back", "return"], "使回想": ["carry back"], "使陷入回忆": ["carry back"], "带回某物": ["carry back to sth"], "发扬": ["promote", "promotion", "carry forward"], "推进": ["forward", "boost", "urge", "gain", "propel", "propulsion", "push ahead with", "impel", "advance", "push forward", "carry forward", "push", "further", "thrust", "press", "nudge"], "用车运输": ["carry in a vehicle"], "成功地对付": ["carry off", "weather through"], "进行对话": ["carry on a dialogue"], "继续做某事": ["continue to do sth", "go on doing", "carry on with sth.", "follow up", "keep doing sth.", "continue doing sth", "proceed", "go about sth", "carry on with sth", "keep doing sth", "continue to do", "keep on doing sth", "keep on doing sth."], "贯彻": ["carry through", "follow out", "prosecute", "prosecution", "pursuit", "carry out", "implement"], "进行": ["hold", "run", "take", "going on", "conduct", "pursue", "go", "go ahead", "go off", "March", "transact", "proceed", "draw", "undertake", "making", "do", "fight", "prosecute", "process", "up", "proceedings", "go on with", "make way", "make", "prosecution", "carry out", "march", "progress", "have", "wage", "progression", "along"], "抬出去": ["carry out"], "进行欺骗": ["carry out fraud"], "帮助某人渡过难关": ["carry sb through sth"], "坚持下去": ["carry through", "hang on to", "hang on", "hang in there"], "外箱尺寸": ["carton size"], "外箱规格": ["carton size"], "创业": ["start-up", "enterprise", "carve out", "establish a business"], "从…切出(引伸为修建)": ["carve out of"], "从…切出": ["carve out of"], "瓜分": ["partition", "carve up", "divide up", "whack"], "案例研究": ["case study"], "现金支票": ["cash cheque"], "经济作物": ["cash crop"], "现金股利": ["cash dividend"], "资金流动": ["cash flow"], "兑现": ["redemption", "cash in", "cash", "deliver", "honour", "clear", "keeping", "honor", "clearance", "redeem", "honour, honor"], "收到…款项": ["cash in"], "靠…赚钱": ["cash in on", "commercialise"], "乘机利用": ["cash in on"], "从中渔利": ["cash in on"], "货到付款": ["cash on delivery"], "盒式录音带": ["cassette", "cassette tape"], "瞟了一眼": ["cast a glance at"], "投下一片阴影": ["cast a shadow over", "cast a shadow on"], "想方设法": ["cast about", "in one way or another", "deliberately plan"], "回想": ["reflect upon", "vista", "revive", "recollect", "reminiscence", "think back to", "flash back", "cast back", "remembrance", "reflect on", "recur", "retrospect", "think about", "recollection", "back", "recall"], "质疑": ["contest", "challenging", "query", "cast doubt on", "challenge", "dispute"], "抛下": ["cast down"], "丢下": ["hurl", "dump", "plump", "cast down"], "使进一步了解…": ["cast new light on"], "解开(缆绳等)": ["cast off"], "委身于": ["be committed to", "cast oneself on"], "空中楼阁": ["castle in the air"], "想入非非的计划": ["castle in the air"], "便装": ["casual", "casual wear"], "傀儡": ["tool", "figurehead", "cat's paw", "dummy", "puppet"], "受人利用者": ["cat's paw"], "巨灾风险": ["catastrophe risk"], "特殊风险": ["catastrophe risk"], "乘公共汽车": ["take bus", "catch a bus", "bus", "by bus"], "乘火车": ["catch a train"], "试图捉住": ["catch at"], "渴望获得": ["catch at"], "被…困住": ["catch in"], "变得流行": ["catch on"], "屏住呼吸": ["hold one's breath", "catch one's breath"], "倒吸一口气": ["catch one's breath"], "引起某人注意": ["catch one's word"], "吸引某人视线": ["catch one's word"], "活捉某人": ["catch sb alive"], "抓住某人的手臂": ["catch sb by the arm", "take sb by the arm"], "发现某人正在做某事": ["catch sb doing"], "赶上某人": ["catch sb up"], "遇到某人的目光": ["catch sb’s eye"], "吸引某人的注意": ["catch sb’s eye", "draw one's attention"], "趁机": ["catch the tide"], "把…缠住": ["catch up"], "得到…消息": ["catch up on"], "弥补": ["compensate", "purge", "compensation", "recover", "retrieve", "counterbalance", "atone", "make up for", "compensate for", "fetch up", "atonement", "offset", "make up", "redemption", "bridge", "redeem", "prosthesis", "catch up on", "span"], "跟上": ["catch up with", "abreast", "keep up with", "keep up", "keep pace with", "heel"], "供应伙食": ["cater for", "cater"], "为…提供所需": ["cater for"], "迎合某人/物": ["cater for sb / sth"], "满足某人/物": ["cater for sb / sth"], "满足某人的需要": ["cater to one's needs", "satisfy one's needs", "meet one's needs"], "餐饮贸易": ["catering trade"], "饮食业": ["catering trade"], "鼻后孔": ["caudal nostril"], "因果关系": ["association", "consequence", "cause and effect", "causality", "causation"], "对…造成损坏": ["do damage to", "cause damage to"], "带来损害": ["do damage to", "cause damage to"], "死因": ["death", "cause of death"], "铜锣湾(位于中国香港)": ["causeway bay"], "铜锣湾": ["causeway bay"], "谨慎于…": ["cautious about"], "塌陷": ["collapsing", "cave in", "collapse"], "不再是": ["cease to be"], "停任": ["cease to be"], "庆祝他的70岁寿辰": ["celebrate his seventieth birthday"], "名人传记名人传": ["celebrity biography"], "天体": ["orb", "sphere", "celestial body", "world", "body"], "细胞生物学家": ["cell biologist"], "细胞学": ["cytology", "cell biology"], "细胞生物学": ["cell biology"], "细胞分裂": ["fission", "cell division"], "细胞永生化": ["cell immortality"], "细胞膜": ["cell membrane", "membrane"], "重心": ["forefront", "center of gravity", "weight"], "中心部位": ["central portion"], "中心城市用地": ["centrally located urban land"], "世纪以前": ["century ago"], "肯定有可能": ["certainly possible"], "合格证": ["certificate of approval"], "批准证明书": ["certificate of approval"], "南非大狒": ["chacma baboon"], "大狒狒": ["chacma baboon"], "董事局主席": ["chairman of the board"], "记帐": ["billing", "bookkeeping", "chalk it up"], "向(某人)挑战": ["challenge…to…"], "商会": ["chamber of commerce"], "把A换成B": ["change A into B", "change A for B"], "随之改变": ["change accordingly"], "把…换成": ["change into", "swap", "exchange", "change for"], "以…交换": ["change for"], "改变主意": ["haul", "budge", "have second thoughts", "change one's mind", "turn about"], "性能特点": ["characteristic feature"], "表示…特性的": ["characteristic of"], "索价": ["charge", "charge for"], "要价": ["make an offer", "charge for", "asking", "charging", "charge"], "为…收费": ["charge for"], "收取利息": ["charge interest"], "向(某人)收取…费用": ["charge sb money for doing sth"], "向…收取…费用": ["charge sb money for doing sth"], "控告某人做了某事": ["charge sb with sth"], "慈善活动": ["benefit", "charitable activities"], "慈善捐款": ["charitable donation"], "慈善基金": ["charitable foundation"], "慈善机构": ["charitable foundation", "philanthropy", "charity"], "赶走": ["turf", "stave", "drive away", "clear out", "push", "oust", "chase", "chase away", "banish", "chuck", "beat off", "drove out"], "追上": ["catch up with", "chase up", "overtake", "get up to"], "搭讪": ["accost", "pickup", "chat up"], "同…聊天": ["chat with"], "和…聊天": ["chat with"], "价廉物劣的": ["cheap and nasty"], "在(比赛等)中捣鬼": ["cheat at"], "在中捣鬼": ["cheat at"], "逃脱死亡": ["cheat death"], "对…不忠": ["cheat on"], "考试作弊": ["cheat on the examination"], "哄骗某人做某事": ["cheat sb into doing sth"], "哄骗某人某事": ["cheat sb into sth"], "欺骗某人某事": ["cheat sb(out)of sth"], "小抄": ["cheat sheet"], "备忘单": ["cheat sheet"], "报到": ["report", "check in", "report oneself"], "到达并登记": ["check in"], "寄存贵重物品": ["check one's valuables"], "结账离开": ["check out"], "通过考核": ["check out"], "盖章": ["check out", "stamp", "seal"], "核对": ["check up on sth.", "reconcile", "collate", "check up", "checked", "audit", "check up on sth", "check"], "校对": ["check up on sth.", "collate", "check up", "proofread", "check up on sth", "proof"], "与…协商": ["check with"], "与…相符合": ["check with"], "臼齿": ["molar", "grinder", "cheek tooth"], "为…欢呼": ["cheer for"], "喝彩": ["eclat", "cheering", "acclaim", "hail", "cheer for", "hurrah", "applaud", "shout applause", "plaudit", "applause", "cheer"], "给…加油": ["cheer for"], "为某人打气": ["cheer on"], "使某人振作起来": ["cheer sb up"], "高兴起来": ["cheer", "lift", "cheer up"], "使振奋": ["cheer up", "revive", "exhilarate", "set up", "rouse", "cheer"], "啦啦队": ["cheering squad"], "化学成分": ["chemical constitution", "chemistry", "chemical composition"], "化学组成": ["chemical constitution", "chemical composition"], "化学结构": ["chemical constitution", "chemical structure"], "化学肥料": ["chemical fertilizer"], "化学工业": ["chemical industry"], "化学反应": ["chemistry", "reaction", "chemical 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["clothes shop", "couture"], "阴天": ["cloudy day", "overcast"], "向…提供情况": ["clue in"], "煤尘": ["coal dust", "smut", "grime"], "煤粉": ["silt", "coal dust"], "煤矿开采": ["coal miming"], "煤矿": ["pit", "coal mine"], "煤矿工人": ["coal miner"], "粗粮": ["coarse grain"], "奶精": ["coffee mate"], "咖啡伴侣": ["coffee mate"], "咖啡奶粉": ["coffee mate"], "咖啡店": ["coffee shop"], "咖啡厅": ["coffee shop"], "咖啡屋": ["coffee shop"], "进线": ["coil in"], "盘管进入接头": ["coil in"], "装硬币的钱包": ["coin purse"], "零钱袋": ["coin purse"], "与…相一致": ["coincide with"], "凉菜": ["cold dish"], "冷菜": ["cold dish"], "冷盘": ["cold dish"], "冷茶肠": ["cold sausage"], "突然停止(坏习惯)": ["cold turkey"], "突然停止": ["stop short", "freeze", "balk", "break off", "fetch up", "cold turkey"], "与…协作": ["collaborate with", "team up with"], "收集资料": ["collect data"], "使自己平心静气": ["collect oneself"], "大学学位": ["college degree"], "大学文凭": ["college degree", "college diploma"], "(高等学校)文凭": ["college diploma"], "大学毕业生": ["graduate", "college graduate"], "大专以上学历": ["college 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["commission sale"], "委托贩卖": ["commission sale"], "答应负责": ["commit oneself", "commit"], "保证(做某事、遵守协议或安排等)": ["commit oneself to do"], "商品价格": ["commodity price"], "共同特征": ["common feature", "kinship"], "习惯作法": ["common practice"], "常识": ["commonsense", "common sense", "savvy", "reason", "common"], "常用": ["commonly used"], "通用": ["obtain", "currency", "commonly used", "gap"], "联邦基金会": ["commonwealth fund"], "联邦基金": ["commonwealth fund"], "英联邦基金": ["commonwealth fund"], "用…语言沟通": ["communicate in"], "沟通": ["communicate with", "intercourse", "mediate", "liaison", "communication", "communicate"], "通话": ["call", "communicate with"], "通信系统": ["line", "communication system"], "通信技术": ["communication technology"], "与…交流": ["communication with", "communicate with"], "与…通讯": ["communication with"], "交际能力": ["communicative competence"], "共产党": ["communist party"], "社会服务": ["community service", "social work"], "奉陪": ["company with"], "与…相容": ["comparable with"], "比较文学": ["comparative literature"], "比较A和B": ["compare A to B", "compare A with B"], "把…比作": ["compare", "liken", "assimilate", "compare…to…", "compare to"], "比喻为": ["compare…to…", "compare to"], "与…相比较": ["compare with", "compare…with…", "compare…with", "compare……with"], "与…比较": ["compare…to…", "in comparison with", "compare…with…", "parallel with"], "把…和…相比较": ["compare……with", "compare…with"], "补偿制度": ["compensation system"], "竞争为作为…称职": ["compete as"], "竞争优势": ["competitive strength", "competitive advantage"], "竞争情报": ["competitive intelligence"], "竞争价格": ["competitive price"], "公开招标价格": ["competitive price"], "竞争力": ["competitiveness", "competitive strength"], "竞争上风": ["competitive strength"], "向某人抱怨某事": ["complain to sb about sth", "complain to sb of sth"], "投诉": ["grievance", "complaint", "complain", "complaint about"], "对…抱怨": ["complaint about"], "竣工日期": ["completion date"], "完工日期": ["completion date"], "复杂的组织": ["complex organism"], "复合句": ["complex sentence"], "复杂句": ["complex sentence"], "复句": ["complex 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"concentrate(oneself)on"], "集中精力于": ["concentrate on"], "对…表示担心/忧虑": ["concern about"], "使(自己)关心…": ["concern about"], "使关心…": ["concern about"], "担心某人的健康": ["concern about sb's health"], "对…的关心/忧虑": ["concern over"], "使关心": ["concern", "concerning", "concern with"], "相信某事物": ["conclude from"], "从得出结论": ["conclude from"], "决定性证据": ["conclusive evidence"], "混凝土地板": ["concrete floor"], "具体的例证": ["concrete illustration"], "因…而宣告…有罪": ["condemn for"], "判某人死刑": ["condemn sb to death"], "有…条件": ["conditional on"], "生存条件": ["conditions of existence"], "交替进行": ["conducted alternatively"], "导电盐": ["conducting salt"], "电导传感器": ["conductivity sensor"], "授予某人奖品": ["confer an award on sb.", "confer an award on sb"], "由…授予": ["confer by"], "和…商议": ["confer with sb"], "和某人商议": ["confer with sb."], "对…信任": ["confidence in", "have faith in"], "机密信息": ["confidential information"], "从容不迫": ["take one's time", "confidently and without haste", "go easy", "pull down your vest"], "使更坚定": ["confirm in"], "使某人在…方面更加坚定": ["confirm sb in"], "确认信函": ["confirmation letter"], "由…确认": ["confirmed by"], "由某人确认": ["confirmed by"], "与…抵触": ["conflict with", "interfere with", "contradict"], "使面临": ["confront", "confront with", "expose", "exposed"], "道统": ["confucian orthodoxy"], "感到庆幸": ["congratulate oneself"], "祝贺某人某事": ["congratulate sb on sth"], "祝贺词": ["congratulations", "congratulation on", "congratulation"], "对…表示祝贺": ["congratulations on"], "锥形沉降器": ["conic settler"], "连接到": ["connect to", "join…to"], "相连": ["lead", "connect to", "communicate"], "接上": ["connect up"], "与…联系": ["reach", "make contact with", "connect with", "contact", "connect …with", "contact with", "trying"], "把…和…连接或联系起来": ["connect …with"], "与…的关系": ["connection with"], "克服不良习惯": ["conquer bad habits"], "战胜恐惧": ["conquer fear"], "征服恐惧": ["conquer fear"], "克服恐惧": ["conquer fear"], "刚古纸": ["conqueror paper"], "连续营业日": ["consecutive days"], "连续作业日": ["consecutive days"], "随之而来": ["ensue", "consequent on"], "跟着…发生的": ["consequent on"], "补养药疗法": ["conservative medication"], "保守党": ["conservative party", "conservatism", "Tory"], "认为(把…看作)": ["consider as", "consider…as"], "考虑做…": ["consider doing"], "巨大的影响": ["considerable impact"], "考虑到…": ["take into consideration", "considering that", "in consideration"], "认为…": ["hold the view that…", "consider…as", "view…as"], "在于": ["lie", "rest", "consist in", "lay", "consist", "lie in"], "由…构成": ["be made of", "be made up of", "consist", "make up of", "consist of"], "始终如一的质量": ["consistent quality"], "深仇大恨": ["constant hate"], "恒温": ["constant temperature"], "定温": ["constant temperature"], "等温": ["constant temperature"], "构成犯罪": ["constitute a crime"], "进行犯罪": ["constitute a crime"], "本构方程": ["constitutive equation"], "约束满足": ["constraint satisfaction"], "限制满足": ["constraint satisfaction"], "受限制满足": ["constraint satisfaction"], "约束补偿": ["constraint satisfaction"], "结构效度": ["construct validity"], "建构效度": ["construct validity"], "施工进度计划": ["construction 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"competing", "vying", "contest with", "compete", "scrambled", "contend", "scramble", "dispute"], "上下文条件": ["context condition"], "大陆性气候": ["continental climate"], "持续改进": ["continual improvement"], "一直做(同一件事)": ["continue doing"], "一直做": ["continue doing"], "继续做": ["get on", "proceed", "continue with", "take up", "stick with"], "持续曝露于…中": ["continuous exposure to sth"], "合同保证人": ["contract guarantor"], "与…订有合约": ["contract with"], "自相矛盾": ["contradict oneself"], "矛盾综合体": ["contradictory complex"], "相对立的": ["contrary to"], "与…形成对比": ["in contrast with", "contrast with", "in contrast to", "counterpoint"], "和…相对照": ["contrast with"], "为作出贡献": ["contribute for"], "为做贡献": ["contribute for"], "慷慨解囊": ["loosen up", "contribute generously"], "促成": ["contribute", "contribute to(doing)sth", "cooperating", "midwife", "promote", "promotion", "push through", "precipitate", "contribute to", "encompass", "mediate", "sponsor", "suggest", "go", "procurement", "contribute to (doing) sth", "pattern"], "造成": ["result", "spawn", "work", "generate", "issue in", "inflict", "lead", "engender", "into", "translate", "present", "pose", "produce", "wreak", "effect", "give birth to", "make", "create", "contribute to", "cause", "created"], "控制台": ["control desk", "console"], "控制装置": ["control device"], "控制器": ["control device", "controller"], "控制段": ["control section"], "控制技术": ["control technique"], "控制器动作": ["controller action"], "控制器…": ["controller action"], "便于…": ["convenient for"], "常规部队": ["conventional forces"], "常规方法": ["conventional method"], "习用方法": ["conventional method"], "言外之意": ["connotation", "conversational implicature"], "会话风格": ["conversational style"], "把…转化成": ["translate to", "convert into"], "折合": ["convert into"], "向…转达谢意": ["convey thank to"], "传送带": ["belt", "conveyor belt", "conveyor"], "使某人认识到或相信到": ["convince of"], "令人信服的证据": ["convincing evidence"], "巨大的胜利": ["convincing victory"], "做饭": ["cook", "cook a meal"], "食用油": ["oil", "fat", "cooking oil"], "冷却风扇": ["cooling fan"], "在…方面合作": ["cooperate in"], "与…合作": ["team up with", "cooperate with", "collaborate with", "tear up with", "in collaboration with", "in cooperation with"], "合作学习": ["cooperative learning"], "合作制度": ["cooperative system"], "与病魔作斗争": ["cope with illness"], "铜矿": ["copper mine"], "著作权法": ["copyright law"], "版权法": ["copyright law"], "版权拥有人": ["copyright owner"], "珊瑚礁": ["coral reef"], "真诚的邀请": ["cordial invitation"], "无绳电话": ["cordless telephone", "cordless"], "核心竞争力": ["core competence"], "核心才能": ["core competence"], "坚定的支持者": ["core supporter", "partisan"], "玉米面": ["corn flour"], "玉米淀粉": ["corn flour", "cornstarch"], "玉米杆": ["corn stalk"], "街边杂货店": ["corner grocer"], "企业债券": ["corporate bond"], "公司集团": ["corporate group"], "企业集团": ["corporate group", "conglomerate"], "共财团体": ["corporate group"], "企业部": ["corporate group"], "企业形象": ["corporate identity"], "企业标识": ["corporate identity"], "改正错误": ["correct errors"], "纠正语法错误": ["correct grammar"], "正音": ["correct pronunciation"], "正确发音": ["correct pronunciation", "Pronounce correctly"], "相关分析": ["correlation analysis"], "相当于…": ["correspond to", "represent"], "符合于…": ["harmonize with", "correspond to"], "与…通信": ["correspond with"], "随军记者": ["correspondent with an army", "embed"], "对应点": ["corresponding point"], "耐蚀性": ["corrosion resistance"], "抗腐蚀性": ["corrosion resistance"], "弊端": ["corrupt practice", "abuse", "malady", "disadvantage"], "行贿": ["corrupt practice", "bribery", "bribe"], "舞弊行为": ["corrupt practice"], "腐败丑闻": ["corruption scandal"], "化妆袋": ["cosmetic bag"], "化妆包": ["cosmetic bag"], "整容手术": ["cosmetic surgery"], "整容外科": ["cosmetic surgery"], "化妆品柜台": ["cosmetics counter"], "化妆品行业": ["cosmetics industry"], "(使)花一大笔钱": ["cost an arm and a leg"], "花一大笔钱": ["cost an arm and a leg"], "成本效率": ["cost effectiveness"], "成本估算": ["cost estimate"], "成本估计": ["cost estimate"], "化装舞会": ["mask", "costume party", "theme party", "masquerade"], "化妆舞会": ["costume party", "masquerade"], "变装派对": ["costume party"], "家庭手工业": ["cottage industry"], "药棉": ["cotton wool", "plug", "cotton"], "脱脂棉": ["cotton wool", "cotton"], "成天躺著或坐在沙发上看电视的人": ["couch potato"], "极为懒惰的人": ["couch potato"], "沙发土豆": ["couch potatoes"], "电视迷": ["couch potatoes"], "止咳糖浆": ["cough syrup"], "咳嗽糖浆": ["cough syrup"], "勉强说出": ["cough up"], "还是可能会做某事(表示现在似乎不可能,将来还是有可能发生)": ["could yet do sth", "may yet do sth", "might yet do sth"], "还是可能会做某事": ["could yet do sth", "may yet do sth", "might yet do sth"], "有重要性": ["signify", "count for", "import"], "无足轻重": ["count for little"], "把…计算在内": ["include", "reckon in", "count in", "add"], "点数": ["count out", "tally"], "不把…算在内": ["count out"], "拳击中判输": ["count out"], "对策": ["prescription", "antidote", "cure", "counter measure"], "防范措施": ["hedge", "safeguard", "counter measure"], "反措施": ["counter measure"], "乡村音乐": ["country", "country music"], "与…相结合": ["couple with", "integrate with"], "课程安排": ["course arrangement"], "服务周到": ["courteous service"], "法庭对话": ["courtroom 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"爬行疹": ["creeping eruption"], "峰值因子": ["crest factor"], "峰值因数": ["crest factor"], "波峰因数": ["crest factor"], "波峰因素": ["crest factor"], "伤心地哭了": ["cried sadly"], "伤心大哭": ["cried sadly"], "犯罪率": ["crime rate"], "犯罪阴谋": ["criminal design"], "刑法": ["criminal law"], "刑事律师": ["criminal lawyer"], "刑事诉讼程序": ["criminal procedure"], "关键路径": ["critical path"], "临界点": ["critical point", "edge", "verge"], "十万火急": ["critical situation", "extremely urgent"], "临危授命": ["critical situation"], "批判性思维": ["critical thinking"], "因…指责": ["criticise for"], "批评和赞扬": ["criticism and praise"], "主观地评价": ["criticize subjectively"], "毫不留情地批评": ["criticize unsparingly"], "假慈悲": ["crocodile tears"], "鳄鱼的眼泪": ["crocodile tears"], "狡黠的微笑": ["crooked smile"], "不整齐的牙齿": ["crooked teeth"], "粮食产量": ["crop yield"], "作物产量": ["crop yield"], "谷物收获量": ["crop yield"], "从…传中": ["cross from"], "从…渡过": ["cross from"], "从…划掉": ["cross off"], "突然想起": ["cross one's mind", "strike on"], "注销": ["cross out", "log out", "cancel", "write off"], "横路": ["cross road"], "交锋": ["cross swords", "clash", "encounter", "meeting"], "趴伏": ["crouch down"], "使拥挤入": ["crowd in"], "把…挤走": ["crowd in"], "在时间表中挤进": ["crowd in"], "强安排进": ["crowd in"], "挤出": ["squeeze", "extrude", "crowd out", "bump", "squeeze out"], "推开": ["shoulder", "thrust aside", "nudge", "crowd out"], "人山人海": ["crowded conditions"], "拥堵的交通": ["crowded traffic"], "皇冠宝石": ["crown jewel"], "皇冠珠宝": ["crown jewel"], "王冠瑰宝": ["crown jewel"], "天然药": ["crude drug"], "游轮": ["cruise ship"], "游艇": ["barge", "houseboat", "cruise ship", "cruiser", "yacht", "launch", "cruise"], "揉皱损纸": ["crumpled waste"], "迫切需要": ["starve of", "cry", "urgency", "crave", "in bad need of", "in desperate need of", "cry out for", "cry for"], "吵着要": ["cry for", "badger"], "大声求援": ["cry for help"], "大声呼喊": ["cry out", "clamour, clamor"], "晶体耳机": ["crystal headphone"], "晶体结构": ["crystal structure"], "晶体的结构": ["crystal structure"], "立方米": ["cubic metre"], "达到顶点": ["crest", "culminate", "top", "climax", "culminate in"], "以…告终": ["end in", "end up with", "wound up", "culminate", "culminate in", "wind up", "wind up"], "培养乐观精神": ["cultivate optimism"], "文化适应": ["acculturation", "cultural adaptation"], "文化背景": ["cultural background"], "文化移情": ["cultural empathy"], "文化认同": ["cultural identity", "cultural empathy"], "文化同感": ["cultural empathy"], "文化交流": ["cultural exchange"], "文化遗产": ["heritage", "cultural relic", "cultural heritage"], "文物": ["antiquity", "cultural relic"], "文化大革命": ["cultural revolution"], "文化参赞": ["cultural secretary"], "文化冲击": ["culture shock", "cultural shock"], "文化冲突": ["cultural shock"], "文化震撼": ["cultural shock"], "固定文化模式": ["cultural stereotype"], "文化定型": ["cultural stereotype"], "医治": ["cure of", "cure", "treatment", "doctor", "treat"], "矫正": ["cure of", "remedy", "rectify", "cure", "castigate", "correct", "redress", "remediation", "rectification", "disabuse", "right"], "治病": ["cure of disease", "cure"], "治好某人": ["cure sb of"], "好奇": ["vagaries", "curious about", "curiosity", "vagary", "amaze", "wonder"], "把脚趾蜷缩起来": ["curl one's toes"], "(使)厌恶": ["curl up"], "(使)感到恶心": ["curl up"], "感到恶心": ["rise", "curl up"], "卷发型": ["curly hair"], "自然卷发": ["curly hair"], "货币贬值": ["currency depreciation", "devaluation"], "货币兑换": ["currency exchange"], "外汇兑换": ["currency exchange"], "现状": ["actuality", "current situation"], "目前形势": ["current situation"], "现况": ["current situation"], "时价": ["currently price"], "课程改革": ["curriculum reform"], "弯剪": ["curved scissors"], "曲剪刀": ["curved scissors"], "自定义安装": ["custom install"], "一般性设置": ["custom install"], "左上角": ["custom install"], "顾客满意度": ["customer satisfaction"], "客户服务": ["customer service"], "售后服务": ["customer service"], "抄近路通过": ["cut across"], "径直穿过": ["cut across"], "随挖随填": ["cut and fill"], "充填开采": ["cut and fill"], "急忙返回": ["cut back"], "削减产量": ["cut back an output"], "缩减": ["diminution", "cut", "reduction", "slim", "decreasing", "cut back on", "defalcate", "keep down", "reduce", "curtail", "cut short", "pare"], "删节": ["omission", "cut down", "cut", "spare", "abridge", "prune", "truncate"], "超车": ["cut in", "overtake"], "使死亡": ["perish", "cut off"], "剥夺继承权": ["cut off"], "关掉": ["tune out", "cut…out", "turn out", "off", "switch off", "cut out", "turn off", "shut off"], "与…相配合": ["cut out for"], "剪出": ["cut something out(of something)"], "剪下": ["cut…out", "clip", "cut off", "cut something out(of something)"], "快刀斩乱麻": ["cut the gordian knot"], "抄近路走过": ["cut through"], "切碎": ["cut up", "fritter", "mince", "hash", "shred", "minced"], "切削工具": ["cutting tool"], "刀具": ["cutting tool", "cutlery", "knife", "cutter"], "切削刀具": ["cutting tool"], "尖端的": ["tined", "sophisticated", "edgy", "cutting-edge"], "停止做(或使用、食用)": ["cut…out"], "停止做": ["cut…out", "cut", "stop doing sth."], "日常生活": ["daily routine", "daily life", "everyday life"], "封火": ["damp down"], "伴着音乐跳舞": ["dance to the music"], "与…跳舞": ["dance with"], "危险物品": ["dangerous goods"], "危险的处境": ["dangerous situation"], "敢于做": ["dare to be"], "深灰色": ["dark grey", "charcoal"], "暗灰": ["dark grey"], "登门拜访": ["darken someone's doorway"], "急写": ["dash in"], "匆忙完成": ["dash", "dash off", "rush through"], "数据分析": ["data analysis"], "数据处理": ["processing", "data processing"], "数据冗余": ["data redundancy"], "数据科学家": ["data scientist"], "数据专家": ["data scientist"], "巨量资料分析工程师": ["data scientist"], "数据专员": ["data steward"], "数据存储": ["data storage"], "数据流": ["data stream", "stream"], "数据库系统": ["database system"], "资料库系统": ["database system"], "追溯到": ["trace back to", "date", "date back (to…)", "date from", "date back", "date back to", "trace to", "go back to"], "回溯至": ["date back"], "从…开始有": ["date back to"], "追溯到明朝": ["date back to the Ming Dynasty"], "始于": ["begin with", "come", "date", "date from", "date back to"], "出生日期": ["date of birth"], "开始被理解": ["dawn on"], "渐渐明白": ["dawn on"], "日复一日": ["day after day"], "日以继夜": ["day and night"], "前天": ["the day before yesterday", "day before yesterday"], "一天天": ["day by day"], "逐日": ["day by day"], "结账日": ["day of reckoning"], "最后审判日": ["day of reckoning"], "耀眼灯火": ["dazzling lights"], "完全正确的": ["perfect", "dead on"], "十分精确的": ["dead on"], "对周围事物毫无感受": ["dead to the world"], "对世事不闻不问的": ["dead to the world"], "睡得很香": ["dead to the world"], "致命毒药": ["deadly poison"], "聋哑的": ["deaf and dumb"], "又聋又哑": ["deaf and dumb"], "分给": ["share", "deal out"], "死刑犯": ["death row"], "死囚牢房": ["death row"], "死囚区": ["death row"], "死囚牢": ["death row"], "关于…进行辩论": ["debate on"], "信用借款": ["debt of honour"], "首张专辑": ["debut album"], "处女专辑": ["debut album"], "衰减率": ["decay rate"], "衰变率": ["decay rate"], "衰变速度": ["decay rate"], "自欺": ["deceive oneself"], "正当的行为": ["decent behavior"], "作对…有利的决定": ["decide for"], "作有利于…的决定": ["decide in favour of"], "决定做某事": ["bent on", "decide to do"], "决定性因素": ["determinant", "decisive factor"], "出口报单": ["declaration for exportation"], "表明赞成(拥护)": ["declare for"], "表明赞成": ["declare for"], "发动进攻": ["declare war on"], "对…宣战": ["declare war on"], "以…来装饰": ["decorate with"], "装饰设计": ["decorative design"], "减少了…": ["decrease by"], "大幅下降急剧下降": ["decreased dramatically"], "赋予自己": ["dedicate oneself to"], "把(时间、精力等)用于": ["dedicate to"], "把用于": ["dedicate to", "dedicate"], "献给自己": ["dedicate yourself"], "深度昏迷": ["deep coma"], "在心底": ["deep down"], "深挖": ["deep excavation", "probe into"], "冰点还原": ["deep freeze"], "深冻冷藏": ["deep freeze"], "深海寒波": ["deep submerge"], "非常难堪": ["deeply embarrassing"], "深深感谢": ["deeply grateful"], "深深的触动": ["deeply moved"], "默认打印机": ["default printer"], "击败冠军": ["defeat the champion"], "抵御…": ["defence against"], "反对…": ["object against", "defence against", "be opposed to"], "防卫": ["protection", "protect", "defence", "rampart", "fortify", "defend against", "defend", "protected", "defending", "defense"], "自卫": ["defend oneself", "self-defense"], "申辩": ["plead", "excuse", "defend oneself"], "自行辩护": ["defend oneself"], "用…保卫": ["defend with"], "卫冕冠军": ["defending champion"], "防御体系": ["defense system"], "防御式医疗": ["defensive medicine"], "防守战术": ["defensive tactic"], "即防御性策略": ["defensive tactic"], "防御性策略": ["defensive tactic"], "营养缺乏病": ["deficiency disease"], "缺乏病": ["deficiency disease"], "多元缺乏症": ["deficiency disease"], "明确某人的意思": ["define one's meaning"], "明确地界": ["define the boundaries"], "把…定义为": ["define…as", "define……as"], "定冠词": ["definite article"], "定量": ["definite quantity", "quantum", "ration", "quota", "allowance", "quantify", "stint"], "明确的标准": ["definite standard"], "肯定正确": ["definitely correct"], "…的定义": ["definition of"], "因…而使降级": ["degrade for…", "degrade for……"], "贬低自己的身份": ["degrade oneself"], "降至…": ["degrade to……"], "摄氏温度": ["Celsius", "degree centigrade", "centigrade"], "百分度": ["degree centigrade"], "难度系数": ["degree of difficulty"], "难度": ["degree of difficulty", "going"], "自由度": ["degree of freedom", "play"], "耽搁…时间": ["delay for"], "延期交货": ["delay in delivery"], "延误航班": ["delay the flight"], "迟延遗传": ["delayed inheritance"], "全部删除": ["delete all"], "从…上删掉": ["delete from"], "删除字符键": ["delete key"], "故意行为": ["deliberate act"], "故意的行为": ["deliberate act"], "心里计划思考已久": ["deliberately plan"], "易碎的瓷器": ["delicate china"], "细微的差别": ["nicety", "delicate difference", "shade"], "淡雅的香水": ["delicate perfume"], "芳香的空气": ["delicious air"], "可口的饭菜": ["delicious meals"], "令人高兴的恭维": ["delightful compliment"], "令人愉快的和谐": ["delightful harmony"], "接生婴儿": ["deliver a baby"], "履行诺言": ["keep one's promise", "keep one's word", "deliver a promise", "deliver the goods"], "发表演讲": ["deliver an address", "give a lecture"], "从…解救某人": ["deliver sb. from"], "交货": ["deliver the goods"], "交货计划表": ["delivery schedule"], "交货时间表": ["delivery schedule"], "钻研": ["dive into", "pore", "delve into", "delve", "dig into"], "需求预测": ["demand forecast"], "要求某人做某事": ["demand sth. of sb.", "demand sth. from sb."], "要求做某事": ["demand to do sth."], "要求严格的职业": ["demanding occupation"], "要求高的工作": ["demanding work"], "民主和自由": ["democracy and freedom"], "民主党派": ["democratic party"], "民主权利": ["democratic rights"], "民主社会主义": ["democratic socialism"], "民主监督": ["democratic supervision"], "拆迁公司": ["demolition company"], "拆迁费用": ["demolition expenses"], "拆迁工作": ["demolition work"], "证明一个命题": ["demonstrate a proposition"], "示威抗议": ["demonstrate against"], "为…而示威": ["demonstrate for"], "演示给…看": ["demonstrate to"], "用…来演示": ["demonstrate with"], "贼窝": ["den of thieves", "den"], "牙医室": ["dentist office"], "开往": ["be bound for", "depart for"], "动身去": ["leave for", "depart for"], "去往某处": ["depart for"], "开出": ["pull out", "draw upon", "depart from"], "从…出发": ["proceed from", "depart from"], "平和地离开": ["depart peacefully"], "系主任": ["department chairman", "dean"], "有关部门": ["department concerned"], "百货公司": ["department store"], "百货商店": ["department store"], "出发时间": ["departure time"], "出发时刻表": ["departures board"], "非常信赖": ["depend heavily"], "从属子句": ["dependent clause"], "因变量": ["dependent variable"], "银行存款单": ["deposit certificate"], "定期存单": ["deposit certificate"], "存款单": ["deposit certificate"], "存入支票": ["deposit the cheque"], "极其忧愁": ["depress dreadfully", "depress drastically"], "降低到": ["depress to"], "经济不景气": ["depressed economy"], "堑式超速干道": ["depressed freeway"], "扁半圆": ["depressed semicircle"], "抑制效应": ["depressing effect"], "沉闷的天气": ["depressing weather"], "水深": ["depth of water"], "副局长": ["deputy director"], "副厅长": ["deputy director"], "副市长": ["deputy mayor"], "从…得到安慰": ["derive comfort from"], "源出": ["derive from"], "得自": ["from", "derive", "derive from"], "衍生于": ["derive from"], "由…传下来的": ["descend from"], "描述为": ["describe as"], "精确地描述": ["describe precisely"], "说明情况": ["describe the circumstance"], "向…描述": ["describe to"], "用…描述": ["describe with"], "描述统计学": ["descriptive statistics"], "描述统计": ["descriptive statistics"], "描述性统计": ["descriptive statistics"], "从…开小差": ["desert from…"], "擅离职守": ["desert", "desert from…", "desertion"], "从…逃亡": ["desert from…"], "抛弃原则": ["desert one's principles"], "荒漠土": ["desert soil"], "荒漠土壤": ["desert soil"], "荒岛": ["deserted 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["develop from"], "发展成为": ["develop into"], "稳步发展": ["steady progress", "March", "develop steadily", "march"], "发展中国家": ["south", "developing nations", "developing countries"], "发展中经济体": ["developing economies"], "显影设备": ["developing equipment"], "发展过程": ["history", "developing process"], "展开法": ["developing process"], "发展现状": ["development status"], "发展状况": ["development status"], "发展战略": ["development strategy"], "发展趋势": ["development tendency"], "设备驱动程序": ["device driver"], "故意持相反意见的人": ["devil's advocate"], "故意唱反调的人": ["devil's advocate"], "一种狡猾的图谋": ["devious attempt"], "想出一个办法": ["devise a scheme"], "发明仪器": ["devise an instrument"], "认真地构想": ["devise carefully"], "专门用于…": ["devote for"], "投身": ["devote into", "plunge", "enter upon"], "奉献出一生": ["devote one's life"], "把…献给": ["devote to"], "专一的爱": ["devoted love"], "虔诚光环": ["devotion aura"], "忠于职守(常用于正式嘉奖大会上)": ["devotion to duty"], "忠于职守": ["devotion to duty"], "刻度盘指示器": ["dial indicator"], "千分表": ["dial indicator"], "拨电话号码": ["dial the number"], "对话框": ["dialogue box"], "金刚石钻头": ["diamond drill"], "金刚石钻具": ["diamond drill"], "钻石戒指": ["diamond ring"], "钻戒": ["diamond ring"], "教学日记": ["diary for instruction"], "渐熄": ["die away"], "声音渐弱": ["die away"], "渐息": ["die away"], "(树木等)渐渐凋零": ["die away"], "渐渐凋零": ["die away"], "枯萎(根未死)": ["die away"], "假死": ["die away"], "为了…而死": ["die for"], "死于": ["die from", "succumb", "die of"], "因…而死": ["die from", "die of"], "死于饥饿": ["die of hunger"], "病故": ["die of illness"], "相继死去": ["die off"], "逐个死亡": ["die off"], "渴望做某事": ["die to do sth"], "当场死亡": ["died instantly"], "当场丧生": ["died instantly"], "区别于…": ["differ from", "know from"], "不同在": ["differ in"], "在…方面存在不同": ["differ in"], "与…意见不一": ["differ with"], "与…不调和": ["differ with"], "在…方面的差别": ["difference in"], "不同的种类": ["different kinds"], "将…区别开来": ["differentiate from"], "鉴别试验": ["differently tested"], "难点": ["difficult points"], "难问题": ["difficult problems"], "弥漫星云": ["diffuse nebula"], "挖坑": ["dig a hole", "scrape"], "掏腰包": ["dig down"], "挖下": ["dig down"], "掘倒": ["dig down"], "为…挖": ["dig for"], "掘土以掺进": ["dig in"], "掘土把…埋起来": ["dig in"], "深究": ["dig into"], "深入挖掘": ["dig into"], "掘出": ["dig out", "exhume", "lifting", "disinter", "unearth"], "挖出": ["scoop", "dig out", "resurrect", "dig up", "burrow", "scoop out", "excavate", "scratch", "uncover", "quarry", "lift", "plough", "plow", "lifting", "disinter", "gouge", "unearth", "grub"], "掘起": ["scratch up", "dig up"], "开垦": ["cultivate", "dig up", "tame", "clear", "reclaim", "cultivation", "cultivated"], "理解信息": ["digest information"], "领悟信息": ["digest information"], "摘要信息": ["digest information", "summary of"], "汇编成…": ["digest into"], "易消化": ["digest well"], "老化器": ["digestion tank"], "消化槽": ["digestion tank"], "消化液": ["digestive juice", "juice"], "消化系统": ["digestive system"], "数字音频": ["digital audio"], "数字图书馆": ["digital library"], "数字媒体": ["digital media"], "数码媒体": ["digital media"], "数字信号": ["digital signal"], "数字视频": ["digital video"], "数字录像": ["digital video"], "勤奋的": ["actively", "hardworking", "assiduous", "hard", "stalwart", "diligent", "industrious", "hard-working", "diligent hardworking"], "眼花": ["swim", "dazzle", "dim eyesight", "giddy"], "(特指澳大利亚的)点心": ["dim sum"], "在家吃饭": ["dine in", "eating"], "外出进餐": ["dine out"], "餐厅": ["refectory", "dining room", "canteen", "house", "dining hall"], "晚礼服": ["tuxedo", "dinner jacket", "evening dress"], "无尾礼服": ["tuxedo", "dinner jacket"], "餐桌": ["dinner table", "kitchen table", "table"], "恐龙分类表": ["dinosaur classification"], "恐龙蛋": ["dinosaur egg"], "浸在…里": ["dip into"], "稍加研究": ["dip into"], "直接接触": ["direct contact"], "直接选举": ["direct election"], "直选": ["direct election"], "直接影响": ["direct influence"], "直系亲属关系": ["direct relationship"], "测向": ["direction finding"], "定向效应": ["directive effect"], "直接成比例": ["directly proportional"], "直接相关": ["directly related"], "目录服务": ["directory service"], "查号服务": ["directory service"], "泥土路": ["dirt road"], "除污器": ["dirt 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["distinguish obviously", "distinguish sharply"], "著名的医生": ["distinguished doctors"], "使从…分心": ["distract from"], "分散某人的注意力": ["distract one's attention"], "分成": ["fallen into", "distribute into", "fell into", "divide into", "fall into"], "使…分散在(某区域)": ["distribute over"], "使…分散在": ["distribute over"], "把…分发给": ["distribute to"], "分布形状": ["distribution shape"], "分配制度": ["distribution system"], "配电系统": ["distribution system"], "无理地打扰": ["disturb rudely"], "扰乱治安": ["disturb the peace"], "惊恐不安": ["disturb with fear"], "干扰效应": ["disturbing effect"], "扰动力": ["disturbing force"], "摄动力": ["disturbing force"], "干扰力": ["disturbing force"], "干扰信号": ["disturbing signal", "interference"], "热切地开始做某事": ["dive (right) in"], "扑向": ["dive", "strike at", "dive for"], "潜水寻找…": ["dive for"], "把手伸入": ["dive into"], "从…跳水": ["dive off"], "积极发散": ["diverge positively"], "综合经营": ["diverse economic undertakings"], "不同的方法": ["diverse ways"], "多样性指数": ["diversity index"], "歧异度指数": ["diversity index"], "把注意力从…转移开来": ["divert attention from"], "分散注意力": ["distract from", "diversion", "divert attention from"], "把…分成": ["divide into", "divide … into"], "约去": ["divide out"], "分割": ["division", "cut", "divide", "partition", "segment", "divide up"], "把…分开": ["dissociate", "divide … into", "disassociate"], "整除规则": ["divisibility rule"], "约数": ["divisibility rule"], "整除": ["divisibility rule", "exactly divisible"], "劳动力的分工": ["division of labor"], "离婚法庭": ["divorce court"], "离婚率": ["divorce rate"], "帮某人一个忙": ["do a favour for sb"], "做一件好事": ["do a good deed"], "干得好": ["cooked", "good job", "do a good job", "cook"], "做有利于(某人)的事": ["do a good turn"], "做有利于…的事": ["do a good turn"], "去掉": ["peel", "take out", "do away with", "get rid off", "removal", "dispose", "lose", "subtract"], "弄死": ["do away with"], "损害某人": ["do sb. harm", "do damage to sb", "do sb harm"], "充当": ["act as", "serve as", "act", "do duty for"], "起…的作用": ["serve as", "function as", "do duty for"], "作恶": ["do wrong", "do evil", "err"], "为非作歹": ["do evil"], "干坏事": ["committed", "do evil", "commit crime", "wrongdoing"], "造孽": ["do evil"], "对…有效": ["do for", "available for"], "对某人有好处": ["do good to sb", "do sb good"], "有害处": ["do harm"], "不利": ["penalty", "do harm", "disadvantage"], "加害某人": ["do harm to someone"], "让某人不满意": ["do harm to someone"], "做作业": ["do one's homework", "do homework"], "做功课": ["do homework"], "恰当处理(某人或某事)": ["do justice to"], "恰当处理": ["do justice to"], "公平对待(某人或某事)": ["do justice to"], "公平对待": ["do justice to"], "给予公正的评价": ["do justice to"], "帮帮忙": ["do me a favour"], "弊大于利": ["do more harm than good"], "尽自己所能做某事": ["do my part for sth"], "竭尽全力": ["flat out", "move heaven and earth", "exert", "at top speed", "do one's best", "go to great lengths"], "尽职责": ["do one's duty"], "尽自己职责": ["do one's part"], "决一死战": ["do or die"], "粉刷": ["whitewash", "wash", "decorate", "rendering", "decorating", "stucco", "lime", "do over", "render", "painting"], "盛情款待": ["do proud", "regale", "duchess"], "足以使…骄傲": ["do proud"], "对某人有益": ["do sb good"], "对某人有害": ["do sb. harm", "do sb harm", "do harm to someone"], "对某人施暴": ["do sb violence"], "冤枉某人": ["do sb wrong"], "打扫卫生": ["do some cleaning"], "乐观地做某事": ["do sth with optimism", "do sth. with optimism"], "产生效果": ["tell", "have an effect upon", "do the deed", "have an effect on"], "付诸行动": ["do the deed", "enactment"], "洗餐具": ["wash up", "do the dishes"], "洗碗碟": ["do the dishes"], "奏效": ["take", "do the trick", "work"], "达到预期效果": ["do the trick"], "刷新": ["renovated", "refresh", "renovate", "do up", "furbish", "refurbish", "refreshing"], "修缮": ["do up", "remedy", "rehab"], "做得好": ["do well", "do a good job"], "进展好": ["do well"], "在…某方面干得好": ["do well in"], "与…相处": ["do with"], "没有…也行": ["do without", "go without"], "摒弃": ["relinquish", "spurn", "overthrow", "do without", "let go of", "forsake", "dismissal", "bin"], "创造奇迹": ["do wonders"], "取得惊人的成就": ["do wonders"], "做坏事": ["do wrong"], "冤枉…": ["do wrong to", "injure"], "为了…做错": ["do wrong to"], "对…做错": ["do wrong to"], "医嘱": ["medical advice", "doctor's order"], "文档传递": ["document delivery"], "证明文件": ["documentary evidence", "documentation"], "书面证明": ["documentary evidence"], "纪录片": ["documentary", "documentary film"], "文献片": ["documentary film"], "美元钞票": ["dollar bill"], "美元符": ["dollar sign"], "货币符号": ["dollar sign"], "国内机场": ["domestic airport"], "国内需求": ["domestic demand"], "本地内部需求": ["domestic demand"], "生活垃圾": ["domestic garbage"], "国内市场": ["domestic market"], "国内产品": ["domestic product"], "本地生产": ["domestic product"], "国内贸易": ["domestic trade"], "主要角色": ["dominant role"], "欺行霸市": ["dominate the market"], "捐赠某人器官": ["donate one's organs"], "赠予": ["donate", "give", "donate…to…", "confer", "bestow", "settle"], "凄惨": ["doom and gloom"], "前景不妙": ["doom and gloom"], "无望": ["hopelessness", "doom and gloom"], "门把手": ["doorknob", "door handle"], "宿舍大楼": ["dormitory buildings"], "光点图形": ["dot pattern"], "用…点缀于": ["dot with"], "后空翻两周": ["double backflip"], "双人床": ["double bed"], "双击": ["double click"], "双击鼠标": ["double click"], "楼中楼": ["double deck"], "双层甲板": ["double deck"], "双效": ["double effect"], "双重效果": ["double effect"], "双重影响": ["double effect"], "双人房": ["double room"], "双层巴士": ["double-decker bus"], "双刃剑(指对双方皆不利的局面,或敌我不分的计谋)": ["double-edged sword"], "双刃剑": ["double-edged sword"], "双面刃": ["double-edged sword"], "可疑债务": ["doubtful debts"], "对…怀疑": ["sceptical about", "doubtful of"], "下箭头键": ["down arrow"], "在底下": ["down below", "underneath", "beneath"], "遭不幸": ["down on one's luck"], "倒霉": ["down on one's luck", "out of luck", "reversal", "hard cheese"], "浪费掉": ["down the drain", "make away with"], "徒劳": ["down the drain", "futility"], "在整个…的时间里": ["down through"], "在一切方面": ["down to the ground"], "下载中心": ["download center"], "下载链接": ["download link"], "立即下载": ["download now"], "不信任的传统": ["downright distrust"], "完全不信任": ["downright distrust"], "楼下的房间": ["downstairs room"], "下游产业": ["downstream industry"], "下游行业": ["downstream industry"], "下游压力": ["downstream pressure"], "下游处理": ["downstream processing"], "市中心": ["town", "downtown area", "downtown"], "市中心商业区": ["downtown business district"], "城市商业区": ["downtown business district"], "向下趋势": ["downward trend"], "下跌趋势": ["downward trend"], "几十": ["dozens of"], "即期汇票": ["draft at sight"], "合同草案": ["draft contract"], "抽风机": ["draft fan"], "通风机": ["draft fan", "ventilator"], "通气风扇": ["draft fan"], "向下拖": ["drag down"], "拖曳力": ["drag force"], "插入讨论中": ["drag in"], "拉进": ["rouse in", "drag in", "pull into"], "龙船": ["dragon boat"], "龙舟": ["dragon boat"], "龙袍": ["dragon robe"], "龙战士": ["dragon warrior"], "龙之武士(功夫熊猫中的称号)": ["dragon warrior"], "龙之武士": ["dragon warrior"], "神龙大侠": ["dragon warrior"], "龙勇士": ["dragon warrior"], "戏剧学会": ["drama club"], "戏剧艺术": ["drama", "dramatic art"], "日新月异的变化": ["dramatic changes"], "戏剧评论": ["dramatic criticism"], "给人印象深刻的事件": ["dramatic event"], "富有戏剧性的场面": ["dramatic event"], "非常有趣": ["dramatically interesting"], "深吸一口气": ["take a deep breath", "draw a deep breath", "deep breath"], "画一张图": ["draw a picture"], "画幅画": ["draw a picture"], "拉到一边": ["draw aside"], "把…拉开": ["draw aside"], "引开": ["draw away"], "退却": ["fall back", "retreat", "draw back", "retire", "retirement", "recoil"], "使保持距离": ["draw back"], "进站": ["draw in", "pull into", "pull in"], "接近黄昏": ["draw in"], "紧缩开支": ["draw in", "economise, economize", "retrench"], "获得灵感": ["draw inspiration", "get inspiration", "drive inspiration"], "(车船等)驶进": ["draw into"], "驶进": ["draw into", "pull"], "开到": ["draw into"], "从…吸取教训": ["learning", "draw lessons from", "learned"], "拉平(相齐)": ["draw level"], "拉平": ["flatten", "draw level", "even up", "level"], "抽签决定": ["ballot", "draw lots"], "戴上": ["put on", "get on", "draw on", "don"], "临近": ["loom", "near", "draw on", "approach"], "拟订": ["draw out", "drawing up", "sketch out", "frame", "lay"], "拉长": ["elongate", "pad", "draw out", "pull out", "prolonged", "prolong", "stretch"], "支取存款": ["draw out deposit"], "使某人注意到": ["draw sb’s attention to"], "支取": ["draw sth out of sth"], "草拟": ["rough", "sketch out", "draw", "draft", "draw up", "sketch"], "停住": ["snub", "halt", "stand", "come to a halt", "draw up"], "使靠近": ["close", "draw up"], "拟出提纲": ["draw up (make) an outline"], "列清单": ["list", "draw up a list", "make a list of"], "梦想成真": ["dream come true"], "美梦成真": ["dream come true"], "梦之队": ["dream team"], "最佳阵容": ["dream team"], "梦幻般的气氛": ["dreamlike aura"], "穿上盛装": ["dress up", "dress (sb) up"], "着装规定": ["dress code"], "穿得优美": ["dress elegantly"], "为…而打扮": ["dress for"], "彩排": ["dress rehearsal", "rehearsal"], "海带干": ["dried seaweed"], "干海草": ["dried seaweed"], "紫菜丝": ["dried seaweed"], "干海藻": ["dried seaweed"], "套管钻进": ["drill in"], "训练(某人)掌握(某种技能,法则等)": ["drill in"], "训练…掌握…": ["drill in"], "钻杆": ["drill pipe"], "钻管": ["drill pipe"], "钻探管": ["drill pipe"], "钻探平台": ["drilling platform", "rig"], "举杯祝酒": ["drink a toast"], "喝咖啡": ["drink coffee"], "喝牛奶": ["drink milk"], "喝茶": ["tea", "drink tea"], "为…祝贺": ["drink to"], "喝完": ["drink up"], "喝水": ["drink water"], "饮水": ["drink water", "drink"], "饮水器": ["water fountain", "drinking bowl"], "(把车)开走": ["drive away"], "开走": ["drive away"], "从…赶走…": ["drive from"], "从…开车来": ["drive from"], "钉入": ["drive in"], "赶进": ["drive in"], "运球突破": ["drive in"], "继续前进": ["drive on", "move on"], "驱赶": ["drive", "drive out", "urge", "compel", "driving", "drove", "herd", "exorcise", "flush", "flush out", "driven", "drive out (of)"], "开车外出": ["drive out", "drive out (of)"], "使人发疯": ["drive sb. crazy"], "使人发狂": ["drive sb. mad"], "使人非常生气": ["drive someone mad"], "抬高": ["head up", "run-up", "jack", "inflated", "drive up", "push up", "lift", "hoist"], "开车赶到": ["drive up"], "迫使…上升": ["drive up"], "驱动力": ["drive", "driving force", "engine", "thrust"], "驾照": ["driving licence"], "落伍": ["straggle", "drop behind"], "顺便拜访": ["look in on", "drop by", "stop in"], "从…落下": ["drop from", "over"], "从…除去": ["drop from"], "顺便走访": ["go by", "drop in"], "偶然拜访": ["drop in"], "不知不觉变得": ["drop into"], "顺便进入": ["drop into"], "偶然进入": ["drop into"], "停止吧": ["drop it"], "忘掉": ["behind", "obliterate", "forget", "drop it"], "丢掉不管": ["drop it"], "让…下车": ["discharge", "unload", "drop-off", "set down", "drop off"], "训斥": ["scold", "reprimand", "carpet", "get after", "lesson", "rip", "hell", "drop on", "upbraid", "rebuke", "sit on", "lecture"], "偶然发现": ["stumble", "stumble across", "alight", "drop on", "hit on", "hit"], "突然访问": ["drop on", "descend"], "使某人感到吃惊": ["drop on"], "退学": ["drop out", "quit school", "drop out of", "drop out of school"], "失学": ["drop out of"], "从…当中退出": ["drop out of"], "投影": ["projection", "drop shadow", "project"], "极其动人的": ["drop-dead gorgeous"], "陷于": ["drown in", "be stuck in"], "压过": ["drown", "drown out"], "吸毒者": ["dope", "drug addict"], "滥用药物者": ["drug addict"], "药物成瘾": ["drug addiction"], "称做药物不耐症": ["drug intolerance"], "药物不耐性": ["drug intolerance"], "药物疗法": ["drug therapy"], "反复灌输": ["preach", "inculcate", "drum in"], "反复强调": ["emphasize repeatedly", "din", "hammer", "drum in"], "鼓楼": ["drum tower"], "招徕(顾客)": ["drum up"], "招徕": ["pull", "drum up", "tout"], "竭力争取": ["drum up"], "纠集": ["drum up"], "鼓动": ["encourage", "encouraging", "agitate", "agitated", "incite", "agitation", "inspire", "drum up", "animate", "instigate"], "酒后开车": ["drunk driving", "drunken driving"], "干电池": ["dry battery"], "干物质": ["dry matter"], "固形物": ["dry matter", "solid"], "变干": ["dry", "desiccate", "dry out", "drying"], "戒酒": ["detox", "abstinence", "dry out", "temperance"], "旱季": ["dry season"], "干季": ["dry season"], "干性皮肤": ["dry skin"], "干涸": ["wizen", "dry", "dry up"], "住口": ["shut up", "dry up"], "双重性格": ["dual disposition"], "可疑来源": ["dubious origin"], "可疑的名誉": ["dubious reputation"], "鸭蛋": ["duck egg"], "一致(像鸭子似的一个接着一个)": ["ducks in a row"], "尽职调查": ["due diligence"], "应该得到": ["due for"], "待发": ["due out"], "待退": ["due out"], "应离店但还未离店": ["due out"], "应归于": ["due to"], "归咎于…的": ["due to"], "归因于": ["owing", "attribute to", "owe", "ascribe", "due to", "accredit"], "归于": ["accredit", "vest", "attribute", "ascribe", "due to", "go", "lay to"], "一决雌雄": ["fight it out", "duke it out"], "用拳头猛击": ["duke it out"], "杜克大学": ["duke university"], "外表呆板": ["dull in appearance"], "头脑简单的人": ["dull man"], "听觉不灵": ["dull of hearing"], "理解迟钝": ["dull of understanding"], "小型送货升降机": ["dumb waiter"], "送菜升降机": ["dumb waiter"], "餐用升降机": ["dumb waiter"], "哑变量": ["dummy variable"], "虚拟变量": ["dummy variable"], "虚变量": ["dummy variable"], "在白天": ["in the day time", "during day", "in the day", "by day"], "在某人逗留期间": ["during one's stay"], "吸尘器": ["vacuum cleaner", "dust collector"], "集尘器": ["dust collector"], "抹去灰尘": ["dust off"], "除尘": ["dust removal", "dust"], "除尘设备": ["dust removal"], "清洁队员": ["dustbin man"], "不能令人满意的回答": ["dusty answer"], "多尘环境": ["dusty atmosphere"], "粉状燃料": ["dusty fuel"], "含尘气体": ["dusty gas"], "职务犯罪": ["duty criminally"], "仔细想": ["dwell upon"], "动态平衡": ["dynamic balance"], "动平衡": ["dynamic balance"], "动态范围": ["dynamic range"], "动态仿真": ["dynamic simulation"], "动力系统": ["dynamic system"], "动力学关": ["dynamics Off"], "力关": ["dynamics Off"], "能源学关": ["dynamics Off"], "王朝秩序": ["dynastic order"], "王朝统治": ["dynastic rule"], "电子邮件地址": ["email address", "e-mail address"], "彼此": ["each other", "one another", "together"], "互相": ["each other", "one another"], "做事非常卖力气的人": ["eager beaver"], "做事勤奋的人(特别指做事过于卖力气以讨好上司的人)": ["eager beaver"], "做事勤奋的人": ["eager beaver"], "迫切要": ["eager for"], "焦急的样子": ["eager looks"], "鹰眼": ["eagle eye"], "敏锐的目光": ["eagle eye"], "目光锐利的人": ["eagle eye"], "渗漏险": ["eakage Risk"], "从早到晚": ["early and late"], "早期诊断": ["early diagnosis"], "早育": ["early motherhood"], "初为人母": ["early motherhood"], "在初期": ["early", "early on"], "早先": ["previous", "early on"], "学期制": ["early semester"], "早春": ["early spring"], "赚取利息": ["earn interest"], "赚钱": ["make", "make profit", "make money", "make a fortune", "make a profit", "pull down", "earn money"], "维持生活": ["make a living", "subsist", "earn one's living"], "赢得…的称号": ["earn the title of"], "习得行为": ["earned behavior"], "利润率": ["earning capacity"], "收入额": ["earning capacity"], "赚钱能力": ["earning power"], "收益能力": ["earning power"], "收益率": ["earning rate"], "地震灾害": ["earthquake disaster"], "地震强度": ["earthquake intensity"], "震区": ["earthquake region"], "地震区": ["earthquake region"], "抗震性": ["earthquake resistance"], "易于预见": ["easily foreseeable"], "东海岸": ["east coast"], "东部地区": ["eastern region"], "易操作的": ["foolproof", "easy to operate"], "逐渐破坏": ["eat away at"], "吃早饭": ["have breakfast", "breakfast", "eat breakfast"], "吃晚饭": ["have supper", "supper", "sup", "eat dinner"], "狼吞虎咽地吃": ["gulp", "wolf", "wolf down", "shift", "devour", "scarf", "demolish", "woof", "eat greedily"], "赔罪": ["apologize", "amends", "eat humble pie"], "赔礼": ["eat humble pie"], "吃掉": ["capture", "eat off", "lunch off", "make away with", "put out of sight"], "腐蚀掉": ["eat off"], "上馆子吃饭": ["eat out"], "锈坏": ["eat out"], "吃薯条": ["eat poutine"], "击垮": ["overwhelming", "overwhelm", "eat up"], "生态农业": ["ecological agriculture"], "生态平衡": ["ecological balance"], "生态环境": ["ecological environment", "environment"], "经济效益": ["economic benefit"], "经济繁荣": ["economic boom"], "经济腾飞": ["economic boom"], "经济负担": ["economic burden"], "经济圈": ["economic circle"], "经济周期": ["economic cycle", "economic circle"], "经济合作": ["economic cooperation"], "经济危机": ["economic crisis"], "经济循环": ["economic cycle"], "经济发展": ["economic development", "economic progress"], "经济评价": ["economic evaluation"], "经济扩张": ["economic expansion"], "经济地理学": ["economic geography"], "经济全球化": ["economic globalization"], "经济增长": ["economic growth"], "经济成长": ["economic growth"], "经济一体化": ["economic integration"], "经济政策": ["economic policy"], "经济前提": ["economic premise"], "经济进步": ["economic progress"], "经济实力": ["economic strength"], "经济力量": ["economic strength"], "经济结构": ["economic structure"], "经济体制": ["economic structure", "economics"], "经济实用": ["economical and practical"], "经济实惠": ["economical and practical", "economy"], "经济效率": ["economical efficiency"], "经济效果": ["economical efficiency"], "经济有效": ["economical efficiency"], "节省燃料": ["economical of fuel"], "经济运行": ["economical operation"], "边缘效应": ["edge effect"], "由(某人)剪辑": ["edit by"], "由…剪辑": ["edit by"], "根据…编辑": ["edit from"], "在编辑过程中删去(字句)": ["edit out"], "在编辑过程中删去": ["edit out"], "剪辑影片": ["edit the film"], "社论": ["editorial essay", "leader", "editorial"], "学(某学科)": ["educate for"], "进行…的主题教育": ["educate on the subject of"], "自学": ["teach oneself", "self-education", "learn by oneself", "educate oneself"], "使…教育成为": ["educate to"], "有根据的推测": ["educated guess"], "教育心理学": ["educational psychology"], "有效日期": ["effective date"], "生效期": ["effective date"], "生效日期": ["effective from"], "自…起生效": ["effective from"], "有效管理": ["effective management"], "有效措施": ["effective measures", "effective measure"], "有效拉力": ["effective tension"], "有效缩短": ["effectively shorten"], "有效传输信号": ["effectively transmitted signal"], "蛋卷": ["egg roll"], "茄子种子": ["eggplant seed"], "八号球": ["eight ball"], "球形全向传声器": ["eight ball"], "要么…要么…": ["either…or", "either… or…"], "两者之一": ["either… or…"], "不是…就是…": ["either…or"], "或者…或者…": ["either…or"], "弹射椅": ["ejection seat"], "弹射座椅": ["ejection seat"], "弹性绷带": ["elastic bandage"], "橡胶绷带": ["elastic bandage"], "弹性形变": ["elastic deformation"], "紧挨着": ["elbow-to-elbow", "next to"], "哥哥": ["elder brothers"], "兄长": ["elder brothers"], "姐姐": ["elder sisters", "sister", "elder sister"], "姊姊": ["elder sisters", "elder sister"], "老年糖尿病": ["elderly diabetes"], "老年人口": ["elderly population"], "选…为…": ["elect as"], "以全票当选": ["elect by a unanimous vote"], "选某人当主席": ["elect sb chairman"], "推选…进入(担任)": ["elect to"], "推选…进入": ["elect to"], "竞选运动": ["campaign", "election campaign", "campaigning"], "选举活动": ["election campaign"], "选举委员会": ["election committee"], "电铃": ["electric bell"], "电动自行车": ["electric bicycle"], "电热毯": ["electric blanket"], "电车": ["trolley", "electric car", "tram"], "电荷": ["load", "charge", "electric charge"], "某些基本粒子的属性": ["electric charge"], "电费": ["electric charge"], "电钻": ["electric drill"], "电能": ["juice", "electrical energy", "electric energy"], "电丝网": ["electric fence"], "电围网": ["electric fence"], "电场": ["electrical field", "electric field"], "电筒": ["electric flashlight"], "电熨斗": ["electric iron"], "电功率": ["electric power"], "电动剃刀": ["shaver", "electric razor"], "电动刮胡刀": ["electric razor", "electric shaver"], "电剃须刀": ["electric shaver"], "触电": ["shock", "electric shock"], "电击": ["shock", "electric shock"], "电火花": ["electric spark", "spark"], "电刺激": ["electric stimulus"], "电炉": ["stove", "electric stove"], "电动牙刷": ["electric toothbrush"], "电气设备": ["electrical", "electrical apparatus"], "导电体": ["electrical conductor"], "电导体": ["electrical conductor"], "电导线": ["electrical conductor"], "电力(电气)工程学": ["electrical engineering"], "电力工程学": ["electrical engineering"], "电力机械": ["electrical machinery"], "电阻": ["electrical resistance", "resistance"], "抗电阻性": ["electrical resistance"], "输电": ["electricity transmission"], "电磁干扰": ["electromagnetic interfere"], "电子自旋": ["electron spin"], "电子计算器": ["electronic calculator"], "电子线路": ["electronic circuit"], "电子商务": ["e-commerce", "electronic commerce"], "电子文件": ["electronic documents"], "电子设备": ["electronics", "electronic equipment"], "电子工业": ["electronic industry", "electronics"], "电子签名": ["electronic signature"], "电子签署": ["electronic signature"], "电子签章": ["electronic signature"], "电子污染": ["electronic smog"], "美观大方": ["elegant appearance"], "举止文雅的女人": ["elegant female"], "文雅的仪态": ["the elegant manners", "elegant manners"], "式样优雅": ["elegant shape"], "衣着讲究的男子": ["elegantly dressed man"], "小学": ["primary school", "elementary school", "grade school"], "小学校": ["elementary school"], "蒙馆": ["elementary school"], "海象": ["elephant seal", "walrus"], "象鼻管": ["elephant trunk"], "高架快车道": ["elevated freeway"], "仅有": ["else other than"], "难以捉摸的因素": ["elusive factor"], "电子邮箱信箱": ["email address"], "使对手难堪": ["embarrass an opponent"], "妨碍某人的行动": ["embarrass one's movement"], "羞愧难当": ["embarrassed beyond words"], "窘态": ["embarrassed look"], "镶块": ["embedded lump", "insert"], "胚胎移植": ["embryo transfer"], "胚胎转移": ["embryo transfer"], "胚胎植入": ["embryo transfer"], "自…出现": ["emerge from"], "从…显露出来": ["emerge from"], "层出不穷": ["emerge in endlessly"], "从…里出来": ["emerge out of"], "紧急信息": ["emergence message"], "应急操作": ["emergence operation"], "紧急停车索": ["emergency cord"], "急诊科": ["emergency department"], "急诊室": ["casualty", "emergency", "emergency department"], "紧急出口": ["emergency hatch"], "紧急措施": ["emergency measures"], "应变措施": ["emergency measures"], "应急响应": ["emergency response"], "应急灯": ["emergent light"], "新兴民族/国家": ["emergent nations/states"], "急救处理": ["emergent treatment"], "急症治疗": ["emergent treatment"], "感情投资": ["emotion invest"], "情绪依恋": ["emotional attachment"], "情感依附": ["emotional attachment"], "情变": ["emotional betrayal"], "情绪智力": ["emotional intelligence"], "情商": ["emotional intelligence"], "情绪智商": ["emotional intelligence"], "情绪稳定性": ["emotional stability"], "情绪状态": ["emotional state"], "兴奋状态": ["emotional state"], "情绪压力": ["emotional stress"], "精神紧张": ["emotional stress"], "精神支持": ["moral support", "emotional support"], "着重于": ["put emphasis on", "place emphasis on", "emphasis on"], "对…的强调": ["stress on", "emphasis on"], "向某人强调某事": ["emphasize sth to sb"], "强调某事的重要性": ["emphasize the importance of sth"], "对…的绝对控制": ["empire over"], "雇用一名侦探": ["employ a detective", "hire a detective"], "用来干某事": ["employ about"], "广泛使用": ["employ extensively"], "被…雇佣": ["employ in"], "受聘于": ["employ in"], "职工福利": ["employee benefits"], "员工手册": ["employee manual"], "员工参与": ["employee participation"], "员工股份持有制": ["employee stock ownership"], "员工流动": ["employee turnover"], "职工离职": ["employee turnover"], "就业机会": ["employment opportunity"], "就业压力": ["employment pressure"], "把…作为": ["employ…as"], "空瓶子": ["empty bottle", "return"], "空瓶": ["empty bottle"], "腾空": ["empty out"], "倒空": ["turn", "empty out", "void", "deplete", "empty"], "空集": ["empty set"], "空集合": ["empty set"], "空设": ["empty set"], "空腹": ["empty stomach"], "空话": ["blah", "empty talk", "jazz", "hollow words", "gas"], "乳胶炸药": ["emulsion explosive"], "成功实现社会主义革命": ["enable a successful socialist revolution"], "使某人能做某事": ["enable sb to do sth"], "提高效率": ["enahnce efficiency", "improve efficiency"], "附上近照一张": ["enclose a recent photograph"], "把…封入(信封,包裹等)": ["enclose in"], "把…封入": ["enclose in"], "附上": ["enclose with", "enclosed", "attach", "attached", "enclose"], "密围式搭建物": ["enclosure structure"], "密围式构筑物": ["enclosure structure"], "鼓励某人做某事": ["encouage sb to do sth"], "两军会战": ["encounter between the armies"], "意外地遇到": ["encounter unexpectedly"], "为…所鼓舞": ["encourage by"], "鼓励采用": ["encourage introduction"], "鼓励投资": ["encouragement of investment", "encourage investment"], "在(某方面)鼓励某人": ["encourage sb in"], "在(某方面)鼓励…": ["encourage sb in"], "在鼓励…": ["encourage sb in"], "鼓励某人做": ["encourage sb to do"], "用…方式鼓励某人": ["encourage with"], "激励机制": ["incentive mechanism", "encouraging system"], "大英百科全书": ["encyclopedia britannica"], "以…为结果": ["end in"], "最终": ["ultimate", "finale", "eventually", "ultimately", "last", "end up doing", "finally"], "以…而结束": ["end up with"], "以做…而告终": ["end up(by)doing"], "危及他人的生命": ["endanger other people's lives"], "危及公共安全": ["endanger public security"], "危及和平谈判": ["endanger the peace talks"], "濒临灭绝的物种": ["endangered species"], "濒危野生动物": ["endangered wildlife"], "结束点": ["ending point"], "环形带": ["endless belt"], "循环链": ["endless chain"], "死循环": ["endless loop"], "无限循环": ["endless loop"], "无尽的爱": ["endless love"], "永无止境的爱": ["endless love"], "贻害无穷": ["endless trouble"], "天涯海角": ["ends of the earth"], "发现敌人": ["enemy spotted"], "敌人被瞄准": ["enemy spotted"], "高能电子": ["energetic electron"], "高能粒子": ["energetic particle"], "高能射线": ["energetic ray"], "节能": ["energy efficient", "save energy", "energy saving"], "能量消耗": ["energy expenditure"], "能源产业": ["energy industry"], "能源工业": ["energy 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original"], "扩大词汇量": ["enlarge vocabulary"], "巨大的损失": ["enormous losses"], "对…足够的": ["enough for"], "询问…": ["enquire about"], "深入调查": ["enquire deeply"], "查询(商店的货物)": ["enquire for"], "查询": ["see about", "interrogate", "demand", "query", "consult", "interrogation", "enquire for", "inquiry into", "inquest", "consulting", "check"], "求见(某人)": ["enquire for", "enquire"], "求见…": ["enquire for", "enquire"], "查询表格": ["enquiry form"], "丰富生活": ["enrich life"], "丰富头脑": ["enrich mind"], "护理助理": ["enroll nurse"], "保护…免受": ["ensure against"], "确保某人有发言权": ["ensure for sb a voice"], "保护某人免受伤害": ["ensure from harm"], "保证和平": ["ensure peace"], "保护某人免受…": ["ensure sb against"], "入港": ["docking", "haven", "enter a harbour"], "通过…进入": ["enter by"], "开始从事": ["turn", "launching", "enter into", "enter", "take up"], "订立契约": ["contract", "enter into a contract"], "加入行列": ["enter into force"], "着手": ["enter upon", "commence", "set about", "get down to", "open", "beginning", "proceed", "address oneself to", "set out", "set out to do", "entrance", "onset", "get down", "take measures", "begin", "fall to doing", "embark"], "企业价值": ["enterprise value"], "进取精神": ["enterprising spirit", "aggressiveness"], "创业精神": ["enterprising spirit", "entrepreneurship"], "作为贵宾款待": ["entertain as an honoured guest"], "殷勤款待": ["entertain hospitably", "hospitality"], "隆重地招待": ["entertain royally"], "用音乐助兴": ["entertain with music"], "招待费": ["entertaining expenses"], "娱乐业": ["entertainment industry"], "娱乐信息": ["entertainment information"], "娱乐资讯": ["entertainment information"], "热爱…": ["enthusiasm for"], "对…热心": ["enthusiastic about"], "在…热心": ["enthusiastic in"], "全部协议": ["entire agreement"], "完整合约": ["entire agreement"], "入学考试": ["board", "the entrance examination", "entrance examination"], "入场费": ["admission", "fee", "entrance fee"], "企业家的活动": ["entrepreneurial activity"], "企业创造力": ["entrepreneurial creativity"], "委托代理": ["entrust agency"], "报名表格": ["entry form"], "入境许可证": ["entry permit"], "入境签证": ["entry visa"], "环境意识": ["environmental awareness"], "环保意识": ["environmental awareness"], "环境化学": ["environmental chemistry"], "环境退化": ["environmental degradation"], "环境质量下降": ["environmental degradation"], "环境破坏": ["environmental destruction"], "环境教育": ["environmental education"], "环保的": ["environmental friendly", "environmental", "green", "ethical"], "环境冲击": ["environmental impact"], "环境影响": ["environmental impact"], "环境管理": ["environmental management"], "环境污染": ["environmental pollution"], "环境问题": ["environmental problem"], "环境保护": ["environmental protection"], "环境卫生": ["sanitation", "environmental sanitation"], "环保口号": ["environmental slogan"], "环境意识设计": ["environmentally conscious design"], "对环境无危害的": ["environmentally friendly"], "酶活力": ["enzyme activity"], "机会均等": ["equal opportunity"], "平等互利": ["equality and mutual benefit"], "男女平等": ["equality between the sexes"], "等可能事件": ["equally likely event"], "实力相等的": ["equally matched"], "为长途旅行准备行装": ["equip oneself for a long journey"], "身穿铠甲": ["equip oneself in armour"], "装备很差": ["equip poorly"], "设备故障": ["equipment failure"], "股权投资": ["equity investment"], "注入资本": ["equity investment"], "权益投资": ["equity investment"], "股权": ["equity stake", "interest"], "等量": ["equivalence", "equivalent weight"], "删除邮箱": ["erase box"], "从…喷出": ["erupt from"], "突然发展成": ["erupt into"], "在…出疹": ["erupt on"], "周期性地喷发": ["erupt periodically"], "萌芽期": ["eruption period", "embryo"], "逃避行为": ["escape behavior"], "避难行为": ["escape behavior"], "逃脱": ["escaped", "outrun", "break out", "broke out", "evade", "escape from", "wriggle", "evasion", "escape", "squeak", "shake off", "get away from", "weasel", "get away"], "越狱": ["go over the hill", "breakout", "escape from prison"], "换码键": ["escape key"], "退出键": ["escape key", "escape"], "脱口而出": ["bolt", "escape one's lips", "blurt"], "太平梯": ["escape stair"], "安全梯": ["escape stair"], "尤其是现在": ["especially now"], "必要条件": ["requisite", "essential condition", "requirement"], "本质区别": ["essential difference"], "必需元素": ["essential element"], "香精油": ["essential oil"], "精油": ["essential oil"], "天生即兴好手": ["essentially an improviser"], "确立为…": ["establish as"], "使成为…": ["establish as"], "在…落户": ["establish oneself in"], "定居在": ["establish oneself in"], "建立业务关系": ["establishment of business relations"], "估计…": ["estimate at"], "估计有…": ["estimate at"], "对…估计": ["estimate for"], "永恒的烈火": ["eternal flame"], "道德困境": ["ethical dilemma", "moral dilemma"], "伦理困境": ["ethical dilemma"], "少数族群": ["ethnic minorities", "ethnic minority"], "少数族裔": ["ethnic minorities"], "疏散至": ["evacuate to", "evacuat to"], "把(某一批人)撤到(安全的地方)": ["evacuat to"], "把…撤到…": ["evacuat to"], "疏散到": ["evacuate to"], "疏散路线": ["evacuation route"], "避难方向": ["evacuation route"], "把…评价为": ["evaluate as"], "公正地评价": ["evaluate fairly"], "评价自己": ["evaluate oneself"], "对旧家具作出估价": ["evaluate the old furniture"], "评估标准": ["evaluation criteria", "evaluation criterion"], "评定标准": ["evaluation criteria"], "正如": ["no less than", "just as", "even as", "as"], "正巧在…的时候": ["even as"], "扯平": ["even up"], "即使当": ["even when"], "晚会": ["evening party", "evening"], "最后断裂": ["eventual failure"], "最后破坏": ["eventual failure"], "最终净化": ["eventual purification"], "从那时起": ["ever since", "from then on"], "每一点": ["every bit"], "每天": ["everyday", "day", "every day", "daily"], "每个白天": ["every day"], "四面八方": ["far and wide", "the length and breadth", "every direction"], "彻底": ["every inch", "quite", "bang", "downright", "through", "in grain", "hollow"], "每隔一天": ["every second day", "every other day", "every two days"], "所有的钱": ["every penny"], "每一分钱": ["every penny"], "每两天": ["every second day"], "其他人": ["someone else", "everyone else", "everybody else", "other", "others", "some …others"], "所有在场的人": ["everyone present", "everybody present"], "日常用语": ["everyday language"], "进化人类学": ["evolutionary anthropology"], "演化的人类": ["evolutionary anthropology"], "进化生物学": ["evolutionary biology"], "进化过程": ["evolutionary process"], "演化过程": ["evolutionary process"], "进化心理学": ["evolutionary psychology"], "进化认识论": ["evolutionist epistemology"], "不断地发展": ["evolve constantly"], "由类人猿进化而来": ["evolve from the ape"], "心理变化": ["evolve mentally"], "前男友": ["ex-boyfriend"], "精密公式": ["exact formula"], "对…很严谨": ["exact in"], "精密的测量": ["exact measurement"], "准确解": ["exact solution"], "一模一样": ["snap", "exactly alike"], "夸张的面部表情": ["exaggerated facial expressions"], "夸张的表情": ["exaggerated facial expressions"], "夸张的故事": ["tall tale", "exaggerated story"], "审批": ["examine and approve"], "专心地考试": ["examine attentively"], "查找": ["look up", "consultation", "find", "examine for", "ferret", "trouble shoot"], "对某事进行调查": ["examine into an affair"], "实例分析": ["example analyse"], "激怒滑坡问题": ["exasperate landslide problems"], "激怒山泥倾泻问题": ["exasperate landslide problems"], "挖土工程": ["excavation work"], "在…方面超过": ["exceed in"], "优良品质": ["excellent quality"], "优良质量": ["excellent quality"], "极好的条件": ["excellent terms"], "除了…以外": ["with the exception of", "except for", "bar"], "要不是由于": ["except for", "except"], "除了…": ["except that", "only that", "along with"], "出轨边缘": ["exception to the rule"], "特殊才能": ["exceptional ability", "verve"], "特殊能力": ["knack", "exceptional ability"], "例外事件": ["exceptional case"], "特殊情况": ["exceptional circumstances", "exceptional case"], "例外情况": ["exceptional circumstances", "exceptional case"], "额外超载": ["exceptional overload"], "非同一般的表现": ["exceptional performance"], "冰雪聪明": ["exceptionally intelligent"], "超额生产能力": ["excess capacity"], "过剩设备": ["excess capacity"], "超额需求": ["excess demand"], "超额电压": ["excess voltage"], "超前消费": ["excessive consumption"], "过度消耗": ["excessive consumption"], "超前花费": ["excessive consumption"], "超前消耗。": ["excessive consumption"], "聪明过头": ["excessive ingenuity"], "过度担忧的": ["excessively fearful"], "交换我们的意见": ["exchange our opinions"], "汇率": ["exchange rate"], "兑换率": ["exchange rate"], "与…交换": ["swap", "exchange with"], "使激动之至": ["excite boundlessly"], "使特别激动": ["excite especially"], "激起某人的同情心": ["excite 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"live by", "feed"], "靠…生存": ["survive on", "exist on"], "靠…生活": ["live on", "exist by", "live off", "exist on"], "存在性定理": ["existence theorem"], "出口压力": ["exit pressure"], "退往…": ["exit to"], "扩大内需": ["expand domestic demand"], "从…增加到": ["expand from…to…"], "扩大为": ["expand into"], "膨胀剂": ["expansion agent"], "发泡剂": ["expansion agent", "foaming agent"], "扩建计划": ["expansion project"], "外籍老师": ["expatriate teachers"], "焦急地等待": ["expect anxiously", "wait on"], "期待去做": ["expect to do"], "期望做某事": ["expect to do"], "对(某人)期望过高": ["expect too much of"], "对…期望过高": ["expect too much of"], "盲目地认为": ["expect vaguely"], "期待值": ["expectation value"], "驱逐出": ["expel from"], "把她所有的精力都花在某事上": ["expend all her efforts on sth"], "花费精力做某事": ["expend energy in doing"], "花费很大": ["expend largely"], "耗资巨大的工程": ["expensive project"], "买不起": ["expensive to buy"], "有经验": ["experience in"], "有…的经验": ["experience in", "be experienced in"], "经验判断": ["experienced judgement"], "熟练劳动力": ["experienced labor force"], "有经验的运动员": ["experienced player"], "熟于": ["expert in"], "在…方面是行家": ["expert in"], "专家系统": ["expert system"], "鉴定证人": ["expert witness"], "说明计划": ["explain a plan"], "详细地解释": ["explain minutely"], "把…解释成": ["explain sth as"], "向某人解释某事": ["explain to sb sth.", "explain to sb sth", "explain sth to sb", "explain sth. to sb."], "显式表达式": ["explicit expression"], "显式": ["explicit expression", "explicit formulation"], "显函数": ["explicit function"], "爆发出": ["explode in", "burst"], "引爆火药": ["explode the gunpowder"], "因(愤怒等)而发作": ["explode with"], "因而发作": ["explode with"], "利用才能": ["exploit talents"], "房地产开发": ["exploitation of real estate"], "采矿权": ["exploitation right"], "勘探与开发": ["exploration and development"], "勘探石油": ["explore for oil"], "探测卫星": ["explorer satellite"], "爆炸事故": ["explosion hazard"], "防爆": ["explosion proof"], "爆炸力": ["explosive force", "explosive power"], "爆破力": ["explosive force"], "出口企业": ["export enterprise"], "出口税": ["export tax"], "出口贸易": ["export trade"], "出口商": ["exporter", "export trade"], "揭露…是": ["expose as"], "陈列出来": ["expose for"], "揭穿了秘密": ["expose the secret"], "使暴露于": ["expose to"], "使遭受": ["subject", "expose", "inflict", "subject to", "expose to", "cause", "exposed"], "露天甲板": ["exposed deck"], "暴露的地方": ["exposed location"], "暴露于": ["expose to", "expose…to"], "使处于…的影响之下": ["expose to", "expose…to"], "曝光控制": ["exposure control"], "曝光时间": ["exposure", "exposure time"], "限时专送": ["prompt delivery", "express delivery"], "表达感谢": ["express gratitude"], "表达自己的思想": ["express oneself"], "快递服务": ["express service"], "表达不能够": ["expressing Inability"], "表现力": ["expressive force", "sensitivity"], "技艺精湛": ["exquisite craftsmanship"], "向东延伸": ["extend eastward"], "伸出来": ["extend out"], "遍及全国": ["extend over the whole country"], "推广这个方法": ["extend this method"], "大家庭": ["clan", "tribe", "extended family"], "分机号码": ["extension number"], "延长合约期": ["extension of time"], "泛读": ["extensive reading"], "泛读材料": ["extensive reading"], "外表面": ["exterior 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"visor", "mask", "veil", "hood"], "面朝上": ["face up", "up"], "勇敢地面对": ["confront", "brave", "face up to"], "洗面奶": ["facial cleanser"], "洁面乳": ["facial cleanser"], "脸部化妆品": ["facial cosmetics"], "面部表情": ["countenance", "facial expression", "face"], "面貌": ["face", "feature", "countenance", "facial feature", "aspect", "visage"], "促进进步": ["facilitate progress"], "设施管理": ["facility management"], "设备管理": ["facility management"], "情况说明书": ["fact sheet"], "厂长": ["factory manager", "factory director"], "副厂长": ["factory director"], "工业公司商务代表": ["factory salesman"], "经营管理的才能": ["faculty for management"], "从…中消逝": ["fade from"], "淡入": ["fading", "fade", "fade in"], "渐显": ["fade in"], "淡出": ["fade out", "fade"], "衰退记忆": ["fading memory"], "消失记忆": ["fading memory"], "未做成": ["fail to do"], "解决未果": ["fail to resolve"], "考试不及格": ["flunk", "fail(in)an exam"], "故障分析": ["failure analysis"], "失效模式": ["failure mode"], "故障模型": ["failure mode"], "公平交易": ["fair deal"], "公平政策": ["fair deal"], "公平分配": ["fair 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"不能按时完成": ["fall behind"], "半途而废": ["stop halfway", "fall by the wayside"], "中途退出": ["fall by the wayside"], "突然倒下": ["keel", "collapse", "fall down"], "秋天最时髦的式样": ["fall fashion"], "相信某事": ["fall for something"], "失体面": ["fall from grace"], "生病": ["sicken", "ail", "fall ill", "ailing"], "相爱": ["fall in love"], "坠入爱河": ["fall in love"], "爱上": ["fall in love(with)", "take a fancy to", "fall in love with", "fall in love"], "落入": ["fallen into", "fell into", "fall into"], "落入圈套": ["fall into a trap", "fall into a trap of doing"], "上当": ["fall into a trap of doing"], "(因无人照料而)衰落": ["fall into ruin"], "败落": ["fall into ruin", "demise"], "落入不中用的人手里": ["fall into worthless hands"], "坠落": ["pitch", "precipitation", "falling", "plummet", "plunge", "crash", "fall of"], "跌落": ["slump", "decline", "come down", "fal", "land", "lower", "fell", "tumble", "slide", "fall off"], "(祈求、认输、求饶等时)跪下": ["fall on one's knee"], "失去知觉": ["die away", "blackout", "fall senseless", "unconsciousness", "stupefy", "pass out", "anesthesia", "forget oneself"], "落空": ["down the drain", "fall through"], "落地": ["ground", "fall to the ground"], "受到(影响等)": ["fall under"], "受到": ["feel", "expose", "get", "receive", "fall under"], "被归入": ["fall under"], "成为…的牺牲品": ["fall victim to"], "成为…的受害者": ["fall victim to"], "屈服于…": ["fall victim to"], "受损": ["strip", "fall victim to"], "被害": ["fall victim to"], "睡着了": ["fallen asleep"], "假警报": ["false alarm"], "引起一场空喜欢的人": ["false alarm"], "错误信念": ["false belief"], "虚假印象": ["false impression"], "假语句": ["false statement"], "假命题": ["false statement"], "不实报表": ["false statement"], "虚假声明": ["false statement"], "名声与财富": ["fame and fortune"], "简体": ["familiar style"], "非正式文体": ["familiar style"], "为某人所熟悉": ["familiar to sb"], "熟悉感": ["familiarity feeling"], "使自己熟悉某物": ["familiarize oneself with"], "家庭背景": ["family background"], "家庭教育": ["family education"], "天伦之乐": ["family happiness"], "家庭医生": ["family physician"], "家庭医师": ["family physician"], "家庭雕塑": ["family 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"不治之症": ["fatal disease"], "致命错误": ["fatal error"], "不可恢复的错误": ["fatal error"], "无线电发明者": ["father of radio"], "肥牛犊": ["fatted calf"], "故障诊断": ["fault diagnosis"], "故障显示": ["fault indication"], "断层线": ["fault line"], "裂纹线": ["fault line"], "优惠利率": ["favorable interest rate"], "优惠价格": ["favorable price"], "贸易顺差": ["trade surplus", "favorable trade balance"], "出超": ["favorable trade balance"], "给…(做一件好事)": ["favour with"], "给…": ["favour with"], "最喜欢的食物": ["favourite food"], "传真服务器": ["fax server"], "传真电话业务": ["fax service"], "可怕的事故": ["fearful accident"], "可怕的暴风雨": ["fearful storm"], "可行解": ["feasible solution"], "容许解": ["feasible solution"], "款待朋友": ["feast a friend"], "尽情欣赏": ["feast on"], "尽情享受": ["gorge", "savor", "feast on"], "大吃大喝": ["stoke", "consume", "guzzle", "binge", "feast", "gormandize", "feast on"], "羽毛掸帚": ["feather duster"], "鸡毛帚": ["feather duster"], "羽毛纱": ["feather yarn"], "专题文章": ["feature article"], "深度文章": ["feature article"], "感到厌烦的": ["fed up"], "忍无可忍": ["fed 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"据理力争": ["fight it out", "contend"], "与敌人作斗争": ["fight the enemy"], "与…并肩战斗": ["fight with"], "为反对…而战斗": ["fight with"], "与…打架": ["fight with"], "战斗机飞行员": ["fighter pilot"], "企图获得": ["figure for", "bid"], "把…估计在内": ["figure on"], "算出": ["work out", "strike", "reckon", "work", "figure out", "do"], "算出费用": ["figure out expense"], "迅速计算": ["figure quickly"], "把…总加起来": ["figure up"], "文件目录": ["file directory"], "文件格式": ["file format"], "陆续编入": ["file in"], "编入档内": ["file in"], "文件大小": ["file size"], "档案大小": ["file size"], "补缺": ["fill a vacancy"], "填补空白": ["bridge a gap", "fill a vacancy"], "填写": ["in", "make out", "fill in", "completed", "complete", "filling in", "fill out", "write"], "占据别人的位置": ["fill in for"], "变丰满": ["plump", "fill out", "round"], "变大": ["stretch", "fill out", "wax"], "填补": ["pad", "fill up", "bridge", "fill", "caulk", "padded", "padding", "filling"], "用…填满": ["fill up with"], "菲力牛排": ["fillet steak"], "填砂": ["filling in"], "糊版": ["filling in"], "成膜": ["film 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["financial evaluation"], "财务预测": ["financial forecast"], "金融机构": ["financial institution"], "财务管理": ["financial management", "personal finances"], "金融管理": ["financial management"], "财务风险": ["financial risk"], "金融超级市场": ["financial supermarket"], "金融超市": ["financial supermarket"], "金融体系": ["financial system"], "财务系统": ["financial system"], "经济独立": ["financially independent"], "经济自主独立": ["financially independent"], "财政独立": ["financially independent"], "财务上没有吸引力": ["financially unattractive"], "借故": ["find an excuse"], "获得应用": ["find application"], "发现做某事困难": ["find diffuculty(in)doing sth"], "在…中表现出": ["find expression in"], "挑某人的毛病": ["find fault with sb"], "碰瓷": ["find fault with sb"], "找碴": ["find fault with sb"], "作有利于…的判决": ["find for"], "找到相称的位置": ["find one's own level"], "偶然来到": ["find one's way into"], "无意中处于": ["find one's way into"], "自我感觉": ["find oneself"], "发现自己处于某种状态": ["find oneself"], "发现自己的能力": ["find oneself"], "找出": ["seek", "find", "sniff", "seek out", "establish", "established", "found out", "find out", "locate", "spy"], "识别罪犯": ["find suspect"], "精细工艺": ["fine art"], "晴天": ["sunshine", "shine", "sunny day", "fine", "fine day"], "因…而罚款": ["fine for"], "细砂": ["fine sand", "rough sand"], "细沙": ["fine sand"], "精细结构": ["fine structure"], "细密结构": ["fine texture"], "微观组织": ["fine texture"], "微细组织": ["fine texture"], "指印": ["finger print"], "指甲鉴定": ["fingernail identification"], "指甲痕": ["fingernail impression"], "指甲试验": ["fingernail test"], "半深抓法": ["fingertip grip"], "浅抓法": ["fingertip grip"], "完成做某事": ["finish doing"], "做完某事": ["finish doing"], "吃完": ["dispatch", "demolish", "finish off", "eat up"], "成品": ["finished product", "finish product"], "最后有": ["finish up with"], "制成品": ["finished product"], "火警": ["fire alarm"], "火警警报器": ["fire alarm"], "向…开火": ["fire at"], "消防车": ["fire-engine", "fire engine", "appliance"], "灭火": ["put out fires", "fire extinction"], "灭火器": ["extinguisher", "fire extinguisher", "flame arrester"], "消防员": ["fire fighter"], "消防局": ["fire station"], "消防站": ["fire station"], "消防队": ["fire station"], "火警布署站": ["fire station"], "生火": ["beet", "firing", "lay", "fire up", "make a fire"], "壁炉式火炉": ["fireplace stove"], "烟火表演": ["fireworks display", "firework show"], "烟花表演": ["firework", "firework show"], "烟花汇演": ["fireworks display"], "爆竹鞭炮店": ["fireworks shop"], "爆仗鞭炮店": ["fireworks shop"], "坚实的基础": ["firm foundation"], "坚实的地面": ["firm ground"], "硬地": ["firm ground"], "回升": ["rallying", "rally", "buoyancy", "firm up", "upswing", "rebound"], "转强": ["firm up"], "急救": ["first aid"], "急救护理": ["first aid"], "急救药箱": ["first aid kit"], "首要的是": ["first and foremost"], "首产品": ["first article"], "初稿": ["sketch", "first draft", "draft"], "第一印象": ["first impression"], "迟早": ["first or last", "sooner or later", "yet"], "早晚": ["first or last", "sooner or later"], "优先取舍权": ["first refusal", "refusal"], "第一步": ["initiative", "first step"], "首要步骤": ["first step"], "头等质量": ["first-class quality"], "头等货": ["first-class quality"], "财政政策": ["fiscal policy"], "摸索": ["blunder", "feel", "fumble", "fish", "grope", "feel about", "fish for"], "鱼苗": ["fry", "fish fry"], "炸鱼": ["fried fish", "fish fry"], "掏出": ["pull", "fish out"], "摸索出": ["fish out"], "捕尽鱼": ["fish out"], "鱼排": ["fish steak", "steak"], "软煎鱼排": ["fish steak"], "鱼缸": ["fish tank"], "金鱼缸": ["goldfish bowl", "fish tank"], "渔人码头": ["fisherman wharf"], "渔船": ["fishing boat", "hooker", "fisherman", "boat", "fisher"], "审前盘问": ["fishing expedition"], "非法调查": ["fishing expedition"], "钓鱼塘": ["fishing pond"], "户外磨刀器": ["fishing sharpener"], "钓鱼用具": ["fishing tackle"], "腥味": ["fishy smell"], "鱼腥味": ["fishy smell"], "装配好": ["fit in"], "找时间做": ["get around to", "fit in"], "完全相合": ["fit like a glove"], "适合某事物": ["fitness for sth"], "健美师": ["fitness instructor"], "健身指导": ["fitness instructor"], "适合做某事": ["fitness to do sth"], "(商店的)试衣间": ["fitting room"], "试衣间": ["fitting room"], "确定日期": ["fix a date for", "fix a date"], "约期": ["fix a date for", "fix a date"], "集中注意力于": ["fix attention on"], "使集中于": ["fix on", "centre"], "为…作好安排": ["fix up"], "商妥": ["arrange", "fix up"], "固定周期": ["fixed period"], "定点": ["fixed point", "cut-off"], "固定点": ["fixed point"], "定值": ["fixed value"], "打信号使停下": ["flag down"], "白旗": ["flag of truce"], "休战旗": ["flag of truce"], "旗杆": ["flag pole", "staff", "mast", "pin", "flagpole", "flagstaff", "standard"], "辉耀构造": ["flamboyant structure"], "火焰构造": ["flamboyant structure"], "火焰切割": ["flame cutting"], "气割": ["flame cutting"], "突然冒火焰": ["flame out"], "法兰绒上衣": ["flannel shirt"], "法兰绒衬衫": ["flannel shirt"], "突然发怒": ["throw", "flare up", "flare", "blow-up"], "突然燃烧": ["flare up"], "骤然": ["flare up"], "记忆卡": ["flash card"], "闪存盘": ["flash disk"], "随身碟": ["flash disk"], "闪存卡": ["flash memory card"], "顿悟": ["flash on", "flash", "epiphany", "twig", "tumble", "click", "Epiphany"], "突然亮起来": ["flash on"], "勃然发怒": ["flash out"], "突然出来": ["flash out"], "手电筒电池": ["flashlight battery"], "闪光粉": ["flashlight powder"], "暴洪": ["flashy flood"], "平面直角显示器": ["flat panel display"], "屋顶平台": ["roof terrace", "flat roof"], "平顶": ["flat top"], "平击": ["flatten out"], "转为水平飞行": ["flatten out"], "自鸣得意": ["complacency", "crow", "pleased with oneself", "flatter oneself"], "自以为是": ["get above oneself", "full of oneself", "flatter oneself"], "灭蚤颈圈": ["flea collar"], "沿…逃走": ["flee down"], "空空如也": ["flee empty"], "空手而逃": ["flee empty-handed"], "避难": ["refuge", "take refuge", "asylum", "flee for refuge", "take refuge in", "shelter"], "从…逃出来": ["flee from"], "逃进": ["flee into"], "血肉之躯": ["flesh and blood"], "情欲": ["desire", "passion", "flesh and blood"], "充实": ["enrich", "enriched", "fill out", "flesh out", "beef up", "flesh", "fatten"], "具体化": ["personification", "incarnation", "shape", "embodiment", "materialise, materialize", "materialise", "flesh out", "crystallize", "materialize", "individualized", "take shape"], "弹性工作地点": ["flex place"], "弹性时间": ["flex time"], "弹性就业": ["flexible employment"], "柔性接头": ["flexible joint"], "软包装": ["flexible packaging"], "软质包装": ["flexible packaging"], "空中服务人员": ["flight attendant"], "失去控制": ["run away", "flip one's lid", "out of control", "give way", "run wild"], "发疯": ["flip one's lid", "round the bend"], "快速转弯": ["flipper turn"], "浮起": ["float off", "buoy"], "浮在…上": ["float on"], "浮动开关": ["float switch"], "洪水灾害": ["flood damage"], "大量地涌到": ["flood in"], "洪水期": ["flood period"], "注水期": ["flood period"], "磨粉机": ["mill", "flour mill"], "制粉机": ["flour mill"], "流程图": ["flow chart", "flowchart"], "作业图": ["flow chart", "flowchart"], "流入": ["affluence", "flow in", "feed", "inflow", "incursion", "empty", "influx"], "流型": ["flow pattern"], "流动型态": ["flow pattern"], "活动模": ["flow pattern"], "流线谱": ["flow pattern"], "流速": ["flow rate", "flow"], "花芽": ["flower bud"], "花蕾": ["bud", "flower bud"], "流感疫苗": ["flu shot"], "预防针": ["flu shot", "jab"], "感冒疫苗": ["flu shot"], "流感病毒": ["flu virus"], "禽流感病毒": ["flu virus"], "口吃训练": ["fluency training"], "流利英语": ["fluent english"], "英语流利": ["fluent 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"民歌": ["folk song"], "民间故事": ["folk tale"], "民间智慧": ["folk wisdom"], "继承某人的事业": ["follow in one’s footsteps"], "步某人的后尘": ["follow in one’s footsteps"], "以…为榜样": ["model after", "model on", "model upon", "take example by", "follow one's example"], "仿效某人": ["follow one's example"], "跟着指示": ["follow one's instructions"], "把…查到底": ["follow out"], "采取后续行动": ["follow something up"], "跟进": ["follow-up", "follow something up", "follow up"], "跟着做": ["follow suit"], "学样": ["follow suit"], "赶时髦": ["follow the fashion", "join the parade", "keep up-to-date"], "追随时尚": ["follow the fashion"], "遵守规则": ["follow the rules"], "坚持到底": ["follow through", "hang tough", "stand out"], "完成球棒击球后的弧形动作": ["follow through"], "坚持完成": ["follow up"], "乘胜前进": ["follow up the victory"], "去哪儿都跟着某人": ["follows sb everywhere"], "南柯一梦": ["fond dream"], "黄粱美梦": ["fond dream"], "食品与饮料": ["food and drink"], "食物链": ["the food chain", "food chain"], "食品链": ["food chain"], "生物链": ["food chain"], "食品化学": ["food chemistry"], "食物化学": ["food chemistry"], "食品工业": ["food industry"], "食品产业": ["food industry"], "食物中毒": ["food poison"], "食品加工": ["food processing"], "食品处理": ["food processing"], "食品热杀菌": ["food processing"], "食品卫生": ["food sanitation"], "干无用的事": ["fool around"], "玩弄": ["fidget", "mess", "tamper", "play", "fool", "toy", "dicker", "flirt", "play with", "juggle with", "sporting", "trifle", "toy with", "dally", "fool with"], "瞎弄": ["dick", "fool", "fool with", "monkey with"], "不认真地和…竞争或斗争": ["fool with"], "爱情方程式": ["foolish game"], "愚蠢游戏": ["foolish game"], "愚蠢的心": ["foolish heart"], "疑心": ["suspicion", "suspect", "foolish heart"], "呆瓜": ["foolish melon", "goof"], "业余足球": ["football amateur"], "足球俱乐部": ["football club"], "足球赛": ["football game"], "橄榄球比赛": ["football game"], "足球队": ["football team"], "确定无疑地": ["for a certainty", "with certainty", "distinctly"], "暂时": ["for the time being", "for a moment", "for a while", "for the present", "for the moment"], "由于种种原因": ["for a variety of reasons", "for various reasons"], "很久": ["for ages", "long", "year", "age"], "很长时间": ["for ages", "light-year", "month", "age"], "肯定地": ["in spades", "far and away", "doubtless", "unquestionably", "for certain", "positively", "definitely", "undoubtedly"], "确凿地": ["unquestionably", "for certain"], "例如": ["e.g.", "for instance", "like", "for example", "as", "say", "such as"], "外用": ["for external use"], "外用药": ["for external use"], "恐怕": ["for fear of", "supposedly", "doubt", "afraid"], "生怕": ["for fear of", "for fear(that)"], "唯恐": ["for fear of", "for fear(that)", "lest", "be scared of"], "以防": ["for fear of", "in case"], "以免": ["for fear(that)", "for fear of", "lest", "before"], "开玩笑地": ["for fun", "jokingly", "playfully"], "闹着玩地": ["for fun"], "为了荣誉": ["for glory"], "永久地": ["for good", "eternally", "permanently"], "一劳永逸地": ["for good", "once and for all", "once for all"], "比如": ["like", "such as", "for instance"], "因缺乏…": ["for lack of"], "因没有…": ["for lack of"], "终身": ["lifetime", "for life"], "举个例说": ["for one"], "作为其中一个": ["for one"], "为了自己的利益": ["for one's own sake"], "为自己": ["for yourself", "for oneself"], "为了消遣": ["for pleasure"], "为了取乐": ["for pleasure"], "认真的": ["mean business", "heavy", "stern", "for real", "hard", "sober", "conscientious", "grave", "earnest", "serious", "intense"], "以供参考": ["for reference"], "备案": ["for reference"], "待售": ["for sale"], "为某人的幸福": ["for sb's welfare"], "简称": ["short for", "for short"], "缩写": ["abbreviation", "abbreviated", "abridge", "condense", "for short", "shorthand", "abbreviate"], "毫无疑问地": ["for sure", "patently"], "出于好意": ["for the best"], "好转": ["turn up", "look up", "improvement", "brighten", "recover", "improvement in", "make it", "pickup", "straighten", "turn around", "mend", "straighten up", "for the better", "turnaround"], "向好的方向发展": ["for the better"], "为了…的方便": ["for the convenience of"], "直到…结束": ["for the duration"], "在整个…期间": ["all through", "for the duration"], "首次": ["first", "for the first time"], "为了享受": ["for the fun of"], "将来": ["tomorrow", "ahead", "hereafter", "for the future", "future", "in the years to come"], "从今以后": ["for the future", "henceforth", "in future"], "为…打算": ["for the good of"], "暂且": ["for the moment"], "为正式记录在案目": ["for the record"], "至于其他": ["for the rest"], "为了…的利益": ["for the good of", "on behalf of", "in behalf of", "behalf", "for the sake of"], "供自己取用": ["for the taking"], "因缺乏": ["for want of"], "不论真伪": ["for what it is worth"], "不管价值如何": ["for what it is worth"], "为你自己": ["for yourself"], "禁止某人做某事": ["forbid sb. from doing", "prohibit sb from doing sth"], "紫禁城": ["forbidden city"], "前述的": ["foregoing", "aforementioned", "preceding"], "前景颜色": ["foreground color"], "外交事务": ["foreign affairs"], "外国记者": ["foreign correspondent"], "外汇": ["foreign exchange"], "国际汇兑": ["international exchange", "foreign exchange"], "外国投资者": ["foreign investor"], "外语": ["foreign language"], "外文": ["foreign language"], "外交政策": ["foreign policy"], "外侨": ["alien", "foreign settler"], "外国学生": ["foreign student"], "外籍学生": ["foreign student"], "外贸": ["external trade", "foreign trade"], "涉外事件": ["foreigner incident"], "法医学": ["forensic medicine"], "森林火灾": ["forest fire"], "森林大火": ["forest fire"], "山火": ["forest fire"], "森林资源": ["forest resources"], "取得进展": ["forge ahead", "make progress in", "make progress", "get along with"], "忘记做过某事": ["forget doing sth.", "forget doing sth"], "忘我": ["forget oneself", "renunciation"], "忘乎所以": ["be lost in", "drunk", "forget", "forget oneself"], "忘记去做某事": ["forget to do sth.", "forget to do sth"], "忘记要做某事": ["forget to do sth."], "既往不咎": ["forgive and forget"], "不念旧恶": ["forgive and forget"], "原谅某人做某事": ["forgive sb for doing sth"], "原谅某人(做了)某事": ["forgive sb. for sth.", "forgive sb for sth"], "原谅某人某事": ["forgive sb. for sth.", "forgive sb for sth"], "岔路": ["branch", "fork", "fork in the road"], "三岔路口": ["fork in the road"], "表单提交控件": ["form submit"], "表单提交": ["form submit"], "提交表格": ["form submit"], "养成做某事的习惯": ["form the habit of doing"], "正规教育": ["formal education"], "正式介绍": ["formal introduction"], "正规训练": ["formal training"], "正式训练": ["formal training"], "地层损害": ["formation damage"], "油层损害": ["formation damage"], "地层水": ["formation water"], "前雇主": ["former employers"], "曾用名": ["former name"], "前任总统": ["former president"], "胡德堡": ["fort hood"], "有好运气": ["fortunate in"], "幸运曲奇": ["fortune cookie"], "财富杂志": ["fortune magazine"], "四万": ["forty thousand"], "矿物燃料": ["fossil fuel"], "化石燃料": ["fossil fuel"], "养父": ["foster father"], "寄养家庭": ["foster home"], "抚养孤儿的家庭": ["foster home"], "养子": ["foster son"], "基坑": ["foundation pit"], "基石": ["sill", "cement", "foundation stone", "headstone", "cornerstone"], "创始成员国": ["founding member"], "创办会员": ["founding member"], "青春之泉": ["fountain of youth"], "四个现代化": ["four modernizations"], "四时风景": ["four scenery"], "第四季度": ["fourth quarter", "fourth-quarter"], "第四节": ["fourth quarter", "fourth-quarter"], "易碎商品": ["fragile goods"], "易碎货物": ["fragile goods"], "香料植物": ["fragrant plant"], "芳香烟": ["fragrant tobacco"], "特许连锁": ["franchise chain"], "特许经营权": ["franchise rights", "franchise", "privilege"], "即兴音乐": ["free improvisation", "hip-hop"], "无…的": ["free of"], "摆脱…的": ["free of"], "在…外面": ["free of", "without", "outside"], "尽情发挥的机会": ["free outlet"], "自由港": ["free port"], "无税港口": ["free port"], "自由诗": ["free verse"], "自由体": ["free verse"], "自由体诗": ["free verse"], "言论自由": ["freedom of speech"], "新闻自由": ["freedom of the press"], "出版自由": ["freedom of the press"], "冷冻干燥": ["freeze drying"], "用冰冻上": ["freeze in"], "冰封": ["freeze in"], "封冻": ["freeze over"], "全部结冰": ["freeze over"], "怯场": ["freeze up", "stage fright", "jitters"], "冻僵的": ["frozen", "freezing cold"], "冻害": ["freezing injury"], "冻伤": ["nip", "freezing injury"], "果树冻害": ["freezing injury"], "冰点": ["freezing", "freezing temperature", "freezing point"], "凝固点": ["freezing point"], "冻雨": ["freezing rain", "sleet"], "要结冰的雨": ["freezing rain"], "冻结温度": ["freezing temperature"], "冻结点": ["freezing temperature"], "凝固温度": ["freezing temperature"], "法式炸薯条": ["french fries", "fry"], "炸土豆片": ["french fries", "potato chip n."], "频带": ["frequency band", "band"], "频段": ["frequency band"], "频率变换": ["frequency conversion"], "分频": ["frequency division"], "频率划分": ["frequency division"], "频率合成器": ["frequency synthesizer"], "飞行常客": ["frequent flyer"], "熟客": ["frequent visitor"], "常见问答(等于FAQ)": ["frequently asked questions"], "常见问答": ["frequently asked questions"], "新鲜空气": ["fresh air", "ozone"], "鲜果": ["fresh fruit"], "水果拼盘": ["fresh fruit"], "八级风": ["fresh gale"], "刚毕业的大学生": ["fresh graduate"], "鲜猪腿": ["fresh ham"], "刚用完": ["fresh out of"], "刚卖掉": ["fresh out of"], "湖水": ["fresh water", "freshwater"], "淡水": ["fresh water", "freshwater"], "新生恐惧症": ["freshman fear"], "磨擦系数": ["friction coefficient"], "双门冰箱": ["fridge-freezer"], "炸鸡": ["fried chicken"], "酥炸茄子": ["fried eggplant"], "炒饭": ["fried rice"], "我的朋友": ["friend of mine"], "友好往来": ["friendly exchanges"], "友谊型群体": ["friendship group"], "友好群体": ["friendship group"], "社交小组": ["friendship group"], "吓死了": ["frightened to death"], "从远处": ["from a distance", "afar"], "隔开一段距离": ["from a distance", "at a distance"], "从…中间": ["from among"], "从…当中": ["from among"], "从…后面": ["from behind"], "从头至尾": ["from beginning to end", "from soup to nuts", "round", "the whole way", "through", "every bit", "from cover to cover"], "挨家挨户地": ["door-to-door", "from door to door"], "自始至终地": ["from door to door"], "代代相传": ["transmit", "from generation to generation"], "从头到脚": ["from head to toe", "from top to bottom"], "根据记忆": ["from memory"], "广泛流传": ["from mouth to mouth"], "从现在开始": ["from now on"], "从某人的角度、观点出发": ["from one’s point of view"], "从一处到另一处": ["from pillar to post"], "走投无路": ["from pillar to post"], "一应俱全": ["from soup to nuts"], "真心诚意地": ["from the bottom of one’s heart"], "发自内心地": ["from the bottom of one’s heart"], "自幼": ["from the cradle"], "从小": ["from the cradle"], "发自内心": ["from the inside"], "来自内部": ["from the inside"], "从…到…": ["from to"], "完完全全": ["from top to bottom", "to the backbone"], "从…到": ["from …to"], "从…到…之间": ["from…to…"], "从(那)时起": ["from(then) on"], "从时起": ["from(then) on"], "前台": ["front desk"], "服务台": ["reception", "desk", "information desk", "front desk"], "前沿轨道": ["frontier orbital"], "霜晨": ["frosty morning"], "对…感到生气不满": ["frown at"], "对…皱眉": ["frown at"], "不悦": ["frown", "dissatisfaction", "sulk", "frown on", "frown upon", "pique", "displeasure"], "不满": ["grouch", "moan", "repine", "complaint", "fret", "grievance", "dissatisfaction", "grudge", "indictment", "frown on", "discontent", "frown upon", "displeasure"], "冷冻食品": ["frozen food"], "速冻食品": ["frozen food"], "冻肉": ["frozen meat"], "冷冻肉": ["frozen meat"], "冰封王座(游戏名称)": ["frozen throne"], "冰封王座": ["frozen throne"], "冷冻蔬菜": ["frozen vegetables"], "速冻蔬菜": ["frozen vegetables"], "果篮": ["fruit basket"], "水果篮": ["fruit basket"], "水果盘": ["fruit dish"], "果农": ["fruit farmer"], "果树": ["fruit tree"], "耗油量": ["fuel consumption"], "节约燃料": ["fuel economy"], "燃料经济学": ["fuel economy"], "燃油喷射": ["fuel injection"], "燃料喷射": ["fuel injection"], "燃料油": ["fuel oil"], "燃油": ["fuel oil", "oil"], "重油": ["fuel oil"], "履行义务": ["discharge", "fulfill an obligation", "fulfill obligations"], "完全实现自己的抱负": ["fulfill oneself"], "大胡子": ["full beard"], "全面的定义": ["full definition"], "全程票价": ["full fare"], "全价票": ["full fare"], "满是…的": ["full", "full of"], "(有)大量的": ["full of"], "(有)丰富的": ["full of"], "精神旺盛的": ["full of beans"], "充满敌意": ["full of hate"], "臭美": ["full of oneself"], "只顾自己": ["full of oneself"], "赞不绝口": ["rave", "full of praise"], "全部恢复": ["full recovery"], "达到活动的高潮": ["full swing"], "全力进行中": ["full swing"], "长篇小说": ["saga", "full-length novel", "novel"], "足本小说": ["full-length novel"], "未经删节的小说": ["full-length novel"], "全面试验": ["full-scale test"], "全尺寸试验": ["full-scale test"], "全自动的": ["fully automatic"], "功能设计": ["functional design"], "作用设计": ["functional design"], "功能保健食品": ["functional food"], "功能性质": ["functional properties"], "根本变化": ["fundamental change"], "基本法": ["fundamental law"], "基本定律": ["fundamental law"], "基本科目": ["fundamental subject"], "基本学科": ["fundamental subject"], "资金来源": ["funding source"], "资助来源": ["funding source"], "经费来源": ["funding source"], "殡仪馆": ["chapel", "funeral home", "mortuary"], "送葬": ["funeral procession"], "丧礼仪式": ["funeral service"], "真菌病": ["fungal disease"], "幽默感": ["humour", "sense of humour", "funny bone"], "不道德的行为": ["funny business", "wrongdoing"], "不规矩的事": ["funny business"], "幽默故事": ["funny story"], "皮大衣": ["fur coat"], "暴躁的脾气": ["furious temper"], "向某人提供": ["furnish sb with", "supply sb with", "provide sb with"], "给…提供": ["furnish with"], "用…布置": ["furnish with"], "有家具的公寓": ["furnished apartment"], "家具设计": ["furniture design"], "家具厂": ["furniture factory"], "家具店": ["furniture shop"], "进一步的发展": ["further development"], "进一步信息": ["further information"], "更多的信息": ["further information"], "补充信息": ["further information"], "深造": ["further one's studies", "further study"], "进修": ["further one's studies", "further study", "refresher"], "进一步研究": ["further study"], "继续教育": ["further study"], "熔化成…": ["fuse into"], "与…粘在一起": ["fuse with"], "模糊评价": ["fussy assessment"], "未来的发展前景": ["future development"], "未来发展": ["future development"], "看透": ["penetrate", "read", "gain an insight into", "see through"], "识破": ["get behind", "look through", "get on to", "penetrate", "gain an insight into", "see through", "light"], "损益": ["gain and loss"], "得失": ["gain and loss"], "发胖": ["put on", "gain flesh", "round"], "长肉": ["gain flesh"], "在…方面有进展": ["gain in"], "逼近": ["upon", "gain on", "bear down on", "approach", "looming", "buzz", "bear down", "loom", "overhang", "close in"], "处于有利地位": ["laugh", "onto", "gain the upper hand", "laughing"], "有优势": ["gain the upper hand"], "增肥": ["put on weight", "gain weight"], "体重增加": ["put on weight", "gain weight", "weight gain"], "赌场": ["gambling den", "casino"], "猎鸟": ["snipe", "bird", "game bird"], "猎禽": ["game bird"], "游戏节目": ["game show"], "游戏开始": ["game start"], "开始游戏": ["game start"], "联合起来": ["gang up", "hand in hand", "join up"], "缺口修复": ["gap repair"], "生活实践年": ["gap year"], "汽车库门": ["garage door"], "车库门": ["garage door"], "车库拍卖": ["garage sale"], "车库贱卖": ["garage sale"], "车库甩卖": ["garage sale"], "车库特卖": ["garage sale"], "垃圾处理": ["garbage disposal"], "垃圾车": ["rubbish collector", "garbage truck", "dustcart", "rubbish car"], "花园酒店": ["garden hotel"], "花园饭店": ["garden hotel"], "花园露台": ["garden terrace"], "庭园露台": ["garden terrace"], "蒜蓉面包": ["garlic bread"], "香蒜面包": ["garlic bread"], "蒜油": ["garlic oil"], "大蒜油": ["garlic oil"], "大蒜粉": ["garlic powder"], "大蒜精": ["garlic powder"], "衣服设计": ["garment design"], "服装厂": ["garment factory"], "制衣业": ["garment industry"], "成衣业": ["garment industry"], "内燃机": ["gas engine", "diesel"], "燃气发动机": ["gas engine"], "瓦斯爆炸": ["gas explosion"], "天然气田": ["gas field"], "气体发生器": ["gas generator"], "尽量收集进来": ["gather in"], "搜集信息": ["gather information"], "集合在一起": ["gather together"], "集水区": ["gathering ground", "watershed"], "汇水区": ["gathering ground"], "像孔雀一样华丽": ["gaudy as a butterfly"], "男同性恋者": ["gay man", "ponce", "queen", "fruit", "Ponce"], "同性恋婚姻": ["gay marriage"], "盯住": ["mark", "gaze at", "stare at", "fix"], "男女差别": ["gender gap"], "性别鸿沟": ["gender gap"], "基因工程": ["gene engineering"], "遗传工程": ["gene engineering"], "基因突变": ["scientific method", "gene mutation"], "基因导入": ["gene transfer"], "转基因": ["gene transfer"], "基因转移": ["gene transfer"], "总承包者": ["general contractor"], "总承包": ["general contractor"], "总承包商": ["general contractor"], "全科牙医": ["general dentist"], "大选": ["general election"], "普选": ["general election"], "通式": ["general expression"], "一般式": ["general expression"], "总经理": ["executive", "general manager", "president"], "总复习": ["general revision"], "概况": ["profile", "general situation", "line"], "一般状况": ["general situation"], "普通外科医生": ["general surgeon"], "外科大夫": ["general surgeon"], "一般趋势": ["climate", "general trend"], "普遍承认的": ["generally accepted"], "一般而言": ["in general", "generally speaking"], "发电": ["power generation", "produce electricity", "generate electricity"], "创利": ["generate profit"], "产生利润": ["generate profit"], "代沟(两代人之间的隔阂)": ["generation gap"], "代沟": ["generation gap"], "对…宽大": ["generosity to"], "优厚折扣": ["generous discount"], "基因污染": ["genetic pollution"], "数学天才": ["genius at maths"], "染色体杂交品种": ["genomic dna"], "缓坡": ["slight grade", "gradual slope", "gentle slope"], "平缓坡度": ["gentle slope"], "君子协定": ["gentleman's agreement"], "地理环境": ["geographical environment", "geography"], "地质勘探": ["geological exploration"], "地质勘察": ["geological exploration"], "地质勘测": ["geological exploration"], "几何序列": ["geometric sequence"], "等比数列": ["geometric sequence"], "地热公园": ["geothermal park"], "诚恳的意愿": ["gesture of goodwill"], "手势识别": ["gesture recognition"], "剪头发": ["get a haircut"], "就业": ["get a job", "take up an occupation", "employment"], "(俚语)从…中得到乐趣": ["get a kick out of"], "从…中得到乐趣": ["get a kick out of"], "仔细看(常用于表示惊讶或荧嘉)": ["get a load of…"], "仔细看": ["watch carefully", "scope", "study", "get a load of…"], "挨骂": ["get a rap on the knuckles", "get a rap over the knuckles", "on the carpet"], "受申斥": ["get a rap on the knuckles", "get a rap over the knuckles"], "敲打指关节": ["get a rap on the knuckles", "get a rap over the knuckles"], "挨耳光": ["get a thick ear"], "开始走动": ["get about"], "自高自大": ["above oneself", "egoism", "get above oneself"], "变得习惯于": ["get accustomed to"], "使…被理解": ["get across"], "把…讲清楚": ["put over", "get across"], "追击": ["get after", "pursuit", "pursue", "chase", "sick"], "取得进步": ["make advances", "onward", "ahead", "get on", "make progress", "get ahead"], "走在前面": ["get ahead"], "(勉强)生活": ["get along"], "(使)前进": ["get along", "advance"], "与…和睦相处": ["get along", "get along with"], "变得异常惊讶": ["get amazed"], "有点成就": ["get anywhere"], "到处走走": ["get around"], "传开来(等于get": ["get around"], "round)": ["get around"], "有办法应付": ["get around", "handle"], "有办法应付局面": ["get around"], "抽出时间来做…": ["get around to"], "开始考虑做…": ["get around to"], "侥幸逃脱": ["cheat", "get away with"], "重新上台": ["get back"], "报复(某人)": ["get back at"], "报复…": ["get back at"], "落后": ["get behind", "leeway", "fall behind", "lag", "drop", "drop behind", "behind", "straggle", "down", "trail", "faded", "fading"], "感到厌烦": ["get bored", "be fed up with"], "感到无聊": ["get bored"], "过得去": ["reasonably", "pass", "get by", "halfway"], "过活": ["fare", "get along", "get by"], "获得认可": ["get by"], "被取消了": ["get canceled"], "除掉墙上的污物": ["get dirt off the wall"], "跪下来": ["get down on one's knees"], "开始认真考虑": ["get down to"], "着手处理": ["get down to", "get at", "tackle", "approach"], "着手做某事": ["set out to do", "get down to sth", "set about doing"], "开始学习": ["get down to study"], "开始认真注意(或对待)某事": ["get down to(doing)sth"], "开始认真注意某事": ["get down to(doing)sth"], "穿上衣服": ["get dressed"], "喝醉": ["intoxicate", "tank", "intoxication", "get drunk", "souse"], "从…获得快乐": ["get enjoyment from"], "从…得到乐趣": ["get enjoyment from…."], "让大家聚在一起": ["get everybody together"], "让所有人聚在一起": ["get everyone together"], "变得熟悉": ["get familiar with"], "陷入": ["lock", "be trapped in", "stuck in", "be stuck in", "involve in", "abandon", "get in", "be caught in", "run into", "descend", "immerse", "slip", "sink", "catch", "get into", "sink into", "immersion", "slump", "fell into", "slip into", "plunge", "trap"], "与…取得联系": ["get in contact with", "raise"], "与某人取得联系": ["get in contact/touch with sb"], "惹恼某人": ["get in sb's hair"], "挡…的路": ["get in the way of"], "与某人交往": ["get in with"], "跟…熟悉起来": ["get in with"], "穿上": ["put on", "pull", "take on", "pour", "get on", "get into", "slip", "clothe", "endue", "draw on", "don"], "负债": ["contracting", "in the red", "liability", "run into debt", "get into debt", "in debt"], "欠债": ["debt", "get into debt"], "强身健体": ["get into shape"], "养成…的习惯": ["practice", "get into the habit of"], "沾染上…的习气": ["get into the habit of"], "陷入困境": ["in a jam", "mess up", "get into trouble", "mire", "stuck", "swamp", "morass"], "加入我们": ["get involved"], "项目介绍": ["program", "get involved"], "算错": ["get it wrong", "miscalculate", "miscalculation"], "滚开": ["take a hike", "go", "get lost"], "大动肝火": ["get mad"], "气愤": ["gorge", "get mad", "chagrin"], "无进展": ["get nowhere"], "动身": ["get off", "set off", "sally", "start", "start off"], "免于受罚": ["get off"], "从…下来": ["get off"], "脱下(衣服等)": ["get off"], "上车": ["aboard", "get on", "boarding"], "上马": ["mounting", "get on"], "发迹": ["make one's own way", "get on", "raise oneself", "make one's way", "ladder"], "使出人头地": ["get on"], "相处得好": ["get on (well) with"], "使人心烦意乱": ["get on one's nerves", "upset"], "转至(另一话题或活动)": ["get on to"], "转至": ["shunt", "get on to"], "同…联系": ["get on to"], "使自己熟悉起来": ["get one's hand in"], "随心所欲": ["get one's way"], "上网": ["get online", "surfing", "surf the net", "surf"], "出去": ["go out", "egress", "get out", "exit"], "摆脱控制": ["get out of control"], "熬过": ["get over", "worry along", "get through"], "处理掉": ["jettison", "dispose", "get rid"], "除去": ["save for", "apart", "abscission", "eliminate", "rid", "strip", "dispose", "elimination", "rid of", "peel", "expunge", "rogue", "zap", "remove", "dissolve", "get rid off", "removal", "wanting", "get rid of", "wipe away", "out", "make away with", "weed out", "saving"], "(消息)传开来": ["get round"], "传开来": ["get around", "get round"], "走动": ["stir", "get round", "get about", "travel"], "使紧张": ["string", "stress", "tension", "rattle", "distress", "strained", "distressed", "get sb down", "wind up", "strain", "wind up"], "使难过": ["sadden", "get", "get sb down"], "使抑郁": ["depressed", "depress", "get sb down"], "迫使某人赞同己见": ["get someone where one wants him"], "晒伤": ["burnt", "sunburn", "get sunburnt", "burn", "sunburned"], "被开除": ["get the axe"], "占上风": ["prevail", "gain the upper hand", "get the best of", "get the better of"], "从…中得到最大好处": ["get the best of"], "胜过…": ["transcend", "get the better of"], "得知…的窍门": ["get the hang of"], "熟悉某物的用法": ["get the hang of"], "理解某事": ["get the hang of"], "摸清概况": ["get the hang of"], "鉴赏": ["get the hang of", "appreciate", "appreciation"], "得到认可": ["commend", "get the nod", "established", "obtain approval"], "被选中": ["get the nod", "nod"], "读完": ["read through", "get through"], "用完": ["use up", "finish", "finishing", "exhausting", "get through", "exhaust", "run out of", "play out", "run short", "fail", "run out"], "对…感到厌倦": ["get tired of"], "厌烦做某事": ["get tired of doing sth."], "达到…地步": ["get to"], "设法睡着": ["get to sleep"], "联欢": ["get together"], "采用强硬手段": ["get tough with"], "启程": ["get underway", "departure", "start", "depart"], "(使)起床": ["get up"], "站起来": ["stand", "stand up", "arise", "get up", "rise to one's feet", "standing"], "早起": ["get up early"], "机警": ["get up early"], "清醒": ["arousal", "get up early", "sober", "consciousness", "sobriety"], "靠近到": ["get up to"], "从事…": ["in", "go about sth", "get up to"], "习惯于…": ["get used to"], "得到风声": ["get wind of"], "获得线索": ["get wind of"], "幽灵鼓手": ["ghost drummer"], "鬼故事": ["ghost story"], "神怪小说": ["ghost story"], "代笔人": ["ghost writer"], "巨细胞": ["giant cell"], "巨大的蜥蜴": ["giant lizard"], "大蜥蜴": ["giant lizard"], "大熊猫": ["giant panda"], "巨型乌贼": ["giant squid"], "大王乌贼": ["giant squid"], "巨星": ["giant", "superstar", "giant star"], "巨型陆龟": ["giant tortoise"], "礼品卡": ["gift card"], "礼物卡": ["gift card"], "天才儿童": ["gifted child"], "资优生": ["gifted student"], "高材生": ["gifted student"], "忠诚能干的女助手": ["girl friday"], "注意听取": ["give (an) ear to"], "使认真考虑": ["give (sb.) pause", "give (sb) pause"], "使犹豫": ["give (sb.) pause", "stagger", "give (sb) pause"], "促进…": ["give a boost to sth"], "发起挑战": ["issue a challenge", "give a challenge"], "修剪一下": ["give a clip"], "对…进行描述": ["give a description of"], "进行听写": ["give a dictation"], "粗略地看一眼": ["give a glance"], "粗略地看一下": ["give a glance"], "给自己一个好的评价": ["give a good account of yourself"], "主讲": ["give a lecture"], "对…给予新的说法": ["give a new turn to"], "给予…另外一种说法": ["give a new turn to"], "给自己一个差的评价": ["give a poor account of yourself"], "对…作陈述": ["give a presentation of"], "做讲演(报告)": ["give a talk"], "做讲演": ["give a talk"], "与…保持距离": ["give a wide berth"], "传播(谣言)": ["give about"], "给…予帮助": ["give aid to"], "作出解释": ["give an explanation"], "予以说明": ["give an explanation"], "双方迁就": ["give and take"], "相互让步": ["give and take"], "互相忍让": ["give and take"], "交还": ["give back", "restore", "turn in", "reassign"], "使诞生": ["give birth"], "生(孩子)": ["give birth", "give birth to", "deliver"], "生": ["earn", "give birth to", "gender", "earning", "give birth", "deliver", "pup", "beget", "birth", "lay", "have", "fawn", "spawn"], "生育": ["give birth to", "bear", "get", "breeding", "mother", "have", "produce", "procreate"], "娩出": ["give birth to"], "给予…理由": ["give cause"], "注明": ["give clear indication of"], "举办音乐": ["give concerts"], "侧耳倾听": ["give ear to"], "表达出": ["give expression to", "register"], "交上": ["turn in", "hand in", "give in"], "屈服于": ["give in to", "yield to"], "向…让步": ["give in to"], "赋予…生命": ["vitalize", "give life to"], "发出(光等)": ["give off"], "长出(枝、杈等)": ["give off"], "长出": ["bear", "rise", "come up", "send up", "send out", "give off", "sprout"], "向…问好": ["say hello to", "give one's greetings to"], "献出生命": ["give one's life"], "问候某人": ["give one's regards to"], "向某人致意": ["give one's regards to"], "用名誉担保": ["give one's word of honor"], "(为…)献身": ["give oneself"], "露马脚": ["give oneself away"], "现原形": ["give oneself away"], "自称是…": ["give oneself out as"], "自称为": ["give oneself out to be"], "投案": ["give oneself up"], "沉湎于": ["indulge in", "give oneself up to", "riot in", "abandon"], "向…自首": ["give oneself up to"], "分发": ["dispense", "dealing", "distribute", "distribution", "hand out", "issue", "dish", "pass out", "dispensation", "give out"], "让位于": ["give way to", "give place to"], "优先考虑": ["prioritize", "give priority to"], "认为优先": ["give priority to"], "使发生": ["give rise to", "compel", "instigate", "enact", "trigger", "present", "start", "forced", "generate", "stage", "wrought", "rouse", "cause", "compelling", "force"], "接受挑战": ["give satisfaction"], "给予…帮助": ["give sb a hand"], "打耳光": ["box", "give sb a thick ear"], "使某人略占优势": ["give somebody the edge"], "认真考虑": ["think about", "give thought to", "weigh"], "戒烟": ["quit smoking", "give up smoking"], "使…丰富多彩": ["give variety to"], "让路": ["make way", "give way", "gangway", "make way for"], "退让": ["buckle", "concede", "make room", "blinking", "give way", "blink"], "垮掉": ["founder", "fold", "dysfunction", "break", "crack", "collapse", "give way"], "已放弃": ["given up"], "冰河国家公园": ["glacier national park"], "见到你很高兴": ["glad to meet you", "glad to see you"], "看一下": ["glancing at", "glance", "glance at", "have a look"], "影射": ["allusion", "glancing at", "innuendo", "glance", "glance at", "allude"], "简略阅读": ["glance over"], "玻璃珠": ["glass bead"], "瓶颈": ["bottleneck", "glass ceiling"], "无形的障碍": ["glass ceiling"], "闪光片": ["glitter powder"], "金葱粉": ["glitter powder"], "金葱": ["glitter powder"], "华丽摇滚": ["glitter rock"], "华美摇滚": ["glitter rock"], "富丽摇滚": ["glitter rock"], "欣喜若狂": ["bliss", "intoxicate", "gloat over", "go into raptures"], "全球气候": ["global climate"], "全球气候变化": ["global climate change"], "全球经济": ["global economy"], "全球气候变暖": ["global warming"], "光荣革命": ["glorious revolution"], "得意": ["in one's glory", "exaltation", "bloated", "have one's moment", "pleased with oneself", "glory", "exalt", "glory in"], "因…而脸色发红": ["glow at"], "由于…而发亮": ["glow with"], "呈现(红、橙、黄等暖色)": ["glow with"], "固体胶水": ["glue stick"], "胶棒": ["glue stick"], "上飞机": ["go aboard", "aboard", "embark"], "着手做": ["undertake", "go about", "set about doing"], "四处走动": ["go about", "go around"], "传开": ["rippling", "get about", "reach", "get round", "go about", "noise"], "去国外": ["go overseas", "go abroad"], "出国": ["go abroad"], "不利于": ["go against", "prejudice"], "说吧": ["shoot", "go ahead"], "鼓足干劲": ["go all out"], "全力以赴": ["put one's best foot forward", "go all out", "move heaven and earth"], "沿着(这条街)走": ["go along (the street)"], "沿着走": ["pad", "go along (the street)"], "陪…一起去": ["go with sb", "go along with"], "对…狂热": ["be mad about", "go ape over sb/sth"], "(消息)流传": ["go around", "travel"], "离开(走掉)": ["go away"], "回去": ["go back", "return", "head back", "back", "go back to"], "变坏": ["go bad", "go downhill", "deteriorate", "sour", "deterioration", "slip", "fell", "worsening", "spoil"], "变酸": ["go bad", "turn", "sour"], "调停": ["go between", "reconcile", "heal", "interpose", "referee", "intervention", "intercede", "intervene", "mediate", "mediation", "settle", "bring together", "reconciliation"], "做中间人": ["go between"], "超过限度": ["go beyond the limit", "overrun"], "变成空白": ["go blank"], "凭…判断": ["go by"], "时间流逝": ["go by"], "快速戒掉坏习惯": ["go cold turkey"], "骑自行车兜风": ["go cycling"], "去骑自行车": ["go cycling"], "传下去": ["go down"], "被接受": ["count", "play", "commend", "go", "stick", "go down"], "走下坡路": ["go downhill"], "下楼": ["go downstairs"], "到市区": ["go downtown"], "安闲": ["go easy"], "清空": ["go empty", "clear", "empty", "trash"], "一无所获": ["go empty-handed"], "去找": ["go for"], "努力获取": ["go for"], "去洗一次海(或河、湖)水浴": ["go for a bathe"], "去洗一次海水浴": ["go for a bathe"], "去游泳": ["go for a bathe", "take a dip"], "骑车兜风": ["go for a ride"], "骑马出游": ["go for a ride"], "去面试": ["go for an interview"], "不再关心": ["go hang"], "被忘却": ["go hang", "oblivion"], "使某人为难": ["go hard with sb"], "深入研究": ["delve into", "go into", "lucubrate"], "投入战斗": ["go into action", "steam"], "流亡": ["exile", "displacement", "go into exile"], "去跑步": ["go jogging"], "响起": ["go off", "ring out"], "变质": ["spoil", "transmutation", "turn", "deteriorate", "metamorphosis", "deteriorating", "addle", "decomposition", "spoiled", "transmute", "metamorphose", "go off", "spoils"], "熄灭": ["outing", "douse", "turn out", "dowse", "snuff", "out", "extinguish", "slake", "stifle", "die", "go off", "go out", "put out", "quench", "extinction"], "拿去": ["take it", "go off with"], "继续下去": ["go on", "early on", "keep it up"], "减肥": ["reduce", "go on a diet", "lose weight", "slim"], "去野炊": ["go on a picnic"], "出航": ["launch out", "go on a voyage"], "出国旅行": ["go on a voyage"], "去做大使": ["go on an embassy"], "巡回": ["go on a tour", "circuit", "circulate", "tour", "go on circuit", "perambulate"], "接近(时刻、年龄等)": ["go on for"], "永远继续下去": ["go on forever"], "上舞台": ["go on the stage"], "当演员": ["go on the stage"], "接着做某事": ["stop to do sth.", "go on to do sth"], "因…而受审": ["go on trial for"], "开始度假": ["go on vacation"], "暂时使用": ["go on with"], "过时": ["date", "go out", "dating", "pass out", "out of fashion"], "相恋": ["go out"], "特地": ["especially", "all the way", "go out of one's way", "expressly", "specially"], "不怕麻烦": ["go out of one's way"], "开始不用": ["go out of use"], "被废弃": ["go out of use"], "重温": ["revisit", "go over", "recapture"], "仔细检查": ["case", "check over", "vet", "overhaul", "explore", "study", "go through", "go over", "scrutinize", "look over"], "润色": ["retouch", "finish", "polish", "touch", "embellish", "polish up", "embroidered", "Polish", "go over", "lard", "touch up", "embellishment"], "偷偷离开": ["go over the hill"], "朝…走去": ["go over to"], "过火": ["go overboard", "overdo"], "鲁莽从事": ["go overboard"], "足够分配": ["go round"], "到处走动": ["go round", "move around"], "去航海": ["go on a voyage", "go sailing"], "去航行": ["go sailing"], "进行帆船运动": ["go sailing"], "去滑雪": ["go skiing"], "彻底地干": ["go the whole hog"], "尽力而为": ["go the whole hog", "make the best of"], "把…进行到底": ["go through with"], "上床睡觉": ["sack", "turn in", "go to bed"], "(去教堂)做礼拜": ["go to church"], "去看电影": ["go to cinema", "go to the movies", "go to the cinema"], "走极端": ["go to excess"], "不遗余力": ["sparing", "go to great lengths"], "竭尽全力做某事": ["go to great lengths to do sth"], "不遗余力做某事": ["go to great lengths to do sth"], "破成碎片": ["go to pieces"], "身体垮掉": ["go to pieces", "crock"], "入狱": ["go to prison"], "被监禁": ["in prison", "go to prison", "captivity"], "上厕所": ["toilet", "go to the bathroom", "relieve", "go"], "去电影院": ["go to the cinema", "go to the movies"], "费事": ["trouble", "go to the expense of"], "做某事": ["act", "go to the expense of"], "为…的目的花钱": ["go to the expense of"], "去清真寺": ["go to the mosque"], "开始作战": ["go to war"], "参军": ["join up", "join the army", "go to war", "enrol", "enlist"], "互相协调": ["go together", "mesh"], "朝…方向走去": ["go toward"], "沉没": ["go under", "founder", "sink", "subside", "sunken", "setting", "sinking", "go down", "swamp"], "未被察觉的": ["go unnoticed"], "不受惩罚": ["impunity", "go unpunished"], "免于处罚": ["go unpunished"], "被兴建起来": ["go up"], "毁于一旦": ["go up in flames"], "破灭": ["dash", "crumble", "death", "wreck", "extinguish", "overturn", "go up in flames", "crumbled"], "上楼": ["go upstairs", "upstairs"], "爬楼梯": ["go upstairs"], "和…很相配": ["go well with"], "与…相配": ["go with", "match", "match with", "suit", "tone"], "和…交朋友": ["go with", "befriend"], "伴随…": ["go with sb"], "守门员": ["goal keeper", "goalkeeper", "goalie"], "目标搜索": ["goal seek"], "山羊皮": ["goat skin"], "如果情况允许的话": ["god willing"], "外出": ["outing", "egress", "sortie", "out", "going out", "forth", "outgoing"], "金元": ["gold dollar"], "金法郎": ["gold franc"], "金牌": ["gold", "gold medal"], "金质奖章": ["gold medal"], "金塑像": ["gold statue"], "黄金时代": ["golden age", "millennium"], "鼎盛时期": ["heyday", "golden age"], "有成就的男人": ["golden boy"], "金雕": ["golden eagle"], "退职金": ["retired pay", "golden handshake", "gratuity"], "绝好的机会": ["golden opportunity"], "黄金比例": ["golden ratio"], "黄金分割": ["golden ratio"], "黄金股": ["golden share"], "黄金股份": ["golden share"], "黄金股权": ["golden share"], "金边股": ["golden share"], "高尔夫俱乐部": ["golf club"], "高尔夫球鞋": ["golf shoe"], "高尔夫运动鞋": ["golf shoe"], "善事": ["merit", "good deed"], "好事": ["good", "good deed", "stroke", "kindness"], "恩将仇报": ["good deed goes unpunished"], "好的结尾": ["good ending"], "模仿的好榜样": ["good example for imitation"], "好财运": ["good fortune"], "好运": ["break", "luck", "good fortune", "good job", "fortune"], "顺景": ["good fortune"], "挚友": ["good friend"], "好家伙": ["boy", "good guy"], "身体健康": ["in health", "good health", "in good health"], "愉快的心情": ["good humour"], "好脾气": ["good humour"], "幸运的事情": ["good job"], "干的不错": ["good job"], "高昂士气": ["good morale"], "昂扬士气": ["good morale"], "好邻居": ["good neighbor"], "良好声誉": ["good reputation"], "好人": ["good scout", "goody", "good guy", "good", "nice guy"], "好牧人": ["good shepherd"], "善牧": ["good shepherd"], "好的牧羊人": ["good shepherd"], "高品味": ["good taste"], "味道纯正": ["good taste"], "告别悲伤": ["goodbye sadness"], "具廷贤": ["goodbye sadness"], "如此悲伤": ["goodbye sadness"], "如此难过": ["goodbye sadness"], "货场": ["goods yard"], "亲善大使": ["goodwill ambassador"], "商誉减值": ["goodwill impairment"], "商誉减损": ["goodwill impairment"], "商誉折损": ["goodwill impairment"], "友好访问": ["goodwill visit"], "亲善访问": ["goodwill visit"], "友好访谒": ["goodwill visit"], "鹅肝": ["goose liver"], "哥特小说": ["gothic novel"], "哥特式小说": ["gothic novel"], "管理城市": ["govern a city"], "政府批地书": ["government grant"], "政府补助金": ["government grant"], "政府干预": ["government intervention"], "政府干涉": ["government intervention"], "政府发言人": ["government spokesman"], "吃点东西(非正式语)": ["grab a bite"], "吃点东西": ["grab a bite", "have a bite"], "随便吃几口": ["grab a bite"], "先吃点东西垫垫肚子": ["grab a bite"], "抓取": ["grab at", "grab", "swoop", "snatch at"], "抓住不放": ["hold onto", "grab at"], "风采": ["mien", "graceful bearing"], "优雅的动作": ["graceful gestures"], "仪态优美": ["graceful in manner"], "盛情邀请": ["gracious invitation"], "友好邀请": ["gracious invitation"], "热情邀请": ["gracious invitation"], "成绩评定": ["grade assess"], "粒级层": ["graded bedding"], "序粒层": ["graded bedding"], "粒级层理": ["graded bedding"], "梯度下降": ["gradient descent"], "逐渐上升": ["gradual advance"], "渐变柔光": ["gradual change"], "渐变": ["gradual change", "graduate", "shadow", "gradual transition", "shade", "gradation"], "逐步扩大": ["escalating", "gradual growth", "escalation"], "从…毕业": ["graduate from"], "毕业实习": ["graduation practice"], "毕业设计": ["graduation project"], "涂鸦墙": ["graffiti wall"], "粮谷生产": ["grain production"], "谷物生产": ["grain production"], "克质量": ["gram mass"], "克重": ["gram weight"], "语法与词汇": ["grammar and vocabulary"], "大运河": ["grand canal"], "大会堂": ["grand hall"], "特奖": ["grand prize"], "葡萄籽油": ["grape seed oil"], "图形数据": ["graph data"], "图表资料…": ["graph data"], "图文法": ["graph grammar"], "方格纸": ["graph paper"], "平面造型设计": ["graphic design"], "图示设计": ["graphic design"], "想抓住": ["grasp at"], "理解严重性": ["grasp the gravity"], "把握大局": ["grasp the overall situation"], "沼泽草原": ["grass moor"], "草沼地": ["grass moor"], "禾草沼泽": ["grass moor"], "青草味": ["grass smell"], "离婚的女子": ["grass widow"], "被抛弃的女子": ["grass widow"], "草原荒漠化": ["grassland desertification"], "草地荒漠化": ["grassland desertification"], "草原沙化": ["grassland desertification"], "为…而感谢": ["grateful for"], "灰度": ["gray level"], "吃(牛羊等吃草)": ["graze on"], "叔祖母": ["great aunt"], "大萧条(美国经济大萧条时期)": ["great depression"], "大萧条": ["great depression"], "巨大努力": ["great effort"], "艰苦": ["great hardship", "rough", "austerity", "rigor"], "无上的荣誉": ["great honor"], "殊荣": ["great honor", "laurel"], "大跃进": ["great leap"], "大步前进": ["great leap"], "伟大的音乐家": ["great musician"], "十分乐观": ["great optimism"], "巨大成功": ["eclat", "great success", "triumph"], "非常成功": ["great success"], "曾祖父或曾祖母": ["great-grandparent"], "外曾祖父母": ["great-grandparent"], "曾祖父母": ["great-grandparent"], "激赏": ["greatly admire"], "非常敬佩": ["greatly admire"], "大失所望": ["disillusioned", "greatly disappointed"], "大大缩短": ["greatly shorten"], "高超的种植技能": ["green fingers"], "绿色食品": ["green food"], "绿蛙": ["green frog"], "池蛙": ["green frog"], "迎宾接待入座": ["greet guests"], "迎接与迎接以…来欢迎": ["greet with"], "贺卡": ["greeting card", "card"], "打招呼": ["hello", "salute", "bid", "saying hello", "hallo", "say hello", "greeting someone", "greeting"], "与人打招呼": ["Greet people", "greeting someone"], "灰色收入": ["grey income"], "冤屈投诉程序": ["grievance procedure"], "苦情处理制度": ["grievance procedure"], "抱怨程序": ["grievance procedure"], "申诉程序": ["grievance procedure"], "烤盘": ["grill pan", "pan", "tin"], "逆来顺受": ["grin and bear it"], "食品杂货袋": ["grocery bag"], "食品杂货部门": ["grocery department"], "国内生产总值": ["GDP", "gross domestic product (gdp)"], "地锚": ["ground anchor"], "锚钉": ["ground anchor"], "土地勘测": ["ground investigation"], "探土": ["ground investigation"], "土地勘探": ["ground investigation"], "岩土勘探": ["ground investigation"], "土地沉降": ["ground settlement"], "地面沉降": ["ground settlement"], "地沉": ["ground settlement"], "土地下陷": ["ground settlement"], "地下水": ["ground water", "groundwater"], "小组讨论": ["panel discussion", "group discussion"], "组长": ["group leader"], "车间班长": ["group leader"], "团体领袖": ["group leader"], "群体规范": ["group norm"], "团体规范": ["group norm"], "小组常模": ["group norm"], "团体常模": ["group norm"], "在…方面成长": ["grow in"], "越来越厌恶": ["grow more and more disgusted"], "加深影响": ["grow on"], "引起…爱好": ["grow on"], "长大而穿不下(尤指原有的衣服)": ["grow out of"], "长大而穿不下": ["grow out of"], "长大而厌倦(某事物)": ["grow out of"], "长大而厌倦": ["grow out of"], "从…长出来": ["grow out of"], "产生于": ["grow out of", "issue from"], "种水稻": ["grow rice"], "成长": ["come on", "age", "develop", "burgeoning", "development", "shape", "grow up", "grown", "pullulate", "blossom", "growing", "developing", "growth", "grow"], "逐渐形成": ["evolved", "develop", "grow up"], "抱怨…": ["growl about…"], "对…狂叫": ["growl at"], "从…传来吼声": ["growl in"], "长大成人": ["maturity", "grown up"], "成人版": ["grown-up version\""], "成长路径": ["growth path"], "生长模型": ["growth pattern"], "生长模式": ["growth pattern"], "生长期": ["growth period"], "成长期": ["growth stage", "growth period"], "发育期": ["puberty", "growth period"], "增长极": ["growth pole"], "增长点": ["growth pole"], "发展轴心": ["growth pole"], "生长促进剂": ["growth promoter"], "增长率": ["growth rate"], "生长速率": ["growth rate"], "生长节律": ["growth rhythm"], "成长阶段": ["growth stage"], "职业准备阶段": ["growth stage"], "生长阶段": ["growth stage"], "保证不…": ["guarantee against"], "信用保证人": ["guarantor of credit"], "防盗": ["guard against theft"], "守住边疆": ["guard the frontier trade"], "守护天使": ["guardian angel"], "保护神": ["guardian angel", "angel"], "凭主观猜测": ["guess subjectively"], "猜怎么了": ["guess what"], "客座教授": ["guest lecturer", "visiting professor", "visiting scholar"], "特约讲师": ["guest lecturer"], "客房": ["guest room", "room"], "导航系统": ["guidance system"], "引导(某人)回到(某地)": ["guide back to"], "引导…回到…": ["guide back to"], "指导路线": ["guide line"], "指导原则": ["rudder", "guiding principle", "guide line", "instructive principal"], "有罪": ["guilt", "criminality", "guilty of a crime"], "吉他手": ["guitar player", "guitarist"], "用枪击伤": ["gun down"], "枪杀": ["gun down", "shooting"], "体育教师健身教练": ["gym instructor"], "健身鞋球鞋": ["gym shoe"], "体操台": ["gymnastic floor"], "体操表演": ["gymnastic performance"], "舞毒蛾": ["gypsy moth"], "居住条件": ["habitat condition"], "生境破坏": ["habitat destruction"], "毁坏栖息地": ["habitat destruction"], "习惯性犯罪": ["habitual crime"], "十字稿": ["hack iron"], "黑客社区": ["hacker community"], "黑客社团": ["hacker community"], "黑客圈子": ["hacker community"], "黑客工具": ["hacker tools"], "骇客工具": ["hacker tools"], "还是…好": ["may as well", "had better"], "最好做某事": ["had better do sth"], "与其…不如…": ["had rather… than"], "宁愿…不愿…": ["had rather… than"], "冰雹预报器": ["hail forecaster"], "(车、船)来自": ["hail from"], "(人)出生于": ["hail from"], "冰雹风暴": ["hail storm"], "电吹风": ["hair dryer"], "染发剂": ["rinse", "tint", "hair dye"], "毛发性感觉": ["hair sensibility"], "毛骨悚然": ["hair stand on end", "creep"], "没礼貌的": ["lowbred", "flippant", "hairy at the heel"], "大闸蟹": ["hairy crab"], "毛蟹": ["hairy crab"], "半打": ["half a dozen"], "六个": ["half a dozen", "six"], "打五折": ["half off"], "名人纪念馆": ["hall of fame"], "做得过火": ["ham it up"], "装模作样…": ["ham it up"], "火腿沙拉": ["ham salad"], "火腿色拉": ["ham salad"], "全力以赴地": ["hammer and tongs"], "竭尽全力地": ["hammer and tongs", "vehemently", "mightily"], "打铁": ["hammer iron"], "设计出": ["think up", "work out", "hammer out"], "手刹": ["hand brake"], "把…传下去": ["hand down", "bequeath"], "呈送": ["submit", "submission", "hand in"], "勾结着": ["hand in glove"], "手拉手地": ["hand in hand"], "上交作业": ["hand in homework"], "转交": ["forward", "hand on"], "传递下去": ["hand on"], "把…拿出来": ["hand out"], "移交": ["turn over", "transfer", "remit", "deliver", "remove", "relegate", "make over", "hand over", "part", "devolve"], "洗手液": ["hand soap"], "洗手皂": ["hand soap"], "手轻拿轻放": ["handle gently"], "小心轻放": ["handle with care"], "小心装卸": ["handle with care"], "可观的薪水": ["handsome salary"], "手写识别": ["handwriting recognition"], "对…方便的": ["handy for"], "踊跃不前": ["hang back"], "畏缩": ["cower", "wimp", "wince", "flinch", "cringe", "hang back", "funk", "shrink", "weaken", "wilt", "recoil", "cringing", "shy", "faltering", "quail"], "命悬一线": ["hang by a thread"], "气若游丝": ["hang by a thread"], "危在旦夕": ["hang by a thread"], "安危未定": ["hang in the balance"], "不挂断": ["hold", "hang on"], "握住不放": ["hang on"], "紧紧抓住": ["hang on to", "hold on to", "clamp", "hold onto", "hang onto"], "留住": ["retain", "hang on to", "detain", "keep"], "继续保留": ["hang onto"], "挂出": ["hang out"], "笼罩": ["fold", "pavilion", "cope", "involve", "mantle", "blanket", "descend", "stalk", "cloak", "smother", "steep", "hang over", "brood"], "被遗留下": ["hang over"], "同心协力": ["hang together"], "结合在一起": ["hang together"], "顽强不屈": ["hang tough"], "搁置": ["leave in the air", "shelve", "table", "hang up", "stall", "rest", "lay aside", "shelf", "live", "waive", "lay up", "abeyance", "shunt", "sit on"], "发生于": ["happen to", "be"], "不约而同": ["happen to coincide"], "不谋而合": ["coincide", "happen to coincide"], "万事俱备": ["happily complete"], "知足常乐": ["happiness consists in contentment"], "周年纪念快乐": ["happy anniversary"], "生日快乐": ["Happy birthday!", "happy birthday"], "大团圆结局": ["happy ending"], "港口设备": ["harbour facilities"], "恶运": ["mishap", "hard cheese"], "硬盘": ["hard disk"], "严厉对待": ["hard on", "punish", "punishment"], "人见人爱": ["hard to resist"], "无法抗拒": ["hard to resist"], "惹人喜爱": ["hard to resist"], "几乎什么也不": ["hardly any"], "几乎从来不": ["rarely or never", "hardly ever", "rarely if ever"], "几乎未来得及就…": ["hardly when", "hardly…when"], "刚一…就…": ["hardly when", "hardly…when"], "五金厂": ["hardware factory"], "辛勤的园丁": ["hardworking gardener"], "扎脚管宽松女长裤": ["harem pants"], "侵害某人的利益": ["harm sb's interests"], "不良影响": ["miasma", "harmful effect"], "有害因素": ["harmful factor"], "不良习惯": ["harmful habit"], "无害化处理": ["harmless treatment"], "社会主义和谐社会": ["harmonious socialist society"], "协调发展": ["harmonize development"], "唠唠叨叨地讲…": ["harp on sth.", "harp on sth"], "翻来覆去地谈论…": ["harp upon"], "严厉的脸色": ["harsh countenance"], "厉色": ["harsh countenance"], "恶劣的天气": ["severe weather", "harsh weather"], "丰收喜庆日": ["harvest festival"], "有…人口": ["has a population of"], "毕恭毕敬地": ["cap in hand", "hat in hand"], "温顺地": ["hat in hand"], "恳求地": ["hat in hand"], "策划阴谋": ["cabal", "brewing", "hatch a plot", "intriguing"], "不喜欢做某事": ["hate doing sth"], "对…恨之入骨": ["hate sb's guts"], "讨厌做某事": ["hate to do sth"], "鬼屋": ["haunted house"], "骑虎难下": ["have (hold) a wolf by the ears", "have(hold)a wolf by the ears"], "和…(有点)关系": ["have (something) to do with"], "和…关系": ["have (something) to do with"], "生孩子": ["give birth to", "bear", "give birth", "bring forth", "have a baby"], "对…有坏影响": ["have a bad effect on"], "狂欢": ["revel", "large", "have a ball", "bash", "blast", "spree", "orgy", "rage", "roister", "binge", "revelry", "riot", "bum", "carouse"], "玩得开心": ["have a ball", "have fun", "have fun with", "enjoy", "enjoy yourself"], "说话冒失": ["have a big mouth"], "咬一口": ["have a bite"], "难于启齿": ["have a bone in one's throat"], "与…聊天": ["chin", "have a chat with"], "受凉": ["have a cold"], "患感冒": ["have a cold"], "和某人辩论": ["have a debate against sb"], "讨厌": ["be disgusted at", "abhor", "dash", "blast", "detest", "damn", "hate", "odium", "in disgust", "have a dislike of", "loathe", "distaste", "loathing", "like", "flip", "hated", "confound"], "预感到…": ["have a feeling"], "觉得…": ["have a feeling"], "与…说几句话": ["have a few words with"], "(尤因喉咙痛)说话困难": ["have a frog in one's throat"], "说话困难": ["have a frog in one's throat"], "有大体了解": ["have a general idea of"], "对…有天赋": ["have a gift for", "have a talent for"], "酒喝得过多": ["have a glass too much"], "试一试": ["have a go (at)"], "有很好的指挥": ["have a good command of"], "有很好的掌握": ["have a good grasp of"], "想象力丰富": ["have a good imagination"], "玩得高兴": ["Have a good time!", "have fun with", "enjoy oneself", "have a good time"], "做某事很愉快": ["have a good time(in)doing sth"], "一路顺风": ["farewell", "have a good trip", "have a pleasant journey"], "对…有很好的理解": ["have a good understanding of"], "非常喜欢": ["be mad for", "have a great tooth for", "adore"], "做某事很辛苦": ["have a hard time(in)doing sth"], "做某事有困难": ["have trouble(in)doing", "have a problem(in)doing sth", "have a hard time(in)doing sth", "have difficulty (in) doing sth."], "头疼": ["have a headache"], "开个玩笑": ["have a joke with"], "具备…的知识": ["have a knowledge of"], "有大量的": ["be abundant in", "roll in", "have a large collection of", "be covered with"], "任重道远": ["have a long way to go"], "有很长的路要走": ["have a long way to go"], "看一看": ["see", "have a look", "take a look at"], "信口胡说": ["have a loose tooth"], "对…有强烈的爱好": ["have a passion for"], "举行野餐": ["have a picnic"], "想象力贫乏": ["have a poor imagination"], "起某种作用": ["have a role", "behave"], "有发言权": ["have a say"], "荡秋千": ["swing", "have a swing"], "日子过得不愉快": ["have a thin time (of it)"], "对…十分喜欢/厌恶": ["have a thing about"], "想喝杯酒": ["have a thirst"], "酒醉": ["drunkenness", "have a turkey on one's back", "bun"], "嗜好…": ["have a weakness for"], "悄悄地说": ["have a word in one's ear"], "与…谈话": ["talk to…", "onto", "talk to", "have a word with"], "可以利用": ["have access to", "have access to sth"], "比某人有优势": ["have an advantage over sb"], "有外遇": ["have an affair", "stray"], "通奸": ["have an affair", "infidelity", "fornicate", "misconduct", "adultery"], "婚外恋": ["have an affair"], "有…的才能": ["have an aptitude for"], "有…的天性": ["have an aptitude for"], "有…的自然倾向": ["have an aptitude for"], "有一群观众": ["have an audience of"], "对…听觉灵敏": ["have an ear for"], "对…有鉴赏力": ["have an ear for"], "对…有影响": ["have an impact on", "impinge", "weigh with", "have an effect on", "react on", "act", "react on v.", "have an influence on", "rule", "bear on", "have an effect upon", "make some difference", "bearing"], "对…造成冲击": ["have an impact on"], "有某种打算": ["have an intention"], "有强烈的欲望做某事": ["have an urge to"], "要回": ["have back", "reclaim"], "吃早餐": ["breakfast", "have breakfast"], "上课": ["lesson", "have classes", "school"], "与…有联系/有关联": ["have connection with"], "与…有分歧": ["have difficulty with", "disagree with"], "相处不好": ["have difficulty with"], "感到困难": ["have difficulty with"], "做…有困难": ["have difficulty(in)doing…", "have trouble(in)doing…"], "做完": ["clear", "off", "get through", "have done with", "play out", "go through with"], "与…无关": ["nothing to do with", "have nothing to do with…", "have done with", "have nothing to do with", "independently of"], "为所欲为": ["have everything one's own way", "get one's way"], "(对…)抱有期望": ["have expectations of"], "抱有期望": ["have expectations of"], "有才华": ["have genius"], "做某事时有运气(走运)": ["have luck(in)doing sth"], "做某事时有运气": ["have luck(in)doing sth"], "对…怜悯": ["have mercy on"], "悲喜交集": ["have mixed feelings"], "与…很有关系": ["have much to do with"], "与…有很大关系": ["have much to do with"], "必须做某事": ["have need to do sth", "have need to do sth."], "有必要做某事": ["have need to do sth", "have need to do sth."], "除了做某事别无选择": ["have no option but to do", "have no choice but to do", "have no alternative but to do"], "无权": ["have no business"], "没有理由": ["have no business"], "没有选择的余地": ["have no choice"], "没有良心": ["have no conscience"], "不辨是非": ["have no conscience"], "没有什么爱好": ["have no hobby"], "不清楚": ["have no idea"], "对…不抱幻想": ["have no illusions about"], "不缺乏": ["have no lack of"], "不缺少": ["have no lack of"], "毫不紧张": ["have no nerves"], "不能容忍": ["impatient", "have no patience with"], "和…无关": ["have done with", "have nothing to do with…", "beside"], "接到通知": ["have notice of"], "戴着": ["have on"], "有事在手头上": ["have on"], "使上钩": ["have on"], "走运": ["luck", "have one's day", "bull", "up"], "出头之日": ["have one's day"], "走红": ["have one's moment"], "如愿以偿": ["have one's will", "achieve"], "讨论或争论得出结论": ["have out"], "邀请出去": ["have out"], "对…有影响力/控制力": ["have power over"], "听取某人的看法": ["have sb's version", "hear sb's version"], "(对原先的决定)犹豫": ["have second thoughts"], "产生怀疑": ["have second thoughts"], "看到": ["espy", "observe", "get", "oversee", "behold", "have sight of", "read", "sight", "see", "come into view", "catch sight of", "spy"], "掌握着某人的命运": ["have someone's fate in one's hands"], "有(某方面)共同之处": ["have sth in common"], "有共同之处": ["have sth in common"], "有能力做某事": ["have the ability to do"], "有雅量做…": ["have the grace to"], "有幸": ["have the honour"], "笑到最后": ["have the last laugh"], "取得最后胜利": ["have the last laugh"], "有权做…": ["have the right to"], "具有…长处": ["have the virtue of"], "对某物拥有所有权": ["have title to sth."], "必定是": ["have to be"], "无疑是": ["have to be"], "不得不做某事": ["have to do"], "与…有纠纷": ["have trouble with"], "有…的病痛": ["have trouble with"], "把某人请来作客": ["have up"], "与…吵嘴": ["have words with sb"], "与某人发生口角": ["have words with sb"], "还没有": ["nor yet", "have yet to"], "吃…作为甜点": ["have…for dessert"], "有相同特征": ["have…in common"], "(想法、兴趣等方面)相同": ["have…in common"], "相同": ["equality", "sameness", "parity", "same", "uniformly", "matching", "have…in common"], "心里已有…": ["have…in mind"], "有害化学制品": ["hazardous chemicals"], "有害废物": ["hazardous waste"], "调头": ["U-turn", "head back"], "主教练": ["manager", "head coach"], "总教练": ["head coach"], "朝东去": ["head eastward"], "磁头消磁器": ["head eraser"], "冒失地": ["boldly", "rashly", "head first"], "头向前地": ["headlong", "head first"], "头先入水": ["head first"], "前往": ["seek", "proceed", "make one's way to", "head for", "head to"], "取向于": ["head for"], "护士长": ["head nurse", "matron"], "使改变方向": ["turn off", "head off"], "阻挡(某人)": ["head off"], "阻挡…": ["head off"], "拦截(某人)": ["head off"], "拦截…": ["head off"], "防止…发生": ["head off"], "总公司": ["parent company", "headquarters", "head office", "parent", "Headquarters"], "总行": ["head office"], "迎面地": ["head-on", "head on"], "起步前的优势": ["head start"], "(朝…)": ["head to"], "(向…)": ["head to"], "加盖子于": ["head up"], "对…来说感到头痛": ["headache for"], "抬高水位": ["heading up"], "话题人物": ["headline makers"], "标题新闻": ["headline news"], "立即恢复": ["heal instantly"], "合拢": ["fold", "heal over", "close", "shut"], "医疗保健": ["health care", "health"], "卫生所": ["health clinic", "clinic"], "健康中心": ["health clinic"], "保健室": ["health clinic"], "保健食品": ["health food"], "健康保险": ["health insurance"], "有利于某人健康的": ["healthy for sb"], "听说": ["informed of", "know of", "hear about", "hearing", "learn of", "understand", "hear", "hear of"], "收到…的信": ["hear from"], "受…的批评": ["hear from"], "听说过": ["know of", "hear of"], "听某人把话说完": ["hear sb out"], "全心全意地": ["heart and soul", "wholeheartedly"], "心脏病发作": ["heart attack", "arresting", "arrest"], "心脏病": ["heart disease"], "心腐病": ["heart rot"], "心脏手术": ["heart surgery"], "贴心地": ["heart to heart"], "心碎的男人": ["heartbroken man"], "由衷的感谢": ["heartfelt thanks"], "衷心感谢": ["heartfelt thanks", "heartily 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["helpful in"], "对…有帮助的": ["helpful to"], "对…有益的": ["helpful to"], "因此在其原籍国": ["hence on their origin"], "因此对其来源": ["hence on their origin"], "因此对他们的起源": ["hence on their origin"], "草药茶": ["herb tea"], "中药麻醉": ["herbal anesthesia"], "草药": ["medicinal herb", "simple", "herbal medicine"], "当前": ["currently", "here and now", "afloat"], "在各处": ["across", "here and there"], "零星分散地": ["here and there"], "遗传特征": ["trait", "hereditary characters", "inheritance", "genetics", "heredity"], "英雄双韵体": ["heroic couplet"], "对…犹豫不决": ["hesitate about"], "在两者间踌躇": ["hesitate between"], "吞吞吐吐": ["hesitate in", "tail off"], "有顾虑地做…": ["hesitate to do"], "犹豫做…": ["hesitate to do"], "隐患": ["risk", "hidden trouble", "pitfall", "catch"], "捉迷藏": ["hide and seek", "hide-and-seek"], "掩饰自己的厌恶": ["hide one's disgust"], "熟练地掩饰": ["hide skillfully"], "高海拔": ["high altitude"], "高要求的": ["high demanding"], "高效率": ["high efficiency"], "烈性炸药": ["high explosive", "fulminate"], "高爆炸药": ["high explosive"], "猛炸药": ["high 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["highest score"], "最高分数": ["highest score"], "无上患上分": ["highest score"], "反映问题": ["highlight the problem"], "多才多艺": ["versatility", "highly accomplished"], "高能化合物": ["highly energetic compound"], "高度肿胀": ["highly swollen"], "飘起": ["hike up"], "健行靴": ["hiking sneaker"], "徒步鞋": ["hiking sneaker"], "丘陵地带": ["highland", "foothill", "hilly country"], "对别人暗示…": ["hint at"], "嘻哈文化": ["hip hop"], "雇一名工匠": ["hire a workman"], "打工": ["hire oneself out"], "受雇于人": ["hire oneself out"], "受雇": ["hire", "employ", "hire out"], "历史碑石": ["historic monument"], "古迹": ["historic spots", "historic site", "antiquity", "remains"], "历史背景": ["historical background"], "古代服装": ["historical costumes"], "史料": ["historical data"], "历史资料": ["historical data"], "历史事件": ["historical events"], "历史重大事件": ["historical events"], "大事纪要": ["historical events"], "历史演变": ["historical evolution"], "历史沿革": ["historical evolution"], "历史地理学": ["historical geography"], "历史小说": ["historical novel"], "历史博物馆": ["history museum"], "碰巧的": ["hit and miss", "chance", "casual", "scratch"], "偶然随意": ["hit and miss"], "回击": ["return", "answering", "reply", "resist", "strike Back", "hit back"], "使受到沉重的打击": ["hit hard"], "使…遭受严重": ["hit hard"], "合得来": ["fit", "hit it off", "belong"], "使出干劲": ["hit one's stride"], "最流行的一批": ["hit parade"], "就寝": ["roll in", "retire", "retiring", "hit the sack"], "使人满意": ["hit the spot"], "正合需要": ["hit the spot"], "脱离编制": ["hive off"], "分出": ["spare", "hive off"], "愚弄病毒": ["hoax virus"], "病毒恶作剧": ["hoax virus"], "保持头衔": ["hold a title"], "因…对抱成见": ["hold against"], "因…而歧视": ["hold against"], "压制": ["strangle", "repress", "squash", "repression", "clamp", "suffocate", "subdued", "extinguish", "suppress", "subdue", "coerce", "squelch", "tame", "suppression", "oppress", "hold down", "throttle", "keep under", "press", "pin down", "oppression", "quell", "silence", "quench"], "保有": ["tenure", "retain", "keep", "hold down"], "滔滔地说": ["hold forth"], "免受损害协定": ["hold harmless"], "不受损害": ["hold 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["withhold", "hold out", "intern", "detain", "arresting", "retention", "custody", "arrest", "suppress"], "对…抱有…希望": ["hold out hope"], "以…威胁": ["hold over"], "向某人隐瞒某事": ["hold sth back from sb"], "持…的观点": ["take the view that…", "hold the view that…"], "适用": ["hold", "pertain", "application", "bestow", "hold true", "inure", "apply"], "阻挡": ["exclude", "withhold", "throttle", "turn back", "resist", "hold up", "withholding", "block", "bar", "keep back"], "站得住脚": ["hold", "wash", "hold water", "stand up", "washing"], "合情合理": ["hold water"], "说得通": ["hold water"], "能盛水": ["hold water"], "慢点": ["hold your horses", "gently"], "别急": ["hold your horses"], "忍住不说": ["hold your tongue"], "保持缄默": ["hold your tongue"], "躲藏起来": ["hole up", "burrow"], "节日礼物": ["holiday gift"], "假日酒店": ["holiday inn"], "假日旅馆": ["holiday inn"], "生肖邮票": ["holiday stamp"], "圣洁运动": ["holiness movement"], "虚伪的笑": ["hollow laugh"], "空心支架": ["hollow sting"], "空洞的言语": ["hollow words"], "圣灵": ["spirit", "dove", "holy ghost", "comforter", "holy spirit"], "圣战": ["holy war", "jihad"], "海内外": ["home and abroad"], "原籍国": ["home country"], "内政大臣": ["home secretary"], "内政部长": ["home secretary"], "内务大臣": ["home secretary"], "团支书家": ["home secretary"], "家庭影院": ["home theater"], "国土安全": ["homeland security"], "认真": ["seriousness", "earnest", "sobriety", "honesty of purpose"], "拉拢": ["hook in", "lasso"], "以钩钩住": ["hook in"], "装好": ["hook up", "thread"], "接通": ["wire", "hook up", "put through", "make", "place", "wired", "switch on", "connect", "switch in", "through", "connection", "connecting", "connect up", "close"], "哄走": ["hoot away"], "完全不可救药了": ["hopeless completely"], "水平方向": ["horizontal direction"], "水平偏转": ["horizontal direction"], "水平截面": ["horizontal section"], "水平切面": ["horizontal section"], "水平断面": ["horizontal section"], "水平剖面": ["horizontal section"], "激素受体": ["hormone receptor"], "荷尔蒙受体": ["hormone receptor"], "表达与激素受体": ["hormone receptor"], "对某人不友好": ["horrible to sb"], "恐怖小说": ["horror fiction"], "马车运输": ["horse-drawn traffic"], "宜人的环境": ["hospitable environment"], "细菌宿主": ["host bacterium"], "东道国": ["host country"], "宿舍单位": ["hostel accommodation"], "恶性接收": ["hostile takeover"], "敌意接管": ["hostile takeover"], "不安的": ["ill at ease", "skittish", "unset", "fitful", "unsettled", "uncomfortable", "apprehensive", "disconcerting", "upset", "nervous", "tremulous", "hot and bothered", "restless", "troubled", "abashed", "uneasy", "anxious", "turbulent", "agitated", "queasy", "disturbed"], "气冲冲的": ["hot and bothered"], "热水浴": ["hot bath"], "复活节庆典面包": ["hot cross bun"], "十字包": ["hot cross bun"], "热十字面包": ["hot cross bun"], "加热浸提": ["hot digestion"], "加热消化": ["hot digestion"], "热溶胶": ["hot glue"], "过热点": ["hot spot"], "潜在的危险地区": ["hot spot"], "炎热的夏天": ["hot summer"], "热门话题": ["hot topic", "trend"], "火锅锅底": ["hotpot soup"], "猎狗": ["hound", "hound dog"], "猎犬乐队": ["hound dog"], "家庭用品": ["household goods"], "日用商品": ["household goods"], "女管家": ["housekeeper stewardess", "stewardess", "housekeeper"], "住宅区": ["housing estate", "settlement", "estate", "uptown"], "住宅群": ["housing estate"], "住房按揭": ["housing mortgage"], "在…盘旋": ["hover over"], "你敢": ["how dare you"], "胆子真大啊": ["how dare you"], "多少钱": ["how much"], "多长时间一次": ["how often"], "应该如何": ["how shall"], "多久": ["how soon"], "多快": ["how soon"], "多少时间之后": ["how soon"], "多久以后": ["how soon"], "呐喊声": ["hubbub", "hubbub slogan", "slogan"], "蒸汽吞吐": ["huff and puff"], "恼怒": ["exasperation", "huff", "worrying", "irritation", "hump", "peeve", "vex", "vexation", "freak", "huff and puff", "pique"], "恫吓": ["huff", "threaten", "intimidation", "blackmail", "bulldoze", "browbeat", "bludgeon", "huff and puff", "intimidate"], "沾沾自喜": ["gloat", "complacency", "hug oneself", "hug", "pleased with oneself", "preen"], "平稳行驶": ["hug the road"], "大批观众": ["huge audience"], "呼拉圈": ["hula hoop"], "人力资本": ["human capital"], "技能资本": ["human capital"], "人性尊严": ["human dignity"], "人类生态学": ["human ecology"], "人为误差": ["human error"], "有人情味的": ["humane", "human interact", "human"], "人性": ["manhood", "human nature", "humanity"], "人类本性": ["human nature"], "人力资源管理": ["human resource management"], "人力调配": ["human resource management"], "人本教育": ["humanistic education"], "人文主义教育": ["humanistic education"], "人本主义心理学": ["humanistic psychology"], "人本心理学": ["humanistic psychology"], "人类社会": ["civilization", "world", "humankind society"], "仿人机器人": ["humanoid robot"], "人形机器人": ["humanoid robot"], "人型机器人": ["humanoid robot"], "拙见": ["humble opinion"], "愚见": ["humble opinion"], "浅见": ["humble opinion"], "幽默小说": ["humorous story"], "许许多多的": ["oceans of", "an abundance of", "millions of", "hundreds of"], "成百上千的": ["hundreds of"], "极需…": ["hunger for"], "渴望得到…": ["hunger for"], "追猎(某动物)": ["hunt after"], "追猎": ["hunt after", "hunt", "hound"], "猎取": ["hunt", "hunt up", "hunting"], "跨栏运动员": ["hurdling athlete"], "防风灯": ["hurricane lamp"], "飓风灯": ["hurricane lamp"], "马灯": ["hurricane lamp"], "赶忙": ["hurry for"], "(使)赶快": ["hurry up"], "赶快": ["come on", "hie", "haste", "hasten", "shift", "hurry up"], "头痛的厉害": ["hurt badly"], "严重受伤": ["hurt badly", "severe Injuries", "seriously injured"], "因…而伤心": ["hurt by"], "伤感情": ["hurt feeling"], "伤害某人的感情": ["hurt one's feelings"], "肃静": ["hush", "hush up", "hushed"], "防止…张扬出去": ["hush up"], "熙熙攘攘": ["hustle and bustle", "bustle", "hustle"], "氢原子": ["hydrogen atom"], "虚伪的面具": ["hypocritical mask"], "假设检验": ["hypothesis test"], "溜冰鞋": ["skate", "roller skate", "ice skate"], "糖粉": ["icing sugar"], "糖霜": ["frosting", "icing sugar", "icing", "ice"], "理想世界": ["ideal world"], "同卵双生": ["identical twin"], "与…相同": ["be identical with", "the equal of", "the same with", "identical with"], "可辨认点": ["identifiable point"], "识别记号": ["identification sign"], "证明自己(的身份)": ["identify oneself"], "证明自己": ["identify oneself"], "认为…等同于": ["identify with"], "与一致": ["identify with"], "思想教育": ["ideological education"], "政治教育": ["ideological education"], "思想教育工作者": ["ideological educator"], "惯用语": ["idiom", "formula", "locution", "phrase", "idiomatic expression"], "播音提示板": ["idiot board"], "浪费光阴": ["idle away"], "虚度时间": ["idle away"], "闲置设备": ["idle equipment"], "静止状态": ["idle state", "slumber", "standstill", "stasis"], "空闲时间": ["leisure time", "spare time", "idle time", "leisure"], "闲置时间": ["shelf life", "idle time"], "停工时间": ["idle time"], "停歇时间": ["idle time"], "若有的话": ["if any"], "即便要": ["if any"], "如果适用": ["if applicable"], "若可以": ["if applicable"], "如果必要的话": ["if necessary"], "如果需要的话": ["if need be"], "如果不": ["if not", "without", "otherwise", "unless"], "如果不这样的话": ["if not"], "要是…多好": ["if", "if only"], "但愿": ["hopefully", "if only", "pray that", "wish"], "如果可能的话": ["if possible", "possible"], "如有可能": ["if possible"], "假如你喜欢的话": ["if you will"], "如果你愿意那样说的话": ["if you will"], "在…方面的无知": ["ignorance about"], "不听劝告": ["ignore advice"], "不顾危险": ["ignore danger"], "全然不顾": ["ignore totally"], "感到拘束": ["ill at ease"], "不健康": ["ill health", "sickness"], "违法行为": ["delinquency", "offence", "illegal activities", "infraction", "malfeasance"], "不法活动": ["caper", "illegal activities"], "非法入境者": ["illegal immigrant"], "非法入境": ["illegal immigration"], "非法所得": ["illegal income"], "不合法收入": ["illegal income"], "非法击球": ["illegally batted ball"], "非法投球": ["illegally delivered ball"], "非法操纵": ["illegally manipulated"], "照明系统": ["illuminate system"], "曝光系统": ["illuminate system"], "用…来说明": ["illustrate with"], "给…加(插图)": ["illustrate with"], "给…加": ["illustrate with"], "形象大使": ["image ambassador"], "商品代言人": ["image ambassador"], "图像显示": ["image display"], "图片缩放": ["image shrink"], "图像缩小": ["image shrink"], "想象中的朋友": ["imaginary friend"], "虚构的故事": ["fiction", "fable", "imaginary story", "myth", "fudge"], "想象力丰富的答案": ["imaginative answer"], "想象力丰富的孩子": ["imaginative child"], "把…当作…": ["imagine as"], "向某人学习": ["imitate from sb", "imitate from sb."], "效仿行事方式": ["imitate way of doing things"], "仿制材": ["imitation wood"], "人造木": ["imitation wood"], "及时关注": ["immediate attention"], "直接原因": ["immediate cause"], "近因": ["immediate cause"], "即刻效果": ["immediate effect"], "即时效应": ["immediate effect"], "直系亲属": ["immediate family"], "周边环境": ["immediate surroundings"], "接在…之后": ["immediately after"], "浩瀚的海洋": ["immense ocean"], "移民签证": ["immigrant visa"], "移民到某一国家": ["immigrate into a country"], "移民到": ["immigrate to", "migrate to"], "移民局": ["immigration office"], "移民局官员": ["immigration officer"], "入境关员": ["immigration officer"], "移民政策": ["immigration policy"], "不朽之名": ["immortal fame"], "免疫系统": ["immune system"], "急切": ["impatient for", "impatience"], "实施计划": ["implement plan"], "内隐自尊": ["implicit self-esteem"], "进出口": ["vent", "import and export"], "导入和导出": ["import and export"], "输入和输出": ["import and export"], "进出口公司": ["import and export corporation"], "进口商": ["importer", "import businessman"], "进口税": ["import duty"], "从…输入": ["import from"], "从…进口": ["import from"], "进口许可证": ["import license"], "重大事件": ["major event", "milestone", "important event"], "施加影响于": ["impose on"], "把意见强加于": ["impose one's opinion upon"], "充当行家": ["impose oneself as an expert"], "不可能实现的梦": ["impossible dream"], "不可能的梦想": ["impossible dream"], "对…来说不太实际": ["impractical for"], "给…留下印象": ["impress on"], "给某人留下深刻印象": ["impress sb. with", "impress sb with"], "使某人铭记某事": ["impress sth on sb", "impress sth. on sb."], "有…的印象": ["impression of"], "对…的印象": ["impression on", "impression of"], "提高极大": ["improve enormously", "inprove enormously"], "在…方面有改进": ["improve in"], "对…加以改良": ["improve on"], "提高听力": ["improve one's hearing"], "改善环境": ["improve the environment"], "表示原物有改进": ["improvement in"], "交际应变技能": ["improvisation skills"], "冲动性购买": ["impulse shopping"], "用汉语": ["in Chinese"], "碰到麻烦": ["in Dutch"], "用英语": ["in English"], "在二月": ["in February"], "身体状况不好": ["in a bad way"], "情况不佳": ["in a bad way", "in poor condition"], "为了…": ["so as to (do sth)", "in a bid to"], "处于困境": ["in a jam", "in a hole", "in need", "in trouble", "in a bind", "on the ropes", "hurt", "tight corner", "in a tight spot", "in the cart"], "一片火光": ["in a blaze"], "在一阵强烈的火光爆发中": ["in a blaze"], "不费力地": ["lightly", "no sweat", "handily", "in a breeze", "effortlessly", "with ease", "easily", "easy"], "广义上讲": ["in a broad sense"], "左右为难": ["damn", "dilemma", "torn between", "in a dilemma"], "不拘礼节地": ["in a family way", "informally", "in the family way"], "一瞬间": ["flash", "breath", "tick", "in a flash", "wink", "blink"], "须臾之间": ["in a flash"], "转瞬": ["in a flash"], "转瞬之间": ["in a flash"], "两星期后": ["in a fortnight"], "好心情": ["good humour", "in a good mood"], "处于良好的状态": ["in a good state"], "事情搞得一团糟": ["in a jam"], "转瞬间": ["flash", "in no time", "in a lash", "in a moment"], "独领风骚": ["in a league of one's own"], "大声地说": ["in a loud voice", "rant"], "乱七八糟": ["muddle", "pell-mell", "topsy-turvy", "in a mess", "upside down", "in confusion"], "陷入窘境": ["in a mess"], "在食堂": ["in a mess"], "在狭义上": ["in a narrow sense"], "简约地": ["in a nutshell"], "极其简括地说": ["in a nutshell"], "在理想状态下": ["in an ideal world", "in a perfect world"], "用积极的方法": ["in a positive way"], "从正面": ["in a positive way"], "连续地": ["in a row", "on end", "running", "continuously", "at a stretch", "straight", "together"], "竖着": ["in a row", "on end"], "急急忙忙地": ["in a rush"], "从某种意义上说": ["in some sense", "in a sense"], "一会儿以后": ["in a short while"], "小规模地": ["on a small scale", "in a small way"], "节俭地": ["economically", "sparingly", "in a small way"], "处境险恶": ["in a tight spot"], "按某一传统": ["in a tradition"], "在山谷里": ["in a valley"], "用种种方法": ["in a variety of ways"], "有几分": ["kind of", "a little bit", "a kind of", "some extent", "in a way", "kinda", "in one way", "rather", "something"], "在某种程度上": ["in some ways", "as it were", "to a certain extent", "to a certain degree", "some extent", "in a way", "to a degree", "partly", "to some extent", "in some sense", "in part", "in a…manner"], "过不久": ["in a while"], "悄悄地": ["in a whisper", "stealthily", "quietly"], "简言之": ["simply put", "in short", "in brief", "briefly speaking", "in a word"], "在活动": ["in action"], "在运转": ["in action"], "除…以外(还)": ["in addition to", "beside"], "在…的前面": ["at the head of", "in advance of"], "痛苦不堪": ["in agony"], "以支援或帮助某事物或某人": ["in aid of"], "凭良心": ["in all conscience"], "公平地说": ["in all conscience", "to be fair"], "说实话": ["to be honest", "to tell you the truth", "to be frank", "tell the truth", "in all honesty"], "在各方面": ["in all respects", "in every way"], "极其真诚地": ["in all sincerity"], "衷心地…": ["in all sincerity"], "不论天气如何": ["in all weather"], "风雨无阻": ["in all weather"], "引喻": ["in allusion to"], "惊讶地": ["in amazement", "in wonder", "in astonishment"], "吃惊地": ["aback", "in amazement", "unawares", "surprised to"], "试图(做)…": ["in an attempt to do"], "努力(做)…": ["make an effort to do", "in an effort to do"], "洋里洋气": ["in an outlandish style"], "在古代": ["in ancient times"], "进进出出": ["in and out"], "生气地": ["in anger", "angrily"], "作为对…的回答": ["in answer to"], "在外表上": ["in appearance"], "在秋天": ["in autumn", "in the fall"], "以一种…方式": ["in a…manner"], "带着一种…的样子": ["in a…manner"], "用…的声音": ["in a…voice"], "极度需要": ["in desperate need of", "in bad need of"], "在战争中": ["in battle"], "在床上": ["in bed"], "卧床": ["lie up", "in bed"], "预留的空白位置": ["in blank"], "在空格里": ["in blank"], "在空白处": ["in blank"], "简单地说": ["in brief", "simply put", "in a nutshell"], "光天化日之下": ["in broad daylight"], "公然": ["in broad daylight", "under sb's nose"], "在萌芽状态": ["in bud"], "经商": ["merchandise", "trade", "in business"], "在经营": ["in business"], "在商界": ["in business"], "假使": ["in case"], "防备": ["in case of", "brace", "precaution", "against", "provision"], "如果发生": ["in the event of", "in case of"], "用现金": ["in cash"], "有现款": ["in cash"], "为庆祝…": ["in celebration of", "in honor of"], "坚定不移的": ["inflexible", "hardy", "adamant", "in cement"], "不妥协的": ["uncompromising", "in cement", "hard-line", "pertinacious", "intransigent", "cast-iron"], "上着镣铐": ["in chains"], "在囚禁中": ["in chains"], "纷乱": ["swirl", "tangle", "imbroglio", "whirlpool", "chaotic", "in chaos", "intricacy"], "负责": ["in charge of", "managed", "take charge of", "take care of", "commit", "commanding", "in charge", "with responsibility for", "handling", "responsibility for", "assume responsibility", "take charge", "heading", "preside", "responsibility"], "出于恻隐之心": ["in charity"], "一齐": ["in chorus", "together"], "异口同声": ["in chorus", "with one voice", "chorus"], "毫无进展": ["in circles"], "兜圈子": ["in circles", "detour"], "在课堂上": ["in class"], "上课中": ["in class"], "与…勾结": ["in league with", "in collaboration with"], "相撞": ["collide", "collision", "knock", "cannon", "in collision"], "在冲突中": ["in collision"], "掌控": ["master", "in command of", "control"], "共有的": ["communal", "mutual", "shared", "generic", "in common", "joint"], "当众": ["in company", "in public"], "同…比较起来": ["in comparison with"], "在结束时": ["in conclusion"], "和…冲突": ["in conflict with"], "处于混乱状态": ["in confusion", "tangle"], "与…协力": ["in conjunction with"], "因为…的缘故": ["in consequence of"], "鉴于…": ["in consideration"], "建设中": ["in construction"], "经与…磋商": ["in consultation with"], "同…相矛盾": ["in contradiction to"], "与…相抵触": ["in contradiction with"], "与…矛盾着": ["in contradiction with"], "与此相反": ["in contrast"], "和…对比": ["in contrast with", "in contrast to"], "与…对照": ["in contrast with", "after"], "在谈话": ["in conversation"], "交谈中": ["in conversation"], "正在…": ["in course of"], "处于…中": ["in course of"], "在法庭上": ["at the bar", "in court"], "(土地)种着庄稼": ["in crop"], "种着庄稼": ["in crop"], "在危险中": ["in danger", "at stake", "on the spot"], "欠(某人)的债": ["in debt to sb"], "欠…的债": ["in debt to sb"], "受(某人)的恩惠": ["in debt to sb"], "受…的恩惠": ["in debt to sb"], "真正": ["only", "in faith", "in deed"], "—深陷其中": ["in deep"], "深深卷入(尤指麻烦)": ["in deep"], "深深卷入": ["in deep"], "保卫…": ["in defence of"], "为…辩护": ["defending", "speak for", "defend", "vindicate", "witness for", "in defence of", "justify", "plead"], "无视": ["omit", "flout", "flaunt", "override", "in defiance of", "blink"], "有需求": ["in demand"], "失望地": ["in despair"], "不顾一切地": ["recklessly", "in desperation", "regardless", "desperately"], "以不同方式": ["in different ways"], "处境困难": ["in Dutch", "in a tight spot", "in difficulty", "in difficulties"], "怀疑地": ["askance", "with suspicion", "suspiciously", "uncertainly", "in disbelief"], "乔装": ["in disguise", "disguised", "masquerade"], "慌乱地": ["in disorder"], "狼狈不堪": ["in disorder"], "杂乱地": ["haphazard", "in disorder", "intricately", "disorderly"], "遇难": ["wrack", "in distress", "wreck"], "在困境中": ["in distress"], "这样做时": ["in doing so", "in so doing"], "在这种情况下": ["under the circumstances", "under the circumstance", "in the circumstances", "in doing so", "in this case"], "以画画的方式": ["in drawing"], "在适当的时候": ["in due course"], "在初秋": ["in early fall"], "正在实行": ["in effect"], "无论是这样还是那样": ["in either event"], "未发展的": ["rudimentary", "in embryo", "inchoate"], "在筹划中的": ["in embryo"], "在萌芽时期的": ["in embryo"], "在紧急情况下": ["in emergency"], "在同样程度上": ["in equal measure"], "错了": ["in error"], "作为证据": ["in evidence"], "作为交换": ["in exchange"], "为…辩解": ["explain", "in excuse of", "defend", "excuse", "justify", "rationalize"], "实际存在的": ["real", "in existence"], "实有的": ["in existence"], "期望着": ["in expectation"], "意料之中": ["come as no surprise", "in expectation", "inevitably"], "作为…的解释(说明)": ["in explanation of"], "作为…的解释": ["in explanation of"], "就面积而言": ["in extent"], "在视线之内": ["in eye"], "在…面前": ["in the presence of", "before", "in face of"], "其实": ["actually", "even", "in deed", "in fact"], "确切地说": ["specifically", "or rather", "in fact", "to be precise"], "合于时尚": ["in fashion"], "有过错": ["in fault"], "在飞行中": ["in flight", "wing"], "飞行状态": ["in flight"], "开着花": ["in flower"], "焦点对准": ["in focus"], "在形式上": ["in form"], "从前": ["once", "once upon a time", "of old", "past", "sometime", "ago", "long since", "formerly", "one-time", "in former times"], "在…前面": ["in front", "in front(of)", "before", "ahead of", "in front of", "in advance of"], "全部地": ["wide", "overall", "bodily", "in full", "stone", "entirely", "outright", "wholly", "altogether"], "不省略地": ["in full"], "负全责": ["in full charge"], "勇猛向前": ["in full charge"], "最大程度地": ["furthest", "in full measure"], "最大限度地": ["in full measure"], "正在全力进行": ["in full swing"], "有资本": ["in funds"], "有资金可用": ["in funds"], "处于初级阶段": ["in germ"], "处于萌芽阶段": ["in germ"], "状况良好": ["in good heart", "in order", "in good condition"], "善意地": ["in good faith"], "诚心诚意地": ["in good faith", "conscientiously", "faithfully"], "健康状况良好/不佳": ["in good/bad condition"], "治理": ["administer", "governing", "in government", "harness", "govern", "government"], "需求很大": ["in great demand"], "处于悲痛之中": ["in grief"], "成组": ["in group", "group"], "成两半": ["in half"], "在手中": ["in hand"], "在进行中": ["on the move", "afoot", "in the process", "on foot", "in hand"], "与…协调": ["harmonize with", "in harmony with", "tone", "work in with"], "一起合作": ["in harness"], "在日常工作中": ["in harness"], "到底": ["on earth", "ever", "might", "exactly", "after all", "to the last", "anyway", "in time", "in heaven", "under heaven", "in the world"], "有…高": ["in height"], "在历史上": ["in the history", "in history"], "为了纪念": ["in honor"], "向…表示敬意": ["in honour of", "in one's honour", "in honor", "in honor of", "to"], "为纪念": ["in honour of", "in honor of"], "为向…表示敬意": ["in honor of"], "为…庆祝": ["in honor of"], "为了向…表示敬意": ["in honour of"], "为纪念…": ["in honour of"], "穷追不舍": ["in hot pursuit"], "紧随其后": ["in hot pursuit"], "不知某事": ["in ignorance of sth", "in ignorance of sth."], "用类似方法": ["in kind"], "在深秋": ["in late fall"], "(与某人)": ["in league with"], "(与…": ["in league with"], "一生中": ["in life"], "由于…结果": ["in light of", "result of"], "成一直线": ["in line"], "运气好": ["in luck"], "在不同方面": ["in many ways", "otherwise"], "当今": ["today", "nowadays", "in modern time"], "近代": ["modern times", "in modern time"], "现代": ["modern times", "in modern time"], "在开动中": ["in motion"], "在运转中": ["be in operation", "in motion", "on stream"], "戴孝": ["in mourning"], "在我看来": ["in my opinion", "in my view"], "我认为": ["in my view"], "性质上": ["in nature"], "在贫困中": ["in want", "in need"], "在危难中": ["in need"], "处于困境(经济上)": ["in need"], "需要帮助": ["in need"], "需要资助": ["in need"], "在任何情况下都不": ["in no case", "in no way"], "无论如何不": ["in no circumstances", "under no circumstances"], "没心情做某事。": ["in no mood for"], "在位": ["in office"], "稍为": ["in one way"], "在某点上": ["in one way"], "对…有利": ["in one's favour", "stead", "favored"], "踌躇满志": ["in one's glory"], "在遐想中": ["in one's imagination"], "在某人的引言中": ["in one's introduction"], "在想像中": ["in one's mind's eye"], "在记忆中": ["in one's mind's eye"], "根据某人的看法": ["in one's opinion"], "在…看来": ["in one's opinion", "in view of"], "凭借自身": ["in one's own right"], "靠自己": ["in one's own right"], "难以言喻地": ["in one's own way", "in one's way"], "用…方法": ["in one's own way", "by way of"], "当场": ["in one's tracks", "there and then", "on the spot", "on the ground", "when", "outright", "on the nail"], "轮到某人": ["in one's turn"], "在某人二十几岁时": ["in one's twenties"], "挡道的": ["in one's way"], "妨碍人的": ["in one's way"], "在青年时代": ["in one's youth"], "在某人看来": ["in one’s opinion"], "运转着": ["in motion", "in operation"], "与…反向": ["in opposition to"], "秩序井然": ["in order"], "按顺序": ["in order"], "以便": ["so…that", "in a bid to", "in order that", "so", "so as to", "as", "so that"], "(职务等)常任的": ["in ordinary"], "常任的": ["in ordinary", "ordinary"], "换句话说": ["namely", "in other words"], "也就是说": ["in other words"], "成对的": ["twin", "double", "in pairs"], "成双的": ["twin", "double", "in pairs", "dual"], "惊慌的": ["panic", "in panic", "scared", "dismayed", "panicked", "scary"], "并行的": ["in parallel", "parallel", "collateral", "side-by-side"], "并联的": ["multiple", "in parallel", "parallel"], "作为插入成分": ["in parenthesis"], "插入的": ["in parenthesis", "parenthetical"], "在有些部分": ["in patches"], "在有些时候": ["in patches"], "处于平静状态": ["in peace", "at peace"], "符合透视法地": ["in perspective"], "在适当的位置": ["in position", "in place"], "取代": ["supersede", "displace", "in place of", "displacement", "replace by", "displaced", "supplant", "take the place of", "substitute", "replace", "oust", "substitute for", "preempt", "cut out", "surrogate"], "一览无遗": ["in plain sight"], "说到": ["talk of", "in point of", "speaking of", "speak about"], "在恶劣的条件下": ["in poor condition"], "状态不好": ["in poor condition"], "在港内": ["in port"], "就位": ["perch", "in position"], "在原位": ["in position"], "拥有某物": ["in possession of something"], "处于贫困当中": ["in poverty"], "掌权的": ["in power"], "当权的": ["in power"], "在实践中": ["in practice"], "在不断练习中": ["in practice"], "歌颂": ["celebrate", "carol", "sing", "exalt", "in praise of", "praise"], "优先于…": ["in preference to"], "为…作准备": ["in preparation for adv.", "in preparation for", "arrange for", "provide for", "provide against", "pave the way"], "原则上": ["in principle"], "已出版": ["in print"], "在销售中": ["in print"], "成比例": ["in proportion"], "按…比例": ["in proportion as"], "依…程度而变": ["in proportion as"], "与…成比例": ["in proportion to"], "有希望": ["promise", "promised", "in prospect of"], "可以预料到": ["in prospect of"], "正在考虑的": ["present", "in question"], "安定地": ["in quiet"], "穿着破衣服": ["in rags"], "衣衫褴褛": ["in rags"], "成行列": ["in rank"], "成队列": ["in rank"], "已收到…": ["in receipt of"], "最近几年中": ["in recent years"], "为酬谢": ["in recognition of"], "记录在案": ["book", "in record", "on the record"], "穿红衣": ["in red"], "对得齐": ["in register"], "配准": ["in register"], "和…有关": ["in relation to"], "如释重负": ["in relief"], "松了口气": ["in relief"], "作为答复": ["in reply"], "留下的": ["in reserve"], "作为回答": ["in response"], "作为对…的回应": ["in response to"], "作为回报": ["in return", "back"], "作为报答": ["in return", "in return adv.", "in reward for"], "向相反方向": ["in reverse"], "倒(退)": ["in reverse"], "逆(行、转等)": ["in reverse"], "逆": ["against", "in reverse", "backwards"], "作为…的报答": ["in return for", "in reward for"], "成废墟": ["in ruins"], "某人不在时": ["in sb's absence"], "由某人负责": ["in sb's charge"], "某人的笔迹": ["in sb's own handwriting"], "正当时": ["in season"], "在旺季": ["in season"], "偷偷地": ["in secret", "surreptitiously", "on the sly"], "在开会": ["in session"], "在开庭": ["in session"], "在上课": ["in session"], "处于良好状态": ["in shape"], "处于极度震惊状态": ["in shock"], "供应不足": ["in short supply"], "在眼前": ["in sight", "in the way", "within sight"], "在望": ["in sight", "in eye", "within sight"], "不远了": ["in sight", "within sight"], "在看得见…的位置": ["in sight of"], "沉默地": ["in silence", "silently"], "无声地": ["in silence"], "原位": ["in site"], "这样做时(在这种情况下)": ["in so doing"], "到…的程度": ["in so far as", "the extent of"], "在…范围内": ["within the boundary of", "amongst", "within the bounds of", "inasmuch", "in the field of", "in the range of", "in so far as", "within", "so far as"], "在某些方面": ["in some ways"], "在宇宙空间": ["in space"], "同步的": ["simultaneous", "synchronous", "in step"], "存货": ["backlog", "in stock", "merchandise", "inventory", "stock"], "必将到来": ["in store"], "快要发生": ["in store"], "贮藏着": ["in store"], "准备着": ["in store"], "时髦地": ["sharply", "in style"], "概括起来": ["in summary"], "在夏季": ["in summer"], "惊奇地": ["amazingly", "in surprise", "surprised to"], "高雅的": ["in taste", "elegant", "tasty", "exquisite", "ritzy", "decent"], "有礼的": ["in taste", "seemly", "civilized"], "流着泪": ["in tears"], "含泪": ["in tears", "tear"], "毫不含糊地": ["in terms"], "恐惧地": ["in terror", "in fear"], "假使那样": ["in that case"], "在那时候": ["in that case"], "抽象地": ["in the abstract"], "概括地": ["summarily", "broadly", "in the abstract"], "在下午": ["in the afternoon"], "在空中": ["in the air", "overhead", "aloft", "airborne"], "未决": ["in the air", "pending"], "渺茫": ["in the air", "phantom"], "在野外": ["in the air", "in the wild", "in the open", "afield", "outdoors"], "在这个地区": ["in the area"], "在该领域": ["in the area"], "十拿九稳的": ["in the bag", "safe"], "稳操胜券的": ["in the bag"], "眨眼的功夫": ["in the blink of an eye"], "电影杀青": ["in the can"], "处于失利地位": ["in the cart"], "为难": ["quandary", "persecute", "in the cart", "buffalo"], "就…来说": ["in the case of", "to the extent that"], "在…的情况下": ["in the case of", "whereby", "at"], "在中央": ["in the center of"], "在中间": ["midway", "between", "in between", "halfway", "in the center of", "in the middle"], "在…的链中": ["in the chain of"], "处在主席地位": ["in the chair"], "由…负责": ["in the charge of", "with", "be down to"], "被…主管": ["in the charge of"], "既然这样": ["in the circumstances", "in this case"], "在云层中": ["in the clouds"], "在俱乐部里": ["in the club"], "在会所": ["in the club"], "被忽视": ["in the cold", "escape"], "被冷落": ["in the cold"], "孤零零地未介入": ["in the cold"], "在角落": ["in the corner"], "在角落里": ["in the corner"], "在拐角内": ["in the corner"], "在乡下": ["in the country", "in the countryside"], "在乡村": ["in the countryside"], "在农村": ["in the countryside"], "在摇篮里": ["in the cradle"], "在婴儿时期": ["in the cradle"], "在黑暗中": ["in the dark"], "在一天中": ["in the day"], "朝…方向": ["lie", "in the direction of", "to"], "沿…方向": ["in the direction of"], "以…为借口": ["in the name of", "in the disguise of", "pretext"], "在受审": ["in the dock", "on trial"], "在抽屉里": ["in the drawer"], "在干的地方": ["in the dry"], "在不受雨淋的地方": ["in the dry"], "在昏暗的…中": ["in the dusk of"], "一片昏暗": ["in the dusk of"], "死了": ["in the dust"], "入土": ["in the dust"], "正在结穗": ["in the ear"], "在晚上": ["in the evening", "overnight"], "倘若": ["provided that", "given", "providing that", "in the event of", "provided", "providing", "in the event that"], "倘使": ["in the event of"], "极度": ["supremely", "excessively", "intensely", "extremely", "in the extreme", "all", "overly", "hugely", "tragically", "utmost", "rarely", "extreme", "enormously", "ruddy", "extremity", "deadly"], "在…领域": ["in the field of", "in the realm of"], "归根到底": ["in the final analysis"], "在青春初期": ["in the full flush of youth", "in the first flush of youth"], "本人": ["we", "person", "self", "in the flesh"], "以肉体形式": ["bodily", "in the flesh"], "在下文中": ["in the following", "below"], "下一年": ["in the following year(s)"], "第二年": ["in the following year(s)", "second-year"], "翌年": ["in the following year(s)"], "以…的形式": ["in", "in the shape of", "in the form of"], "在前边": ["in the front"], "在将来": ["ahead", "in the future"], "在花园里": ["in the garden"], "发横财的": ["in the gravy"], "很有钱的": ["in the gravy"], "在年富力强时": ["in the green"], "在黎明时": ["in the grey of morning"], "有…习惯": ["in the habit of", "practice of"], "在…中央": ["in the heart of"], "在最激烈时": ["in the heat of"], "在…的历史进程中": ["in the history of"], "怀着…的希望": ["in the hope of", "in the hope that"], "希望能…": ["in the hope of", "in the hope that"], "为…的利益": ["in the interest(s) of", "on one's behalf"], "在其间": ["in the interim", "intervene", "amid"], "其结果": ["in the issue"], "了解情况": ["in the know"], "熟悉内幕": ["in the know"], "消息灵通": ["in the know"], "占主导地位的": ["in the lead", "predominant", "ruling"], "一点(丝毫)": ["in the least"], "从长远看来": ["in the long run"], "从长期来看": ["in the long term"], "占多数": ["in the majority"], "想买": ["in the market for"], "大体上(总的来说)": ["in the mass"], "在此期间": ["while", "in the meantime", "meanwhile", "meantime"], "从中期来看": ["in the medium term"], "在(做)…当中": ["in the middle something", "in the middle doing something"], "忙于(做)…": ["in the middle something", "in the middle doing something"], "中部": ["middle", "midst", "in the middle(of)"], "当中": ["midst", "in the middle(of)"], "作为…的代表": ["in the name of"], "归于…名下": ["in the name of"], "凭…的权威": ["in the name of"], "在不久的将来": ["in the near future"], "在办公室里": ["in the office"], "在户外(在野外)": ["in the open"], "露天": ["in the open air"], "据…的见解": ["in the opinion of"], "在一般情况下": ["in the ordinary way"], "就通常情况而言": ["in the ordinary way"], "在过去": ["in the past", "historically"], "处在…位置上": ["in the position of"], "被某人占有": ["in the possession of"], "属于…": ["in the possession of"], "为…所有": ["in the possession of"], "有某人在场": ["in the presence of"], "正在印刷": ["in the press"], "即将出版": ["in the press"], "在过程中": ["in", "in the process"], "在…的过程中": ["during the course of", "in the process of"], "用适当方法": ["in the proper way"], "在雨中": ["in the rain"], "冒雨": ["in the rain"], "在…范围之内": ["in the range of", "within"], "在…射程外": ["in the range of"], "当兵": ["soldier", "go to war", "in the ranks"], "当战士": ["in the ranks"], "处于自然状态": ["in the raw"], "未开化的": ["barbarous", "rude", "savage", "in the raw", "wild", "barbarian"], "裸体": ["undress", "in the raw", "nudity", "nude", "altogether"], "在…领域里": ["in the realm of"], "在…的附近": ["in touch", "in the region of", "within touch of", "round"], "同种类": ["in the same league with"], "同范畴": ["in the same league with"], "第二名": ["in the second place", "runner-up", "place", "second"], "以…形状": ["in the shape of"], "通过…方式": ["in the shape of"], "从短期来看": ["in the short term"], "处于公众注意的中心": ["in the spotlight"], "出风头": ["hotdog", "in the spotlight", "swank"], "在街上": ["in the street a"], "在交易所打烊后进行的": ["in the street a"], "在阳光下": ["in the sunshine", "in the sun"], "合时髦": ["in the swim"], "合潮流": ["in the swim"], "熟悉内情": ["in the swim"], "积极参加活动": ["in the swim"], "挡道": ["in the way"], "妨碍某人": ["in the way"], "在西方": ["west", "in the west"], "在西方(国家)": ["in the west"], "在自然环境下": ["in the wild"], "(秘密地)在进行": ["in the wind"], "在进行": ["in the wind", "be on"], "世界上": ["globally", "in the world"], "有错": ["in the wrong"], "应承担责任": ["in the wrong", "be to blame"], "在未来的岁月里": ["in the years to come"], "从理论上来说": ["in theory"], "在这方面": ["in this respect", "herein", "in this aspect"], "就这一点而言": ["in this regard"], "从这种(某种)意义上来讲": ["in this sense(in…sense)"], "从这种意义上来讲": ["in this sense(in…sense)"], "及时": ["in time"], "按时": ["on schedule", "on time", "in time"], "适时": ["fullness", "in time"], "合拍子": ["in time"], "有节奏地": ["rhythmically", "in time"], "在…的时候": ["while", "during", "in time for"], "能达到的": ["in touch", "obtainable"], "在能接触到之处": ["in touch"], "成一列纵队": ["in trail"], "挨次": ["in trail"], "准备妥当": ["readiness", "ready for something", "in train"], "胜利地": ["in triumph", "triumphantly"], "洋洋得意地": ["in triumph"], "耀武扬威地": ["in triumph", "triumphantly"], "被托管": ["in trust"], "(与…)一致": ["accord", "in tune with"], "(与…)协调": ["in tune with"], "依次": ["in turn", "take turns", "alternating", "round"], "轮流": ["in turn", "turn", "take turns", "rotation", "rotating", "rotate", "by turns", "alternate"], "反之": ["whereas", "in turn", "in reverse"], "反过来": ["in turn"], "穿着制服": ["in uniform"], "使用中": ["in use"], "徒然": ["in vain", "unnecessarily"], "白费": ["in vain", "a waste of", "wasted"], "以不同的方式": ["in different ways", "in various ways"], "鉴于": ["respecting", "after", "for", "seeing", "in view of", "whereas", "seeing that", "considering", "in light of"], "由…看来": ["in view of", "in one's opinion"], "一批又一批": ["in waves"], "一阵又一阵": ["in waves"], "在冬天": ["in winter"], "在惊奇中": ["in wonder"], "书面": ["in writing"], "用书面写": ["in writing"], "在…的面前": ["in(the)face of"], "达不到的": ["untouchable", "inaccessible to", "inaccessible"], "难以接近的": ["inaccessible to"], "误判": ["inaccurate decision"], "不出油的井": ["inactive well"], "无为法": ["inactivity approach"], "不会的": ["incapable", "incapable of", "unable"], "真诚的道歉": ["incere apology"], "致以诚挚的歉意": ["incere apology"], "发病率": ["morbidity", "incidence rate"], "入射角": ["incident angle"], "入射线": ["incident ray"], "入射波": ["incident wave"], "指使": ["incite instigate"], "包括在…中": ["include in"], "包含出口包装费": ["including export packing"], "入选标准": ["inclusion criteria"], "收入差距": ["income gap"], "收入不平衡": ["income inequality"], "所得不均": ["income inequality"], "所得税": ["income tax"], "来电": ["incoming call"], "呼入": ["incoming call"], "错误的回答": ["incorrect answer"], "不正确使用": ["incorrect use"], "错误使用": ["incorrect use"], "使用不当": ["incorrect use"], "增加了": ["increase by", "increase by…"], "按…增长": ["increase by", "increase by…"], "增加了…": ["increase by…"], "(使)在…增加": ["increase in"], "在…增加": ["increase in"], "(使)在…增大": ["increase in"], "在…增大": ["increase in"], "增产": ["increase production"], "增长到…": ["increase to…"], "增加好感": ["increased popularity"], "日趋严重": ["increasing gravity"], "难以置信的巧合": ["incredible coincidence"], "不可思议的方法": ["incredible method"], "增量收入": ["incremental payoff"], "的确有点想入非非": ["indeed live in a fool's paradise"], "独立自主": ["sovereignty", "autonomy", "independence from"], "合同工": ["independent contractor"], "独立承揽人": ["independent contractor"], "独立承包商": ["independent contractor"], "不依赖…的": ["independent of"], "不受…支配的": ["independent of"], "独立人格": ["independent personality"], "独立人格意识": ["independent personification"], "独立研究": ["independent study"], "独立学习": ["independent study"], "独立思考": ["independent thinking", "think independently"], "独立于…之外": ["independently of", "be independent of"], "印度洋": ["indian ocean"], "预示好天气": ["indicate fine weather"], "表明意图": ["indicate one's intention"], "用目光示意": ["indicate with one's eyes"], "无兴趣": ["indifference", "indifferent to", "apathy"], "不在意": ["indifferent to", "mind", "pay no attention to"], "本地品种": ["indigenous breed"], "原居民": ["indigenous inhabitant"], "土着居民": ["indigenous inhabitant"], "间接照明": ["indirect lighting"], "间接叙述间接说法": ["indirect narration"], "单字": ["individual character"], "个体差异": ["individual difference"], "个人自由": ["personal freedom", "individual freedom"], "个人倾向性": ["individual inclination"], "个性倾向性": ["individual inclination"], "性倾向性": ["individual inclination"], "个人所得税": ["individual income tax"], "个人投资者": ["individual investor"], "散户": ["individual investor"], "游泳馆室内游泳池室内游泳馆室内泳场": ["indoor pool"], "室内运动场": ["indoor stadium"], "感应力": ["induced force"], "沉迷于一种恶习": ["indulge in a vice"], "工商银行": ["industrial and commercial bank"], "工业建筑": ["industrial architecture"], "工业发展": ["industrial development"], "工业开发": ["industrial development"], "工业园区": ["industrial park"], "产业政策": ["industrial policy"], "工业政策": ["industrial policy"], "产业结构": ["industrial structure"], "工业区": ["estate", "industrial zone"], "工商业": ["industry and commerce"], "产业演变": ["industry evolution"], "产业组织": ["industry organise"], "无效供给": ["ineffective supply"], "历史必由之路": ["inevitable course of history"], "缺乏经验的使用者": ["inexperienced user"], "令人费解愁": ["inexplicable sadness"], "莫名的忧伤": ["inexplicable sadness"], "莫名的悲伤": ["inexplicable sadness"], "莫名伤感": ["inexplicable sadness"], "丑行罪": ["infamous crimes"], "婴儿配方": ["infant formula"], "婴儿配方食品": ["infant formula"], "婴儿死亡率": ["infant mortality"], "早期失效率": ["infant mortality"], "早期失效": ["infant mortality"], "易感染": ["infect easily"], "用一种理论影响某人": ["infect sb with a theory"], "感染率": ["infection rate"], "传染病院": ["infectious disease hospital"], "推断出结论": ["infer a conclusion"], "从…中推测出…": ["infer from"], "在…方面低劣": ["inferior in"], "劣质产品": ["rubbish", "inferior products"], "低质量": ["inferior quality"], "次质量": ["inferior quality"], "无穷的力量": ["infinite power"], "无边无际的空间": ["infinite space"], "花瓣浴缸": ["infinity bathtub"], "通货膨胀率": ["inflation rate"], "转折点": ["turn", "crisis", "hinge", "moment", "landmark", "milestone", "inflection point", "crossroad", "watershed"], "拐点": ["knee", "inflection point"], "曲折点": ["inflection point"], "对…的影响": ["influence on"], "对作出决定有影响": ["influential in reaching a decision"], "对某人有影响": ["influential with sb.", "influential with sb"], "检举": ["prosecute", "prosecution", "denounce", "inform against", "send up", "impeach", "report", "denunciation", "inform", "impeachment", "informed"], "通知某人": ["inform sb that", "inform of"], "非正式沟通": ["informal communication"], "非正规教育": ["informal education"], "非正式群体": ["informal group"], "非正式组织": ["informal group"], "密告者": ["informant", "informant informer"], "信息获取": ["information acquisition"], "信息采集": ["information acquisition"], "询问处": ["information booth"], "问询处": ["information desk"], "信息披露": ["information disclosure"], "信息暴露": ["information disclosure"], "信息管理": ["information management"], "资讯管理": ["information management"], "信息系统": ["information system"], "信息技术": ["it", "information technology"], "接到…的通知": ["informed of", "have notice of"], "红外光谱": ["infrared spectrum"], "栖息在洞中": ["inhabit caves"], "栖息在": ["inhabit in"], "人口稠密": ["inhabit thickly"], "人口稀少": ["inhabit thinly"], "栖息在树中": ["inhabit trees"], "山里人": ["inhabitants of a mountain"], "城里人": ["inhabitants of the town"], "居住建筑物": ["inhabited building"], "人员载具": ["inhabited vehicle"], "继承财产": ["inherit a fortune"], "从…继承…": ["inherit from"], "从…得到": ["obtain from", "inherit from"], "子承父业": ["inherit one's father"], "接某人的班": ["inherit sb's job"], "接替某人的工": ["inherit sb's job"], "文化传承人": ["inheritor and disseminator of culture"], "开首辅音": ["initial consonant"], "初始喷发": ["initial eruption"], "最初投资": ["initial investment"], "期初投资": ["initial investment"], "初始期": ["initial period"], "原始期": ["initial stage"], "初态": ["initial state"], "起始状态": ["initial state"], "开始状态": ["initial state"], "给病人打针": ["inject the patient"], "毫不迟疑地注入": ["inject unhesitatingly"], "喷射造型法": ["injection molding"], "注模机": ["injection molding machine"], "注压机": ["injection molding machine"], "注塑模具": ["injection mould"], "伤害感情": ["hurt feeling", "injure feeling"], "伤害某人的自尊": ["injure sb's self -esteem"], "遭受损失的一方": ["injured party"], "头部受伤": ["injury to the head"], "喷墨": ["ink jet"], "墨水喷射": ["ink jet"], "内陆航道": ["inland waterway"], "内在美": ["inner beauty"], "内蒙古自治区": ["inner mongolia"], "内壁": ["wall", "inner wall"], "清白的": ["clean", "pure", "clear", "stainless", "innocent", "unblemished", "innocent of", "unspotted"], "无过失之一方": ["innocent party"], "无辜的一方": ["innocent party"], "无辜的受害者": ["innocent victims", "innocent"], "创新能力": ["innovation ability"], "创新设计": ["innovative design"], "查问": ["inquiry", "examine", "inquire into", "demand", "quiz", "inquire about", "demanding", "enquiry", "examination", "challenge"], "求见": ["inquire for"], "要找": ["inquire for"], "对…的调查": ["inquiry into"], "探究性学习": ["inquiry learning"], "查询系统": ["inquiry system"], "题献给": ["inscribe to"], "昆虫咬伤": ["insect bite"], "被虫咬伤": ["insect bite"], "蚊虫叮咬": ["insect bite"], "虫害": ["insect pest", "insect damage"], "昆虫抗药性": ["insect resistance"], "防蛀性": ["insect resistance"], "耐虫性": ["insect resistance"], "写入": ["insert into"], "插入模式": ["insert mode"], "从内到外地": ["inside and out"], "内幕新闻": ["inside story"], "无效数位": ["insignificant digit"], "不顾一切地坚持": ["insist desperately"], "坚持做某事": ["keep on doing sth", "insist on doing sth"], "督促": ["prod", "insist upon sth", "insist on sth"], "抽查": ["inspect by random sample"], "秘密地视察": ["inspect confidentially"], "检查机器": ["inspect the machine"], "检阅部队": ["inspect the troops"], "检验证明书": ["inspection certificate"], "检查证明": ["inspection certificate"], "监察长": ["inspector general"], "检查长": ["inspector general"], "鼓舞某人作出努力": ["inspire sb for"], "激励某人做某事": ["inspire sb. to do", "inspire sb to do"], "激发某人的某种情感": ["inspire sth in sb"], "受启发": ["channel", "inspired by"], "方便食品": ["instant food"], "即时食品": ["instant food"], "速溶食品": ["instant food"], "即时通讯": ["instant messenger"], "方便面": ["instant noodle"], "速食面": ["instant noodle"], "泡面": ["instant noodle"], "即时传输": ["instantaneous transmission"], "而不是…": ["instead of"], "理工学院": ["institute of technology"], "技术学院": ["institute of technology", "tech"], "高等学校": ["institution of higher learning"], "制度经济学": ["institutional economics"], "辛勤指导": ["instruct diligently"], "就某事给某人以指导": ["instruct sb about sth", "instruct sb. about sth."], "指导学生": ["instruct students"], "安装手册": ["instruction manual"], "操作工序说明书": ["instruction manual"], "工艺规范": ["instruction manual"], "教务长": ["instructive dean", "dean", "provost"], "器乐": ["instrumental music"], "保险公司": ["insurer", "underwriter", "insurance company"], "给某人/某物上保险以预防某事": ["insure sb./sth.against sth."], "积分方程": ["integral equation"], "集成电路": ["integrate circuit"], "融入": ["integrate into", "melt", "assimilate", "merge", "fit in", "merging"], "使与…结合": ["integrate with"], "综合计划": ["integrated project"], "知识学科": ["intellectual discipline"], "知识探索": ["intellectual enquiry"], "知识探求": ["intellectual enquiry"], "知识产权": ["intellectual property", "intellectual property rights"], "智商(缩写为IQ)": ["intelligence quotient"], "智商": ["intelligence quotient"], "智能控制": ["intelligent control"], "智能控制器": ["intelligent controller"], "智能管理": ["intelligent management"], "智能系统": ["intelligent system"], "易懂的答案": ["intelligible answer"], "被认为是…": ["intend as"], "希望有或接到": ["intend for"], "打算成为…": ["intend for"], "打算去": ["intend to"], "打算做": ["intend to", "prepared", "think", "go", "thought"], "想要做": ["intend to do"], "期望效应": ["intended effect"], "预期目的": ["intended purpose"], "计划航线": ["intended route"], "预期用途": ["intended use"], "有意帮助某人": ["intention of helping sb"], "…之间的互相影响": ["interaction between…"], "…的配合": ["interaction of"], "交互式广告": ["interactive advertising"], "互动式广告": ["interactive advertising"], "互动广告": ["interactive advertising"], "交互广告": ["interactive advertising"], "有关各界": ["interested circles"], "有关的当事人": ["interested party"], "对…来说是有趣的": ["interesting for"], "好玩的地方": ["interesting places"], "严重地干扰": ["interfere seriously"], "相互抵触": ["interfere with each other"], "室内设计师": ["interior designer"], "内延": ["interior extent"], "内心独白": ["interior monologue"], "内部装饰": ["interior trim"], "中频": ["mid frequency", "intermediate frequency"], "中间频率": ["intermediate frequency"], "中频频率": ["intermediate frequency"], "内部审计": ["internal audit"], "内部稽核": ["internal audit"], "内部审计员": ["internal auditor"], "內部一致性": ["internal consistency"], "内部相容性": ["internal consistency"], "内部控制": ["internal control"], "内控": ["internal control"], "内力": ["internal force"], "内部保安": ["internal security"], "内部安全性": ["internal security"], "国内治安": ["internal security"], "内部安全": ["internal security"], "内部结构": ["internal structure"], "国际事务": ["international affairs"], "国际机场": ["international airport"], "国际电话局": ["international exchange"], "国际金融": ["international finance"], "国际组织": ["international", "international organization", "international organisation"], "国际组织与机构": ["international organization"], "国际音标": ["international phonetic alphabet"], "国际语音字母": ["international phonetic alphabet"], "国际政治": ["international politics"], "世界纪录": ["international record", "world record"], "国际标准": ["international standard"], "国际超级明星足球": ["international superstar soccer"], "国际明星足球": ["international superstar soccer"], "国际超级足球": ["international superstar soccer"], "网吧": ["internet bar"], "因特网浏览器": ["internet explorer"], "微软网页浏览器": ["internet explorer"], "互联网终端": ["internet terminal"], "网络终端": ["internet terminal"], "人际关系": ["connection", "personal relationship", "interpersonal relationship"], "解释为": ["define…as", "translate", "interpret as", "define……as"], "把…理解为": ["interpret", "interpret as"], "理解为": ["interpret as"], "解释成": ["interpret into"], "逐字翻译": ["construe", "interpret literally"], "意义阐释": ["interpret meaning"], "翻译代码": ["interpreter code"], "审问方法": ["interrogation methods"], "审讯方式": ["interrogation methods"], "审讯手段": ["interrogation methods"], "审讯室": ["interrogation room"], "审问室": ["interrogation room"], "讯问房": ["interrogation room"], "询问应答器": ["interrogator-responsor"], "问答器": ["interrogator-responsor"], "询答机": ["interrogator-responsor"], "突然地打断": ["interrupt abruptly"], "打断某人的话": ["interrupt sb in his talk"], "遮住视线": ["interrupt the view"], "停电持续时间": ["interruption duration"], "面试问题": ["interview questions"], "口试问题": ["interview questions"], "访谈员效应": ["interviewer effect"], "无影无踪": ["vanished", "into the blue"], "耍了酒风": ["intoxicated rant"], "复杂的系统": ["intricate system"], "采用新方法": ["introduce a new method"], "引入正题": ["introduce a subject"], "自我介绍": ["introduce oneself"], "入侵探测": ["intrude detecting"], "入侵某国": ["invade one's country"], "侵犯了某人的隐私权": ["invade one's privacy"], "过多地打扰": ["invade unnecessarily"], "侵犯个人隐私": ["invasion of privacy"], "侵犯隐私权": ["invasion of privacy"], "入侵物种": ["invasive species"], "虚构故事": ["invent a false story"], "发明了新的方法": ["invent a new method"], "捏造一种说法": ["invent an explanation"], "发明权": ["invention right"], "炒股": ["invest stocks"], "投资有": ["invest with"], "调查街头劫案": ["investigate mugging"], "调查性报道": ["investigative reporting"], "投资环境": ["investment environment"], "固定资产投资": ["investment in fixed assets"], "投资经理": ["investment manager"], "基金项目经理": ["investment manager"], "促进投资": ["investment promotion"], "投资信心": ["investor confidence"], "投资者信任": ["investor confidence"], "投资者关系": ["investor relations"], "投资者关系部": ["investor relations"], "股东关系": ["investor relations"], "不可见光": ["invisible light"], "无形损失": ["invisible loss"], "引起信心": ["invite confidence"], "不请自到": ["invite oneself"], "(公开)招标": ["invite public bidding"], "招标": ["invite public bidding"], "自找麻烦": ["invite trouble"], "发票价值": ["invoice value"], "深深陷入": ["involve deeply"], "卷入这场纠纷": ["involve in the conflict"], "参与其中": ["involve one's doing"], "受影响区域": ["involved area"], "离子交换": ["ion exchange"], "铁拳": ["iron fist"], "严厉的政策": ["iron fist"], "用熨斗熨平": ["iron out"], "氧化铁": ["iron oxide"], "命运的嘲弄": ["irony of fate"], "月经不调": ["irregular menstruation"], "月经失调": ["irregular menstruation"], "月经异常": ["irregular menstruation"], "灌溉区": ["irrigation district", "irrigate area"], "灌溉分区": ["irrigation district"], "灌溉区域": ["irrigation district"], "灌水站": ["irrigation station"], "灌溉站": ["irrigation station"], "机灌站": ["irrigation station"], "灌溉用水": ["irrigation water"], "应激性攻击": ["irritable aggression"], "激惹性心脏": ["irritable heart"], "心脏易激症": ["irritable heart"], "个别事件": ["isolated incident"], "独立事件": ["isolated incident"], "同位素分离": ["isotope separation"], "同位素疏散": ["isotope separation"], "同位素灯": ["isotope separation"], "公开发出": ["issued generally"], "那要看看了": ["it depends"], "看情况": ["it depends"], "看情况而定": ["it depends"], "视情况而定": ["it depends"], "做…是不切实际的": ["it is impractical to do"], "它看起来": ["it seem"], "它似乎": ["it seem"], "斜体活字": ["italic type"], "支出项目": ["item of expenditure"], "议程项目": ["item on the agenda"], "日本式": ["japanese style"], "爵士乐队": ["jazz band"], "嫉妒于": ["jealous of"], "爱惜": ["jealous of"], "首饰盒": ["jewelry box", "casket"], "珠宝盒": ["jewelry box"], "求职人员": ["job applicant"], "工作说明": ["job description"], "工作评价": ["job evaluation"], "职位评价": ["job evaluation"], "工作评估": ["job evaluation"], "岗位评价": ["job evaluation"], "找工作": ["job hunting"], "求职": ["job hunting"], "工作机会": ["job offer"], "岗位技能要求": ["job skill"], "岗位技能": ["job skill"], "技能要求": ["job skill"], "职业技能": ["job skill"], "(与…)合作": ["join forces"], "联手": ["join hands", "gel"], "齐心协力": ["join hands", "pull together"], "做夫妻": ["join hands with"], "和某人一起做某事": ["join sb in doing sth"], "加入军队": ["join the army"], "加入俱乐部": ["join the club"], "学时髦": ["join the parade"], "跟着大众行动": ["join the parade"], "入伍": ["enrol enroll", "join up", "enrollment", "enroll", "enlist", "enrolment"], "关节灵活性": ["joint mobility"], "合资企业": ["joint venture", "joint venture enterprise"], "把…和…连接或联结起来": ["join…to"], "不严肃地对待": ["joke about"], "流水簿": ["journal book"], "欢乐气氛": ["joyful atmosphere"], "喜洋洋": ["joyful atmosphere"], "喜洋洋专辑": ["joyful atmosphere"], "欢乐的气氛": ["joyful atmosphere", "cheer"], "在…之间判定优劣": ["judge between"], "根据…作出判断": ["judge by"], "根据…来判断": ["judging by"], "根据…判断": ["judging from", "judging by…", "judging from…"], "司法裁量": ["judicial discretion"], "司法裁量权": ["judicial discretion"], "司法公正": ["judicial fairness"], "歪曲": ["travesty", "wrest", "pervert", "mockery", "angle", "warped", "violence", "perversion", "misrepresent", "slant", "juggle with", "torment", "skew", "wrench", "distortion", "wrenching", "colour", "warp", "color", "contort", "caricature", "lean", "bend", "falsify", "garble", "misrepresentation", "torture", "distorted", "distort", "twist", "juggle"], "水蜜桃": ["juicy peach"], "匆匆作出(结论等)": ["jump at"], "匆匆作出": ["jump at"], "欣然接受": ["welcome", "lap", "embrace", "jump at", "leap at", "lap up"], "急切地抓住": ["jump at"], "抓住机会": ["jump at the chance", "snag", "seize the opportunity"], "跳入": ["dive into", "plunge", "jump into"], "跳进": ["plunge", "jump into"], "一头扎进": ["jump into"], "举身投入": ["jump into"], "跳下来": ["jump off"], "叱责某人": ["jump sb out"], "跳投": ["jump shot"], "半截篮": ["jump shot"], "跳击": ["jump shot"], "跳球": ["jump shot"], "偷跑": ["jump the gun"], "行动过早": ["jump the gun"], "未听发令枪就起跑": ["jump the gun"], "不按次序排队(插队": ["jump the queue"], "在未轮到前抢先获得)": ["jump the queue"], "初中": ["middle school", "junior high school"], "大三学生": ["junior student"], "垃圾食品": ["junk food"], "就好像": ["just as"], "无妨": ["just as well"], "以防万一": ["just in case"], "只是有时候": ["just sometimes"], "只是有时": ["just sometimes"], "就在那时": ["just then"], "正当那时": ["just then"], "方才": ["just yet", "just"], "热衷于…": ["keen on", "crazy about", "enthusiastic in"], "习惯地记日记": ["keep a diary"], "记日记": ["keep a journal"], "保持低姿态": ["keep a low profile"], "避免引人注目": ["keep a low profile"], "信守诺言": ["keep a promise"], "保守秘密": ["keep a secret", "keep sth a secret", "keep under one's hat", "keep to oneself"], "留意并警惕": ["keep a weather eye open"], "使漂浮不沉": ["keep afloat"], "留意": ["note", "mark", "advert", "keep an eye on", "take note", "marking", "take note of", "notice", "keep your eyes open for", "marked", "noted", "ware", "watch", "take notice", "take notice of", "pay attention to", "regard", "remark"], "照看": ["look to", "keep an eye on", "lamb", "supervise", "look in on", "have", "watch", "shepherd", "mind", "sit in"], "不停地做": ["keep at", "keep on doing sth."], "使…继续": ["continue", "keep at"], "保持平衡": ["balance", "keep balance", "keep one's balance"], "仅能维持生活": ["keep body and soul together"], "勉强活下去": ["keep body and soul together"], "保持冷静": ["keep calm", "keep cool", "stay calm", "stay cool", "keep one's head", "keep one's hair on", "keep one's cool"], "和…结交": ["keep company with"], "和…交往": ["keep company with"], "持续做某事": ["keep doing sth."], "早睡早起": ["keep early hours"], "忠于信仰": ["keep faith"], "守信": ["keep faith", "keep promise", "keep one's word"], "延长比赛": ["keep fighting"], "继续战斗": ["keep fighting"], "延长比赛专辑": ["keep fighting"], "坚持战斗": ["keep fighting"], "保持(身体)健康": ["keep fit"], "保持健康": ["keep healthy", "keep fit"], "与…保持友好": ["keep friends with"], "管理家务": ["keep house"], "当家": ["keep house"], "继续燃烧": ["stay in", "keep in"], "保持联络": ["keep in touch"], "保持与…的接触": ["keep in touch (with)"], "(与…)保持联系": ["keep in touch (with…)"], "保持联系": ["keep in touch", "keep in touch (with…)", "stick with"], "保持原貌(样)": ["keep intact"], "保持原貌": ["keep intact"], "继续下去而不松弛": ["keep it up"], "保持沉默": ["clam", "keep silence", "keep mum", "silence"], "保持良好关系": ["keep on good terms"], "沉住气": ["keep one's cool"], "保持镇定": ["possess oneself", "keep one's head", "keep one's hair on"], "暂不表态": ["leave one's options open", "keep one's options open"], "留有回旋余地": ["leave one's options open", "keep one's options open"], "忍住性子": ["keep one's temper"], "保持自我": ["keep oneself to oneself"], "密切注意": ["watch out for", "look out for", "eagle eye", "pay close attention to", "keep one’s eyes on", "follow"], "不许入内": ["keep out"], "挡在外面": ["keep out"], "躲开": ["shun", "evade", "sheer", "keep out of", "ward", "avoid", "dodge"], "置身…之外": ["keep out of"], "与…齐步前进": ["keep pace with"], "并驾齐驱": ["neck and neck", "keep pace(with)", "keep pace with", "stay with"], "齐头并进": ["keep pace(with)"], "保持安静": ["keep silence", "keep quiet"], "敬而远之": ["keep respectfully"], "陪伴某人": ["keep sb company"], "陪某人同走": ["keep sb company"], "阻止(不让)某人做某事": ["stop sb from doing", "prevent sb from doing", "keep sb from doing"], "阻止某人做某事": ["stop sb from doing", "prevent sb from doing", "keep sb from doing", "keep sb…from doing sth"], "随时向(某人)报告": ["keep sb informed"], "随时向…报告": ["keep sb informed"], "让某人知道…": ["keep sb informed of", "keep sb. informed of"], "让某人免于做某事": ["keep sb…from doing sth"], "牢记某事": ["keep sth in one's mind"], "正确客观地看待": ["keep sth in perspective"], "把某事保守秘密": ["keep sth secret", "keep sth. secret"], "不让他人分享": ["keep sth to oneself"], "保持不动": ["keep still"], "连结不动": ["keep still"], "保持静止": ["keep still"], "静止不动": ["stand still", "keep still"], "同某人交往": ["keep terms with sb"], "同某人友好": ["keep terms with sb"], "保持交通畅通": ["keep the traffic flowing"], "免于饥饿": ["keep the wolf from the door"], "勉强度日": ["keep the wolf from the door"], "信守": ["honour", "keep to", "honour, honor"], "沿着…走": ["tread", "walk", "keep to"], "不交际": ["keep oneself to oneself", "keep to oneself"], "通晓事态": ["keep track"], "注意动向": ["keep track"], "对某事物保密": ["keep under one's hat"], "继续维持": ["keep up"], "跟上(时代)": ["keep up"], "看守": ["invigilate", "guarded", "gaoler", "watch over", "stand sentry", "ward", "guard", "watch", "keep watch", "watchdog", "surveillance"], "避免接近": ["keep … away from"], "维持…的生命": ["keep… alive", "sustain"], "使…活着": ["keep… alive"], "使…免受(影响、伤害)": ["keep…free of", "keep…free from"], "使…免受": ["keep…free of", "keep…free from"], "使…不含(有害物)": ["keep…free of", "keep…free from"], "使…不含": ["keep…free of", "keep…free from"], "要览图": ["key diagram"], "解说图": ["key diagram"], "索引图": ["key diagram"], "原理图": ["key diagram", "schematic", "schematic diagram"], "关键要素": ["key element"], "键元素": ["key element"], "关键因素": ["key ingredient"], "关键点": ["key point"], "做某事的关键": ["key to doing sth"], "踢垃圾桶": ["kick a dustbin"], "中线开球": ["kick off"], "(使)开始": ["kick off", "set off"], "严厉自责": ["kick oneself"], "开除某人": ["kick sb. off"], "哄骗": ["bullshit", "coax", "kid on", "lead on", "finagle", "spoof", "cod", "delude", "cajole", "lull", "humbug", "con", "hoax", "trick", "kid", "cozen", "wheedle"], "幼稚的事物": ["kid stuff"], "幼稚的东西": ["kid stuff"], "童趣": ["kid stuff"], "肾脏移植": ["kidney transplant"], "肾移植": ["kidney transplant"], "肾脏移植手术": ["kidney transplant"], "用…杀死": ["kill by"], "被…害死": ["kill by"], "杀光": ["kill off"], "消磨时间": ["kill time", "goof", "spend time", "loaf", "stew", "while"], "一举两得": ["kill two birds with one stone"], "一箭双雕": ["kill two birds with one stone"], "帝王蟹": ["king crab"], "皇帝蟹": ["king crab"], "鳕场蟹": ["king crab"], "国王企鹅": ["king penguin"], "帝企鹅": ["king penguin"], "吻掉(用吻来消除忧愁、眼泪等)": ["kiss away"], "吻掉": ["kiss away"], "吻别": ["kiss goodbye"], "不理会": ["tune out", "set aside", "kiss off", "shrug", "dismiss", "override", "disregard"], "厨房电器": ["kitchen appliance"], "厨房用具": ["kitchen appliance"], "菜刀": ["kitchen knife", "slice"], "厨刀": ["kitchen knife"], "厨灶": ["cooker", "stove", "kitchen stove"], "煤气灶": ["kitchen stove"], "案桌": ["kitchen table"], "厨房台": ["kitchen table"], "膝关节": ["knuckle", "knee", "wrist", "knee joint"], "护膝": ["knee supporter"], "刀叉": ["knife and fork"], "磨刀器": ["knife sharpener"], "磨刀机": ["knife sharpener"], "磨刀石": ["hone", "knife sharpener"], "电动磨刀器": ["knife sharpener"], "敲(门、窗等)": ["knock at"], "撞到某人身上": ["knock into sb"], "停止做某事": ["stop doing sth.", "knock off", "stop doing sth"], "下班": ["after hours", "ring out", "off", "knock off", "off duty"], "匆匆完成": ["knock off"], "打落": ["knock out"], "从…中敲出来": ["knock out of"], "打翻": ["tip", "overturn", "upset", "knock over", "knock…over"], "撞倒某人": ["knock sb off one's feet"], "使某人双脚离地": ["knock sb off one's feet"], "同…冲突": ["knock up against"], "把…撞倒": ["knock…over"], "听说过有关…的情况": ["know about"], "明事理而不至于(做某事)": ["know better than"], "明事理而不至于": ["know better than"], "能分辨": ["know from"], "不知限量": ["know no bounds"], "只认识某人之名字": ["know sb by name"], "考拉熊": ["koala bear"], "韩国烤肉": ["korean barbecue"], "韩国大赛": ["korean series"], "韩版系列": ["korean series"], "纯韩浪漫": ["korean series"], "实验室助理": ["lab assistant"], "实验员": ["lab assistant"], "实验助手": ["lab assistant"], "实验室测试": ["lab test"], "劳动争议": ["labor dispute"], "劳资纠纷": ["labor dispute"], "慢慢地(艰难地行进)": ["labour along"], "慢慢地": ["labour along", "slow", "handsomely", "slowly", "heavily"], "虚假地劳动": ["labour artificially"], "(全公司或全国的)劳动力": ["labour force"], "劳工法": ["labour legislation"], "劳动法规": ["labour legislation"], "过于详尽地解释": ["labour the point"], "太冗长地阐述": ["labour the point"], "受…痛苦": ["labour under"], "为…苦恼": ["labour under"], "不够": ["lack of", "be short of"], "缺雨": ["lack of rainfall"], "少雨": ["lack of rainfall"], "缺乏某物": ["lack sth"], "乳酸菌": ["lactic acid bacteria"], "女士们先生们": ["ladies and gentleman"], "悠闲的个人": ["laid-back individuals"], "下岗背个人": ["laid-back individuals"], "悠闲的人": ["laid-back individuals"], "烤羊肉串": ["lamb kebab"], "任期即将届满而未能重新当选的官员": ["lame duck"], "无法支撑的人或企业": ["lame duck"], "灯罩": ["shade", "lamp shade"], "(土地)": ["land"], "用于耕作的": ["land", "cultivated"], "作农田的": ["land"], "降落于…": ["land on"], "突然脱困": ["land on one’s feet"], "化险为夷": ["land on one’s feet"], "登陆地点": ["landfall position"], "登陆页面": ["landing page"], "造园技师": ["landscape architect"], "环境美化设计家": ["landscape architect"], "景观设计": ["landscape design", "scenic design"], "园林设计": ["landscape design"], "环境景观设计": ["landscape design"], "景观生态学": ["landscape ecology"], "园林生态": ["landscape ecology"], "造园术": ["landscape gardening"], "滑坡残痕": ["landslip scar"], "崩塌残痕": ["landslip scar"], "山泥倾泻残痕": ["landslip scar"], "语音室": ["language lab"], "语言实验室": ["language lab"], "(动物)舔饮": ["lap up"], "舔饮": ["lap up"], "轻信": ["naivety", "lap up", "swallow"], "照单全收": ["lap up"], "手提电脑": ["laptop computer"], "膝上型电脑": ["laptop computer"], "大数量": ["large quantity"], "激光束": ["laser beam"], "激光印刷机": ["laser printer"], "最后但并不是最不重要的(一点)": ["last but not least"], "最后但并不是最不重要的": ["last but not least"], "永远持续": ["last forever"], "最后一圈": ["last lap"], "最后阶段": ["last lap", "finish"], "昨晚": ["last night", "overnight"], "上周六": ["last saturday", "on saturday"], "上个周六": ["last saturday"], "上星期六": ["last saturday"], "上星期天": ["last saturday"], "背水一战": ["last 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["crown", "laurel", "laurel wreath"], "法律秩序": ["law and order"], "法律事务所": ["law firm"], "法学会": ["law society"], "法协会": ["law society"], "法律协会": ["law society"], "合法权利": ["liberty", "lawful right"], "合法权益": ["lawful right"], "触碰": ["touch", "finger", "brush", "lay a finger on", "paw"], "动手打": ["lay a finger on"], "奠定了坚实的基础": ["lay a firm foundation"], "为…打下基础": ["lay a firm foundation for"], "奠定基础": ["lay a foundation"], "奠基": ["lay a foundation"], "打下基": ["lay a foundation"], "把…搁置一旁": ["lay aside"], "留存": ["capture", "lay aside", "living", "survive", "live", "lodge"], "储存": ["stocking", "retain", "storage", "lay aside", "keep", "put away", "house", "stockpile", "stored", "stock", "reserve", "squirrel", "save", "put aside", "store", "hoard", "store up", "on deposit", "trap", "garner"], "责怪某人": ["put blame upon sb", "lay blame upon sb", "put blame on sb", "lay blame on sb"], "自以为": ["pretend", "lay claim to"], "放下(武器)": ["lay down"], "制定、强制性宣称(法律、规则)": ["lay down"], "制定、强制性宣称": ["lay 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"irrespective", "mind"], "剩下": ["spare", "remain", "leave over", "leave", "over", "remain of"], "留下…": ["leave sth. behind"], "讲堂": ["auditorium", "lecture hall"], "大讲堂": ["lecture hall"], "演讲厅": ["lecture hall"], "大教室": ["lecture hall"], "阶梯教室": ["lecture hall"], "左手": ["left hand"], "左半圆": ["left semicircle"], "法律援助": ["legal aid"], "法律救助": ["legal assistance"], "法律指导": ["legal counsel"], "法律虚拟(指法律事务上为权宜计在无真实依据情况下所作的假定)": ["legal fiction"], "法律虚拟": ["legal fiction"], "法律体制": ["legal framework"], "法律保证": ["legal guarantee"], "法律担保": ["legal guarantee"], "法定监护人": ["legal guardian"], "法律义务": ["legal obligation"], "法律界": ["legal profession"], "法律专业": ["legal profession"], "法律条例": ["legal regulation"], "法律制度": ["legal system"], "正统命名": ["legitimate name"], "业余时间": ["leisure time", "spare time", "leisure"], "柠檬汁": ["lemon juice", "lemon", "lemonade"], "柠檬片": ["lemon slice"], "柠檬树": ["lemon tree", "lemon"], "越来越小": ["less and less"], "欠发达地区的": ["less developed"], "不发达的": ["backward", "underdeveloped", "undeveloped", "less developed"], "少于": ["inside", "under", "less than"], "小于或等于": ["less than or equal"], "经验教训": ["lessons learned"], "教训总结": ["lessons learned"], "取得的教训": ["lessons learned"], "不惊动": ["let alone"], "更别提": ["let alone"], "减速下降": ["let down", "let…down"], "放手": ["relinquish", "let go"], "松手": ["let go (of)", "let go of", "let go"], "放开": ["relinquish", "projection", "release", "let go", "slip", "let go of", "unleash", "released"], "撒": ["let go", "strew", "dredge", "spread", "cast", "sprinkle", "sift", "dust", "scatter"], "不问": ["let go unpunished"], "加进": ["feed", "let in"], "让…进入": ["take in", "let in"], "把…降下": ["let in"], "让我试一试": ["let me try"], "让…下车/下船": ["let off"], "引发": ["foment", "incur", "induction", "let off", "get", "trigger", "tickle", "evoke", "ignite", "spark", "arose", "flow", "spawn"], "引爆": ["detonate", "trigger", "let off", "detonation"], "放掉/放过": ["let off"], "放烟花": ["let off fireworks"], "发泄怒火": ["let off steam", "wreak"], "宣泄情绪": ["let off steam"], "尽情发泄": ["let oneself go"], "发出(声音)": ["utter", "let out"], "使(火)熄灭": ["let out"], "发出尖叫声": ["squeal", "let out a scream"], "放过": ["let pass"], "不追究": ["let pass", "overlook"], "使某人失望": ["let sb. down", "let sb down"], "让某人进入": ["let sb into"], "放任自流": ["let slide"], "释放:放任": ["let sth loose"], "让(某人)上到某处": ["let up"], "让…上到某处": ["let up"], "让我们(一起)": ["let's=let us"], "让我们": ["let", "let's=let us"], "询问函": ["letter of enquiry"], "信用保证书": ["letter of guarantee"], "保荐信": ["letter of recommendation"], "介绍信": ["recommendation", "letter of recommendation", "testimonial", "reference", "introduction"], "对(某人)提出控诉": ["level against"], "对…提出控诉": ["level against"], "对…有责任": ["liable for adj.", "be responsible for"], "文科": ["liberal art"], "解放思想": ["liberate thoughts", "think outside the box"], "从…解放": ["liberate…from…"], "汽车牌照": ["licence plate"], "批准…拥有": ["license for"], "扁平苔癣": ["lichen planus"], "重整旗鼓": ["lick one's wound(s)", "rallying", "rally"], "到处散放": ["lie 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"limiting factor"], "困难地驶入": ["limp into"], "用线画出": ["line out"], "线性搜索": ["line search"], "排列起": ["line up"], "整队": ["dress", "line up"], "线性代数": ["linear algebra"], "语言分析": ["linguistic analysis", "speech analysis"], "语言能力": ["competency", "speech", "linguistic competence"], "语言形态": ["linguistic form"], "语言性别歧视": ["linguistic sexism"], "与…连接": ["be connected to", "link to", "link up with"], "会合": ["meet", "link up", "meeting", "assembly", "rendezvous"], "使与…衔接": ["link up with"], "将…与…相连": ["link with"], "连接在一起": ["link with"], "洗发水": ["shampoo", "liquid shampoo"], "洗发液": ["liquid shampoo"], "流动性风险": ["liquidity risk"], "流通风险": ["liquidity risk"], "变现风险": ["liquidity risk"], "流动风险": ["liquidity risk"], "收听": ["listen in", "tune", "dial", "listening", "tune into", "receive", "listen into", "tune in"], "听取": ["hear", "listen to"], "听…(讲话)": ["listen to"], "听…": ["listen to…", "listen to"], "听力理解": ["listening comprehension"], "听懂": ["listening comprehension", "follow", "catch"], "听力测验": ["listening comprehension"], "升量瓶": ["liter flask"], "识字运动": ["literacy campaign"], "字面意义": ["letter", "literal meaning"], "字面意思": ["literal meaning"], "字义": ["literal meaning"], "表述达到了字面真实": ["literally true"], "字面真实": ["literally true"], "文学典故": ["literary allusion"], "文艺评论": ["literary criticism"], "文学语言": ["literary language"], "标准语": ["literary language"], "文学作品": ["literature", "literary work"], "手笔": ["literary work"], "废物箱": ["litter bin"], "把…搞得乱糟糟": ["litter up"], "渐渐": ["little by little", "inch by inch"], "只是…而已": ["little more than"], "活出美丽": ["live beautifully"], "住在楼下": ["live downstairs"], "住在学习或工作的地方": ["live in"], "和睦地生活": ["live in harmony"], "过着贫穷的生活": ["live in poverty"], "活在当下": ["live in the present"], "住在附近": ["live nearby"], "以…为食料": ["live off"], "住在…之外": ["live off"], "住在外面": ["live out"], "活过(某一段时间)": ["live out"], "活过": ["live out"], "经受过": ["live through"], "不辜负": ["live up to"], "做到": ["live up to"], "达到某人的期望": ["live up to one's expectations"], "与…生活在一起": ["live with"], "同居的情人": ["live-in lover"], "气氛活跃": ["lively atmosphere"], "轻快的音乐": ["lively music"], "肝癌": ["liver cancer"], "肝震颤": ["liver thrill"], "畜牧饲养": ["livestock breeding"], "家畜繁育": ["livestock breeding"], "畜牧者": ["livestock farmer", "farmer"], "牧场主": ["livestock farmer", "farmer"], "生活环境": ["living environment", "habitat"], "活化石": ["living fossil"], "落后于时代的人": ["living fossil"], "独立生活": ["living independently"], "装的很重": ["load down"], "装上子弹": ["load the gun"], "归还贷款": ["loan repayment"], "偿还借款": ["loan repayment", "refund"], "地方当局": ["local authority"], "地方政权": ["local authority"], "地区方言": ["local dialect"], "座落在…": ["locate in"], "定线目标": ["located object"], "锁好": ["lock away", "fasten"], "藏好": ["lock away"], "把(人或动物)关在里面": ["lock in"], "把关在里面": ["lock in"], "把自己关在里面": ["lock oneself in"], "闭门谢客": ["lock oneself in"], "把…关在外面": ["lock out"], "门锁碰头": ["lock striker"], "把抽屉锁上": ["lock the drawer"], "将(某人或某物)锁住〔关押〕": ["lock up"], "将锁住〔关押〕": ["lock up"], "黄土高原": ["loess 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"着眼于": ["with an eye to", "look at"], "把目光从…移开": ["look away from"], "回头看看": ["look back over one’s shoulder"], "显得暗淡": ["look black"], "看不起": ["turn up one's nose at", "despise", "look down on", "look down upon"], "寻求指导": ["look for guidance"], "往里面看": ["look in"], "看起来像…": ["look like"], "旁观": ["look on"], "看待": ["regarding", "look on", "give", "view", "look upon", "approach", "treat", "look", "see", "regard"], "把…看作": ["think of…as", "consider", "class", "consider as", "look upon…as", "look upon", "esteem", "call", "treat", "called", "look on…as", "regard as", "treat sb. as", "reckon", "recognise…as…", "treat sb as", "regard"], "面朝": ["face", "front", "look out", "onto"], "提防": ["watch out for", "beware of", "look out for", "guard", "keep watch", "watch out", "beware"], "留意找": ["look out for"], "设法得到": ["look out for", "extract"], "从(某物上面)看过去": ["look over"], "从看过去": ["look over"], "仔细检查(某人或某物)": ["look over"], "审视(某人或某物)": ["look over"], "过眼": ["look over"], "面色苍白": ["look pale"], "环顾": ["look round", "rove"], "仔细察看": ["look round", "spying"], "(坦然或问心无愧地)直视某人": ["look somebody in the eye(s)"], "(坦然或问心无愧地)直视…": ["look somebody in the eye(s)"], "直视…": ["look somebody in the eye(s)"], "正视某人": ["look somebody in the eye(s)"], "查词典": ["look sth up in a dictionary"], "显得奇怪": ["look strange"], "显得不寻常": ["look strange"], "看起来一样": ["look the same"], "看穿": ["look through", "rumbling", "fathom", "penetrate", "see through", "rumble"], "从…中显露": ["look through"], "朝(某物)看去": ["look to"], "朝看去": ["look to"], "向上看": ["look up"], "拜访(某人)": ["look up"], "拜访…": ["look up"], "敬仰": ["worship", "look up to", "venerate"], "向东看": ["looking eastward"], "看着激动不已": ["looking thrilled"], "祸从口出": ["loose lips sink ships"], "放松肌肉": ["loosen up"], "宽舒": ["loosen up"], "耶和华": ["lord of hosts"], "万军之主(等于上帝)": ["lord of hosts"], "万军之主": ["lord of hosts"], "失去头衔": ["lose a title"], "与…失去联系": ["lose touch with", "lose contact with"], "丧失勇气": ["bottle", "lose heart", "lose courage"], "不再信任": ["lose faith in"], "对…失去信心": ["lose faith in"], "心灰意冷": ["lose heart"], "垂头丧气": ["lose heart"], "失去兴趣": ["go off", "lose interest in"], "对…失去兴趣": ["lose interest in"], "立即做某事": ["lose no time(in)doing sth"], "失去平衡": ["out of balance", "out of trim", "lose one's balance"], "心慌意乱": ["lose one's balance"], "喘不过气": ["lose one's breath", "out of breath", "gulp"], "呼吸困难": ["lose one's breath", "suffocate"], "脱发": ["lose one's hair"], "发脾气": ["tantrum", "crab", "flare", "get mad", "lose one's hair", "blow-up", "rage", "scene", "petulance", "lose one's temper"], "慌张失措": ["lose one's head"], "头脑发昏": ["lose one's head"], "没主意": ["lose one's head"], "慌里慌张": ["lose one's head"], "爱上某人": ["lose one's heart to", "fall in love"], "倾心": ["rave", "lose one's heart to"], "不能自制": ["lose one's mind", "incontinence"], "如痴如醉": ["lose one's mind"], "失去勇气": ["discouraging", "chicken", "lose one's nerve"], "慌张": ["bewilderment", "lose one's nerves", "lose one's nerve", "flurry", "pucker", "fluster", "discompose", "dither", "flustered"], "输掉": ["lost", "lose", "lose out"], "看不见": ["out of sight", "lose sight of", "be blind to", "invisibility"], "迷惘": ["bewilderment", "befuddlement", "maze", "fog", "lose the plot"], "不了解…的情况": ["lose track of"], "不了解…的动态": ["lose track of"], "体重减轻": ["lose weight"], "失物招领": ["lost and found"], "迷失于": ["lost in"], "非常嫉妒": ["lost in envy"], "许许多多": ["lots and lots", "thousand", "hundreds of"], "彩票": ["coupon", "lottery", "lottery ticket", "ticket"], "彩券": ["lottery ticket"], "音箱": ["sound box", "loudspeaker box"], "扬声器箱": ["cab", "loudspeaker box"], "喜欢干某事": ["love to do sth", "love doing sth"], "恋爱恐慌症": ["love sick"], "相思病": ["love sick"], "思念是一种病": ["love sick"], "爱情故事": ["love story n.", "romance"], "恋爱小说": ["love story n."], "爱心": ["loving heart"], "低成本": ["low cost"], "廉价的": ["budget", "inexpensive", "frugal", "fustian", "cheap", "low-cost", "low cost", "economy"], "低收入": ["low-income", "low income"], "低产": ["low yield"], "低收益": ["low yield"], "低碳生活低碳生活方式": ["low-carbon lifestyle"], "忠于某人": ["loyal to sb."], "行李舱": ["luggage accommodation"], "行李仓": ["luggage accommodation", "deck"], "阴历": ["lunar calendar"], "阴历月": ["lunar month"], "农历月": ["lunar month"], "农历新年": ["lunar new year"], "疯人院": ["lunatic asylum", "bedlam"], "在家吃中饭": ["lunch in"], "在外面吃中饭": ["lunch out"], "肺癌": ["lung cancer"], "豪华车": ["luxury car"], "豪华饭店": ["luxury hotel"], "鼯鼠": ["lying squirrel"], "机关枪": ["machine gun"], "妙用": ["magical effect", "play"], "神效": ["magical effect"], "神奇之地": ["magical place"], "想象某人的苦难": ["magine one's sufferings"], "镁合金": ["magnesium alloy"], "去磁器": ["magnetic eraser"], "磁场": ["magnetic field"], "磁极": ["pole", "magnetic pole"], "磁北极": ["magnetic pole"], "磁记录": ["magnetic recording"], "磁性录音": ["magnetic recording"], "磁条": ["magnetic stripe"], "磁片": ["magnetic stripe"], "磁性体": ["magnetic substance"], "磁性材料": ["magnetic substance"], "磁性物料": ["magnetic substance"], "磁性物质": ["magnetic", "magnetic substance"], "磁悬浮": ["magnetic suspension"], "悬磁性": ["magnetic suspension"], "圣雄甘地": ["mahatma gandhi"], "邮件地址": ["mail address"], "信件地址": ["mail address"], "代办邮寄": ["mailing service"], "邮寄服务": ["mailing service"], "主要作者": ["main author"], "主要内容": ["substance", "staple", "main content"], "主要特征": ["main feature", "principal character"], "主要特点": ["main feature"], "主景": ["main feature"], "功能特点": ["main feature"], "正厅": ["main hall"], "主序星": ["main sequence"], "主星序": ["main sequence"], "主序": ["main sequence"], "主序带": ["main sequence"], "干流": ["artery", "main stream"], "主干流": ["main stream"], "主课": ["main subject"], "主任务": ["main task"], "主题曲": ["theme", "main theme"], "不失尊严": ["maintain dignity"], "维持纪律": ["maintain discipline"], "保持间距": ["maintain interval"], "保持尊严": ["maintain one's dignity"], "保养和修理": ["maintenance and repair"], "维护费用": ["maintenance cost"], "主要障碍": ["major drawback"], "主要的雇主": ["major employers"], "主要事件": ["major event"], "职业棒球大联盟": ["major", "major league baseball"], "化妆师": ["make-up artist", "make", "dresser"], "舞台监督": ["make-up artist", "make"], "列出…的清单": ["make (up) a list of", "make(up)a list of", "make a list of"], "打个赌": ["make a bet"], "有重大发展或突破": ["make a breakthrough"], "做出选择": ["make a choice"], "作出评论": ["make a comment"], "折衷": ["compromise", "mean", "compromised", "make a compromise"], "做出让步": ["make a compromise"], "贡献给": ["make a contribution to"], "为…做出贡献": ["make a contribution to"], "做成交易": ["make a deal"], "与…做生意": ["make a deal with", "deal with"], "和…妥协": ["make a deal with"], "决定下来": ["make a decision"], "作出决定": ["make a decision"], "迂回": ["make a detour", "twist", "bypass", "detour"], "有影响": ["play a role", "react", "make a difference"], "起(重要)作用": ["make a difference"], "做鬼脸": ["make faces", "grimace", "make a face"], "握拳": ["make a fist"], "(把手指)捏成拳头": ["make a fist"], "捏成拳头": ["make a fist"], "发财": ["success", "make one's fortune", "carve out", "make a fortune", "fatten"], "赚大钱": ["clean up", "make a fortune"], "通过…发财": ["make a fortune by doing", "make a fortune from doing"], "做一个手势": ["make a gesture"], "养成…习惯": ["make a habit of"], "大量消耗": ["gobble", "guzzle", "make a hole in"], "搞成一团糟(一塌糊涂)": ["make a mess"], "搞成一团糟": ["make a mess"], "把…弄得一团糟": ["make a mess of"], "犯错误": ["stumble", "trip", "err", "goof", "slip", "trip up", "make a mistake", "bumble", "fault", "stray"], "使成为徒劳": ["make a mockery of"], "是对的嘲笑": ["make a mockery of"], "吵闹": ["fracas", "ruckus", "row", "bother", "sound", "make a noise", "tumult", "clamour", "clamor", "fuss", "uproar", "scene", "fray", "racket", "clamour, clamor", "frayed"], "把…记下来": ["make a note of", "note down"], "为…作计划": ["make a plan for"], "制定计划": ["make a plan for", "make a resolution"], "重视做(某事)": ["make a point of doing"], "重视做": ["make a point of doing"], "录制唱片": ["make a record"], "预定(房间、票)": ["make a reservation"], "预约": ["make an appointment", "make a reservation", "subscribe", "booking", "book", "reserve", "reservation", "reserved"], "堆雪人": ["make a snowman"], "发出声音": ["make a sound", "noise", "sound", "utter"], "引起轰动": ["make a splash"], "发出溅泼声": ["make a splash"], "作供": ["make a statement"], "把…做得很成功": ["make a success of"], "提出建议": ["make a proposal", "make a suggestion"], "把…看的太重": ["make a thing of"], "从…中获得好处": ["make a thing of"], "敬酒": ["toast", "toasted", "propose a toast", "make a toast"], "观光(某地)": ["make a tour of"], "游历(某地)": ["make a tour of"], "把某物当作玩具": ["make a toy of sth"], "以某事自娱": ["make a toy of sth"], "心甘情愿地做": ["make a virtue of"], "许愿": ["vow", "make a wish", "wish"], "预付": ["make advances", "advanced", "advance", "upfront", "prepaid"], "发挥优势/使用": ["make advantages of"], "留余地": ["make allowance"], "体谅:考虑到": ["make allowance for"], "估计到": ["make allowance for", "figure on", "reckon with"], "为某事而向某人道歉": ["make an apology to sb for doing"], "向某人提出呼吁": ["make an appeal to sb"], "打算做某事": ["mean to do", "make an attempt to do", "plan to do sth."], "对…有〔产生〕影响": ["make an impact on"], "让人眼前一亮": ["make an impression"], "给人留下…的印象": ["make an impression"], "发明创造": ["make an invention"], "偷走": ["rifle", "take", "run away with", "walk", "make off with", "steal away", "sneak", "make away with", "abstract"], "消耗光": ["make away with"], "铺床叠被": ["make beds"], "假扮": ["play", "pretend", "disguised", "pose", "disguise", "make believe"], "冒昧地…擅自(做)…": ["make bold to"], "冒昧地…擅自…": ["make bold to"], "弄清楚": ["demystify", "unravel", "assure", "make certain", "see", "ravel"], "讲清楚": ["make clear", "spell out"], "制造…零件": ["make components for"], "设法应付": ["make do with"], "勉强对付": ["make do with"], "改小(衣服)": ["make down"], "改小": ["take in", "make down"], "收支相抵": ["make ends meet"], "量入为出": ["make ends meet"], "尽一切努力": ["make every effort"], "走向": ["tend", "make for", "strike", "range", "trend"], "交朋友": ["buddy", "make friends"], "言归于好": ["make friends again", "make peace with"], "与…交友": ["make friends with"], "充分利用": ["make full use of", "put sth. to good use", "make the best of", "make much of", "optimise", "optimize", "exploited", "milk", "parlay", "maximize", "leverage", "make the most of", "take full advantage of"], "取笑(或嘲弄、奚落)某人": ["make fun of someone"], "取笑(或嘲弄、奚落)…": ["make fun of someone"], "取笑…": ["make fun of someone", "play a joke on"], "拿某人开玩笑": ["make fun of someone"], "利用机会去赚钱": ["make hay"], "做出推论": ["make inferences"], "把…制成": ["make into"], "使…变为": ["reduce", "make into"], "及时到达": ["make it"], "惯于": ["will", "make it a rule", "used to"], "作为常例": ["make it a rule"], "定为常规": ["make it a rule"], "刁难某人": ["make it hot for"], "共同努力去做": ["make joint efforts to do"], "对…不在乎": ["make light of"], "不重视": ["discounted", "discount", "think nothing of", "make little of", "indifference"], "与(某人)做爱": ["make love to"], "与…做爱": ["make love to"], "发财致富": ["enrichment", "make money"], "赢利": ["pay", "profit", "make money"], "极为重视": ["make much of"], "对…无影响": ["make no difference"], "表示无异议": ["make no difficulties"], "不留难": ["make no difficulties"], "对…不加怀疑": ["make no question of"], "毫无意义": ["nothingness", "make no sense"], "带…而逃": ["make off with"], "结识": ["meet", "make the acquaintance of", "make one's acquaintance"], "铺床": ["make one's bed"], "首次亮相": ["debut", "make one's debut"], "道别": ["make one's farewells"], "告辞": ["good-by", "make one's farewells", "good-bye"], "暴富": ["riches of", "make one's fortune"], "出名": ["figure", "make one's mark", "distinguish", "arrive"], "显露头角": ["make one's mark"], "自己做决定": ["make one's own decision"], "自力更生": ["make one's own way", "self-dependence", "self-reliance"], "采用自己的方法": ["make one's own way"], "表达感情、意见等": ["make one's voice heard"], "走出困境": ["make one's way out(of)"], "想方设法进入": ["make one's way to"], "无拘束": ["on the loose", "make oneself at home", "thaw"], "填写(表格)": ["complete", "make out", "completed"], "阐明论据": ["make out a case"], "由…制成(由…构成)": ["make out of"], "与…言归于好": ["make peace with"], "与…讲和": ["make peace with"], "休战": ["armistice", "truce", "make peace with"], "为某事做准备": ["make preparations to for sth", "make preparations to do"], "盈利": ["ring up", "payoff", "make profit", "pay", "profit"], "在…方面取得进步": ["make progress with", "make progress in"], "为…预先采取措施": ["make provision for"], "为…作好准备": ["make provision for", "get ready for"], "腾出地方": ["make way", "make room"], "让地方": ["make room"], "为…腾出空位": ["make room for"], "张帆": ["make sail", "set sail"], "扬帆": ["make sail", "set sail"], "扬帆起航": ["make sail"], "给某人做玩具": ["make sb a toy"], "使某人意识到": ["make sb aware of"], "向某人表示欢迎": ["make sb welcome"], "(使)某人梦想成真": ["make sb’s dream come true"], "某人梦想成真": ["make sb’s dream come true"], "有意义": ["make sense"], "讲得通": ["make sense"], "言之有理": ["make sense"], "了解…的意义": ["make sense of"], "做汤": ["make soup"], "按照某人的尺寸去做": ["make to one's own measure", "make sth. to one's own measure"], "量体裁衣": ["make to one's own measure", "make sth. to one's own measure"], "和…谈判(妥协/规定条件/达成协议)": ["make terms with"], "和…谈判": ["make terms with"], "妥善处理": ["cope", "make the best of", "sort", "do justice to", "satisfaction"], "达到要求或预期的标准": ["make the grade"], "成为重要新闻": ["make the headlines"], "成为足球队的一员": ["make the soccer team"], "向…延伸": ["make toward"], "向…前进": ["make toward"], "捣乱": ["make trouble", "sabotage", "shit", "muck", "mischief"], "制造麻烦": ["make trouble", "upset"], "给…带来麻烦": ["make trouble for"], "下定决心": ["make up one's mind", "resolve", "grit", "brace", "determined", "determine"], "打定主意": ["make up one's mind"], "下决心做某事": ["make up one's mind to do"], "做出决定": ["make up one’s mind", "determine"], "拿定主意": ["make up one’s mind"], "获得成就": ["make way"], "为…开路": ["make way for"], "使(某人)感到宾至如归": ["make…feel at home"], "使…感到宾至如归": ["make…feel at home"], "男性朋友": ["male friend"], "恶意诋毁": ["malicious slander"], "夫妻": ["spouse", "man and wife", "consort"], "老实地说": ["man to man"], "讲话诚恳": ["man to man"], "有利经营": ["manage profitably"], "设法完成某事": ["manage to do"], "管理顾问": ["management consultant"], "管理费": ["management fee"], "管理体系": ["management system"], "管理系统": ["management system", "managerial system"], "管理体制": ["management system", "regime"], "管理制度": ["management system", "regime"], "强制性罚金": ["mandatory fine"], "熟练使用工具": ["manipulate tool"], "载人飞船": ["manned spacecraft"], "领主之宅邸": ["manor house"], "庄园主的住宅": ["manor house"], "制造设施": ["manufacturing facility"], "生产设施": ["manufacturing facility"], "生产设备": ["manufacturing facility", "production equipment"], "制造工业": ["manufacturing industry"], "非常感谢": ["many thanks"], "详细制定": ["map out"], "筹划": ["staging", "hatch", "map out", "mapping", "destine", "orchestrate", "work", "engineering", "stage", "plan", "cooking", "design", "choreograph"], "(运动员)进场": ["march in"], "进场": ["approaching", "engagement", "approach", "march in"], "长驱直入": ["march into"], "向前进": ["march on", "step Forward"], "向…推进": ["march on"], "进入检阅场地": ["march on"], "保证金融资": ["margin financing"], "孖展融资": ["margin financing"], "海洋生物学家": ["marine biologist"], "海生爬行动物": ["marine reptile"], "婚姻状况": ["marital status"], "婚姻状态": ["marital status"], "婚姻情况": ["marital status"], "减价": ["discount", "reduction", "mark down", "off", "depreciation", "at a discount", "concession"], "降低分数": ["mark down"], "划分出": ["mark off"], "划线分隔": ["mark off"], "使…注定要": ["mark out for"], "原地踏步": ["mark time"], "停顿不前": ["mark time"], "加价": ["premium", "mark up"], "提高分数": ["mark up"], "市场竞争": ["market competition"], "市场概述": ["market overview"], "市场研究员": ["market researcher"], "市场调查": ["market survey"], "市场交易": ["market transaction"], "市场动态": ["market trend"], "销售渠道": ["marketing channel"], "行销通道": ["marketing channel"], "市场部": ["marketing department"], "销售部": ["marketing department"], "市场总监": ["marketing director"], "营销主管": ["marketing director"], "市场推广": ["marketing promotion", "marketing"], "行销促进": ["marketing promotion"], "市场销售员": ["marketing staff"], "市场专员": ["marketing staff"], "营销战略": ["marketing strategy"], "营销策略": ["marketing strategy"], "市场策略": ["marketing strategy"], "市场营销战略": ["marketing strategy"], "把某人嫁给": ["marry sb to"], "武术(常用复数形式)": ["martial art"], "武术": ["martial art", "martial arts"], "武术家": ["martial 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"恰恰是": ["none other than", "no other than"], "非言语交际": ["nonverbal communication"], "非语言沟通": ["nonverbal communication"], "也没有": ["nor yet", "nor"], "也不也不": ["nor yet"], "正常运行": ["normal operation", "up"], "常规操作": ["normal operation"], "正常现象": ["normal phenomenon"], "正截面": ["normal section"], "法向截面": ["normal section"], "法截面": ["normal section"], "正常断面": ["normal section"], "标准灵敏度": ["normal sensibility"], "正常灵敏度": ["normal sensibility"], "北韩": ["north korea"], "北极": ["arctic", "the North Pole", "north pole", "Arctic"], "北半球": ["northern hemisphere"], "挪威海": ["norwegian sea"], "丝毫不": ["not in the least", "damn", "not a bit"], "与…不能比": ["not a patch on"], "比不上": ["not a patch on"], "远不如…": ["not a patch on"], "远不及": ["not anywhere near", "not nearly", "not a patch on", "nowhere near"], "比…差得远": ["not a patch on"], "分文没有": ["not a penny"], "根本不用钱": ["not a penny"], "差得远": ["not anywhere near", "nowhere near"], "与…不一样": ["not as…as"], "懒得做某事": ["not be bothered to do sth"], "不完全": ["not exactly", "inadequacy"], "为了个人的利益": ["not for one's health"], "另有重要目的": ["not for one's health"], "毫不犹豫做某事": ["not hesitate to do sth"], "尽管做某事": ["not hesitate to do sth"], "无关紧要": ["anyhow", "not matter a hoot", "make no difference"], "不超过": ["at most", "not more than", "within"], "不是什么了不起的": ["not much of a"], "称不上…": ["not much of a"], "不一定": ["not necessarily"], "不服从的": ["recalcitrant", "not obedient", "unwilling", "insubordinate", "contumacious"], "不仅…而且…": ["both", "not only …but also"], "不但…而且…": ["both", "not only…but(also)…"], "并不坏": ["not so bad"], "还凑合": ["not so bad"], "和…不一样多": ["not so much as…"], "不像…那样": ["not so…as"], "不如…那样": ["not so…as"], "不认为…好": ["not think much of"], "不怎么": ["not too", "none"], "不太": ["not too"], "不在少数不寻常不稀罕": ["not unusual"], "记录某事": ["note down"], "不多": ["nothing much", "few"], "没有什么不可能": ["nothing is impossible"], "不严重": ["nothing serious"], "没什么严重的": ["nothing serious"], "没什么大问题": ["nothing serious"], "不以为然": ["laugh", "nothing serious", "frown upon"], "闲着没事": ["nothing to do"], "不再…": ["not…anymore"], "专利的新颖性": ["novelty of patent"], "专利的新奇性": ["novelty of patent"], "专利的新鲜性": ["novelty of patent"], "时而": ["now and again", "every now and then", "now", "now and then"], "核裁军": ["nuclear disarmament"], "裁减核武器协定": ["nuclear disarmament"], "核能": ["nuclear energy", "nuclear power"], "核爆炸": ["nuclear explosion"], "核设施": ["nuclear facility"], "核动力": ["nuclear power"], "核潜艇": ["nuclear submarine", "nuke"], "核武器": ["nuke", "nuclear weapon", "nook"], "报数": ["number off"], "数字符号": ["figure", "number sign"], "数字标志": ["number sign"], "数值实验": ["numerical experiment"], "众多优势": ["numerous advantages"], "谬误百出": ["numerous mistakes"], "铰口鲨": ["nurse shark"], "护士站": ["nurse station"], "童谣": ["nursery rhyme"], "儿歌": ["rhyme", "nursery rhyme"], "营养早餐": ["nutritious breakfast"], "营养食品": ["nutritious foods"], "具体细节": ["point", "nuts and bolts"], "基本要素": ["alphabet", "ABC", "basic", "nuts and bolts", "basics"], "尼龙袋": ["nylon bag"], "尼龙绳": ["nylon cord"], "对…担心": ["obess over", "nervous about"], "听从命令": ["obey the order"], "客观原因": ["objective cause"], "客观评价": ["objective evaluation"], "客观因素": ["objective factor"], "物的因素": ["objective factor"], "目标函数": ["objective function"], "答应做": ["oblige by"], "淫秽的语言": ["obscenity", "obscene language"], "属于淫秽的语言": ["obscene language"], "淫语": ["obscene language"], "观察研究": ["observational research"], "观察法": ["observational research"], "观察性研究": ["observational research"], "遵守规章": ["observe the rules"], "遵守诺言者": ["observer of one's promises"], "牵挂着": ["obsess with"], "迷恋于": ["obsess with"], "痴迷于": ["obsess with"], "从…中获取": ["obtain from"], "从…中得到": ["obtain through"], "明显的不利": ["obvious disadvantage"], "引起愤怒的反应": ["occasion an angry response"], "乘员安全": ["occupant safety"], "非自住业主": ["occupier owner"], "广泛地从事": ["occupy extensively"], "被想起〔到〕": ["occur to"], "使某人想起": ["occur to sb", "occur to sb."], "某人突然想起": ["occur to sb", "occur to sb."], "海上航道": ["ocean highway"], "奇数": ["odd number", "odd"], "预言的": ["fatidic", "predictive", "prophetic", "of Prophet"], "千载难逢的好机会": ["of a lifetime"], "价值很高的": ["of great worth"], "具有重要意义的": ["of importance"], "自行": ["of itself"], "近年来": ["of late years"], "不可避免地": ["fatally", "inevitably", "of necessity"], "有名的": ["fabled", "renowned", "of note", "famed", "name", "famous", "celebrated", "known", "noted", "storied", "eminent"], "古时的": ["old-time", "of old", "antique", "one-time"], "属于某人自己的": ["of one's own"], "断断续续地": ["off and on", "on and off"], "时不时地": ["off and on"], "不平稳的": ["off balance", "unsettled", "jerky"], "摇摆的": ["off balance", "rolling", "pendulous", "rocking", "swinging", "unsteady"], "画外音": ["off scene"], "旁白": ["off scene", "aside", "narration", "chorus"], "离岸": ["stand out", "off shore"], "在远离沿岸海面": ["off shore"], "离岸在远离沿岸海面": ["off shore"], "离开岸边": ["off shore"], "不落俗套": ["off the beaten track"], "打破常规": ["off the beaten track"], "远离闹市": ["off the beaten track"], "偏远": ["out of the way", "off the beaten track"], "摆脱困境": ["pull out", "emergence", "off the hook"], "未多加思考的": ["off the top of one's head"], "脱口而出的": ["pat", "off the top of one's head"], "违犯": ["infraction", "break", "offend", "violate", "offend against"], "因…而生气": ["offend at"], "因…发怒": ["offend at"], "以得罪": ["offend by"], "对…恼怒": ["offend with"], "对…报价": ["offer for"], "提供帮助": ["attendance", "offer help"], "办公椅": ["office chair"], "办公器具": ["office furniture"], "办公室设备": ["office furniture"], "办公削笔机": ["office sharpener"], "上班族": ["office staff"], "办公室职员": ["office staff"], "正式通知": ["notice", "official announcement", "advice"], "官方消息": ["official announcement"], "公务": ["official business"], "公事": ["business", "official business"], "官方文件": ["paper", "report", "official documents"], "公文": ["dispatch, despatch", "roll", "diploma", "document", "dispatch", "official documents", "missive"], "官方语言": ["official language"], "法定语文": ["official language"], "海底钻探": ["offshore drilling"], "海上勘探": ["offshore exploration"], "近海勘探": ["offshore 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"小规模地(的)": ["on a small scale"], "继续不停地": ["on and on"], "抵达时": ["on arrival"], "普通": ["ordinary", "commonly", "severity", "indifference", "on average", "common"], "以…的方式(基准)": ["on a…basis"], "关系不好": ["on bad terms"], "作为…的代言人": ["on behalf of"], "为帮助": ["on behalf of"], "在船(火车、飞机)上": ["on board"], "为了公事": ["on business"], "在校内": ["on campus"], "九霄云上": ["on cloud nine"], "在…条件下": ["on condition", "under", "on condition that", "provided"], "赊帐": ["mark up", "charge", "on credit"], "在定期存款账户中": ["on deposit"], "公开展出": ["on display"], "有吸毒嗜好的": ["on drugs"], "值班": ["on duty", "on", "on guard", "duty", "on watch", "watch", "keep watch"], "当班": ["on", "on duty"], "(某物)在展出": ["on exhibit"], "在展出": ["on exhibit"], "展出中": ["on exhibition"], "不加怀疑地": ["on faith"], "单凭信仰": ["on faith"], "存档": ["on file", "file", "archive", "filing"], "记录下来备查": ["on file"], "起火": ["on fire"], "在兴头上": ["on fire"], "非常激动": ["thrill", "thrilling", "on fire", "thrilled"], "在周五": ["on friday"], "关系好": ["on good terms"], "在度假": ["on holiday", "on vacation", "be on vacation"], "在休假中": ["on holiday", "on leave"], "在狱中": ["in prison", "on ice", "behind bars", "inside"], "有成功或胜利把握": ["on ice"], "搁置起来的": ["on ice"], "借贷": ["borrow", "on loan", "lending"], "借调": ["on loan"], "出外景": ["on location"], "现场拍摄": ["on location"], "在任何条件下都不": ["on no condition"], "有一次": ["on one occasion"], "以某人的名誉担保": ["on one's honour"], "非常疲倦": ["on one's last legs", "tired out"], "奄奄一息": ["on one's last legs"], "准备行动的": ["on one's toes"], "在去…的路上": ["on one's way to"], "名誉担保": ["on one's word of honour"], "已订购但尚未交货": ["on order"], "写下来": ["on paper"], "笔录": ["on paper", "transcript"], "仅照字面看": ["on paper"], "受检阅": ["on parade"], "在游行": ["on parade"], "在巡逻": ["on patrol"], "巡逻中": ["on patrol"], "根据原则": ["on principle"], "按照…": ["on principle"], "在收到…后": ["on receipt of"], "经再三考虑": ["on reflection"], "接受救济": ["on relief"], "应要求": ["on request"], "承索(即寄等)": ["on request"], "承索": ["on request"], "廉价出售": ["undercut", "remainder", "sale", "on sale"], "在星期六": ["on saturday"], "在周六": ["on saturday"], "更靠近了呢": ["on saturday"], "如期": ["on schedule"], "按计划": ["on schedule"], "在屏幕上": ["on screen"], "荧屏上": ["on screen"], "转念一想": ["on second thought(s)"], "重新思考": ["on second thought(s)"], "一见就": ["on sight"], "一看见就": ["on sight"], "待命": ["on standby"], "运行中": ["on stream"], "进行生产": ["on stream"], "在开发过程中": ["on stream"], "在星期天": ["on sunday"], "因嫌疑": ["on suspicion"], "根据猜想": ["on suspicion"], "有嫌疑": ["on suspicion of"], "切中要害": ["to the point", "on target"], "切题": ["to the point", "on target", "relevance", "to the question"], "广播中": ["on the air"], "播送中": ["on the air"], "根据…类推": ["on the analogy of"], "平均而言": ["on an average", "on the average"], "机灵": ["wit", "shrewd", "on the ball adv."], "有见识": ["on the ball adv."], "在…的基础上": ["on the basis of"], "在海滩上": ["on the beach"], "潦倒的": ["on the beach"], "用不正当的手段": ["on the bend"], "坏了": ["on the blink"], "出故障": ["on the blink", "pack up", "out of order", "fail", "give out"], "身体不爽": ["on the blink"], "濒于": ["on the brink of", "verge", "on the edge of"], "濒临": ["near", "on the brink of", "verge"], "准确": ["nicety", "veracity", "TRUE", "accuracy", "precision", "true", "on the button"], "确切": ["on the button"], "(拳击等中)被击倒在地": ["on the canvas"], "被击倒在地": ["on the canvas"], "即将失败": ["on the canvas"], "在考虑中": ["in consideration", "on the carpet"], "在审议中": ["on the carpet"], "处在最前沿的位置": ["on the cutting edge"], "在走下坡路": ["over the hill", "on the decline"], "在衰退中": ["over the hill", "on the decline"], "正点": ["hour", "sharp", "on the dot"], "准时地": ["on the dot", "sharp", "promptly", "prompt", "on the stroke", "on the button"], "在世上": ["on the earth"], "在地球上": ["on the globe", "on the earth"], "在地上": ["on the earth", "on the ground"], "在…边缘": ["on the edge of"], "极为激动": ["on the edge of one's seat", "thrilled"], "信封上": ["on the envelope"], "前夜": ["eve", "on the eve"], "在…的晚上": ["on the evening of"], "在地板上": ["on the floor"], "额头上": ["on the forehead"], "在世界上": ["on the globe", "in the world"], "忙碌/在移动中": ["on the move", "on the go"], "在进展中": ["on the move", "on the go"], "在草地上": ["on the green", "on the grass"], "在果岭上": ["on the green"], "以…为理由": ["on the grounds of", "plead"], "未屠宰": ["on the hoof"], "事先无准备地": ["on the hoof", "offhand"], "到处奔忙": ["on the hop"], "忙碌": ["bustle", "on the hop", "hustle", "hustle and bustle", "bubble", "busy", "be occupied with", "on the run"], "将要发生": ["upon", "in store", "on the horizon"], "由店家出钱": ["on the house"], "在内心": ["inwardly", "at heart", "on the inside"], "知道内情": ["on the inside"], "在旅程中": ["on the journey"], "在左边": ["on the left", "left"], "在流传中": ["in the air", "on the lips of", "afloat"], "追求名利的": ["bourgeois", "on the make"], "在发展中": ["on the march"], "上市(出售": ["on the market"], "有货可供应的)": ["on the market"], "在好转中": ["on the mend"], "在康复中": ["on the mend"], "值此…之际": ["on the occasion"], "值此节日之际": ["on the occasion of the festival"], "抱有侥幸心理": ["on the off chance"], "一方面": ["on the one hand"], "一方面…另一方面…": ["on the one hand…one the other hand…"], "另一方面": ["on the other hand", "meanwhile", "on the other"], "没住宿地": ["on the pavement"], "徘徊街头": ["on the pavement"], "被遗弃": ["on the pavement"], "在打电话": ["on the phone"], "正要": ["just", "on the point of"], "根据…的原则": ["on the principle of"], "形迹可疑": ["on the queer"], "不老实": ["on the queer"], "悄悄": ["on the quiet"], "通过收音机": ["on the radio", "over the radio"], "通过…的推荐": ["on the recommendation of"], "正式发言": ["on the record"], "公开发布": ["on the record"], "在走向…的路上": ["on the road"], "在旅途中": ["on the road"], "(关系)陷于困境": ["on the rocks"], "陷于困境": ["bog", "stalemate", "on the rocks"], "濒临崩溃": ["on the rocks"], "濒于失败": ["on the ropes"], "完全无力回击": ["on the ropes"], "奔波": ["on the run"], "在场/当场": ["on the scene", "on the spot"], "作为兼职": ["on the side"], "暗地里": ["on the side"], "路边": ["roadside", "curbside", "curb", "on the side of road"], "道路一侧的": ["on the side of road"], "在道路边": ["on the side of road"], "暗地": ["on the sly"], "成直角": ["square", "on the square"], "在表面上": ["on the surface"], "在桌子上": ["on the table"], "提交讨论": ["on the table", "table"], "行情显示": ["on the tape"], "准点的": ["on the tick"], "在山径上": ["on the trail"], "走江湖": ["on the tramp"], "跑码头": ["on the tramp"], "漂泊着": ["on the tramp", "adrift"], "在变化中": ["on the turn"], "即将改变": ["on the turn"], "逐渐好转(恶化)": ["on the up(down) grade"], "逐渐好转": ["on the up(down) grade"], "在航行中": ["on the voyage", "weigh"], "正在变大": ["on the wax"], "在增加": ["on the wax"], "即将被淘汰": ["on the way out"], "即将过时": ["on the way out"], "在途中": ["on the way(to)", "on one's way to", "by the way"], "在这个周末": ["on the weekend"], "总地来说": ["on the whole"], "逆风": ["headwind", "on the wind"], "顶风": ["headwind", "to the wind", "on the wind"], "如履薄冰": ["on thin ice"], "赊欠": ["on tick", "credit", "tick"], "受骗的": ["on toast"], "任人摆布的": ["on toast"], "熟练掌握": ["mastery", "on top of"], "紧接着": ["after", "on top of", "upon", "following", "follow", "next"], "正在巡回演出": ["on tour"], "走上正轨": 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"一个…另一个": ["one…the other"], "在线网上书店": ["online bookstore"], "网上商店": ["online store"], "网店": ["online store"], "网络商店": ["online store"], "独生子": ["only son"], "独子": ["only son"], "独生的儿子": ["only son"], "独生子女": ["only son"], "要不是因为…": ["only that"], "只有当…才能": ["only when"], "开抽屉": ["open a drawer"], "拆开信封": ["open an envelope"], "公开锦标赛": ["open championship"], "开火": ["discharge", "firing", "fire", "loose", "open fire"], "开放论坛": ["open forum"], "公开讨论会": ["open forum"], "开放句子": ["open sentence"], "开句": ["open sentence"], "开语句": ["open sentence"], "真伪未定的命题": ["open sentence"], "公开招标": ["open tender"], "开门": ["open", "opening", "open the door"], "向某人敞开心扉": ["pour open your heart to sb", "open your heart to sb.", "pour out your heart to sb", "pour out your heart to sb."], "开学典礼": ["opening ceremony"], "开幕式": ["inauguration", "opening", "opening ceremony"], "开幕仪式": ["inauguration", "opening ceremony"], "开幕典礼": ["opening ceremony"], "施行反对…": ["operate against"], "对…动手术": ["operate on"], "为某人做手术": ["operate on sb", "operate on sb."], "操作程序": ["operating procedure"], "作业程序": ["operating procedure"], "手术室": ["surgery", "operating theatre", "theater", "theatre"], "操作方式": ["operation mode"], "合作伙伴": ["operation partner"], "操作系统": ["monitor system", "operation system"], "业务系统": ["operation system"], "运行系统": ["operation system"], "有关…的意见": ["opinion about"], "见仁见智": ["opinions differ"], "各人意见不同": ["opinions differ"], "机会成本": ["opportunity cost"], "实践的机会": ["opportunity to perform"], "表现机会": ["opportunity to perform"], "使反对": ["oppose to"], "反佛": ["opposing buddhism"], "与…面对面": ["opposite to"], "反对党": ["opposition", "opposition party"], "光学纤维": ["optical fibre"], "光导纤维": ["optical fibre"], "乐观情绪": ["optimistic mood", "buoyancy"], "期权卖方": ["writer", "option biographer"], "选修课": ["optional course", "elective", "option"], "选修课程": ["optional course", "elective"], "或者说": ["or other", "or"], "或相反": ["or otherwise"], "或其反面": ["or otherwise"], "更确切地说": ["or rather", "rather"], "诸如此类的什么": ["or something"], "诸如此类的事": ["or something", "or whatever"], "或者随便什么": ["or whatever"], "口试": ["oral", "oral exam"], "口服法": ["oral medication"], "口传": ["oral tradition"], "重要性顺序": ["order of importance"], "数量级": ["order of magnitude"], "有条理的人": ["orderly man"], "普通人": ["mortal", "jack", "ruck", "the man in the street", "ordinary people"], "一般人": ["the man in the street", "ordinary people"], "器官捐献": ["organ donation"], "器官生理学": ["organ physiology"], "器官移植": ["organ transplant"], "有机化学家": ["organic chemist"], "有机化学": ["organic chemistry"], "有机化合物": ["organic compound n."], "生物进化": ["organic evolution"], "有机半导体": ["organic semiconductor"], "无机半导体": ["organic semiconductor"], "有机溶剂": ["organic solvent"], "有机物": ["organic substance"], "有机物质": ["organic", "organic substance"], "有机质": ["organic substance"], "生活委员": ["organization secretary"], "组织委员": ["organization secretary"], "组织文化": ["organizational culture"], "组织结构": ["organizational structure"], "组织架构": ["organizational structure"], "组织活动": ["organize activities"], "指学校综合情况": ["orientation meeting"], "新生报到会": ["orientation meeting"], "情况说明会": ["orientation meeting"], "介绍会": ["presentation", "orientation meeting"], "原著者": ["original author"], "原设计": ["original design"], "初始设计": ["original design"], "初版": ["original edition"], "原始设备制造商": ["original equipment manufacturer"], "原设备制造商": ["original equipment manufacturer"], "贴牌生产": ["original equipment manufacturer"], "原来的居民": ["original inhabitant"], "原始生产": ["original production"], "原罪": ["sin", "original sin"], "原罪论": ["original sin"], "原始的罪孽": ["original sin"], "电影原声带": ["soundtrack", "original soundtrack"], "原声大碟": ["original soundtrack"], "原文": ["text", "original text"], "除…外": ["than", "except", "otherwise than", "save for", "excluding", "but", "saving", "bar"], "应该做某事": ["ought to do sth", "ought to do sth."], "不平衡": ["out of balance", "off balance", "imbalance"], "上气不接下气": ["out of breath"], "失控": ["get out of control", "run away", "run wild", "out of control"], "出于好奇心": ["out of curiosity"], "脱离危险": ["out of danger", "pull through"], "不欠债": ["out of debt"], "债务还清": ["out of debt"], "出于嫉妒": ["out of envy"], "不流行的": ["out of fashion", "unpopular", "outmoded"], "不流行": ["dating", "out of favour", "date"], "出于恐惧": ["out of fear"], "不聚焦": ["out of focus"], "出于习惯": ["out of habit"], "听不见": ["out of hearing"], "在工作时间之外": ["out of hours"], "不相符": ["out of line"], "不合要求": ["out of line"], "举止不当": ["out of line"], "运气不佳": ["out of luck"], "出于需要": ["out of necessity"], "不知打哪儿来": ["out of nowhere"], "突然冒出来": ["out of nowhere"], "莫名其妙的出现": ["out of nowhere"], "在某人能力范围之外": ["out of one's reach"], "脱离某人的视线": ["out of one’s sight"], "无秩序": ["chaos", "anarchy", "out of order", "disarray"], "不耐烦": ["testiness", "impatience", "be tired of", "out of patience"], "不成比例的(地)": ["out of perspective"], "不成比例的": ["disproportionate", "out of perspective", "incommensurate", "out of proportion"], "不按透视法的(地)": ["out of perspective"], "不按透视法的": ["out of perspective"], "出于同情": ["out of pity"], "出于怜悯": ["out of pity"], "不合适": ["out of place", "ineptitude"], "不恰当": ["infelicity", "impertinence", "out of place"], "疏于练习": ["out of practice"], "绝版的": ["out of print"], "已绝版": ["out of print"], "已售完": ["out of print"], "不相称": ["beneath", "disproportionately", "incongruity", "out of proportion", "out of scale"], "不成比例": ["incommensurate", "out of scale", "out of perspective", "out of proportion"], "够不着": ["out of reach"], "失修的": ["out of repair"], "破损的": ["out of repair"], "不合规定比例": ["out of scale"], "健康状况不好": ["out of shape"], "走样": ["contort", "out of shape"], "在视野范围之外": ["out of sight"], "不合拍": ["out of step"], "不平常的": ["unusual", "offbeat", "out of the ordinary", "remarkable", "marvelous"], "谈不上": ["out of the question"], "与众不同": ["out of the usual"], "凭空": ["out of thin air"], "无中生有地": ["out of thin air"], "好(或美等)得不得了": ["out of this world"], "好得不得了": ["out of this world"], "非凡": ["extraordinarily", "out of this world"], "呱呱叫": ["out of this world", "quack"], "未准备好": ["out of trim"], "健康情况不佳": ["out of trim"], "走调": ["off-key", "out of tune"], "不合时宜": ["out of turn"], "轻率": ["haste", "out of turn", "precipitation", "lightness", "levity"], "穿着便服": ["out of uniform"], "出问题": ["out of work", "wrong", "keel"], "孤立无援": ["out on a limb"], "处于危险的境地": ["out on a limb"], "露天游泳池": ["outdoor swimming pool"], "室外游泳池": ["outdoor swimming pool"], "室外游泳馆": ["outdoor swimming pool"], "外国气派的": ["outlandish rumor"], "…的机会": ["outlet for"], "出口〔途径〕": ["outlet for"], "…的前途": ["outlook for"], "…的远景": ["outlook for"], "对…的看法": ["outlook on", "versions of……"], "对…眺望": ["outlook on"], "输出文件": ["output file"], "输出格式": ["output format"], "悍然入侵": ["outrageously invade"], "直言不讳的政治人物": ["outspoken politician"], "在…方面杰出的": ["outstanding in"], "正对着": ["due", "over against"], "与…形成对照": ["as opposed to", "in contrast to", "over against"], "反复": ["after", "iteration", "repetition", "recurrence", "repeat", "troll", "reprise", "and", "over and over"], "再三": ["over and over again", "oft", "over and over"], "一再地": ["over and over again"], "年过花甲": ["over his sixtieth"], "渡过危机": ["over the hill"], "在过去的十年里": ["over the past decade"], "那里": ["over there"], "随着时间流逝": ["over time"], "久而久之": ["over time"], "非处方药": ["over-the-counter medicine", "over-the-counter drug"], "总负责": ["overall charge"], "综合评价": ["overall evaluation"], "被…所压倒": ["overcome by"], "完全战胜": ["overcome greatly", "overcome completely"], "克服困难": ["overcome difficulties"], "克服缺点": ["overcome shortcomings"], "克服弱点": ["overcome weaknesses"], "过度劳累": ["stress out", "overdo things"], "逾期未支付款": ["overdue payment"], "过期付款": ["overdue payment"], "溢淋": ["overflow pipe"], "过刮喉": ["overflow pipe"], "满水喉": ["overflow pipe"], "命中注定听见": ["overhear fatally"], "重叠综合征": ["overlap syndrome"], "重叠综合症": ["overlap syndrome"], "医学上称为重叠综合症": ["overlap syndrome"], "过载试验": ["overload test"], "从…俯视": ["overlook from"], "境外投资": ["overseas investment"], "海外投资": ["overseas investment"], "外资": ["overseas investment"], "国外投资": ["overseas investment"], "外显文化": ["overt culture"], "以…压倒…": ["overwhelm by"], "由于…使某人对…不知所措": ["overwhelm with"], "欠买(某物的)钱": ["owe for"], "欠买钱": ["owe for"], "在…上欠债": ["owe on"], "欠某人某物": ["owe sb. sth.", "owe sb sth", "owe sth to sb", "owe sth. to sb."], "把…归功于(某人)": ["owe sth to sb", "owe sth. to sb."], "把…归功于…": ["owe sth to sb", "owe to", "owe sth. to sb."], "欠(某人情)": ["owe sth to sb"], "应该感谢": ["owe to"], "氧气匮乏": ["oxygen starvation"], "蚝油": ["oyster sauce"], "耗油": ["oyster sauce"], "蚝油汁": ["oyster sauce"], "臭氧层": ["ozone layer", "ozone"], "围绕…踱来踱去": ["pace around"], "领跑者": ["pace settler", "pacemaker", "rabbit"], "挤进…里": ["pack into"], "塞进": ["squeeze", "stuff", "cram", "squash", "ram", "stuffed", "pack", "tuck", "pile in", "pack into"], "把…打包": ["packed", "pack up", "bale", "pack", "package", "packaging"], "跟团游": ["package tour"], "包成一包": ["package up"], "盒装午餐": ["packed lunch"], "一大堆的": ["packs of"], "借助…呼叫某人": ["page over"], "排好页码": ["page up"], "为…付出代价": ["paid for", "pay…for…", "pay for"], "实缴": ["paid in"], "认缴": ["paid in"], "已缴": ["paid in"], "止痛片": ["pain pill"], "绘画欣赏": ["painting appreciate"], "故宫博物院": ["palace museum"], "娇纵": ["baby", "pamper spoil"], "熊猫外交": ["panda diplomacy"], "小组讨论会": ["panel discussion"], "专题小组讨论": ["panel discussion"], "惊恐性障碍": ["panic disorder"], "恐慌症": ["panic disorder"], "慌乱的状态": ["panic stations"], "(尤指)忙乱的状况": ["panic stations"], "忙乱的状况": ["panic stations"], "糊壁纸遮盖": ["paper over sth"], "厨用纸巾": ["paper towel"], "空降": ["parachute descent"], "天堂岛": ["paradise island"], "平行": ["parallel", "parallelism", "parallel with", "range"], "派拉蒙电影公司": ["paramount pictures"], "复述获取": ["paraphrase acquisition"], "原谅某人(做)某事(如犯错误等)": ["pardon someone for something"], "原谅某人…某事…": ["pardon someone for something"], "母公司": ["parent company", "parent"], "父母职责教育": ["parenthood education"], "停机坪": ["pad", "apron", "parking apron"], "停车场(室内)": ["parking garage"], "必要部分": ["part and parcel"], "重要的部分": ["part and parcel", "meat"], "不可缺少的一部分": ["part and parcel of"], "在职培训": ["part-time training"], "部分内容": ["partial contents"], "部分听写": ["partial dictation"], "填空听写": ["partial dictation"], "部分负荷": ["partial load"], "部份损失": ["partial loss"], "参与观察": ["participant observation"], "带有": ["with", "participate of", "participate", "accompany", "accompany with", "have", "carry", "partake"], "粒度": ["particle size"], "颗粒大小": ["particle size"], "讲究": ["particular over sth", "particular about sth", "chic", "be particular about", "be particular over", "particularity"], "特例": ["particular case"], "特定情况": ["particular case"], "特别推荐": ["particularly recommended"], "特别是非凡": ["particularly remarkable"], "特别紧急尤为迫切": ["particularly urgent"], "表达部分同意": ["partly agreeing"], "部分原因是": ["partly because"], "半透明的": ["translucent", "partly transparent"], "党支部": ["party branch"], "党派政治": ["party politics"], "党内竞选对手": ["party rival"], "使世代相传": ["pass down"], "对…发表(意见)": ["pass on"], "对…发表": ["pass on"], "通过法案": ["pass the bill"], "乘客电梯": ["passenger elevator"], "乘客名单": ["passenger list"], "客轮": ["passenger ship"], "客船": ["passenger ship"], "邮船": ["passenger ship", "packet"], "客货两用船": ["passenger ship"], "客车站": ["passenger station"], "客运": ["passenger traffic", "transportation", "passenger transport"], "旅客流量": ["passenger traffic"], "旅客运输": ["passenger traffic"], "热情的爱": ["passionate love"], "激情之爱": ["passionate love"], "被动方式": ["passive mode"], "被动吸烟者": ["passive smoker"], "被动态": ["passive voice"], "被动式": ["passive voice"], "护照号": ["passport number"], "护照号码": ["passport number"], "过去分词": ["past participle"], "过去式": ["past tense", "past"], "对某人表示赞许": ["pat sb on the back"], "平息": ["squash", "mollify", "lull", "quiet", "subsidise", "diffuse", "stanch", "pacify", "quash", "assuage", "subside", "appease", "placate", "blow over", "slake", "patch up", "die down", "beat down", "quell", "defuse", "quench", "cool"], "拼凑": ["patch", "scratch up", "piece together", "hash", "patch up", "scramble", "fudge"], "专利申请书": ["patent application"], "专利法": ["patent law"], "专利权法": ["patent law"], "发明专利": ["patent of invention"], "专利保护": ["patent protection"], "发明专利权": ["patented invention"], "姑母": ["aunt", "paternal aunt"], "病人护工": ["patient care"], "病人照护": ["patient care"], "病患照顾": ["patient care"], "病历": ["dossier", "patient history"], "能忍受": ["patient of"], "病人可悲的是": ["patient sadly"], "不幸病人": ["patient sadly"], "病人可悲": ["patient sadly"], "爱国主义教育": ["patriotism education"], "巡逻艇": ["patrol boat", "picket"], "模式识别": ["pattern recognition"], "铺平道路": ["pave the way"], "为…铺平道路": ["pave the way for", "pave", "pave the way"], "充满着善意的": ["paved with good intentions"], "交付罚款": ["pay a fine"], "偿付": ["pay back", "liquidate", "liquidation", "payback", "compensate", "meet", "reimbursement", "settle", "tender", "settlement", "indemnify", "satisfy"], "为…付钱": ["pay for"], "向…致敬": ["pay honour to", "towards", "in honor of"], "缴款解款入存入付款方式": ["pay in"], "口头答应而根本不想去干": ["pay lip service to"], "置之不理…": ["pay no attention to"], "毫不在乎…": ["pay no attention to"], "付出": ["spend", "fork", "give", "giving", "pay out"], "付费电话": ["pay phone"], "工资单": ["pay slip", "payroll"], "薪水单": ["pay slip"], "工资条": ["pay slip"], "工资收入证明": ["pay slip"], "付账": ["foot", "pay the bill", "spring"], "买单": ["pay the bill", "check"], "朝贡": ["pay tribute"], "全部还清": ["pay up"], "支付票据": ["payment bill"], "为…付款": ["pay…for…"], "宁静": ["tranquility", "calm", "in peace", "peace and quiet", "serenity"], "内心的宁静": ["peace of mind"], "明镜止水": ["peace of mind"], "和平烟斗(北美印第安人某些部落于庆典、集会等场合使用的长管烟斗,为和平的象征)": ["peace pipe"], "和平烟斗": ["peace pipe"], "和平演变": ["peaceful evolution"], "维持和平团": ["peacekeeping mission"], "维和特派团": ["peacekeeping mission"], "维和团": ["peacekeeping mission"], "孔雀舞": ["peacock dance"], "美丽的金孔雀": ["peacock dance"], "碧波孔雀": ["peacock dance"], "旺季": ["season", "peak season"], "峰距": ["peak separation"], "波峰间隔": ["peak separation"], "峰值间距": ["peak separation"], "峰间距": ["peak separation"], "山顶电车": ["peak tram"], "峰值": ["spike", "peak value", "peak"], "花生酱": ["peanut butter"], "珍珠耳环": ["pearl earring"], "珠江(位于中国南部)": ["pearl river"], "珠江": ["pearl river"], "珠江三角洲": ["pearl river delta"], "狭义相对论": ["pecial relativity"], "特殊相对论": ["pecial relativity"], "相对论基础": ["pecial relativity"], "比功率": ["pecific power"], "单位功率": ["pecific power"], "啄": ["peck at", "peck"], "少量地吃": ["peck at"], "人行横道": ["pedestrian crossing", "crossing"], "步行街": ["pedestrian street"], "行人街道": ["pedestrian street"], "中国京剧": ["peking opera"], "笔友": ["pen pal"], "罚金": ["forfeit", "penalty", "penalty for", "mulct", "fine"], "对…的处罚": ["penalty for"], "铅笔盒": ["pencil box"], "文具盒": ["pencil box"], "铅笔素描": ["pencil sketch"], "铅笔画": ["pencil sketch"], "铅笔裙": ["pencil skirt"], "紧身窄裙": ["pencil skirt"], "准许某人退休": ["pension sb. off", "pension sb off"], "强迫某人退休(并发给养老金)": ["pension sb. off", "pension sb off"], "强迫…退休(并发给养老金)": ["pension sb. off", "pension sb off"], "强迫…退休": ["pension sb. off", "pension sb off", "put out to grass"], "人民共和国": ["people's republic"], "百分之": ["percent", "per cent"], "每公斤": ["per kg"], "千分比": ["per mil"], "合格率": ["percent of pass"], "通过率": ["percent of pass"], "百分点": ["percentage point"], "完全不认识的人": ["perfect stranger"], "做手术": ["perform an operation"], "香水瓶": ["perfume bottle"], "时段": ["period of time", "period", "way"], "打消念头": ["desist", "perish the thought"], "技能杂志": ["perk magazine"], "长期居留": ["permanent residence"], "永久性居民": ["permanent resident"], "允许某人做某事": ["permit sb. to do sth."], "偏要": ["persist in", "would", "choose"], "顽强地坚持": ["persist with sth.", "persist in doing sth", "persist in sth"], "执著地做": ["persist with sth.", "persist in doing sth", "persist in sth"], "个人支票": ["personal cheque"], "个人资料": ["personal profile", "personal information", "personal data"], "个人日记": ["personal diary"], "私人日记": ["personal diary"], "(个人的)财务管理": ["personal finances"], "人身自由": ["personal freedom"], "个人所得": ["personal income"], "个人收入": ["personal income"], "个人信息": ["note", "personal information"], "个人情况": ["personal information"], "个人资讯": ["personal information"], "个人利益": ["personal interest"], "兴趣爱好": ["personal interest"], "个人档案": ["note", "personal profile"], "人称代名词": ["personal", "personal pronoun"], "个人关系": ["personal relationship"], "个人简历": ["resume", "personal resume"], "个人技能": ["personal skill"], "私人教练": ["personal trainer"], "一对一教学": ["personal trainer"], "人格魅力": ["personality charm"], "人格发展": ["personality development"], "个性发展": ["personality development"], "人格特质": ["personality trait"], "个性品质": ["individual character", "personality trait"], "就个人来说": ["personally speaking"], "人事管理": ["personnel administration"], "说服某人做某事": ["persuade sb to do", "persuade sb. into doing", "talk into", "persuade sb. to do"], "对…感到悲观": ["pessimistic about sth"], "石油地质学": ["petroleum geology"], "小资产阶级分子": ["petty bourgeois"], "小店主": ["petty shopkeeper"], "药用植物学": ["pharmaceutical botany"], "药物催眠": ["pharmaceutical hypnosis"], "相平衡": ["phase equilibrium"], "相位平衡": ["phase equilibrium"], "哲学分析": ["philosophical analysis"], "音标字母": ["phonetic alphabet"], "相册": ["photograph album", "photo album", "album"], "相框": ["photo frame"], "图片库": ["photo gallery"], "照相馆": ["photo studio"], "摄像工作室": ["photo studio"], "光电效应": ["photoelectric effect"], "光电効果": ["photoelectric effect"], "影集": ["album", "photograph album", "photo album"], "相纸": ["photographic paper"], "照相纸": ["photographic paper"], "身体攻击": ["physical aggression"], "身体素质": ["physical attribute"], "物理属性": ["physical attribute"], "肢体残疾": ["physical disability"], "生理缺陷": ["physical disability", "vice"], "物流": ["logistics", "physical distribution"], "物资调运": ["physical distribution"], "身体操练": ["physical exercise"], "物理区域": ["physical extent"], "实体范围": ["physical extent"], "自然地理学": ["physical geography"], "身体发育": ["physical growth"], "有生理残疾的": ["physically/mentally disabled"], "有心理缺陷的": ["physically/mentally disabled"], "钢琴协奏曲": ["piano concerto"], "钢琴二重奏": ["piano duet"], "摘下": ["pick off", "remove"], "选中": ["take", "pick 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"植物生态学": ["plant ecology"], "植物生长": ["plant growth"], "石膏模型": ["plaster cast"], "塑料薄膜": ["plastic film"], "塑胶膜": ["plastic film"], "塑料棚": ["plastic shelter"], "塑料衣箱": ["plastic suitcase"], "整形外科医生": ["plastic surgeon"], "整形手术": ["plastic surgery", "work"], "整形外科": ["plastic surgeon", "plastic surgery"], "高原现象": ["plateau phenomenon"], "淡银灰色的": ["platinum blond"], "戏弄某人": ["play a joke on", "play jokes on"], "对某人恶作剧": ["play a joke on", "play a trick on"], "发挥作用": ["play a part", "play a role", "play"], "捉弄某人": ["play a trick on"], "发挥重要作用": ["play an important part in"], "在…扮演角色": ["play apart(in)"], "打篮球": ["play basketball"], "下棋": ["play chess"], "玩火": ["play fire"], "耍滑头": ["play fox"], "互相勾结": ["play into each other's hands"], "对…恶作剧": ["play a joke on", "play jokes on"], "发生影响": ["play on", "operate"], "利用别人的感情": ["play on"], "继续比赛": ["play on"], "逐渐发生": ["play out"], "打乒乓球": ["play ping-pong"], "把…搞乱": ["play the devil with"], "敲鼓": ["play the drums", "drum"], "玩吉他": ["play the 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["polar region"], "撑杆跳高": ["pole vault"], "警犬": ["police dogs"], "警员": ["fuzz", "policeman", "police officer"], "派出所": ["police station"], "警察局": ["police station", "nick"], "公安局": ["police station", "public security bureau"], "警服": ["policeman uniform"], "女子警务区": ["policewoman community"], "政策沙皇": ["policy czar"], "草草完成": ["polish off"], "使醉": ["polish up", "besot", "inebriate", "mull"], "磨光石面": ["polished face"], "礼貌的交谈": ["polite conversation"], "礼貌问候": ["polite greeting"], "礼貌的请求": ["polite requests"], "政治庇护": ["asylum", "political asylum"], "政治避难": ["asylum", "political asylum"], "政治经济学": ["political economy"], "政治权力": ["political power"], "政治力": ["political power"], "政治力量": ["political power"], "政治犯": ["political prisoner"], "政治科学": ["political science"], "政治": ["political science", "polity", "politics", "government"], "政治系": ["political science"], "政治制度": ["regimen", "political system", "regime"], "政治体系": ["political system"], "政治模糊": ["politically unclear"], "政治演讲": ["politician speech"], "政法": ["politics and law", "fiat"], "政治面貌": ["politics status"], "污染物排放": ["pollutant discharge"], "污染环境": ["pollute environment"], "污染来源": ["pollute resource"], "污染治理": ["pollute treatment"], "被污染的空气": ["polluted air"], "受污染的土壤": ["polluted soil"], "污染土": ["polluted soil"], "衫": ["polo shirt Polo"], "球衣": ["strip", "shirt", "polo shirt Polo"], "马球衫": ["polo shirt Polo"], "马球运动衣": ["polo shirt Polo"], "食欲不振": ["poor appetite"], "视力很差": ["poor eyesight"], "视力差": ["poor eyesight"], "没有领会": ["poor grasp"], "穷人": ["poor people", "have-not", "weak", "poor man", "beggar", "pauper", "poor"], "贫民": ["poor people", "pauper"], "质量差的": ["poor quality", "bad", "crap", "rotten", "wretched"], "品质低劣的": ["poor quality"], "流行文化": ["popular culture", "pop culture"], "通俗文化": ["popular culture", "pop culture"], "流行歌手": ["pop star", "pop singer", "vocalist"], "风行音乐": ["pop singer"], "流行明星": ["pop star"], "弹出": ["eject", "pop up"], "瞪出": ["pop up"], "流行歌曲": ["pop", "popular songs"], "有好评": ["popular with"], "人口密度": ["population density"], "种群密度": ["population density"], "人口爆炸": ["population explosion"], "人口激增": ["population explosion"], "群体遗传学": ["population genetics"], "人口遗传学": ["population genetics"], "人口的增长": ["population growth"], "五花肉": ["pork belly"], "猪肉包": ["pork bun"], "花卷": ["pork bun"], "鲜肉包": ["pork bun"], "码头区": ["port area"], "港口区": ["port area"], "港口城市": ["port city", "port"], "目的港": ["port of destination", "final destination"], "便携式计算机": ["laptop", "portable computer"], "便携设备": ["portable equipment"], "手提设备": ["portable equipment"], "移动式设备": ["portable equipment"], "证券投资": ["portfolio investment"], "投资组合管理": ["portfolio management"], "投资组合理论": ["portfolio theory"], "组合理论": ["portfolio theory"], "资产组合理论": ["portfolio theory"], "提出问题": ["pose a question", "interrogate"], "构成威胁": ["pose a threat"], "正反": ["positive and negative"], "肯定和否定": ["positive and negative"], "积极态度": ["positive attitude"], "积极的效果": ["positive effect"], "明显效果": ["positive 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"关机": ["shutdown", "power off"], "科技滥用": ["power rudeness"], "幂级数": ["power series"], "幕级数": ["power series"], "发电站": ["powerhouse", "power station"], "发电厂": ["plant", "power station"], "强大的对手": ["powerful opponent"], "实务经验": ["practical experience"], "实践经验": ["practical experience"], "实际经验": ["know-how", "practical experience"], "实用语法": ["practical grammar"], "实用的智慧": ["practical wisdom"], "实践与反思": ["practice and afterthought"], "练习写字": ["practice handwriting"], "因为…赞美": ["praise for"], "珍贵的时刻": ["precious moment"], "精密仪器": ["precision instrument"], "前趋函数": ["predecessor function"], "喜欢做": ["prefer doing sth", "prefer to do sth"], "宁可做某事": ["prefer to do"], "更喜欢做某事": ["prefer to do"], "偏爱…": ["preference for", "have a weakness for"], "更加喜欢": ["prefer…to…"], "孕吐": ["pregnancy sickness"], "孕期恶心": ["pregnancy sickness"], "害喜": ["pregnancy sickness"], "史前部落": ["prehistoric tribes"], "对…抱偏见": ["prejudice against"], "首演套房": ["premiere suite"], "首映套件": ["premiere suite"], "尊贵套房": ["premiere 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"预防和控制污染": ["prevent and control pollution"], "阻止…的蔓延": ["prevent the spread of…"], "阻止…以免…": ["prevent…from"], "前代": ["previous generation"], "当代": ["today", "time", "previous generation"], "前期": ["previous period"], "前一年": ["previous year"], "物价膨胀": ["price inflation"], "无价之宝": ["priceless treasure"], "无价的珍品": ["priceless treasure"], "《傲慢与偏见》": ["pride and prejudice"], "以某事物为自豪": ["pride oneself on sth", "pride oneself on sth."], "初等教育": ["primary education"], "主要目的": ["primary purpose"], "根本目的": ["primary purpose"], "初始阶段": ["primary stage"], "嫌疑重犯": ["prime suspect"], "主要嫌疑犯": ["prime suspect"], "原始文明": ["primitive culture"], "原始人": ["primitive people", "primitive"], "原始民族": ["primitive people"], "原始宗教": ["primitive religion"], "对女子假装殷勤的男子": ["prince charming"], "女子理想中的求婚者": ["prince charming"], "主人公": ["principal character", "protagonist", "goody"], "主成分": ["principal component"], "知组分": ["principal component"], "主要因素": ["principal element", "principal factor"], "主元素": ["principal 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["laureate", "prize winner"], "职业杯": ["pro bowl"], "明星碗": ["pro bowl"], "职业碗": ["pro bowl"], "明星赛": ["pro bowl"], "概率分布": ["probability distribution"], "合理根据": ["probable cause"], "相当理由": ["probable cause"], "可能的原因": ["probable cause"], "概然误差": ["probable error"], "概率误差": ["probable error"], "概差": ["probable error"], "进而做(参加)": ["proceed to sth"], "进而做": ["proceed to sth"], "工艺设备": ["processing equipment"], "生产工艺": ["processing technique"], "生产部": ["produce department", "production department"], "生产资料": ["producer goods"], "生产者耐用设备": ["producer goods"], "生产价格": ["producer price"], "产品属性": ["product attribute"], "产品目录": ["product category", "product catalog"], "产品类别": ["product category"], "产品描述": ["product description"], "产品说明": ["product description"], "产品介绍": ["product description"], "产品设计": ["product design"], "产品开发": ["product development"], "产品质量": ["product quality"], "生产部门": ["production department"], "生产车间": ["production department"], "出产部分": ["production department"], "生产效率": ["production efficiency"], "生产装备": ["production equipment"], "生产线": ["production line", "line"], "生产程序": ["production procedure", "production process"], "生产流程": ["production process"], "多产作家": ["productive writer", "polygraph"], "专业设计": ["professional design"], "设计合理": ["professional design"], "专业事务所": ["professional firm"], "自由职业事务所": ["professional firm"], "专业知识": ["literacy", "expertise", "professional knowledge"], "专业精神": ["professional spirit"], "有效益的均衡": ["profitable balance"], "深远影响": ["profound impact"], "剖面样条": ["profuse mane"], "程序中断": ["program interruption"], "程序控制": ["programme control"], "节目主持人": ["host", "programme presenter"], "禁区": ["prohibited zone", "preserve"], "项目经理": ["project manager"], "表现自己": ["project oneself"], "突出自己": ["project oneself"], "延年益寿": ["prolong life"], "延长有效期": ["prolong the period of validity"], "主要特性": ["prominent character"], "突出特征": ["prominent feature"], "显著地物": ["prominent feature"], "促进改革": ["promote reform"], "促销推销": ["promote the sale"], "促销活动": ["ad.", "AD", "promotional events", "ad", "promotional activities"], "推广活动": ["promotional activities"], "行销活动": ["promotional activities"], "营销推广活动计划建议": ["promotional activities"], "宣传资料": ["promotional material"], "宣传片": ["promotional material"], "促销员": ["promotions specialist"], "导购": ["promotions specialist"], "催销员": ["promotions specialist"], "销售导购": ["promotions specialist"], "对…很迅速": ["prompt in", "quick at"], "立即付款": ["plank", "prompt payment"], "卧姿": ["prone position"], "俯卧位": ["prone position"], "俯卧姿势": ["prone position"], "伏卧位": ["prone position"], "跟…发音": ["pronounce after"], "宣判犯…罪": ["pronounce guilty of…"], "消费倾向": ["propensity to consume"], "物业税": ["property tax"], "财产税": ["property tax"], "提建议": ["advise", "make a suggestion", "proposal for sth."], "举杯": ["propose a toast"], "向…求婚": ["propose marriage to"], "建议做…": ["suggest doing", "propose to do"], "事物的利与弊": ["pros and cons"], "支持与反对": ["pros and cons"], "使免受": ["protect…from", "save from", "protect…from…", "protect against", "insulate"], "保护…不受…": ["protect…from", "protect for", "protect…from…"], "受保护的物种": ["protected species"], "受保护物种": ["protected species"], "保护效应": ["protective effect"], "防护作用": ["protective effect"], "保护膜": ["protective film"], "防毒面具": ["mask", "protective mask", "respirator"], "蛋白质含量": ["protein content"], "分离蛋白": ["protein isolate"], "蛋白质分离物": ["protein isolate"], "养不良": ["protein-energy malnutrition"], "能量营养不良": ["protein-energy malnutrition"], "对…提出抗议": ["protest against"], "新教伦理": ["protestant ethic"], "新教价值观": ["protestant ethic"], "质子泵": ["proton pump"], "结果是": ["turn out", "prove", "prove to be", "by extension", "fare", "come out", "mean", "follow", "result in", "proven"], "证明为": ["prove to be"], "证明你自己": ["prove yourself"], "规定禁止": ["provide against"], "提供生活所需": ["provide for sb."], "在…的条件下": ["provided that", "providing that"], "窥探": ["mouse", "spy on", "nose", "pry", "snoop", "pry into", "spy"], "硬要某人说出": ["pry out"], "探出": ["mouse", "smell", "pry out", "elicit", "spy out", "peek"], "撬出": ["pry out"], "精神科服务": ["psychiatric services"], "精神病医疗服务": ["psychiatric services"], "精神病学服务": ["psychiatric services"], "精神医学服务": ["psychiatric services"], "心灵撕裂": ["psychic scream"], "心灵狂啸": ["psychic scream"], "心灵尖啸": ["psychic scream"], "惊魂尖叫": ["psychic scream"], "心理依赖": ["psychological dependence"], "精神依赖性": ["psychological dependence"], "心理现象": ["psychological phenomenon"], "心理人类学家": ["psychologist anthropologist"], "心理失落": ["psychology disappointment"], "公众外交": ["public diplomacy"], "民间外交": ["public diplomacy"], "公敌": ["public enemy"], "要犯": ["public enemy"], "公共设施": ["utility", "public facility"], "财政学": ["finance", "public finance"], "公共卫生": ["public health", "sanitation"], "公共道德": ["public morality"], "社会道德": ["public morality", "social morality"], "公共启事": ["public notice"], "妨害公众安宁": ["public nuisance"], "妨害公众利益的人或事物": ["public nuisance"], "民意": ["public opinion"], "公众舆": ["public opinion"], "公共安全": ["public safety"], "公众安全": ["public 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"shoot", "draw", "extract", "drawn", "extraction"], "(使)离开": ["pull out"], "(火车)驶出": ["pull out"], "驶出": ["pull out", "pull"], "反败为胜": ["snatch", "pull out of the fire"], "开到路边": ["pull over"], "靠边停车": ["pull over"], "同某人开玩笑": ["pull someone's leg"], "取笑某人": ["send up", "pull someone's leg"], "从…撤军": ["pull the troop out of"], "恢复健康": ["rally", "restored", "pull out", "recruit", "pull through"], "把…撕成碎片": ["pull to pieces"], "通力合作": ["pull together"], "(使)停下": ["pull up"], "停下": ["hold", "break", "come to a stop", "pull up", "bring up", "stay"], "从土里拔出来": ["pull up"], "拆下": ["detach", "detached", "pull…down"], "脉冲发生器": ["pulse generator"], "脉冲宽度": ["pulse width"], "脉冲持续时间": ["pulse width"], "南瓜灯笼": ["pumpkin lanterns"], "南瓜灯": ["pumpkin lanterns"], "对…进行惩罚": ["punish for"], "外购商誉": ["purchased goodwill"], "合并商誉": ["purchased goodwill"], "购买商誉": ["purchased goodwill"], "纯物质": ["pure substance"], "纯净物": ["pure substance"], "纯正物": ["pure substance"], "纯水": ["pure water"], "净水": ["pure water"], "纯净水": ["pure water"], "奋力争取": ["push for"], "反复争取": ["push for something"], "抓紧进行": ["push forward"], "挤著穿过": ["push through"], "向上推": ["push up"], "彪悍的人生": ["pushy life"], "制止": ["hold", "put a stop to", "squash", "restraint", "restrain from v.", "check", "stop", "checkmate", "stanch", "prevent…from", "spike", "deterrence", "suppress", "suppression", "prevent from", "restrain", "refrain", "quell", "discouraged", "restrain from", "prevent…from…", "put a check on", "rebuke", "deterrent", "deter"], "给…下咒": ["put a spell on"], "解释清楚": ["make clear", "put across"], "使某人存奢望": ["put an idea into sb's head"], "放好": ["tidy away", "put away", "put sth away"], "收起来": ["put away"], "放回原处": ["put back", "replace"], "恢复正常": ["put back", "calm", "sort out", "back"], "把重点放在…": ["put emphasis on"], "对…进行最后的润色或修饰": ["put finishing touches to"], "投入(时间或精力)": ["put in", "invest"], "施行": ["put in force", "administer", "put into force", "carry out", "wreak"], "检修": ["service", "put in order"], "使(某人)有机会做(某事)": ["put in the way of"], "使…有机会做…": ["put in the way of"], "使处于某种状态": ["send into", "rendering", "render", "put into operation"], "使运转": ["put on", "put into operation"], "装模作样": ["ham it up", "act", "charade", "pose", "put on an act", "fudge"], "装样子": ["put on an act"], "穿上/脱下制服": ["put on/take off a uniform"], "得到某物": ["put one's hands on"], "说错话了": ["put one’s foot in one’s mouth"], "扑灭": ["eradication", "exterminate", "eradicate", "snuff", "blanket", "extinguish", "quench", "stifle", "scotch", "choke", "put out", "stamp out"], "使失效": ["lapse", "flaw", "put out of action", "neutralize", "vitiate"], "使失去战斗力": ["put out of action"], "把…藏起来": ["cache", "hide", "hiding", "make away with", "put out of sight"], "(因年老等)被辞退": ["put out to grass"], "被辞退": ["put out to grass"], "遭解雇": ["put out to grass"], "(故意提出难以回答或尴尬的问题)使某人难堪": ["put sb on the spot"], "替某人接通与…的电话": ["put sb on to"], "使受考验": ["put sb/sth to the test"], "使受检验": ["put sb/sth to the test"], "使某人处于进退两难": ["put someone in a dilemma"], "使某人感到不便": ["put someone to inconvenience"], "积蓄": ["scrape up", "stockpile", "save", "reservior", "put something away", "accumulate", "reservoir", "garner", "saving"], "攒钱": ["put something away"], "把…放回原处": ["replace", "put something away"], "把…付诸实践": ["put something into practice"], "把…收起来": ["put sth away"], "储存…": ["put sth away"], "准备就绪": ["put sth in place", "readiness", "in train", "ripe for"], "让…处于危险之中": ["put sth on the line"], "归咎于…": ["put the blame on"], "结束(活动等)": ["put the lid on"], "使(希望等)破灭": ["put the lid on", "dish"], "使破灭": ["dash", "put the lid on", "disappointed", "extinguish", "disappoint", "dish"], "接通(电话)": ["put through"], "顺利完成": ["successfully completed", "put through"], "测试某人的能力": ["put through sb's paces"], "使(某人)进入": ["put to"], "使…进入": ["put to"], "用(某种方法)考验": ["put to"], "用考验": ["put to"], "投入使用": ["put to use", "bring into action"], "组装": ["fabricate", "fabrication", "assemble", "assembly", "prefabricate", "put together"], "汇集": ["binding", "pool", "convergence", "funnel", "marshal", "compilation", "put together", "compile", "influx"], "提供食宿": ["accommodate", "put up"], "奋勇战斗": ["put up a fight"], "举手": ["put up one's hand=raise one's hand"], "将就": ["put up with", "scrape", "makeshift"], "处于某人的境地": ["put yourself in sb's shoes"], "设身处地": ["put yourself in sb's shoes"], "实施…": ["put…in(to) force"], "使…生效": ["put…in(to) force"], "苦苦思索而弄清楚": ["puzzle out"], "努力思考": ["puzzle over"], "为…烦恼": ["puzzle over"], "苦苦思考": ["puzzle over"], "疑难问题": ["puzzling question"], "金字塔骗局": ["pyramid scheme"], "非法传销": ["pyramid scheme"], "资格证书": ["credential", "credentials", "qualification certificate"], "虽然具备": ["qualified as"], "有担任…的资格": ["qualified as", "qualified for"], "取得…资格": ["qualify as"], "作为…合适": ["qualify as"], "有…的资格": ["qualify for"], "质量控制": ["quality control"], "质量管理": ["quality management", "quality control"], "质量检查": ["quality inspection"], "质量检验员": ["quality inspector"], "优质产品": ["quality product"], "质量标准": ["quality standard"], "质量体系": ["quality system"], "品质系统": ["quality system"], "许多…": ["quantities of"], "工程量差额": ["quantity overrun"], "为…争吵": ["quarrel about", "brawl"], "拒绝接受": ["exclude", "can", "refuse", "reject", "challenging", "quarrel with", "denial", "quash", "rejection", "wave away", "quarrel with v.", "jettison", "challenge", "refusal", "repudiate"], "跟…吵架": ["quarrel with v.", "quarrel with"], "古怪的家伙": ["queer bird"], "设法找到": ["chase up", "quest for"], "一刹那": ["flash", "quick as a flash"], "快速服务": ["quick service"], "斜视钩": ["quint hook"], "休学": ["quit school"], "相当多的": ["plenty", "quite a number of", "hefty", "bonny", "good", "considerable", "some"], "十分充足": ["quite enough"], "恰恰相反": ["rather", "quite the contrary"], "正相反": ["antithesis", "polarity", "on the contrary", "quite the contrary"], "十分好": ["quite well"], "机智问答": ["quiz show"], "智力竞争节目": ["quiz show"], "引用自": ["quote from"], "渴望参加比赛": ["race greedily"], "种族平等": ["racial equality"], "种族奴隶制": ["racial slavery"], "辐射效应": ["radiation effect"], "辐射照射": ["radiation exposure"], "射线照射": ["radiation exposure"], "辐射曝露": ["radiation exposure"], "电台播音员": ["radio announcer"], "无线电频率": ["radio frequency"], "无线电台": ["radio station"], "放射性物质": ["radioactive substance"], "布洋娃娃": ["rag dolls"], "碎布制玩偶": ["rag dolls"], "白手起家": ["rags to riches", "start empty-handed"], "铁路线": ["railway line"], "轨道线": ["railway line"], "铁路运输": ["road transport", "railway transport"], "下倾盆大雨": ["bucket", "teem", "rain cats and dogs"], "雨滴杂乱回波": ["rain clutter"], "热带雨林": ["rainforest", "rain forest"], "下大雨": ["piss", "teem", "pissed", "rain heavily"], "雨天": ["rainy day", "rain", "wet"], "穷困时期": ["rainy day"], "雨季": ["rain", "monsoon", "rainy season"], "顷刻之间举起": ["raise momentarily"], "集资": ["raise money", "club"], "坚决而勇敢地发言反对某人(某事物)": ["raise one's voice against"], "坚决而勇敢地发言反对某人": ["raise one's voice against"], "长高": ["raise oneself"], "提问": ["raise question", "query", "question"], "抬起": ["raise", "up", "jack", "lift", "raise up", "lever", "elevate", "uplift", "lifting", "elevated"], "活地板": ["raised floor"], "提升地板": ["raised floor"], "随机存取": ["random access"], "随机样本": ["random sample"], "随意抽取调查": ["random sample"], "随机样品": ["random sample"], "从…变化到…": ["range from…to"], "排名": ["lie", "ranking", "place", "ranked", "ranking list", "rank"], "评级次序表": ["ranking list"], "血盆大口": ["rapacious aggressor"], "强奸案的受害者": ["rape victim"], "迅速发展": ["burgeoning", "burgeon", "rapid development", "boom"], "高歌猛进": ["rapid development"], "快速加热": ["rapid heating"], "快速反应": ["rapid response"], "稀有动物": ["rare animal"], "凤毛麟角": ["rare breed"], "稀有品种": ["rare breed"], "稀土元素": ["rare earth element"], "稀有机会": ["rare opportunity"], "难得机会": ["rare opportunity"], "几乎从不": ["rarely if ever", "hardly ever", "scarcely ever"], "非常难得": ["rarely or never"], "告发某人": ["split", "tell on sb", "rat on sb"], "背弃诺言做某事": ["rat on sth"], "杀鼠剂": ["rat poison"], "老鼠药": ["rat poison"], "鼠毒": ["rat poison"], "出苗率": ["rate of emergence"], "种子发芽率": ["rate of emergence"], "与其…倒不如…": ["rather than"], "而不是": ["rather than", "rather"], "稍微…一点": ["rather too adv."], "理性选择": ["rational choice"], "理性抉择": ["rational choice"], "飞快说出": ["rattle off"], "原始数据": ["raw data"], "原始资料": ["raw data", "source"], "生鱼片": ["raw fish"], "原始分数": ["raw score"], "原始分": ["raw score"], "初步评分": ["raw score"], "粗分": ["raw score"], "刮胡刀刀片": ["razor blade"], "剃须刀片": ["razor blade"], "达成共识": ["reach a consensus", "reach an agreement"], "取得一致意见": ["reach an agreement"], "延展": ["extend", "reach out"], "起作用于": ["react on", "react on v."], "对…作出反应": ["react to", "greet", "receiving", "receive", "greeting"], "消失反应": ["reaction of disappearance"], "反应速率": ["reaction rate"], "反应时间": ["reaction time"], "活性染料": ["reactive dye"], "读英语": ["read English"], "阅读一份摘要": ["read a digest"], "看报纸": ["read a newspaper"], "大声朗读": ["read aloud"], "读书": ["read books", "study", "reading"], "宣告开除": ["read out"], "把…读出": ["read out"], "看报": ["read a newspaper", "read the newspaper"], "通读": ["read through"], "易达到的": ["accessible", "readily accessible"], "可存取的": ["readily accessible"], "阅读理解": ["reading comprehension"], "阅读测验": ["reading comprehension"], "准备做(某事)": ["ready for something"], "准备做": ["ready for something"], "实时": ["real-time", "real time"], "写实绘画": ["realistic painting"], "现实意义": ["realistic significance"], "实现一项目标": ["realize a goal"], "变卖产业": ["realize on"], "变卖产业以得现款": ["realize on"], "实现价值": ["realize the value"], "真的无语": ["really speechless"], "无言真": ["really speechless"], "获得益处": ["reap the benefits of"], "不劳而获": ["reap where one has not sown"], "高高耸立": ["rear high"], "合理解释": ["justification", "reasonable excuse"], "合理的辩解": ["reasonable excuse"], "合理价格": ["reasonable price"], "价格公道": ["reasonable price"], "从…处召回": ["recall from"], "回忆起": ["think", "recall to mind", "think back to", "recall"], "拿到": ["receive sth", "received"], "接到": ["receive sth", "received", "receipt", "receive"], "从某人/某事物拿到/接到/收到": ["receive sth from sb/sth"], "接收人": ["received by"], "最近去世": ["recently deceased"], "近期去世": ["recently deceased"], "最近逝世": ["recently deceased"], "接待处": ["reception area", "reception", "reception desk", "reception centre"], "接待室": ["reception area", "parlor"], "隐性采访": ["recessive interview"], "可充电式剃须刀": ["rechargeable shaver"], "配方书": ["recipe book"], "食谱书": ["recipe book"], "和…算帐": ["reckon with"], "预料到": ["reckon with"], "宜耕荒地": ["reclaimable wasteland"], "公认": ["recognition", "acknowledge", "legalize", "recognize", "legalization", "recognize as", "vote"], "根据…认出": ["recognize from"], "由于…而称赞": ["recommend for"], "重建努力": ["reconstruction effort"], "重建工作": ["reconstruction effort"], "记载历史": ["record history"], "录音室": ["studio", "recording studio"], "录音棚": ["recording studio"], "回收率采收率": ["recovery percent"], "儿童游戏场": ["recreation area"], "游憩用地": ["recreation area"], "康乐中心": ["recreation center"], "游憩中心": ["recreation center"], "旅游产业": ["recreation industry"], "娱乐时间": ["recreation period"], "矩形板": ["rectangular plate"], "长方盘": ["rectangular plate"], "紧急警报": ["red alert"], "红色警报": ["red alert"], "应急状况": ["red alert"], "红烧肉": ["red braised pork"], "赤壁": ["red cliff"], "红墨水": ["red ink"], "红玫瑰": ["red rose"], "红麻雀": ["red sparrow"], "红色麻雀": ["red sparrow"], "红棕色": ["reddish brown", "bay"], "赫色": ["reddish brown"], "返回原点": ["rediscover photography"], "减少了": ["reduce by"], "减少二氧化碳的排放": ["reduce carbon dioxide emissions"], "使某人流泪": ["reduce sb to tears"], "降低到…": ["reduce to"], "减少到…": ["reduce to"], "芦笛岩": ["reed flute cave"], "指的是": ["talk", "refer to"], "把…称作…": ["refer to…as", "denominate", "refer to as"], "把…当作": ["refer to…as", "take…as", "think of…as", "intend as"], "反省": ["reflect on", "reflect", "introspection", "reflection", "meditate"], "考虑(回想": ["reflect upon"], "回顾)": ["reflect upon"], "反射线": ["reflected ray"], "改革开放": ["reform and opening-up"], "使某人重新想起": ["refresh one's memory"], "可以提神": ["refresh oneself"], "清醒头脑": ["refresh oneself"], "餐室": ["refreshment room"], "茶点室": ["refreshment room"], "饮食店": ["eatery", "refreshment room"], "难民营": ["refugee camp"], "难民收容所": ["refugee camp"], "拒绝…": ["refusal to"], "拒绝做某事": ["refuse to do"], "看成": ["regard as"], "看做": ["set down", "regard as"], "当做": ["regard as"], "把…认作": ["regard…as…", "regard as"], "不惜费用": ["regardless of expense"], "把…视作…": ["regard…as…"], "区域地质学": ["regional geology"], "航空挂号信": ["registered airmail"], "挂号空邮": ["registered airmail"], "登记证": ["registration certificate", "registration"], "注册证书": ["registration certificate"], "登记处": ["registration desk", "registry"], "注册费": ["registration fee"], "登记费": ["registration fee"], "挂号费": ["registration fee"], "更名费": ["registration fee"], "挂号处": ["registry", "registration office"], "对做过的事表示遗憾、后悔": ["regret doing"], "后悔做了某事": ["regret doing sth.", "regret doing sth"], "后悔做过某事": ["regret doing sth"], "遗憾要做某事": ["regret to do sth"], "因要做某事而遗憾": ["regret to do sth"], "对要做的事表示遗憾": ["regret to do sth."], "常规性的锻炼": ["regular exercise"], "固定的间距": ["regular interval"], "季赛": ["regular-season", "regular season"], "常规赛": ["regular-season", "regular season"], "常规赛季": ["regular season"], "通例赛": ["regular season"], "调控经济": ["regulate the economy"], "管理交通": ["regulate the traffic"], "排练厅": ["rehearse room"], "恐怖统治": ["terrorism", "reign of terror"], "接力": ["relay", "reign over"], "驯鹿毛": ["reindeer hair"], "加强管理": ["reinforce the management"], "驳回上诉": ["reject an appeal"], "从这篇散文中剔除": ["reject from the essay"], "坚决拒绝…": ["reject…out of hand"], "彻底否决…": ["reject…out of hand"], "因…而高兴": ["rejoice at", "be delighted at", "rejoice in"], "因…感到欣喜": ["rejoice in"], "有关": ["affiliate", "relate to", "in reference to", "concerning", "apropos", "concern", "respect", "concerned", "touching"], "与…相关": ["relate to sth./sb."], "使相关": ["relate with"], "使符合": ["square", "fit", "shape", "relate with", "tally", "according"], "相对误差": ["relative error"], "相对重要性": ["relative importance"], "较为少见": ["relatively seldom"], "放松自己": ["relax oneself"], "放松某人自己": ["relax oneself"], "转达给…": ["relay to"], "转发给…": ["relay to"], "使(某人)免除/不…": ["release sb from"], "使…免除/不…": ["release sb from"], "放走": ["release sb./sth. from sth.", "release"], "关联理论": ["relevance theory"], "相关工作经验": ["relevant experience"], "相关信息": ["relevant information"], "可靠数据": ["reliable data"], "救灾工作": ["relief effort"], "排遣": ["outlet", "relieve", "relieve boredom"], "从…中解除": ["relieve from"], "缓解头痛": ["relieve one's headache"], "宗教文化": ["religious culture"], "相对距离": ["relive distance"], "不情愿帮忙": ["reluctant to help"], "就…发表意见(评论)": ["remark on"], "就…发表意见": ["remark on"], "消除弊端": ["remedy a drawback"], "记着已经做过的事": ["remember doing"], "记得做过某事": ["remember doing sth.", "remember doing", "remember doing sth"], "记得…": ["remember of"], "想起…": ["remember of"], "记得要做某事": ["remember to do"], "记得去做某事": ["remember to do sth.", "remember to do sth", "remember to do"], "使记起": ["bring back", "refresh", "remind of"], "使回想起": ["carry back", "remind of"], "使某人想起(类似的人或物)": ["remind sb of sb/sth"], "使…想起(类似的人或物)": ["remind sb of sb/sth"], "使…想起": ["remind sb of sb/sth"], "提醒某人某事": ["remind sb of sth.", "remind sb. of sth."], "使某人想起…": ["remind sb of sth.", "remind sb. of sth."], "调动": ["transfer", "set…in motion", "maneuver", "mobilization", "remove", "translate", "deployment", "manoeuvre", "deploy", "mobilize", "shunt", "set in motion", "mobilise, mobilize", "removal of sb./sth.", "move"], "排除障碍": ["unblock", "remove a drawback"], "更新的部件": ["renewable parts"], "可更新资源": ["renewable resources"], "出租(房屋、房间、土地等)": ["rent out"], "租给…": ["rent to"], "租赁房屋": ["rental housing"], "修理车间": ["repair workshop"], "机修厂": ["repair workshop"], "不自觉地重复": ["repeat oneself"], "重复率": ["repetition rate"], "以…代替": ["replace…with…", "replace with", "replace by"], "不自觉地取代": ["replace unconsciously"], "替换为": ["replace…with…", "replace with"], "重置成本": ["replacement cost"], "更新率": ["replacement rate"], "替换率": ["replacement rate"], "以…替换…": ["replace…with…"], "代表…作答": ["reply for"], "回答某人": ["reply to sb"], "报告调查的结果": ["report findings"], "由于…而告发": ["report for"], "为…作报道": ["report for"], "说出对…的印象": ["report of"], "报道…": ["report on"], "就…作报告": ["report on"], "去报到": ["report oneself"], "到…去见某人": ["report oneself"], "间接引语": ["reported speech"], "转述性引语": ["reported speech"], "转述句": ["reported speech"], "转述引语": ["reported speech"], "适当地描绘": ["represent appropriately"], "想像出某事物": ["represent something to oneself"], "代表…的": ["representative of", "be representative of"], "共和党": ["republican party"], "对…有请求": ["request for"], "要求某人某物": ["require sth. of sb."], "需要紧急处理": ["require urgent treatment"], "抢险救援任务": ["rescue mission"], "从…把某人营救出来": ["rescue sb from"], "研究中心": ["research center"], "研究人员": ["research fellow", "researcher"], "研究补助": ["research grant"], "科研补助金": ["research grant"], "研究小组": ["research group"], "研究机构": ["research institute"], "研究馆员": ["research librarian"], "研究课题": ["research subject"], "怨妇": ["resentful wife"], "预订房间": ["make a reservation", "reserve a room"], "为…而保留": ["reserve for"], "预备队员": ["reserve gymnast"], "住院医师": ["resident physician"], "走读生": ["resident student"], "抵制诱惑": ["resist the temptation"], "抵挡住诱惑": ["resist the temptation"], "消除分歧": ["resolve disagreements"], "使分解为…": ["resolve into"], "度假酒店": ["resort hotel"], "度假村": ["resort hotel"], "够体面的": ["respectable enough"], "各自国家": ["respective country"], "各自的政府": ["respective government"], "呼吸音粗糙": ["respiratory rudeness"], "以…方式反应": ["respond by"], "是…的原由": ["responsible for"], "依赖于": ["ride", "rest on", "rely"], "寄托于…上": ["rest on"], "恢复生态学": ["restoration ecology"], "抑制感情": ["restrain emotion"], "阻止…去…": ["restrain from v.", "restrain from"], "约束自己": ["restrain oneself"], "贸易管制": ["restraint of trade"], "限制某人做某事": ["restrict sb. from doing"], "产生于…": ["result from"], "以…为结局": ["result in"], "是…结果": ["result of"], "零售业务": ["retail business"], "零售业": ["retail business", "retailing"], "小买卖": ["retail business"], "零售商业": ["retail business"], "对…保持…": ["retain over", "retain on", "retain on(over)"], "从…退休": ["retire from"], "退隐": ["retreat into oneself", "retire", "retirement", "retire into oneself"], "(沉湎于自己的思想而)离群索居": ["retire into oneself"], "离群索居": ["retreat into oneself", "retire into oneself"], "资产置换基金": ["retired fund"], "退休年龄": ["retirement age"], "复古风格": ["retro style"], "从…回来": ["return from"], "可重复使用的物体": ["reusable objects"], "出现呈现": ["reveal itself"], "为…报复": ["revenge for"], "收支": ["revenue and expenditure"], "复习功课(迎考)": ["revise for"], "复习功课": ["review", "revise", "revise for"], "在…上复活": ["revive in"], "围绕…转动": ["revolve around"], "因…的酬谢": ["reward for"], "因为某事给某人报酬": ["reward sb for doing sth", "reward sb. for doing sth."], "用某物奖赏某人": ["reward sb with sth", "reward sb. with sth."], "修改订正": ["rewrite reformulate"], "修辞特点": ["rhetorical features"], "修辞特征": ["rhetorical features"], "逻辑性": ["logic", "organization", "rhyme or reason"], "与…押韵": ["rhyme with"], "与…相谐音": ["rhyme with"], "节奏布鲁斯": ["rhythm and blues"], "节奏蓝调": ["rhythm and blues"], "艺术体操": ["rhythmic gymnastics"], "韵律操": ["rhythmic gymnastics"], "韵律体操": ["rhythmic gymnastics"], "电饭煲": ["rice cooker"], "粽子": ["rice dumpling"], "米粉": ["rice flour"], "财富的": ["riches of"], "使某人摆脱某物": ["rid sb of sth", "rid sb. of sth."], "(骑马)赶上": ["ride down"], "骑马(自行车等)离开": ["ride off"], "骑马离开": ["ride off"], "骑在…上面": ["ride on"], "(衣服等离开了原来的位置)缩上去": ["ride up"], "缩上去": ["ride up"], "山脊线": ["ridge line"], "甲板中线": ["ridge line"], "…的屋脊": ["ridge of"], "…的山脊": ["ridge of"], "…的背脊": ["ridge of"], "隐私权": ["right of privacy"], "右半圆": ["right semicircle"], "右结点": ["right sibling"], "发出响声": ["ring out"], "环形公路": ["ring road"], "环缝装置": ["ring sew"], "赚取": ["ring up", "pocket", "grab"], "充满…声音": ["ring with"], "回荡着": ["ring with"], "防暴警察": ["riot police"], "宰客": ["rip off"], "宰人": ["rip off"], "时机成熟": ["ripen", "ripe for"], "提前成熟": ["ripen advance"], "起来反抗": ["rise against", "rise"], "反抗军": ["rise against"], "渴望提高": ["rise hungrily"], "上升时间": ["rise time"], "吸气流速可调": ["rise time"], "升起时间": ["rise time"], "起发时间": ["rise time"], "上升到": ["rise to"], "成名": ["ladder", "success", "rise to fame"], "名声大振": ["rise to fame"], "站起身来": ["rise to one's feet"], "大幅度增长": ["rising greatly"], "风险评估": ["risk assessment", "risk evaluation"], "风险意识": ["risk awareness"], "风险评价": ["risk evaluation"], "火险评估": ["risk evaluation"], "风险衡量": ["risk evaluation"], "风险溢价": ["risk premium"], "风险溢酬": ["risk premium"], "风险贴水": ["risk premium"], "风险保费": ["risk premium"], "仪式之舞": ["ritual dance"], "祭祀之舞": ["ritual dance"], "敌对阵营": ["rival camps"], "竞争模型": ["rival model"], "压路机": ["road roller", "roll", "roller"], "推土机": ["road roller", "bulldozer", "grader"], "压路机系列": ["road roller"], "路面压路机": ["road roller"], "路演": ["road show"], "法人说明会": ["road show"], "说明会": ["road show"], "道路运输": ["road transport"], "公路运输": ["road transport"], "公路交通": ["road transport"], "陆路运输": ["road transport"], "烤鸡": ["roast chicken"], "烤鸭": ["roast duck"], "烧鸭": ["roast duck"], "铁板烤肉": ["roast meat"], "烤过的肉": ["roast meat"], "抢劫(某人)的(某物)": ["rob sb of sth", "rob sb. of sth."], "抢劫…的…": ["rob sb of sth", "rob sb. of sth."], "劫摇篮": ["rob the cradle"], "老牛吃嫩草": ["rob the cradle"], "与比自己年轻地多的异性约会": ["rob the cradle"], "火箭飞机": ["rocket plane"], "火箭专家": ["rocket scientist"], "火箭科学家": ["rocket scientist"], "股市分析高手": ["rocket scientist"], "角色扮演": ["role play", "role-playing"], "流逝": ["roll", "lapse", "glide", "wear away", "passing", "progress", "pass", "passage", "go", "roll around", "elapse", "waste"], "(计划等)中止": ["roll back"], "(使)滚回": ["roll back"], "滚回": ["roll back"], "(使)卷起": ["roll back"], "卷起": ["turn up", "reef", "curl up", "roll", "roll back", "coil", "wind up", "tuck", "roll up", "enrol", "wind up"], "点名": ["calling", "registration", "roll call"], "滚滚而来": ["roll in"], "拥有大量(钱财)": ["roll in"], "拥有大量": ["roll in"], "异常富有": ["roll in wealth"], "(使)滚进": ["roll into"], "滚进": ["roll into"], "转出": ["roll out"], "铺开": ["spread", "roll out", "spread out"], "过山车": ["roller coaster", "roller-coaster"], "云霄飞车": ["roller coaster", "roller-coaster"], "情绪急转突变": ["roller coaster"], "双排轮": ["roller skate"], "轮式溜冰鞋": ["roller skate"], "轮滑鞋": ["roller skate"], "滑旱冰": ["blade", "roller skating"], "罗曼斯语(由拉丁语演变而成的语言)": ["romance languages"], "罗曼斯语": ["romance languages"], "浪漫主义运动": ["romantic movement"], "浪漫派小说家": ["romantic novelist"], "屋顶花园": ["roof garden"], "屋顶结构": ["roof structure"], "塔楼": ["tower", "roof structure", "turret"], "根本原因": ["rationale", "root cause"], "来源于": ["root in", "derive from"], "根系": ["root system"], "玫瑰园": ["rose garden", "rosary"], "蔷薇园": ["rose garden"], "转动地球仪": ["rotate a globe"], "旋转方向": ["rotate direction"], "转动开关": ["rotating switch"], "转台": ["racer", "rollover", "rotating table"], "回转工作台": ["rotating table"], "坏家伙": ["bad egg", "rotten apple"], "未加工的钻石": ["rough diamond"], "粗砂": ["grit", "rough sand"], "大致相等": ["roughly equal"], "旋转不息地": ["round and round"], "圆桌会议": ["round table"], "圆桌": ["round table"], "北川胜利": ["round table"], "圆桌骑士": ["round table"], "有精神病的": ["mad", "deranged", "round the bend", "disturbed"], "使聚拢": ["round up"], "围捕": ["stalking", "round up", "roundup", "round"], "往返航次": ["round voyage"], "全航程": ["round voyage"], "往出航次": ["round voyage"], "往返航程": ["round voyage"], "迂回运输": ["roundabout transport"], "拉进锚炼": ["rouse in"], "例行视察": ["routine inspection"], "日常检查": ["routine inspection"], "常规检查": ["routine inspection"], "日常检验": ["routine inspection"], "皇室蓝": ["royal blue"], "宝蓝色": ["royal blue"], "品蓝": ["royal blue"], "皇家蓝": ["royal blue"], "擦掉": ["efface", "wipe away", "rub out", "wipe out", "rub down", "mop", "delete", "obliterate", "erasure", "wipe up", "wipe", "scrape", "rub away", "erase", "rub off", "expunge"], "把…磨光滑": ["rub down"], "交际": ["conversation", "rub elbows", "mingle", "company", "mix", "intercourse", "contact", "socialise", "communication", "circulation", "socialize"], "用力擦入": ["rub in"], "反复讲": ["rub in"], "反复讲别人不爱听的事": ["rub it in"], "(故意)触人痛处": ["rub it in"], "触人痛处": ["rub it in"], "(使)摩擦掉": ["rub off"], "摩擦掉": ["rub off"], "沾上": ["rub off on"], "由于摩擦而在…上留下痕迹": ["rub off on"], "勉强度过": ["rub on"], "摸前额(想事情时的动作)": ["rub one's forehead"], "摸前额": ["rub one's forehead"], "与…接触": ["rub shoulders with", "get in contact with", "contact"], "并肩": ["abreast", "rub shoulders with", "alongside", "side by side"], "擦亮": ["shine", "polish", "furbish", "shining", "refurbish", "polish up", "Polish", "brush up", "polished", "rub up", "scour", "burnish", "buff"], "揉和": ["rub up"], "接近…": ["rub up against"], "盘式桥牌": ["rubber bridge"], "生胶浆": ["rubber cement"], "橡胶糊": ["rubber cement"], "橡胶胶水": ["rubber cement"], "橡胶水泥": ["rubber cement"], "橡胶剪刀": ["rubber scissors"], "橡塑剪": ["rubber scissors"], "橡胶铰剪": ["rubber scissors"], "拾垃圾的人": ["rubbish collector"], "如梦初醒": ["rude awakening"], "原油": ["rude petroleum", "petroleum", "crude", "oil"], "把…弄乱": ["hash", "tear apart", "ruffle up", "muddle"], "橄榄球场": ["rugby field", "park", "gridiron"], "使某人名誉扫地": ["ruin one's reputation"], "荒弃塔": ["uined Tower", "ruined tower"], "经验法则": ["rule of thumb"], "辅助线": ["ruler guides"], "标尺辅助线命令": ["ruler guides"], "执政党": ["in", "ruling party"], "(秘密地)逃跑": ["run away"], "与…私奔": ["run away with"], "用掉": ["run away with", "go"], "轻易接受(意见、看法等)": ["run away with an idea"], "轻易接受": ["run away with an idea"], "查出": ["detection", "find", "dig out", "get on to", "search out", "run down", "trace", "locate"], "竞选": ["campaign", "run", "run for election", "stand", "run for"], "逃命": ["run for one's life"], "快速进入…": ["run into"], "(使)碰撞": ["strike", "run into"], "驱车造访…": ["run into"], "按常规发展": ["run its course"], "流失": ["run off", "erosion", "drain"], "(使)流掉": ["run off"], "流掉": ["run off"], "跑出去": ["run out"], "从…跑出": ["run out of"], "造访": ["run over", "call"], "驱车送": ["run over"], "跑着穿过…": ["run through"], "(使)在…流过": ["run through"], "在…流过": ["run through"], "匆匆查阅": ["run through"], "撞上": ["run into", "run up against", "walk into", "bump", "run upon"], "意外地碰到": ["run up against"], "偶然碰见": ["encounter", "run upon"], "集中精力考虑": ["run upon"], "自由生长": ["run wild"], "不受控制": ["run wild", "take charge"], "疯狂地奔跑": ["run wildly"], "发疯似地跑着": ["run wildly"], "疯狂地逃窜": ["run wildly"], "自来水": ["tap water", "running water"], "非蒸馏水": ["tap water", "running water"], "农村地区": ["rural area"], "乡郊地区": ["rural area"], "农村人口": ["rural population"], "交通拥挤时间": ["rush hour"], "上下班高峰时间": ["rush hour"], "匆忙进入": ["rush into"], "冲出": ["bolt", "obtrude", "wash", "sally", "rush out"], "仓促地跑出": ["rush out"], "快速通过": ["rush through"], "俄国革命": ["russian revolution"], "防锈处理": ["rust prevention"], "神圣盔甲": ["sacred armor"], "为理想而献身": ["sacrifice oneself to an ideal"], "悲伤的天使": ["sad Angel"], "悲伤天使": ["sad Angel"], "忧伤天使": ["sad Angel"], "悲伤的圣洁天使": ["sad Angel"], "悲伤探戈": ["sad Tango"], "君子兰之歌": ["sad Tango"], "日本发行单曲": ["sad Tango"], "伤心探戈": ["sad Tango"], "越吻越伤心": ["sad kiss"], "悲伤的吻": ["sad kiss"], "野生动物园": ["safari park"], "铁血保镖": ["safe Guards"], "安全港": ["safe Harbor"], "避风港": ["harbour, harbor", "port", "cocoon", "harbour", "safe Harbor"], "安全港协议": ["safe Harbor"], "安全模式": ["safe Mode"], "安全标准样式": ["safe Mode"], "平安形式": ["safe Mode"], "平安模式": ["safe Mode"], "安然无恙的": ["OK", "safe and sound", "safe"], "安全通行": ["safe passage"], "安全通道": ["safe passage"], "稳得议席": ["safe seat"], "安全议席": ["safe seat"], "安全第一": ["safety First"], "保险第一": ["safety First"], "平安第一": ["safety First"], "安定第一": ["safety First"], "安全工程师": ["safety engineer"], "安规工程师": ["safety engineer"], "安规认证工程师": ["safety engineer"], "安全生产工程师": ["safety engineer"], "安全帽": ["safety helmet", "helmet"], "安全头盔": ["safety helmet"], "安全检验": ["safety inspection"], "安全事故": ["safety misadventure"], "刮胡刀": ["razor", "safety razor"], "保险剃须刀": ["safety razor"], "安全剃刀": ["safety razor"], "保险刀": ["safety razor"], "水兵上衣": ["sailor blouse"], "水手衫": ["sailor blouse"], "茶艺馆老板娘": ["sake brewer"], "色拉油": ["salad oil"], "沙拉油": ["salad oil"], "生菜油": ["salad oil"], "植物油": ["salad oil"], "罚薪": ["salary deduction"], "工资扣除额": ["salary deduction"], "雇佣工人": ["salary earner"], "受薪人士": ["salary earner"], 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["short bill"], "短期国库券": ["short bill"], "短期票据": ["short bill"], "短期期票": ["short bill"], "短路": ["short circuit", "short-circuit", "short"], "漏电": ["short circuit", "leak"], "短程": ["short distance"], "短裙": ["short skirt"], "半身裙": ["short skirt", "skirt"], "短篇小说": ["short story"], "短故事": ["anecdote", "short story"], "短篇故事": ["novella", "short story"], "小故事": ["short story"], "短期记忆": ["short-term memory"], "短时记忆": ["short-term memory"], "快捷键": ["shortcut", "shortcut key n"], "快捷菜单": ["shortcut menu"], "压缩到": ["shorten to"], "不久以后": ["near", "before long", "shortly afterwards", "by and by"], "没过多久": ["shortly afterwards"], "前不久": ["shortly before", "early on"], "以前不久": ["shortly before"], "在即": ["in sight", "shortly soon"], "应尽量": ["should be"], "应该是": ["should be", "sorry"], "应该的": ["should be", "sure"], "肩并肩地": ["side by side", "shoulder to shoulder"], "齐心协力地": ["shoulder to shoulder"], "对…大喊": ["shout at"], "叱喝": ["shout at"], "大声喝止某人说话": ["shout down"], "突然呼喊": ["shout out"], "显示愤怒": ["show anger"], "表示同情": ["show compassion"], "采取高姿态": ["show high-profile"], "把…领进": ["show in"], "同情某人": ["show mercy to sb."], "使突出": ["protrude", "pinpoint", "extrude", "advertise", "emphasize", "show off", "projecting", "highlight"], "卖弄": ["exhibit", "sport", "splurge", "splash", "flaunt", "ostentation", "swank", "hotdog", "show off"], "对…表示关心或忧虑": ["show one's concern for"], "领…出去": ["show out"], "带某人出门": ["show out"], "对…表示尊重": ["show respect for"], "领某人参观": ["show sb around"], "露出原形": ["show the cloven hoof"], "(使)看得见": ["show up"], "羞辱": ["show up", "put down", "humiliate", "dishonor", "humbling", "shame", "gall", "flatten"], "教你": ["show you"], "演唱会": ["show you", "gig"], "喷头": ["shower head"], "淋浴头": ["shower head"], "莲蓬头": ["shower head"], "花洒头": ["shower head"], "避免做": ["shrink from"], "不愿做": ["shrink from"], "回避(困难等)": ["shrink from (doing) something"], "扣环": ["shrink ring", "clasp", "ouch"], "缩紧环": ["shrink ring"], "收缩环": ["shrink ring"], "耸肩表示蔑视": ["shrug off"], "不寒而栗": 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["stand-by power"], "单口相声演员": ["stand-up comedian"], "独角滑稽秀演员": ["stand-up comedian"], "标准面": ["standard flour"], "标准面粉": ["standard flour"], "标准格式": ["standard format"], "标准价": ["standard rate"], "标准税率": ["standard rate"], "标准收费率": ["standard rate"], "标准费率": ["standard rate"], "标准分数": ["standard score"], "标准分": ["standard score"], "标准分散": ["standard score"], "标准得分": ["standard score"], "依法规范": ["standardize legally"], "规范管理": ["standardize management"], "主食": ["staple food", "staple"], "主演": ["star", "protagonist", "star in"], "明星推销员": ["star salesman"], "恒星系统": ["star system"], "遵循先例": ["stare decisis"], "遵从前例": ["stare decisis"], "遵循先例原则": ["stare decisis"], "繁星之夜": ["starry night"], "自食其力": ["start empty-handed", "support oneself"], "从…开始": ["come with", "from", "start with", "start from"], "蓄意纵火": ["start the blaze deliberately"], "发动": ["turn over", "drive", "launch", "launching", "levy", "catch", "start up", "jump-start", "mount", "start", "turn on", "spark", "offer", "wage", 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"支撑系统": ["supporter system"], "后备工业": ["supporting industry"], "辅助工业": ["supporting industry"], "周边产业": ["supporting industry"], "辅助产业": ["supporting industry"], "配套措施": ["supporting measures"], "保障措施": ["supporting measures"], "配套政策": ["supporting policies"], "扶持政策": ["supporting policies", "supportive policy"], "配套规章制度": ["supporting policies"], "配角": ["supporting role", "cameo"], "错误地认为": ["suppose falsely"], "假如不": ["suppose not"], "假设不": ["suppose not"], "最高指挥官": ["supreme commander"], "最高统帅": ["supreme commander"], "最高司令官": ["supreme commander"], "最高权力": ["supremacy", "supreme power"], "千万不要": ["sure not"], "确保不": ["sure not"], "确信…的": ["sure of"], "网上冲浪": ["surfing", "surf the net"], "表面安装": ["surface mounting"], "盘面安装": ["surface mounting"], "表面装配": ["surface mounting"], "表面张力": ["surface tension"], "地表水": ["surface water"], "牙外科医生": ["surgeon dentist"], "卫生局局长": ["surgeon general"], "军医处处长": ["surgeon general"], "赶超先进": ["surpass the advanced"], "剩余价值": ["surplus value"], "使某人吃惊": ["surprise sb"], "令某人吃惊的事": ["surprise sb"], "使某人惊奇": ["surprise sb"], "令某人吃惊": ["surprise sb"], "惊人的数量": ["surprising amount"], "后置环绕": ["surround back"], "后环绕": ["surround back"], "环绕立体声": ["surround sound"], "环绕声音箱": ["surround speaker"], "周边地区": ["vicinity", "surrounding area"], "邻区": ["surrounding area"], "周围空气": ["surrounding atmosphere"], "测量数据": ["survey data"], "测量资料": ["survey data"], "调查研究法": ["survey research"], "调查法": ["survey research"], "调查研究方法": ["survey research"], "存活率": ["survival rate"], "生存价值": ["survival value"], "生存值": ["survival value"], "存活值": ["survival value"], "生存模式": ["survive mode"], "靠…活下来": ["survive on"], "影响因素": ["susceptible factors"], "易感因素": ["susceptible factors"], "怀疑某人做某事": ["suspect sb. of doing sth."], "缓期宣判": ["suspend judgement"], "悬挂跳板": ["suspended catwalk"], "吊桥": ["suspension bridge", "drawbridge"], "悬架系统": ["suspension system"], "悬挂装置": ["suspension system", "suspension"], "悬浮体系": ["suspension system"], "蒙受损失": ["sustain 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["swell up"], "快速增长": ["swift growth", "rocket"], "千里马": ["swift horse"], "四处游动": ["swim around"], "游来游去": ["swim around"], "随波逐流": ["swim with the tide v.", "swim with the tide"], "随大流": ["conformity", "trim", "swim with the tide"], "梭子蟹": ["swimming crab"], "活梭子蟹": ["swimming crab"], "花蟹": ["swimming crab"], "猪流感": ["swine flu"], "挥动球拍": ["swing a bat"], "用…吊挂": ["swing by"], "摇摆舞": ["swing dance"], "立即行动起来": ["swing into action"], "马上大干起来": ["swing into action"], "瑞士银行": ["swiss bank"], "瑞士法郎": ["swiss franc"], "合闸": ["switch in"], "开关旋钮": ["switch knob"], "关(电灯、机器等)": ["switch off"], "开(电灯、机器等)": ["switch on"], "开": ["blast", "switch on", "crack", "plough", "discharge", "off", "carat", "up", "tunnel", "shoot", "cleft", "serve", "shot", "offer", "launch", "punch", "open", "opening", "karat", "prescribe", "extract"], "唇肿": ["swollen lips"], "乘虚而入抓取": ["swoop in"], "剑与盾": ["sword and shield"], "不共戴天的敌仇": ["sworn enemy"], "誓词": ["sworn statement", "oath"], "象征标志": ["symbol Mark"], "图形标志": ["symbol Mark"], "符号标志": ["symbol Mark"], "标记标志": ["symbol Mark"], "象征性的大使": ["symbolic ambassador"], "象征团圆": ["symbolize reunion"], "交感神经": ["sympathetic nerves", "sympathetic"], "对…同情": ["sympathy with", "sympathetic with"], "对…表示同情": ["sympathy for"], "交响乐团": ["philharmonic", "symphony", "Philharmonic", "symphony orchestra", "orchestra"], "症候群": ["syndrome", "symptom complex"], "协同效应": ["synergy effect"], "合成效应": ["synergy effect"], "合成生物学": ["synthetic Biology"], "合成纤维": ["synthetic", "synthetic fibre"], "合成橡胶": ["synthetic rubber", "rubber"], "注射器泵": ["syringe pump"], "注射泵": ["syringe pump"], "打针泵": ["syringe pump"], "系统误差": ["system error"], "系统错误": ["system error"], "系统功能": ["system function"], "系统函数": ["system function"], "系统恢复": ["system restoration"], "系统结构": ["system structure"], "体制结构": ["system structure"], "系统分析": ["systematic analysis"], "系统性风险": ["systematic risk"], "系统风险": ["systematic risk"], "体系性风险": ["systematic risk"], "不可避免的风险": ["systematic risk"], 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["take a dive"], "暴跌": ["take a dive", "slump", "meltdown", "break", "dove", "dive", "diving", "plummet", "collapse", "tumble", "crash"], "得一分": ["take a goal"], "进一球": ["take a goal"], "走路": ["take a hike"], "哪凉快那歇着去": ["take a hike"], "领会别人的暗示": ["take a hint"], "接受暗示": ["take a hint"], "捎个口信": ["take a message"], "传话": ["take a message"], "小睡一下": ["take a nap"], "拍照": ["take pictures", "photograph", "squeeze", "take", "photo", "shoot", "snap", "picture", "take a photo"], "拍…的照片": ["take a photograph(of)", "take a photograph"], "突然离开": ["bolt", "skip", "take a powder", "blow"], "跑掉": ["take a powder"], "兜风": ["airing", "take a ride", "spin", "cruise"], "载一程": ["take a ride"], "就坐": ["take a seat", "sit", "sitting"], "洗淋浴": ["take a shower"], "尝一口": ["take a sip"], "小啜": ["take a sip"], "喝一小口": ["take a sip"], "迈出一步": ["take a step"], "采取措施": ["take steps", "follow up", "take a step", "take measures", "take measures to"], "提出诉讼": ["take action", "sue", "litigate"], "采取行动去做": ["take action to do"], "利用某物": ["take advantage of sth"], "请教": ["consultation", "consult with", "consult", "see", "take advice", "consulting"], "征求意见": ["canvass", "take advice"], "与…相像": ["take after"], "随身携带": ["carry", "take along"], "带上": ["take along"], "吃一片阿司匹林": ["take an aspirin"], "拆开": ["apart", "pull", "unravel", "detachment", "disconnect", "strip", "disassemble", "dismantle", "take apart", "ravel"], "剖析": ["dissect", "take apart", "dissection", "anatomy"], "粗暴对待": ["rough", "maul", "punish", "maltreat", "mishandle", "take apart", "punishment", "sandbag"], "带走": ["carry off", "carry away", "cart", "walk off", "take away", "sweep", "export"], "取走": ["take away"], "拿回": ["carry back", "take back", "recapture"], "撤消": ["withdraw", "undo", "countermand", "retract", "cancel", "repeal", "avoid", "take back", "recall", "abatement"], "抚养": ["feed", "breed", "raise", "foster", "take care of", "raised", "rear", "foster care", "breeding", "keeping", "providing", "support", "parent", "provide", "maintain", "upbringing"], "提(货)": ["take delivery of"], "提": ["thy", "withdraw", "raise", "lift", "tote", "take delivery of", "carry"], "收(货)": ["take delivery of"], "收": ["collect", "back", "take delivery of", "gather", "charge"], "拿下": ["pull off", "take down", "get down"], "拆卸": ["knock down", "detach", "detached", "detachment", "dismantling", "strip", "disassemble", "take down", "dismantle", "tear down", "stripped", "take apart", "dismount"], "以…借鉴": ["take example by"], "有反感": ["take exception"], "做运动": ["take exercise"], "做体操": ["take exercise"], "认为…理所当然": ["take it for granted", "take…for granted", "take for granted"], "照顾好": ["take good care of"], "好好照看": ["take good care of"], "握住": ["fasten", "hold", "cop", "catch", "holding", "take hold of", "vice"], "改短": ["take in"], "主动采取行动做": ["take initiative in"], "从…中获取灵感": ["take inspiration from"], "对…发生兴趣": ["get into", "take interest in"], "带走它": ["take it"], "从容": ["deliberation", "in good spirits", "take it easy", "leisureliness"], "不急": ["take it easy"], "松懈": ["slack", "relaxing", "let down", "lax", "relax", "take it easy"], "想当然地认为": ["take it for granted"], "认为…是理所当然": ["take it for granted"], "造成损失": ["hurt", "take its toll"], "造成伤亡": ["shed", "take its toll"], "过于随便": ["take liberties"], "采取措施避免某事": ["take measures against"], "采取措施去做某事": ["take measures to"], "采取措施去做": ["take measures to do"], "不理睬…": ["take no notice of"], "记笔记": ["take notice of", "take note", "take notes", "take note of"], "作笔记": ["take notes"], "快速成功": ["take off"], "突然流行": ["take off"], "接纳": ["admitting", "sanction", "accepted", "take", "take on", "acceptance", "affiliate", "receiving", "receive", "take up", "admit", "initiate", "accommodate", "accept"], "令人惊异": ["take one's breath away"], "代某人的课": ["take one's class instead"], "给…量尺寸": ["take the measure of", "take one's measure"], "受到惩罚": ["neck", "take one's medicine"], "饮酒": ["sup", "tipple", "take one's medicine"], "点菜": ["order", "take one's order"], "坐…的座位": ["take one's place"], "取代某人": ["take one's place"], "量体温": ["take one's temperature"], "不着急": ["take one's time"], "轮流做某事": ["take one's turn to do"], "采取适当手段去做…": ["take order to do"], "把…带出去": ["take out"], "邀请(某人)外出": ["take out"], "邀请…外出": ["take out"], "取得贷款": ["take out a loan"], "照相": ["take pictures", "photograph", "take a photo", "take"], "采取措施预防": ["take precautions against"], "以…为傲": ["take pride in", "take(a)pride in"], "得到庇护": ["take refuge"], "躲藏在": ["take refuge in"], "向某人进行报复": ["take revenge on someone"], "拥抱某人": ["take sb in the arms"], "令人惊叹": ["take sb's breath away"], "成形": ["gel", "shape", "shaping", "take sharp", "marshal", "materialize", "shaped", "take shape"], "有了模样": ["take shape"], "有显着发展": ["take sharp"], "初具规模": ["take sharp"], "采取步骤": ["take steps"], "采取步骤去做": ["take steps to do"], "主持会议": ["take the chair"], "开会": ["sitting", "meet", "huddle", "sit", "session", "take the chair", "convene"], "作主席": ["take the chair"], "呈现…的形状": ["take the form of"], "采取…的形式": ["take the form of"], "为首": ["take the lead", "head"], "冒昧": ["take the liberty of", "familiarity", "presume", "liberty", "presumption", "venture"], "揭露丑闻": ["take the lid off"], "登基为王": ["take the throne"], "加冕为王": ["take the throne"], "使某人狼狈": ["take the wind out of sb's sails"], "挫败某人的计划": ["take the wind out of sb's sails"], "做得太过火": ["take things too far"], "对…惦念": ["take thought for"], "拿起": ["uptake", "take up"], "占据(时间或地方)": ["take up"], "拿起武器": ["take up arms"], "引以为戒": ["take warning"], "慢慢来": ["take your time"], "别着急": ["take it easy", "hold your horses", "take your time"], "从容做": ["take your time"], "把…当成…": ["take …for …"], "收购要约": ["takeover offer"], "收购建议": ["takeover offer"], "出其不意地接受": ["take…by surprise"], "以…为例": ["take…for example", "take", "for instance"], "视…为理所当然": ["postulate", "take…for granted"], "把…考虑进去": ["take…into account"], "认真对待…": ["take…seriously"], "人才开发": ["talent development"], "才艺表演": ["talent show"], "人才": ["material", "talented person", "talent"], "有天赋的人": ["natural", "talented person"], "谈论(某事)": ["talk about"], "讲出来": ["talk out"], "把…谈透": ["talk out"], "详尽地商议": ["talk over"], "讲得合情合理": ["talk sense"], "说正经话": ["talk sense"], "说话有道理": ["talk sense"], "讲话有道理": ["talk sense"], "自言自语": ["soliloquy", "think", "think aloud", "talk to oneself", "monologue"], "跟…说": ["talk to…"], "大声讲": ["talk up", "resound", "speak up"], "大胆讲": ["talk up"], "与…交谈": ["face", "talk with"], "大笔的财富": ["tall money"], "难以置信的故事": ["tall story"], "荒诞不经的故事": ["tall tale"], "与…吵架": ["tangle with"], "与…争论": ["tangle with"], "与…有纠葛": ["tangle with"], "给(汽车)加油": ["tank up"], "给加油": ["tank up"], "接进": ["tap into"], "轻轻打拍子": ["tap out"], "磁带播放机": ["tape player"], "磁带录音机": ["tape recorder"], "目标识别": ["target identification"], "目的语": ["target language"], "目标市场": ["target market"], "关税壁垒": ["tariff barrier"], "特遣部队": ["task force", "task group"], "特别小组": ["task force"], "工作组": ["team", "task group"], "有…味道": ["taste of"], "美味人生": ["tasty life"], "偷税": ["tax cheat"], "漏税": ["tax cheat"], "减免税款": ["tax deduction"], "税务调查": ["tax investigation"], "退税单": ["tax refund"], "税收": ["revenue", "subsidy", "tax revenue"], "纳税工资": ["tax salary"], "税后净薪": ["tax salary"], "指责": ["thunder and lightning", "arraign", "impugn", "rap", "flak", "tag", "charge", "censure", "damn", "accuse", "accusation", "judge", "reprobate", "reproach", "reprehend", "reprove", "static", "accused", "condemn", "charging", "chide", "fault", "diatribe", "comment", "tax sb with sth", "denounce", "hammer", "nag", "rebuke", "criticism", "criticize"], "的士司机": ["taxi driver"], "的士收费": ["taxi fare"], "出租汽车费": ["taxi fare"], "茶艺": ["tea art"], "茶叶种植场": ["tea garden"], "茶室": ["tea garden"], "茶叶": ["tea", "tea leaf"], "茶碟": ["tea saucer", "saucer"], "茶杯碟": ["tea saucer"], "茶具": ["tea set"], "一茶匙容量": ["tea spoonful"], "给…一个教训": ["teach a lesson"], "给某人一个教训": ["teach sb a lesson"], "教学方法": ["teaching method"], "使(关系密切的人)分离": ["tear apart"], "扯下": ["tear", "torn", "tear down"], "逐条驳斥": ["tear down"], "残忍地撕扯": ["tear fiercely"], "撕下": ["tear off"], "扯掉": ["rip off", "tear", "torn", "tear off", "torn off"], "撕毁": ["tear up"], "撕碎": ["tear", "rend", "tear up", "break to pieces", "torn to pieces", "torn apart", "lacerate", "tatter", "shred", "torn", "ribbon"], "拉掉": ["tear up"], "喜极而泣": ["tears of joy"], "对…的喜爱": ["tease for"], "挑出": ["winkle", "pick out", "seek out", "tease out"], "梳理": ["comb", "tease out", "dressing", "card", "tease"], "开某人玩笑": ["make fun of someone", "tease someone"], "技术工程师": ["technical engineer"], "技术规范": ["technical specification"], "技术说明": ["technical specification"], "技术支持": ["support", "technical support"], "技术援助": ["ta", "technical support"], "强烈动感的电子音乐": ["techno music"], "科技电音": ["techno music"], "铁克诺音乐": ["techno music"], "电子音乐": ["techno music"], "技术发展": ["technological development"], "技术革新": ["technological innovation"], "工艺流程": ["technological process"], "电信行业": ["telecom industry"], "电信业": ["telecom industry", "telecom"], "电信产业": ["telecom industry"], "电话亭": ["kiosk", "booth", "telephone booth"], "电话簿": ["telephone directory"], "电话号码": ["telephone number", "number"], "电视记者": ["television journalist"], "主持人电视主持电视节目主持人电视主持人": ["television presenter"], "撒谎": ["tell lies", "falsify", "falsehood", "lie", "fable", "tell a lie", "mendacity"], "一眼就看见": ["tell at a glance"], "不言而喻": ["tell its own tale"], "明辨是非": ["tell right from wrong"], "告诉某人某事": ["tell sb. sth", "tell sth. to sb"], "温度漂移": ["temperature drift"], "温度剧增": ["temperature excursion"], "超温": ["temperature excursion"], "温升": ["temperature rise"], "温度上升": ["temperature rise"], "升温": ["warming", "heat up", "temperature rise"], "温升测试": ["temperature rise"], "温度稳定性": ["temperature stability"], "温度稳定度": ["temperature stability"], "庙会": ["temple fair", "fair"], "天坛": ["temple of heaven"], "暂付款": ["temporary payments"], "青黄不接": ["temporary shortage"], "临时工作": ["temporary work", "gig"], "拐走": ["tempt away", "abduct"], "怂恿去": ["tempt into"], "劝诱去": ["tempt into"], "一万": ["ten thousand", "myriad"], "佃农": ["peasant", "tenant farm"], "倾向于做某事": ["tend to be", "tend to do"], "倾向于做": ["lean", "tend to do"], "倾向于": ["given", "inclined", "be likely to", "tend to be", "affect", "tend", "prone", "lean toward", "care", "incline", "tend to do", "tilt"], "温柔的背叛": ["tender betrayal"], "试验数据": ["tentative data"], "暂行标准": ["tentative standard"], "第三产业": ["tertiary industry"], "测试装置": ["test device"], "彻底检验": ["test out"], "考验": ["challenging", "try", "touch", "tempt", "test out", "workout", "baptism", "try out", "trial", "test", "tested", "trying", "task", "challenge", "proof"], "测试套件": ["test suite"], "测试集": ["test suite"], "测试包": ["test suite"], "测试套": ["test suite"], "试水": ["test the waters"], "试探": ["feel", "test the waters", "sound", "tempt", "sounding", "fishing", "feeler", "bounce off"], "个人地证明": ["testify personally"], "试验仪器": ["testing instrument"], "文本框": ["text box"], "手机短信": ["text message"], "比以前": ["than ever"], "比平常…": ["than usual"], "比往常…": ["than usual"], "因(某事)而感谢某人": ["thank sb for"], "因(某事)而感谢…": ["thank sb for"], "因而感谢…": ["thank sb for"], "为某事感谢": ["thank you for"], "多谢": ["many thanks", "thanks a lot"], "多亏": ["thanks for"], "幸亏": ["luckily", "fortunately", "thanks to"], "致谢词": ["thanksgiving words"], "感恩语": ["thanksgiving words"], "即": ["that is(to say)", "namely", "or", "i.e.", "wit", "of", "that is (to say)"], "就是说": ["that is (to say)"], "换言之": ["that is(to say)", "that is (to say)"], "那就是说": ["that is(to say)"], "正是如此": ["that's it", "exactly"], "行了": ["OK", "that's it"], "够了": ["already", "enough", "that's it", "good"], "就这样吧": ["that's it"], "这就对了": ["that's the ticket"], "亚运会": ["the Asian games"], "一带一路倡议": ["the Belt and Road Initiative"], "北斗七星": ["the Big Dipper", "dipper", "plow", "plough"], "拿破仑皇帝": ["the Emperor Napoleon"], "最后的奥林匹亚神": ["the Last Olympian"], "最后的奥林匹亚": ["the Last Olympian"], "小北斗七星": ["the Little Dipper"], "中东地区": ["the Middle East"], "诺贝尔医学和生理学奖": ["the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology"], "太平洋": ["pacific", "Pacific", "the Pacific Ocean"], "古罗马皇帝": ["the Roman emperors"], "(伦敦的)地下铁道": ["the Tube"], "地下铁道": ["the Tube", "tube"], "英国": ["the UnitedKingdom", "the UK", "Britain", "England"], "美利坚合众国": ["the United states", "union"], "广告商观点": ["the advertiser’s argument"], "天真的年代": ["the age of innocence"], "老人": ["the elderly", "elderly", "the old", "old-timer", "the aged", "ancient", "elder"], "汽车广告商": ["the automotive advertiser"], "大爆炸宇宙论": ["the big bang theory"], "每周流行唱片排行榜": ["the charts"], "人群拍手喝倒彩": ["the crowd's slow handclap"], "(某事物发展的)尖端": ["the cutting edge(of sth)"], "最前沿": ["forefront", "the cutting edge(of sth)"], "后天": ["the day after tomorrow"], "关于…的辩论": ["the debate on"], "死者已死的人": ["the deceased"], "需求方": ["the demander"], "设计阶段": ["the design phase"], "问题的另一方面": ["the dimension to a problem"], "镭的发现者": ["the discoverer of radium"], "蒸汽机力量的发现者": ["the discoverer of the power of steam"], "核废料的处理": ["the disposal of nuclear waste"], "贪得无厌的信徒": ["the dissatisfied devotee"], "令人眩晕的生活节奏": ["the dizzy pace of life"], "香港令人眼花缭乱的生活节奏": ["the dizzy pace of life in Hong Kong"], "献的血": ["the donated blood"], "向东扩展": ["the eastward expansion"], "八卦": ["the eight diagrams"], "两个中更年长的": ["the elder of the two"], "电灯": ["the electric lamp"], "天气(尤指坏天气)": ["the elements"], "令人鼓舞的消息": ["the encouraging news"], "最终成品/成果": ["the end product"], "享有平等权利": ["the enjoyment of equal rights"], "入口门": ["the entrance door"], "进口门": ["the entrance door"], "博物馆入口处": ["the museum entrance", "the entrance to the museum"], "别人羡慕的目光": ["the envious sights of others"], "有关…的情节": ["the episode about"], "与…相等": ["the equal of"], "和…匹敌": ["the equal of"], "剧场出口处": ["the exit of the theater"], "用于…的费用": ["the expense for"], "在…的范围内": ["within the compass of", "the extent of", "within the bounds of"], "恐龙的灭绝": ["the extinction of dinosaurs"], "教育系": ["the faculty of education"], "大结局": ["the final episode"], "总决赛": ["the final match"], "工程的最后阶段": ["the final phase of the project"], "前者": ["the former", "former"], "政府组织": ["the government organism"], "20世纪最伟大的艺人": ["the greatest entertainer of the twentieth century"], "隐者": ["the hermit"], "牌": ["tile", "the hermit", "tablet"], "…的主持/东道主": ["the host for…"], "治家之宝": ["the household mint"], "工程的初始阶段": ["the initial phase of the project"], "当…时": ["when", "the instant", "as", "in"], "在…之间的间隔": ["the interval between"], "不负责任的人": ["cowboy", "the irresponsible"], "胜利的欢乐": ["the joy of victory"], "最后但并非最不重要的是…": ["the last but not the least"], "倒数第二": ["the last but one", "penultimate"], "最后一刻": ["the last minute", "the last moment"], "(一系列烦恼、打击之外)最后使人受不了的事": ["the last straw"], "最后使人受不了的事": ["the last straw"], "罗宾汉的传奇故事": ["the legend of Robin Hood"], "古希腊传说": ["the legends of ancient Greece"], "最大或最好的一份": ["the lion's share of"], "孤独者": ["lonely", "the loner"], "孤独的谋杀者": ["the loner"], "…的大多数": ["the majority of"], "硕士学位": ["the master's degree"], "十分微小的": ["the merest"], "越…越…": ["the more…the more…", "the more…the more"], "愈…愈…": ["the more…the more…"], "…的神秘消失": ["the mysterious disappearance of"], "肉眼": ["the naked eye"], "…的起源": ["the origin of……"], "不久前某一天": ["the other day"], "几天以前": ["the other day"], "(历史事件的)缤纷场景": ["the pageant of"], "缤纷场景": ["the pageant of"], "是…的化身": ["the picture of", "personify"], "与…非常相像": ["the picture of"], "十足…的样子": ["the picture of"], "工作岗位": ["the post of duty"], "职守": ["the post of duty"], "消化过程": ["the process of digestion"], "对…有经久不衰的吸引力": ["the public's enduring fascination with"], "朝代历史的研究": ["the research of dynastic history"], "答辩人": ["the respondent"], "被申请人": ["the respondent"], "其余的": ["the rest of", "other"], "撒哈拉大沙漠": ["the sahara Desert"], "学校董事": ["the school governor"], "呐喊": ["whoop", "hue", "the scream", "yell", "outcry"], "之一代巨作": ["the scream"], "原始呐喊": ["the scream"], "大海": ["blue", "the sea", "main", "ocean", "wave"], "在海": ["the sea"], "沧海": ["the sea"], "羞愧的": ["hangdog", "humiliating", "guilty", "shamefaced", "the shame", "small", "abashed", "ashamed", "bashful"], "盾牌": ["the shield"], "卫盾军团": ["the shield"], "坚盾护甲": ["the shield"], "悲哀者": ["the sorrow"], "机器有节奏的颤动": ["the throb of the machines"], "随笔的标题": ["the title of the essay"], "…的形势": ["the trend of …"], "的倾向": ["the trend to…"], "20世纪": ["twentieth-century", "the twentieth century"], "失业者(集体)": ["the unemployed"], "失业者": ["the unemployed", "unemployed", "jobless"], "不为人知的地方": ["unknown", "the unknown"], "人类尚未到达的地方": ["the unknown"], "上流社会": ["the upper class", "society"], "上等阶层": ["the upper class"], "使用无害环境技术": ["the use of environmentally sound technologies"], "白玫瑰似的纯洁": ["the white rose of innocence"], "一路上(等于all": ["the whole way"], "the": ["the whole way"], "way)": ["the whole way"], "平凡的世界": ["the workaday world"], "主题派对": ["theme party"], "主题歌": ["theme song"], "理论基础": ["theoretical foundation", "theoretical basis", "rationale"], "理论框架": ["theoretical framework"], "进化学说": ["theory of evolution"], "当场就": ["there and then"], "当时当地": ["there and then"], "热膨胀": ["thermal expansion"], "浓雾(一级能见度)": ["thick fog"], "大雾": ["thick fog"], "布满着": ["thick with"], "股骨": ["femur", "thigh bone"], "腿节": ["femur", "thigh bone"], "边想边说出": ["think aloud"], "高度评价": ["think highly of", "acclaim"], "独立的思考": ["think independently"], "把…视为平常": ["think nothing of"], "把…称做": ["think of…as"], "不拘一格地思考": ["think outside the box"], "跳出框框思考": ["think outside the box"], "重新考虑": ["re-examine", "rethink", "think over", "think twice", "revert", "reconsider", "reassessment"], "充分考虑": ["think sth through"], "全盘考虑": ["think sth through"], "想透": ["think sth through"], "彻底地想清楚": ["think through"], "再三考虑": ["think twice"], "慎重考虑": ["deliberate", "think twice"], "深入了解": ["tap into", "thorough understanding", "insight", "plumb"], "脱胎换骨": ["thoroughly remould oneself"], "周到的安排": ["thoughtful arrangements"], "数以千计的…": ["thousands of"], "以恐吓为目的的诉讼": ["threaten proceedings"], "威胁某人": ["threaten sb with death"], "威胁要做某事": ["threaten to do sth."], "先兆流产": ["threatened abortion"], "三振出局": ["fan", "three strikes and you are out"], "三向沟通": ["three-way handshake"], "惊悚片": ["thriller movie", "thriller"], "繁荣昌盛": ["thriving and prosperous"], "一阵阵疼": ["throb with pain"], "不畏艰险": ["through thick and thin"], "到处乱扔": ["throw about", "throw around"], "投向": ["casting", "throw at", "throw"], "掷向": ["throw at"], "向…投去": ["throw at"], "扔掉": ["tip", "put off", "dump", "cast down", "away", "throw down", "casting", "discard", "throw off", "throw away", "chuck"], "扔回": ["throw back"], "拋下": ["throw down"], "扔下": ["throw down"], "扔进": ["throw into", "throw in"], "边线发球": ["throw in"], "承认失败": ["throw in the towel"], "扔入": ["throw into"], "使陷入混乱": ["throw into confusion"], "使…惊慌失措": ["throw into confusion"], "帮助弄清楚": ["throw light on"], "阐明某事": ["throw light on"], "扔开": ["throw off"], "匆匆脱掉": ["throw off"], "扔在…": ["throw on"], "匆匆穿上(衣服)": ["throw on"], "匆匆穿上": ["throw on"], "套上": ["throw on"], "积极投入到…中去": ["throw oneself into"], "扑倒在…上": ["throw oneself on …"], "使覆盖": ["throw over"], "给某人出难题": ["throw sb a curveball"], "不分良莠一起抛弃": ["throw the baby out with the bathwater"], "抛起": ["throw up"], "匆匆建造": ["throw up"], "用力推开": ["thrust aside"], "强行闯入": ["thrust oneself in"], "推出": ["roll out", "launch", "bring out", "thrust out", "ship"], "拇指向下": ["thumbs down"], "雷电": ["bolt", "thunder and lightning"], "到这种程度为止": ["thus much"], "青藏高原": ["tibetan plateau"], "投其所好": ["tick sb's boxes", "tick all the boxes"], "迎合众人": ["tick sb's boxes", "tick all the boxes"], "/": ["tick sb's boxes", "tick all the boxes"], "某人的喜好": ["tick sb's boxes", "tick all the boxes"], "事情发展如人所愿": ["tick all the right boxes"], "用记号标出": ["tick off", "tick"], "查票员": ["inspector", "ticket inspector"], "收票员": ["ticket inspector"], "因…使某人高兴": ["tickle sb at sth", "tickle sb. at sth."], "潮汐能": ["tidal energy"], "潮汐流": ["tidal flow"], "潮数据": ["tide data"], "潮汐数据": ["tide data"], "把(某物)收拾好": ["tidy away"], "把收拾好": ["tidy away"], "整理好": ["tidy out"], "使结合": ["yoke", "brigade", "combine", "integrate", "bond", "mingle", "mix", "tie in", "combined", "bind", "coalesce", "conjoin", "weld"], "使搭配得当": ["tie in"], "结扎": ["tie off", "ligature"], "绑好": ["tie up"], "缚牢": ["tie up", "secure"], "密切联系": ["tie up", "commune"], "和…有密切联系": ["tie up with"], "紧要关头": ["crisis", "clutch", "showdown", "tight corner", "pinch", "crossroads"], "供不应求的市场": ["tight market"], "节约度日": ["tighten one's belt"], "定时炸弹": ["time bomb"], "期限": ["time limit", "tenor", "time", "term"], "限期": ["time limit"], "收获期": ["harvest", "time of harvest"], "时间反转": ["time reversal"], "时间反演": ["time reversal"], "时间反向": ["time reversal"], "时间逆转": ["time reversal"], "时标": ["time scale"], "时间标度": ["time scale"], "时间标尺": ["time scale"], "时间比例": ["time scale"], "时间标准": ["time standard"], "标准时间": ["time standard"], "工时定额": ["time standard"], "适时调节": ["timely adjustment"], "锡箔": ["tin foil"], "锡纸": ["tin foil", "foil"], "微型发动机": ["tiny engine"], "小岛": ["tiny island", "isle"], "冰山一角": ["tip of the iceberg"], "事物的表面部分": ["tip of the iceberg"], "向…透露消息": ["tip off"], "起决定性作用": ["tip the balance"], "扭转局势": ["tip the balance"], "使…十分疲劳": ["tire out"], "十分疲劳": ["tired out"], "化妆室": ["tiring house"], "组织切片": ["tissue slice"], "组织薄片": ["tissue slice"], "冠名": ["title sponsorship"], "财产所有权": ["title to the property"], "全体": ["wholeness", "to a man", "in mass", "whole", "ensemble", "all", "totality", "population"], "大家": ["people", "to a man", "virtuoso"], "到达…程度": ["to an extent"], "往返": ["shuttle", "to and from", "shunt"], "来来回回": ["to and from"], "以免失望": ["to avoid disappointment"], "吃惊": ["startle", "dismayed", "to be amazed", "fright", "amaze", "boggle", "shock", "freak"], "对某事感到惊讶": ["to be amazed"], "得到证实": ["to be believed"], "有待决定的": ["to be determined"], "坦白说": ["to be frank"], "确切地讲": ["to be precise"], "有联系": ["be in touch with", "to be related"], "对其他人友好": ["to befriend someone"], "套用一句老话": ["to coin a phrase"], "用老话来说": ["to coin a phrase"], "从肺部排出空气": ["to expel air from the lungs"], "表示遗憾": ["to express regret"], "消化能力强": ["to have a good digestion"], "消化能力弱": ["to have a poor digestion"], "勘测": ["to investigate", "reconnoiter", "survey", "reconnaissance"], "访查": ["to investigate"], "辩解": ["to justify", "apology", "warranty", "warrant", "alibi", "palliate", "apologize", "defensive", "excuse", "explanation", "defense", "plea", "allegation"], "迅速逃跑": ["bolt", "to make a quick getaway"], "仅举几例": ["to name but a few"], "对某人有利": ["to one's advantage"], "使某人惊讶的是": ["to one's amazement"], "使吃惊的是…": ["to one's astonishment"], "值得赞扬": ["to one's credit"], "尽情地": ["to one's heart's content", "to the fullest", "heartily"], "心满意足地": ["to one's heart's content"], "合某人心意": ["to one's mind"], "根据某人意见": ["to one's mind"], "让某人遗憾的是": ["to one's regret"], "使人安心的是…": ["to one's relief"], "使…惊讶的是": ["to one's surprise"], "使…感到震惊": ["to one's surprise"], "让…惊讶的是": ["to one’s astonishment"], "为某人辩护": ["to one’s defence"], "让某人失望的是": ["to one’s depression"], "把一个项目分阶段进行": ["to phase a project"], "接受饮食建议": ["to receive advice on diet"], "喜欢挑战": ["to relish a challenge"], "喜欢争辩": ["to relish a debate"], "喜欢打架": ["to relish a fight"], "欣赏某种观点": ["to relish the idea of sth"], "欣赏某种想法": ["to relish the thought of sth"], "复苏": ["revive", "resurrect", "to resuscitate", "renewal", "come around", "revival", "recovery", "resurgence", "mend", "revitalization"], "令某人失望": ["to sb's disappointment"], "照耀": ["beam", "shine", "enlightening", "to shine", "enlighten", "shining", "irradiate", "blaze", "light", "stream"], "要照亮": ["to shine"], "射门": ["shoot", "shooting", "goal", "shot", "to shoot"], "踢向球门": ["to shoot"], "耗费": ["invest", "expense", "revel", "spent", "take", "absorb", "use", "absorbing", "dissipate", "to spend"], "把": ["blooming", "tresses", "hiking", "scheduled", "classified", "wired", "pounding", "act out", "processed", "lots", "bonding", "to spend"], "斥资": ["to spend"], "开始时": ["to start with"], "止住(血、亏损等)": ["to staunch"], "生闷气": ["to sulk", "mope"], "暂不判断": ["to suspend judgement"], "老实告诉你": ["to tell you the truth"], "彻头彻尾": ["to the backbone"], "在东边(在范围之外)": ["to the east of"], "在东边": ["to the east of"], "排除掉": ["to the exclusion of"], "排斥着": ["to the exclusion of"], "不计及": ["to the exclusion of"], "达到…的程度以致": ["to the extent that"], "在这个意义上": ["to the extent that"], "在这样的范围内": ["to the extent that"], "在…方面来说": ["to the extent that"], "走向极端": ["to the extreme"], "最充分地": ["to the fullest"], "直到最后": ["to the last"], "(说)到最后": ["to the last syllable"], "到最后": ["to the last syllable"], "严格按照字句": ["to the letter"], "到顶点": ["to the limit"], "到最大限度": ["to the limit"], "中肯": ["to the point", "relevance", "modesty"], "扼要": ["to the point"], "针对论题": ["to the question"], "达到…的数量": ["to the tune of"], "价格达…": ["to the tune of"], "烟叶": ["tobacco", "tobacco leaf", "snout"], "卫生纸": ["paper", "toilet paper"], "手纸": ["paper", "toilet paper"], "恭桶座圈": ["toilet seat"], "马桶坐圈": ["toilet seat"], "马桶座圈": ["toilet seat"], "抽水马桶座圈": ["toilet seat"], "容忍(某人)做…": ["tolerate(sb.)doing…"], "容忍…做…": ["tolerate(sb.)doing…"], "蕃茄三味夹": ["tomato sandwich"], "西红柿三文治": ["tomato sandwich"], "番茄三文治": ["tomato sandwich"], "番茄酱": ["tomato sauce", "ketchup"], "蕃茄酱": ["tomato sauce", "ketchup"], "西红柿酱": ["tomato sauce"], "口吻": ["tone of voice", "strain", "tone"], "绕口令": ["tongue twister"], "太多使人分心的事": ["too many distractions"], "太早": ["too soon"], "为时过早": ["too soon"], "过不多久": ["too soon"], "工具厂": ["tools factory"], "牙齿仙女": ["tooth fairy"], "牙仙子": ["tooth fairy"], "牙仙": ["tooth fairy"], "太…而不能…": ["too… to…", "too…to…"], "太…而不能": ["too…to"], "主要滑稽演员": ["top banana"], "达到极限": ["top out"], "把…弄平": ["top out"], "火炬传递": ["torch relay"], "火炬接力": ["torch relay"], "圣火传递": ["torch relay"], "心痛欲裂": ["torn apart"], "在…之间左右为难": ["torn between"], "撕破": ["tear", "rend", "rip", "torn", "torn off"], "驳得体无完肤": ["torn to pieces"], "暴雨": ["downpour", "deluge", "cataract", "downfall", "storm", "heavy rainfall", "heavy rain", "cloudburst", "torrential downpour"], "急剧的倾盆大雨": ["torrential downpour"], "以…折磨": ["torture by"], "施刑迫使(某人)…": ["torture into"], "施刑迫使…": ["torture into"], "对某人的折磨": ["torture to sb"], "总价": ["total amount"], "计算…的总和": ["total up"], "总数达到": ["number", "total up to"], "图腾柱": ["totem pole"], "阶级": ["totem pole", "remove", "class", "rank"], "短暂停靠": ["touch at"], "勾划出": ["touch off"], "使炸裂": ["touch off"], "草草写": ["touch off"], "坏运气": ["deal", "tough luck"], "真不走运": ["tough luck"], "大胆果断的人": ["tough nut"], "暴躁的人": ["tough nut", "trout", "hothead"], "到处游览": ["tour about"], "观光胜地": ["tourist attraction"], "旅游胜地": ["tourist destination", "resort", "tourist attraction"], "旅游目的地": ["tourist destination"], "旅游景点": ["tourist destination"], "导游": ["courier", "tourist guide", "guide"], "翻译导游": ["tourist interpreter"], "毛巾架": ["towel shelf"], "手巾柜": ["towel shelf"], "浴巾架": ["towel shelf"], "毛巾柜": ["towel shelf"], "远远超过": ["tower above", "tower over"], "象牙塔(逃避现实之处)": ["tower of ivory"], "象牙塔": ["tower of ivory"], "可信赖的人": ["rock", "standby", "tower of strength", "trusty"], "崇山峻岭": ["towering and steep mountains"], "青雾": ["toxic smog"], "有毒烟雾": ["toxic smog"], "不很认真地考虑": ["toy with"], "到…程度": ["as far as", "so far as", "to…extent"], "在…程度上": ["to…extent"], "追溯到…": ["trace back to", "trace over"], "描绘出": ["trace out"], "探寻": ["dowse", "quest", "trace out"], "轨迹为": ["trace out"], "描出": ["trace over"], "上溯": ["trace to", "back", "trace"], "追查到": ["trace to"], "田径赛": ["track and field"], "镜头推进": ["track in"], "追查出": ["track out"], "探索出": ["track out"], "骗走某人的某物": ["track sb out of sth"], "跟踪精度": ["tracking accuracy"], "贸易协会": ["trade association"], "同业公会": ["guild", "trade association"], "在…买东西": ["trade at"], "贸易壁垒": ["trade barrier"], "以…换得": ["trade for"], "贸易交换": ["trade for"], "贸易摩擦": ["trade friction"], "交替使用": ["trade off"], "贸易伙伴": ["trade partner"], "贸易限制": ["trade restriction"], "贸易展览": ["trade show"], "参加展会": ["trade show"], "展销会": ["trade show"], "商贸展": ["trade show"], "贸易盈余": ["trade surplus"], "贸易公司": ["trading company"], "传统文化": ["traditional culture"], "交通事故": ["traffic accident", "wreck", "accident"], "通信量拥挤": ["traffic congestion"], "信号拥挤": ["traffic congestion"], "交通阻塞": ["gridlock", "holdup", "traffic jam"], "违反交通规章": ["traffic offence"], "交通警察": ["traffic police"], "违章": ["traffic violation"], "交通违章": ["traffic offence", "traffic violation"], "交通违规": ["traffic violation"], "交通量": ["traffic volume", "traffic"], "悲剧新闻": ["tragic news"], "打偏": ["train off"], "打歪": ["train off", "deflect"], "充分训练": ["train up"], "训练教官": ["training instructor"], "训练导师": ["training instructor"], "培训专员": ["training specialist"], "培训师": ["training specialist"], "培训专家": ["training specialist"], "平静流动": ["tranquil flow"], "虚无身": ["tranquil state"], "平静的状态": ["tranquil state"], "交易成本": ["transaction cost"], "交易费用": ["transaction cost"], "跨大西洋联盟": ["transatlantic alliance"], "转让费": ["transfer fee"], "过户费": ["transfer fee"], "传给": ["transfer from"], "从…传给(转到)…": ["transfer from"], "从…传给…": ["transfer from"], "传印机": ["transfer interpreter"], "转移译印机": ["transfer interpreter"], "转印机": ["transfer interpreter"], "搬进": ["move in", "transfer into"], "转到": ["transfer", "transfer into", "onto"], "转移到": ["evacuate to", "transfer to", "migrate to"], "转学到": ["transfer to"], "转变成": ["transform into", "into", "transform…into…"], "从…转变": ["transform … from…"], "忠义双全": ["transformation between honesty generousness"], "使…变成…": ["transform…into…"], "装上晶体管": ["transistorized", "transistorize"], "晶体管化的": ["transistorized"], "装有晶体管的": ["transistorized"], "转化为": ["translate to"], "把…翻译": ["translate to"], "把…翻译成": ["translate…into", "translate to"], "传输中断": ["transmission interruption"], "通过…传播": ["transmit by"], "传输信息": ["transmit information"], "把…传到": ["transmit to"], "流放到": ["transport to"], "悲痛欲绝": ["transport with grief"], "使某人上当/中计做某事": ["trap sb.into(doing)sth"], "垃圾袋": ["trash bag"], "旅行社": ["travel agency"], "环游世界": ["around the world", "travel around the globe"], "旅游指南": ["travel brochure"], "背叛行为": ["treachery", "treacherous acts"], "珍惜某人的生命": ["treasure one’s life"], "敝帚自珍": ["treasure one’s own things"], "珍视某人的友情": ["treasure sb's friendship"], "珍藏": ["enshrine", "arsenal", "treasure", "treasure up", "treasured"], "用…款待自己": ["treat oneself to"], "招待某人": ["treat sb"], "请客": ["treat sb", "treat", "entertaining", "entertain", "feast"], "对待某人公平": ["treat sb fairly"], "给某人医治": ["treat sb for"], "用…款待某人": ["treat sb to"], "把某人当…看待": ["treat sb. like", "treat sb. as"], "认真对待某事/某物": ["treat sth.seriously"], "粗暴对待的": ["treating roughly"], "治疗设备": ["treatment equipment"], "把…当成…对待": ["treat…as"], "树蛙": ["tree frog"], "雨蛙": ["tree frog"], "被…吓得发抖": ["tremble at"], "四肢发抖": ["tremble in every limb"], "处于紧要关头": ["tremble in the balance"], "因…而颤抖": ["tremble with"], "战壕线": ["trench line"], "渠线": ["trench line"], "沟线": ["trench line"], "尝试错误法": ["trial and error"], "乘船旅行": ["sail", "ship", "trip in a vessel"], "被…绊倒": ["trip over"], "三面手": ["triple threat"], "三重威胁": ["triple threat"], "俗名": ["trivial name"], "惯用名": ["trivial name"], "列队走进…": ["troop into"], "部队调动": ["troop movements"], "调兵": ["troop movements"], "转移部队": ["troop movements"], "撤军": ["withdrawal", "troop withdrawal", "retreat"], "热带水果": ["tropical fruit"], "检修故障": ["trouble shoot"], "故障查找": ["trouble shoot"], "故障寻找": ["trouble shoot"], "问题解答": ["trouble shooting"], "卡车司机": ["trucker", "spinner", "truck driver"], "存放": ["hold", "parked", "parking", "park", "stash", "storage", "checked", "deposit", "keep", "bestow", "retention", "trust in", "trust with", "check", "lodge"], "再来一次": ["try again"], "谋求": ["seek", "try for"], "尽最大努力": ["try my best", "put one's best foot forward", "humanly"], "尽某人最大的努力做某事": ["try one's best to do sth."], "争取成为": ["try out for sth"], "参加选拔": ["try out for sth"], "角尺": ["try square"], "直角尺": ["try square", "square"], "矩尺": ["try square"], "曲尺": ["try square"], "尽量去做某事": ["try to do sth"], "痛苦艰难的时刻…": ["trying hour"], "平刨": ["trying plane"], "大刨": ["trying plane"], "细刨…": ["trying plane"], "…的桶": ["tub of"], "…的浴盆": ["tub of"], "把船拖到岸上": ["tug a boat onto shore"], "助学金": ["tuition assistance"], "学费减免": ["tuition waiver"], "侧转门": ["tumble gate"], "金枪鱼三明治": ["tuna sandwich"], "金枪鱼三文治": ["tuna sandwich"], "吞拿鱼三文治": ["tuna sandwich"], "鲔鱼三明治": ["tuna sandwich"], "调谐": ["tuning", "tune in", "tune"], "使…协调": ["tune in", "matching"], "和…协调": ["tune into"], "不理睬": ["tune out", "cut", "snub", "blank", "ignore"], "开始演奏": ["tune up"], "音叉": ["tuning fork"], "涡轮汽船": ["turbine boat"], "熟视无睹": ["turn a blind eye to"], "充耳不闻": ["turn a deaf ear"], "不加理睬": ["turn a deaf ear", "slide"], "不愿听": ["turn a deaf ear"], "置若罔闻": ["turn a deaf ear to"], "反复思考": ["turn about", "ruminate", "revolve", "debate"], "(使)变成和…敌对": ["turn against"], "变成和…敌对": ["turn against"], "归航": ["turn round", "turn around", "homing"], "回车道": ["turn round", "turn around", "turnaround"], "不准…入内": ["turn away"], "转过脸": ["turn away"], "回头": ["turn back", "turn", "turn about"], "减小": ["reduction", "turn down", "decreased", "diminishing", "decrease", "reduce", "diminish"], "关小": ["turn down"], "调低(音量等)": ["turn down"], "调低": ["turn down"], "上交": ["turn in"], "拐入": ["turn into", "turn in"], "向左转": ["turn left"], "世纪之交": ["turn of the century", "turn-of-the-century"], "使转变方向": ["turn off"], "使失去兴趣": ["turn off"], "开始关注": ["turn one's attention to"], "把注意力转移到…": ["turn one's attention to"], "置之不理": ["turn one's back on", "wave aside", "turn one's back upon", "set sth aside"], "背对": ["turn one's back to"], "背弃": ["turn one's back on", "turn one's back to", "deserted", "desert", "lapse", "denial", "renounce", "overthrow", "deviation", "go back on", "throw over", "break away from"], "对…置之不理": ["turn one’s back (on sb/sth)", "wave aside"], "对…撒手不管": ["turn one’s back (on sb/sth)"], "(以某种方式)发生": ["turn out"], "最后是": ["turn out"], "前去观看": ["turn out"], "熄灭(电灯、煤气等)": ["turn out"], "移交给": ["turn over"], "把…翻过来": ["turn over"], "营业额达到": ["turn over"], "翻开新的一页": ["turn over a new leaf"], "变得苍白(脸色)": ["turn pale"], "变得苍白": ["appal", "turn pale"], "向右转": ["turn right", "gee", "starboard"], "开始行动": ["move out", "turn to", "proceed"], "向某人求助": ["turn to somebody"], "向…求助": ["turn to something"], "求助于…": ["turn to…for help"], "寻求帮助": ["turn to…for help"], "开大": ["turn up"], "使仰卧": ["turn up"], "瞧不起": ["turn up one's nose at", "scorn"], "完全颠倒": ["turn upside down"], "倒置": ["inversion", "turn upside down", "invert", "convert"], "双重问题": ["twin problems"], "扭成": ["twist into"], "拧成": ["twist into"], "扭断": ["shear", "twist off"], "扭开": ["twist off"], "强迫某人做某事": ["twist one's arm"], "把…卷成螺旋状": ["twist up"], "搓": ["rub", "twist up", "strand", "roll", "twine", "twist"], "二维空间": ["two-dimensional space"], "典型式": ["typical form"], "代表式": ["typical form"], "不能成立": ["unable to establish"], "不合格品": ["reject", "unacceptable product", "irregular"], "一致通过": ["unanimous approval"], "察觉不到的观察器": ["unaware viewers"], "难以忍受的疼痛": ["unbearable pain"], "颜面何存": ["unbearable shame"], "无条件投降": ["unconditional surrender"], "未发觉": ["unconscious of"], "自由联想": ["uncontrolled association"], "不可控制变量": ["uncontrolled variables"], "秘密地揭发": ["uncover slyly"], "失宠": ["in Dutch", "fall from grace", "under a cloud", "disgrace", "out of favour"], "不高兴": ["dissatisfaction", "under a cloud", "upset", "sulk", "displeasure"], "被逮捕": ["under arrest"], "受到攻击": ["under attack"], "在攻击之下": ["under attack"], "在考虑之中的": ["under consideration"], "在建造中": ["under construction"], "正在施工之中": ["under construction"], "处于控制之下": ["under control"], "情况正常": ["under control"], "正在讨论中": ["under debate", "under discussion"], "在有利的情形下": ["under favorable conditions"], "在适宜的条件下": ["under favorable conditions"], "在软禁中": ["under house arrest"], "面临压力": ["under pressure"], "在压力之下": ["under pressure"], "受到压力": ["under pressure"], "抗议着": ["under protest"], "极不乐意地": ["under protest"], "修理中": ["under repair"], "在某人鼻子下": ["under sb's nose"], "在…看管下": ["under the charge of", "in charge"], "在…指挥下": ["under the command of"], "受…保护": ["under the flag of"], "站在…一边": ["under the flag of", "side with"], "在…的指引下": ["under the guidance of"], "在拍卖": ["under the hammer"], "被…践踏": ["under the heel of"], "在…掌握中": ["under the heel of", "have a good grasp of"], "在印象中": ["under the impression"], "在…的影响之下": ["under the influence of"], "在…假面具下": ["under the mask of"], "假借…之名": ["under the mask of"], "假称": ["under the mask of"], "假托": ["pretend", "veil", "under the mask of"], "受…指挥": ["under the order of"], "(土地)被开垦成耕地": ["under the plough"], "被开垦成耕地": ["under the plough"], "在某人监督之下": ["under the supervision of someone"], "在…的保护下": ["under the umbrella of"], "在…的管理下": ["under the umbrella of"], "身体不舒服": ["under the weather"], "精神不愉快": ["under the weather"], "身体不适": ["malaise", "under the weather"], "微恙": ["under the weather"], "身体难受": ["under the weather"], "接受治疗": ["under treatment"], "在治疗中": ["under treatment"], "低估效果": ["underestimate effect"], "低估能力": ["underestimate strength"], "低估的价值": ["underestimate value"], "本科学位": ["undergraduate degree"], "大学本科学位": ["undergraduate degree"], "本科教育": ["undergraduate education"], "本科": ["undergraduate education"], "本科生教育": ["undergraduate education"], "地下车库": ["underground garage"], "地下停车场": ["underground parking"], "开始做一项工作": ["undertake a piece of work"], "承担义务": ["contracting", "commitment", "commit", "undertake an obligation"], "为…承担": ["undertake for"], "同意、答应或着手做某事": ["undertake to do sth."], "水下闪光灯": ["underwater flashlight"], "水下滑坡": ["underwater landslide"], "水下运载工具": ["underwater vehicle"], "水中推进器": ["underwater vehicle"], "水下机器人": ["underwater vehicle"], "未扰动土": ["undisturbed earth"], "过度波动": ["undue fluctuation"], "挖掘矛盾": ["unearth contradiction"], "失业保险": ["unemployed insurance"], "不速之客": ["intruder", "walk-in", "unexpected guest"], "不合理竞争": ["unfair competition"], "不忠实地": ["unfaithfully"], "未知要素": ["unfamiliar feature"], "不熟悉": ["unfamiliar with", "newness"], "不宜于": ["unfit for"], "不胜任": ["unfit for", "incompetence", "inadequacy"], "展开翅膀": ["unfold wings"], "不幸的家庭": ["unhappy family"], "不愉快婚姻": ["unhappy marriage"], "不正之风": ["unhealthy tendency"], "均匀分布": ["uniform distribution"], "统一分布": ["uniform distribution"], "单边出口": ["unilateral exportation"], "次要信息": ["unimportant information"], "独特的才能": ["unique faculty"], "(使…)在…方面联合起来(做某事)": ["unite in"], "在…方面联合起来": ["unite in"], "(使…)合并起来": ["unite into"], "合并起来": ["unite into"], "普遍规律": ["universal law"], "普遍法则": ["universal law"], "大学学费": ["university fees"], "大学教授": ["university professor"], "除非另作说明": ["unless otherwise specified"], "如无特殊情况": ["unless otherwise specified"], "明确无误的数字": ["unmistakable figure"], "无保留意见": ["unqualified opinions"], "潜规则": ["unspoken rule"], "不稳定运动": ["unstable motion"], "不稳定状态": ["unstable state", "instability"], "非定常状态": ["unsteady regime"], "尝试失败": ["unsuccessful attempt"], "未中标": ["unsuccessful bid"], "不成功动作": ["unsuccessful operation"], "治疗失败": ["unsuccessful treatment"], "不适合值": ["unsuitable value"], "无限期地": ["indefinitely", "until the cows come home"], "要到什么时候": ["until when"], "直到当": ["until when"], "何时才": ["until when"], "上上下下": ["up and down"], "前前后后": ["up and down"], "来来往往": ["up and down"], "在选举中被提名": ["up for"], "在法庭受审": ["up for"], "被关押": ["up for"], "大家有份": ["up for grabs"], "一直到": ["up to", "through"], "在做…": ["up to"], "由…决定的": ["up to", "driven"], "手边的事情太多": ["up to one's neck"], "忙的不可开交": ["up to one's neck"], "浮力": ["uplift pressure", "buoyancy"], "最高极限": ["upper limit"], "沉浮": ["vicissitude", "ups and downs"], "盛衰": ["vicissitude", "ups and downs"], "高低": ["relief", "ups and downs"], "上下颠倒地": ["upside down"], "上升风险": ["upside risk"], "上调风险": ["upside risk"], "上侧风险": ["upside risk"], "在…以上": ["above", "upwards of"], "城市建筑": ["urban architecture"], "市区": ["urban district"], "城市环境": ["urban environment"], "城市规划": ["urban planning"], "城市雕塑": ["urban sculpture"], "催促某人做某事": ["urge sb.to do", "urge sb.into doing sth"], "催促某物/某人前进": ["urge sth./sb. on"], "极力主张": ["plead", "urge that…(should) do sth.", "urge"], "强调…": ["urge that…(should) do sth."], "紧急呼叫": ["urgency call"], "急电": ["urgent telegram"], "急切需要的方案": ["urgently needed projects"], "急切需要的计划": ["urgently needed projects"], "有效利用": ["use effectively", "juggle", "economize"], "过去常常": ["used to do", "would", "used to"], "领进": ["usher in"], "利用率": ["utilization ratio"], "实用比": ["utilization ratio"], "话语意义": ["utterance meaning"], "空地(在城市内的)": ["vacant lot"], "空地": ["space", "clearing", "hole", "clear", "opening", "nothing", "emptiness", "vacant lot"], "中断…而进行的休假": ["vacation from"], "从…开始的假期": ["vacation from"], "模糊词语": ["vague words"], "模糊词": ["vague words"], "虚荣": ["snobbery", "vain glory", "vanity"], "有效护照": ["valid passport"], "宝贵的经验": ["valuable experience"], "把…作价": ["value at"], "因…而喜爱或高度评价": ["value for"], "价值判断": ["value judgement", "valuation"], "引以为自豪": ["value on"], "面包车司机": ["van driver"], "货车司机": ["van driver"], "旅行车司机": ["van driver"], "先进生产工艺": ["vanguard technology"], "万古科技": ["vanguard technology"], "从…消失": ["vanish from", "disappear from"], "在…绝迹": ["vanish from"], "可变误差": ["variable error"], "偏离…": ["variation from"], "的变化": ["variation in(of) …"], "以某一乐曲为主题的变奏(曲)": ["variations on a theme"], "以某一乐曲为主题的变奏": ["variations on a theme"], "质量差别很大": ["vary dramatically in quality"], "因文化的不同而有差别": ["vary from culture to culture"], "因…而异": ["vary from … to …", "vary from…to"], "由…到…情况不等": ["vary from…to…"], "在…方面不同": ["differ in", "vary in"], "有差异": ["vary in"], "随…而变化": ["vary with"], "天壤之别": ["vast difference"], "巨额金钱": ["vast sums of money"], "大大夸大": ["vastly exaggerated"], "素餐": ["vegetarian meal"], "素菜馆": ["vegetarian restaurant"], "用于…的媒介": ["vehicle for"], "疾病的传播": ["vehicle of disease"], "勇敢地出发": ["venture forth"], "在…中冒着…危险": ["venture in"], "冒险进入": ["venture into"], "冒险进行": ["venture on"], "大胆进行": ["adventure", "venture on"], "语言通信": ["verbal communication"], "垂直方向": ["vertical direction"], "很害羞": ["very shy"], "非常害羞": ["very shy"], "深表歉意": ["very sorry"], "非常遗憾": ["very sorry"], "非常抱歉": ["very sorry"], "非常对不起": ["very sorry"], "归属于": ["vest in"], "授权某人": ["vest someone with authority"], "外科兽医": ["veterinary surgery"], "兽医外科学": ["veterinary surgery"], "兽医外科": ["veterinary surgery"], "家畜外科学": ["veterinary surgery"], "棘手的问题": ["a hard nut to crack", "a tough nut to crack", "vexed issue", "tickler"], "振动频率": ["vibration frequency"], "波动频率": ["vibration frequency"], "振动严酷度": ["vibrational severity"], "副主席": ["vice chairman", "vice-president", "vice president"], "副会长": ["vice chairman", "vice president"], "副总统": ["vice-president", "vice", "vice president"], "反过来也一样": ["vice versa"], "反之亦然": ["vice versa"], "放影机": ["videotape player"], "观景廊": ["view corridor"], "视觉通廊": ["view corridor"], "视线通廊": ["view corridor"], "把…看作…": ["view…as…", "look on…as", "treat…as", "view…as"], "侵犯某人的私生活": ["violate sb's privacy"], "对…的暴行": ["violence against"], "大地震": ["violent earthquake"], "毒手": ["clutch", "violent hands"], "急风暴雨": ["violent storm"], "暴力风暴": ["violent storm"], "街头风雨": ["violent storm"], "虚拟合唱团": ["virtual choir"], "虚拟画笔": ["virtual paintbrush"], "虚拟世界": ["virtual world"], "病毒感染": ["virus", "virus infection"], "有形财产": ["visible means"], "(可以为)…所看见的": ["visible to"], "…所看见的": ["visible to"], "拜访校长": ["visit the headmaster"], "访问学人": ["visiting scholar"], "访问学者": ["visiting scholar"], "进修生": ["visiting scholar"], "视觉效果": ["visual effect", "visual impact"], "视觉错误": ["visual illusion"], "视觉表象": ["visual imagery"], "视觉冲击": ["visual impact"], "目测(指示)": ["visual indication"], "目测": ["visual indication"], "可见指示": ["visual indication"], "视线": ["sight", "sighting", "visual line"], "视觉": ["visual sense", "eyesight", "seeing", "sight", "vision"], "视觉感": ["visual sense"], "视觉上": ["visual sense"], "直观感觉": ["visual sense"], "保持视觉简洁": ["visual simplicity"], "生命体征": ["vital sign"], "极其重要的": ["vitally important", "vital", "of vital importance", "critical"], "记得清清楚楚": ["vivid in sb's memory"], "生气勃勃": ["vibrancy", "sparkle", "sparkling", "vivid with life"], "职业教育": ["vocational education"], "没有的": ["fat", "none", "void", "void of", "wanting", "alien from"], "没有…的": ["void of", "devoid", "free", "be free from", "innocent of"], "火山爆发": ["volcanic eruption"], "义务劳动": ["community service", "voluntary labor"], "自愿担任…": ["volunteer as"], "自愿承担": ["volunteer for"], "主动提出": ["volunteer for"], "投票反对": ["pill", "blackball", "vote against"], "罢免": ["shelve", "deposition", "vote down", "depose", "unseat", "oust", "recall"], "投票赞成": ["vote for"], "投票选出": ["ballot", "vote in"], "就…投票表决": ["vote on"], "投票通过": ["vote through"], "投票同意": ["vote", "vote through"], "表决做…": ["vote to do…"], "从…至…的航行": ["voyage from…to"], "到…航行": ["voyage to"], "涉入": ["wade in"], "艰难地通过": ["wade through"], "用手指点着…": ["wag one's finger at"], "炫耀自己的身份": ["wag the feather"], "舞动青春": ["wags youthful"], "腰部系带": ["waist belt"], "腰围": ["inch", "waist circumference", "waist"], "在某处等待着": ["wait about"], "等着瞧": ["wait and see"], "在渡口等候": ["wait at the ferry"], "等一会儿": ["wait for a while"], "等待时机": ["wait in the wings"], "服侍": ["lackey", "wait on", "service", "attend", "valet", "serve", "waiting", "wait"], "等到…结束": ["wait out"], "候补名单": ["waiting list"], "登机票名单": ["waiting list"], "等候名单": ["waiting list"], "开始警觉": ["wake up"], "开始了解真相": ["wake up"], "(使)认识到": ["wake up to"], "安然脱身": ["walk away from"], "从…旁边走开": ["walk away from"], "不慎陷入": ["walk into"], "痛斥": ["slate", "row", "vituperate", "blast", "belabor", "raspberry", "roast", "denounce", "scourge", "walk into", "baste"], "用散步消除": ["walk off"], "欢天喜地": ["walk on air", "rapture"], "得意扬扬": ["walk on air"], "走出": ["step Forward", "walk out"], "退席": ["walk out"], "把(某人)领出": ["walk out"], "把…领出": ["walk out"], "理直气壮": ["walk tall"], "被迫离职": ["walk the plank"], "走跳板": ["walk the plank"], "草率地处理": ["walk through"], "华尔街(美国纽约)": ["wall street"], "华尔街": ["wall street"], "核桃仁": ["walnut kernel"], "回想到": ["wander back to"], "从…离开": ["off", "wander from"], "迷失、离开正途或正确方向": ["wander off"], "在…中漫步": ["wander over"], "想要出去": ["want out", "want"], "战争纪念碑": ["war memorial"], "因…而战争": ["war over"], "挡住": ["block up", "obstruct", "prevent", "box", "hold off", "blockade", "retention", "ward", "ward off", "block", "retain", "blocked"], "温暖的拥抱": ["warm embrace"], "热情接待": ["warm reception"], "暖启动": ["warm restart"], "热启动": ["warm restart"], "热重启": ["warm restart"], "暖重新启动": ["warm restart"], "热身": ["arm-up", "warm up", "warm-up"], "变暖": ["warming", "warm up", "warm"], "热身赛": ["arm-up", "warm-up", "warm-up competition"], "准备性游泳": ["warm-up swimming"], "警告(某人等)不要": ["warn against"], "警告不要": ["warn against"], "提醒(某人等)提防": ["warn against"], "提醒提防": ["warn against"], "不许靠近": ["warn off"], "提醒/警告某人注意某事": ["warn sb. of sth."], "警告/提醒某人注意某事": ["warn sb. of sth."], "提醒某人(不)做某事": ["warn sb.(not) to do sth."], "提醒某人做某事": ["warn sb.(not) to do sth."], "提醒某人提防/不做某事": ["warn sb.about (doing)sth.", "warn sb.against (doing)sth."], "警报信号": ["warning signal", "warning sign"], "保修卡": ["warranty card"], "保修期": ["warranty period", "warranty"], "保证期间": ["warranty period"], "(使)清除掉": ["wash off"], "清除掉": ["sweep away", "wash off"], "清洗掉": ["wash off"], "(使)褪色": ["wash out"], "洗手洗脸": ["wash up"], "洗衣机": ["washer", "washing machine"], "洗涤机": ["washer", "washing machine"], "变的衰弱(消瘦)": ["waste away"], "变的衰弱": ["waste away"], "废石堆": ["waste dump"], "废料堆": ["waste dump"], "(在…上)浪费…": ["waste in"], "把…浪费在…上": ["waste on"], "看电视": ["watch TV"], "日夜守卫": ["watch and ward"], "时刻戒备": ["watch and ward"], "贪婪地注视着": ["watch greedily"], "注意寻找": ["watch out for"], "小心提防": ["watch out for"], "花样游泳": ["water ballet"], "水上芭蕾舞": ["water ballet"], "水牛": ["water buffalo", "buffalo"], "节约用水": ["water conservation"], "水源保护": ["water conservation"], "供应饮用水之处": ["water fountain"], "冰衣": ["water glaze"], "注水": ["water injection"], "睡莲": ["lily", "water lily"], "水球": ["water polo", "polo"], "水压力": ["water pressure"], "水泵": ["water pump"], "抗水的": ["water resistant"], "废水利用": ["water reuse"], "回用水": ["water reuse"], "缺水": ["thirst", "water shortage"], "水量不足": ["water shortage"], "枯水": ["water shortage"], "滑水": ["skiing", "water skiing", "ski"], "空心菜": ["water spinach"], "水槽": ["sink", "trough", "water trough", "tank", "gutter"], "饮水槽": ["trough", "water trough"], "水蒸气": ["water vapour", "vapor", "steam", "vapour"], "水汽": ["vapor", "mist", "vapour", "steam", "fume", "water vapour"], "流眼水": ["watery eyes"], "水汪汪的眼睛": ["watery eyes"], "挥手帕": ["wave a handkerchief"], "对…不屑一顾(置之不理)": ["wave aside"], "对…不屑一顾": ["shrug off", "wave aside"], "挥手示意…离开": ["wave away"], "朝…挥手": ["wave toward", "wave to"], "一时两腿发软站不住": ["weak at the knees"], "通过…使变淡": ["weaken by"], "使某人的心脏衰弱": ["weaken sb's heart"], "弱酸性的": ["weakly acidic"], "需求疲软": ["weakness of demand"], "名利": ["wealth and fame"], "武器装载": ["weapon loaded"], "大规模杀伤性武器": ["weapons of mass destruction"], "戴项链": ["wear a necklace"], "(正常使用造成的)磨损": ["wear and tear"], "损耗": ["eat", "loss", "wear", "wear down", "depletion", "wear and tear", "waste"], "(使)磨损": ["wear down"], "(使)逐渐磨平": ["wear down"], "逐渐磨平": ["wear down"], "戴眼镜": ["wear glasses"], "戴着眼镜": ["wear glasses"], "磨合": ["wear in"], "逐渐消逝": ["wear off"], "缓慢地进行": ["wear on"], "时间消逝": ["wear on"], "穿破": ["wearing", "wear out"], "使精疲力竭": ["finish", "wear out", "depleted", "drain", "root", "kill"], "背书包": ["wear schoolbag"], "可穿戴技术": ["wearable tech"], "不耐烦地等待": ["weary for", "wait about"], "非常想": ["weary for"], "对…厌倦(不耐烦)": ["weary of"], "筋疲力尽": ["fake", "prostrate", "wear out", "flake", "tire out", "run down", "shot", "beat", "weary out", "burn out", "exhaustion"], "使不耐烦": ["irritating", "weary out", "irritate"], "因…而厌烦": ["weary with"], "天气预测": ["weather prediction", "weather forecast"], "天气预报": ["weather prediction", "weather forecast"], "天气预报员": ["weather forecaster"], "用…织": ["weave from"], "把…编撰成": ["weave into"], "把…交织在一起": ["weave into"], "在…中穿行": ["weave through"], "穿梭": ["weave through", "shuttle"], "网站编辑": ["web editor"], "网页": ["web site", "web page", "page"], "网站设计": ["website design"], "网站推广": ["website promotion"], "结婚纪念日": ["wedding", "wedding anniversary"], "结婚周年纪念日": ["wedding anniversary"], "结婚典礼": ["wedding ceremony"], "结婚礼服": ["wedding dress"], "婚礼绯闻": ["wedding scandal"], "婚礼丑闻": ["wedding scandal"], "除草": ["weed control", "weed"], "除草剂": ["weed killer", "herbicide"], "为…悲伤(哭泣)": ["weep about"], "为…悲伤": ["weep about"], "在哭泣中度过": ["weep away"], "哭个不停": ["weep away"], "为…而哭泣": ["weep for"], "因…而哭泣": ["weep over", "weep about"], "为…流泪": ["weep over"], "使某人难过": ["weigh down"], "发表见解": ["weigh in"], "使焦虑不安": ["weigh on"], "加重…的思想负担": ["weigh on"], "称出": ["weigh out"], "对…有说服力": ["weigh with"], "增重": ["weight gain"], "高兴地看到…回归": ["welcome back"], "欢迎(某人)进入": ["welcome in"], "欢迎…进入": ["welcome in"], "以…欢迎": ["welcome with"], "福利机构": ["welfare establishment"], "均衡的": ["well-balanced", "well balanced", "even", "balanced", "proportional", "uniform"], "匀称的": ["well-balanced", "well balanced", "even", "regular", "neat", "shapely", "formal", "symmetrical", "symmetric", "trim"], "(房间)布置得好": ["well furnished"], "布置得好": ["well furnished"], "(家具)陈设得当的": ["well furnished"], "陈设得当的": ["well furnished"], "清晰的线理": ["well-defined lineation"], "发育良好的": ["well-developed"], "多面的": ["well-rounded"], "全面的人": ["well-rounded person"], "完整的人": ["well-rounded person"], "西半球": ["western hemisphere"], "把…全部弄湿": ["wet down"], "使浸湿": ["wet out"], "湿地鸟类": ["wetland birds"], "多可惜啊": ["what a pity"], "以为如何": ["what about doing sth"], "为何目的": ["what for"], "怎么回事?": ["what's the matter?"], "怎么了": ["what's wrong with…"], "小麦粉": ["wheat flour"], "急速转身": ["wheel about"], "突然改变主意": ["wheel about"], "把…推入": ["wheel in"], "引…入内": ["wheel in"], "错综复杂的情况": ["wheels within wheels", "jigsaw"], "通盘考虑后": ["when all comes to all"], "当提到": ["when it comes to"], "在必要的时候": ["when necessary"], "猫儿不在": ["when the cat's away (the mice will play)"], "老鼠作怪(指管事的不在,下面的人玩个痛快)": ["when the cat's away (the mice will play)"], "老鼠作怪": ["when the cat's away (the mice will play)"], "只要可能": ["whenever possible"], "奇迹发生之地": ["where amazing happens"], "是…还是…": ["whether…or…", "whether or"], "漩涡浴": ["whirlpool bath"], "悄悄传播": ["whisper about"], "与某人耳语": ["whisper to sb"], "小声说": ["whisper", "whisper to sb"], "吹哨召唤": ["whistle for"], "呼啸穿过": ["whistle through"], "对…吹口哨(吹奏)": ["whistle to"], "对…吹口哨": ["whistle to"], "白领阶层": ["white collar"], "白领工人": ["white collar"], "白象": ["white elephant"], "灰色象(在印度、东南亚被视为神圣之物)": ["white elephant"], "灰色象": ["white elephant"], "无价值的东西": ["chaff", "white elephant", "fluff", "fig", "vanity", "trifle", "rap", "mud"], "白苔": ["white fur"], "白色污染": ["white pollute"], "白玫瑰": ["white rose"], "白色恐怖": ["white terror"], "整体推进": ["whole advancement"], "全身": ["em", "whole body"], "家庭成员": ["whole family"], "全家": ["whole family"], "统一采用": ["wholly adopt"], "沙尘暴": ["sandstorm", "widespread dust"], "野生水仙": ["wild daffodil"], "野生水仙花": ["wild daffodil"], "生日花野生水仙": ["wild daffodil"], "野花": ["wildflower", "wild flower"], "野鹅": ["wild goose"], "雁": ["wild goose"], "徒劳的搜索": ["wild goose chase"], "劳而无功的事": ["wild goose chase"], "战胜…": ["win against"], "打赢…": ["win against"], "重获": ["recover", "recapture", "recoup", "recovery", "resumption", "win back"], "赢得头奖": ["win first prize"], "获一等奖": ["win first prize"], "不论胜负": ["win or lose"], "争取到": ["win over", "catch"], "获得…的好感": ["win upon"], "忽悠某人": ["wind up", "wind up"], "上紧(钟、表等的)发条": ["wind up", "wind up"], "上紧发条": ["wind up", "wind up"], "给玩具上发条": ["wind a toy"], "任意摆布某人": ["wind around"], "使(逐渐)停止": ["wind down"], "使停止": ["withhold", "put a stop to", "stall", "cheese", "wind down", "halt", "terminate"], "缓慢下来": ["wind down"], "松懈下来": ["wind down"], "风时": ["wind duration"], "把…缠绕起来": ["wind in"], "给(机械)上发条": ["wind up"], "给上发条": ["winding", "wind up", "wind"], "使(活动、会议等)结束": ["wind up"], "盘旋柱": ["winding stair"], "盘梯": ["winding stair"], "旋梯": ["winding stair"], "温莎城堡(英国著名城堡)": ["windsor castle"], "温莎城堡": ["windsor castle"], "酒的贮藏室": ["wine cellar"], "酒窖中的酒": ["wine cellar"], "飞越": ["wing across", "pass", "wing over", "fly"], "胜队投手": ["winning pitcher"], "在…上擦…": ["wipe on"], "彻底摧毁": ["wipe out"], "(滑雪等时的)翻倒": ["wipe out"], "翻倒": ["tip", "wipe out", "overturn", "upset", "tumble", "keel"], "用…擦": ["wipe with"], "铁丝网": ["wire", "wire fence", "netting", "entanglement"], "铁丝栅栏": ["wire fence"], "线束": ["wire harness"], "电子线束": ["wire harness"], "配线": ["wiring", "wire harness"], "无线互联网": ["wireless Internet"], "无线上网": ["wireless Internet"], "无线电设备": ["wireless device"], "了解(糟糕的真相)": ["wise up"], "希望…离开(消失)": ["wish away"], "希望…离开": ["wish away"], "希望得到": ["like", "wish for"], "使打扰": ["wish on"], "使染上": ["give", "wish on"], "祝你快乐": ["wish you happy"], "巫医": ["witch doctor"], "很成功地": ["with a bang"], "引人注目": ["remark", "with a bang"], "有强烈影响": ["with a bang"], "伴随巨响": ["with a bang"], "精力充沛地": ["energetically", "with a bang"], "热情高涨地": ["with a bang"], "非常成功地": ["with a bang"], "砰地一声": ["with a bang"], "有决心地": ["with a will"], "平均为": ["an average of", "with an average of", "average"], "着眼于…": ["with an eye to"], "指望着…": ["with an eye to"], "满怀信心地": ["with confidence"], "吃力地": ["with difficulty"], "慎重地": ["gingerly", "with discretion", "deliberately", "cautiously"], "审慎地": ["with discretion", "critically", "religiously"], "以优异成绩": ["with distinction"], "以杰出的表现": ["with distinction"], "急不可待地": ["with eagerness"], "殷切地": ["with eagerness"], "熟练地": ["well", "neatly", "ably", "with ease", "cleanly", "deftly", "skilfully", "expertly", "artfully"], "激动地": ["hot", "wildly", "with emotion", "excitedly", "hotly"], "感动地": ["with emotion"], "…的结尾": ["with ending"], "热情洋溢": ["with enthusiasm", "ebullience"], "害怕地": ["with fear", "in fear"], "吓得": ["with fear"], "极其讽刺地": ["with heavy irony"], "一致地": ["pursuant", "solid", "coincidentally", "with one voice", "uniformly", "with one accord", "consistently"], "异口同声地": ["with one voice"], "如果…允许的话": ["with one's permission"], "张开双臂": ["with open arms"], "热情地": ["with a will", "passionately", "intensely", "with enthusiasm", "with open arms", "affectionately", "enthusiastically", "warmly"], "亲切地": ["thoughtfully", "kindly", "brotherly", "pleasantly", "lovingly", "intimately", "with open arms", "affectionately", "favorably", "warmly"], "合理有道理合乎情况有充分理由地": ["with reason"], "在…的帮助下": ["with the aid of", "with the help of"], "在…援助下": ["with the aid of"], "随着…发展": ["with the development of"], "朝着太阳转动的方向": ["with the sun"], "顺时针方向": ["with the sun"], "为了做…": ["with the view of"], "为了…目的": ["with the view of"], "随风": ["with the wind"], "顺着风": ["with the wind"], "退入": ["withdraw to"], "撤退到": ["withdraw to"], "不超出限度": ["within (the) limits"], "在一定范围内": ["within limits"], "有限度地": ["within limits"], "触手可及": ["fingertip", "within reach"], "在…能到达的地方": ["within touch of"], "在能接触到…之处": ["within touch of"], "无差别": ["without distinction", "indiscriminately"], "毫不费力": ["without effort"], "毫不犹豫": ["without hesitation"], "无限制地": ["without limits"], "毫不留情地": ["without mercy"], "残忍地": ["without mercy", "savagely", "ruthlessly", "brutally"], "不预先通知地": ["without notice"], "没有事先通知": ["without notice"], "未经许可": ["without permission"], "不顾及": ["irrespective", "without regard to"], "无拘无束地": ["without restraint", "freely"], "自由自在地": ["without restraint"], "没有成功": ["without success"], "毋庸置疑": ["without(a)doubt"], "出庭证明": ["witness to doing…"], "对…感到奇怪": ["wonder at", "wonder about"], "想知道是否": ["wonder if", "wonder whether"], "神奇女侠": ["wonder woman"], "胜景": ["wonderful scenery"], "佳景": ["wonderful scenery"], "优美的风景": ["wonderful scenery"], "佳境": ["wonderful scenery"], "木地板": ["wood floor"], "木制家具": ["woodwork", "wood furniture"], "木匙": ["wooden spoon"], "木勺": ["wooden spoon"], "羊毛毡": ["wool felt"], "毛衬衫": ["woolen shirt"], "毛料衬衫": ["woolen shirt"], "毛料上衣": ["woolen shirt"], "口碑": ["word of mouth"], "从事于…": ["work at", "work on"], "继续工作": ["work on", "work away"], "工作台": ["work bench", "workbench", "bench", "banker"], "钳桌": ["work bench"], "与…合拍": ["work in with"], "作业指导": ["work instruction"], "工作指令": ["work instruction"], "售出": ["work off"], "渐渐地清除": ["work off"], "设法说服": ["work on"], "制定出": ["work out"], "消耗完": ["work out"], "弄懂": ["work out", "figure"], "工作鞋": ["work shoe"], "任务鞋": ["work shoe"], "调整(情绪)": ["work through"], "在某人的领导下工作": ["work under sb"], "逐步建立": ["work up"], "逐步发展": ["work up", "evolve"], "很见效": ["worked effectively"], "工蜂": ["worker bee", "worker"], "劳动力流动": ["workforce flow"], "工作环境": ["working atmosphere"], "操作说明书": ["working instruction"], "工作细则": ["working instruction"], "工作计划": ["working scheme"], "施工方案": ["working scheme"], "世界博览会": ["world fair"], "世界观": ["worldview", "world outlook"], "缓慢": ["worm (your way)through sth", "worm (your way)into sth"], "艰难地前行": ["worm (your way)through sth", "worm (your way)into sth"], "从某人处套出(信息)": ["worm sth out of sb"], "从…处套出(信息)": ["worm sth out of sb"], "从…处套出": ["worm sth out of sb"], "(尤指通过欺诈手段)渐渐获得某人的感情/欢心/信任": ["worm your way into sb's affections/heart/confidence"], "渐渐获得某人的感情/欢心/信任": ["worm your way into sb's affections/heart/confidence"], "逃避做某事": ["worm your way out of(doing)sth"], "精疲力竭的": ["burned-out", "spent", "worn out", "ragged", "exhausted", "worn", "bleary"], "焦虑…": ["worry about"], "担心…": ["worry about"], "设法应付下去": ["worry along", "worry through"], "熬下去": ["worry along"], "拽": ["trawl", "drag", "pull", "pluck", "traction", "draw", "worry at", "tow", "yank", "tug"], "摆弄": ["worry at", "fiddle", "interfere"], "耐心反复地询问": ["worry out"], "(请求)而获得": ["worry out"], "而获得": ["worry out"], "干完": ["worry through", "work through"], "最糟糕的情况": ["worst case"], "最糟糕的是": ["worst of all"], "值得…的": ["deserving", "worthy", "worthy of"], "宁愿…": ["would rather do"], "宁愿…而不愿…": ["would rather…than"], "裹身": ["wrap around"], "把…包在…里": ["wrap in"], "圆满完成": ["put across", "wrap up"], "(使)穿得暖和": ["wrap up"], "穿得暖和": ["wrap up"], "注意力完全集中于…": ["wrap up"], "全力对付": ["wrestle with"], "努力克服": ["wrestle with"], "摔跤手面具": ["wrestler mark"], "使起皱纹": ["furrow", "wrinkle", "wrinkle up"], "写一篇文章": ["write an essay"], "按照某人的口授听写": ["write at sb's 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["April fool"], "愚人节(4月1日)": ["April fool's day"], "阿拉伯联合酋长国(亚洲)": ["Arab Emirates"], "阿拉伯国家联盟": ["Arab league"], "体系结构": ["architecture", "Architectural structure"], "美国亚裔": ["Asian American"], "请注意(广播时的开头语)": ["Attention Please"], "美好的往日": ["Auld Lang syne"], "澳元": ["Australian dollar"], "资金平衡表": ["Balance sheet"], "位衰减": ["Bit rot"], "凯萨沙拉": ["Caesar salad"], "西泽民凉拌菜": ["Caesar salad"], "凯萨色拉": ["Caesar salad"], "需要帮忙吗": ["Can I help you ?"], "罗马天主教教堂": ["Catholic Church"], "中央委员": ["Central Committee"], "中央公园(位于美国纽约)": ["Central Park"], "中央公园(位于纽约市中心区)": ["Central Park"], "…是可能的": ["Chances are that…"], "中国大使": ["Chinese embassy"], "圣诞节前夕(12月24日)": ["Christmas Eve"], "圣诞节前夕": ["Christmas Eve"], "圣诞节前夕(12月24日)": ["Christmas Eve"], "文明城市": ["Civilized cities"], "团队战": ["Clan War"], "部落战(CW、游戏术语)": ["Clan War"], "部落战": ["Clan War"], "约束成本": ["Committed Cost"], "已承担成本": ["Committed Cost"], "英国联邦纪念日": ["Commonwealth Day"], "联邦日": ["Commonwealth Day"], "光碟机": ["Compact disc"], "孔子学院(非营利性公益机构)": ["Confucius Institute"], "反人道罪": ["Crimes Against Humanity"], "戕害人类罪": ["Crimes Against Humanity"], "白砂糖(适用于做糕点)": ["Custer sugar"], "白砂糖(适用于做糕点)": ["Custer sugar"], "DVD播放机": ["DVD player"], "《独立宣言》": ["Declaration of Independence"], "奉献给": ["Dedicated to", "devote"], "献给": ["Dedicated to"], "和解协议": ["Dispute settlement"], "己所不欲毋施于人": ["Do as you would be done by"], "请勿打搅": ["Do not disturb"], "不用介意": ["Don't mention it"], "唐老鸭(迪斯尼卡通人物)": ["Donald Duck"], "复活节彩色蛋": ["Easter egg"], "选举日": ["Election Day"], "电气烤炉": ["Electric Grill"], "欧洲经济共同体(缩写为EEC)": ["European Economic Community"], "欧洲议会(缩写为EP)": ["European Parliament"], "凡人都有得意日": ["Every dog has its day"], "风水轮流转": ["Every dog has its day"], "人人皆有得意时。": ["Every dog has its day"], "亲不尊": ["Familiarity breeds contempt."], "熟生蔑。": ["Familiarity breeds contempt."], "感到不安": ["wonder", "churn", "Feel restless"], "感到坐立不安": ["Feel restless"], "第五街": ["Fifth Avenue"], "第一段糖膏": ["First strike"], "先打击的(先下手的)": ["First 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Day"], "鼓舞人心的故事": ["Inspiring stories"], "隔离房": ["Isolation room"], "载入选定区域": ["Load selection"], "别拘束": ["Make yourself at home!"], "你就当在家一样!": ["Make yourself at home!"], "祝你成功!": ["May you succeed!"], "[仪]量程": ["Measuring range"], "如意郎君": ["Mr.right"], "新科学家(杂志名)": ["New scientist"], "(北美)尼亚加拉大瀑布": ["Niagara Falls"], "尼亚加拉大瀑布": ["Niagara Falls"], "非洲北部": ["North Africa"], "北岛(新西兰)": ["North Island"], "北岛[纽西兰]": ["North Island"], "不见得": ["Not really"], "事实上不是": ["Not really"], "奥运会": ["Olympic Game"], "奥运圣火": ["Olympic flame"], "信息简介日": ["Orientation Day"], "金像奖": ["Oscar awards"], "可行有效的": ["Possibly Effective"], "美国邮政局": ["Post Office", "post office"], "专门人员": ["Professional staff"], "发音准确": ["Pronounce correctly"], "发音正确": ["Pronounce correctly"], "兰金刻度": ["Rankine scale"], "兰金温度标": ["Rankine scale"], "红色恐惧": ["Red scare"], "更名文件夹": ["Rename folder"], "正确或错误": ["Rightly or wrongly"], "且不问对还是错": ["Rightly or wrongly"], "无主见的人": ["Rubber stamp"], "人云亦云者": ["Rubber stamp"], "不加思索即予批准": ["Rubber stamp"], "贞观长歌(电视剧名)": ["Tang Dynasty"], "贞观长歌": ["Tang Dynasty"], "教学方案": ["Teaching Programme", "teaching programme"], "电话访谈": ["Telephone interview"], "论语": ["The Analects"], "主题乐园": ["Theme Park"], "人家说": ["They say"], "暴徒生涯(歌名)": ["Thug Life"], "联合国(缩写为UN)": ["United Nations"], "小工": ["Unskilled Labour"], "维多利亚岛[加拿大]": ["Victoria Island"], "北京奥运会游泳场馆)": ["Water Cube"], "多可惜": ["What a shame!"], "真丢脸": ["What a shame!"], "真是遗憾!": ["What a shame!"], "(对于)…怎么样": ["What about ?", "What about"], "…怎么样": ["like", "What about ?", "What about"], "(对于)…怎么样": ["What about"], "如果…将会怎么样": ["What if"], "冬奥会": ["Winter Olympics"], "冬季奥林匹克运动会": ["Winter Olympics"], "黄帝[轩辕]": ["Yellow Emperor"], "不用客气。": ["You're welcome."], "不客气": ["You're welcome."], "七颠八倒": ["a bag of nails"], "一盆…": ["a basin of"], "一点儿的": ["a bit of"], "因祸得福": ["a blessing in disguise"], "一瓶…": ["a bottle of"], "接踵而来的事情": ["a chapter of accidents"], "异口同声的": ["a chorus of"], "集…为一体的": ["a collection of"], "三两个…": ["a couple of"], "一组(工作人员)": ["a crew of"], "一群(一堆、一伙)": ["a crowd of"], "九牛一毛": ["a drop in the bucket"], "与…有很大差别": ["a far cry from"], "完全不同": ["a far cry from"], "很长的距离或时间": ["a far cry from"], "与…相差很远": ["a far cry from"], "大饱眼福": ["a feast for the eyes"], "一饱眼福": ["a feast for the eyes"], "赏心悦目的事": ["a feast for the eyes"], "一群(鸟、羊等)": ["a flock of"], "一群(一组、许多)": ["a flock of"], "市场缺口": ["a gap in the market"], "市场空白": ["a gap in the market"], "一玻璃杯": ["a glass of"], "颇有": ["a good few", "partake"], "不少": ["a good few", "not a little", "quite a few"], "一个乐善好施的人": ["a good samaritan"], "慈悲之人": ["a good samaritan"], "大量的(后接不可数名词)": ["a great deal of"], "(接可数或不可数)大量": ["a great quantity of"], "大量(许多)": ["a great quantity of", "a large quantity of"], "家喻户晓的人": ["a household name"], "数目巨大的": ["a huge number of"], "大量的(接不可数名词)": ["a large amount of"], "巨款(数目可观的)": ["a large sum of"], "稍": ["a little"], "很开心": ["a lot of fun"], "生死攸关的事情": ["a matter of life and death"], "消息(或资料)的来源": ["a mine of information"], "消息的来源": ["a mine of information"], "堆积如山的": ["a mountain of"], "一包烟": ["a packet of cigarettes"], "一张(片、块、…)": ["a piece of"], "1/4的": ["a quarter of"], "…的1/4": ["a quarter of"], "一条捷径": ["a shortcut"], "大批的": ["bulk", "a stream of", "prolific", "wholesale"], "总数为": ["a total of"], "一列(一串、一排)": ["a train of"], "各种各样的…": ["a variety of"], "多种多样": ["a variety of"], "无恶意的谎话": ["a white lie"], "多种…可供选择": ["a wide selection of"], "种类齐全的": ["a wide selection of"], "积极工作的人": ["a willing horse"], "乐于帮助别人的人": ["a willing horse"], "心甘情愿的帮手": ["a willing horse"], "放弃自己": ["abandon oneself"], "自暴自弃": ["abandon oneself", "abandonment"], "具有…的能力(具有…的本领)": ["ability for"], "具有…的能力": ["ability for"], "全能水手": ["able seaman"], "(英国海军)一等水兵": ["able seaman"], "一等水兵": ["able seaman"], "高于一切": ["above all else"], "首先是": ["above all else"], "第一是": ["above all else"], "趾高气扬(兴高采烈)": ["above oneself"], "零度以上": ["above zero"], "绝对利益": ["absolute advantage"], "集中精力做某事": ["absorb in"], "抽象思考能力": ["abstract thinking"], "富于…很丰富": ["abundant in"], "骂人的语言": ["abusive language"], "加强灯光": ["accent light"], "把…视作": ["account", "accept as"], "合格质量": ["acceptable quality"], "可接受的质量": ["acceptable quality"], "合格的质量": ["acceptable quality"], "通向…的路口": ["access to"], "访问破坏": ["access violation"], "访问违章": ["access violation"], "以…供应": ["accommodate with"], "向供应": ["accommodate with"], "伴有": ["accompany with"], "随…而定": ["depend upon", "according as", "depend on"], "根据…报道": ["according to"], "以…为转移": ["according to"], "依照(原则等)": ["according to"], "(比例)占": ["account for"], "(在数量方面)占": ["account for"], "说明(原因等)": ["account for"], "击毙": ["account for", "shoot down"], "[会计]会计师事务所": ["accounting firm"], "特派新闻记者": ["accredited journalist"], "积累财富": ["accumulate wealth"], "控告(某人某事)": ["accuse sb. of sth."], "控告(某人某事)": ["accuse sb. of sth."], "浑身酸痛": ["ache all over"], "周身不适": ["aches and pains"], "达到某人的目的": ["achieve one's aim"], "实现某人的目标": ["achieve one's aim"], "取得胜利": ["achieve success"], "声发射技术": ["acoustic emission"], "使某人熟悉": ["acquaint with"], "把…告知某人": ["acquaint with"], "获取知识": ["acquire knowledge"], "“致知”": ["acquire knowledge"], "兼并与吞并": ["acquisition and merger"], "在…对过": ["across from"], "将…付诸行动": ["act out"], "作用于": ["action on"], "实际代价": ["actual cost"], "实际代价additionalcost额外费用": ["actual cost"], "追加成本": ["actual cost"], "剧烈毒性": ["acute toxicity"], "根据…改写(或改编)": ["adapt from"], "根据…改写": ["adapt from"], "改自": ["adapt from"], "使自己适应于…": ["adapt to"], "(使)适合": ["adapt to something"], "(使)适应": ["adapt to something"], "使更糟": ["add insult to injury"], "说的通": ["add up"], "成瘾行为": ["addictive behavior"], "在(信封和包裹)上写姓名地址": ["address…to"], "在上写姓名地址": ["address…to"], "致(函)": ["address…to"], "熟练于": ["adept in"], "适用于(充足的、足够的)": ["adequate for"], "胶布绷带": ["adhesive bandage"], "可调范围": ["adjustable range"], "蝶范围": ["adjustment range"], "行政中心": ["administration center"], "行政酌处权": ["administrative discretion"], "赞赏(称赞)": ["admire for"], "许可进入(进入)": ["admit into"], "有…的余地": ["admit of"], "青少年体质": ["adolescent health"], "作为…收养": ["adopt as"], "(会计)预付款": ["advance payment"], "大代数": ["advanced algebra"], "惊险影片": ["adventure film"], "冒险类游戏": ["adventure game"], "冒险角色扮演游戏": ["adventure game"], "反对的批评": ["adverse criticism"], "相反的选择": ["adverse selection"], "不利的选择": ["adverse selection"], "登广告征求(寻找)某物": ["advertise for"], "登广告征求(寻找)…": ["advertise for"], "登广告征求…": ["advertise for"], "登招请(待聘等)广告": ["advertise for"], "登招请广告": ["advertise for"], "广告代理商": ["advertising agency"], "劝告…不要…": ["advise against"], "有氧健身运动": ["aerobic exercise"], "风景价值": ["aesthetic value"], "审美世界": ["aesthetic world"], "艺术世界": ["aesthetic world"], "美学世界": ["aesthetic world"], "唯美世界": ["aesthetic world"], "支付的起": ["afford to"], "付得起": ["afford to"], "有经济条件做某事": ["afford to do"], "负担得起做": ["afford to do"], "负担得起的价格": ["affordable price"], "能承受价格": ["affordable price"], "过一回儿": ["after a while"], "饭后": ["after dinner"], "工作完毕后": ["after hours"], "工作(学习)完毕": ["after hours"], "工作完毕": ["after hours"], "完全符合自己的心意": ["after one's own heart"], "正中下怀": ["after one's own heart"], "志同道合": ["after one's own heart"], "不守时的人": ["afternoon farmer"], "议程设置": ["agenda setting"], "攻击行为": ["aggressive behavior"], "攻击行为": ["aggressive behavior"], "问答专栏阿姨": ["agony aunt"], "心理咨询阿姨": ["agony aunt"], "在读者来信专栏回答来信的人": ["agony aunt"], "农耕社会": ["agrarian society"], "在…一致": ["agree about"], "对…意见一致": ["agree on"], "同意干某事": ["agree to do sth"], "有关…的协定": ["agreement on"], "与…的协定": ["agreement with"], "农产物": ["agricultural produce"], "志在做": ["aim at doing"], "目的是做": ["aim at doing"], "空气调节机": ["air conditioner"], "气幕": ["air curtain"], "把空气压缩向下喷成之无形门帘": ["air curtain"], "防空的": ["anti-aircraft", "air defence"], "空气分配阀": ["air distributor"], "大气污染": ["air pollution"], "[环境]空气污染": ["air pollution"], "气笛": ["air whistle"], "机票": ["passage", "airline ticket"], "客机票": ["airline ticket"], "警报系统": ["alarm system"], "警报控制": ["alarming control"], "酒依赖": ["alcohol dependence"], "慝名戒毒会": ["alcoholics anonymous"], "充满着(拥挤着、洋溢着)": ["alive with"], "头等重要之物": ["all in all"], "冷不防": ["all of a sudden"], "可接受(的)": ["all right"], "可接受": ["all right"], "满意(的)": ["all right"], "安全健康(的)": ["all right"], "安全健康": ["all right"], "平安无恙(的)": ["all right"], "平安无恙": ["all right"], "尚可": ["all right", "reasonably"], "可允许(的)": ["all right"], "可允许": ["all right"], "可以(的)": ["all right"], "(加强语气)无疑": ["all right"], "=allaround": ["all round"], "风靡一时的事物": ["all the rage", "craze"], "照样地": ["all the same"], "不停": ["all the time"], "从各方面考虑起来": ["all things considered"], "经常是": ["all too often"], "各界人士": ["all walks of life"], "全死因死亡率": ["all-cause mortality"], "全死因": ["all-cause mortality"], "变态反应": ["allergic reaction"], "过敏性反应": ["allergic reaction"], "变态反应性鼻炎": ["allergic rhinitis"], "鼽": ["allergic rhinitis"], "变应性鼻炎": ["allergic rhinitis"], "允许做": ["allow doing"], "使…成为可能": ["allow for"], "容许有…的可能": ["allow of"], "几乎处处": ["almost all", "almost everywhere"], "几平处处": ["almost everywhere"], "不绝如缕": ["almost extinct"], "沿(顺)着": ["along with"], "与…在一起": ["along with", "among"], "在…以外": ["along with"], "(除…之外)又…": ["along with"], "又…": ["along with"], "字母序列": ["alphabetical order"], "个性的另一面": ["alter ego"], "他我": ["alter ego"], "另一个我": ["alter ego"], "第二自我": ["alter ego"], "替代能源": ["alternative energy"], "新能源": ["alternative energy"], "交替形式": ["alternative form"], "替代摇滚乐": ["alternative rock"], "铝工业": ["aluminium industry"], "铝质罐": ["aluminum can"], "铝包壳": ["aluminum can"], "互变透视": ["ambiguous perspective"], "宏伟计划": ["ambitious plans"], "专办交通事故损害赔偿等的律师": ["ambulance chaser"], "拼命拉官司的律师": ["ambulance chaser"], "氨态氮": ["ammonia nitrogen"], "取得成就": ["amount to"], "办成好事": ["amount to"], "充足的空间": ["ample space"], "许许多多的(充裕的、丰富的)": ["an abundance of"], "极多的": ["maximum", "an ocean of", "serious", "an awful lot of", "incredible"], "令某人窘迫的人(或事)": ["an embarrassment to sb"], "令…窘迫的人(或事)": ["an embarrassment to sb"], "令…窘迫的人": ["an embarrassment to sb"], "分析几何学": ["analytic geometry"], "解析几何学": ["analytic geometry"], "敬奉祖先": ["ancestor worship"], "古代的城市": ["ancient city"], "古城": ["ancient city"], "依次类推": ["and the like"], "博取": ["angle", "angle for"], "距骨": ["ankle bone"], "及踝靴": ["ankle boot"], "高帮鞋": ["ankle boot"], "广播录音机": ["announce machine"], "(植物)一年生的": ["annual"], "年度支出额": ["annual payment"], "为…担保": ["sponsor", "answer for"], "因…受责备": ["answer for"], "旧工艺品店": ["antique shop"], "担忧(焦虑)": ["anxious about"], "渴望(盼望)": ["anxious for"], "同…相关": ["anything to do with"], "公寓楼": ["apartment block", "mansion"], "为…而道歉": ["apologize for"], "名义面积": ["apparent area"], "表观面积": ["apparent area"], "对…产生吸引力": ["appeal to"], "吸引某人": ["appeal to sb."], "好象是": ["appear to be"], "附加桌": ["appendix table"], "…的欲望": ["appetite for"], "虚有其表的事物": ["apple of sodom"], "…的申请": ["application for"], "减少对…之消耗量": ["apply oneself"], "运用于": ["apply to"], "委任精算师": ["appointed actuary"], "近真公式": ["approximate formula"], "近似相等": ["approximately equal"], "才能测验": ["aptitude test"], "能力测试": ["aptitude test"], "性向测验": ["aptitude test"], "随意函数": ["arbitrary function"], "拱桥": ["arch bridge"], "讨论(议论)": ["argue about"], "和…争辩": ["argue with"], "由…而产生": ["arise from"], "由…引起的": ["arise out of"], "算术操作算术运算": ["arithmetic operation"], "空想战略家": ["armchair strategist"], "拐弯抹角(支支吾吾)": ["around the bush"], "为…作安排": ["arrange for"], "艺术批评家": ["art critic"], "美术史学家": ["art historian"], "艺术史学家": ["art historian"], "人工草皮": ["artificial grass"], "人造海港": ["artificial harbour"], "义肢": ["artificial limb"], "理所当然的(事)": ["as a matter of course"], "势所必然": ["as a matter of course"], "作为报酬": ["as a reward for"], "整个来说": ["as a whole"], "如前所述": ["as before"], "凑巧": ["as chance would have it"], "早在…时候": ["as early as"], "尽早": ["as early as"], "极容易": ["as easy as pie"], "远到…": ["as far as"], "就我所知": ["as far as I know"], "尽可能地": ["as much as possible", "as far as possible"], "很乖": ["as good as gold"], "好到极点": ["as good as gold"], "十分可靠": ["as good as gold"], "可以说": ["as it were"], "真幸运": ["as luck would have it"], "和…一样多": ["as much as"], "在…限度内": ["within", "as near as"], "在…限度内(差点儿)": ["as near as"], "照常(照例)": ["as per usual"], "越快越好": ["as soon as possible"], "照这样": ["as such"], "就这点而论": ["as such"], "千真万确": ["as sure as fate"], "这样一来": ["now", "as thus"], "不但…而且": ["as well as"], "至今仍": ["as yet"], "[能源]含灰量": ["ash content"], "灰分": ["ash content"], "询问关于某事": ["ask about"], "讨饶": ["ask for forgiveness"], "评估中心": ["assessment center"], "人员评价选择中心": ["assessment center"], "指定到": ["assign to"], "分配给": ["assign to", "distribute to"], "分派给": ["assign to"], "指定分配方法": ["assignment method"], "分配方式": ["assignment method"], "协理": ["assistant manager"], "[经管]副经理": ["assistant manager"], "助理经理": ["assistant manager"], "协助自杀": ["assisted suicide"], "帮助自杀": ["assisted suicide"], "与…常在一起": ["associate with"], "和…联想在一起": ["associate with"], "与…相联系": ["link with", "associated with", "be associated with"], "向…保证)": ["assure of"], "查明(使相信": ["assure of"], "使…确信": ["assure sb of sth"], "主动自调度集群服务系统": ["as…as…"], "全源分析系统": ["as…as…"], "自动语音分析系统": ["as…as…"], "美国动物科学学会": ["as…as…"], "在紧要关头": ["at stake", "at a crossroads"], "处在关键时刻": ["at a crossroads"], "在一个十字路口": ["at a crossroads"], "不值钱": ["at a discount", "nothing"], "一看就": ["at a glance"], "看一眼便": ["at a glance"], "一气呵成": ["at a heat"], "以…的价格": ["at a price"], "不论什么时候": ["at all times"], "不惜代价": ["at any cost"], "生下来时": ["at birth"], "正吃早饭": ["at breakfast"], "正在用餐": ["at dinner"], "正在吃饭": ["at dinner"], "在吃饭": ["at dinner"], "安适": ["at ease"], "与…轻松地相处": ["at ease with"], "失去嗅迹而不能继续追踪": ["at fault"], "正旺盛时": ["at full blast"], "处于高潮": ["at full blast"], "正起劲": ["at full blast"], "在手边(在附近、即将到来)": ["at hand"], "讨论中的": ["in question", "at issue"], "在争论(在争论中)": ["at issue"], "在争论": ["at issue"], "总体地": ["collectively", "at large"], "在逃的": ["at large"], "闲着的": ["at leisure"], "终于(最后、详细地)": ["at length"], "无所适从": ["at loose ends"], "处于杂乱状态": ["at loose ends"], "无所适从(处于杂乱状态)": ["at loose ends"], "(动物)成熟时期": ["at maturity"], "(票据)到期": ["at maturity"], "在半夜": ["at midnight"], "一下子(一举、突袭)": ["at one fell swoop"], "依照某人的请求": ["at one's request"], "在别的时候": ["at other times"], "在另外的一些场合中": ["at other times"], "每隔一定时间(距离)": ["at regular intervals"], "在航海中": ["at sea"], "一看到就": ["at sight"], "见票即付": ["at sight"], "即期付款": ["at sight"], "一见(就)": ["at sight"], "一见": ["on sight", "at sight"], "在发源地": ["at source"], "在开端": ["at source"], "危如累卵": ["at stake"], "照那样下去": ["at that rate"], "照此速度": ["at that rate"], "在…岁时": ["at the age of", "at"], "在法庭上(受制裁)": ["at the bar"], "从开始": ["at the beginning"], "从头": ["at the beginning"], "…起初": ["at the beginning of"], "在…的底部": ["at the bottom of"], "黎明时分": ["at the crack of dawn"], "在…末端": ["at the end of"], "到…尽头": ["at the end of"], "以…作为代价": ["at the expense of"], "在节日中": ["at the festival"], "在第一次尝试": ["at the first attempt"], "在…的脚下": ["at the foot of"], "处于最前列": ["at the forefront of"], "位于…的中心": ["at the heart of…"], "达最高点": ["at the height of"], "在最旺盛时": ["at the height of"], "处在…的最巅峰": ["at the height of"], "在…支配下": ["at the mercy of"], "任由…摆布": ["at the mercy of"], "正在那个时刻": ["at the precise moment"], "正在那时": ["just then", "at the precise moment"], "期待阗(想到要)": ["at the prospect of"], "期待阗": ["at the prospect of"], "一看见…就": ["at the sight of"], "当看到…时": ["at the sight of"], "一见…就": ["at the sight of"], "一想到": ["at the thought of"], "在首位": ["at the top of"], "在…的巅峰": ["at the top of"], "在这个时候": ["at this point"], "以最快速度": ["at top speed"], "认为…有重要意义": ["attach importance to"], "重视…": ["attach importance to"], "认为…重要": ["attach significance to"], "附在…上": ["attach to"], "系在…上": ["attach to"], "附中": ["attached middle school"], "附保点": ["attachment point"], "安装点": ["attachment point"], "到达(获得)": ["attain to"], "企图自杀": ["attempted suicide"], "帮助(某人)": ["accommodate", "attend to"], "帮助…": ["accommodate", "attend to"], "处理(某事)": ["attend to"], "高尚的智趣": ["attic salt"], "对…的引力": ["attraction for"], "造型迷人": ["attractive appearance"], "家庭电视使用率": ["audience share"], "伴音声迹": ["audio track"], "音频磁迹": ["audio track"], "耳道": ["auditory canal"], "吸道": ["auditory canal"], "听神经": ["auditory nerve"], "伴音信号": ["aural signal"], "本真自我": ["authentic self"], "自动设计": ["automated design"], "汽车发动机": ["automobile engine"], "自仲作": ["autonomous operation"], "附属设备": ["auxiliary equipment"], "备用设备": ["auxiliary equipment", "stand-by"], "可供…之用的": ["available for"], "能参加(出席)…的": ["available for"], "成功途径": ["avenue to success"], "成功的途径": ["avenue to success"], "从某地离开": ["away from"], "令人不舒服的姿态": ["awkward position"], "难堪的地位": ["awkward position"], "令人尴尬的沉默": ["awkward silence"], "尴尬的沉默": ["awkward silence"], "尴尬的局面": ["awkward situation"], "尴尬行状": ["awkward situation"], "轴向对称性": ["axial symmetry"], "轴对称": ["axial symmetry"], "生育高峰期": ["baby boom"], "收回(诺言等)": ["back out of"], "后衣袋": ["back pocket"], "裱": ["back up"], "堵车": ["back up", "tailback"], "(因积聚而)拥堵": ["back up"], "拥堵": ["back up"], "陪衬音乐": ["background music"], "备份与恢复": ["backup and restore"], "心情不好": ["bad mood", "mood"], "常晕船者": ["bad sailor"], "潦倒": ["badly off", "come down"], "境况不好的": ["badly off"], "行李领取处": ["baggage claim"], "运行李电梯": ["baggage elevator"], "烤蛋糕": ["bake a cake"], "平衡发展": ["balanced development"], "平衡膳食": ["balanced diet"], "白头海雕": ["bald eagle"], "芭蕾舞演员": ["ballet dancer"], "桔梗": ["balloon flower"], "正中目标": ["home", "bang on"], "完全正确": ["absolutely", "bang on"], "银行往来帐户": ["bank account"], "银行账户": ["bank account"], "银行职员": ["bank clerk"], "擦板投篮": ["bank shot"], "擦板入篮": ["bank shot"], "理发厅": ["barber shop"], "(常和否定词连用)指望": ["bargain for"], "企图廉价获取": ["bargain for"], "与…讲价": ["bargain with"], "对…狗吠": ["bark at"], "弹筒长度": ["barrel length"], "辊身长度": ["barrel length"], "手摇风琴筒": ["barrel organ"], "鼓形风琴": ["barrel organ"], "以…为依据": ["base on"], "棒球赛": ["baseball game"], "基础事实": ["basic fact"], "基础函数": ["basic function"], "基层": ["bedding", "beddings", "basic level", "substrate"], "基本薪金": ["basic salary"], "基本薪水": ["basic salary"], "失去四肢的人": ["basket case"], "精神极度紧张的人": ["basket case"], "无助的人": ["basket case"], "贝司吉他": ["bass guitar"], "东奔西跑": ["from pillar to post", "bat around"], "充分讨论": ["bat around"], "浴室配套装置": ["bathroom accessories"], "卡口插座": ["bayonet socket"], "即将做某事": ["be about to do sth"], "刚要做某事": ["be about to do sth"], "有丰富的": ["be abundant in"], "为…能够接近的": ["be accessible to"], "专长(擅长、精通)": ["be accomplished in"], "习气于": ["be accustomed to"], "对…很积极": ["be active in"], "一心在": ["be addicted to"], "被接纳": ["be admitted to"], "以…为目的": ["be aimed at"], "对…感到害怕": ["be amazed at"], "觉得…有趣(好笑)": ["be amused at"], "觉得…有趣": ["be amused at"], "立足于…": ["be anchored in"], "扎根于…": ["be anchored in"], "对…发怒": ["be angry at"], "对某事生气": ["be angry at"], "对某人发脾气": ["be angry with"], "对某人生气": ["be angry with sb"], "被烦扰": ["be annoyed at"], "被…惹恼": ["be annoyed with"], "为…而忧虑": ["be anxious about"], "急切希望(做)…": ["be anxious to do"], "急切希望…": ["be anxious to do"], "很想(做)…": ["be anxious to do"], "很想…": ["be anxious to do"], "急切希望(做)…": ["be anxious to do"], "很想(做)…": ["be anxious to do"], "对…感到惊愕": ["be astonished at"], "处于风险之中": ["be at risk"], "进行竞争)": ["be at war"], "处于交战状态(不和": ["be at war"], "招…喜爱": ["be attractive to…"], "对于…来说是可用的": ["be available for"], "对…不利": ["be bad for", "go against", "operate against", "against", "go"], "以…为基准": ["be based on"], "专心致志于": ["be bent on", "stuck in"], "更富裕": ["be better off"], "境况好转": ["be better off"], "被咒": ["be blessed"], "被祝福": ["be blessed"], "幸运地享有": ["be blessed with"], "无法判断": ["be blind to"], "厌烦做…": ["be bored with"], "生而具有": ["be born with"], "准备到…去": ["be bound for"], "受限于某事物": ["be bound up in"], "紧紧束缚于": ["be bound up in"], "热中于": ["be bound up in"], "与…密切相关": ["be bound up with", "entwine"], "和…息息相关": ["be bound up with", "bound up with"], "被埋葬在…": ["be buried in"], "葬于…": ["be buried in"], "专心于…": ["put one's heart into", "be buried in"], "适合于(以…为目标)": ["be calculated for"], "注意(照顾)": ["be careful with"], "小心(对待)": ["be careful with"], "淋雨": ["be caught in"], "对…入迷": ["be caught up in"], "被缠住": ["be caught up in"], "对…谨慎": ["be cautious about"], "被控告": ["be charged with"], "被指控": ["be charged with"], "接近于…": ["be close to"], "与…近": ["be close to"], "与…亲近": ["commune", "be close to"], "以…为己任": ["be committed to"], "忠于某一立场": ["be committed to"], "比得上…": ["be comparable to"], "与…可比较": ["be comparable with"], "关心…": ["be concerned for"], "为…担忧": ["be concerned for", "tremble for", "fear for"], "挂念…": ["be concerned for"], "牵涉到": ["be concerned with", "concerned with"], "信任…": ["be confident in", "confident in"], "对…充满信心": ["be confident in"], "面临…(困难、危险等)": ["be confronted with"], "面临…": ["be confronted with"], "体谅…": ["be considerate of"], "替…着想": ["be considerate of"], "着迷于": ["be crazy about", "be fascinated by"], "狂热爱好…": ["be crazy about"], "非常喜爱…": ["be crazy about"], "挤满了": ["be crowded with"], "对…好奇": ["be curious about", "wonder about"], "受…折磨": ["be cursed with"], "不幸有…毛病": ["be cursed with"], "因…感到高兴": ["be delighted at"], "依赖…": ["be dependent on"], "由…来决定": ["be dependent upon"], "被称作": ["be described as"], "极度渴望": ["spoil", "be desperate for"], "与…没有联系": ["be detached from"], "对…失望": ["be disappointed with"], "嫌": ["be disgusted at"], "对…作呕": ["be disgusted at"], "嫌弃…": ["be disgusted with"], "对…感到怀疑": ["be doubtful about"], "只剩下(少许钱财、货物等)": ["be down to"], "只剩下": ["down", "be down to"], "降低至": ["be down to"], "由(某人)负责": ["be down to"], "忙于(从事)": ["be employed in"], "从事某事": ["be engaged in sth"], "忙于做…": ["be engaged to"], "忙碌于": ["be engaged with", "on"], "和…有事": ["be engaged with"], "从事(某事)": ["be engaged with"], "装有…": ["be equipped with"], "装备有": ["be equipped with"], "装备着": ["be equipped with"], "因…而激动": ["be excited about"], "对······感到兴奋": ["be excited at"], "处于…的作用下": ["be exposed to"], "曝光于": ["be exposed to"], "被某人熟悉": ["be familiar to"], "以…著名": ["be famous for"], "为之神往": ["be fascinated"], "痴迷于…": ["be fascinated with…"], "对…着迷": ["be keen about", "be fascinated with…", "think"], "令人陶醉": ["be fascinated by"], "赞成(同意、有利于)": ["be favourable to"], "吃得过饱": ["be fed up with"], "要去": ["be for"], "不受…的": ["be free from"], "远离…": ["be free of"], "免于…": ["be free of"], "对…感到恐惧": ["be frightened of", "be scared of"], "有很多的": ["be full of"], "备有(安装有)": ["be furnished with"], "用…很大方": ["be generous with"], "用…很慷慨": ["be generous with"], "被给…": ["be given to"], "因…感激": ["be grateful for"], "对…贪婪的": ["be greedy for"], "过分严厉对待某人": ["be hard on sb."], "对某人来说有害": ["be hard on sb."], "…的发源地": ["be home to"], "…的所在地": ["be home to"], "对…说老实话": ["be honest with"], "同…规规矩矩来往": ["be honest with"], "对…有免疫力": ["be immune to"], "不受…的影响": ["be immune to"], "对…有免疫力的": ["be immune to"], "情绪高昂": ["be in a good mood"], "在现场": ["be in at", "on the spot"], "参与(与…有关)": ["be in at"], "在…的控制": ["be in control of"], "在…的掌管": ["be in control of"], "合乎时尚潮流": ["be in fashion"], "在流行": ["be in fashion"], "支持…": ["be in favor of"], "必定遭到": ["be in for"], "免不了遭受": ["be in for"], "参加(竞赛等)": ["be in for"], "与…协调一致": ["in harmony with", "be in harmony with"], "情绪很高": ["be in high spirits"], "与…相爱": ["be in love with"], "意气消沉(情绪低落)": ["be in low spirits"], "正在运转": ["be in operation"], "在实施中": ["be in operation"], "在生效中": ["be in operation"], "在行动中": ["be in operation"], "和…一致": ["be in sympathy with", "identical to"], "与…有接触": ["be in touch with"], "处于困境中": ["be in trouble"], "处于困难或麻烦中": ["be in trouble"], "在使用中(被…使用)": ["be in use"], "独立于…": ["be independent from"], "不依赖…": ["be independent of"], "不受…支配": ["be independent of"], "脱离…而独立": ["be independent of"], "感染上…": ["be infected with"], "传染上…": ["be infected with"], "感染(疾病)": ["be infected with"], "受到…激发": ["be inspired by"], "受到…鼓舞": ["be inspired by"], "包括…中": ["be involved in"], "被卷入…中": ["be involved in"], "涉及到…": ["be involved in"], "涉及到": ["be involved in"], "不切题": ["be irrelevant to"], "与…不相干": ["be irrelevant to"], "小于": ["be junior to", "under", "less than"], "喜爱…": ["be keen about"], "众所周知的…": ["be known as"], "为…所知": ["be known to"], "为某人所熟知": ["be known to"], "满载(载满)": ["be laden with"], "要发生的": ["be likely to"], "有倾向的": ["tendentious", "be likely to"], "装着": ["be loaded with"], "迷失在…中": ["be lost in"], "对…忠诚": ["be loyal to"], "忠实于…": ["be loyal to"], "对…如痴如狂": ["be mad about"], "由…制造": ["be made from", "make out of"], "由…所组成": ["be made of", "be made up of"], "由…造成": ["be made of", "result from"], "以…制作": ["be made out of"], "由…制成(由…构成)": ["be made out of", "make out of"], "和某人结婚": ["be married to sb"], "对…有意义": ["be meaningful to"], "命中注定": ["be meant for", "predetermined"], "为…而有": ["be meant for"], "被误认为": ["be mistaken for"], "更确切地(说)": ["be more exact"], "请用": ["be my guest"], "请便": ["please", "pleased", "feel free", "be my guest"], "别客气!请用": ["be my guest"], "以…名字命名": ["be named after"], "原属于…的": ["be native to"], "对…有必要": ["be necessary for"], "以…而闻名": ["be noted as", "be noted for"], "有…的特点": ["be noted for"], "忙于做": ["be occupied with"], "去…地方": ["be off to"], "离开去某地": ["be off to"], "上映": ["release", "play", "open", "screening", "distribution", "present", "show", "production", "be on"], "(灯)亮着": ["be on"], "亮着": ["be on"], "接受打赌": ["fading", "be on"], "在出差": ["be on business"], "同某人关系好": ["be on good terms with"], "正在休假": ["be on holiday"], "在休假": ["be on leave"], "请假中": ["be on leave"], "流转": ["be on the move"], "放假期间": ["be on vacation"], "对…开放的": ["be open to"], "易受…的": ["be open to"], "看好": ["be optimistic about", "rate"], "对于…感到乐观": ["be optimistic about"], "努力想": ["be out for"], "力图得到": ["be out for"], "对….挑剔": ["be particular about"], "乐于做某事": ["be pleased to do sth."], "高兴去做某事。": ["be pleased to do sth."], "在…中很流行": ["be popular among"], "对…积极的": ["be positive about"], "确信(确知)": ["be positive about"], "在席": ["be present at"], "存在于(出现于)": ["be present at", "present at"], "以…而骄傲": ["be proud of"], "守时": ["be punctual"], "进宫": ["be put in prison"], "对…困惑": ["be puzzled about"], "适于": ["be qualified to", "be suited to", "love", "be up to"], "随时可": ["be ready to"], "被当做是": ["be regarded as"], "被当作是": ["be regarded as"], "不情愿做某事": ["be reluctant to"], "被尊为…": ["be respected as"], "向…负责": ["be responsible to sb"], "仅限于…": ["be restricted to"], "局限于…": ["be restricted to"], "深植于": ["be rooted in"], "对…不礼貌": ["be rude to"], "对…粗暴": ["be rude to"], "害怕…": ["be scared of"], "不相信…": ["be sceptical about"], "被选为": ["be selected as"], "比…年长": ["be senior to"], "觉察到": ["perceive", "sense", "be sensible of", "perceived"], "易感受": ["be sensitive about"], "对…感到敏感": ["be sensitive to"], "对…敏感(易感受)": ["be sensitive to"], "被判处": ["carry", "be sentenced to"], "与…分离": ["be separated from"], "以…为场景": ["be set in"], "对…感到震惊": ["be shocked at", "shocked at"], "对…很震惊": ["be shocked at"], "不到": ["be short of", "less than"], "在某方面与…相似": ["be similar in"], "为…感到抱歉": ["be sorry for"], "对…感到陌生": ["be strange to"], "没有见过": ["be strange to"], "困住": ["pin down", "be stuck in"], "在…上成功": ["be successful in"], "适合于…的": ["be suitable for"], "在…方面优越": ["be superior in"], "不受诱惑": ["be superior to"], "认为必须": ["be supposed to"], "有自信心": ["be sure of oneself"], "对…感到吃惊": ["wonder at", "be surprised at"], "被…四周环绕着": ["be surrounded by"], "被…包围": ["be surrounded with"], "四周环绕着": ["be surrounded with"], "胆寒": ["be terrified"], "感谢…": ["be thankful for"], "使自己的命运和…紧密相连": ["be tied to the chariot of"], "绑在…的战车上": ["be tied to the chariot of"], "把自己的命运和…联系在一起": ["be tied to the chariot of"], "听命于": ["be tied to the chariot of"], "因…而厌倦": ["be tired from"], "因…而疲劳": ["be tired from"], "因…而疲倦": ["be tired from"], "因…疲倦": ["be tired with"], "该受责备": ["be to blame"], "该受责备(应负责任)": ["be to blame"], "应该为某事负责任": ["be to blame for"], "应对…负责(应因…而受责)": ["be to blame for"], "应对…负责": ["be to blame for"], "对…容忍(或宽容)": ["be tolerant of"], "对…容忍(或宽容)": ["be tolerant of"], "被困在": ["be trapped in"], "贮藏在…里": ["be trapped in"], "对…不确定": ["be uncertain about"], "不能确定": ["be uncertain of"], "未意识到": ["be unconscious of"], "不适用于…": ["be unfit for"], "不适于": ["be unfit for"], "不大可能": ["be unlikely to"], "不再发生": ["be unlikely to"], "不像会(不太可能)": ["be unlikely to"], "不像会": ["be unlikely to"], "该由…负责": ["be up to"], "取决于…": ["be up to"], "由某人决定": ["be up to"], "是某人的责任": ["be up to"], "被用于做某事": ["be used for"], "被用来(后接动词原形)": ["be used to"], "被用来": ["be used to"], "习惯于做某事": ["be used to doing"], "对…有用处": ["be useful to"], "对…很自负": ["be vain of"], "对…很重要(对…有价值)": ["be valuable for", "be valuable to"], "对…很重要": ["be valuable for", "be valuable to"], "对…是贵重的": ["be valuable to"], "对…有价值": ["be valuable to"], "对…是至关重要的": ["be vital for"], "对…极其重要": ["be vital to"], "为…所不可缺少的": ["be vital to"], "因为…而众所周知的": ["be well-known for"], "由于…而出名的": ["be well-known for"], "生活过得好": ["be well-off"], "处境良好": ["be well-off"], "初出茅庐": ["born yesterday", "be wet behind the ears"], "因狂怒": ["be wild about"], "因…而发狂": ["be wild with"], "不反对做某事": ["be willing to do"], "乐意去做某事": ["be willing to do sth"], "事后诸葛亮": ["be wise after the event"], "为…而担心": ["be worried about"], "是值得的": ["be worth it"], "值得被做": ["be worthy of being done", "be worthy to be done"], "值得(被做)…": ["be worthy to be done"], "做你自己(歌曲名)": ["be yourself"], "做你自己": ["be yourself"], "波束分散": ["beam spread"], "用力产出胎儿": ["bear down"], "用力压": ["bear down"], "更加努力": ["bear down"], "加压力于…": ["bear down on"], "对(某人)施加压力": ["bear down on"], "对(某人)施加压力": ["bear down on"], "粗鲁或紧紧得拥抱": ["bear hug"], "熊抱": ["bear hug"], "接管策略": ["bear hug"], "抱臂": ["bear hug"], "压在…之上": ["bear on"], "受罪": ["bear one's cross"], "驶向下风": ["bear up"], "东拉西扯": ["beat about the bush"], "意想不到(使人吃惊)": ["beat all"], "逐回": ["beat back"], "大雨倾盆而下": ["beat down"], "强烈地照射下来": ["beat down"], "(太阳等)强烈地照射下来": ["beat down"], "砸扁": ["beat out"], "打败对手": ["beat the opponent"], "惊扰": ["beat up"], "逆风而行": ["beat up"], "选美": ["beauty contest", "pageant"], "美人斑": ["patch", "beauty spot"], "开始觉察到": ["become aware of"], "使遭遇…": ["become of…"], "…降临于": ["become of…"], "发生…情况": ["become of…"], "成为一体(结婚)": ["become one"], "垫层面": ["bedding plane"], "顺层面": ["bedding plane"], "烤牛排": ["beef roast"], "加强(增援、充实)": ["beef up"], "补充(人数、兵力)等": ["beef up"], "补充等": ["beef up"], "《最重要的事》(书名)": ["before everything"], "《最重要的事》": ["before everything"], "恳求免除(某种义务)": ["beg off"], "恳求免除": ["beg off"], "再从头开始": ["begin again"], "开始于…": ["begin with"], "以…为起点": ["begin", "begin with"], "检点自己的行为": ["behave oneself"], "守规矩": ["behave oneself", "behave"], "行为规矩": ["behave well"], "请检点一点": ["behave yourself"], "在监狱服刑": ["behind bars"], "在驾驶": ["behind the wheel"], "跳肚皮舞": ["belly dance"], "应归入(类别、范畴等)": ["belong in"], "为…之一员": ["belong to"], "在地下室(在仆人住的地方)": ["below stairs"], "腰带以下地": ["below the belt"], "(拳击手)腰带以下部位地": ["below the belt"], "腰带以下部位地": ["below the belt"], "犯规地": ["below the belt"], "零度以下": ["below zero"], "传动带接头": ["belt fastener"], "台钳测试": ["bench testing"], "(使)向里弯曲": ["bend in"], "向里弯曲": ["bend in"], "竭尽全力(取悦某人)": ["bend over backwards"], "竭尽全力(取悦…": ["bend over backwards"], "得利于": ["benefit", "benefit from"], "因…而得到好处": ["benefit from"], "从…得到好处": ["benefit from"], "对自己的感情失去控制": ["beside oneself"], "为…打赌": ["bet on"], "在…上下赌注": ["bet on"], "有较多钱的": ["better off"], "较宽裕的": ["better off"], "情况更好": ["better off"], "赛马赌注登记人提供的投注赔率": ["betting"], "敢说": ["bet", "venture", "betting"], "无以伦比": ["beyond challenge", "beyond comparison"], "无与伦比(无可比拟、无双)": ["beyond comparison"], "难以控制": ["beyond control"], "难以形容": ["beyond description"], "没有争论余地": ["beyond dispute"], "无争论余地(无可置疑)": ["beyond dispute"], "无争论余地": ["beyond dispute"], "出乎意料(预料不到地)": ["beyond expectation"], "超越想象": ["beyond imagination"], "记不起来的(不能撤销的)": ["beyond recall"], "记不起来的": ["beyond recall"], "完全改了模样": ["beyond recognition"], "无法修复": ["beyond repair"], "超出…的能力": ["beyond the reach"], "力所不能及的": ["beyond the reach"], "招标文件": ["bidding documents"], "投标文件": ["bidding documents"], "粗鲁男子": ["big cheese"], "大人物(高级军官)": ["big gun"], "多嘴者": ["big mouth"], "大甩卖": ["big offering"], "双语对照词典": ["bilingual dictionary"], "双语对照字典": ["bilingual dictionary"], "两种语言混合版": ["bilingual edition"], "雄山羊": ["billy goat", "billy-goat"], "履历表": ["biographical data"], "生物学的活性": ["biological activity"], "生物多类状态": ["biological diversity"], "生身父亲": ["biological father"], "生态种": ["biological species"], "生物科技产业": ["biotechnology industry"], "生物科技工业": ["biotechnology industry"], "鸟迁移": ["bird migration"], "锅垢": ["bird nest"], "同类型的人": ["birds of a feather"], "一点点地": ["bit by bit"], "咬(叫骂)": ["bite at"], "吃饵": ["bite on"], "忍受困难或勉为其难做某事": ["bite the bullet"], "咬紧牙关(忍受痛苦)": ["bite the bullet"], "黑花岗石": ["black granite"], "闪长岩": ["black granite"], "熄灭灯火": ["black out"], "用墨等涂掉": ["black out"], "熄灭灯光": ["black out"], "眼前发黑": ["black out"], "对…实施灯火管制": ["black out"], "败类": ["black sheep"], "交通事故多发地段": ["black spot"], "黑斑病": ["black spot"], "黑天鹅事件": ["black swan"], "因…责备某人": ["blame sb for sth"], "因某事责备某人": ["blame sb. for sth."], "因某事责怪某人": ["blame sth. on sb.", "blame sth on sb"], "把…推在某人身上": ["blame sth on sb"], "把…归咎于某人": ["blame sth on sb"], "把某事归咎于某人。如:": ["blame sth. on sb."], "自由处理权": ["blank cheque"], "在树上作记号指路": ["blaze a trail"], "开拓道路": ["blaze a trail"], "作先导": ["blaze a trail"], "怒火燃烧": ["blaze with"], "绝路": ["blind alley"], "遮视区": ["blind area"], "盲目的信仰": ["blind faith"], "停用": ["block up"], "Blog搜索": ["blog search"], "血迹": ["blood stain"], "吹走": ["sweep", "blow away", "sweep off"], "留下深刻印象": ["blow away"], "刮走": ["blow away"], "强烈影响": ["blow away"], "呕吐(俚语)": ["blow chunks"], "吹倒": ["blow down"], "(风)刮倒": ["blow down"], "将(热水等)放出": ["blow off"], "将放出": ["blow off"], "(保险丝)熔断": ["blow out"], "熔断": ["blow out", "blow"], "减少或耗尽…的能量": ["blow out"], "喷出(油或气体)": ["blow out"], "刮起(风暴)": ["blow up"], "王蛇": ["boa constrictor"], "小艇装备": ["boating equipment"], "迅速浮出水面": ["bob up"], "迅速浮上": ["bob up"], "死亡人数统计": ["body count"], "伤亡人数统计": ["body count"], "身势语": ["body language"], "体位": ["body posture"], "一件式紧身衣": ["body stocking"], "女式连裤内衣": ["body stocking"], "连裤紧身衣(常有袖)": ["body stocking"], "连裤紧身衣": ["body stocking"], "虚设公司": ["bogus company"], "空头商行": ["bogus company"], "汽化(脱胶、精炼)": ["boil off"], "煮鸡蛋": ["boiled egg"], "炸得无家可归": ["bomb out"], "骨生成": ["bone formation"], "争论的问题(争论的原因)": ["bone of contention"], "争论的问题": ["bone of contention"], "书籍义卖": ["book fair"], "为…预订": ["book in", "book for"], "为…办理登记手续": ["book in"], "经济萧条和经济繁?": ["boom and bust"], "经济萧条和经济繁荣的交替循环": ["boom and bust"], "经济繁荣与萧条的交替循环": ["boom and bust"], "畦灌": ["border irrigation"], "相邻于": ["border on"], "钻孔(炮眼)": ["bore hole"], "为…作证(显出)": ["bore out"], "钻探机": ["boring machine"], "出身于": ["born of", "come", "of"], "从…借入": ["borrow from"], "为…而麻烦": ["bother about"], "从…弹回": ["bounce off"], "专心于(埋头于、忙于)": ["bound up in"], "边值": ["boundary value"], "界限值": ["boundary value"], "监界品位": ["boundary value"], "出口津贴": ["bounty on exportation"], "弧矢": ["bow and arrow"], "保龄球道": ["bowling alley"], "撞柱戏球": ["bowling ball"], "拳击运动员短裤": ["boxer shorts"], "男式平腿泳裤": ["boxer shorts"], "集体研讨": ["brain storm"], "大脑风暴": ["brain storm"], "妙主意": ["brain storm"], "集思广益": ["brain storm", "brainstorming"], "盘式刹车片": ["brake pad"], "制动衬块": ["brake pad"], "闸垫": ["brake pad"], "制动垫": ["brake pad"], "制动踏板": ["brake pedal"], "煞车系统": ["brake system"], "制动系统": ["brake system"], "品牌特色": ["brand identity"], "品牌意象": ["brand image"], "铜丝": ["brass wire"], "割坯黄铜丝": ["brass wire"], "美丽新世界": ["brave new world"], "违背契约": ["breach of contract"], "涂黄油的面包": ["bread and butter"], "涂奶酪的面包": ["bread and cheese"], "普通食品(糊口的方法)": ["bread and cheese"], "违背诺言": ["break a promise"], "打破纪录(打破前例)": ["break a record"], "与…脱离关系": ["break away from", "leave"], "体力不支": ["break down"], "背弃信仰(背弃诺言)": ["break faith"], "使逐渐习惯": ["break in"], "训练成为": ["break in"], "突然发出": ["break into"], "破颜": ["break into a smile"], "开辟新天地": ["break new ground"], "开垦处女地": ["break new ground"], "突然住口": ["break off"], "断绝(关系)": ["break off", "cut"], "暂停(工作)": ["break off"], "休息一会": ["break off"], "超假": ["break one's leave"], "(战争、火灾等)爆发": ["break out", "broke out"], "着手做…事": ["break the ice"], "有重要创见": ["break through"], "散会": ["broke up", "break up"], "关系破裂": ["broke up", "break up"], "与…关系破裂": ["break up with"], "乳癌": ["breast cancer"], "喂哺母乳": ["breast feeding"], "人乳哺育": ["breast feeding"], "安下心来": ["breathe freely", "settle down"], "带来生机": ["breathe life into"], "轻轻松松地干完某事": ["breeze through"], "轻而易举地完成": ["breeze through"], "新郎和新娘": ["bride and groom"], "弥补缺陷": ["bridge a gap"], "搭桥通车": ["bridge over"], "简短描述": ["brief description"], "乐观快乐的": ["bright and breezy"], "光明的未来/前途": ["bright future"], "光明面": ["bright side"], "变得明亮起来": ["brighten up"], "使更加明亮": ["brighten up"], "使完结": ["bring an end to"], "结束(终止)": ["bring an end to"], "带回来": ["bring back"], "打死": ["bring down"], "提出(建议)": ["bring forward"], "涌现出": ["bring forward"], "养家糊口": ["bring home the bacon"], "介绍带进引入赚取判决": ["bring in"], "使行动起来": ["bring into action"], "实行(实现、实施)": ["put into execution", "bring into effect"], "使…发展": ["bring on"], "使显示": ["bring out"], "使明显": ["bring out"], "(使)渡过困难": ["bring through"], "渡过困难": ["bring through"], "(使)脱险": ["bring through"], "脱险": ["come through", "bring through"], "绳之以法": ["bring to justice"], "把…交付审判": ["bring to justice"], "使…精力充沛": ["bring to life"], "倾家荡产(丧失地位、使失败)": ["bring to ruin"], "倾家荡产": ["bring to ruin"], "使靠拢": ["bring together"], "控制(纳入)": ["bring under"], "(船等)停下": ["bring up"], "使变得清楚": ["bring… into focus"], "对好焦距": ["bring… into focus"], "把…控制起来": ["bring…under control"], "大白天": ["broad daylight"], "笑容满面": ["broad smile"], "灿烂的笑容": ["broad smile"], "笑容可掬": ["broad smile"], "开阔某人的视野": ["broaden one's mind"], "爆发(火灾、战争等爆发)": ["broke out"], "被提拔职务": ["broke out"], "蹩脚英语": ["broken English"], "拒绝考虑": ["brush away"], "刷掉": ["brush off", "brush"], "把…列入预算": ["budget for"], "经济旅馆": ["budget hotel"], "(作为整体的一部分)造入": ["build in"], "造入": ["build in"], "使成为固定物": ["build in"], "使成为组成部分": ["build in"], "把…建立于": ["build on"], "寄希望于…": ["build on"], "向上发展": ["build up"], "逐步增长": ["build up"], "泡货": ["bulky cargo"], "旺市(行情看涨的市场)": ["bull market"], "牛市": ["bull market"], "告示牌": ["board", "bulletin board"], "巧遇": ["bump into"], "跳坠运动": ["bungee jumping"], "蹦极": ["bungee jumping"], "高空弹跳": ["bungee jumping"], "提供说明的责任": ["burden of persuasion"], "火力减弱": ["burn down"], "烧成平地": ["burn down", "burn to the ground"], "烧光": ["burn down", "burnout", "burn to the ground"], "(使)发怒": ["burn up"], "有(强烈的情绪或要求)": ["burn with"], "燃烧速率": ["burning rate"], "爆轰速度": ["burning rate"], "燃烧速度": ["burning rate"], "情绪的突然发作": ["burst into"], "突然(唱\\笑)起来": ["burst into sth"], "突然起来": ["burst into sth"], "突然(唱/笑)起来": ["burst into sth"], "(眼泪)夺眶而出": ["burst into tears"], "夺眶而出": ["burst into tears"], "泪如雨下": ["burst into tears"], "在舞台上凸显": ["burst on the scene"], "在现场爆发": ["burst on the scene"], "闯出": ["burst out"], "突然笑了起来": ["burst out laughing"], "埋头干": ["bury oneself in"], "公共汽车司机": ["bus driver"], "公车费率": ["bus fare"], "公共汽车费": ["bus fare"], "巴士站": ["bus stand"], "经济萧条": ["business depression"], "商业萧条": ["business depression"], "营业处所": ["business establishment"], "商业管理": ["business management"], "但还是(可是还)": ["but yet"], "倘没有": ["but for"], "但另一方面": ["but then"], "因害怕而引起的发抖": ["butterflies in one's stomach"], "拒绝说话": ["button up"], "陷入沉默": ["button up"], "出钱以摆脱": ["buy off"], "出钱摆脱": ["buy off"], "买下…的全部产权": ["buy out"], "出钱使…放弃地位": ["buy out"], "尽量收购": ["buy up"], "全买": ["buy up"], "蠢人用来让自己显得聪明的话": ["buzz word"], "一头之差(相距极近)": ["by a nose"], "一头之差": ["by a nose"], "通过航空途径": ["by air"], "尽一切办法": ["by all means"], "由于巧合": ["by coincidence"], "比较起来": ["in contrast", "by comparison"], "由于…的作用": ["by courtesy of"], "蒙…的好意(或准许)": ["by courtesy of"], "搭快车": ["by express"], "用快递": ["expressed", "express", "by express"], "极高": ["by far"], "凭藉暴力": ["by force"], "用武力或强迫手段": ["by force"], "亲手": ["by hand"], "靠手做": ["by hand"], "在法律上": ["by law"], "附则": ["by law"], "用邮寄方式": ["by mail"], "用…的方法": ["by means of"], "凭借…": ["by", "by means of"], "借助…": ["by means of"], "由于差错": ["by mistake"], "本性上": ["by nature"], "生来": ["by nature"], "趁黑夜": ["by night"], "一点都不": ["by no manner of means"], "并没有": ["by no means"], "靠无线电": ["by radio"], "应请求": ["by request"], "遵嘱": ["by request"], "坐船": ["by ship"], "按打": ["by the dozen"], "成打": ["by the dozen"], "名叫(以…的名字)": ["by the name of"], "和…在一起比较": ["by the side of"], "顺便说说": ["by the way"], "顺便问一下": ["by the way"], "顺便说": ["by the way"], "单独(独力地)": ["by themselves"], "到那时": ["by then", "then"], "据口传": ["by tradition"], "不断摸索": ["trial and error", "by trial and error"], "反复试验地": ["by trial and error"], "不断摸索地": ["by trial and error"], "期待(指望、依靠)": ["calculate on"], "计算方式": ["calculation method"], "叫喊(以…命名)": ["call after"], "短暂访问(某地)": ["call at"], "短暂访问": ["call at"], "(火车、船)停靠": ["call at"], "祈求到": ["call down"], "为…叫喊": ["call for"], "前往接某人": ["call for"], "接(人)": ["call for"], "接": ["upon", "get", "receiving", "catch", "glove", "receive", "pouch", "collected", "field", "call for"], "大声叫喊要": ["call for"], "振作起": ["call forth"], "把(注意力)转移开": ["call off"], "把转移开": ["call off"], "拜访某人或某地": ["call on sb"], "号召某人做某事": ["call on sb"], "号召某人干某事": ["call on sb. to do sth."], "请某人干某事": ["call on sb. to do sth."], "号召、呼吁、叫某人做某事": ["call on sb. to do sth."], "大声叫唤": ["call out"], "打电话给": ["call up"], "约请": ["invite", "call upon", "ask"], "(使)平静": ["calm down"], "(使)安静": ["calm down"], "参加/发动反…运动": ["campaign against"], "参加/发动争取…的运动": ["campaign for"], "区域网": ["campus network"], "没有办法": ["can not help"], "只能做某事": ["can't help but do"], "不得不只能做某事": ["can't help but do"], "取消定单": ["cancel the order"], "撤消成命": ["cancel the order"], "撤销成命": ["cancel the order"], "烛光(人造光、黄昏)": ["candle light"], "甘蔗废糖蜜": ["cane molasses"], "再…也不为过": ["cannot be too"], "不得不(只好)": ["cannot choose but"], "不至于过度": ["cannot…too…", "cannot…too"], "独木舟旅行": ["canoe trip"], "可…的": ["capable of"], "资本盈利": ["capital surplus"], "激起…的想象(力)": ["capture the imagination of"], "激起…的想象": ["capture the imagination of"], "汽车碰撞事故": ["car crash"], "碳排放量": ["carbon emission"], "二氧化碳排放": ["carbon emission"], "碳的排放量": ["carbon emission"], "[材]碳素纤维": ["carbon fiber"], "卡片式目录": ["card catalogue"], "职业提升": ["career advancement"], "职业晋升": ["career advancement"], "生涯路径": ["career path"], "职业前景规划": ["career path"], "粗心错": ["careless mistake"], "不放在心上": ["careless of"], "换行字符": ["carriage return"], "胡萝卜加大棒": ["carrot and stick"], "大棒与胡萝卜(软硬两手)": ["carrot and stick"], "大棒与胡萝卜": ["carrot and stick"], "搬走": ["carry away"], "冲昏…的头脑": ["carry away"], "运回": ["carry back"], "使回忆起": ["carry back", "take back"], "发扬(精神)": ["carry forward"], "使丧命": ["carry off", "cut"], "成功地处理": ["carry off", "clear", "lick"], "夺去…的生命": ["carry off"], "发怒(经常与at连用)": ["carry on"], "与…有不正当的男女关系": ["carry on"], "纸箱尺寸": ["carton size"], "包装尺寸": ["carton size"], "雕刻出": ["carve out"], "从…切出(引伸为修建)": ["carve out of"], "个案研究": ["case study"], "范例分析": ["case study"], "现金股息": ["cash dividend"], "现金流转": ["cash flow"], "收到…货款": ["cash in"], "乘机获利": ["cash in"], "趁机利用": ["cash in on"], "货到付现": ["cash on delivery"], "交货付现": ["cash on delivery"], "[计][电讯]盒式磁带": ["cassette tape"], "向…瞥一眼": ["cast a glance at"], "向…看了一眼": ["cast a glance at"], "使…笼罩上阴影": ["cast a shadow on"], "给…投下阴影": ["cast a shadow on"], "令…蒙上阴影": ["cast a shadow over"], "在…上投射影子": ["cast a shadow over"], "寻找(寻求、转向)": ["cast about"], "引起对…的怀疑": ["cast doubt on"], "对…产生怀疑": ["cast doubt on"], "使人对…产生怀疑": ["cast doubt on"], "依赖(指望)": ["cast oneself on"], "白日做梦": ["castle in the air"], "特殊危险": ["catastrophe risk"], "赶公共汽车": ["catch a bus"], "赶公交车": ["catch a bus"], "赶上火车": ["catch a train"], "死命抓住": ["catch at"], "抓住(及时抓住)": ["catch at"], "屏息": ["hold one's breath", "catch one's breath"], "碰上某人正在做某事": ["catch sb doing"], "catchupwithsb赶上": ["catch sb up"], "很快拾起": ["catch up"], "了解近况": ["catch up"], "叙旧": ["catch up"], "赶完": ["catch up on"], "对…产生预期的坏影响": ["catch up with"], "(为婚宴等)提供服务": ["cater for"], "提供服务": ["cater for", "service"], "承办婚礼": ["cater for"], "餐食行业": ["catering trade"], "原因与结果": ["cause and effect"], "因果": ["cause and effect"], "带给…损害": ["cause damage to"], "对于…的原因": ["cause for"], "对于…的理由": ["cause for"], "位于香港岛北海岸": ["causeway bay"], "不再是(不再成为)": ["cease to be"], "以…来庆祝": ["celebrate with"], "[细胞]细胞生物学": ["cell biology"], "中央部": ["central portion"], "围绕着": ["centre around"], "集中在(以…为中心)": ["centre around"], "集中在": ["focus on", "centre around", "fix"], "批准证书": ["certificate of approval"], "豚尾狒狒": ["chacma baboon"], "对…的挑战": ["challenge…to…"], "用a去换b": ["change A for B"], "用A去换B": ["change A for B"], "兑换钱币": ["change for"], "换成": ["change for"], "把…变成": ["change into"], "改穿": ["change into"], "索价(要价)": ["charge for"], "因…而控告某人": ["charge sb with sth"], "慈善捐赠": ["charitable donation"], "设法(迅速)找到": ["chase up"], "提醒某人快做某事": ["chase up"], "调情与(异性)搭讪": ["chat up"], "调情与搭讪": ["chat up"], "有目的地劝说": ["chat up"], "低档的": ["cheap and nasty", "inferior"], "价廉物劣": ["cheap and nasty"], "在…中捣鬼": ["cheat at"], "查对": ["check on"], "登记并借出": ["check out"], "退房结帐": ["check out"], "向某人证实": ["check with"], "颊牙": ["cheek tooth"], "激励…": ["cheer on", "gee"], "拉拉队": ["cheering squad"], "化学构造": ["chemical constitution"], "化(学)肥(料)": ["chemical fertilizer"], "化…肥…": ["chemical fertilizer"], "象棋比赛": ["chess game"], "鸡扒": ["chicken steak"], "首席设计师": ["chief designer"], "简称CEO": ["chief executive officer"], "儿童教育": ["childhood education"], "含硫粗铜": ["chile bar"], "辣味番茄酱": ["chili sauce"], "辣味番茄沙司": ["chili sauce"], "黑猩猩鼻炎病毒": ["chimpanzee coryza agent"], "黑猩猩感冒病毒": ["chimpanzee coryza agent"], "黑猩猩鼻炎(鼻卡他)因子": ["chimpanzee coryza agent"], "黑猩猩鼻炎因子": ["chimpanzee coryza agent"], "呼吸道合胞病毒": ["chimpanzee coryza agent"], "中国墨汁": ["chinese ink"], "墨": ["chinese ink"], "巧克力大蛋糕": ["chocolate cake"], "使…中断": ["choke off"], "霍乱流行": ["cholera epidemic"], "从…中挑选": ["select from", "choose from"], "砍下": ["chop down"], "烟包": ["cigarette packet"], "桂皮": ["cinnamon bark"], "民政": ["civil affair"], "[航]民用飞机": ["civil aircraft"], "索赔信件": ["claim letter"], "要求赔偿书": ["claim letter"], "分类为": ["classify as"], "把…打扫干净": ["clean out"], "清光": ["clean out"], "大捞一笔": ["clean up"], "收割(游戏术语)": ["clean up"], "清洁因子": ["cleanliness factor"], "把…清除掉": ["clear away"], "透明玻璃": ["clear glass"], "净片玻璃": ["clear glass"], "(天气)放晴": ["clear up"], "紧握拳": ["clenched fist"], "基本顾客": ["client base"], "客户名录": ["client list"], "气候改变": ["climate change"], "攀援": ["climb up"], "临床抑郁症": ["clinical depression"], "诊治试验": ["clinical trial"], "包围(围住)": ["close about"], "渐暗": ["close in"], "淹没(封盖)": ["close over"], "密切监视": ["close supervision"], "闭式监视": ["close supervision"], "在…的近旁": ["close to"], "谨慎小心": ["close to the vest"], "闭锁链条": ["closed chain"], "闭幕式": ["closing ceremony"], "向某人提供情况": ["clue in"], "煤矿坑": ["coal mine"], "粗晶粒": ["coarse grain"], "饲料用谷类": ["coarse grain"], "行动守则": ["code of conduct"], "突然完全停止使用毒品": ["cold turkey"], "突然停止(坏习惯)": ["cold turkey"], "冷淡的人": ["cold turkey"], "与敌人合作": ["collaborate with"], "资料搜集": ["collect data"], "心平气和": ["collect oneself"], "平心静气": ["collect oneself"], "镇定一下": ["collect oneself"], "(高等学校)文凭、毕业证书": ["college diploma"], "文凭、毕业证书": ["college diploma"], "色光": ["color shade"], "颜色稳定性": ["color stability"], "移出": ["comb out"], "反腐败": ["combat corruption"], "与犯罪行为作斗争": ["combat crime"], "易燃垃圾": ["combustible rubbish"], "可燃性废弃物": ["combustible rubbish"], "抢风调向": ["come about", "tack"], "跟着": ["come after", "follow"], "一道走": ["come along"], "弄清": ["assured", "unravel", "unraveled", "come at", "ravel"], "恢复(知觉、记忆等)": ["come back"], "卷土重来": ["come back"], "返回到": ["come back to"], "交由…处理": ["come before"], "短暂拜访": ["swing by", "come by", "call"], "从旁边走过": ["come by"], "(价格等)跌落": ["come down"], "归根结底": ["come down to", "in the final analysis"], "实质上是": ["come down to"], "以威胁的方式要求": ["come for"], "来取…": ["come for"], "迟早会有用": ["come in handy"], "派上用场": ["come in handy"], "得来": ["come into"], "继承(财产)": ["come into"], "开始生效": ["come into effect"], "上任": ["come into office", "take office"], "进入鼎盛时期": ["come into one's own"], "开始运作": ["come into operation"], "取得政权": ["come into power"], "进入视野": ["come into view"], "能够去掉": ["come off"], "从…掉下": ["come off"], "别胡扯": ["come on"], "公开表态": ["come out"], "被算出": ["come out"], "被解出": ["come out"], "表明态度": ["come out"], "提出主张": ["come out", "register"], "考第一名": ["come out first"], "从远处来": ["come over"], "突然感觉": ["come over"], "有清晰的收听或收看效果": ["come over"], "前来": ["come round"], "过访": ["come round"], "绕道而来": ["come round"], "直入本题": ["come straight to the point"], "来到(某地)": ["come to"], "遭受不幸": ["come to harm", "come to grief"], "紧跟在主人后面(服从)": ["come to heel"], "苏醒过来振作起来活跃起来": ["come to life"], "为众人所知": ["come to light"], "开始执政": ["come to power"], "上台执政": ["come to power"], "(想法或念头)在…的头脑里冒出": ["come to sb"], "在…的头脑里冒出": ["come to sb"], "突然被…想起": ["come to sb"], "被想到": ["occur to", "come to sb"], "说到要点": ["come to the point"], "(梦想等)实现": ["come true"], "(预言等)成真": ["come true"], "应验": ["fulfilment", "come true"], "被讨论": ["come up"], "上庭受审": ["come up"], "突然(或意外)碰到(困难、反对等)": ["come up against"], "突然…碰到…": ["come up against"], "达到(标准)": ["come up to"], "与…一起供给": ["come with"], "伴随…发生": ["accompany", "come with"], "喜剧影片": ["comedy film"], "舒适带": ["comfort zone"], "宜人的地区": ["comfort zone"], "(气候、温度)舒适地带": ["comfort zone"], "舒适地带": ["comfort zone"], "生活宽裕的": ["comfortably off"], "对…评论": ["comment on", "comment upon"], "商业楼宇": ["commercial building"], "商业建筑物": ["commercial building"], "商业建筑": ["commercial building"], "使承担义务": ["commit oneself"], "使承诺": ["commit oneself"], "初级商品价格": ["commodity price"], "共同的特点": ["common feature"], "与…的联系": ["communication with"], "沟通能力": ["communicative competence"], "社区服务性劳役": ["community service"], "社区服务": ["community service"], "感化工作": ["community service"], "交游": ["company with"], "可同…比较": ["comparable with"], "比得上(可与…匹敌)": ["comparable with"], "把A比作B": ["compare A to B"], "把A比喻B": ["compare A to B"], "把A与B作比较": ["compare A with B"], "补偿装置": ["compensation system"], "进出口差损": ["compensation system"], "参加…比赛(竞赛)": ["compete in"], "参加…比赛": ["compete in"], "在…方面竞争(赛)": ["compete in"], "在…方面竞争": ["compete in"], "有能力(权力、权威、技能)": ["competent in"], "竞争(能)力": ["competitive strength"], "竞争能力": ["competitiveness", "competitive strength"], "对…的不满": ["complaint about"], "完成时期": ["completion date"], "复杂的有机体": ["complex organism"], "超个体": ["complex organism"], "复系数": ["complex system"], "称赞某人的…方面": ["compliment someone on"], "构件": ["component part", "build", "member"], "组成部份": ["component", "component part"], "(组合)零件": ["component part"], "(组)成(部)分": ["component part"], "使某人镇静": ["compose oneself"], "[力]抗压应力": ["compressive stress"], "计算机程序设计员": ["computer programmer"], "电脑程序编制员": ["computer programmer"], "对…的关心": ["concern about"], "对…忧虑": ["concern about"], "对…的关心/忧虑": ["concern over"], "为…担心、忧虑": ["concern over"], "从…中得出": ["conclude from"], "结束(缔结、签订)": ["conclude with"], "确定(真凭实据)": ["conclusive evidence"], "混凝土底板": ["concrete floor"], "混凝土楼板": ["concrete floor"], "因…而谴责": ["condemn for"], "对…的信任": ["confidence in"], "保密情报": ["confidential information"], "机密消息": ["confidential information"], "增强(坚定、加强)": ["confirm in"], "确认函": ["confirmation letter"], "为某事向某人祝贺": ["congratulate on"], "庆幸": ["congratulate oneself"], "感到幸运": ["congratulate oneself"], "因某事恭喜某人": ["congratulate sb on sth"], "接通(接在一起)": ["connect up"], "与…联运": ["connect with", "connect …with"], "相容": ["consist with", "mixing", "mix"], "均品质": ["consistent quality"], "查字典": ["consult a dictionary"], "消费需要": ["consumer demand"], "消费者需求": ["consumer demand"], "相版": ["contact sheet"], "未经整修的照片小样": ["contact sheet"], "对…感到满足": ["settle for", "content oneself with", "feel content with"], "为…竞争": ["contest for"], "不间断地提高": ["continual improvement"], "持续改善": ["continual improvement"], "继续做…": ["continue to do"], "和…签定合同或契约": ["contract with"], "…之间的矛盾": ["contradiction between"], "为…作贡献": ["contribute to"], "为…捐款": ["contribute to"], "为…撰稿": ["contribute to"], "[自]控制器": ["control device"], "控制部分": ["control section"], "控制节": ["control section"], "控制断面": ["control section"], "控制器作用": ["controller action"], "正规部队": ["conventional forces"], "会话含义": ["conversational implicature"], "会话含意": ["conversational implicature"], "把…转变成": ["convert into"], "说服…相信": ["convince of"], "强有力的证据": ["convincing evidence"], "伪构": ["cook up"], "使变凉": ["cool down"], "共同学习": ["cooperative learning"], "协作关系": ["cooperative relationship"], "协作系统": ["cooperative system"], "铜矿山": ["copper mine"], "版权拥存者": ["copyright owner"], "核心能力": ["core competence"], "玉米粉": ["corn flour"], "公司债券": ["corporate bond"], "法人团体": ["corporate group"], "企业形象综合战略": ["corporate identity"], "企业形象整体特征": ["corporate identity"], "监狱设施": ["correctional facility"], "相应于": ["correspond to"], "和…通信": ["correspond with"], "耐(腐)蚀性": ["corrosion resistance"], "耐蚀力": ["corrosion resistance"], "抗腐(蚀)性": ["corrosion resistance"], "抗腐性": ["corrosion resistance"], "贪污丑闻": ["corruption scandal"], "整容外科(手术)": ["cosmetic surgery"], "化妆品工业": ["cosmetics industry"], "价格昂贵": ["cost an arm and a leg"], "付出过高的代价": ["cost an arm and a leg"], "成本效益": ["cost effectiveness"], "费用概算": ["cost estimate"], "原棉": ["cotton wool"], "棉绒": ["cotton wool", "lint"], "整天坐着看电视的人": ["couch potato"], "终日懒散的人": ["couch potato"], "被迫付出": ["cough up"], "(不情愿地)提供": ["cough up"], "(勉强)说出": ["cough up"], "没有多少价值或重要性": ["count for little"], "算入": ["count in"], "不把…计算在内": ["count out"], "算出…总数": ["count up"], "把…相加": ["count up"], "乡村音乐(美国的)": ["country music"], "接在一起(耦合)": ["couple with"], "接在一起": ["couple with"], "课程按排": ["course arrangement"], "周到的服务": ["courteous service"], "盖住(遮没)": ["cover over"], "覆盖能力": ["covering power"], "灌装冻蟹肉": ["crab meat"], "冻蟹肉": ["crab meat"], "展颜微笑": ["crack a smile"], "强作微笑": ["crack a smile"], "强效纯可卡因": ["crack cocaine"], "对…采取严厉措施": ["crack down"], "冲入(闯进、撞到)": ["crash into"], "创造性想象": ["creative imagination"], "创造性想像": ["creative imagination"], "信用评分": ["credit score"], "移动性幼虫疹": ["creeping eruption"], "匐行疹": ["creeping eruption"], "峰值系数": ["crest factor"], "振幅因数": ["crest factor"], "刑事诉讼法学": ["criminal procedure"], "关键途径": ["critical path"], "重大局面": ["critical situation"], "批判性的思考": ["critical thinking"], "批判思考能力": ["critical thinking"], "判断思维": ["critical thinking"], "批判性思考": ["critical thinking"], "鳄鱼的眼泪(假哭、假慈悲)": ["crocodile tears"], "弯曲测线": ["crooked line"], "邪恶的微笑": ["crooked smile"], "勾销": ["cross off", "write off"], "偶然想到": ["cross one's mind"], "十字路": ["crossroads", "cross road"], "串音": ["cross talk", "cross-talk"], "(电信)串话干扰": ["cross talk"], "蹲距": ["crouch down"], "拥挤的交通": ["crowded traffic"], "王冠上的宝石": ["crown jewel"], "最珍贵的部分": ["crown jewel"], "皇冠上的珠宝": ["crown jewel"], "御宝": ["crown jewel"], "至宝": ["crown jewel"], "哭着要": ["cry for"], "大喊(大声疾呼)": ["cry out"], "发假警报": ["cry wolf"], "谎报军情": ["cry wolf"], "结晶组织": ["crystal structure"], "文化身份": ["cultural identity"], "文化革命": ["cultural revolution"], "文化休克": ["cultural shock"], "文化震惊": ["culture shock"], "(使)蜷曲": ["curl up"], "蜷曲": ["curl up"], "撅起(嘴唇等)": ["curl up"], "撅起": ["tighten", "curl up"], "(拉)简历": ["curriculum vitae"], "客户满意度": ["customer satisfaction"], "顾客满意": ["customer satisfaction"], "抄近中穿过": ["cut across"], "插进来": ["cut into"], "参加(谈话)": ["cut into"], "停止运转": ["stop", "cut off", "kick off", "die", "go off"], "裁剪": ["cut out"], "对(某人)生来合适": ["cut out for"], "对…生来合适": ["cut out for"], "以斩钉截铁的手段解决难题(快刀斩乱麻)": ["cut the gordian knot"], "以斩钉截铁的手段解决难题": ["cut the gordian knot"], "抄近路": ["cut", "shortcut", "cut through"], "将…连根拔起": ["cut up"], "割削工具": ["cutting tool"], "领先的": ["ahead", "clear", "cutting-edge", "commanding"], "每天的例行公事": ["daily routine"], "减慢(封)": ["damp down"], "伴着乐曲跳舞": ["dance to the music"], "与某人共舞": ["dance with"], "危险品": ["dangerous goods"], "黑灰色的": ["dark grey"], "辐射几乎不可穿透的": ["dark grey"], "串门": ["darken someone's doorway"], "匆匆离去": ["dash off"], "迅速写(或画)": ["dash off"], "迅速写": ["dash off"], "资料分析": ["data analysis"], "可追溯到": ["date back to"], "始于(某时期)": ["date back to"], "回溯到": ["date from"], "开始于": ["date from"], "从…的时候存在": ["date from"], "开始理解(渐渐明白)": ["dawn on"], "开始理解": ["glimpse", "dawn on"], "日复一日地": ["day after day"], "日日夜夜": ["day and night"], "昼夜": ["day and night"], "整天": ["day and night"], "一天天地": ["day by day"], "成天": ["day by day"], "(源自《圣经》)清算日": ["day of reckoning"], "清算日": ["day of reckoning"], "炫目灯光": ["dazzling lights"], "强光": ["dazzling lights"], "使人眼花的灯光": ["dazzling lights"], "致命的毒药": ["deadly poison"], "法律上不承认的借款": ["debt of honour"], "衰变速率": ["decay rate"], "想错": ["deceive oneself"], "骗自己": ["deceive oneself"], "决定(判定…正确)": ["decide for"], "决定支持…": ["decide in favour of"], "裁决…胜诉": ["decide in favour of"], "考虑后决定": ["decide upon"], "对…作出决定": ["decide upon"], "决断(决心、决定)": ["decide upon"], "决断": ["decide upon"], "宣布赞成": ["declare for"], "表示拥护": ["declare for"], "把自己致力于": ["dedicate oneself to"], "把(时间、力量等)用在…": ["dedicate to"], "把用在…": ["dedicate to"], "冷藏箱": ["cooler", "deep freeze"], "冷藏器": ["deep freeze"], "油氽": ["deep fry"], "深深地感动": ["deeply moved"], "抵御": ["against", "repel", "defend against", "sandbag"], "为自己辩护": ["defend oneself"], "用…防卫": ["defend with"], "营养缺乏症": ["deficiency disease"], "定冠词the": ["definite article"], "即the": ["definite article"], "掉价": ["degrade oneself"], "使降级为": ["degrade to……"], "降解为": ["degrade to……"], "动作难度": ["degree of difficulty"], "延迟交货": ["delay in delivery"], "延迟交付": ["delay in delivery"], "交货逾期": ["delay in delivery"], "交货延迟": ["delay in delivery"], "从…删去": ["delete from"], "删除键": ["delete", "delete key"], "美味佳肴": ["treat", "delicious meals"], "怡和": ["delightful harmony"], "接生": ["deliver", "deliver a baby"], "不负所望": ["deliver the goods"], "交货日期": ["delivery schedule"], "交货日程表": ["delivery schedule"], "向(某人)要求(某物)": ["demand sth. of sb."], "向…要求…": ["demand sth. of sb."], "向某人要求某物": ["demand sth. of sb."], "民主自由": ["democracy and freedom"], "民主党": ["democratic party"], "美国民主党": ["democratic party"], "民权": ["democratic rights"], "拆毁工作": ["demolition work"], "示威反对": ["demonstrate against"], "举行反对…的游行示威": ["demonstrate against"], "示威要求": ["demonstrate for"], "演示工作情况": ["demonstrate to"], "向…示范操作": ["demonstrate to"], "开往…": ["depart for"], "去往…": ["depart for"], "启程前往…": ["depart for"], "撤离时刻": ["departure time"], "起飞时刻": ["departure time"], "撤离时间": ["departure time"], "(机场/车场)出发时刻显示屏": ["departures board"], "出发时刻显示屏": ["departures board"], "他变数": ["dependent variable"], "应变数": ["dependent variable"], "存折": ["deposit certificate"], "突然降临": ["descend on"], "突然到来": ["descend on", "descend"], "描绘成": ["describe as"], "向某人描述": ["describe to"], "说出特征": ["describe to"], "荒无人烟的街道": ["deserted streets"], "值得提起": ["deserve to be mentioned"], "侦探工作": ["detective work"], "侦察任务": ["detective work"], "侦查工作": ["detective work"], "决定(决心)": ["determine on"], "迂回路": ["detour road", "detour"], "发挥才能": ["develop ability"], "成长于(由…产生)": ["develop from"], "发展趋向": ["development tendency"], "投身于": ["devote into", "devote oneself to"], "将…奉献给": ["devote to", "devote…to"], "把…献于": ["devote to"], "专注光环": ["devotion aura"], "热血灵光": ["devotion aura"], "恪尽职守": ["devotion to duty"], "[机]千分表": ["dial indicator"], "拨这电话号码": ["dial the number"], "[地质]金刚石钻具": ["diamond drill"], "教学日志": ["diary for instruction"], "衰萎": ["die away"], "渐渐凋谢": ["die away"], "因…死": ["die of"], "病死": ["die of illness"], "相继死亡": ["die off"], "先后死去": ["die off"], "与…有区别": ["differ from"], "在…有差异": ["differ in"], "意见不一致": ["differ with", "in disagreement"], "弥漫星云[Latin]": ["diffuse nebula"], "挖个坑": ["dig a hole"], "挖苦(讽刺)": ["dig at"], "挖下去(挖倒、掏腰包)": ["dig down"], "挖下去": ["dig down"], "探求(寻求)": ["dig for"], "掘壕固守": ["dig in"], "把…埋在土里": ["dig in"], "站稳脚跟": ["dig in"], "开始吃": ["dig in"], "掘进去": ["dig into"], "(汉)点心": ["dim sum"], "吃堂食": ["dine in"], "外出就餐": ["dine out"], "小礼服": ["dinner jacket"], "礼服夹克": ["dinner jacket"], "男性晚礼服上装": ["dinner jacket"], "伸进…里": ["dip into"], "翻看…": ["dip into"], "动用…": ["dip into"], "动用(款项等)": ["dip into"], "动用": ["touch", "draw", "dip", "dip into", "draw on"], "掏取": ["dip into", "dip"], "直系亲缘": ["direct relationship"], "方位测定": ["direction finding"], "方向作用": ["directive effect"], "直接比例的": ["directly proportional"], "土路": ["dirt road"], "卑鄙行为": ["dirty trick"], "残废保险": ["disability insurance"], "伤残人": ["disabled people"], "对…有不同的意见": ["disagree on"], "不同意(不赞成、不喜欢)": ["disapprove of"], "折扣价": ["saver", "discount price"], "讨论…": ["discuss about"], "洽谈…": ["discuss about"], "与…讨论": ["discuss with"], "疾病爆发": ["disease outbreak"], "把食物装盘": ["dish up"], "盛在盘中端上": ["dish up"], "因…解雇": ["dismiss for"], "因…开除": ["dismiss for"], "遣散费": ["dismissal wage"], "派遣令": ["dispatch order"], "可支配的个人收入": ["disposable income"], "纳税后个人可用收入": ["disposable income"], "设备配置平面图": ["disposition plan"], "遥远的地方": ["distant place", "side"], "与…截然不同": ["distinct from"], "将…分成": ["distribute into"], "分发到…": ["distribute into"], "分散在": ["distribute over"], "分发给": ["distribute to"], "分配(分发)": ["distribute to"], "销售制度": ["distribution system"], "干扰影响": ["disturbing effect"], "扰动信号": ["disturbing signal"], "潜水寻找": ["dive for"], "(突然)投入": ["dive into"], "分为": ["divide into"], "[数]约去": ["divide out"], "分割法": ["division method"], "劳动分工": ["division of labor"], "离婚法院": ["divorce court"], "帮个忙": ["do a favour"], "给(某人)以恩惠": ["do a favour for sb"], "帮(某人)一个忙": ["do a favour for sb"], "帮…一个忙": ["do a favour for sb"], "做件好事": ["do a good deed"], "好好干": ["do a good job"], "工作干得好": ["do a good job"], "做好事": ["do a good turn"], "使完蛋": ["do for"], "做家庭作业": ["do one's homework", "do homework"], "使…的价值充分发挥": ["do justice to"], "适当处理": ["do justice to"], "公平处理": ["do justice to"], "给…以公道的评价": ["do justice to"], "帮我一个忙": ["do me a favour"], "害多利少": ["do more harm than good"], "做准备工作": ["do one's homework"], "尽自己的职责": ["do one's part"], "伤害某人": ["do sb. harm"], "做清洁工作": ["do some cleaning"], "做(些)清洁工作": ["do some cleaning"], "修缮打扮使整洁": ["do up"], "精疲力尽包扎": ["do up"], "进展情况良好": ["do well"], "在…方面干得好": ["do well in"], "相处": ["do with", "relate", "mix"], "无需": ["do without"], "对待…不公平": ["do wrong to"], "冤枉": ["do wrong to", "wrong"], "美钞": ["dollar bill"], "币符(%24)": ["dollar sign"], "币符": ["dollar sign"], "国产品": ["domestic product"], "前景暗淡": ["doom and gloom"], "门手把": ["door handle"], "低音提琴": ["double bassist", "bass"], "双层结构": ["double deck"], "双效的": ["double effect"], "双人间": ["twin", "double room"], "大床房": ["double room"], "可疑债券": ["doubtful debts"], "对…有怀疑": ["doubtful of"], "对…不能确定": ["doubtful of"], "在地狱": ["down below"], "化为乌有": ["down the drain"], "下业": ["downstream industry"], "阀后压力": ["downstream pressure"], "下游加工": ["downstream processing"], "看跌": ["downward trend"], "引风机": ["draft fan"], "拖垮": ["drag down"], "[水利]曳力": ["drag force"], "曳力": ["drag force"], "硬扯进": ["drag in"], "戏剧小组": ["drama club"], "巨大变革": ["dramatic changes"], "戏剧性改变": ["dramatic changes"], "剧评": ["notice", "dramatic criticism"], "戏评": ["dramatic criticism"], "画图": ["draw a picture"], "拉到": ["draw aside"], "领先越来越远": ["draw away"], "拉走": ["draw away"], "撒回": ["draw back"], "收回(承诺等)": ["draw back"], "(火车、汽车)进站": ["draw in"], "获得启发": ["draw inspiration"], "汲取灵感": ["draw inspiration"], "从…中吸取教训": ["draw lessons from"], "拉平(相齐)": ["draw level"], "结束(告终)": ["draw to a close"], "画出": ["delineate", "plot", "draw up"], "作目录": ["draw up a list"], "凭": ["draw upon"], "梦到": ["dream about"], "梦想实现": ["dream come true"], "渴望(后跟动名词)": ["dream of"], "凭空想出": ["dream up"], "着装要求": ["dress code"], "穿着要求": ["dress code"], "着装规范": ["dress code"], "为(某场合)穿上礼服": ["dress for"], "为穿上礼服": ["dress for"], "带妆彩排": ["dress rehearsal"], "打扮得漂漂亮亮": ["dress up"], "训练(某人)掌握(某种技能、法则等)": ["drill in"], "训练(某人)掌握(某种技能、法则等)": ["drill in"], "[油气]钻管": ["drill pipe"], "陶醉于": ["drink", "drink in"], "(把车)开走": ["drive away"], "可以开上去的": ["drive on"], "继续开车": ["drive on"], "车可以开上去的": ["drive on"], "继续开": ["drive on"], "乘车出去": ["drive out"], "把…打出去": ["drive out"], "令某人十分恼怒": ["drive sb to distraction"], "使某人发疯": ["drive sb. crazy", "drive sb. mad"], "使某人发狂": ["drive sb. mad"], "使某人疯": ["drive sb. mad"], "把…气疯了": ["drive someone mad"], "驾驶执照": ["driving licence"], "汽车驾驶执照": ["driving licence"], "落…之后": ["drop behind"], "非正式访问": ["drop by", "drop over"], "(使)落进": ["drop in"], "落进": ["drop in"], "(使)往里坍塌": ["drop in"], "往里坍塌": ["drop in"], "偶然(或顺便)走访(或访问)": ["drop in"], "偶然…走访…": ["drop in"], "逐渐进入": ["drop in"], "(有选择地)加入": ["drop in"], "愿意(或决心)参加": ["drop in"], "愿意参加": ["drop in"], "放下(吊幕)": ["drop in"], "吊装布景": ["drop in"], "顺便走访(某人)": ["drop in"], "顺便走访…": ["drop in"], "吊装布景:": ["drop in"], "不知不觉养成了": ["drop into"], "作罢": ["drop it"], "掉落": ["drop-off", "drop", "drop off", "shed", "dropping"], "把…留下": ["drop off", "drop-off"], "拒绝传统社会": ["drop out"], "倾国倾城": ["drop-dead gorgeous"], "溺死在…之中": ["drown in"], "(更大的声音)使听不见": ["drown out"], "吸毒成瘾者": ["drug addict"], "药瘾者": ["drug addict"], "竭力争取(支持)": ["drum up"], "招揽(生意等)": ["drum up"], "酒后驾车": ["drunk driving"], "干物": ["dry matter"], "干物重": ["dry matter"], "干燥物质": ["dry matter"], "(使)干透": ["dry out"], "干透": ["dry out"], "枯水季节": ["dry season"], "干旱期": ["dry season"], "乾性皮肤": ["dry skin"], "(使)干涸": ["dry up"], "(使)枯竭": ["dry up"], "讲不出话来": ["dry up"], "把事情安排得井井有条(俚语)": ["ducks in a row"], "把事情安排得井井有条": ["ducks in a row"], "工作完成得很出色(俚语)": ["ducks in a row"], "工作完成得很出色": ["ducks in a row"], "应有的审慎": ["due diligence"], "用拳头打架": ["duke it out"], "小型升降送货机(小件升降机)": ["dumb waiter"], "小型升降送货机": ["dumb waiter"], "名义变数": ["dummy variable"], "虚变数": ["dummy variable"], "在…的过程中(在…期间)": ["during the course of"], "弄掉…灰尘": ["dust off"], "垃圾清运工": ["dustbin man"], "垃圾清洁工": ["dustbin man"], "详论": ["dwell on"], "拖长(发音或动作)": ["dwell on"], "(眼光等)停留在": ["dwell on"], "停留在": ["rest on", "dwell on"], "居住在…上": ["dwell on"], "细想(详论、详述)": ["dwell upon"], "[力]动平衡": ["dynamic balance"], "动态量程": ["dynamic range"], "热切希望": ["eager for"], "在早期": ["early", "early on"], "早些时候": ["early on"], "活命": ["earn a living"], "获利息": ["earn interest"], "挣钱维持生计": ["earn one's living"], "赚得率": ["earning rate"], "操作方便": ["easy to operate"], "(长期地)烦扰": ["eat away at"], "逐渐毁掉": ["eat away at"], "忍辱含垢": ["eat humble pie"], "低头谢罪": ["eat humble pie"], "收回前言": ["eat one's words"], "严厉斥责(某人)": ["eat out"], "严厉斥责…": ["eat out"], "在外吃饭": ["eat out"], "经济利益": ["economic benefit"], "经济开发": ["economic development"], "经济地理": ["economic geography"], "经济萎缩": ["economic recession"], "经济操作运行": ["economical operation"], "插话(挤入)": ["edge in"], "通过…编辑": ["edit by"], "编辑中删除": ["edit out"], "根据知识所作的猜测": ["educated guess"], "实施期": ["effective date"], "有效期": ["lifetime", "effective date"], "从…日起生效": ["effective from"], "措施得力": ["effective measures"], "有效张力": ["effective tension"], "怂恿某人": ["egg on"], "煽动某人": ["egg on"], "鸡蛋卷": ["egg roll", "omelet"], "二者择一的": ["either…or", "either… or…"], "弹性变形": ["elastic deformation"], "胳膊碰胳膊": ["elbow-to-elbow"], "选举为(委员等)": ["elect to"], "选举为": ["elect to"], "选举(某人)担任": ["elect to"], "选举…担任": ["elect to"], "选举(推选)": ["elect to"], "电铁丝网": ["electric fence"], "电网": ["electric fence", "grid"], "电休克": ["electric shock"], "电灶": ["electric stove"], "电机工程": ["electrical engineering"], "电气工程": ["electrical engineering"], "[电子]电子电路": ["electronic circuit"], "电子文档": ["electronic documents"], "象海豹": ["elephant seal"], "溜管": ["elephant trunk"], "高架道": ["elevated freeway"], "浮现出现(问题等)发生": ["emerge from"], "浮现出现发生": ["emerge from"], "从…出现": ["emerge out of"], "紧急制动索": ["emergency cord"], "急症科": ["emergency department"], "应急舱口": ["emergency hatch"], "应急舱门": ["emergency hatch"], "抢救措施": ["emergency measures"], "紧急反应": ["emergency response"], "出射光": ["emergent light"], "情感依恋": ["emotional attachment"], "情感智力": ["emotional intelligence"], "情志过极": ["emotional stress"], "情绪支持": ["emotional support"], "从事于(花时间在)": ["employ in"], "从事(做)": ["employ oneself in"], "雇员参与": ["employee participation"], "职工离职率": ["employee turnover"], "雇用为": ["employ…as"], "缺少(没有)": ["empty of"], "倒空(腾空、撒下)": ["empty out"], "乳化炸药": ["emulsion explosive"], "使…有能力做…": ["enable sb to do sth"], "禁闭在…内": ["enclose in"], "关在…内": ["enclose in"], "在(信封、包裹等)中装有": ["enclose in"], "在中装有": ["enclose in"], "附有": ["enclose in"], "附寄": ["enclose in"], "用(某物)将…围住": ["enclose with"], "用将…围住": ["enclose with"], "将…与…封入同一信封(包裹)": ["enclose with"], "将…与…封入同一信封": ["enclose with"], "用…鼓励某人": ["encourage with"], "激励制度": ["encouraging system"], "《英国大百科全书》": ["encyclopedia britannica"], "意外到达": ["end up"], "以…而告终": ["end up doing"], "结果是(做)…": ["end up doing"], "以(做)…而告终": ["end up doing"], "结果变成…": ["end up doing"], "最后发展为…": ["end up doing"], "结束于": ["end up with", "finish up with", "finish with"], "濒临绝种的动植物": ["endangered species"], "终(末)点": ["ending point"], "环带": ["endless belt", "zone"], "无穷尽的结": ["endless chain"], "无端环链": ["endless chain"], "无止境的烦恼": ["endless trouble"], "能量有效": ["energy efficient"], "能量消费": ["energy expenditure"], "正做着…": ["engage oneself in"], "与…接洽": ["approach", "engage with"], "与…衔接": ["engage with"], "与…开战": ["engage", "engage with"], "发动机性能": ["engine performance"], "工学院": ["engineering institute"], "英语语法学": ["english grammar"], "备受欢迎": ["enjoy great popularity"], "享受阅读": ["enjoy reading"], "询问…的情况": ["enquire about"], "询问(打听)": ["enquire about"], "询购": ["enquire for"], "要见": ["enquire for"], "查讯表格": ["enquiry form"], "保护…免受危害": ["ensure against"], "经…进入": ["enter by"], "缔约": ["enter into a contract"], "开始实行(开始有效)": ["enter into force"], "开始实行": ["enter into force"], "踊跃参加…": ["enthusiastic in"], "全部数量": ["entire quantity"], "创业活动": ["entrepreneurial activity"], "报名表": ["entry form"], "入境证": ["entry permit"], "环境冲击环境影响": ["environmental impact"], "保护生态环境的": ["environmentally friendly"], "对生态环境无害的": ["environmentally friendly"], "有利于环境的": ["environmentally friendly"], "酶的活性": ["enzyme activity"], "均等机会": ["equal opportunity"], "性别平等": ["equality between the sexes"], "两性平等": ["equality between the sexes"], "不相上下": ["nip and tuck", "equally matched"], "备有…": ["equip with"], "以…装备": ["provide with", "equip with"], "用…装备起来": ["equip with"], "使具备…": ["equip with"], "装备失效": ["equipment failure"], "产权投资": ["equity investment"], "股本投资": ["equity investment"], "直接投资": ["equity investment"], "当量": ["equivalent weight", "equivalent"], "爆发自": ["erupt from"], "引发成…": ["erupt into"], "演变成…": ["erupt into"], "爆发成…": ["erupt into"], "逸出键": ["escape key"], "疏散楼梯": ["escape stair"], "主要区别": ["essential difference"], "主要元素": ["essential element"], "设立商店": ["establish a business"], "定居于": ["people", "establish oneself in"], "估计(价格等)": ["estimate at"], "对…估价、估计": ["estimate for"], "为…进行估价": ["estimate for"], "为…估计费用": ["estimate for"], "撤退至": ["evacuate to", "withdraw to"], "撤离路线": ["evacuation route"], "评价标准": ["evaluation criterion"], "恰恰在…的时候": ["even as"], "完全破坏": ["eventual failure"], "自那时以来": ["ever since"], "即使如此": ["ever so", "so be it"], "每一英寸地": ["every inch"], "其他所有人": ["everyone else"], "其他每个人": ["everyone else"], "演化的人类学": ["evolutionary anthropology"], "演化心理學": ["evolutionary psychology"], "进化成": ["evolve into"], "前任男友": ["ex-boyfriend"], "精密测量": ["exact measurement"], "准确的尺寸": ["exact measurement"], "精确解": ["exact solution"], "为…测验": ["examine for"], "为…检查": ["examine for"], "检查(寻找、审查)": ["examine for"], "优等品质": ["excellent quality"], "只可惜": ["except that"], "规律的例外情况": ["exception to the rule"], "非凡的才干": ["exceptional ability"], "例外的情形": ["exceptional circumstances"], "超额能力": ["excess capacity"], "过量需求": ["excess demand"], "过度需求": ["excess demand"], "过压": ["excess voltage"], "[电]过电压": ["excess voltage"], "过电压": ["excess voltage"], "激振力": ["exciting force"], "对…表示惊奇": ["exclaim at"], "特别会见": ["exclusive interview"], "打扰一下": ["excuse me"], "主席团执行主席": ["executive chairman"], "失去了耐心": ["exhaust one's patience"], "抽出式通风": ["exhaust ventilation"], "废[溶]液": ["exhausted solution"], "耗尽法": ["exhaustion method"], "陈列中心": ["exhibition centre"], "以…存在": ["exist as"], "靠…活下去": ["exist on"], "…的出口": ["exit to"], "扩大(变大)": ["expand into"], "进一步阐述": ["expand on"], "扩建企业": ["expansion project"], "对···期望过高": ["expect too much of"], "对…期望太高": ["expect too much of"], "用…作试验": ["experiment with"], "熟练于…": ["expert in"], "专家证人": ["expert witness"], "突发…": ["explode with"], "因(愤怒等)而发作": ["explode with"], "勘探开发": ["exploration and development"], "防爆式的(防炸裂的)": ["explosion proof"], "防爆式的": ["explosion proof"], "出口关税": ["export tax"], "无铺板甲板": ["exposed deck"], "敞露甲板": ["exposed deck"], "表示感激": ["express gratitude", "recognize"], "扩大的家庭": ["extended family"], "盖外表面": ["exterior surface"], "外部环境": ["external environment"], "环境压力": ["external pressure"], "消弧角": ["extinction angle"], "特别费用": ["extra expense"], "附加邮资": ["extra postage"], "非常勇猛": ["extraordinarily brave"], "赤贫": ["extreme poverty"], "十分有趣": ["extremely amusing"], "极有用的": ["extremely useful", "invaluable"], "正面朝下": ["face down"], "正面朝上": ["face up"], "大胆面向": ["face up to"], "勇于正视": ["face up to"], "面对…": ["face with", "in face of"], "用手势模仿": ["facial expression"], "事实清单": ["fact sheet"], "资料页": ["fact sheet"], "(电影、电视)渐显": ["fade in"], "在…上失败": ["fail in"], "未能(做)…": ["fail to do"], "未能…": ["fail to do"], "没能(做)…": ["fail to do"], "没能…": ["fail to do"], "故障种类": ["failure mode"], "破裂方式": ["failure mode"], "故障形式": ["failure mode"], "公平的股票": ["fair share"], "安公平贸易约定买卖": ["fair trade"], "丰年虫": ["fairy shrimp"], "神话故事": ["mythology", "fairy tale", "myth"], "童话": ["fairy tale"], "忠实的仆人": ["faithful servant"], "疏失": ["fall away"], "转而依靠": ["fall back on"], "依靠于…": ["fall back upon"], "撤退到…线": ["fall back upon"], "回过来再谈": ["fall back upon"], "有…可以依靠": ["fall back upon"], "失宠(失去天恩、失宠)": ["fall from grace"], "陷入爱河": ["fall in love"], "爱上…": ["fall in love with"], "堕入圈套": ["fall into a trap"], "破败不堪": ["fall into ruin"], "(船只)偏离船头指向的顺风的位置": ["fall off"], "偏离船头指向的顺风的位置": ["fall off"], "抛却": ["fall out of"], "从…掉下来": ["fall over", "fall out of"], "绊了一跤": ["fall over"], "落在…上": ["settle", "fall over"], "开始攻击": ["fall to doing"], "列入": ["schedule", "under", "number", "fall under", "include"], "受到影响": ["fall under"], "被…降服": ["fall victim to"], "成为…的牺牲品、受害者": ["fall victim to"], "入睡(长眠、懈怠)": ["fallen asleep"], "落入(变成、分成、开始)": ["fallen into"], "落下(衰减、下降)": ["fallen off"], "虚警(假警报)": ["false alarm"], "虚警": ["false alarm"], "错误的信念": ["false belief", "mythology"], "错误的印象": ["false impression"], "功名": ["fame and fortune"], "家常体": ["familiar style"], "为…所了解": ["familiar to sb"], "为…熟知": ["familiar to sb"], "熟悉的感觉": ["familiarity feeling"], "家庭背景情况": ["family background"], "家庭教育(课)": ["family education"], "[贸易]名牌货": ["famous brand"], "著名景点": ["famous scenic spot"], "风机马达": ["fan motor"], "化装舞会所穿着的服装": ["fancy dress"], "幻想世界": ["fantasy world"], "离得很远": ["far apart"], "远远分开": ["far apart"], "远隔着": ["far apart"], "至深夜": ["far into the night"], "离谱": ["far off the mark"], "波及广泛的": ["far-reaching"], "惜别会": ["farewell party"], "散伙饭": ["farewell party"], "时装设计": ["fashion design"], "时装画": ["fashion illustration"], "很快的(快速的)": ["fast and furious"], "很快的": ["cracking", "fast and furious", "overnight", "lightning"], "忙碌而刺激的生活": ["fast lane"], "快作用的(快响应的)": ["fast response"], "快作用的": ["fast response"], "盖紧": ["fasten down"], "使做出决定": ["fasten down"], "扣牢": ["fasten off"], "不可恢复错误": ["fatal error"], "致命的疾病": ["fatal illness"], "故障指示": ["fault indication"], "优惠的价格": ["favorable price", "deal"], "给…做好事": ["favour with"], "摹写传输业务": ["fax service"], "可行解释": ["feasible solution"], "适宜解": ["feasible solution"], "(羽毛)掸帚": ["feather duster"], "一篇特写": ["feature article"], "annoyed": ["fed up"], "unhappy": ["fed up"], "tiredofsth厌倦": ["fed up"], "受够了…": ["fed up with"], "联邦机关": ["federal agency"], "联邦政府法院": ["federal court"], "靠吃…过活": ["feed on"], "加上(油、煤等)": ["feed with"], "觉得仿佛": ["feel as if"], "在家中般轻松自在": ["feel at home"], "感觉自在": ["feel at home"], "畅快": ["feel at home"], "发晕": ["feel dizzy"], "感到为难": ["feel embarrassed"], "不用客气": ["sure", "feel free"], "感觉好": ["feel good"], "想(做某事)": ["feel like", "inclined", "mood"], "对…感到怜悯": ["feel pity for …"], "同情…": ["feel pity for …"], "感到不适": ["feel rotten"], "欲睡": ["feel sleepy"], "表示悲痛": ["feel sorrow"], "感到伤心": ["feel sorrow"], "觉得不舒服(觉得不习惯)": ["feel strange"], "感觉累": ["feel tired"], "感到不自在": ["feel uncomfortable"], "坍陷": ["fell in"], "用栅栏围起来": ["fence in"], "回避(搪塞)": ["fence with"], "沃地": ["fertile land"], "引进(招来)": ["fetch in"], "引出(拿出、使显示)": ["fetch out"], "斐波纳契序列": ["fibonacci sequence"], "虚拟角色": ["fictional characters"], "虚构的人物": ["fictional characters"], "小说技巧": ["fictional techniques"], "野外[现场]试验": ["field experiment"], "运转试验": ["field investigation"], "实际教学": ["field research"], "实地调查研究": ["field research"], "现场调查研究": ["field research"], "从事一项毫无成功希望的斗争": ["fight a losing battle"], "忍住眼泪": ["fight back tears"], "憋住眼泪": ["fight back tears"], "强忍着不哭": ["fight back tears"], "抵死": ["fight desperately"], "而奋斗": ["fight for …", "fight for"], "争辩明白": ["fight it out"], "通过斗争解决": ["fight it out"], "决战": ["fight it out"], "打到底": ["fight it out"], "杀敌": ["fight the enemy"], "文件说明书": ["file directory"], "暂时代替": ["fill in for", "spell"], "充以": ["fill up with"], "被…填满": ["fill up with"], "用…装满": ["fill with"], "里脊扒": ["fillet steak"], "里脊肉牛排": ["fillet steak"], "影片摄制人员": ["film producer"], "终结设计": ["final design"], "最终到达港": ["final destination"], "最终的裁定": ["final determination"], "最后结算": ["final statement"], "金融(财政)危机": ["financial crisis"], "财政拮据": ["financial embarrassment"], "金融体制": ["financial system"], "财务体系": ["financial system"], "金融制度": ["financial system"], "财政上独立的": ["financially independent"], "找到借口": ["find an excuse"], "寻找借口": ["find an excuse"], "表现在…": ["find expression in"], "在…中表现出来": ["find expression in"], "表现在(以…表示)": ["find expression in"], "表现在": ["find expression in"], "挑某人毛病": ["find fault with sb"], "找某人的茬": ["find fault with sb"], "作出对…有利的判决": ["find for"], "找到与自己相称的位置": ["find one's own level"], "发觉自己处于…": ["find oneself"], "发现了自己才能所在": ["find oneself"], "发现自己能胜任某种工作": ["find oneself"], "找出来": ["find out"], "(创造性)艺术": ["fine art"], "需要高超技能的事": ["fine art"], "美的艺术": ["fine art"], "是晴天": ["fine day"], "微细结构": ["fine structure"], "完成某事": ["finish doing"], "光制品": ["finish product"], "结束于(最后有)": ["finish up with"], "和…断绝关系": ["finish with"], "施放烟火": ["fireworks display"], "牢固的基础": ["firm foundation"], "坚实地面": ["firm ground"], "使牢靠": ["firm up"], "急救包": ["first aid kit"], "初样": ["first article"], "草案初稿": ["first draft"], "西方人名的第一个字": ["first name"], "早晚(迟早、总有一天)": ["first or last"], "第一流": ["first rank"], "优先取决运务": ["first refusal"], "捕捞某种特定的鱼": ["fish for"], "搜寻获取(信息)": ["fish for"], "搜寻获取": ["fish for"], "摸找": ["fish for"], "捞出": ["fish out"], "监狱中用来关押新囚犯的区域": ["fish tank"], "审前盘问(或调查)非法调查": ["fishing expedition"], "审前盘问非法调查": ["fishing expedition"], "审前调查": ["fishing expedition"], "鱼臭": ["fishy smell"], "鱼腥气": ["fishy smell"], "融入(群体)": ["fit in"], "与…相适应": ["fit in with"], "合身极了": ["fit like a glove"], "给…供应": ["fit out"], "把…装备起来": ["fit out"], "服装店的试衣室": ["fitting room"], "装配车间": ["fitting room"], "定约会": ["fix a date"], "把某人的注意力放在…上": ["fix one's attention on"], "把注意力集中在…": ["fix one's mind on"], "定点的": ["fixed point"], "挥手(或旗)使…停下": ["flag down"], "挥手使…停下": ["flag down"], "散光构造": ["flamboyant structure"], "阻火器": ["flame arrester"], "火焰清除器": ["flame arrester"], "灭焰器": ["flame arrester"], "突然冒火(燃烧起来、激怒)": ["flame out"], "突然冒火": ["flame out"], "骤燃": ["flare up"], "突然发出火焰": ["flare up"], "追叙": ["flash back"], "教学用的闪视卡片": ["flash card"], "单词或数目抽认卡": ["flash card"], "快闪储存卡": ["flash card"], "闪光卡": ["flash card"], "闪盘": ["flash disk"], "突然亮起来(忽然想起)": ["flash on"], "突然说": ["flash out"], "突然表现出来": ["flash out"], "骤发洪水": ["flashy flood"], "用全速": ["flat out"], "全速地": ["flat out"], "平板显示": ["flat panel display"], "逃离(避开)": ["flee from"], "长得丰满起来": ["flesh out"], "使有血有肉": ["flesh out"], "挠性接头": ["flexible joint"], "挠性连接": ["flexible joint"], "柔软包装": ["flexible packaging"], "空中乘务员": ["flight attendant"], "阶梯步级": ["flight of stairs"], "失去自制能力": ["flip one's lid"], "浮起(从…浮掉)": ["float off"], "涌进(流进)": ["flood in"], "潦期": ["flood period"], "生产过程图解": ["flow chart"], "不断涌入": ["flow in"], "流率": ["flow rate", "flow"], "流感疫苗接种": ["flu shot"], "流利的英语": ["fluent english"], "驱赶出来": ["flush out"], "由于…而脸红": ["flush with"], "起沫剂": ["foaming agent"], "集中注重": ["focused attention"], "聚焦光束": ["focused beam"], "造山带": ["fold belt"], "风俗人情": ["folk custom"], "民间节庆": ["folk festival"], "民歌演唱者民歌手": ["folk singer"], "民间的传言": ["folk wisdom"], "探究到底": ["follow out"], "进行到底": ["follow out"], "照着做": ["follow suit"], "骑马纵狗打猎(猎狐)": ["follow the fashion"], "骑马纵狗打猎": ["follow the fashion"], "穷追": ["follow up"], "重复补充": ["follow up"], "贯彻到底": ["follow up"], "迷梦": ["fond dream"], "食物毒": ["food poison"], "一定(确定地、无疑地)": ["for a certainty"], "作为开始": ["to start with", "for a start"], "一开始": ["to start with", "for a start"], "因种种理由": ["for a variety of reasons"], "因种种原因": ["for a variety of reasons"], "举例来说": ["for example"], "为了避免": ["for fear of"], "开玩笑地(不是认真地)": ["for fun"], "作为额外增添": ["for good measure"], "因缺少…": ["for lack of"], "为了保命": ["for life"], "一辈子": ["for life"], "举个例子说": ["for one"], "作参考": ["for reference"], "在整个非常时期内": ["for the duration"], "初次": ["for the first time"], "为了…的好处": ["for the good of"], "为了(为…打算)": ["for the good of"], "为正式记录在案目的": ["for the record"], "供记录在案": ["for the record"], "为准确起见": ["for the record"], "供自由拿取": ["for the taking"], "免费奉送": ["for the taking"], "眼下": ["for the time being", "just now"], "故宫": ["forbidden city"], "报社派驻国外的通讯记者": ["foreign correspondent"], "外国汇票": ["foreign exchange"], "外国留学生": ["foreign student"], "[贸易]对外贸易": ["foreign trade"], "国际贸易": ["foreign trade"], "过去的事情就算了": ["forgive and forget"], "原谅某人(做了)某事": ["forgive sb. for sth."], "原谅…(做了)某事": ["forgive sb. for sth."], "原谅…某事": ["forgive sb. for sth.", "pardon someone for something"], "形式教育": ["formal education"], "形式练习": ["formal training"], "形式训练": ["formal training"], "生产层损坏": ["formation damage"], "储层损害": ["formation damage"], "前总统": ["former president"], "于…很幸运": ["fortunate in"], "签饼": ["fortune cookie"], "福饼": ["fortune cookie"], "幸运饼干": ["fortune cookie"], "运气饼干": ["fortune cookie"], "《财富》杂志": ["fortune magazine"], "[能源]化石燃料": ["fossil fuel"], "收养家庭": ["foster home"], "把…建立在…之上": ["found on"], "把…揭发出来": ["found out"], "基石(根本)": ["foundation stone"], "创办人(发起人)": ["founder member"], "创办会员国": ["founding member"], "青春泉": ["fountain of youth"], "长生不老泉": ["fountain of youth"], "四化": ["four modernizations"], "特许连锁店": ["franchise chain"], "合同连锁店": ["franchise chain"], "不受": ["free from"], "无税港": ["free port"], "自由诗体(不受格律约束的)": ["free verse"], "自由诗体": ["free verse"], "冰封(冻结于冰为)": ["freeze in"], "使…凝固": ["freeze over"], "全面结冰": ["freeze over"], "冻结(使…凝固)": ["freeze over"], "好冷啊": ["freezing cold"], "非常冷": ["freezing cold"], "非常冷的": ["freezing cold", "glacial"], "冬害": ["freezing injury"], "[物]凝固点": ["freezing point"], "过冷雨": ["freezing rain"], "冷凝温度": ["freezing temperature"], "频率转换": ["frequency conversion"], "刚卖掉…": ["fresh out of"], "[地质]淡水": ["fresh water"], "摩擦系数": ["friction coefficient"], "带冷冻室的大冰箱": ["fridge-freezer"], "冷冻冷藏箱": ["fridge-freezer"], "酥炸鱼": ["fried fish"], "炒米饭": ["fried rice"], "隔开一段距离(或时间)": ["from a distance"], "从(从…中)": ["from among"], "从头到尾(透彻地)": ["from cover to cover"], "从生至死(一生)": ["from cradle to grave"], "从生至死": ["from cradle to grave"], "沿门": ["from door to door"], "世代相传": ["run", "from generation to generation"], "遍布全身": ["from head to toe"], "非常奇怪的": ["from hunger"], "口口相传": ["from mouth to mouth", "word of mouth"], "从现在起": ["from now on"], "从一处到另一处(东奔西跑)": ["from pillar to post"], "从头至尾(一应俱全)": ["from soup to nuts"], "自幼(从小)": ["from the cradle"], "从内部": ["from the inside"], "从里面": ["from the inside"], "自顶到底": ["from top to bottom"], "朝…皱眉头": ["frown at"], "对…表示不满": ["frown at"], "不赞许": ["frown at", "frown on"], "燃料消耗": ["fuel consumption"], "耗热率": ["fuel economy"], "全票价": ["full fare"], "全神贯注于…的": ["married", "full of"], "充满…": ["thick with", "full of", "pepper"], "胡说八道的": ["full of beans"], "严重错误的": ["full of beans"], "只想到自己": ["full of oneself"], "只为自己打算": ["full of oneself"], "全自动地": ["fully automatic"], "功能食品": ["functional food"], "功能特性": ["functional properties"], "根本的主体": ["fundamental subject"], "出丧": ["funeral procession"], "出葬": ["funeral procession"], "真菌病害": ["fungal disease"], "肘的尺骨端": ["funny bone"], "肘部尺骨端(幽默感)": ["funny bone"], "肘部尺骨端": ["funny bone"], "好笑的故事": ["funny story"], "皮毛大衣": ["fur coat"], "用…装饰": ["furnish with"], "供给(装备)": ["furnish with"], "有家具公寓": ["furnished apartment"], "木器厂": ["furniture factory"], "请补提材料": ["further information"], "容后再告详情": ["further information"], "索取补充资料": ["further information"], "接合成": ["fuse into"], "融合成": ["fuse into"], "熔化成": ["fuse into"], "模糊评估": ["fussy assessment"], "未来的发展": ["future development"], "看破(看透)": ["gain an insight into"], "看破": ["gain an insight into"], "长胖(发胖)": ["gain flesh"], "逼近(超过、侵蚀)": ["gain on"], "取得优势": ["gain the upper hand"], "控制(掌握、取得优势)": ["gain the upper hand"], "增加体重": ["put on weight", "gain weight", "put on"], "赌窝": ["gambling den"], "赌窟": ["gambling den"], "游戏竞赛节目": ["game show"], "结成一伙": ["gang up", "gang"], "空档年": ["gap year"], "间隔年": ["gap year"], "[车辆]车库门": ["garage door"], "宅前旧货出售": ["garage sale"], "在私家车库进行的家中旧货出售": ["garage sale"], "宅前出售": ["garage sale"], "成衣工厂": ["garment factory"], "服装工业": ["garment industry"], "气爆": ["gas explosion"], "燃气发生器": ["gas generator"], "聚集在": ["gather around"], "收集信息": ["gather information"], "像蝴蝶一样艳丽": ["gaudy as a butterfly"], "装扮得花枝招展": ["gaudy as a butterfly"], "象孔雀一样华丽": ["gaudy as a butterfly"], "(穿得)过于艳丽": ["gaudy as a butterfly"], "过于艳丽": ["gaudy as a butterfly"], "(装饰得)过分花哨": ["gaudy as a butterfly"], "过分花哨": ["gaudy as a butterfly"], "总承包人": ["general contractor"], "建筑公司": ["general contractor"], "普通外科医师": ["general surgeon"], "成形外科医师": ["general surgeon"], "整形外科医师": ["general surgeon"], "总走向": ["general trend"], "一般走向": ["general trend"], "普遍接受的": ["generally accepted"], "遗传污染": ["genetic pollution"], "基因组DNA": ["genomic dna"], "平缓倾斜": ["gentle slope"], "等比序列": ["geometric sequence"], "等比级数": ["geometric sequence"], "表达友好的手势": ["gesture of goodwill"], "友好的姿态": ["gesture of goodwill"], "因某事感到愉快": ["get a kick out of"], "感到愉快": ["get a kick out of"], "仔细看(倾听)": ["get a load of…"], "打量": ["eyeball", "size up", "get a load of…"], "受到谴责": ["get a rap over the knuckles"], "(病后)走动": ["get about"], "积极参加社会活动": ["get about"], "变得自高自大": ["get above oneself"], "自视甚高": ["get above oneself"], "通过(渡过、被人了解)": ["get across"], "友好相处": ["get along", "get along with"], "有结果(有进展)": ["get anywhere"], "有结果": ["get anywhere"], "抽时间做": ["get around to"], "侥幸逃脱(惩罚)": ["get away with"], "勉强过活": ["get by"], "取下": ["lift down", "unload", "unscrew", "get down"], "开始认真对待": ["get down to sth"], "认真开始做某事": ["get down to work"], "认真开始工作": ["get down to work"], "穿好衣服": ["get dressed"], "到家": ["get home"], "被录取": ["get in"], "请…来家里做事": ["get in"], "设法做": ["get in"], "负伤": ["get injured"], "使身体好起来": ["get into shape"], "健身健体": ["get into shape"], "使有条理": ["get into shape"], "恰当安排": ["get into shape"], "使自己或他人陷入困扰之境": ["get into trouble"], "惹上麻烦": ["get into trouble"], "算错(误解)": ["get it wrong"], "变的恼怒": ["get mad"], "变得着迷": ["get mad"], "登上(车、马等)": ["get on"], "相处和睦": ["get on"], "过下去": ["get on"], "对付过去": ["managed", "get on"], "有起色": ["get on"], "出人头地": ["make one's mark", "get on"], "转入(另一话题或活动)": ["get on to"], "转入": ["transfer to", "get on to"], "逃出": ["get out"], "戒掉(某个习惯)": ["get out of"], "从…退出": ["get out of"], "由…出来": ["get out of"], "失掉控制(不受控制)": ["get out of control"], "失掉控制": ["get out of control"], "变得受欢迎": ["get popular"], "(消息)传开": ["get round"], "逼某人赞成自己的意见": ["get someone where one wants him"], "铆足劲干": ["get stuck in"], "下定决心做": ["get stuck in"], "使劲干": ["get stuck in"], "全神贯注吃饭或工作": ["get stuck in"], "陷入了…": ["get stuck in"], "加紧进行": ["get stuck in"], "被解雇": ["get the axe"], "对…占优势": ["get the best of"], "得知…的要领": ["get the hang of"], "学会…的窍门": ["get the hang of"], "理解(体会暗示的意义)": ["get the message"], "得到许可": ["get the nod", "nod"], "接通电话": ["through", "get through"], "熬过(困难时期等)": ["get through"], "让…了解": ["get through"], "接触到": ["get to"], "达到(某一阶段)": ["get to"], "增进(彼此间的)了解": ["get to know"], "增进了解": ["get to know"], "达成一致": ["get together", "reach an agreement"], "对…强硬起来": ["get tough with"], "变得猛烈": ["get up"], "(早晨)很早起床": ["get up early"], "很早起床": ["get up early"], "有进取心": ["get up early"], "习惯做": ["get used to doing"], "听到…的风声": ["get wind of"], "怪诞小说": ["ghost story"], "捉刀人": ["ghost writer"], "为人代写的作者": ["ghost writer"], "巨胞": ["giant cell"], "大猫熊": ["giant panda"], "(动物)巨型陆龟": ["giant tortoise"], "天生有": ["gifted with"], "得力的女助手": ["girl friday"], "得力的女秘书": ["girl friday"], "描述…": ["give a description of"], "给上课": ["give a lecture"], "做报告": ["give a talk"], "做演讲": ["give a talk"], "保持距离": ["give a wide berth"], "帮助(给…予帮助)": ["give aid to"], "做出解释": ["give an explanation"], "平等交换": ["give and take"], "互相迁就": ["give and take"], "送出": ["give away", "show out"], "产(仔)": ["give birth to"], "侧耳倾听(注意)": ["give ear to"], "陈述(表达出)": ["give expression to"], "发出(气味或烟雾等)": ["give forth"], "布施": ["give in charity"], "散发(光、气味等)": ["give off"], "代某人向…问好": ["give one's regards to"], "(为…)献身": ["give oneself"], "自诩是…": ["give oneself out as"], "交出移交停止放弃": ["give over"], "让位给": ["give place to"], "娱": ["give pleasure to"], "给…以优先权": ["give priority to"], "优先考虑…": ["give priority to"], "给某人帮助": ["give sb a hand"], "考虑(想到)": ["give thought to"], "给…让路": ["give way to"], "为…所替代": ["give way to"], "听凭决定": ["give way to"], "国家冰川公园": ["glacier national park"], "很高兴认识你": ["glad to meet you"], "扫一眼": ["glance at"], "粗略地阅读": ["glance over"], "(太阳等灼热的强光)猛烈照射": ["glare down"], "猛烈照射": ["glare down"], "玻璃细珠": ["glass bead"], "玻璃天花板": ["glass ceiling"], "玻璃顶棚": ["glass ceiling"], "是指在公司企业和机关团体中": ["glass ceiling"], "限制某些人口群体(女性、少数民族)晋升到高级职位的障碍。": ["glass ceiling"], "限制某些人口群体晋升到高级职位的障碍。": ["glass ceiling"], "闪烁摇滚乐": ["glitter rock"], "世界气候": ["global climate"], "全球性气候": ["global climate"], "全球变暖": ["global warming"], "自豪因": ["glory in"], "发出亮光": ["glow with"], "着手干…": ["go about sth"], "到国外去": ["go abroad"], "陪同前往": ["go along with"], "离开(走掉)": ["go away"], "回到…上来": ["go back to"], "开始腐坏": ["go bad"], "走下甲板": ["go below"], "下舱内去": ["go below"], "中间人(中间网络)": ["go between"], "变得一片空白": ["go blank"], "是指放弃了很久以来的吸烟": ["go cold turkey"], "喝酒或吸食毒品的坏习惯而痛下决心过健康的生活": ["go cold turkey"], "被记下": ["go down"], "被咽下去": ["go down"], "载入(历史)": ["go down"], "载入": ["go down", "load"], "流传下去": ["go down", "stick"], "变坏(每况愈下、衰退)": ["go downhill"], "去洗澡": ["go for a bathe"], "去兜风": ["go for a ride"], "乘车兜风": ["go for a ride"], "去散步": ["go for a walk"], "进行面试": ["go for an interview"], "不再被关心(不管)": ["go hang"], "不再被关心": ["go hang"], "回国": ["go home", "home", "repatriate"], "击中要害": ["go home"], "死去": ["go home"], "莽撞": ["go it"], "(警报器)响": ["go off"], "(电器设备)停止运转": ["go off"], "(食物或饮料)变质": ["go off"], "睡去": ["go off"], "在水上航行": ["go on a voyage"], "出任大使": ["go on an embassy"], "继续干某事": ["go on doing"], "接近(时刻、年龄等)": ["go on for"], "去度假": ["go on vacation", "escape"], "逃狱": ["go over the hill"], "过分爱好": ["go overboard"], "狂热追求": ["go overboard"], "爱走极端": ["go overboard"], "干到底": ["go the whole hog"], "贯彻执行": ["go through with"], "去睡觉": ["bye-bye", "go to bed"], "去教堂": ["go to church"], "看电影去": ["go to cinema"], "费事(做某事)": ["go to the expense of"], "开战": ["engage", "go to war"], "不为人知的": ["go unnoticed"], "免受惩罚": ["go unpunished"], "逍遥法外": ["on the loose", "go unpunished"], "建起": ["go up"], "上大学": ["go up"], "开始演出": ["go up"], "膨胀起来": ["go up"], "相适": ["go well with"], "与…相处融洽": ["go well with"], "和交朋友": ["go with"], "和(异性)交朋友": ["go with"], "陪伴某人去": ["go with sb"], "与某人相配": ["go with sb"], "走错路": ["go wrong"], "搞错": ["mistaken", "go wrong"], "(计划等)不如意": ["go wrong"], "不如意": ["go wrong"], "(机器等)发生故障": ["go wrong"], "单变量求解": ["goal seek"], "幸运男孩": ["golden boy"], "鹫": ["golden eagle"], "解雇费": ["golden handshake"], "解雇金": ["golden handshake"], "控制股权": ["golden share"], "金鱼缸(毫无隐秘的地方)": ["goldfish bowl"], "高尔夫球杆": ["golf club", "club"], "高尔夫球棒": ["golf club", "driver"], "高尔夫球俱乐部": ["golf club"], "高尔夫球场": ["golf course"], "好行为": ["good deed"], "好的行动": ["good deed"], "好结局": ["good ending"], "指出现在电影或小说中的好人也指现实生活中的好人": ["good guy"], "好情绪": ["good humour"], "睦邻": ["good neighbor"], "睦邻的": ["good neighbor"], "很好的名声": ["good reputation"], "好牧人(耶稣基督的称号)": ["good shepherd"], "好牧人(耶稣基督的称号)": ["good shepherd"], "好口味": ["good taste"], "好脾气的": ["good-tempered"], "堆货场": ["goods yard"], "友好大使": ["goodwill ambassador"], "政府机构": ["government agency", "agency"], "政府新闻发言人": ["government spokesman"], "匆匆忙忙、简单吃点东西": ["grab a bite"], "抓住(抓牢)": ["grab at"], "风姿翩翩": ["graceful bearing"], "渐升": ["gradual advance"], "逐次跃迁": ["gradual transition"], "缓变结": ["gradual transition"], "京杭大运河": ["grand canal"], "大奖": ["grand prize"], "总数之和": ["grand total"], "图表资料": ["graph data"], "坐标纸": ["graph paper"], "平面设计": ["graphic design"], "向…抓去": ["grasp at"], "离婚(或与夫分居)的女子": ["grass widow"], "草地沙化": ["grassland desertification"], "因…而感激的": ["grateful for"], "伯祖母": ["great aunt"], "极大的荣誉": ["great honor"], "很大的成功/胜利": ["great success"], "外曾祖父或外曾祖母": ["great-grandparent"], "击节叹赏": ["greatly admire"], "搞园艺的才能": ["green fingers"], "绿手指": ["green fingers"], "园艺能手": ["green fingers"], "迎接宾客": ["greet guests"], "迎宾": ["greet guests"], "以…迎接…": ["greet with"], "以…接待…": ["greet with"], "贺片": ["greeting card"], "因…悲伤或悲叹": ["grieve over"], "方形平底烤锅": ["grill pan"], "大平底锅": ["grill pan"], "无怨言地接受或承受": ["grin and bear it"], "食品杂贷袋": ["grocery bag"], "境内生产总值": ["gross domestic product (gdp)"], "地面调查": ["ground investigation"], "地面沉陷": ["ground settlement"], "地层陷落": ["ground settlement"], "集体讨论": ["brainstorming", "group discussion"], "实习小组指导员": ["group leader"], "对…有越来越大的影响": ["grow on"], "越来越被…喜爱": ["grow on"], "因长大而丢弃": ["grow out of"], "长得太高大": ["grow out of"], "种植水稻": ["grow rice"], "增长途径": ["growth path"], "增长线": ["growth path"], "增长格局": ["growth pattern"], "经济增长模型": ["growth pattern"], "猜猜看": ["guess what"], "猜怎么着": ["guess what"], "客座讲师": ["guest lecturer"], "客人名单": ["guest list"], "客室": ["guest room"], "制导系统": ["guidance system"], "露龈笑": ["gummy smile"], "露龈微笑": ["gummy smile"], "开枪打伤": ["gun down"], "体育教师": ["gym instructor"], "体操鞋": ["gym shoe"], "雹暴": ["hail storm"], "电风机": ["hair dryer"], "干发器": ["hair dryer"], "染毛剂": ["hair dye"], "名人堂": ["hall of fame"], "出类拔萃的人物": ["hall of fame"], "全力以赴地(嘈杂地)": ["hammer and tongs"], "锤成": ["hammer out"], "苦心想出": ["hammer out"], "手制动器": ["hand brake"], "手煞": ["hand brake"], "把…传下来": ["hand down"], "相随": ["hand in hand"], "交作业": ["hand in homework"], "依次传递": ["hand on"], "温柔处理": ["handle gently"], "轻拿轻放": ["handle gently"], "小心安放": ["handle with care"], "结果未定": ["hang in the balance"], "坚持(战斗)": ["hang out"], "搁置待解决": ["hang over"], "挂断": ["hang up"], "正巧": ["happen to"], "碰巧…": ["happen to do"], "幸福在于满足": ["happiness consists in contentment"], "美丽结局(歌曲名)": ["happy ending"], "美丽结局": ["happy ending"], "美满的结局": ["happy ending"], "港口设施": ["harbour facilities"], "恶运(倒霉)": ["hard cheese"], "对…刻薄": ["hard on"], "繁重的工作": ["hard work", "treadmill", "sweat"], "仅仅(不过是)": ["hardly more than"], "几乎未来得及…就…": ["hardly when"], "有害效应": ["harmful effect"], "为…配和声": ["harmonize with"], "心心念念": ["harp on sth.", "harp on sth"], "唠唠叨叨地讲": ["harp on sth"], "糟糕的天气": ["harsh weather"], "令人难受的天气": ["harsh weather"], "收获节": ["harvest festival"], "收获感恩节": ["harvest festival"], "卑躬屈节地(毕恭毕敬地)": ["hat in hand"], "卑躬屈节地": ["hat in hand"], "心怀鬼胎": ["hatch a plot"], "恨某人入骨": ["hate sb's guts"], "对…有坏的影响": ["have a bad effect on"], "大声说说": ["have a big mouth"], "难以启齿": ["have a bone in one's throat"], "与…闲谈": ["have a chat with"], "爱着": ["have a crush on"], "喝多了": ["have a glass too much"], "对…掌握熟练": ["have a good command of"], "掌握得好": ["have a good command of"], "精通于": ["have a good command of"], "深刻了解": ["have a good grasp of"], "玩得痛快": ["have a good time"], "旅途愉快": ["have a good trip"], "旅行愉快": ["have a good trip"], "对…有良好的认识": ["have a good understanding of"], "与…一起说笑话": ["have a joke with"], "开…玩笑": ["have a joke with"], "具备…知识": ["have a knowledge of"], "有许多事要做": ["have a long way to go"], "还有一段漫长的路要走": ["have a long way to go"], "对…非常喜好": ["have a passion for"], "扮演…": ["have a role"], "肚子疼": ["have a stomachache"], "胃疼": ["have a stomachache"], "打秋千": ["have a swing"], "特别恐惧": ["have a thing about"], "被…缠住": ["have a thing about"], "对…有某种强烈的感情": ["have a thing about"], "想喝一杯": ["have a thirst"], "特别爱好…": ["have a weakness for"], "与…谈几句话": ["have a word with"], "和…谈一谈": ["have a word with"], "与…商谈": ["negotiate with", "have a word with"], "和…说句话": ["have a word with"], "可以到达": ["have access to"], "可以使用": ["have access to"], "有接触…的机会或权利": ["have access to"], "有享用某物的机会": ["have access to sth"], "胜过某人": ["have an advantage over sb"], "对..起作用": ["have an effect upon"], "对于…有影响": ["have an impact on"], "有影响对": ["have an impact on", "have an influence on"], "感兴趣于": ["have an interest in"], "有一个面试": ["have an interview"], "有一个采访": ["have an interview"], "与…勾搭上": ["have connection with"], "感到困难(对待…有困难)": ["have difficulty with"], "用毕": ["have done with"], "受够了(再忍受不住了)": ["have enough of"], "对…抱有期望": ["have expectations of"], "怜悯…": ["have mercy on"], "不特别偏爱哪一个": ["have no choice"], "不能选择(无选择余地)": ["have no choice"], "不能选择": ["have no choice"], "别无选择": ["have no choice but to do"], "只能…": ["have no choice but to do"], "失去良知": ["have no conscience"], "一点不知道": ["have no idea"], "听也没有听过": ["have no idea"], "没办法": ["have no idea"], "有安排": ["have on"], "自行其是": ["have one's will"], "邀请(某人)出去": ["have out"], "邀请…出去": ["have out"], "能支配": ["have power over"], "对…有控制权": ["have power over"], "对…尊敬": ["have respect for"], "经过重新考虑而改变主意": ["have second thoughts"], "(重新考虑后)改变主意": ["have second thoughts"], "通情达理地": ["reasonably", "have the grace to"], "笑在最后": ["have the last laugh"], "获得最后胜利": ["have the last laugh"], "有权力": ["have the right to"], "有…的美德": ["have the virtue of"], "势必": ["have to"], "不得不(后跟动词原形)": ["have to"], "毫无疑问是": ["have to be"], "有麻烦(有困难)": ["have trouble with"], "有麻烦": ["have trouble with"], "请(某人)来做客": ["have up"], "请…来做客": ["have up"], "与某人吵架": ["have words with sb"], "有…的共同之处": ["have…in common"], "有…的共同点": ["have…in common"], "危险化学品": ["hazardous chemicals"], "危险化学药": ["hazardous chemicals"], "危险的化学品": ["hazardous chemicals"], "危险废物": ["hazardous waste"], "有害垃圾": ["hazardous waste"], "朝回走": ["head back"], "前置消磁器": ["head eraser"], "头先进去": ["head first"], "阻止(阻拦、绕道前进)": ["head off"], "抢先起步的优势": ["head start"], "有利的开端": ["head start"], "朝某地走去": ["head to"], "引至": ["head to"], "通到": ["head to"], "引出结果": ["head to"], "领头": ["head up"], "走在前头": ["head up"], "头条新闻": ["headline news", "headline"], "完全治愈": ["heal up"], "健康谘询诊所": ["health clinic"], "接到…的信": ["hear from"], "全心全意": ["heart and soul"], "心腐": ["heart rot"], "开诚布公的": ["heart to heart"], "由衷地感谢": ["heartfelt thanks"], "热浪": ["heat wave"], "热波": ["heat wave"], "酷暑期": ["heat wave"], "重炉料": ["heavy burden"], "重料": ["heavy burden"], "重负荷料": ["heavy burden"], "严厉手段": ["heavy hand"], "重金属摇滚乐": ["heavy metal"], "强敌": ["heavy metal"], "烟瘾大的人": ["heavy smoker"], "老烟枪": ["heavy smoker"], "瘾君子": ["addict", "heavy smoker"], "帮助进步": ["help forward"], "自取所需(食物等)": ["help oneself"], "帮助解决难题": ["help out"], "帮助某人解决困难": ["help sb out"], "帮助某人摆脱困境": ["help sb out"], "帮助某人完成工作": ["help sb out"], "帮助(某人)(做)某事": ["help sb with sth"], "帮助…(做)某事": ["help sb with sth"], "帮助…某事": ["help sb with sth"], "帮助某人做…": ["help with"], "有助于…": ["helpful in"], "对…有帮助": ["helpful to", "helping"], "花草茶": ["herb tea"], "药茶": ["herb tea"], "草药医学": ["herbal medicine"], "药草医学": ["herbal medicine"], "此时此地": ["here and now"], "遗传特性": ["hereditary characters"], "遗传性状": ["hereditary characters"], "英雄偶句诗": ["heroic couplet"], "对…犹豫": ["hesitate about"], "支吾(吞吞吐吐)": ["hesitate in"], "顾虑地做…": ["hesitate to do"], "使…看不见": ["hide from"], "继续隐匿": ["hide out"], "隐藏起来": ["hide out"], "高空的": ["high altitude"], "高要求": ["high demanding"], "高性能炸药": ["high explosive"], "高强度的": ["high intensity"], "增高齿顶": ["high point"], "最佳时间": ["high point"], "[气象]高气压": ["high pressure"], "高质量": ["high quality"], "高回弹力": ["high resilience"], "高分辨能力": ["high resolution"], "高级花式骑术": ["high school"], "中学毕业证书": ["high school diploma"], "高产额": ["high yield"], "更主要的优先项目incremental-ties递增性优先次序": ["higher priority"], "成就颇丰的": ["highly accomplished"], "成就斐然的": ["highly accomplished"], "希普霍普": ["hip hop"], "为…雇用": ["hire for"], "为…租用": ["hire for"], "历史地段": ["historic site"], "撞击(碰到…上)": ["hit against"], "狠狠地打": ["paste", "hit hard"], "与…合得来": ["hit it off"], "一见如故": ["hit it off", "click"], "忽然想到": ["hit on"], "示爱": ["hit on"], "(每周)流行唱片销量排行榜": ["hit parade"], "流行唱片销量排行榜": ["hit parade"], "流行人、物排行榜": ["hit parade"], "成功(做得好)": ["hit the ball"], "使人满足": ["hit the spot"], "恰到好处": ["hit the spot"], "分群": ["hive off"], "从团体中分出": ["hive off"], "暂时填补": ["hold against"], "使…影响": ["hold against"], "顺利地工作": ["hold down"], "使不受损失": ["hold harmless"], "维持无伤害协议": ["hold harmless agreement"], "慢着": ["hold it", "wait"], "不使挨近": ["hold off"], "担任公职": ["hold office"], "(打电话时用语)别挂断": ["hold on"], "别挂断": ["hold on"], "迟迟不动手": ["hold one's hand"], "住手": ["hold one's hand"], "手下留情": ["hold one's hand"], "罢手": ["hold one's hand"], "(在不利情况下仍)对…抱希望": ["hold out hope"], "对…抱希望": ["hold out hope"], "给予希望": ["hold out hope"], "使有理由希望": ["hold out hope"], "经得起检验": ["hold water"], "不要着急": ["hold your horses"], "耐心一点": ["hold your horses"], "耐心些": ["hold your horses"], "把…监禁": ["hole up"], "度假旅馆": ["holiday inn"], "干笑": ["hollow laugh"], "网络上因基本观点不同产生的激烈争论": ["holy war"], "家庭剧院": ["home theater"], "大片定居地": ["homeland"], "把…勾引上": ["hook in"], "强力拉拢": ["hook in"], "勾搭某人": ["hook up"], "与某人来往": ["hook up"], "搭档工作": ["hook up"], "用钩钩住": ["hook up"], "将…联接起来": ["hook up"], "快速移动到某位置或某地": ["hop on"], "行偏转": ["horizontal direction"], "主办国": ["host country"], "所在国": ["host country"], "热浴": ["hot bath"], "十字面包": ["hot cross bun"], "热粘接剂": ["hot glue"], "干锅": ["hot pot"], "干煸类": ["hot pot"], "热闹的地区": ["hot spot"], "危险的地区": ["hot spot"], "新锐": ["hot topic"], "“大猎犬”导弹": ["hound dog"], "居民村": ["housing estate"], "房地产业": ["housing estate"], "你认为…怎样": ["how about"], "你竟敢": ["how dare you"], "有多少": ["how many"], "多少(钱)": ["how much"], "多久一次": ["how often"], "使沾沾自喜": ["hug oneself"], "使深自庆幸": ["hug oneself"], "人的尊严": ["human dignity"], "人类尊严": ["human dignity"], "人的误差": ["human error"], "类人机器人": ["humanoid robot"], "刍议": ["humble opinion"], "谦虚的意见": ["humble opinion"], "好几百": ["hundreds of"], "探求(搜寻、寻找)": ["hunt after"], "有伤感情": ["hurt one's feelings"], "和…相同": ["identical to"], "相同于": ["identical to"], "单卵性双胞胎之一": ["identical twin"], "全等双生": ["identical twin"], "同卵双胞胎(之一)": ["identical twin"], "同卵双胞胎": ["identical twin"], "等同于(和…一样)": ["identical with"], "等同于": ["meet", "identical with"], "标识卡": ["identification card"], "识别符号": ["identification sign"], "识别标志": ["identification sign"], "证明自己的身份": ["identify oneself"], "视…为一体": ["identify with"], "意识形态教育": ["ideological education"], "成语性词语": ["idiomatic expression"], "习惯性表达法": ["idiomatic expression"], "提词板": ["idiot board"], "[经]闲置时间": ["idle time"], "如果有过的话": ["if ever"], "如果发生过的话": ["if ever"], "必要时": ["if necessary"], "如果有需要的话": ["if need be"], "不然的话": ["if not"], "即使不": ["if not"], "不知道(无知)": ["ignorant of"], "非法收入": ["illegal income"], "棒球不合法击球": ["illegally batted ball"], "假想线": ["imaginary line"], "认为成": ["imagine as"], "想象成(认为成)": ["imagine as"], "想象成": ["imagine as"], "立即注意": ["immediate attention"], "瞬即效应": ["immediate effect"], "即时的环境": ["immediate surroundings"], "取名于": ["immediately after"], "移民(局)官(员)": ["immigration officer"], "移民…官…": ["immigration officer"], "进口检查员": ["immigration officer"], "对…冲击": ["impact on"], "渴望(急着要)": ["impatient for"], "暗示…": ["imply to"], "意味着…": ["imply to"], "从…来的进口货": ["import from"], "不可能实现的梦想": ["impossible dream"], "给(某人)留下深刻印象": ["impress sb with"], "使某人明白某事的重要性": ["impress sth on sb", "impress sth. on sb."], "有…样的印象": ["impression of"], "改进效率": ["improve efficiency"], "在…方面有起色(有进步)": ["improve in"], "在…方面有起色": ["improve in"], "即兴购买": ["impulse shopping"], "未经考虑仅凭一时冲动的购物行为": ["impulse shopping"], "用英语(表示)": ["in English"], "病情严重": ["in a bad way"], "情况不好": ["in a bad way"], "隆重地": ["in a big way"], "在困境的情况": ["in a bind"], "一片通明": ["in a blaze"], "毫不费力地": ["effortlessly", "in a breeze", "fluently"], "从广义来说(在广义上)": ["in a broad sense"], "从广义来说": ["in a broad sense"], "进退两难(左右为难)": ["in a dilemma"], "像一家人一样": ["in a family way"], "象一家人一样": ["in a family way"], "非常突然": ["in a flash"], "糊里糊涂(不知道发生什么事)": ["in a fog"], "糊里糊涂": ["in a fog"], "情绪好": ["in a good mood"], "陷入绝境": ["in a hole"], "急于要": ["in a hurry"], "大声": ["in a loud voice"], "纵声": ["in a loud voice"], "乱糟糟": ["in a mess", "mull"], "一团糟": ["muddle", "hodgepodge", "in a mess"], "从狭义来说(在狭义上)": ["in a narrow sense"], "从狭义来说": ["in a narrow sense"], "极其简括地": ["in a nutshell"], "成一长行": ["in a row"], "成一排": ["in a row"], "在某种意义上": ["in some sense", "in a sense", "in a…manner"], "十分激动": ["in a way"], "从某一点上看": ["in a way"], "悄声地": ["in a whisper"], "在运行中": ["in action"], "除…之外(还有、也)": ["in addition to"], "除…之外(还)": ["in addition to"], "用以援助…之用": ["in aid of"], "惊慌地": ["in terror", "in alarm", "in panic"], "凭良心说": ["in all conscience"], "向四面八方": ["in all directions"], "毫无隐瞒": ["in all honesty"], "在各个方面": ["in all respects"], "无论从哪一点来看": ["in all respects"], "非常真诚地": ["in all sincerity"], "老实地": ["in all sincerity", "honestly"], "试图做…": ["in an attempt to do"], "试图(做)…": ["in an attempt to do"], "刹那间": ["in an instant"], "在古时": ["in ancient times"], "来来去去": ["in and out"], "气冲冲地": ["in anger"], "应…要求": ["in answer to"], "预先(预期)": ["in anticipation"], "以任何方式": ["how", "in any way"], "外貌上": ["in appearance", "in person"], "非常需要": ["in bad need of"], "在战斗中": ["in battle"], "为…之利益": ["in behalf of"], "代表…一方": ["in behalf of"], "待填写的": ["in blank"], "在大白天": ["in broad daylight"], "含苞待放": ["in bud"], "在水泥里": ["in cement"], "在黏固剂里": ["in cement"], "(对…)没有好感": ["in charity"], "没有好感": ["in charity"], "追求(追赶)": ["in chase of"], "兜圈子(毫无进展)": ["in circles"], "在结束前": ["in closing"], "在闭幕": ["in closing"], "相撞(在冲突中)": ["in collision"], "指挥(统率)": ["in command of"], "一道": ["shaft", "streak", "in company", "course", "along"], "和…有矛盾": ["in conflict with"], "在混乱中(乱七八糟)": ["in confusion"], "在混乱中": ["in confusion"], "由于…的缘故": ["in consequence of"], "经[在]与…磋商[诊疗]": ["in consultation with"], "不一致于(相互矛盾)": ["in contradiction to"], "不一致于": ["in contradiction to"], "同-矛盾": ["in contradiction with"], "和…形成对比": ["in contrast with"], "正在…过程中": ["in course of"], "种有庄稼": ["in crop"], "在耕种": ["in crop"], "欠情": ["in debt"], "深陷于": ["in deep"], "卷入很深无法摆脱": ["in deep"], "非常需要的": ["in demand"], "销路好": ["in demand"], "有需要": ["in demand"], "拼死": ["in desperation"], "不顾死活地": ["in desperation"], "任凭": ["allow", "in despite of"], "用不同的方法": ["in different ways"], "通过不同的方式": ["in different ways"], "处境艰难": ["bumpy", "in difficulties"], "不相信(怀疑)": ["in disbelief"], "厌恶地": ["in disgust"], "陷入悲痛": ["in distress"], "在这情况下": ["in doing so"], "画得精确": ["in drawing"], "画得准确的": ["in drawing"], "顺次": ["in due course"], "无论这样或那样": ["in either event"], "在胚胎阶段": ["in embryo"], "在萌芽中": ["in embryo"], "采取相同措施": ["in equal measure"], "同样的尺度": ["in equal measure"], "用同样的方式": ["in equal measure"], "在同等程度上": ["in equal measure"], "错了(错误地、错)": ["in error"], "在各方面(完全是、哪一点都)": ["in every way"], "可看见的": ["in evidence"], "较…为多": ["in excess of"], "作为交流": ["in exchange"], "作为…的交换": ["in exchange for"], "作为辩解": ["in excuse of"], "现存": ["in existence"], "现有": ["on hand", "around", "in stock", "in existence"], "期望着(指望中的)": ["in expectation"], "作为-的解释(说明)": ["in explanation of"], "作为-的解释": ["in explanation of"], "不顾…": ["in face of"], "确实(真正)": ["in faith"], "不对(有过错)": ["in fault"], "飞行地": ["in flight"], "乘飞机地": ["in flight"], "大批地": ["in force", "in large quantities"], "全额": ["in full"], "负全部责任": ["in full charge"], "蓬勃高涨": ["in full swing"], "手头有钱": ["in funds"], "起源上": ["in germ"], "处在萌牙状态": ["in germ"], "处在初级阶级": ["in germ"], "情况良好": ["in good condition"], "精神抖擞": ["in good spirits"], "本性地": ["in grain"], "需要量很大": ["in great demand"], "分成两半": ["in half"], "在控制中": ["in hand"], "与…和谐": ["in harmony with"], "已死": ["in heaven"], "在高度上": ["in height"], "道义上": ["morally", "in honor"], "为庆祝": ["in honour of"], "以其本身而言": ["in itself"], "以实物(偿付)": ["in kind"], "以实物": ["in kind"], "以同样的方法": ["in kind"], "以货代款": ["in kind"], "以实物(偿付)": ["in kind"], "和…联合": ["in league with"], "(与…)密谋": ["in league with"], "(与…)联合": ["in league with"], "从…观点": ["in light of"], "有秩序": ["in line"], "在许多方面": ["in many ways"], "用许多方法": ["in many ways"], "整个地": ["in mass", "bodily", "totally"], "纪念…": ["in memory of"], "动着": ["in motion"], "照我看来": ["in my view"], "在穷困中的": ["in need"], "需要…时": ["in need of"], "从某种意义上来讲": ["in one way"], "有几分(稍为、在某点上)": ["in one way"], "以某种方式": ["in one way or another", "somehow"], "用这样或那样的方式": ["in one way or another"], "在某人的鼎盛时期": ["in one's glory"], "凭本身的头衔": ["in one's own right"], "操作中": ["in operation"], "运转中": ["in operation"], "(待修的船只等)闲搁着的": ["in ordinary"], "闲搁着的": ["in ordinary"], "非临时的": ["in ordinary"], "在苦恼中": ["in pain"], "成对地": ["in pairs"], "成双地": ["in pairs"], "在惊慌中": ["in panic"], "在圆括号内": ["in parenthesis"], "附带提一下": ["in parenthesis"], "成片": ["in patches"], "在有此部分": ["in patches"], "安祥地": ["in peace"], "合乎透视画法": ["in perspective"], "合乎比例": ["in perspective"], "比例正确": ["in perspective"], "在展望中": ["in perspective"], "在适当的地方": ["in place"], "在恰当的位置": ["in place"], "看得清楚": ["in plain sight"], "一览无余": ["in plain sight"], "丰富(充足、大量)": ["in plenty"], "具备某物": ["in possession of something"], "占有某物": ["in possession of something"], "处于贫穷之中": ["in poverty"], "为赞扬": ["in praise of"], "已出版的": ["in print"], "有销售的": ["in print"], "按比例": ["in proportion"], "考虑中的": ["in question"], "穿着破衣": ["in rags"], "承认…而": ["in recognition of"], "作为对…的承认(或酬劳、肯定等)": ["in recognition of"], "作为对…的承认": ["in recognition of"], "有记录在案": ["in record"], "穿红衣服的": ["in red"], "互相对准(叠合精确)": ["in register"], "互相对准": ["in register"], "浮雕一般": ["in relief"], "答复…": ["in reply to"], "留下来的": ["in reserve"], "储备的": ["in reserve"], "对…有反应": ["in response to"], "在某人不在场时": ["in sb's absence"], "应时的": ["in season"], "当令": ["in season"], "在外形上": ["in shape"], "处在震惊之中": ["in shock"], "被看到": ["in sight"], "同位": ["in site", "same phase"], "这样做": ["in so doing"], "这样做时(在这种情况下)": ["in so doing"], "在空间": ["in space"], "步调一致": ["in step"], "合拍": ["in step"], "有存货": ["in stock"], "令人印象深刻地": ["in style", "impressively"], "气派": ["style", "in style"], "在夏天": ["in summer"], "高雅地": ["in taste"], "含着泪": ["in tears"], "在谈判中": ["in terms"], "从…方面而言": ["in terms"], "以…措词": ["in terms of"], "处于恐惧状态": ["in terror"], "既然那样": ["in that case"], "假如那样的话": ["in that case"], "在那种情况下": ["in that case"], "不设防": ["in the air"], "不露面": ["in the background"], "不显眼": ["shade", "in the background"], "确实无疑": ["in the bag"], "稳操胜券": ["in the bag", "cushion"], "大致正确": ["in the ballpark"], "眨眼间": ["in the blink of an eye"], "眨眼之间": ["in the blink of an eye"], "(影片等)摄制完成(准备上映)的": ["in the can"], "摄制完成的": ["in the can"], "就…来说在…的情况下": ["in the case of"], "在…中心(在…中央)": ["in the centre of"], "在…中心": ["in the centre of"], "由…掌管": ["in the charge of"], "严寒中": ["in the cold"], "具体地(实际上)": ["in the concrete"], "在拐角上": ["in the corner"], "在幼年时代": ["in the cradle"], "向…方向": ["in the direction of"], "朝…方向(沿…方向)": ["in the direction of"], "假扮成": ["in the disguise of"], "伪装(以…为借口)": ["in the disguise of"], "在被告席上(在受审)": ["in the dock"], "在被告席上": ["in the dock"], "没弄湿": ["in the dry"], "没碰上雨": ["in the dry"], "..发生": ["in the event of"], "极端地(非常地)": ["in the extreme"], "脸上": ["in the face"], "在秋季": ["in the fall"], "不拘礼节(怀孕)": ["in the family way"], "不拘礼节": ["familiarity", "in the family way"], "在青春活力旺盛时期": ["in the first flush of youth"], "正当年轻时": ["in the first flush of youth"], "在花园内": ["in the garden"], "赚钱快的": ["in the gravy"], "血气旺盛": ["in the green"], "在…的心脏地带": ["in the heart of"], "在最激烈的时候": ["in the heat of"], "怀着…希望": ["in the hope that"], "希望能": ["in the hope that"], "终于(结局、其结果)": ["in the issue"], "知内情的": ["in the know"], "一点(丝毫)": ["in the least"], "长远": ["in the long run"], "从长远来看": ["in the long term", "long-term"], "长期来说": ["in the long term"], "积极物色": ["in the market for"], "想买(寻购)": ["in the market for"], "大体上(总的来说)": ["in the mass"], "于此际": ["in the meantime"], "在中部": ["in the middle"], "具有…性质": ["in the nature of"], "办公室里": ["in the office"], "在户外(在野外)": ["in the open"], "如果情况如常": ["in the ordinary way"], "掌握在…手里(为…所占有)": ["in the possession of"], "掌握在…手里": ["in the possession of"], "当着某人": ["in the presence of"], "在排印中(即将出版)": ["in the press"], "在排印中": ["in the press"], "用适当的方法": ["in the proper way"], "冒着雨": ["in the rain"], "在…射程内": ["in the range of"], "在…范围内(在…射程外)": ["in the range of"], "处在自然状态的": ["in the raw"], "亏空": ["in the red", "red", "deficit"], "呈…的形状": ["in the shape of"], "就眼前来说": ["in the short term"], "在短期内": ["in the short term"], "聚光灯下": ["in the spotlight"], "成为注意中心": ["in the spotlight"], "在太阳底下": ["in the sun"], "积极参加活动(熟悉内情)": ["in the swim"], "关于…方面": ["in the way of"], "在西方国家": ["in the west"], "有错误": ["in the wrong"], "应付责任": ["in the wrong"], "在即将来临的几年里": ["in the years to come"], "在未来几年里": ["in the years to come"], "在未来的岁月里(今后、将来)": ["in the years to come"], "假若这样": ["in this case"], "关于此事": ["in this regard"], "及时赶上": ["in time for"], "扬扬得意地": ["in triumph"], "在监禁中": ["in trouble"], "处于不幸中": ["in trouble"], "处困难中": ["in trouble"], "(与…)协调": ["in tune with"], "(与…)一致": ["in tune with"], "转而": ["in turn"], "穿制服": ["in uniform"], "以各种各样的方式": ["in various ways"], "成波浪形": ["in waves"], "一波接一波地": ["in waves"], "在冬季": ["in winter"], "对…来说难以接近的": ["inaccessible to"], "对…来说达不到的": ["inaccessible to"], "无能力的(不能的)": ["incapable of"], "渐渐(逐渐)": ["inch by inch"], "入射率": ["incidence rate"], "把…包括进": ["include in"], "选择标准": ["inclusion criteria"], "增长了": ["increase by"], "以…的幅度增加": ["increase by"], "增加产量": ["increase production"], "增加到": ["increase to…"], "独立承包人": ["independent contractor"], "不受…的支配": ["independent of"], "与…无关(不取决于)": ["independently of"], "土种": ["indigenous breed"], "本地居民": ["indigenous inhabitant"], "原住民": ["indigenous inhabitant", "original inhabitant"], "室内游泳池": ["indoor pool"], "游泳馆": ["indoor pool"], "纵情于": ["indulge in", "indulge"], "产业演化": ["industry evolution"], "早期故障期": ["infant mortality"], "传染病医院": ["infectious disease hospital"], "从…中推导出": ["infer from"], "从…推断出": ["infer from"], "在…方面低下的": ["inferior in"], "无限空间": ["infinite space"], "在…方面施加影响": ["influence in"], "告诉…": ["inform about"], "通知某人某事": ["inform sb of sth"], "告知某人…": ["inform sb that"], "非正式教育": ["informal education"], "信息采集[获取]": ["information acquisition"], "问讯处": ["information", "enquiry", "information desk"], "指示系统": ["information system"], "红外线谱": ["infrared spectrum"], "从…得到…": ["inherit from"], "开端辅音": ["initial consonant"], "[金融]期初投资": ["initial investment"], "初期投资": ["initial investment"], "创办投资": ["initial investment"], "喷射模塑法": ["injection molding"], "注压(硫化)机": ["injection molding machine"], "注(射)模(塑)机": ["injection molding machine"], "注…模…机": ["injection molding machine"], "注射塑模": ["injection mould"], "遭受损失方": ["injured party"], "内陆水路": ["inland waterway"], "内陆水道": ["inland waterway"], "中国内蒙古": ["inner mongolia"], "内蒙古": ["inner mongolia"], "内衬墙": ["inner wall"], "内墙": ["inner wall"], "无辜方": ["innocent party"], "输入法": ["input method"], "询问起": ["inquire after"], "研究性学习": ["inquiry learning"], "询问系统": ["inquiry system"], "虫咬": ["insect bite"], "昆虫损坏": ["insect damage"], "在里面和外边": ["inside and out"], "在内部和外部": ["inside and out"], "无效数字": ["insignificant digit"], "视察团主任": ["inspector general"], "速熟食品": ["instant food"], "即时信息传送": ["instant messenger"], "理工科专科学校": ["institute of technology"], "制度学派经济学": ["institutional economics"], "使…并入": ["integrate into"], "与…成为一体": ["integrate with"], "综合项目": ["integrated project"], "智能操纵器": ["intelligent controller"], "想要…": ["intend to", "want"], "预期效果": ["intended effect"], "预期使用目的": ["intended purpose"], "激烈竞争": ["rat race", "intense competition", "scrap", "vie"], "双向广告": ["interactive advertising"], "有关各方": ["interested circles"], "相关方": ["interested party"], "触动或弄坏": ["interfere with"], "屋内设计者": ["interior designer"], "(数)内延": ["interior extent"], "内部一致性": ["internal consistency"], "微软公司出品的WEB浏览器": ["internet explorer"], "把…解释为": ["interpret as"], "询问应答机": ["interrogator-responsor"], "断电持续时间": ["interruption duration"], "至远处": ["into the blue"], "消失得无影无踪": ["into the blue"], "侵犯隐私(权)": ["invasion of privacy"], "侵犯隐私": ["invasion of privacy"], "入侵种": ["invasive species"], "投资项目经理": ["investment manager"], "投资经营者": ["investment manager"], "蒸发损失": ["invisible loss"], "招待券": ["invitation card"], "(公开)招标": ["invite public bidding"], "招灾惹祸": ["invite trouble"], "招麻烦": ["invite trouble"], "招致不幸": ["invite trouble"], "深入": ["involve deeply"], "涉及区域": ["involved area"], "消除(困难等)": ["iron out"], "铁矿石": ["iron oxide"], "灌区": ["irrigation district"], "由…产生": ["issuing", "issue", "issue from", "root", "proceed from", "flow"], "从…流出": ["issue from"], "这要看情况而定": ["it depends"], "很明显": ["it is evident that…"], "珠宝匣": ["jewelry box"], "职业描述": ["job description"], "工作说明书": ["job description"], "工作项目规程": ["job description"], "职位评定": ["job evaluation"], "工作邀请": ["job offer"], "提供的工作": ["job offer"], "工作技巧": ["job skill"], "联合力量": ["join forces"], "同…联合": ["join hands with"], "握手(合伙、做夫妻)": ["join hands with"], "咱们都一样(指处于不好的处境)": ["join the club"], "咱们都一样": ["join the club"], "跟风": ["join the parade"], "参加游行": ["join the parade", "parade"], "关节活动": ["joint mobility"], "联合经营": ["joint venture"], "拿…开玩笑": ["make fun of", "joke about"], "不严肃地对待(某事)": ["joke about"], "分录簿": ["journal book"], "日记帐": ["journal book"], "根据(由…来判断)": ["judge by"], "评价(判断)": ["judge of"], "从…判断": ["judging by…", "judging by"], "由…推测": ["judging from", "judging from…"], "司法自由裁量权": ["judicial discretion"], "司法上的酌处权": ["judicial discretion"], "连续抛接某物": ["juggle with"], "用某物玩杂耍": ["juggle with"], "跃向": ["jump at"], "急切地接受": ["jump at", "snatch"], "匆匆作出(结论等)": ["jump at"], "急忙抓住这次机会": ["jump at the chance"], "(踊跃或热切地)加入": ["jump in"], "跳进…": ["jump into"], "开始进攻": ["jump off"], "跳投(篮球)": ["jump shot"], "跳球(台球)": ["jump shot"], "跳起投": ["jump shot"], "跳起投篮": ["jump shot"], "发令枪未响起跑": ["jump the gun"], "过早行动": ["jump the gun"], "插队": ["jump the queue", "cut"], "获得优惠待遇": ["jump the queue"], "不按次序排队": ["jump the queue"], "垃圾食物": ["junk food"], "无营养的速食": ["junk food"], "无营养食品": ["junk food"], "正像": ["just as"], "照旧": ["just the same"], "恰好现在": ["just yet"], "恰好现在(马上就)": ["just yet"], "浓厚的兴趣": ["keen interest"], "写日记": ["keep a diary", "keep a journal"], "保持低调姿态": ["keep a low profile"], "遵守诺言": ["keep one's word", "keep a promise"], "保持警惕": ["keep a weather eye open"], "密切注视": ["keep an eye on", "keep a weather eye open"], "浮在水面": ["keep afloat"], "坚持做下去": ["keep at"], "防范": ["keep away", "guard"], "不接触": ["keep clear of"], "与…结交": ["buddy", "keep company with"], "保持凉爽": ["keep cool", "stay cool"], "镇定自若": ["keep cool"], "早起早睡": ["keep early hours"], "延长比赛(专辑名)": ["keep fighting"], "闭门不出": ["keep in"], "让火不熄": ["keep in"], "保持原样": ["keep intact"], "参照mum": ["keep mum"], "让开": ["clear", "keep off"], "穿着…不脱": ["keep on"], "继续作某事": ["keep on doing sth"], "反复做某事": ["keep on doing sth."], "保持友好关系": ["keep on good terms"], "(在做最后决定前)保留选择余地": ["keep one's options open"], "保留选择余地": ["keep one's options open"], "不与人来往": ["keep oneself to oneself"], "阻止进入": ["keep out"], "不要进入(某地)": ["keep out of"], "不要进入": ["keep out of"], "保持同步": ["keep pace with"], "保持安静": ["keep quiet"], "随时向(某人)报告": ["keep sb informed"], "隐瞒…": ["keep sth secret"], "保密…": ["keep sth secret"], "固守(习惯等)": ["keep to"], "固守": ["hew", "keep to", "adherence"], "跟上…的进展": ["keep track of"], "控制(抑制、压住)": ["keep under"], "不低落": ["keep up"], "不落后": ["keep up"], "保持继续维持跟上(时代)": ["keep up"], "保持继续维持跟上": ["keep up"], "赶得上": ["keep up with"], "和…保持联系": ["keep up with"], "点火电极": ["keep… alive"], "保持生机": ["keep… alive"], "不受…的束缚": ["keep…free of"], "原理草图": ["key diagram"], "工作图": ["key diagram"], "键元": ["key element"], "关键字组成部分": ["key ingredient"], "重要原料": ["key ingredient"], "非正式地考虑": ["kick about"], "被闲置于": ["kick about"], "踢掉": ["kick off"], "(机器等)停止运转": ["kick off", "stop"], "识破伪装": ["kick sb. off"], "只适合于小孩的事物": ["kid stuff"], "极简易的事": ["kid stuff"], "用、被…杀死": ["kill by"], "一石二鸟": ["kill two birds with one stone"], "勘察加拟石蟹": ["king crab"], "鲎": ["king crab"], "王企鹅": ["king penguin"], "棹鸥": ["king penguin"], "吻掉眼泪": ["kiss away"], "挥霍掉": ["kiss away"], "厨房刀": ["kitchen knife"], "弯头结合": ["knee joint"], "弯头接合": ["knee joint"], "下跪": ["kneel down"], "跪倒": ["kneel down"], "(西餐)刀和叉": ["knife and fork"], "刀和叉": ["knife and fork"], "一副刀叉(餐具)": ["knife and fork"], "一副刀叉": ["knife and fork"], "磨刀床": ["knife sharpener"], "砥杆": ["knife sharpener"], "敲空": ["knock out"], "使筋疲力竭": ["knock out", "shattering"], "敲出": ["knock out"], "把…敲出": ["knock out of"], "同…发生冲突": ["knock up against"], "碰撞(同…冲突)": ["knock up against"], "知道…的情况": ["know about"], "知道关于": ["know about"], "有头脑": ["know better"], "明事理": ["know better"], "不会上当": ["know better"], "很懂得(而不至于)": ["know better than"], "很懂得": ["know better than"], "明白事理而不至于…": ["know better than"], "明事理而不至于(做某事)": ["know better than"], "记在心中": ["know by heart"], "能背上来": ["know by heart"], "背(记住)": ["know by heart"], "了解…": ["know of"], "听说过…": ["know of"], "只认识某人的名字": ["know sb by name"], "棕袋熊": ["koala bear"], "韩国烤肉[French]": ["korean barbecue"], "实验室检验": ["lab test"], "缓慢而费力地前进": ["labour along"], "艰难地前进": ["labour along"], "慢慢地(艰难地行进)": ["labour along"], "劳动法": ["labour legislation"], "多次重复观点": ["labour the point"], "过多地解释已为人知的事": ["labour the point"], "受害于": ["labour under"], "苦于": ["labour under"], "苦于(认为)": ["labour under"], "羊肉串": ["lamb kebab"], "跛足鸭": ["lame duck"], "无实权的官员或政府": ["lame duck"], "无用的人(或物)": ["lame duck"], "即将卸职的官员": ["lame duck"], "灯柱": ["lamp post"], "地皮": ["land"], "农村生活": ["land"], "想象(或虚构)的地方": ["land"], "想象的地方": ["land"], "(枪炮)阳膛线": ["land"], "阳膛线": ["land"], "使(飞机)平稳着陆": ["land"], "使平稳着陆": ["land"], "(从船或飞机上)卸下(货物)": ["land"], "使陷入(困境)": ["land"], "(令人不快的事)突然出现": ["land"], "打中(一拳)": ["land"], "打中": ["land", "fall"], "靠岸": ["land", "put to", "pull over"], "跌落地面": ["land"], "使靠岸": ["land"], "使着陆": ["land"], "(飞机)降落于…": ["land on"], "登录页面": ["landing page"], "着陆页": ["landing page"], "园林建筑师": ["landscape architect"], "景观设计师": ["landscape architect"], "庭园法": ["landscape gardening"], "膝上型计算机": ["laptop computer", "laptop", "notepad"], "大量…": ["oceans of", "large quantities of"], "激光打印机": ["laser printer"], "最后但并不是最不重要的(一点)": ["last but not least"], "最后一局": ["last stand"], "上礼拜": ["last week"], "…迟到": ["late for"], "[计]等待时间": ["latency time"], "最近新闻": ["latest news"], "最新型": ["latest style"], "最新式样": ["latest style"], "黄纬和黄经": ["latitude and longitude"], "最后的部分(死亡)": ["latter end"], "最后的部分": ["latter end"], "因…而发笑": ["laugh at"], "用笑驱除恐惧等": ["laugh away"], "付之一笑": ["laugh away"], "谈笑中消磨时间": ["laugh away"], "付之一笑(一笑置之)": ["laugh away"], "笑着谈论": ["laugh over"], "欢笑与泪水": ["laughter and tears"], "开始新的事情": ["launch out"], "洗涤皂": ["laundry soap"], "家用皂": ["laundry soap"], "法律与秩序": ["law and order"], "法律和秩序": ["law and order"], "律师事务所": ["law firm", "chamber"], "英国或苏格兰的律师协会": ["law society"], "律师协会": ["law society"], "法律学会": ["law society"], "律师公会": ["law society"], "触(碰、动手)": ["lay a finger on"], "打下基础": ["lay a foundation"], "要求(主张、自以为)": ["lay claim to"], "拟定(地图比例等)": ["lay down"], "产蛋": ["lay eggs"], "强调(着重于)": ["lay emphasis on"], "为…划样": ["lay out"], "卧床不起": ["lay up"], "布图设计": ["layout design"], "布线设计": ["layout design"], "电路图设计": ["layout design"], "图纸设计": ["layout design"], "草图设计": ["layout design"], "布置图": ["layout plan"], "过一种幸福的生活": ["lead a happy life"], "过着······的生活": ["lead a life", "lead a…life"], "引子": ["prelude", "lead in", "setup"], "导灯": ["leading light"], "迅速翻阅": ["leaf through", "riffle"], "走漏": ["filter", "leak out"], "(背)靠着": ["lean against"], "靠在…上": ["lean on"], "倚在…上": ["lean on"], "偏向": ["tilt", "lean towards", "lean toward", "leaning"], "学英语": ["learn English"], "得到一个教训": ["learn a lesson"], "学做某事": ["learn to do sth."], "无学习能力": ["learning disability"], "学习技巧": ["learning skill"], "租赁期间": ["lease term"], "最不经常使用的": ["least frequently used"], "很少使用的": ["least frequently used"], "皮件": ["leather goods"], "留个话": ["leave a message"], "付小费": ["leave a tip"], "让单独呆着": ["leave alone"], "给人留下某种印象": ["leave an impression on sb"], "把…留给(某人)做": ["leave for"], "把…留给…做": ["leave for"], "把…留在(另一时间做)": ["leave for"], "出发去": ["leave for"], "搁置(悬而不决)": ["leave in the air"], "不再使用": ["leave off"], "不再穿": ["leave off"], "暂不作决定": ["leave one's options open"], "暂时不去解决": ["leave over"], "走后留下某物": ["leave sth. behind"], "忘记了某事或某物": ["leave sth. behind"], "学术报告厅": ["lecture hall"], "讲演厅": ["lecture hall"], "法律行业": ["legal profession"], "法制": ["legal system"], "合法名称": ["legitimate name"], "租出去": ["lend out"], "越来越少": ["less and less"], "越来越少的": ["less and less", "declining", "fewer"], "欠发达地区": ["less developed"], "较不发达的": ["less developed"], "经验和教训": ["lessons learned"], "听任(不打扰)": ["let be"], "使…失望": ["let sb. down", "let down", "crush", "let sb down"], "把(衣服)放长": ["let down"], "把放长": ["let down"], "披散": ["let down"], "松手放开": ["let go of"], "使…逍遥法外": ["let go unpunished"], "让…进来": ["let in"], "放…进来": ["let in"], "使随心所欲": ["let loose"], "突然倒塌": ["let loose"], "准许…暂停工作": ["let off"], "放(炮、烟火等)": ["let off"], "放花": ["let off fireworks"], "放掉多余的蒸汽": ["let off steam"], "花掉多余的精力": ["let off steam"], "发泄强烈的感情": ["let off steam"], "放掉不用的蒸汽(发泄、发火)": ["let off steam"], "放掉不用的蒸汽": ["let off steam"], "发出一声尖叫": ["let out a scream"], "听其自然": ["let slide"], "询价函件": ["letter of enquiry"], "保荐书": ["letter of recommendation"], "介绍书": ["letter of recommendation"], "免除…": ["privileged", "liberate…from…", "privilege"], "向…颁发…许可": ["license for"], "…的许可证": ["license for"], "…的营业执照": ["license for"], "为某事之理由": ["lie behind"], "曾经发生": ["lie behind"], "测谎仪": ["lie detector"], "在于…": ["lie in"], "待产": ["lie in"], "暂时搁置": ["lie over"], "等待以后处理": ["lie over"], "(船)入坞": ["lie up"], "水上救生": ["life saving"], "作出努力(帮忙)": ["lift a finger"], "作出努力": ["lift a finger", "make an effort", "make efforts"], "(火箭等)发射": ["lift off"], "(直升飞机)起飞": ["lift off"], "白炽灯": ["light bulb"], "浅粉红色": ["light pink"], "点心和饮料": ["light refreshments"], "电灯开关": ["light switch"], "点燃(香烟等)": ["light up"], "开始抽烟": ["light up"], "点灯": ["light up"], "开灯": ["light up"], "(使)容光焕发": ["light up"], "(使)面露喜色": ["light up"], "面露喜色": ["beam", "light up"], "转移视线": ["lightning rod"], "闪电式罢工": ["lightning strike"], "一动不动": ["like a log"], "象什么似地": ["like any thing"], "尽快地": ["like mad"], "喜欢去做某事": ["like to do sth"], "在剧烈运动前作准备活动": ["limber up"], "(在剧烈运动前)做准备活动": ["limber up"], "做准备活动": ["limber up", "limber"], "[经]股份有限公司": ["limited company"], "划出": ["scratch", "rip", "plough", "plow", "mark off", "line out"], "划线标明": ["line out"], "一维搜索": ["line search"], "线搜索": ["line search"], "砌炉衬": ["lining up"], "链接到": ["link to"], "把…和…连接": ["link to"], "把…和…联系起来": ["link to"], "与…连接起来": ["link up with"], "与…相连接": ["link with"], "洗发香波": ["liquid shampoo"], "清算风险": ["liquidity risk"], "注意倾听(期待的声音等)": ["listen for"], "注意倾听": ["listen for"], "收听(偷听)": ["listen in"], "文学批评": ["literary criticism"], "文学评论": ["literary criticism"], "街上的垃圾箱": ["litter bin"], "乱丢废物": ["litter up"], "将…弄乱": ["litter up"], "散落着": ["litter with"], "将…乱扔在…处": ["litter with"], "仅仅是": ["little more than", "just"], "只不过(等于、只是)": ["little more than"], "过幸福生活": ["live a happy life"], "之中的life)": ["live a happy life"], "以…为生": ["live by", "live"], "住在…附近": ["live by"], "住进": ["live in"], "和谐共处": ["compatibility", "live in harmony"], "生活贫困": ["live in poverty"], "生活在贫困之中": ["live in poverty"], "过着贫困的生活": ["live in poverty"], "顺应潮流": ["live in the present", "swim with the tide"], "依赖…生活": ["live off"], "靠…过活": ["live on"], "以…为主食": ["live on"], "不住在雇主家": ["live out"], "寄宿在…家": ["live with"], "与…同居": ["live with"], "活泼的气氛": ["lively atmosphere"], "热烈的气氛": ["lively atmosphere"], "欢快的乐章": ["lively music"], "养殖业": ["livestock breeding"], "生命单位": ["living creature"], "[金融]偿还借款": ["loan repayment"], "当地方言": ["local dialect"], "在某一点设置": ["locate in"], "在…定居": ["locate in"], "座落在…(附近)": ["locate in"], "将…锁藏起来": ["lock away"], "把…关在里面": ["lock in"], "锁藏起来": ["lock in"], "门锁撞栓": ["lock striker"], "把…锁起来": ["lock", "lock up"], "上锁": ["lock up"], "退出计算机系统": ["log out"], "登出": ["log out"], "喜欢单独行动者": ["lone wolf"], "持与他人不同之意见者": ["lone wolf"], "在很久以前": ["long before"], "不悦的脸色": ["long face"], "长寿命的(长期的)": ["long period"], "长寿命的": ["long period"], "很久以来": ["long since"], "渴望做…": ["long to do"], "远期目标": ["long-term goal"], "扫视四周": ["look about"], "观察(事态)": ["look about"], "目送": ["look after"], "找": ["look after"], "考虑未来": ["look ahead"], "看前面": ["look ahead"], "到处察看": ["look around"], "环视": ["look around", "survey"], "东张西望": ["look around"], "看起来(似乎)": ["look as if"], "(仔细地)看": ["look at"], "着眼": ["look at"], "从…转移目光": ["look away from"], "回头看": ["look back", "look back at"], "显得暗淡(不妙)": ["look black"], "看望": ["look in", "look up", "see"], "顺道访问": ["look in"], "看看": ["look into"], "从…上面看": ["look over"], "作出不认识某人的样子": ["look strange"], "看起来很像": ["look the same"], "彻底审查": ["look through"], "仰望": ["look up"], "仰视": ["look up"], "看作": ["look upon", "peg", "count"], "把…看作是…": ["take…as", "look upon…as"], "言多必失": ["loose lips sink ships"], "信口开河": ["loosen up", "yarn", "mouth"], "\"万军之主\"": ["lord of hosts"], "离开…": ["out of", "lose contact with"], "和…失去联系": ["lose contact with"], "丢面子": ["lose face"], "失去信心": ["wobble", "lose heart"], "对…缺乏兴趣": ["lose interest in"], "被砍头": ["lose one's head"], "心被…俘去": ["lose one's heart to"], "倾心于…": ["lose one's heart to"], "失去理智": ["lose one's mind"], "变得慌张": ["lose one's nerves"], "被压倒": ["lose out"], "被取代": ["lose out"], "不再看见": ["lose sight of"], "看不见…了": ["lose sight of"], "失去立场": ["lose the plot"], "毫无头绪": ["lose the plot"], "不了解(…的)情况": ["lose track"], "不了解情况": ["lose track"], "不能跟上…的发展": ["lose track of"], "失去…的线索": ["lose track of"], "失物招领处": ["lost and found"], "沉迷在(热衷于)": ["lost in"], "沉迷在": ["lost in"], "低产量": ["low yield"], "低良率": ["low yield"], "低碳生活方式": ["low-carbon lifestyle"], "农历": ["lunar calendar"], "太阴月": ["lunar month"], "朔望月": ["lunar month"], "阴历新年(中国新年)": ["lunar new year"], "阴历新年": ["lunar new year"], "在家中(或办公室等处)吃午饭": ["lunch in"], "在家中吃午饭": ["lunch in"], "在外面吃午饭": ["lunch out"], "奇效": ["magical effect"], "退磁器": ["magnetic eraser"], "磁心录音": ["magnetic recording"], "磁性记录": ["magnetic recording"], "磁悬性": ["magnetic suspension"], "信箱区": ["mail box"], "邮政服务": ["mailing service"], "主船体": ["main body"], "主厅": ["main hall"], "主礼堂": ["main hall"], "[天]主星序": ["main sequence"], "主要序列": ["main sequence"], "主科": ["main subject"], "雪天使圆舞曲": ["main theme"], "不失体面": ["maintain one's dignity"], "保养与修理": ["maintenance and repair"], "维修费用": ["maintenance cost"], "专修(某课程)": ["major in"], "专修": ["major in"], "高级联赛协会棒球赛": ["major league baseball"], "作出(决定、估计等)": ["make"], "助攻得(分)": ["make"], "助攻得": ["make"], "(尽力)赶往": ["make"], "赶往": ["hasten", "make"], "排成(某图案)": ["make"], "排成": ["make"], "留下(印记、洞等)": ["make"], "达成(婚约)": ["make"], "(电子)接通(电路)": ["make"], "闭合(电路)": ["make"], "闭合": ["make"], "(准备)朝(特定方向)走去": ["make"], "朝走去": ["make"], "求欢": ["proposition", "make"], "(桥牌、惠斯特牌等)赢(一墩牌)": ["make"], "打满(所叫牌的墩数)": ["make"], "打满": ["make"], "做成(合约)": ["make"], "做成": ["make", "conclude", "managed", "make into", "meet", "put over", "fill", "close", "manage"], "洗(牌)": ["shuffle", "make"], "(潮)涨": ["full", "make"], "涨": ["full", "flow", "make", "flux"], "(潮)退": ["make"], "似乎要开始行动": ["make"], "接电": ["make"], "挑选一下": ["make a choice"], "写一段评论": ["make a comment"], "评论…": ["make a comment on"], "对…发表评论": ["make a comment on", "critique"], "有助于(对…作出贡献)": ["make a contribution to"], "达成交易": ["make a deal"], "订个协议": ["make a deal"], "做交易": ["make a deal with", "sell"], "作决定": ["make a decision", "decision", "conclude"], "绕路": ["make a detour", "detour"], "起(重要)作用": ["make a difference"], "(在…之间)加以区别": ["make a distinction"], "加以区别": ["make a distinction"], "指出(…之间)的不同": ["make a distinction"], "指出的不同": ["make a distinction"], "分清": ["distinguish", "make a distinction", "distinguished"], "(把手指)捏成拳头": ["make a fist"], "使出丑": ["make a fool of"], "作姿态": ["make a gesture"], "猜想(作一个估计)": ["make a guess"], "形成/养成…习惯": ["make a habit of"], "大量花费…": ["make a hole in"], "大量花费": ["make a hole in"], "列出一张…单子": ["make a list of"], "制造混乱": ["make a mess"], "把…搞得一塌糊涂": ["make a mess of"], "把…弄脏": ["make a mess of"], "把…作为笑料": ["make a mockery of"], "是对…的嘲笑": ["make a mockery of"], "成为众人谈论或注意的对象": ["make a noise"], "(在饭店或旅馆)预订房间": ["make a reservation"], "出声": ["make a sound"], "造成轰动": ["make a splash"], "引起大家注意": ["make a splash"], "供述": ["make a statement"], "把…做得十分成功": ["make a success of"], "在…方面取得成功": ["make a success of"], "把…看得太重": ["make a thing of"], "把…作为争论点": ["make a thing of"], "做一片土司面包": ["make a toast"], "去…旅游": ["make a tour of"], "将(不乐意的事)变成有利的": ["make a virtue of"], "将变成有利的": ["make a virtue of"], "许个愿": ["make a wish"], "取得进步(有进步)": ["make advances"], "跟随(追逐、追赶)": ["make after"], "留余量(作修正)": ["make allowance"], "留余量": ["make allowance"], "为…留余地": ["make allowance for"], "出现(出面、问世、出版)": ["make an appearance"], "试图(努力、设法)": ["make an attempt at"], "试图做": ["make an attempt to do"], "努力(做)…": ["make an effort to do"], "对…有影响力": ["make an impact on"], "给与印象(使…感动)": ["make an impression"], "给与印象": ["make an impression"], "假装(装作)": ["make as if"], "急忙离开": ["make away"], "带…而逃走": ["make away with"], "携…而逃": ["make away with", "make off with"], "冒昧地": ["make bold to"], "冒味地": ["make bold to"], "弄确实": ["make certain"], "凑合着用": ["make do with"], "使…收支相抵": ["make ends meet"], "靠微薄收入为生": ["make ends meet"], "竭尽所能": ["make every effort", "try my best"], "与…交朋友": ["make friends with"], "嘲弄或奚落某人": ["make fun of someone"], "利用机会": ["make hay"], "使…转变为": ["make into"], "(病痛等)好转": ["make it"], "达到预定目标": ["make it"], "及时抵达": ["make it"], "走完路程": ["make it"], "成功达到预定目标": ["make it"], "性交易": ["make it"], "习惯于(通常)": ["make it a rule"], "向…表示爱情": ["make love to"], "提到(提及)": ["make mention of"], "没有影响": ["make no difference"], "都一样": ["make no difference"], "没作用": ["make no difference"], "没影响": ["make no difference"], "承认(对…不加怀疑)": ["make no question of"], "没有意义": ["make no sense"], "讲不通": ["compute", "make no sense"], "与某人结识": ["make one's acquaintance"], "初次登场": ["debut", "make one's debut"], "在社会上获得地位": ["make one's fortune"], "画押": ["mark", "make one's mark"], "做出自己的决定": ["make one's own decision"], "向…进发": ["make one's way to"], "前往某处": ["make one's way to"], "不要拘束": ["make oneself at home"], "开具(支票、票据等)": ["make out"], "开具": ["make out", "raise"], "(勉强地)辨认": ["make out"], "努力证明": ["make out"], "证明…是最好的": ["make out"], "了解(某人)性格": ["make out"], "了解…性格": ["make out"], "亲吻": ["make out", "caress", "pet", "kissing", "kiss"], "亲热": ["make out"], "提出一个论点(理由)": ["make out a case"], "提出一个论点": ["make out a case"], "用…做原料": ["make out of"], "(财产)转让": ["make over"], "讲和": ["make peace with"], "缔结和约": ["make peace with"], "作…的准备": ["make preparations for"], "在…方面取得进展": ["make progress with"], "在某方面取得进展": ["make progress with"], "让出地方给…": ["make room for"], "给…让出地方": ["make room for"], "张帆(开船)": ["make sail"], "使某人受欢迎": ["make sb welcome"], "对某人表示欢迎": ["make sb welcome"], "搞清…的意思": ["make sense of"], "有些影响": ["make some difference"], "有些…作用或影响": ["make some difference"], "熬汤": ["make soup"], "设法确保": ["make sure"], "达成协议与": ["make terms with"], "和…相识": ["make the acquaintance of"], "达到规定标准": ["make the grade"], "成为头条新闻": ["make the headlines"], "十分重视": ["make the most of"], "加入足球队": ["make the soccer team"], "驶向": ["make toward"], "闹事": ["make trouble", "riot", "rioting", "brawl"], "…带来麻烦": ["make trouble for"], "拼凑成": ["piece up", "make up"], "下决定做某事": ["make up one's mind to do"], "向前行": ["make up to"], "为…让路": ["make way for"], "为…腾出地方": ["make way for"], "化装师": ["make-up artist"], "直爽地": ["man to man"], "挣扎做某事": ["manage to do"], "设法做成某事": ["manage to do"], "经营顾问": ["management consultant"], "业务顾问": ["management consultant"], "经营责任制": ["management system"], "经营管理系统": ["management system"], "载人航天器": ["manned spacecraft"], "有人操纵的宇宙飞船": ["manned spacecraft"], "人操纵的宇宙飞船": ["manned spacecraft"], "[工业]制造工业": ["manufacturing industry"], "一个又一个": ["many a"], "在地图上标出": ["map out"], "(运动员的)进场": ["march in"], "融资融券": ["margin financing"], "降低…的价格": ["mark down"], "降低…的分数": ["mark down"], "事先决定": ["mark out for"], "标高价格": ["mark up"], "市场概况": ["market overview"], "市场调查专家": ["market researcher"], "市场趋势": ["market trend"], "市场趋向": ["market trend"], "销售主管": ["marketing director"], "行销策略": ["marketing strategy"], "市场战略": ["marketing strategy"], "和(某人)结婚": ["marry with"], "技击": ["martial art"], "习武之人": ["martial artist"], "惊叹于…": ["marvel at"], "大量的听众/观众": ["mass audience"], "海量媒体数据": ["mass media"], "大肆杀戮者": ["mass murderer"], "巨大的打击": ["massive hit"], "与…相竞争": ["match against"], "使和…相匹配": ["match with"], "使…和…相配(称)": ["match with"], "使…和…相配": ["match with"], "物质幸福": ["material well-being"], "母死率": ["maternal mortality"], "绿灯时间完全使用之现象": ["max out"], "到达最高值": ["max out"], "刷爆(信用卡)": ["max out"], "刷爆": ["max out"], "最好…": ["may as well"], "充分理由": ["reason", "may well"], "有充分理由可以…": ["may well"], "当真": ["mean business", "mean", "seriously"], "是认真的": ["mean business"], "意思是做某事": ["mean doing"], "本意要做某事": ["mean to do"], "按量配给": ["measure out"], "符合(标准)": ["measure up"], "达到(期望)": ["measure up"], "测量仪器": ["measuring instrument", "gauge"], "医疗卫生器材": ["medical device"], "[统计][医]医疗统计": ["medical statistics"], "医用统计学": ["medical statistics"], "碰到棘手的事": ["meet one's match"], "棋逢对手": ["meet one's match"], "符合某人的需要": ["meet one's needs"], "意外碰到": ["meet up with"], "和…连接": ["meet up with"], "碰见": ["run up against", "meet with", "see", "cross"], "溶成(溶入)": ["melt into"], "溶成": ["melt into"], "改正自身": ["mend one's ways"], "精神消沈": ["mental depression"], "精神抑郁": ["mental depression"], "精神障碍": ["mental disorders", "mental disorder"], "瞎混": ["mess around", "mess about"], "粗鲁对待某人": ["mess about"], "一片狼籍": ["mess around"], "同…一起用膳": ["mess with"], "胡乱摆弄": ["mess with"], "与…厮混在一起": ["mess with"], "凌乱的头发": ["messy hair"], "金属嵌件": ["metal insert"], "[建]大都市区": ["metropolitan area"], "(音乐)无味伤感的": ["mickey mouse"], "无味伤感的": ["mickey mouse"], "微片计算机": ["microchip computer"], "中东的": ["middle eastern"], "倒不如": ["might as well"], "有可能": ["might well"], "迁徙到": ["migrate to"], "温和气候": ["mild climate"], "温暖的天气": ["mild weather"], "军费": ["military expenditure"], "军阶": ["military rank", "rating", "rank"], "军操汇演": ["military tattoo"], "挤牛奶": ["milk a cow"], "无数的…": ["millions of"], "成百万的": ["millions of"], "当心注意": ["mind out"], "能看透别人心思者": ["mind reader"], "测心术者": ["mind reader"], "能测人心思者": ["mind reader"], "找矿与勘探": ["mineral exploration"], "小型照像机": ["miniature camera"], "轻微的伤": ["minor injury"], "错过机会": ["miss out", "miss the boat"], "错失良机": ["miss the boat"], "没抓住要领": ["miss the point"], "没领会含义": ["miss the point"], "把a误认为b": ["mistake A for B"], "错认": ["mistake for"], "误认为": ["mistake for", "take"], "呻吟不止": ["moan and groan"], "行动装置": ["mobile device"], "行动电话": ["mobile phone"], "行动不便者津贴": ["mobility allowance"], "仿效(仿制)": ["model after", "model on"], "模型飞机": ["model plane"], "公道的价格": ["moderate price"], "数量适中": ["moderate quantity"], "适中的雨量": ["moderate rainfall"], "熔铁": ["molten iron"], "熔融铁": ["molten iron"], "王蝶": ["monarch butterfly"], "道德上的左右为难": ["moral dilemma"], "道德两难处境": ["moral dilemma"], "伦理两难": ["moral dilemma"], "德育": ["moral education"], "道义支持": ["moral support"], "病态肥胖的": ["morbidly obese"], "越来越": ["more and more", "ever", "along"], "(更恰当地描述)倒更像是": ["more like"], "倒更像是": ["more like"], "说…还差不多": ["more like"], "前市": ["morning session"], "上午市": ["morning session"], "生命攸关的": ["most vital"], "动机研究(人与商品之关系)": ["motivation research"], "电机驱动的": ["motor driven"], "爬山运动员": ["mountain climber"], "安装托架": ["mounting bracket"], "走来走去": ["move around", "move about"], "经常搬家": ["move about"], "动来动去": ["move about"], "绕着…来回转": ["move around"], "周旋于": ["move in"], "向内投": ["move in"], "迁入": ["move in", "settle in"], "走掉": ["ring off", "move off"], "更换工作(话题等)": ["move on"], "更换工作": ["move on"], "改变规则": ["move the goalposts"], "改变目标": ["move the goalposts"], "在某一过程中改变要求或规定": ["move the goalposts"], "尤其是为了应付不利情况的发生": ["move the goalposts"], "感动得流泪": ["move to tears"], "(使)升级": ["move up"], "感人的故事": ["moving story"], "多得多": ["much more"], "泥浆水": ["muddy water"], "多种文化教育": ["multicultural education"], "多(跨)国公司": ["multinational companies"], "(试题)单项选择的": ["multiple choice"], "单项选择的": ["multiple choice"], "蘑菇云(热核爆炸后升起的)": ["mushroom cloud"], "蘑茹云": ["mushroom cloud"], "清炖冬菇汤": ["mushroom soup"], "演奏(会)": ["musical performance"], "相互繁荣": ["mutual prosperity"], "共同繁荣": ["mutual prosperity"], "用钉子钉住": ["nail down"], "有名的事物": ["name"], "别称": ["name"], "属劳埃德保险社辛迪加的承保人": ["name"], "说出…的名称": ["name"], "叫出…的名字": ["name", "named"], "说定": ["name", "named"], "(下议院议长)点名开除(立法委员会成员)的议员身份": ["name"], "点名开除的议员身份": ["name"], "说出(…的名字)": ["name"], "北美英语": ["name"], "国家尊严": ["national dignity"], "民族自尊心": ["national pride"], "国家的统一": ["national unity"], "本机语言": ["native language"], "机器各单元间编码语言": ["native language"], "本族语": ["native tongue"], "正常抗体": ["natural antibody"], "不用药物的分娩": ["natural childbirth"], "[环境][农]自然灾害": ["natural disaster"], "天然遗传性": ["natural heritage"], "物竞天择说": ["natural selection"], "相近差错": ["near miss"], "(炸弹)近距脱靶": ["near miss"], "近距脱靶": ["near miss"], "(车辆)侥幸免撞": ["near miss"], "侥幸免撞": ["near miss"], "1": ["public health", "near miss", "red rose", "south African"], "在…近旁(靠近…的)": ["near to"], "在…近旁": ["near to"], "不好但却必不可少的东西": ["necessary evil"], "…领型的毛衣": ["neck sweater"], "某事需要…": ["need doing"], "需要被做": ["need to be done"], "针形阀": ["needle valve"], "否定体": ["negative aspect"], "与…谈判": ["negotiate with"], "既不是…也不是…": ["neither… nor…", "neither…nor…"], "对…紧张不安": ["nervous about"], "净收入": ["net income"], "净存量": ["net stocking"], "净存置": ["net stocking"], "不要紧": ["no matter", "nothing serious", "never mind"], "没关系": ["never mind"], "算了!": ["never mind"], "永不言败": ["never say never"], "新欢": ["new favorite"], "新浪漫": ["new romantic"], "新浪漫主义的新浪漫主义音乐演奏者": ["new romantic"], "对…(来说)不熟悉": ["new to"], "对…不熟悉": ["new to"], "对…(来说)陌生": ["new to"], "对…陌生": ["new to"], "对…(来说)不熟悉": ["new to"], "对…(来说)陌生": ["new to"], "(在)隔壁": ["next door"], "在…的隔壁": ["next door"], "隔壁邻居": ["next door"], "住在隔壁的人": ["next door"], "隔壁的房间": ["next door"], "邻近的建筑": ["next door"], "下周五": ["next friday"], "连夜地": ["night after night"], "日日夜夜地": ["night and day"], "夜以继日地": ["night and day"], "熬夜的人": ["night owl"], "夜班工人": ["night shift"], "夜览": ["night shift"], "一氧化氮": ["nitric oxide"], "请勿入内": ["no admission"], "不下于": ["no fewer than"], "多至": ["no fewer than"], "不论怎样": ["no matter"], "没有恐慌": ["no panic"], "无答复": ["no reply"], "无回音": ["no reply"], "不响应": ["no response"], "没有空房": ["no vacancy"], "没门": ["no way"], "怪不得": ["no wonder"], "宏愿": ["noble ambition"], "高尚的志向": ["noble ambition"], "别无他人": ["nobody else"], "除…之外没有": ["none but"], "不是别的而正是…": ["none other than"], "非言语沟通": ["nonverbal communication"], "非口头信息交流": ["nonverbal communication"], "正常运算": ["normal operation"], "[机]正剖面": ["normal section"], "[测]法截面": ["normal section"], "正剖面": ["normal section"], "正截口": ["normal section"], "北朝鲜": ["north korea"], "远不如": ["not a patch on"], "比…差得多": ["not a patch on"], "一分钱也没有": ["not a penny"], "不名一文": ["not a penny"], "不比…多": ["not any more"], "不必客气": ["not at all"], "并非不": ["not but that"], "虽然…但还是不": ["not but that"], "不全是": ["not exactly"], "未必就": ["not exactly"], "为了物质利益": ["not for one's health"], "一点不怕": ["not in the least"], "不比…更…": ["not more than"], "不是怎么了不起的": ["not much of a"], "算不上好的": ["not much of a"], "不是一个好的(不是一个经常的)": ["not much of a"], "不是一个好的": ["not much of a"], "不难": ["not so bad"], "连…都不肯": ["not so much as…"], "甚至于没有": ["not so much as…"], "甚至不": ["not so much as…"], "不如": ["behind", "not so…as"], "不必提及": ["not to mention"], "没什么事": ["nothing much"], "非常少": ["nothing much"], "不是…而是": ["not…but…"], "离…很远": ["nowhere near"], "核装置": ["nuclear facility"], "护士鲨": ["nurse shark"], "基本要点": ["nuts and bolts"], "最基础的部分": ["nuts and bolts"], "尼龙包": ["nylon bag"], "对…反对": ["object to"], "客观评价法": ["objective evaluation"], "答应做…使满足": ["oblige by"], "污言秽语": ["obscene language"], "下流语言": ["obscene language"], "谈论(对…表示意见)": ["observe on"], "获得同意": ["obtain approval"], "获得批准": ["obtain approval"], "得到认可/承认": ["obtain approval"], "使某人突然想到": ["occur to sb"], "浮现在某人脑海中": ["occur to sb"], "使某人突然想起": ["occur to sb"], "使某人突然想起什么事情": ["occur to sb."], "突然想到": ["flash", "occur to sb.", "strike", "flashing"], "千载难逢的": ["of a lifetime"], "一生中唯一的": ["of a lifetime"], "达到法定年龄": ["of age"], "非常有价值的": ["of great worth"], "大有价值的(非常有价值的)": ["of great worth"], "大有价值的": ["of great worth"], "自行地": ["of itself"], "不得已": ["of necessity"], "断断续续": ["off and on"], "不稳": ["off balance"], "无准备地": ["off balance", "blind", "impromptu"], "下班的": ["off duty"], "不在值班的": ["off duty"], "在近海处": ["off shore"], "立刻(马上)": ["off the bat"], "不落俗套地": ["off the beaten track"], "鲜有人涉足地": ["off the beaten track"], "离开熟路": ["off the beaten track"], "不寻常": ["off the beaten track"], "不常去的": ["off the beaten track"], "脱身": ["off the hook"], "(电话听筒)未挂上": ["off the hook"], "未挂上": ["off the hook"], "脱离困境": ["off the hook"], "出人意料": ["off the hook"], "很棒": ["bully", "off the hook"], "不加思索地": ["off the top of one's head"], "即兴地": ["off the top of one's head", "impromptu"], "违反(违犯)": ["offend against"], "因…而生气〔发怒〕": ["offend at"], "办公室工作人员": ["office staff"], "油性着色剂": ["oil stain"], "油槽": ["oil tank"], "老朋友(老兄、老弟)": ["old chap"], "奥林匹克运动场": ["olympic stadium"], "从…中漏掉": ["omit from"], "从…中删掉": ["omit from"], "和…同一水准(和…相等)": ["on a level with"], "为了…的缘故": ["on account of"], "作为平均数": ["on an average"], "平均(平均来说)": ["on an average"], "平稳的(稳定的)": ["on an even keel"], "继续地": ["on and on"], "在到达时": ["on arrival"], "不和(不睦)": ["on bad terms"], "总之(两抵、结果)": ["on balance"], "在船(车或飞机)上": ["on board"], "在校园内": ["on campus"], "存于银行": ["on deposit"], "(学校里)值日": ["on duty"], "值日": ["on duty"], "竖着地": ["on end"], "单凭信仰(不加怀疑)": ["on faith"], "在星期五": ["on friday"], "关系和睦": ["on good terms"], "在近处": ["on hand"], "暂借的": ["on loan"], "在任何条件下都不…": ["on no condition"], "有一个时候": ["on one occasion"], "以名誉担保": ["on one's honour"], "这的确属实": ["on one's honour"], "黔驴技穷": ["on one's last legs"], "垂死": ["on one's last legs"], "主动地": ["on one's own"], "作好行动准备的": ["on one's toes"], "往…去的路上": ["on one's way to"], "在途中(的)": ["on one's way to"], "在定购中(已定而尚未交货的)": ["on order"], "在定购中": ["on order"], "定购中": ["on order"], "定制中": ["on order"], "以书面形式": ["on paper"], "在名义上": ["on paper"], "从理论上说": ["on paper"], "在巡逻中": ["on patrol"], "经过思考": ["on reflection"], "贱价抛售": ["on sale"], "按照预定时间": ["on schedule"], "按预定时间": ["on schedule"], "幕上": ["on screen"], "展览着": ["on show", "on view"], "在公开展出": ["on show"], "一见(立即、见票即付)": ["on sight"], "待命状态": ["on standby"], "严阵以待": ["on standby"], "处于待命状态": ["on standby"], "随时准备着": ["on standby"], "进行生产中": ["on stream"], "在生产中(投入生产)": ["on stream"], "在生产中": ["on stream"], "罢工中": ["on strike"], "在罢工": ["on strike"], "在星期日": ["on sunday"], "根据猜想(因嫌疑)": ["on suspicion"], "到达目标上空": ["on target"], "正追踪目标": ["on target"], "在广播": ["on the air"], "从(照…来推论)": ["on the analogy of"], "基于…": ["on the basis of"], "狂欢作乐中": ["on the bend"], "(机器等)坏了": ["on the blink"], "处于…边缘": ["on the brink of"], "使用最新的技术": ["on the cutting edge"], "在下坡路上": ["on the decline"], "在减少中": ["on the decrease"], "快要": ["fit", "on the edge of"], "十分兴奋的": ["on the edge of one's seat", "wired"], "兴奋得坐不住的": ["on the edge of one's seat"], "非常紧张的": ["on the edge of one's seat"], "在…日的傍晚": ["on the evening of"], "在…战线": ["on the front"], "地球上(的、地)": ["on the globe"], "地球上": ["on the globe"], "忙个不停": ["on the go"], "四处奔走": ["on the go"], "正在生产中": ["on the go"], "在进行其他活动时很快": ["on the go"], "很忙": ["on the go"], "忙忙碌碌": ["on the go"], "在台上演戏": ["on the green"], "在决斗": ["on the ground"], "当场(在决斗)": ["on the ground"], "基于…理由": ["on the grounds of"], "活着的(处于一般情况)": ["on the hoof"], "到处奔忙(出其不意)": ["on the hop"], "在地平线上": ["on the horizon"], "刚冒出地平线": ["on the horizon"], "正在增加": ["on the increase", "on the wax"], "正在增长": ["on the increase"], "不断增长": ["on the increase"], "在旅行": ["on the journey"], "在…中流传": ["on the lips of"], "散漫": ["on the loose"], "自由行动": ["on the loose"], "在制作中": ["on the make"], "急求成功": ["on the make"], "在构成中": ["on the make"], "进行中": ["on the march"], "行军中": ["on the march"], "行军中(进行中)": ["on the march"], "出售的": ["on the market"], "在活动中": ["on the move"], "四处奔波": ["on the move"], "在移动中": ["on the move"], "立即(当场)": ["on the nail"], "对…抱微小的希望": ["on the off chance"], "只是碰碰运气": ["on the off chance"], "可能性小(万一某事发生的话)": ["on the off chance"], "可能性小": ["on the off chance"], "由…所作出的": ["on the part of"], "在…一边": ["on the part of"], "由…所表现出的": ["on the part of"], "在人行道上": ["on the pavement"], "无住处": ["on the pavement"], "在接电话中": ["on the phone"], "在电话里": ["on the phone"], "正要…的时候": ["on the point of"], "在…之际": ["on the point of"], "在广播中": ["on the radio"], "通过广播": ["on the radio"], "记录在案的": ["on the record"], "公开发布的": ["on the record"], "公开做的": ["on the record"], "到处奔走": ["on the road"], "加冰块": ["on the rocks"], "倒在栏索上": ["on the ropes"], "在逃": ["loose", "on the run"], "跑着": ["on the run"], "作为副业": ["on the side"], "处于负责地位": ["on the spot"], "外观上": ["on the surface"], "在桌面上": ["on the table"], "留待日后讨论": ["on the table"], "极为准时地": ["on the tick"], "追踪(得到…线索)": ["on the track of"], "到处流浪": ["vagabond", "on the tramp"], "在转变中": ["on the turn"], "在变质": ["on the turn"], "在变大": ["on the wax"], "即将灭亡": ["on the way out"], "就全体而论": ["on the whole"], "几乎顶着风": ["on the wind"], "几乎顶风": ["on the wind"], "挂帐": ["on tick"], "按时付款": ["on time"], "放在一片烤面包上": ["on toast"], "放在一片烤面包上的": ["on toast"], "停留在…之上": ["on top of"], "对…了如指掌": ["on top of"], "巡回中": ["on tour"], "漫游中": ["on tour"], "周游中": ["on tour"], "未偏题": ["on track"], "未偏离目标": ["on track"], "在试验中": ["on trial"], "在试用中": ["on trial"], "受审": ["on trial"], "不加深究地": ["on trust"], "不加考察地": ["on trust"], "不赁证据": ["on trust"], "不赁证据(不加调查、赊欠)": ["on trust"], "在度假中": ["on vacation"], "上映着": ["on view"], "陈列着": ["on view"], "守望": ["on watch"], "接受福利救济的": ["on welfare"], "最后一次": ["once and for all", "last"], "只此一次": ["once for all"], "千载难逢": ["once in a blue moon"], "极为罕见": ["once in a blue moon"], "有时(偶而、偶尔)": ["once in a way"], "接连地": ["one after another", "together"], "一个接一个": ["one by one"], "(过去或将来)某一天": ["one day"], "十足准备计划": ["one hundred percent"], "只是(要不是、要是没有)": ["only that"], "公开赛": ["open championship", "open"], "直言": ["open out"], "开命题": ["open sentence"], "拉开门": ["open the door"], "给…动手术": ["operate on"], "在…操作": ["operate on"], "给某人动手术": ["operate on sb", "perform an operation"], "给某人做手术": ["operate on sb."], "为某人动手术": ["operate on sb."], "[劳经]作业程序": ["operating procedure"], "经营方式": ["operating procedure", "dealing", "conduct"], "操捉式": ["operation mode"], "工作方式": ["working", "operation mode"], "不能达成一致意见": ["opinions differ"], "看法不一": ["opinions differ"], "以…反对": ["oppose against"], "使…与…相对立": ["oppose against"], "把…与…相对比": ["oppose against"], "相对于": ["opposite to"], "更精确地说": ["or rather"], "说得更准确些": ["or rather"], "或是什么的": ["or something"], "口语考试": ["oral exam"], "内服": ["oral medication"], "口头传统": ["oral tradition"], "口头文学传统": ["oral tradition"], "按重要性的顺序": ["order of importance"], "器官捐赠": ["organ donation"], "有机界进化": ["organic evolution"], "(介绍会)指学校综合情况": ["orientation meeting"], "比赛季节开始时研究训练和比赛的会议": ["orientation meeting"], "原始设计": ["original design"], "初始设备厂家": ["original equipment manufacturer"], "自…离开": ["out of"], "用…(材料)": ["out of"], "用…": ["out of"], "在…范围(或限制)外": ["out of"], "在…范围外": ["out of"], "离…一段距离": ["out of"], "从…里": ["out of"], "出于": ["out of"], "还清债务": ["out of debt"], "在露天": ["out of doors"], "出于忌妒": ["out of envy"], "不入时(不流行)": ["out of favour"], "不入时": ["out of favour"], "由于恐惧": ["out of fear"], "焦点没对准的": ["out of focus"], "离焦": ["out of focus"], "焦点没对准": ["out of focus"], "在正常工作或学习等时间之外": ["out of hours"], "在上班时间外": ["out of hours"], "不成直线": ["out of line"], "违规": ["out of line"], "不成一直线": ["out of line"], "出格": ["out of line"], "运气不好": ["out of luck"], "出于必要": ["out of necessity"], "不知打哪儿来的": ["out of nowhere"], "力所不能及之处": ["out of one's reach"], "次序颠倒": ["out of order"], "无次序的": ["out of order"], "不按透视法的[地]": ["out of perspective"], "不成比例的[地]": ["out of perspective"], "不在适当的位置": ["out of place"], "格格不入的": ["alien", "out of place", "abhorrent"], "久不练习": ["out of practice"], "荒疏": ["out of practice"], "(书等)已绝版的": ["out of print"], "已绝版的": ["out of print"], "已售完的": ["out of print"], "达不到": ["compromise", "out of reach"], "失修的(破损的)": ["out of repair"], "身体状况不佳": ["out of shape"], "在视野之外": ["out of sight"], "在看不见的地方": ["out of sight"], "步调不一致": ["out of step"], "不时髦的": ["out of style"], "不知底细": ["out of the question"], "根本谈不上": ["out of the question"], "不挡道": ["out of the way"], "把…移开": ["out of the way"], "已解决地": ["out of the way"], "凭空捏造": ["out of thin air"], "不来往的": ["out of touch"], "与…脱节的": ["out of touch"], "未准备妥当": ["out of trim"], "情形不好": ["out of trim"], "有毛病": ["out of trim"], "一边过重": ["out of trim"], "(对某事)没有兴趣": ["out of tune"], "没有兴趣": ["out of tune"], "不按顺序地": ["out of turn"], "不按次序": ["out of turn"], "(机器)出问题": ["out of work"], "处于孤立无援地位": ["out on a limb"], "的远景(的前途)": ["outlook for"], "的远景": ["outlook for"], "关于(望得见)": ["outlook on"], "形": ["outward appearance"], "反复不断地": ["over and over again"], "随着时间的过去": ["over time"], "随着时间的推移": ["over time"], "自买药物": ["over-the-counter drug"], "非处方药物": ["over-the-counter drug"], "不需医生处方可以出售的药": ["over-the-counter drug"], "成药": ["over-the-counter medicine", "nostrum", "pharmaceutical"], "费用总计": ["overall charge"], "战胜困难": ["overcome difficulties"], "逾期付款": ["overdue payment"], "下导管": ["overflow pipe"], "溢水管": ["overflow pipe"], "交叉重叠综合征": ["overlap syndrome"], "超负荷试验": ["overload test"], "超载试验": ["overload test"], "从…俯瞰": ["overlook from"], "显性文化": ["overt culture"], "欠…的(钱)": ["owe for"], "欠…的": ["owe for"], "欠…的(钱)": ["owe for"], "应给予某人某物": ["owe sb. sth.", "owe sb sth"], "把…归功于某人": ["owe sth to sb", "owe sth. to sb."], "把…归功于(某人)": ["owe sth to sb"], "把…的功劳归于…": ["owe sth. to sb."], "因为…": ["owing to"], "蚝油酱": ["oyster sauce"], "步测(用脚步量出)": ["pace off"], "收好": ["pack up"], "包价旅游": ["package tour"], "包价旅行": ["package tour"], "向上翻页": ["page up"], "[计]页上移": ["page up"], "快速的加大油门": ["page up"], "页上移": ["page up"], "为…受到惩罚": ["paid for"], "故宫博物馆": ["palace museum"], "紧急状况": ["panic stations"], "伞降": ["parachute descent", "parachute"], "降落伞降落": ["parachute descent"], "平行于": ["parallel with"], "宽恕某人做某事": ["pardon someone for something"], "原谅某人(做)某事": ["pardon someone for something"], "原谅…(做)某事": ["pardon someone for something"], "久坐": ["park oneself"], "室内停车场": ["parking garage"], "重要(或必要、基本)的部分": ["part and parcel"], "…的重要部分": ["part and parcel of"], "…的组成部分": ["part and parcel of"], "分载": ["partial load"], "部分载荷": ["partial load"], "部分损失": ["partial loss"], "带有几分…(特性或性质)": ["participate of"], "带有几分…": ["participate of"], "带有(含有)": ["participate of"], "对…的参与": ["participation in"], "对…的参加": ["participation in"], "主体参与": ["participation in"], "特别情况": ["particular case"], "度过时间": ["pass away"], "逝世": ["pass away", "demise"], "传下来": ["pass down", "descend"], "穿过…": ["pass through"], "流过": ["pass through", "wash"], "把…向上递": ["pass up"], "通路(航线、水路、走廊)": ["passage way"], "旅客升降梯": ["passenger elevator"], "医务船": ["passenger ship"], "医院船": ["passenger ship"], "客运站": ["passenger station"], "被动吸烟者、被迫吸二手烟的人": ["passive smoker"], "无可争辩": ["past question"], "过去时": ["past tense"], "专利申请": ["patent application"], "[法]专利权法": ["patent law"], "专利发明": ["patented invention", "patent"], "病人护理": ["patient care"], "既往症": ["patient history"], "能忍受…的": ["patient of"], "对…有耐心的": ["patient with"], "巡逻船": ["patrol boat"], "交罚款": ["pay a fine"], "付罚款": ["pay a fine"], "参观(访问)": ["pay a visit to"], "为…而付钱": ["pay…for…", "pay for"], "缴款": ["pay in"], "存入银行": ["pay in"], "捐款(以…支付)": ["pay in"], "嘴上说得好听": ["pay lip service to"], "口头上承认": ["pay lip service to"], "口头上承认(对…假装信奉)": ["pay lip service to"], "没加注意": ["pay no attention to"], "偿清(欠款等)": ["pay off"], "有报偿": ["pay off"], "得到回报": ["pay off"], "付出(钱)": ["pay out"], "付钱": ["plunk", "tender", "pay out"], "出钱": ["pay out"], "(投币式或插卡式)公用电话": ["pay phone"], "公用电话": ["pay phone"], "(投币式)公用电话": ["pay phone"], "付帐": ["pay the bill"], "全部付清": ["pay up"], "支付汇票": ["payment bill"], "和睦烟斗": ["peace pipe"], "维和任务": ["peacekeeping mission"], "维和任务区": ["peacekeeping mission"], "脉冲间距": ["peak separation"], "缆车": ["peak tram", "tram"], "珍珠河": ["pearl river"], "屡次找岔子": ["peck at"], "京剧": ["peking opera"], "直统长裙": ["pencil skirt"], "笔型裙": ["pencil skirt"], "每千": ["per mil"], "但愿不是如此": ["perish the thought"], "快别这样想": ["perish the thought"], "永久住所": ["permanent residence"], "永久性的居民": ["permanent resident"], "固执于": ["persist in"], "坚决做…": ["persist in"], "个人用品": ["personal belongings"], "私人支票": ["personal cheque"], "个人财务": ["personal finances"], "个人兴趣爱好": ["personal interest"], "个人配置文件": ["personal profile"], "个人技术": ["personal skill"], "个人健身教练": ["personal trainer"], "干部(人事)管理": ["personnel administration"], "干部管理": ["personnel administration"], "人事部": ["personnel department"], "说服做…": ["persuade into"], "相片簿": ["photo album"], "照相架": ["photo frame"], "摄影展览馆": ["photo gallery"], "光效应": ["photoelectric effect"], "[物]光电效应": ["photoelectric effect"], "印相纸": ["photographic paper"], "实物分配": ["physical distribution"], "自然地理": ["physical geography"], "摘掉": ["pick off"], "拔去": ["pick off", "pluck"], "采取(传感、拣拾器)": ["pick off"], "挑选出": ["sort out", "pick out"], "捡起": ["pick up", "scoop", "uplift"], "(汽车、飞机)乘载": ["pick up"], "乘载": ["pick up"], "不费力地学会": ["pick up"], "接人": ["pick up"], "偶然结识": ["pick up"], "扶起": ["pick up"], "拿起电话": ["pick up the phone"], "接起电话": ["pick up the phone"], "拿起听筒": ["pick up the phone"], "再继续下去": ["pick up the threads"], "接下去讲": ["pick up the threads"], "一部分一部分地": ["piece by piece"], "一件件地": ["piece by piece"], "拼合(拼凑)": ["piece together"], "穿进(刺入、突破)": ["pierce through"], "穿进": ["pierce through"], "桩基础": ["pile foundation"], "挤进(猛烈攻击)": ["pile in"], "堆放起来": ["pile up"], "迫使(某人)明确表态": ["pin down"], "迫使…明确表态": ["pin down"], "下结论": ["pin down"], "用针固定住": ["pin down"], "发麻": ["pins and needles"], "做出贡献": ["pitch in"], "下订单": ["place order"], "一清二楚的": ["plain to see"], "计划做某事": ["plan to do sth."], "植物生物化学": ["plant biochemistry"], "石膏绷带": ["plaster cast"], "石膏(模型)": ["plaster cast"], "塑料大棚": ["plastic shelter"], "取笑(某人)": ["play a joke on"], "跟(某人)开玩笑": ["play a joke on"], "跟…开玩笑": ["play a joke on"], "装腔骗人": ["play a part"], "在…中起一份作用": ["play a part"], "扮演一个角色": ["play a part", "play a role"], "在…中起作用": ["play a part"], "捉弄…": ["play a trick on"], "在…中起重要作用": ["play an important part in"], "起到重要作用": ["play an important role"], "耍狡猾": ["play fox"], "行为狡猾(耍狡猾)": ["play fox"], "行为狡猾": ["play fox"], "打高尔夫": ["play golf"], "演到终场": ["play out"], "打鼓": ["play the drums", "drum"], "担任…角色": ["play the role of"], "小提琴演奏": ["play the violin"], "企图博得…的好感": ["play up to"], "同…配戏": ["play up to"], "(不太认真地)考虑": ["play with"], "逗": ["play with", "tease"], "与…一起玩": ["play with"], "请你谅解我吧": ["please forgive me"], "对…欣喜": ["pleased with"], "对…高兴": ["pleased with"], "针对…策划": ["plot against"], "指代复数": ["plural form"], "正负号": ["sign", "plus or minus"], "增减": ["plus or minus"], "正或负": ["plus or minus"], "正负号(±)": ["plus or minus"], "零花钱": ["pocket money", "allowance"], "精确地(确切地)": ["point for point"], "使注意到": ["point out"], "警察制服": ["policeman uniform"], "(飞快地)完成": ["polish off"], "有礼貌的请求": ["polite requests"], "政治避难(权)": ["political asylum"], "政治体制": ["political system"], "污染空气": ["polluted air"], "污染土壤": ["polluted soil"], "污染的土壤": ["polluted soil"], "不思饮食": ["poor appetite"], "穷困的人": ["poor man"], "波普文化": ["pop culture"], "歌星": ["pop star"], "冒出来": ["pop up"], "大众文化": ["popular culture"], "受喜爱": ["popular with", "travel"], "人口增长": ["population growth"], "猪胸肉": ["pork belly"], "肉包": ["pork bun"], "喷口面积": ["port area"], "手提式计算机": ["portable computer"], "可携带设备": ["portable equipment"], "笼统有价证券投资": ["portfolio investment"], "间接投资": ["portfolio investment"], "组合证券投资": ["portfolio investment"], "组合管理": ["portfolio management"], "资产组合管理": ["portfolio management"], "证券投资管理": ["portfolio management"], "证券管理": ["portfolio management"], "最佳证券投资理论": ["portfolio theory"], "形成一种威胁": ["pose a threat"], "积极效果": ["positive effect"], "获得(据有)": ["possess of"], "护球": ["post up"], "海报用纸": ["poster board"], "写布告用的硬纸板": ["poster board"], "招贴用纸板": ["poster board"], "招贴设计": ["poster design"], "研究生文凭课程": ["postgraduate diploma"], "深造文凭": ["postgraduate diploma"], "潜在购买者": ["potential buyer"], "潜在的顾客": ["potential buyer"], "位能": ["potential energy"], "停电": ["service interruption", "cut", "power off"], "发电装置": ["power station"], "实践语法": ["practical grammar"], "为…请求": ["pray for", "request for"], "宝贵的时间": ["precious moment"], "先趋函数": ["predecessor function"], "更乐意做某事": ["prefer doing sth"], "(甚于)喜欢…": ["prefer to do"], "对…的偏爱": ["preference for"], "对…的偏见": ["prejudice against"], "使抱偏见(使怀成见)": ["prejudice against"], "升级会员": ["premium member"], "为…做的准备": ["preparation for"], "准备应付": ["prepare against"], "为…开处方": ["prescribe for"], "须医师处方才可买的药品": ["prescription drug"], "保藏食物": ["preserve food"], "总统大选": ["presidential election"], "总统竞选": ["presidential election"], "继续推进": ["press ahead"], "加紧实行": ["press ahead"], "把…按下去": ["press down"], "加紧": ["press on"], "压点": ["pressure point"], "施压止血点": ["pressure point"], "压痛点": ["pressure point"], "压觉点": ["pressure point"], "压迫点": ["pressure point"], "假装做…": ["pretend to do"], "漂亮的脸": ["pretty face"], "大部分地": ["pretty much", "mainly"], "使不": ["prevent from"], "上期": ["previous period"], "傲慢与偏见": ["pride and prejudice"], "知成分": ["principal component"], "首要成份": ["principal component"], "主分量": ["principal component"], "种量": ["principal component"], "知组份": ["principal component"], "印刷油墨": ["printing ink"], "预先通知": ["warn", "prior notice"], "prisonersofwar战俘": ["prisoner of war"], "私有政策": ["privacy policy"], "秘密性保护": ["privacy protection"], "保密保护": ["privacy protection"], "私人侦探": ["private detective"], "私有股权": ["private equity"], "私用属性": ["private property"], "私立中小学": ["private school"], "接受私立教育的孩子": ["privately educated children"], "机率分布": ["probability distribution"], "合理的根据": ["probable cause"], "可能错误": ["probable error"], "概率[或然、近真]误差": ["probable error"], "(大)概(误)差": ["probable error"], "控诉(起诉)": ["proceed against"], "工艺流水作业线设备": ["processing equipment"], "制造工艺": ["processing technique"], "加工法": ["processing technique"], "果蔬部": ["produce department"], "产品特性": ["product attribute"], "积范畴": ["product category"], "产品阐述": ["product description"], "产品发展": ["product development"], "产品研制": ["product development"], "生产单位": ["production department"], "流水线": ["pipeline", "production line", "line"], "装配线": ["production line"], "创作过程": ["production process"], "职业设计": ["professional design"], "从…得益": ["profit from"], "项目管理人": ["project manager"], "显著的特色": ["prominent feature"], "促进销售": ["promote the sale"], "发起活动": ["promotional activities"], "推销<宣传>材料": ["promotional material"], "断言(表态、发表意见)": ["pronounce on"], "给…撑腰": ["prop up"], "不动产税": ["property tax"], "提议干杯": ["propose a toast"], "正反两方面": ["pros and cons"], "赞成者和反对者": ["pros and cons"], "正面与反面": ["pros and cons"], "利弊": ["pros and cons"], "找矿(勘探)": ["prospect for"], "反对…以保护": ["protect against"], "蛋白质-能量营养不良症": ["protein-energy malnutrition"], "蛋白质-能量营养不良": ["protein-energy malnutrition"], "蛋白质-热量营养不良(症)": ["protein-energy malnutrition"], "蛋白质-热量营养不良": ["protein-energy malnutrition"], "证明是(判明…是)": ["prove to be"], "为某人提供": ["provide sb with"], "条件是": ["provided that"], "精神依赖": ["psychological dependence"], "群众外交": ["public diplomacy"], "公共建筑": ["public facility"], "公共卫生设施": ["public health"], "妨害公众利益之人或事物": ["public nuisance"], "公众舆论": ["public opinion", "cry"], "公用事业公司或其员工": ["public servant"], "宣传绝招": ["publicity stunt"], "使肿胀": ["swell", "swelling", "puff out"], "拉下来": ["pull…down", "pull down"], "使…下跌": ["pull…down", "pull down"], "提到警察局": ["pull in"], "(交通工具)进站": ["pull in"], "拉入": ["pull into", "pull in"], "(车)进站": ["pull into"], "让车等驶入": ["pull into"], "被说服去参与某事": ["pull into"], "努力实现": ["pull off"], "拿掉": ["lose", "pull off"], "把(车、船等)开离": ["pull off"], "把开离": ["pull off"], "继续拉": ["pull on"], "做好本分工作": ["pull one's weight"], "渡过难关": ["pull out", "pull through", "hurdle"], "折叠的大张插页": ["pull out"], "飞机进场重新飞起": ["pull out"], "背约": ["pull out"], "(汽车或列车)开出": ["pull out"], "使转败为胜": ["pull out of the fire"], "使…转败为胜": ["pull out of the fire"], "把…开到路边": ["pull over"], "路边停车": ["pull over"], "开某人的玩笑": ["pull someone's leg"], "嘲弄某人": ["pull someone's leg"], "(使)脱离危险": ["pull through"], "(使)恢复健康": ["recruit", "pull through"], "把…说成一文不值": ["pull to pieces"], "控制(自己的)感情": ["pull together"], "控制感情": ["pull together"], "拔起": ["lift", "yank up", "pull up"], "(使)停下": ["pull up"], "脉冲发生器脉冲振荡器": ["pulse generator"], "脉冲振荡器": ["pulse generator"], "购买的商誉": ["purchased goodwill"], "奋力向前": ["push ahead"], "促使向前": ["push ahead"], "力图争取": ["push for"], "挤过去": ["push through"], "##": ["push up"], "使被接受": ["establish", "put across", "put over"], "把…放在一边": ["put aside", "set sth aside"], "暂不考虑": ["put aside"], "储存…备用": ["put aside"], "付定金": ["put down"], "镇压(暴动、叛乱)": ["put down"], "推举出": ["put forward"], "放入": ["put in", "introduce"], "花费(时间)": ["put in"], "实施(使…生效)": ["put in force", "put into force"], "使开动": ["put into operation"], "使开始运行": ["put into operation"], "落实": ["put into practice", "implementation"], "使…上场": ["put on"], "搽": ["put on"], "涂(化妆品等)": ["put on"], "装腔": ["put on an act"], "装腔势(炫耀自己)": ["put on an act"], "装腔势": ["put on an act"], "尽快行事": ["put one's best foot forward"], "起个良好的开端": ["put one's best foot forward"], "尽量给人留下美好的印象": ["put one's best foot forward"], "把手放在": ["put one's hands on"], "用心于…": ["put one's heart into"], "使不方便": ["put out"], "促销生产": ["put out"], "补漏洞": ["put out fires", "caulk"], "使失去效用": ["put out of action"], "驶过": ["put over"], "为难某人": ["put sb on the spot"], "将…收起": ["put something away"], "把责任加在…身上(归罪于)": ["put the blame on"], "把责任加在…身上": ["put the blame on"], "把盖子盖上": ["put the lid on"], "使达到忍无可忍的地步": ["put the lid on"], "使穿过": ["thread", "pass", "put through", "feed"], "使经受": ["subject", "submit", "put through"], "提出(问题)": ["pose", "put to"], "(船只顺避风等而)靠岸": ["put to"], "使受试验": ["put to the test"], "..放在一起": ["put together"], "合在一起": ["put together"], "供给…住宿": ["put up"], "直接行动": ["put up"], "开展斗争": ["put up a fight"], "苦苦思索而弄清楚或解决": ["puzzle out"], "苦心思索": ["puzzle over"], "金字塔式骗术": ["pyramid scheme"], "资格证明书": ["qualification certificate"], "适于作": ["qualified as", "qualified for"], "品质标准": ["quality standard"], "质量制度": ["quality system"], "争论关于…的事": ["quarrel about"], "就…争吵": ["quarrel about"], "和…争论": ["quarrel with"], "快如闪电": ["quick as a flash"], "于…很迅速": ["quick at"], "送货迅速": ["quick service"], "快修": ["quick service"], "不少(后接可数名词)": ["quite a few"], "相当多的(许多)": ["quite a number of"], "智力竞赛节目": ["quiz show"], "引用…": ["quote from"], "辐射酌": ["radiation effect"], "放射效应": ["radiation effect"], "照射效应": ["radiation effect"], "辐射暴露": ["radiation exposure"], "大声疾呼抗议(某事)": ["raise one's voice against"], "大声疾呼抗议": ["raise one's voice against"], "坚决而勇敢地发言反对某人〔或某事物〕": ["raise one's voice against"], "随机访问": ["random access"], "随机抽样调查": ["random sample"], "名次排列表": ["ranking list"], "强奸受害者": ["rape victim"], "稀有的品种": ["rare breed"], "难得的机会": ["rare opportunity"], "千载难逢的机会": ["rare opportunity"], "很少或从不": ["rarely or never"], "激烈竞争(商业上)": ["rat race"], "无意义的竞争": ["rat race"], "环形导波管": ["rat race"], "商业上竞争": ["rat race"], "事业上竞争": ["rat race"], "宁可…也不愿": ["rather than"], "与其…倒不如": ["rather than"], "而非…": ["rather than"], "替代…": ["rather than"], "飞快地说出": ["rattle off"], "原记分": ["raw score"], "达成一个结论": ["reach a conclusion"], "起反作用": ["react against"], "反抗(反对)": ["react against"], "反作用于": ["react on", "rebound"], "对…起反应": ["react to"], "反应率": ["reaction rate"], "看一份报纸": ["read a newspaper"], "大声读出来": ["read out"], "宣读": ["publish", "read out", "reading"], "认识到价值/重要性": ["realize the value"], "真正地(千真万确地)": ["really and truly"], "得到好处": ["reap the benefits of"], "侵占别人的劳动成果": ["reap where one has not sown"], "合理的价格": ["reasonable price"], "反抗…": ["rebel against"], "接收区": ["reception area"], "救助站": ["reception centre"], "从…中恢复": ["recover from"], "采收率": ["recovery percent"], "开采程度": ["recovery percent"], "康乐用地": ["recreation area"], "游乐区": ["recreation area"], "休闲中心": ["recreation center"], "应急状态(紧急警报)": ["red alert"], "应急状态": ["red alert"], "根据中国历史上三国时期的赤壁之战改编的电影": ["red cliff"], "由吴宇森执导": ["red cliff"], "梁朝伟、金城武、林志玲、张丰毅等主演": ["red cliff"], "赤字状况": ["red ink"], "英国兰开斯特家族族徽": ["red rose"], "谍战惊悚片《红雀》": ["red sparrow"], "红棕": ["reddish brown"], "赭": ["reddish brown"], "使某人落泪": ["reduce sb to tears"], "使变弱为": ["reduce to"], "降至": ["reduce to"], "把…简化为": ["reduce to"], "把…称作": ["tag", "refer to as"], "考虑(回想、回顾)": ["reflect upon"], "电离层反射波": ["reflected ray"], "反射射线": ["reflected ray"], "让某人回想起": ["refresh one's memory"], "清头目": ["refresh oneself"], "小吃部": ["refreshment room"], "注册证明": ["registration certificate"], "预订服务台": ["registration desk"], "[经]登记费": ["registration fee"], "经常操练": ["regular exercise"], "按时训练": ["regular exercise"], "有规律间隔": ["regular interval"], "正则区间": ["regular interval"], "恐怖统治时期": ["reign of terror"], "对…而高兴": ["rejoice at"], "因…而高兴(有)": ["rejoice in"], "关联…": ["relate with"], "转告予…": ["relay to"], "有关信息": ["relevant information"], "适用资料": ["relevant information"], "可靠资料": ["reliable data"], "抗灾努力": ["relief effort"], "散心": ["relieve boredom"], "减轻(解除)": ["relieve from"], "减轻…之…": ["relieve of"], "替…拿": ["relieve of"], "使某人免于": ["relieve of"], "从…留下": ["remain of"], "使…回想起": ["remind of"], "提醒某人…": ["remind sb of sth."], "使某人想起某事": ["remind sb. of sth."], "遥控装置": ["remote", "remote control"], "更新部件": ["renewable parts"], "可再生资源": ["renewable resources", "renewable"], "再生能源": ["renewable resources"], "可恢复资源": ["renewable resources"], "出租的住宅": ["rental housing"], "机修车间": ["repair workshop"], "重复速率": ["repetition rate"], "用…来代替": ["replace by"], "用…替换": ["swap", "replace with"], "更新费用": ["replacement cost"], "更换成本": ["replacement cost"], "代表…作答复": ["reply for"], "致答词": ["reply for"], "回复某人": ["reply to sb"], "回应某人": ["reply to sb"], "报到…": ["report for"], "…的报告": ["report of"], "报告(…的情况)": ["report of"], "作…报告": ["report on"], "到差": ["report oneself"], "表示(代表…的特征)": ["representative of"], "把…描绘成": ["represent…as"], "要要被做": ["require doing"], "向某人提出某种要求": ["require sth. of sb."], "营救任务": ["rescue mission"], "救助任务": ["rescue mission"], "急救任务": ["rescue mission"], "在…方面相似": ["resemble in"], "在…方面像…": ["resemble in"], "订房间": ["reserve a room"], "主治医师": ["resident physician"], "住院内科医师": ["resident physician"], "使听从于": ["resign oneself to"], "解决分歧": ["resolve disagreements"], "分解为(归结为、成为)": ["resolve into"], "分解为": ["resolve into"], "以…回应": ["respond with"], "负责是…的原因": ["responsible for"], "被搁在": ["rest on"], "小生意": ["dicker", "retail business"], "零售生意": ["retail business"], "变得沉默寡言": ["retire into oneself"], "少与人交往": ["retire into oneself"], "不与人交往": ["retreat into oneself", "withdraw"], "复古风": ["retro style"], "被认知": ["reveal itself"], "出现(呈现)": ["reveal itself"], "迎考": ["revise for"], "围绕…旋转": ["revolve", "revolve around"], "以…为主要内容": ["revolve around"], "因…的报酬": ["reward for"], "以某物奖赏某人": ["reward sb with sth", "reward sb. with sth."], "奖赏…": ["reward with"], "逻辑(情理、秩序)": ["rhyme or reason"], "使步韵": ["rhyme with"], "节奏布鲁斯音乐": ["rhythm and blues"], "节奏和布鲁斯": ["rhythm and blues"], "艺术体操(韵律体操)": ["rhythmic gymnastics"], "奥运会项目之一": ["rhythmic gymnastics"], "电饭锅": ["rice cooker"], "富含": ["rich in"], "骑马赶上": ["ride down"], "把马骑得精疲力尽": ["ride down"], "岔开去": ["ride off"], "骑马(或自行车等)而去": ["ride off"], "骑马而去": ["ride off"], "骑在": ["ride on"], "(衣服)慢慢向上拱": ["ride up"], "慢慢向上拱": ["ride up"], "屋脊线": ["ridge line"], "就是现在": ["right now"], "就在此刻": ["right now"], "住嘴": ["ring off"], "宣布离去": ["ring out"], "鸣钟送别": ["ring out"], "环行路": ["ring road"], "把款项记入现金进出记录机": ["ring up"], "用收银机记录(收入的钱)": ["ring up"], "用收银机记录": ["ring up"], "收取不合理的高价": ["rip off"], "起来反抗…": ["rise against"], "上沿时间": ["rise time"], "升压时间": ["rise time"], "增长时间": ["rise time"], "生成时间": ["rise time"], "升迁": ["rise to", "graduate", "promote"], "起而应付": ["rise to"], "证明能够应付": ["rise to"], "风险估计": ["risk assessment"], "危险率估计": ["risk assessment"], "危害度评价": ["risk evaluation"], "风险酬金": ["risk premium"], "风险报酬": ["risk premium"], "风险差额": ["risk premium"], "流域盆地": ["river basin"], "街头表演": ["road show"], "巡回表演": ["road show", "touring"], "新影片专场放映": ["road show"], "汽车运输": ["road transport"], "漫游(漫步)": ["roam around", "roam about"], "烧鸡": ["roast chicken"], "烤油鸡": ["roast chicken"], "片皮脆烧鸡": ["roast chicken"], "铁板烤肉[韩]": ["roast meat"], "抢某人之财物": ["rob sb. of sth."], "同对方年龄相差悬殊的人亲热相处或结婚": ["rob the cradle"], "航天器设计开发者": ["rocket scientist"], "角色游戏": ["role play"], "周而复始": ["roll around"], "把…压低到标准水平": ["roll back"], "退回重来": ["roll back"], "重新运行": ["roll back"], "登记表": ["register", "roll call"], "点名时间": ["roll call"], "有大量的(钱财等)": ["roll in"], "大量涌来": ["roll in", "flood"], "卷成": ["roll into"], "使合为一体": ["roll into"], "正式推出(新产品)": ["roll out"], "正式推出": ["roll out"], "开展(新的政治运动)": ["roll out"], "把…展开(或摊开)": ["roll out"], "把…展开": ["roll out"], "碾平": ["roll out"], "压平": ["lay", "roll", "roll out", "press"], "擀平": ["roll out"], "离开(通常比预期的要晚)": ["roll out"], "辗平": ["roll out"], "滚出": ["roll out"], "推出(新产品、服务等)": ["roll out"], "实行(新制度)": ["roll out"], "滚滚上升": ["roll up"], "积累成": ["roll up"], "迫敌退向中央": ["roll up"], "袅袅上升": ["roll up"], "四轮滑冰鞋": ["roller skate"], "由拉丁语演变而成的语言": ["romance languages"], "根轴系": ["root system"], "未经加工的天然金刚石(浑金璞玉)": ["rough diamond"], "未经加工的天然金刚石": ["rough diamond"], "大致相同": ["roughly equal"], "全臀围": ["round hip"], "协商会议": ["round table"], "圆桌的(协商的)": ["round table"], "圆桌的": ["round table"], "使…集拢": ["round up"], "去以成整数": ["round up"], "例行检查": ["routine inspection"], "例外检查": ["routine inspection"], "用力擦遍": ["rub down"], "碰到一起": ["rub elbows"], "反复讲(别人不愿听的事)": ["rub in"], "反反复复地提到别人不愉快的事情": ["rub it in"], "(故意)触人痛处": ["rub it in"], "使显得暗淡": ["rub off"], "因磨擦而沾在": ["rub off on"], "因接触而对": ["rub off on"], "相安无事地在一起过日子(不太困难地生活)": ["rub on"], "相安无事地在一起过日子": ["rub on"], "拭去": ["wipe", "rub out"], "与…挤在一起": ["rub shoulders with"], "输局桥牌": ["rubber bridge"], "橡胶泥": ["rubber cement"], "橡胶粘合剂": ["rubber cement"], "垃圾收集器": ["rubbish collector"], "猛然觉醒": ["rude awakening"], "突然幻灭猛然的醒悟": ["rude awakening"], "突然的惊醒": ["rude awakening"], "后悔莫及": ["rude awakening"], "把…弄皱": ["ruffle up"], "拇指规则": ["rule of thumb"], "靠经验估计": ["rule of thumb"], "轻易获得": ["walk into", "run away with"], "同…私奔": ["run away with"], "轻易赢得(比赛等)": ["run away with"], "轻易赢得": ["run away with"], "使…变弱": ["run down"], "(电池)耗尽": ["run down"], "(使)筋疲力竭": ["run down"], "筋疲力竭": ["run down"], "匆匆去取": ["run for"], "赶紧去请": ["run for"], "拼命逃跑": ["run for one's life"], "撞到": ["run into"], "与…相撞": ["run into"], "与…汇合": ["run into"], "开始负债": ["run into debt"], "借债(负债)": ["run into debt"], "借债": ["run into debt"], "进行决赛": ["run off"], "迅速离开": ["run off", "blow", "split"], "跑出": ["run out"], "辗过": ["run over"], "匆匆看": ["run over"], "复查": ["run over", "review"], "在…上驶过": ["run over"], "碾过": ["run over"], "匆匆浏览": ["run over"], "跑着穿过": ["run through"], "匆匆处理": ["run through"], "遭遇(困难等)": ["run up against"], "萦绕着": ["run upon"], "变得荒芜": ["run wild"], "(价)暴涨": ["run wild"], "活水": ["running water"], "高峰时间": ["rush hour", "rush"], "仓促从事": ["rush into"], "匆匆赶制": ["rush out"], "奔出": ["rush out"], "匆匆大量赶制": ["rush out"], "仓促完成": ["rush through", "scramble"], "防锈": ["rust prevention"], "安然无恙": ["safe and sound"], "保险席位": ["safe seat"], "安全检查": ["safety inspection"], "奖薪": ["salary deduction"], "特价": ["offer", "special", "sale price"], "销售区域": ["sales territory"], "味咸": ["salty flavor"], "同一天": ["same date"], "旧金山(美国城市)": ["san Francisco"], "旧金山": ["san Francisco"], "喷砂清理": ["sand blasting"], "喷砂打磨法": ["sand blasting"], "喷砂处理": ["sand blasting"], "沙暴(大风沙)": ["sand storm"], "卫生证明书": ["sanitary certificate"], "卫生垃圾堆": ["sanitary landfill"], "卫生器具": ["sanitary ware"], "圆盘式卫星电视天线": ["satellite dish"], "天线接受器": ["satellite dish"], "卫星映象": ["satellite imagery"], "使对…感到信服": ["satisfy of"], "满足某人的欲望": ["satisfy one's desire"], "碟型顶": ["saucer Top"], "碟形弹性垫圈": ["saucer washer"], "碟形弹簧": ["saucer washer"], "桑那浴": ["sauna bath"], "腊肠卷": ["sausage roll"], "节约成本": ["save costs"], "数据存档": ["save data"], "保存为": ["save for"], "使免遭": ["save from"], "挽救某人生命": ["save one's life"], "极大地帮助了某人": ["save one's life"], "和某人打招呼": ["say hello to"], "向…表示问候": ["say hello to", "bid"], "说下去(继续说吧)": ["say on"], "说谢谢": ["saying Thanks"], "成比例模型": ["scale model"], "相似模型": ["scale model"], "成比例的模型": ["scale model"], "几何相似模型": ["scale model"], "稀缺资源": ["scarce resources"], "极难得(几乎从不)": ["scarcely ever"], "风景名胜区": ["scenery spot", "scenic zone"], "美术设计": ["scenic design"], "科幻片": ["science fiction movie"], "科技报告": ["scientific Reports"], "科学符号表示法": ["scientific notation"], "科学表示法": ["scientific notation"], "科研人员": ["scientific researcher"], "剪刀牙合": ["scissors bite"], "因…责骂": ["scold for"], "因为…而责骂": ["scold for"], "抢购一空": ["scoop up"], "(敏捷地)抱起来": ["scoop up"], "抱起来": ["scoop up"], "费力地获得": ["scrape together"], "抗划伤性": ["scratch Resistance"], "电脑高速暂存记忆区": ["scratch pad"], "便条(便笺式存储器)": ["scratch pad"], "只做了肤浅的研究": ["scratch the surface"], "不深刻": ["scratch the surface"], "不周详": ["scratch the surface"], "触及表面": ["scratch the surface"], "肤浅的探讨": ["scratch the surface"], "处于初步阶段有待深入研究": ["scratch the surface"], "(商船)船长": ["sea captain"], "白尾鹫": ["sea eagle"], "寻找到": ["search out"], "查出(探出、找出)": ["search out"], "搜索证": ["search warrant"], "海岸公园": ["seaside park"], "以季节为周期的变换步调": ["seasonal pace"], "二阶导数": ["second derivative"], "后半时": ["second half"], "后半场": ["second half"], "次级抵制": ["secondary boycott"], "第二手来源": ["secondary source"], "次级来源": ["secondary source"], "秘密社团": ["secret society"], "帮会": ["secret society"], "带给人安全感的熟悉的物体": ["security blanket"], "安全识别符": ["security identifier"], "安全性标识": ["security identifier"], "定积土": ["sedentary soil"], "沉积土": ["sedentary soil"], "沉积量": ["sediment yield"], "料理": ["see about"], "给某人送行": ["see sb off"], "帮助(某人)渡过···": ["see sb through"], "帮助…渡过···": ["see sb through"], "帮助渡过难关": ["see through"], "回头见": ["later", "see you!"], "再见!": ["see you!"], "寻求认可": ["seek approval"], "寻觅": ["seek for", "scavenge", "scratch", "poke"], "寻找发迹的机会": ["seek one's fortune"], "寻出路": ["seek one's fortune"], "想获得": ["seek out"], "看起来是可能的": ["seem possible"], "看作为": ["see…as"], "视…为…": ["see…as"], "给机会": ["seize the opportunity"], "抓住(采用、抓住、了解)": ["seize upon"], "选择分类排序": ["selection sort"], "窄带干扰": ["selective interference"], "选择干扰": ["selective interference"], "个体经营<自谋职业>者": ["self-employed person"], "抛售单": ["sell order"], "为还债而变卖": ["sell up"], "变卖以偿债": ["sell up"], "捎信": ["send a message"], "派人去叫": ["send for"], "派人去拿": ["send for"], "派人去请(拿)": ["send for"], "派人去请": ["send for"], "呈报": ["render", "send in"], "命…进来": ["send in"], "使处于(某种状态)": ["send into"], "把…送入…": ["send into"], "给…送行": ["send off"], "寄出(逐出、欢送)": ["send off"], "叫退场": ["send out"], "指派某人担任大使": ["send someone on an embassy"], "使上升": ["send up", "kite"], "判决入狱": ["send up"], "判…入狱": ["send up"], "党元老": ["senior member"], "高级秘书": ["senior secretary"], "简任秘书": ["senior secretary"], "触感": ["touch", "grain", "sense of touch"], "触摸感": ["sense of touch"], "[感光]感光胶卷": ["sensitive film"], "敏感(灵敏)材料": ["sensitive material"], "灵敏周期": ["sensitive period"], "易感觉的": ["sensitive to"], "感觉分析": ["sensory analysis"], "把…和…分开": ["separate from"], "分流制排水系统": ["separate system"], "雨水污水分流系统": ["separate system"], "分流系统": ["separate system"], "雨污水分流制": ["separate system"], "重病": ["serious illness"], "严肃的问题": ["serious problem"], "危急的问题": ["serious problem"], "严重的问题": ["serious problem"], "受到严重损伤": ["seriously injured"], "仆人式领导力": ["servant Leadership"], "服务型领导": ["servant Leadership"], "担任…": ["serve as"], "充当…": ["serve as"], "在陆军服役": ["serve in the army"], "给应得的待遇": ["serve right"], "运行寿命": ["service life"], "工作期限寿命": ["service life"], "服务年限": ["service life"], "有效寿命": ["service life"], "加以限制": ["set a limit"], "设定限量": ["set a limit"], "规定限度": ["set a limit"], "限制(缩减)": ["set a limit to"], "开创一个潮流": ["set a trend"], "开始做…": ["set about", "set out to do"], "树立榜样": ["set an example"], "作为典型": ["set an example"], "把…往回拨": ["set back"], "把…发动起来": ["set in motion", "set…in motion"], "使…运动": ["set in motion"], "使情绪激昂": ["set on fire"], "坚决地反对": ["set oneself against"], "摆放": ["set out", "lay", "placement", "stick"], "提出(理由)": ["set out"], "栽种(树苗等)": ["set out"], "释放某人": ["set sb free"], "把…存储起来": ["set sth aside"], "把…撇开": ["set sth aside"], "另外存放": ["set sth aside"], "把…置于一旁": ["set sth aside"], 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"共用违规": ["sharing violation"], "非法共享": ["sharing violation"], "鲨鱼湾(位于西澳大利亚)": ["shark bay"], "清晰边沿": ["sharp edge"], "陡沿": ["sharp edge"], "精益求精": ["sharpen skills"], "磨炼技巧": ["sharpen skills"], "把…弄清楚": ["shed light on"], "保存限期": ["shelf life"], "适用期": ["shelf life"], "贮藏期限": ["shelf life"], "上架登记": ["shelf registration"], "[林]防护林带": ["shelter belts"], "移位因子": ["shift factor"], "换岗": ["relieved", "shift work"], "倒班工作": ["shift work"], "照在…上": ["strike", "shine on"], "闪亮的黑色": ["shiny black"], "黑得发亮的": ["shiny black"], "冲击效应": ["shocking Effect"], "为…努力": ["struggle for", "shoot at"], "迅速上升": ["shoot up"], "折瓣花(产于北美)": ["shooting star"], "折瓣花": ["shooting star"], "工会谈判代表": ["shop steward"], "工厂的工人代表": ["shop steward"], "商店区": ["shopping center"], "[贸易]购物中心": ["shopping center"], "选购物品": ["shopping goods"], "交易品": ["shopping goods"], "挑选购买品": ["shopping goods"], "选购产品": ["shopping goods"], "滨海漂积物": ["shore drift"], "海岸漂积物": ["shore drift"], "沿滨漂积物": ["shore drift"], "海岸台": ["shore 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["side light"], "偶然启示": ["side light"], "侧向采光": ["side light"], "前小灯光": ["side light"], "侧面灯": ["side light"], "侧斜面板": ["side slope"], "站在…的一边": ["side with", "side"], "横[侧]向运动": ["sideways motion"], "为…叹息": ["sigh for"], "渴望(叹息)": ["sigh for"], "即付贷款": ["sight credit"], "即付信用状": ["sight credit"], "签收": ["sign in"], "(使)签到": ["sign in"], "(使)登记": ["sign in"], "签约雇用": ["sign up"], "签约参加": ["sign up"], "报名从军": ["sign up"], "签字参加": ["sign up"], "选课": ["sign up for"], "登记注册": ["sign up for", "register"], "登记报名": ["sign up for"], "讯号产生机": ["signal generator"], "显著性检验": ["significance test"], "显著性测定": ["significance test"], "显著性检定": ["significance test"], "有效位检验": ["significance test"], "显著性测验": ["significant test"], "柔声细语(歌曲名)": ["silence speaks"], "默片": ["silent film"], "无声片": ["silent film"], "寂静的春天(书名)": ["silent spring"], "可笑的想法": ["silly idea"], "银啡麻": ["silver grey"], "银牌": ["silver", "silver medal"], "电影(集合名词)": ["silver spoon"], "电影(集合称)": ["silver spoon"], "相似性产品": ["similar products"], "简易程序": ["simplified procedure"], "简化问题": ["simplify matters"], "模拟环境": ["simulated environment"], "模仿教育": ["simulated training"], "从那时以来": ["since then"], "自那以后": ["since then"], "真心实意": ["sincere desire"], "衷心祝愿": ["sincerely wish"], "一对一的格斗": ["single combat"], "单面汗布": ["single jersey"], "完全被理解": ["sink", "sink in"], "被充分理解": ["sink in"], "沉到…里(陷进)": ["sink into"], "沉到…里": ["sink into"], "坐着没事干": ["sit around"], "坐着": ["sit for"], "参加(考试)": ["sit for"], "任议会代表": ["sit for"], "静坐抗议": ["sit in"], "评判": ["verdict", "criticise", "judge", "sit in judgement on", "critique"], "审判(评判)": ["sit in judgement on"], "坐直": ["sit up"], "坐起来": ["sit up"], "迟睡": ["sit up"], "最高年级": ["sixth form"], "(使)符合要求或规格": ["size up"], "符合要求或规格": ["size up"], "滑雪斜坡": ["slope", "ski slope"], "集肤效应": ["skin effect"], "趋肤效应(集肤效应)": ["skin effect"], "趋肤效应": ["skin effect"], "塞投(篮球动作)": ["slam dunk"], "灌篮": ["slam dunk", "dunk"], "引人注目的强有力动作": ["slam dunk"], "突然施加(惩罚)": ["slap on"], "突然施加": ["slap on"], "突然提价": ["slap on"], "啪一声把某物拍到某物上": ["slap on"], "把(漆等)胡乱(或厚厚)地涂上去": ["slap on"], "把…胡乱…地涂上去": ["slap on"], "(突然而果断地)实行": ["slap on"], "实行奴隶制的州": ["slave state"], "从系统": ["slave system"], "伺服系统": ["slave system"], "睡眠助手(软件名称)": ["sleep helper"], "迟起床": ["sleep in"], "住在雇主家": ["sleep in"], "睡眠方式": ["sleep mode"], "静止方式": ["sleep mode"], "安眠药片": ["sleeping pill"], "袖口钮": ["sleeve button"], "雪橇铃": ["sleigh bells"], "割掉": ["slice…off"], "滑动水口": ["slide gate"], "滑门": ["slide gate"], "不知不觉地陷入": ["slide into"], "不知不觉地染上": ["slide into"], "悄悄溜进": ["slide into"], "轻热": ["slight fever"], "二级风浪": ["slight sea"], "小浪": ["slight sea"], "稍微不同": ["slightly different"], "纤薄设计": ["slim design"], "精简(机构)": ["slim down"], "裁减(人员)": ["slim down"], "苗条的身材": ["slim figure"], "小错误": ["slip of the tongue"], "疏漏": ["slip", "slip of the tongue"], "悄悄溜出去": ["slip out"], "困难的处境": ["slippery slope"], "放慢速度": ["slow", "slow down"], "使…慢下来": ["slow down"], "慢食": ["slow food"], "缓慢启动": ["slow start"], "(使)慢下来": ["slow up"], "慢下来": ["wind down", "slow up"], "使慢下来(减速、延迟、延慢)": ["slow up"], "使慢下来": ["slow up"], "稳扎稳打": ["slowly but surely"], "坚定不移地": ["slowly but surely"], "小而灵巧": ["small and exquisite"], "小型公司": ["small companies"], "中小企业": ["small companies"], "小鱼": ["small fry"], "小事情": ["small fry"], "闲扯": ["chatter", "ramble", "small talk"], "寒暄": ["small talk"], "非常受欢迎的书": ["smash hit"], "十分流行的歌曲": ["smash hit"], "感到有可疑之处(感到事情不妙)": ["smell a rat"], "到处打听(到处寻找)": ["smell about"], "到处打听": ["smell about"], "放松一下": ["wind down", "smell the flowers"], "休息一会儿": ["take a break", "smell the flowers"], "对…加以赞许(向…开颜)": ["smile on"], "烟箱": ["smoke box"], "弄平(消除)": ["smooth out"], "平稳航行": ["smooth sailing"], "快餐柜": ["snack bar"], "玩蛇人": ["snake charmer"], "溜号": ["sneak away"], "偷偷溜走": ["sneak off", "slink"], "潜出": ["sneak off"], "偷偷溜出去": ["sneak off"], "偷偷地接近": ["sneak up on"], "慢慢到来": ["sneak up on"], "渐渐来临": ["sneak up on"], "轻视(藐视)": ["sneeze at"], "四处探寻": ["sniff around"], "试图追求(某人)": ["sniff around"], "试图追求…": ["sniff around"], "企图挖走(某人)": ["sniff around"], "企图挖走…": ["sniff around"], "雪鹗": ["snowy owl"], "为的是": ["so as to"], "好罢": ["so be it"], "但愿如此": ["so be it"], "到某个程度": ["so far"], "只要(多指否定)": ["so long as"], "那么多(一群)": ["so many"], "那么多": ["so many"], "这么多": ["so much"], "很恐怖": ["so scary"], "很可怕": ["so scary"], "很吓人": ["so scary"], "肥皂制造厂": ["soap factory"], "非常悲伤的故事": ["sob story"], "社会行为": ["social actions"], "社会运动": ["social actions"], "社会媒体": ["social media"], "社会化媒体": ["social media"], "社会关系网络": ["social networking"], "社会网络": ["social networking"], "社会福利工作": ["social work"], "社会观念": ["societal values"], "灯头销": ["socket pin"], "套节管": ["socket pipe"], "套接管": ["socket pipe"], "冷饮柜": ["soda fountain"], "汽水容器": ["soda fountain"], "轻柔的音乐": ["soft music"], "软腐": ["soft rot"], "软件非法复制": ["software piracy"], "太阳(活动)周期": ["solar cycle"], "太阳活动周期": ["solar cycle"], "全权处理": ["sole discretion"], "全权决定": ["sole discretion"], "庄严的誓言": ["solemn promise"], "固体吹散泵": ["solid 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"(在宗教拜神仪式中)讲不为人知的语言": ["speak in tongues"], "讲不为人知的语言": ["speak in tongues"], "说别国的话": ["speak in tongues"], "口出不逊": ["speak rudely"], "粗暴无礼地说": ["speak rudely"], "毫无顾虑地说出": ["speak up"], "有力地说明": ["speak volumes about"], "充分显示": ["speak volumes about"], "足以证明": ["speak volumes about"], "为…提供有力证据": ["speak volumes about"], "表示重要意义": ["speak volumes about"], "至于…": ["speaking of"], "伤残奥运会": ["special Olympics"], "残奥会": ["special Olympics", "Paralympics", "Paralympic"], "特殊饮食": ["special dietary"], "特殊的风味": ["special flavour"], "特别的滋味": ["special flavour"], "特别许可": ["special privilege"], "专业承包商": ["specialist contractor"], "专门从事于(某一科目)": ["specialize in"], "专门从事于": ["specialize in"], "种特征": ["specific character"], "表示镜框": ["spectacle frame"], "壮观的景色": ["spectacular scenery"], "语言缺陷": ["speech defect"], "言语训练": ["speech training"], "蒂器": ["speed governor"], "最高车速": ["speed limit"], "加快速度": ["rev", "speed up"], "详加说明": ["spell out"], "全部写出": ["spell out", "write out"], "拼出": ["spelling", "spell out"], "把钱花光": ["spend up"], "在…方面花费": ["spend …on"], "使更活跃": ["spice up"], "使更活跃(或快活)": ["spice up"], "使…增色": ["spice up"], "辛辣食品": ["spicy food"], "转体": ["spin around", "swivel"], "尽力维持一些日子": ["spin out"], "拖长(工作等)的时间": ["spin out"], "拖长的时间": ["spin out"], "灵牌": ["spirit tablet"], "修行": ["spiritual Practice"], "灵修": ["spiritual Practice"], "吐出(咳出)": ["spit up"], "在小事上争论不休": ["split hairs"], "作无益的、琐碎的分析": ["split hairs"], "作无益的(琐细的区别)": ["split hairs"], "作无益的": ["split hairs"], "从…分裂出来": ["split off from"], "从…脱离出来": ["split off from"], "分裂(分离)": ["split off from"], "分割屏幕": ["split screen"], "自发性流产": ["spontaneous abortion"], "自发流产": ["spontaneous abortion"], "自发龙": ["spontaneous abortion"], "西点林鸮": ["spotted owl"], "喷雾口": ["spray jet"], "喷淋器": ["spray jet"], "喷雾嘴": ["spray jet"], "喷水口": ["spray jet"], "传播开": ["spread out"], "春秋时期": ["spring and Autumn period"], "生吃的小洋葱": ["spring onion"], "小洋葱": ["spring onion"], "春捲/润饼": ["spring rolls"], "脆皮春捲": ["spring rolls"], "使人突然想起": ["spring to mind"], "[铁路]支线": ["spur track"], "探出(发现)": ["spy out"], "平方米(m²)": ["square meter"], "模压铸造": ["squeeze casting"], "三明治定理": ["squeeze theorem"], "迫敛性": ["squeeze theorem"], "稳定谐振腔": ["stable resonator"], "累计": ["stack up"], "成为结果": ["stack up"], "不新鲜的面包": ["stale bread"], "准备行动": ["stand by"], "做…的候选人": ["stand for"], "立置": ["stand on end"], "立着放": ["stand on end"], "脱颖而出": ["stand out"], "不换牌": ["stand pat"], "经受住考验(测试合格)": ["stand the test"], "经得起时间考验": ["stand the test of time"], "经历时间的考验": ["stand the test of time"], "经久耐用": ["wear", "stand up"], "失约": ["stand up"], "后备功率": ["stand-by power"], "备用电力": ["stand-by power"], "备用动力": ["stand-by power"], "储备功率": ["stand-by power"], "标准书型": ["standard format"], "标准价格": ["standard rate"], "规定标准": ["standard rate"], "主粮": ["staple food"], "主要粮食": ["staple food"], "主演…": ["star in"], "星级系统": ["star system"], "明星制度": ["star system"], "愣神": ["stare blankly"], "发怔": ["stare blankly"], "(拉)根据过去判例": ["stare decisis"], "根据过去判例": ["stare decisis"], "照章办事": ["stare decisis"], "惊跳起来": ["start up"], "(使)丧失": ["starve of"], "(使)因缺乏而受困苦": ["starve of"], "因缺乏而受困苦": ["starve of"], "(使)因缺乏而受困苦": ["starve of"], "(使)丧失": ["starve of"], "病情": ["state of illness"], "国营经济": ["state-owned economy"], "文具行": ["stationery store"], "投宿在…": ["stay at"], "睡不着": ["stay awake"], "醒着": ["stay awake"], "保持镇静": ["stay calm"], "集中精力": ["stay focused"], "保持注意力": ["stay focused"], "不出门": ["stay in"], "固定…位置上不动": ["stay in"], "(火焰等)继续燃烧": ["stay in"], "留在": ["stay on"], "继续住下去": ["stay on"], "坚持做…": ["stay with"], "与…留在一起": ["stay with"], "稳定的进步/进展": ["steady progress"], "稳定进步": ["steady progression"], "稳定复苏": ["steady recovery"], "恒稳态": ["steady state"], "陡海岸": ["steep coast"], "陡崖海岸": ["steep coast"], "陡崖": ["steep coast"], "陡峭的山": ["steep hill"], "陡斜路": ["steep ramp"], "来自于": ["stem from"], "伸脚穿入": ["step in"], "升高(电压)": ["step up"], "在附近徘徊": ["stick around"], "在附近徘徊(停留)": ["stick around"], "墨守成规(陷入泥淖)": ["stick in the mud"], "墨守成规": ["stick in the mud"], "粘附在…上": ["stick to"], "坚持做": ["soldier", "stick with"], "偷窃习惯(接球能力)": ["sticky fingers"], "偷窃习惯": ["sticky fingers"], "胶布": ["patch", "sticky tape", "tape"], "坚定沉着": ["stiff upper lip"], "不露感情": ["stiff upper lip"], "静象": ["still image"], "静物": ["still life"], "静物写生": ["still life"], "一揽子刺激计划": ["stimulus package"], "股票交易所": ["stock exchange"], "证券交易": ["stock market"], "证券(或股票)市场": ["stock market"], "证券(或股票)交易所": ["stock market"], "证券(或股票)交易": ["stock market"], "优先认股权": ["stock option"], "股份分割": ["stock split"], "分股": ["stock split"], "槌打式缩绒机": ["stocking machine"], "被窃的财产": ["stolen property"], "石雕像": ["stone statue"], "石围栏": ["stone wall"], "偶然过访": ["stop by"], "停止做(某事)": ["stop doing sth."], "停止做(某事)": ["stop doing sth."], "中辍": ["stop halfway"], "作短暂的访问": ["stop in"], "停下来去做某事": ["stop to do sth."], "存储器系统": ["storage system"], "储蓄槽": ["storage tank"], "贮存(怀有)": ["store up"], "坦率的谈话": ["straight Talk"], "整理阐明挺直": ["straighten up"], "简单操作": ["straightforward operation"], "滤掉": ["strain off"], "说来也奇怪(用作插入语)": ["strangely enough"], "说来也奇怪": ["strangely enough"], "战略措施": ["strategic move"], "战略态势": ["strategic position"], "战略重要性": ["strategic significance"], "(稻)草包": ["straw Bag"], "铡草机": ["straw cutter"], "茎稿切碎机": ["straw cutter"], "强力试验": ["strength test"], "扑向(打击)": ["strike at"], "插嘴(干涉)": ["strike in"], "发现油矿": ["strike oil"], "飞黄腾达": ["strike oil"], "发现油矿(很快发了财)": ["strike oil"], "击(发现、想起)": ["strike on"], "弦乐合奏": ["string Orchestra"], "管弦乐": ["string Orchestra"], "礼貌上的": ["striped-pants"], "过于注重形式的": ["striped-pants"], "对…很偏爱": ["strong for"], "坚决拥护": ["strong for"], "薪级结构调整": ["structural adjustment"], "结构方程": ["structural equation"], "组织平衡": ["structural equation"], "构造图": ["structure diagram"], "同…作斗争": ["struggle against"], "困于…": ["stuck with"], "常用被动态": ["stuck with"], "意为被…烦扰缠身": ["stuck with"], "大学的学生活动大楼": ["student union"], "学生活动大楼": ["student union"], "研讨会议": ["study session"], "用…装/填/塞": ["stuff with"], "偶尔发现": ["stumble across"], "碰巧找到": ["stumble on"], "语体特征": ["stylistic features"], "语体意义": ["stylistic meaning"], "易受…影响的": ["subject to"], "屈服于…的": ["subject to"], "让步于…": ["subject to"], "海底震": ["submarine earthquake"], "潜艇形大三明治": ["submarine sandwich"], ".服从": ["submit to"], "屈从于": ["bow", "submit to"], "下级单位": ["subordinate units"], "认购合同": ["subscription agreement"], "订购模式": ["subscription model"], "订用模式": ["subscription model"], "期刊订阅服务": ["subscription service"], "后续调查": ["subsequent survey"], "物质滥用": ["substance abuse"], "滥用药品": ["substance abuse"], "附廓区": ["suburban area"], "市郊区": ["suburban district"], "在…方面的成功": ["success in"], "在…方面成功的": ["successful in"], "如此…以致": ["such…that…"], "吸尽": ["suck up"], "恍然大悟": ["suddenly Realize", "flash", "click"], "为…而受苦": ["suffer for"], "因…而蒙受损害": ["suffer from"], "糖的替代品": ["sugar substitute"], "提案制": ["suggestion system"], "提案系统": ["suggestion system"], "按自己意愿做事": ["suit oneself"], "…摘要/总结": ["summary of"], "太阳灯浴": ["sunbath", "sunbathe", "sun bathe"], "(女用)阳伞": ["sun shade"], "阳伞": ["umbrella", "sun shade"], "晴朗的天气": ["sunny weather"], "夕阳产业": ["sunset industry"], "超级杯赛": ["super Bowl"], "最后阶段初选": ["super Bowl"], "质量极高的": ["superb"], "非同一般的": ["superb"], "羽毛鲜艳夺目的": ["superb"], "比…优越": ["superior to"], "超市连锁店": ["supermarket chain"], "监理项目部": ["supervision department"], "监察处": ["supervision department"], "供应与需求": ["supply and demand"], "供求": ["supply and demand"], "供给链": ["supply chain"], "供需链": ["supply chain"], "供应部门": ["supply department"], "供给部": ["supply department"], "承托架": ["support bracket"], "自谋生计": ["support oneself", "fend"], "至高无上的权力": ["supreme power"], "网上漫游": ["surf the net"], "表面层": ["surface layer"], "陆军军医": ["surgeon general"], "对…来说意想不到的": ["surprised to"], "环绕声": ["surround sound"], "周围地区": ["vicinity", "close", "surrounding area"], "调查数据": ["survey data"], "生存率": ["survival rate"], "悬桥": ["suspension bridge"], "悬置系统": ["suspension system"], "摇动法": ["suspension system"], "对…怀疑的": ["suspicious of"], "持续农业": ["sustainable agriculture"], "持续增长": ["sustainable growth"], "最后的作品或演出": ["swan song"], "天鹅临死前的叫声": ["swan song"], "对…发誓": ["swear by"], "极其信赖": ["swear by"], "对…起誓": ["swear by"], "保证(担保)": ["swear for"], "瑞典学院(学院名)": ["swedish Academy"], "把一切据为己有": ["sweep everything into one's net"], "扫掉": ["sweep out"], "向…扩展": ["sweep over"], "环视四周": ["sweep over"], "清洁地面": ["sweep the floor"], "拖地板": ["sweep the floor"], "横扫": ["sweep", "sweep up"], "美好的回忆": ["sweet memories"], "亲切的言语": ["sweet words"], "…高涨": ["swell with"], "路经": ["swing by"], "积极行动起来": ["swing into action"], "接入(接通)": ["switch in"], "接入": ["switch in"], "扳钮": ["switch knob"], "合闸按钮": ["switch knob"], "切换旋钮": ["switch knob"], "开关手柄": ["switch knob"], "道岔旋钮": ["switch knob"], "(用开关)关掉": ["switch off"], "切断(电源)": ["switch off"], "(用开关)关掉": ["switch off"], "(用开关)开启": ["switch on"], "乘虚而入": ["swoop in"], "对…同情的": ["sympathetic with"], "对…的同情": ["sympathy for"], "对…的赞同": ["sympathy with"], "系统还原": ["system restoration"], "系统故障恢复": ["system restoration"], "餐桌礼仪": ["table manners"], "调味盐": ["table salt"], "触觉地图": ["tactile map"], "特征号": ["tag number"], "太极": ["tai chi"], "鞠躬答谢": ["take a bow"], "鞠躬答礼": ["take a bow"], "休息一下": ["take a break"], "喘口气": ["take a breath"], "深深地吸一口气": ["take a breath"], "接手承办案件": ["take a brief"], "放一天假": ["take a day off"], "假装被击倒": ["take a dive"], "(拳击中)假装被击倒": ["take a dive"], "喜欢上": ["take a fancy to"], "领会暗示(明白、得到启发)": ["take a hint"], "领会暗示": ["take a hint"], "捎口信": ["take a message"], "带口信": ["take a message"], "睡午觉": ["take a nap"], "暂停交易": ["take a powder"], "逃走(离开)": ["take a powder"], "吸一口": ["take a sip"], "占…的便宜": ["take advantage of"], "采纳意见": ["take advice"], "一道来": ["take along"], "随身带着": ["take along"], "保重": ["take care"], "为某物付款(尤在请客时)": ["take care of"], "为某物付款": ["take care of"], "监理": ["take charge of"], "鼓起勇气(奋勇)": ["take courage"], "取货": ["take delivery of"], "拆掉": ["take down"], "拆台": ["take down"], "把…搞垮": ["take down"], "临摹(以…为榜样)": ["take example by"], "对…反感": ["like", "take exception"], "做健身活动": ["take exercise"], "做锻炼": ["take exercise"], "想当然": ["take for granted"], "认为理当如此": ["take for granted"], "对…有兴趣": ["take interest in", "into"], "考虑(注意、顾及、体谅)": ["take into account"], "别激动": ["take it easy"], "放轻松": ["take it easy"], "别紧张": ["take it easy"], "别生气": ["take it easy"], "视为当然": ["take it for granted"], "把…当成理所当然": ["take it for granted"], "(对人)过于随便": ["take liberties"], "随意改变": ["take liberties"], "采取措施做某事": ["take measures to do"], "不理采…": ["take no notice of"], "不注意(不理会)": ["take no notice of"], "突然成功": ["take off"], "匆匆离开": ["despatch", "tear off", "take off"], "开始雇用": ["take on"], "使某人大为惊讶": ["take one's breath away"], "给one量尺寸": ["take one's measure"], "接受应得的惩罚": ["take one's medicine"], "记下顾客点的饭菜": ["take one's order"], "不著急": ["take one's time"], "安排(整理、处理)": ["take order with"], "抵充贷款": ["take out a loan"], "获得贷款": ["take out a loan"], "把垃圾拿出去": ["take out the rubbish"], "接任": ["succeed", "take over"], "承袭": ["adopt", "take over"], "逃到": ["take refuge in"], "履行职责": ["take responsibility"], "向某人报复": ["take revenge on someone"], "着手落实": ["take steps to do"], "承担过错": ["take the blame"], "负过失的责任": ["take the blame"], "作会议主席(主持会议)": ["take the chair"], "作会议主席": ["take the chair"], "表现为…的形式": ["take the form of"], "取…的形式(成…的性质)": ["take the form of"], "取…的形式": ["take the form of"], "做榜样": ["take the lead"], "太随便": ["take the liberty of"], "揭开盖子": ["uncover", "take the lid off"], "揭开盖子(揭露)": ["take the lid off"], "估计(某人的)性格或能力": ["take the measure of"], "估计性格或能力": ["take the measure of"], "乘坐地铁": ["take the subway"], "逃之夭夭": ["take to flight"], "逃走(很快消失)": ["take to flight"], "占据(时间、地方)": ["take up"], "占去": ["take up"], "做某事消遣": ["take up"], "占据(时间、地方)": ["take up"], "占据(易于攻守的)适当位置": ["take up a position"], "占据适当位置": ["take up a position"], "采取某种立场": ["take up a position"], "占据(易于攻守的)适当位置": ["take up a position"], "[喻]采取某种立场[态度]": ["take up a position"], "打擂台": ["take up the challenge"], "有所警惕": ["take warning"], "有所警戒": ["take warning"], "不慌不忙": ["take your time"], "把…当作是…": ["take…as"], "才能发展": ["talent development"], "才艺表演会": ["talent show"], "业余演出比赛": ["talent show"], "才艺竞赛": ["talent show"], "达人秀": ["talent show"], "选秀节目": ["talent show"], "谈论某事": ["talk about"], "说起想…": ["talk about"], "考虑要…": ["talk about"], "把…说透": ["talk out"], "坦率地讲": ["talk out"], "谈个明白": ["talk out"], "说话有理": ["talk sense"], "热烈地讨论": ["talk up"], "引人入胜地讨论": ["talk up"], "和…交谈": ["talk with"], "大宗财富": ["tall money"], "夸大的故事(鬼话)": ["tall story"], "夸大的故事": ["tall story"], "说大话": ["tall tale"], "荒诞的故事": ["tall tale"], "与…争吵(或打架)": ["tangle with"], "与…争吵": ["tangle with"], "灌满油箱": ["tank up"], "喝大量的酒": ["tank up"], "灌满一油箱的油(喝大量的酒)": ["tank up"], "灌满一油箱的油": ["tank up"], "(足球)近距离轻松进球": ["tap in"], "近距离轻松进球": ["tap in"], "(高尔夫)将很短的推击击球入洞": ["tap in"], "将很短的推击击球入洞": ["tap in"], "(篮球)托球入篮": ["tap in"], "托球入篮": ["tap in"], "刷卡入闸": ["tap in"], "按键输入": ["tap in"], "(为了利益)充分利用或挖掘(资源)": ["tap into"], "充分利用或挖掘": ["tap into"], "敲打出": ["tap out"], "赌博输光钱": ["tap out"], "打出(电报)": ["tap out"], "打出": ["tap out", "discard", "knockout"], "轻轻敲打": ["tap out"], "磁带放音机": ["tape player"], "放音机": ["tape player"], "录音(像)机": ["tape recorder"], "目标语言": ["target language"], "译入语": ["target language"], "目标聚光灯": ["target spot"], "(植病)[植保]靶斑病": ["target spot"], "[植保]靶斑病": ["target spot"], "轮斑病": ["target spot"], "课税减免": ["tax deduction"], "赋税收入": ["tax revenue"], "计程车司机": ["taxi driver"], "茶壶[烧茶用]": ["tea pot"], "教训一顿": ["teach a lesson"], "教训某人": ["teach sb a lesson"], "使某人吸取教训": ["teach sb a lesson"], "教学方式": ["teaching method"], "使…分裂": ["tear apart"], "带泪痕的": ["tear-stained"], "泪水沾湿的": ["tear-stained"], "高兴的泪水": ["tears of joy"], "哄取": ["tease out"], "拣选出": ["tease out"], "工艺革新": ["technological innovation"], "电视节目主持人": ["television presenter"], "讲诉": ["tell about"], "告诉关于…信息": ["tell about"], "分派出": ["tell off"], "向…透露": ["tell off"], "(正式)起坏作用": ["tell on sb"], "起坏作用": ["tell on sb"], "将某事告诉某人": ["tell sb. sth"], "温度偏离额定值": ["temperature excursion"], "耐热性": ["temperature stability"], "临时支付": ["temporary payments"], "暂付款项": ["temporary payments"], "临时工程": ["temporary work"], "临时性工程": ["temporary work"], "怂恿去…": ["tempt into"], "劝诱去…": ["tempt into"], "诱使…": ["tempt into"], "土地租用人": ["tenant farm"], "趋向于": ["tend to be"], "易于做某事": ["tend to do"], "有做…的倾向": ["tend to do"], "推测数据": ["tentative data"], "暂定数据": ["tentative data"], "试验性计划": ["tentative plan"], "试验设备": ["test device"], "充分考查": ["test out"], "市场测试": ["test the waters"], "测试水(温度、深浅等)": ["test the waters"], "测试水": ["test the waters"], "文字框": ["text box"], "正文框": ["text box"], "文字讯息": ["text message"], "正文消息": ["text message"], "短信": ["text message", "text"], "比平时": ["than usual"], "与平时相比": ["than usual"], "感谢你的…": ["thank you for"], "那好吧": ["that's ok"], "奥林匹克": ["the Olympics"], "伦敦地铁": ["the Tube"], "电视(机)": ["the Tube"], "纯真年代": ["the age of innocence"], "生活大爆炸(电视剧)": ["the big bang theory"], "生活大爆炸": ["the big bang theory"], "······的原因": ["the cause of…", "the cause of"], "已死的人": ["the deceased"], "自然力": ["the elements", "weather", "force"], "面包和葡萄酒": ["the elements"], "最终回": ["the final episode"], "最后一分钟": ["the last minute"], "终于使人无法忍受的最后一击": ["the last straw"], "终于使人不能忍受的最后一击": ["the last straw"], "最大(或最好)的一份": ["the lion's share of"], "最大的一份": ["the lion's share of"], "大部分(大多数)": ["the mass of"], "裸眼": ["the naked eye"], "前几天": ["the other day"], "不久前的一天": ["the other day"], "与之相反": ["the other way round"], "撒哈拉沙漠": ["the sahara Desert"], "与…同样的": ["the same as"], "同…一样": ["the same with"], "失业者(集体)": ["the unemployed"], "从远道": ["the whole way"], "信号曲": ["theme song"], "老套话": ["theme song"], "[进化]进化论": ["theory of evolution"], "当即": ["there and then"], "想到就说出": ["think aloud"], "回想过去": ["think back to"], "回想(回忆、重新思虑)": ["think back to"], "对…高度评价": ["think highly of"], "不把…放在心里": ["think nothing of"], "想清楚": ["think out"], "跳出固有思维模式": ["think outside the box"], "跳脱框架思考": ["think outside the box"], "想出别出心裁的点子": ["think outside the box"], "思考…直到得出结论": ["think sth through", "think through"], "彻底地想一想": ["think sth through"], "彻底地全面考虑": ["think through"], "想明白": ["think through"], "三思": ["think twice"], "非常想望": ["thirst for"], "全面了解": ["thorough understanding"], "透彻了解": ["thorough understanding"], "彻底理解": ["thorough understanding"], "精心的安排": ["thoughtful arrangements"], "数千的…": ["thousands of"], "扬言要…": ["threaten to do sth."], "在任何情况下": ["wherever", "through thick and thin"], "不顾艰难险阻": ["through thick and thin"], "通过试错": ["through trial and error"], "到处扔": ["throw about"], "舞动": ["throw about", "shake"], "抛散": ["throw about"], "向…扔去": ["throw at"], "扔回来": ["throw back"], "使依靠": ["throw back"], "回复到从前": ["throw back"], "掷界外球": ["throw in"], "附送": ["throw in"], "使…(突然)陷入某一状态": ["throw into"], "使…陷入某一状态": ["throw into"], "使忙乱(使混乱)": ["throw into confusion"], "使忙乱": ["throw into confusion"], "使…显得清楚": ["throw light on"], "阐明…": ["throw light on"], "使…明白": ["throw light on"], "积极从事": ["throw oneself into"], "热心投身于": ["throw oneself into"], "开始努力干": ["throw oneself into"], "抛弃。拒绝接受": ["throw over"], "推开(冲开)": ["thrust aside"], "责备(禁止、不赞成)": ["thumbs down"], "就这么多": ["thus much"], "只此": ["thus much"], "青康藏高原": ["tibetan plateau"], "给…标": ["tick off"], "用记号勾出": ["tick off"], "潮能": ["tidal energy"], "度过困难时期": ["tide over"], "使度过(困难时期)": ["tide over"], "使度过": ["tide over"], "收起(某物)": ["tidy away"], "收起…": ["tidy away"], "使配合得当": ["tie in"], "捆成束": ["tie in"], "使…结合在一起": ["tie in"], "打结(婚礼的一项仪式)": ["tie the knot"], "扎绑": ["tie up"], "和…有密切关系": ["tie up with"], "与…连结": ["tie up with"], "交投活跃而差价小的市场": ["tight market"], "束紧腰带": ["tighten one's belt"], "使更牢固": ["tighten up"], "潜在破坏因素": ["time bomb"], "潜在的爆炸性局势": ["time bomb"], "时限": ["time limit"], "调时制": ["time scale"], "时间量程": ["time scale"], "保鲜纸": ["tin foil"], "[材]锡纸": ["tin foil"], "露出水面的冰山顶": ["tip of the iceberg"], "暗中通知某人": ["tip off"], "事先给警告(或暗示)": ["tip off"], "事先给警告": ["tip off"], "打破平衡": ["tip the balance"], "冠名赞助": ["title sponsorship"], "全体无例外地": ["to a man"], "进出": ["to and from"], "待决定": ["to be determined"], "说实在的": ["to be honest", "seriously"], "身怀六甲": ["to be pregnant"], "套用一种说法": ["to coin a phrase"], "略举数例": ["to name but a few"], "令某人吃惊的是": ["to one's amazement"], "出乎某人意料": ["to one's amazement"], "使某人惊奇的是": ["to one's amazement"], "令人遗憾的是": ["to one's regret"], "值得一提的": ["to speak of"], "概括地说": ["nutshell", "to sum up"], "在…东方(之外)": ["to the east of"], "在…东方": ["to the east of"], "达到这种程度以致…": ["to the extent that"], "至终": ["to the last"], "到最后一个字": ["to the last syllable"], "不折不扣地": ["to the letter"], "到极点(极端地)": ["to the limit"], "到极点": ["to the limit"], "达到…数量": ["to the tune of"], "达…之多": ["to the tune of"], "同…一起": ["together with"], "厕纸": ["toilet paper"], "蕃茄汁": ["tomato sauce"], "番茄沙司": ["tomato sauce"], "口气": ["tone of voice", "ring"], "太快": ["too soon"], "牙仙女": ["tooth fairy"], "引申为最好的演员或重要的官员": ["top banana"], "头头": ["top banana", "man"], "为(建筑物的建成)举行竣工仪式": ["top out"], "为举行竣工仪式": ["top out"], "达到最高点": ["top out"], "顶点是": ["top out"], "以…为顶点": ["top out"], "在…之间难以选择": ["torn between"], "在…间难于抉择": ["torn between"], "撕碎(驳得体无完肤)": ["torn to pieces"], "加总": ["total up"], "加起来有": ["total up to"], "停靠(接近)": ["touch at"], "草草写(发射、燃放、引起)": ["touch off"], "简略提到": ["touch on"], "大胆果断的人(暴躁的人、无赖汉)": ["tough nut"], "远远胜过": ["tower above"], "大大高出": ["tower above", "tower over"], "大大高出(远远胜过)": ["tower above", "tower over"], "象牙之塔": ["tower of ivory"], "可信赖的人(中流砥柱)": ["tower of strength"], "毒雾": ["toxic smog"], "漫不经心地摆弄": ["toy with"], "不十分认真地考虑": ["toy with"], "探寻出": ["trace out"], "追踪到…": ["trace over"], "映绘": ["trace over"], "田径": ["athletics", "track and field"], "跟踪追捕": ["track down"], "追查": ["track down", "track", "trace"], "追究(探索出)": ["track out"], "追究": ["track out", "trace"], "作价补钱买": ["trade for"], "贸易磨擦": ["trade friction"], "交替换位": ["trade off"], "内部预映": ["trade show"], "销售展": ["trade show"], "交通拥堵": ["traffic congestion"], "交通拥挤": ["traffic congestion"], "交通警": ["traffic police"], "没精打采地(跟在后面)走": ["trail along"], "没精打采地走": ["trek", "trail along", "trail"], "没精打采地(跟在后面)走": ["trail along"], "逐渐减弱": ["trail off", "recede"], "打歪(没打中)": ["train off"], "训练(培养)": ["train up"], "训练专家": ["training specialist"], "缓流": ["tranquil flow"], "[贸易]交易费用": ["transaction cost"], "过户手续费": ["transfer fee"], "转让手续费": ["transfer fee"], "从…调动": ["transfer from"], "传送翻译器": ["transfer interpreter"], "数据转录器": ["transfer interpreter"], "使晶管体化": ["transistorize"], "装上电晶体": ["transistorize"], "晶体管化的(装有晶体管的)": ["transistorized"], "过渡周期": ["transition period"], "把…译成…": ["translate to"], "把…转化成…": ["translate to"], "翻译成": ["translate…into"], "发送到": ["transmit to"], "把…运送到": ["transport to"], "导游手册": ["travel brochure"], "珍藏(积蓄、珍重、牢记)": ["treasure up"], "舍得花钱": ["treat oneself to"], "舍得": ["treat oneself to"], "以…招待某人": ["treat sb to"], "请某人吃": ["treat sb to"], "把…待如": ["treat sb. as"], "因…而发抖": ["tremble at", "tremble with"], "为…焦虑": ["tremble for"], "焦虑(担忧)某事": ["tremble for"], "焦虑某事": ["tremble for"], "因…发抖": ["tremble for"], "(被…)绊倒": ["trip over"], "(使)犯错误": ["trip up"], "(使)绊倒": ["trip up"], "具有三种专长的多面手": ["triple threat"], "能跑、能踢、能传球的足球选手": ["triple threat"], "列队走进": ["troop into"], "委托(存放)": ["trust with"], "再试一次": ["try again"], "检验角尺": ["try square"], "细刨": ["trying plane"], "学费补助": ["tuition assistance"], "(某一学科的)教学": ["tuition fees"], "倒翻闸门": ["tumble gate"], "开始奏乐(开始、调准)": ["tune up"], "开始奏乐": ["tune up"], "(对…)视而不见": ["turn a blind eye to"], "视而不见": ["cut", "turn a blind eye to", "overlook"], "对…充耳不闻": ["turn a deaf ear to"], "转向反方向": ["turn around"], "(生意或经济)好转": ["turn around"], "船只留港": ["turn around"], "把…打发走": ["turn away"], "往回走": ["turn back"], "翻回到": ["turn back"], "上缴": ["turn in"], "上床就寝": ["turn in"], "(使)变成": ["turn into"], "19世纪未20世纪初": ["turn of the century"], "营业额为": ["turn over"], "洗心革面": ["turn over a new leaf"], "过新生活": ["turn over a new leaf"], "朝上翻": ["turn up"], "调大": ["turn up"], "对…嗤之以鼻": ["turn up one's nose at"], "拧开": ["twist off"], "拧断(拧开)": ["twist off"], "拧断": ["twist off", "wring"], "把…卷成螺旋形": ["twist up"], "把卷成螺旋形(扭弯)": ["twist up"], "把卷成螺旋形": ["twist up"], "没有深度感觉的": ["two-dimensional"], "二次元": ["two-dimensional space"], "最终到达": ["ultimate destination"], "全体同意": ["unanimous approval"], "难以忍受的痛苦": ["unbearable pain"], "受嫌疑": ["under a cloud"], "被捕": ["under arrest"], "在押": ["under arrest"], "遭受攻击": ["under attack"], "在考虑之中": ["under consideration"], "在建筑中": ["under construction"], "在讨论中": ["under discussion"], "无论如何都不": ["under no circumstances"], "在压力下": ["under pressure"], "被催逼": ["under pressure"], "持异议地": ["under protest"], "抗议中": ["under protest"], "正在修理": ["under repair"], "在…的掌管下": ["under the charge of"], "在这种情形下": ["under the circumstance"], "在…的庇护之下": ["under the flag of"], "在…旗帜下": ["under the flag of"], "在…的指导下": ["under the guidance of"], "被践踏": ["under the heel of"], "被…践踏(支配)": ["under the heel of"], "在…影响下": ["before", "under the influence of"], "在…假面具之下": ["under the mask of"], "借…之名": ["under the mask of"], "名叫…": ["under the name of"], "以…的名字": ["under the name of"], "在耕种中": ["under the plough"], "正在耕种的": ["under the plough"], "在…保护下": ["under the umbrella of"], "人不太舒服": ["under the weather"], "在接受治疗中": ["under treatment"], "大学本科教育": ["undergraduate education"], "地下停车": ["underground parking"], "承诺做某事": ["undertake to do sth."], "海底山体滑坡": ["underwater landslide"], "海底作业车": ["underwater vehicle"], "非预期事件": ["unexpected event"], "不公平竞争": ["unfair competition", "unfair play"], "不忠诚地": ["unfaithfully"], "一致分布": ["uniform distribution"], "等分布": ["uniform distribution"], "在…方面联合起(做某事)": ["unite in"], "在…方面联合起": ["unite in"], "在…方面团结": ["unite in"], "合并成": ["unite into"], "(使)团结成": ["unite into"], "团结成": ["unite into"], "一般规律": ["universal law"], "除另有规定外": ["unless otherwise specified"], "除非另有说明": ["unless otherwise specified"], "如无特别说明": ["unless otherwise specified"], "无条件意见": ["unqualified opinions"], "非稳态": ["unstable state"], "不合适的值": ["unsuitable value"], "直到现在": ["until now"], "空等": ["wait about", "until the cows come home"], "来回": ["fro", "up and down"], "正被考虑": ["up for", "up"], "正处于": ["up for"], "很容易到手": ["up for grabs"], "可获得": ["up for grabs"], "待价而沽": ["up for grabs"], "该由…决定": ["up to"], "准时的(准确)": ["up to time"], "浮托力": ["uplift pressure"], "成败": ["ups and downs"], "倒置地": ["upside down"], "上方风险": ["upside risk"], "…以上": ["upwards of"], "城镇规划": ["urban planning"], "紧急求助": ["urgency call"], "紧急电报": ["urgent telegram"], "过去经常": ["used to"], "过去曾经": ["used to do"], "过去常常做某事": ["used to do"], "利用系数": ["utilization ratio"], "话语义": ["utterance meaning"], "空地(在城市内的)": ["vacant lot"], "真空清洁器": ["vacuum cleaner"], "有价值的经验": ["valuable experience"], "将…估价为": ["value at"], "估价为": ["value at"], "价值鉴定": ["value judgement"], "签发": ["value on"], "向某人开出汇票": ["value on"], "从…失去": ["vanish from"], "消失于": ["vanish from"], "在…方面变化": ["vary in"], "在…方面有差异": ["vary in"], "随…而变": ["vary with"], "天渊之别": ["vast difference"], "几笔巨款": ["vast sums of money"], "素食餐厅": ["vegetarian restaurant"], "用于…的工具": ["vehicle for"], "在…中冒着危险": ["venture in"], "冒险从事": ["venture in"], "大胆尝试某事": ["venture into"], "鼓起勇气前进": ["venture on"], "冒险对": ["venture on"], "非常羞怯的": ["very shy"], "极其遗憾的": ["very sorry"], "大学副校长": ["vice president"], "=vice-president": ["vice president"], "反过来也是一样地": ["vice versa"], "观景走廊": ["view corridor"], "认为…是…": ["view…as…", "view…as"], "强烈地震": ["violent earthquake"], "十一级风": ["violent storm"], "虚像世界": ["virtual world"], "所看得见的": ["visible to"], "视觉特效": ["visual effect"], "视觉效应": ["visual effect"], "视觉震撼": ["visual impact"], "直观指示": ["visual indication"], "视轴": ["visual line"], "生命征": ["vital sign"], "生命迹象": ["vital sign"], "极为重要": ["vitally important"], "火山喷发": ["volcanic eruption"], "自愿劳动": ["voluntary labor"], "自愿担任": ["volunteer as"], "主动提出承担": ["volunteer for"], "选举(选出来)": ["vote in"], "就…表决": ["vote on"], "表决通过(投票赞成)": ["vote through"], "表决通过": ["vote through"], "投票决定某事": ["vote to do…"], "涉水(泥泞等)": ["wade through"], "费力地做完": ["wade through"], "费力地作完": ["wade through"], "讲空话": ["wag one's jaw"], "吹耀自己的荣誉": ["wag the feather"], "炫耀自己的身分": ["wag the feather"], "在来处等待着": ["wait about"], "准备好了": ["wait in the wings"], "时刻准备着": ["wait in the wings"], "等候批准的申请人名单": ["waiting list"], "从…中叫醒": ["wake from"], "轻易地胜过": ["walk away from"], "出乎意料地陷入(某境地)": ["walk into"], "出乎意料地陷入": ["walk into"], "猛烈打击": ["walk into", "bust"], "轻易获得(工作)": ["walk into"], "飘飘然": ["walk on air"], "挺直腰杆": ["walk tall"], "不低三下四": ["walk tall"], "轻松地初排": ["walk through"], "初排": ["walk through"], "草率排练": ["walk through"], "不拍摄的排练": ["walk through"], "闲逛(漂泊、流浪)": ["wander about"], "离群走散": ["wander off"], "想要进来(想参加)": ["want out"], "想要进来": ["want out"], "对抗…的战争": ["war against"], "反击…的战争": ["war against"], "因…而战": ["war over"], "同…进行斗争/争斗": ["war with"], "热情的拥抱": ["warm embrace"], "热烈的拥抱": ["warm embrace"], "热重启动": ["warm restart"], "警告(…)不要": ["warn against"], "提醒(…)提防": ["warn against"], "警告…不要": ["warn against"], "提醒…提防": ["warn against"], "告诫…离开": ["warn off"], "向某人发出对…的警报": ["warn sb. of sth.", "warn sb. of sth."], "告诫某人某事": ["warn sb. of sth.", "warn sb. of sth."], "警告某人某事": ["warn sb. of sth.", "warn sb. of sth."], "警告标识": ["warning sign"], "保证卡": ["warranty card"], "联保单": ["warranty card"], "保险期": ["warranty period"], "洗掉": ["wash away", "lave", "wash off", "wash out"], "洗去": ["wash away", "wash up", "wash out"], "洗刷掉": ["wash off"], "洗净": ["wash out"], "洗褪": ["wash out"], "因雨等受影响": ["wash out"], "日渐衰弱": ["waste away"], "日益消瘦": ["waste away"], "浪费(钱财或时间)": ["waste on"], "浪费(钱财或时间)": ["waste on"], "[环境]水源保护": ["water conservation"], "保水": ["water conservation"], "冰釉": ["water glaze"], "注水法": ["water injection"], "水压": ["water pressure"], "耐水": ["water proof"], "雍菜": ["water spinach"], "瓮菜": ["water spinach"], "挥手使离去": ["wave away"], "挥手告别": ["wave away"], "挥手示意让某人走开": ["wave away"], "拒绝接受(被提供之物)": ["wave away"], "向…挥手等致意": ["wave to"], "向…挥手": ["wave to"], "向…挥动": ["wave to"], "吓得两腿发软": ["weak at the knees"], "一时两腿发软站立不住": ["weak at the knees"], "消耗殆尽": ["wear away"], "由于坚持而克服…的反对": ["wear down"], "逐渐克服": ["wear down"], "(使)筋疲力尽": ["wear out"], "厌烦于": ["weary of"], "度过(使精疲力竭)": ["weary out"], "天气预报人员": ["weather forecaster"], "度过(困难阶段)": ["weather through"], "渡过(经受住)": ["weather through"], "网址": ["web site", "address"], "婚纱": ["wedding dress"], "杂草防除": ["weed control"], "野草控制": ["weed control"], "为…哭泣": ["weep about"], "不停地哭泣": ["weep away"], "哭泣中度过": ["weep away"], "为…而流泪": ["weep for"], "使颓丧": ["weigh down"], "使…负重担": ["weigh down"], "使疲惫不堪": ["weigh down"], "使沉重": ["weigh down"], "加入比赛": ["weigh in"], "比赛前量体重": ["weigh in"], "(拳击手等)比赛之前量体重": ["weigh in"], "比赛之前量体重": ["weigh in"], "加入(比赛或辩论等)": ["weigh in"], "重压于": ["weigh on"], "压于": ["weigh on"], "压在…心头": ["weigh on"], "称出(称体重)": ["weigh out"], "重量的增加": ["weight gain"], "欢迎归来": ["welcome back"], "可自由地做": ["welcome to"], "可随意使用": ["welcome to"], "欢迎到…": ["welcome to"], "高兴地接纳": ["welcome to"], "各方面协调的(匀称的、平衡的)": ["well balanced"], "各方面协调的": ["well balanced"], "(家俱)陈设得当的": ["well furnished"], "(家俱)陈设得当的": ["well furnished"], "见识广的(深知的、灵通的)": ["well informed"], "安康": ["well-being", "welfare"], "(身体、形状等)丰满的": ["well-rounded"], "洒水使湿": ["wet down"], "打湿": ["wet out"], "湿透(洗涤)": ["wet out"], "真遗憾": ["what a pity"], "而且此外": ["what is more"], "更有甚者": ["what is more"], "到底怎么样": ["what's the matter?"], "有什么事吗": ["what's the matter?"], "出什么事了": ["what's the matter?"], "全麦面粉": ["wheat flour"], "突然转变态度": ["wheel about"], "把…推进来": ["wheel in"], "将推进(用车将…推进)": ["wheel in"], "将推进": ["wheel in"], "复杂的结构": ["wheels within wheels"], "全局考虑之后": ["when all comes to all"], "当涉及到": ["when it comes to"], "当谈到": ["when it comes to"], "在任何可能的时候": ["whenever possible"], "是…还是": ["whether or"], "促进(激情、兴趣等)": ["whip up"], "旋涡浴": ["whirlpool bath"], "私下说": ["whisper about", "whisper"], "对某人窃窃耳语": ["whisper to sb"], "吹哨召唤(休想得到)": ["whistle for"], "向…吹口哨呼唤": ["whistle to"], "白领": ["white collar"], "昂贵又无用之物": ["white elephant"], "累赘物": ["white elephant"], "雁野鹅": ["wild goose"], "徒劳的搜索(劳而功的事)": ["wild goose chase"], "在(不利的)情况下获胜": ["win against"], "在情况下获胜": ["win against"], "赢回": ["win back"], "得头奖": ["win first prize"], "胜或负": ["win or lose"], "不管输赢": ["win or lose"], "争取到…": ["win over"], "把…争取过来": ["win over"], "结束(讲话、会议等)": ["wind up", "wind up"], "惹…生气": ["wind up", "wind up"], "关闭(公司、企业等)": ["wind up", "wind up"], "转动手柄或轮子以提升": ["wind up", "wind up"], "把…绕在…周围": ["wind around"], "把…绕住": ["wind around"], "(钟表等)慢下来": ["wind down"], "接近尾声": ["wind down"], "[建]旋梯": ["winding stair"], "温莎城堡(英国著名城堡)": ["windsor castle"], "贮酒室": ["wine cellar"], "一窖酒": ["wine cellar"], "半滚": ["wing over"], "除去(眼泪等)": ["wipe away"], "在…上擦": ["wipe on"], "擦干净": ["wipe up", "wipe"], "用拖把拖": ["wipe up", "mop"], "束线": ["wire harness"], "铠装线": ["wire harness"], "[材]钢索": ["wire rope"], "无线网际网路": ["wireless Internet"], "无线因特网": ["wireless Internet"], "以主观希望其不存在来摆脱(某事物)": ["wish away"], "以主观希望其不存在来摆脱": ["wish away"], "希望…消失": ["wish away"], "不停地表示愿望": ["wish away"], "希望…不再存在": ["wish away"], "大大地(热气腾腾地)": ["with a bang"], "震惊地": ["with a bump"], "蓦地": ["with a rattle"], "迅雷不及掩耳地": ["with a rattle"], "热情地(起劲地)": ["with a will"], "欣然(乐意地)": ["with delight"], "困难地(艰难地)": ["with difficulty"], "审慎地(慎重地)": ["with discretion"], "以优异的成绩": ["with distinction"], "高高兴兴地(高兴得…)": ["with joy"], "一致同意地": ["with one accord"], "经某人允许": ["with one's permission"], "十分愿意": ["with pleasure"], "有道理": ["with reason", "something"], "有道理(合乎情理、正当地)": ["with reason"], "借助于(用、通过)": ["with the aid of"], "借助于": ["via", "with the aid of"], "随…发展": ["with the development of"], "朝着顺时针方向": ["with the sun"], "为了(为的是、目的在于)": ["with the view of"], "差一点儿(险些儿、几乎)": ["within an inch of"], "差一点儿": ["within an inch of", "close"], "伸手可及的": ["within reach"], "在附近(距离不远)": ["within reach"], "在视线内": ["within sight"], "在望远镜的观测范围内": ["within sight"], "在望(在眼前)": ["within sight"], "在…的范畴之内": ["within the compass of"], "在…能达到的地方": ["within touch of"], "可以接近的": ["within touch of"], "可以做到的": ["within touch of"], "毫不迟延地": ["without delay"], "毫不迟延地(立刻)": ["without delay"], "无差别(无差异地)": ["without distinction"], "毫不费力(不难)": ["without effort"], "毫不犹豫的": ["without hesitation"], "毫不踌躇地": ["without hesitation"], "无限(制)地": ["without limits"], "未预先通知地": ["without notice"], "数不胜数": ["without number"], "多得数不清": ["without number"], "无数(极多)": ["without number"], "未经允许": ["without permission"], "无保留地(无条件地、坦白地)": ["without reservation"], "不成功地": ["without success"], "…的证人": ["witness for"], "对…疑惑": ["wonder about"], "神力女超人": ["wonder woman"], "神奇女郎(电视剧)": ["wonder woman"], "神奇女郎": ["wonder woman"], "末名奖": ["wooden spoon"], "口头语": ["word of mouth"], "不停地连续工作": ["work away"], "不停地继续工作": ["work away"], "一个劲地干下去": ["work away"], "与…配合": ["work in with"], "渐渐消除": ["work off"], "企图影响或说服": ["work on"], "做出": ["work out", "do", "assume"], "可以解决": ["work out"], "计算出": ["work out", "get"], "开采完": ["work out"], "充分研究": ["work over"], "毒打": ["batter", "work over"], "修通": ["work through"], "打下手": ["work under sb"], "逐渐造成": ["work up"], "操作规程": ["working instruction"], "施业规划": ["working scheme"], "加工方案": ["working scheme"], "世界记录": ["world record"], "从某人口中套出某事": ["worm sth out of sb"], "穿破了的": ["worn out"], "不顾困难设法进行": ["worry along", "worry through"], "一心想要克服": ["worry at"], "绞尽脑汁解决": ["worry out"], "绞尽脑汁想出(千方百计设法解决)": ["worry out"], "绞尽脑汁想出": ["worry out"], "不顾困难设法前进": ["worry through"], "最坏条件": ["worst case"], "最坏情况": ["worst-case", "worst case"], "物有所值": ["value", "worth doing"], "宁愿…而不愿": ["would rather…than"], "与其…不如": ["would rather…than"], "关闭(企业等)": ["wound up"], "抱合的": ["wrap around"], "用…把…裹起来": ["wrap in"], "穿暖和": ["wrap up"], "减低帐面价值": ["write down"], "划销": ["write off"], "核销": ["write off"], "冲销": ["write off"], "唱衰": ["write off"], "摒弃(某人或某物)": ["write off"], "摒弃…": ["write off"], "放弃(项目或计划)": ["write off"], "从税中扣除": ["write off"], "写信请求": ["write off"], "发函": ["write off"], "严重撞坏车以至报废": ["write off"], "报废": ["scrap", "write off"], "完全无用": ["write off"], "写信寄出": ["write off"], "很快地写好": ["write off"], "给…写信": ["write to"], "写文章赞扬": ["write up"], "提高资产等的账面价值": ["write up"], "详细记载": ["write up"], "补写": ["write up"], "捧场文章": ["write up"], "详细记叙": ["write up"], "书面报告": ["written submission"], "X光照片": ["x-ray", "X-ray"], "X光检查": ["x-ray"], "字母X的代码词": ["x-ray", "X-ray"], "光机": ["x-ray", "X-ray"], "用X射线检查": ["x-ray", "X-ray"], "张大嘴等着": ["yawn for"], "打着呵欠说": ["yawn out"], "年复一年": ["year after year"], "一年又一年": ["year in year out"], "年度收入": ["yearly income"], "或否": ["yes or no"], "被迫放弃": ["yield up"], "放弃(让渡)": ["yield up"], "青年(学生)宿舍": ["youth hostel"], "青年宿舍": ["youth hostel"], "无增长": ["zero growth"], "不增长": ["zero growth"], "向…集中注意力": ["zero in on"], "对准…": ["zero in on"], "对…集中火力(注意力)": ["zero in on"], "对…集中火力": ["zero in on"], "邮码": ["zip code"], "邮政区码": ["zip code"], "安静点": ["zip it"], "增添滋味": ["zip up"], "增加兴趣或生命力": ["zip up"], "[粗]闭嘴": ["zip your lip"], "二维": ["2-dimensional"], " 二级红斑剂量": ["2D"], "三趾树懒": ["AI"], "安圭拉岛": ["AI"], "(西)阿诺瓦": ["ANOVA"], "(与)非洲(有关)的": ["African"], "非洲黑人后裔": ["African"], "非洲裔美国人(指美国黑人)": ["African-American", "african-american"], "阿尔巴尼亚(欧洲东南部国家)": ["Albania"], "阿尔巴尼亚(位于欧洲)": ["Albania"], "阿尔巴尼亚语": ["albanian", "Albanian"], "阿尔及利亚人的": ["Algerian"], "阿尔及利亚文化的": ["Algerian"], "全美国的": ["All-American"], "美洲(包括北美和南美洲)": ["America", "america"], "美国人的": ["American", "american"], "亚米希(人)的": ["amish", "Amish"], "亚米希的": ["amish", "Amish"], "阿曼门诺派": ["amish", "Amish"], "阿曼门诺派教徒": ["amish", "Amish"], "阿米什人": ["Amish"], "阿米什教派的": ["Amish"], "与阿曼门诺派教徒有关的": ["Amish"], "阿米什人的": ["Amish"], "阿曼门诺派的": ["amish", "Amish"], "阿曼门诺派教徒的": ["amish", "Amish"], "安第斯山人": ["Andean", "andean"], "盎格鲁": ["Anglo", "anglo"], "英国和美国的": ["Anglo-American"], "盎格鲁-撒克逊人": ["Anglo-Saxon"], "盎格鲁-撒克逊的": ["Anglo-Saxon"], "南极圈": ["Antarctic", "antarctic"], "(北美土著)阿巴契人": ["Apache"], "阿巴契人": ["Apache"], "阿帕奇直升机": ["Apache"], "街头流氓": ["Apache"], "痞子": ["Apache"], "阿帕切人": ["Apache"], "与阿拉伯人有关的": ["Arab"], "阿拉伯与以色列": ["Arab-Israeli"], "阿拉伯半岛(亚洲)": ["Arabia"], "阿拉伯半岛": ["Arabia"], "阿拉伯(人)的": ["Arabian"], "(与)阿拉伯(有关)的": ["Arabian"], "(史)阿拉伯人(或居民)": ["Arabian"], "阿拉伯文化的(语言、文字、文学)": ["Arabic"], "阿拉伯文化的": ["Arabic"], "北极地区": ["arctic", "Arctic"], "极度寒冷的": ["Arctic"], "<美>御寒防水套鞋": ["Arctic"], "阿根廷(人)的": ["Argentine", "argentine"], "亚利安人": ["Aryan"], "亚利安语系的": ["Aryan"], "雅利安语": ["Aryan"], "讲印欧系语言的人": ["Aryan"], "非犹太民族的白种人": ["Aryan"], "非犹太血统的白种人的": ["Aryan"], "亚细亚": ["asia", "Asia"], "亚裔": ["Asian"], "天文航行(天文舱罩、天体)": ["Astrodome"], "天文航行": ["Astrodome"], "穹顶体育馆": ["Astrodome"], "(地质)大西洋气候期": ["Atlantic"], "大西洋气候期": ["Atlantic"], "(地质)大西洋气候期的": ["Atlantic"], "大西洋气候期的": ["Atlantic"], "澳大利亚(人)的": ["Aussie"], "澳洲": ["Australia", "australia"], "(动物地理区划)澳新区的": ["Australian"], "澳新区的": ["Australian"], "澳大利亚植物区系界的": ["Australian"], "阿芝特克语的": ["Aztec"], "纳瓦特尔人": ["Aztec"], "纳瓦特尔语": ["Aztec"], "阿兹特克语的": ["Aztec"], "b细胞增多": ["BCE"], " 基底细胞癌": ["BCE"], " 儿童期良性癫痫": ["BCE"], "巴比伦人": ["Babylonian"], "巴比伦语": ["Babylonian"], "巴比伦尼亚人": ["Babylonian"], "巴比伦尼亚的": ["Babylonian"], "巴尔干半岛": ["Balkan"], "巴尔干人的": ["Balkan"], "巴尔干山脉的": ["Balkan"], "波罗的语的": ["Baltic"], "波罗的海周边地区的": ["Baltic"], "波罗的语族之一的": ["Baltic"], "波罗的海各国": ["Baltic"], "波罗的语族": ["Baltic"], "邦迪创可贴": ["Band-Aid", "band-aid"], "邦迪牌创可贴": ["Band-Aid", "band-aid"], "紧身女上衣": ["Basque"], "比利时(人)的": ["Belgian"], "波斯尼亚人的": ["Bosnian"], "波黑人": ["Bosnian"], "波斯尼亚本地人": ["Bosnian"], "波斯尼亚语": ["Bosnian"], "与波黑有关的": ["Bosnian"], "与波黑人有关的": ["Bosnian"], "与波斯尼亚语有关的": ["Bosnian"], "波旁威士忌": ["bourbon", "Bourbon"], "波旁(男子名)": ["bourbon", "Bourbon"], "波旁": ["bourbon", "Bourbon"], "波旁威士忌酒": ["bourbon", "Bourbon"], "一小杯波旁威士忌": ["Bourbon"], "波旁岛(现为留尼汪岛)": ["bourbon", "Bourbon"], "波旁岛": ["bourbon", "Bourbon"], "巴西(拉丁美洲国家)": ["Brazil"], "英式英语": ["British"], "联合王国的": ["British"], "百老汇(美国纽约一街道名)": ["Broadway", "broadway"], "佛像": ["Buddha"], "保加利亚(欧洲国名)": ["Bulgaria"], "缅甸(亚洲国名)": ["Burma"], "缅甸(东南亚国家)": ["Burma"], "拜占庭的": ["Byzantine"], "拜占庭式建筑风格的": ["Byzantine"], "复杂又神秘的": ["Byzantine"], "闭路电视": ["CCTV"], "阿卡迪亚人": ["Cajun", "cajun"], "阿卡迪亚人的": ["Cajun", "cajun"], "阿卡迪亚烹饪风格的": ["Cajun", "cajun"], "卡津人": ["Cajun", "cajun"], "卡津的": ["Cajun"], "卡津人的": ["Cajun", "cajun"], "关于卡津(人)的": ["Cajun"], "关于卡津的": ["Cajun"], "卡津音乐": ["Cajun", "cajun"], "美国路易斯安纳州的法国后裔讲的法语方言": ["Cajun", "cajun"], "加州人": ["Californian"], "柬埔寨(人)的": ["cambodian", "Cambodian"], "剑桥(英国城镇)": ["Cambridge"], "剑桥大学": ["Cambridge"], "坎布里奇": ["Cambridge"], "加拿大(位于北美洲北部)": ["Canada"], "加拿大(北美洲国家)": ["Canada"], "加拿大文化的": ["Canadian"], "加拿大河(美国河流)": ["Canadian"], "加拿大河": ["Canadian"], "广东话": ["Cantonese"], "广东话的": ["Cantonese"], "广东的": ["Cantonese"], "广州的": ["Cantonese"], "广州人的": ["Cantonese"], "加勒比族的": ["Caribbean"], "加勒比地区": ["Caribbean"], "加勒比人": ["Caribbean"], "罗马天主教的": ["Roman", "Catholic"], "天主教教徒": ["catholic", "Catholic"], "高加索人的": ["Caucasian"], "摄氏度": ["Celsius"], "摄尔西乌斯(瑞典天文学家)": ["Celsius"], "摄尔西乌斯": ["Celsius"], "凯尔特人(语)": ["Celtic"], "凯尔特人": ["Celtic"], "凯尔特的": ["Celtic"], "车臣的": ["Chechen"], "切罗基族": ["cherokee", "Cherokee"], "切罗基语": ["cherokee", "Cherokee"], "切罗基(美国地名)": ["cherokee", "Cherokee"], "切罗基": ["cherokee", "Cherokee"], "切诺基高中": ["cherokee", "Cherokee"], "智利(南美洲国家)": ["Chile"], "香辣牛肉豆子煲": ["chile", "Chile"], "智利(国家名)": ["chile", "Chile"], "中国制造的": ["China"], "瓷制品": ["China", "china"], "中国城": ["Chinatown"], "华人": ["Chinese"], "中餐": ["Chinese"], "中餐馆": ["Chinese"], "天啊!": ["Christ"], "基督徒的": ["Christian"], "有基督教徒品格的": ["Christian"], "基督教徒的品性": ["Christianity"], "古龙水": ["Cologne", "cologne"], "哥伦比亚(南美洲国名)": ["Colombia"], "哥伦比亚(拉丁美洲国家)": ["Colombia"], "哥伦比亚人的": ["Colombian"], "融洽关系": ["communion", "Communion"], "孔子思想": ["Confucianism"], "儒家思想": ["Confucianism"], "刚果(非洲中部的国家)": ["Congo"], "刚果(位于非洲中部)": ["Congo"], "美国国会": ["congress", "Congress"], "克利奥尔人的": ["Creole"], "克利奥尔语的": ["Creole"], "克利奥尔式法语的": ["Creole"], "新月形之物": ["crescent", "Crescent"], "月牙形": ["crescent", "Crescent"], "新月(伊斯兰教的象征)": ["crescent", "Crescent"], "伊斯兰(或奥斯曼帝国)政权": ["crescent", "Crescent"], "伊斯兰政权": ["crescent", "Crescent"], "新月形街道(尤用于街道名称)": ["crescent", "Crescent"], "新月形街道": ["crescent", "Crescent"], "新月形纹章": ["crescent", "Crescent"], "新月斑": ["crescent", "Crescent"], "翅蝶(或蛾)": ["crescent", "Crescent"], "翅蝶": ["crescent", "Crescent"], "月牙形的": ["crescent", "Crescent", "lunar"], "成长中的": ["crescent", "Crescent"], "克罗地亚人(语)": ["Croatian"], "克罗地亚人(语)的": ["Croatian"], "古巴(人)的": ["Cuban"], "独揽大权者": ["czar", "Czar"], "捷克文化的": ["Czech"], "达尔文学徒": ["Darwinian"], "美国民主党派的成员": ["democrat", "Democrat"], "丹麦(欧洲国名)": ["Denmark"], "丹麦(欧洲国家)": ["Denmark"], "散居在外的犹太人": ["Diaspora", "diaspora"], "散居": ["Diaspora", "diaspora"], "犹太人散居的各个地方": ["Diaspora", "diaspora"], "自己动手干": ["Do It Yourself"], "哲学博士": ["PhD", "Doctor of Philosophy"], "多米尼加的": ["dominican", "Dominican"], "多米尼加人的": ["dominican", "Dominican"], "多米尼加人": ["dominican", "Dominican"], "多明我会修士(或修女)": ["Dominican"], "多明我会修士": ["Dominican"], "多米尼加共和国居民": ["Dominican"], 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["Lutheran"], "路德会教堂的": ["Lutheran"], "字母M": ["M"], "(称呼要员)先生": ["Mr.", "Mr", "MR"], "圣贤": ["sage", "Mahatma"], "大圣": ["Mahatma"], "马亚群岛的": ["Malaysian"], "毛利人的": ["Maori"], "毛利语的": ["Maori"], "进发": ["March", "march"], "使同行": ["March", "march", "marching"], "齐步走": ["March", "march"], "强迫(某人)一起走": ["March", "march"], "强迫…一起走": ["March", "march"], "押送": ["March", "march", "escort"], "战神": ["Mars"], "马克思主义政党成员": ["Marxist"], "大量的东西": ["mass", "Mass"], "(使)聚集": ["mass", "Mass", "aggregate", "assemble"], "(使)集结": ["mass", "Mass"], "马雅(人)的": ["Mayan"], "马雅的": ["Mayan"], "麦加(沙特阿拉伯城市)": ["mecca", "Mecca"], "医疗补助(制度)": ["Medicaid", "medicaid"], "(肤色)浅黑的": ["Mediterranean"], "浅黑的": ["Mediterranean"], "地中海地区": ["Mediterranean"], "地中海沿岸国家居民": ["Mediterranean"], "地中海沿岸的": ["Mediterranean"], "地中海沿岸国家居民的": ["Mediterranean"], "墨尔本(澳大利亚城市)": ["Melbourne"], "墨丘利(罗马十二主神之一)": ["mercury", "Mercury"], "墨丘利": ["mercury", "Mercury"], "(温度计)水银柱": ["Mercury"], "水银柱": ["mercury", "Mercury"], "温度表": ["mercury", 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["Philharmonic"], "爱乐乐团": ["Philharmonic"], "菲律宾群岛的": ["Philippine"], "波兰语": ["polish", "Polish"], "(使)完美": ["polish", "Polish"], "打磨光滑的面": ["polish", "Polish"], "平民论": ["populism", "Populism"], "平民化的": ["populist", "Populist"], "人民党党员": ["Populist"], "人民党党员的": ["Populist"], "平民党党员": ["populist", "Populist"], "葡萄牙文化的": ["Portuguese"], "长老会(制)的": ["Presbyterian", "presbyterian"], "长老会教徒": ["Presbyterian", "presbyterian"], "(与)长老教(有关)的": ["Presbyterian"], "长老教的": ["Presbyterian"], "抗议的": ["Protestant"], "(与)新教(有关)的": ["Protestant"], "清教徒的": ["Puritan"], "清教主义的": ["Puritan"], "比哥马利恩": ["Pygmalion"], "卖花女": ["Pygmalion"], "塞浦路斯王皮格马利翁": ["Pygmalion"], "斋月的斋戒": ["Ramadan"], "共和党人": ["republican", "Republican"], "北爱尔兰共和主义者的": ["republican", "Republican"], "支持共和党的": ["republican", "Republican"], "北爱尔兰共和主义者": ["republican", "Republican"], "里帕布利克河(美国西南部河流)": ["Republican"], "里帕布利克河": ["Republican"], "…大人": ["Reverend"], "(尊称神职人员)尊敬的": ["Reverend", "reverend"], "罗马帝国的": ["Roman"], "罗马天主教徒": ["Roman"], "罗马字体": ["Roman"], "罗马(意大利首都)": ["Rome"], "罗马(意大利首都)": ["Rome"], "字母s": ["S"], "字母 s": ["S"], " 英语字母表中第十九个字母": ["S"], "呼救": ["SOS"], "发出遇难信号": ["SOS"], "赛宾": ["Sabine"], "萨尔瓦多的(萨尔瓦多人的)": ["Salvadoran"], "萨尔瓦多(萨尔瓦多人)": ["Salvadoran"], "萨尔瓦多": ["Salvadoran"], "桑地诺": ["Sandinista"], "撒旦(魔鬼)": ["Satan"], "撒旦(魔鬼)": ["Satan"], "农神": ["Saturn"], "农业之神": ["Saturn"], "萨杜恩(罗马农业和植物神)": ["Saturn"], "萨杜恩": ["Saturn"], "沙特阿拉伯人的": ["Saudi", "saudi"], "沙特阿拉伯": ["Saudi", "saudi"], "沙特人的": ["Saudi"], "沙特语的": ["Saudi"], "沙特文化的": ["Saudi"], "沙特王朝的": ["Saudi"], "沙特人": ["Saudi"], "估定的款项": ["Scot", "scot"], "(一杯)苏格兰威士忌": ["Scotch"], "苏格兰威士忌": ["Scotch"], "暂时遏制(危险物)": ["scotch", "Scotch"], "暂时遏制": ["scotch", "Scotch"], "用楔子楔住": ["scotch", "Scotch"], "切割…的表皮": ["scotch", "Scotch"], "苏格兰(人)的": ["Scots"], "苏格兰英语的": ["Scots"], "苏格兰女人": ["Scotswoman"], "大学理事会": ["Senate", "senate"], "大学评议会": ["Senate", "senate"], "塞尔维亚语": ["serbian", "Serbian"], "塞尔维亚语的": ["serbian", "Serbian"], "(英国作家)莎士比亚的": 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"威尼斯语": ["Venetian"], "维纳斯": ["Venus"], "帘蛤": ["Venus"], "(罗马神话)维纳斯": ["Venus"], "维纳斯(爱与美的女神)": ["Venus"], "越南(东南亚国家)": ["Vietnam"], "越南人(语)的": ["Vietnamese", "vietnamese"], "维金(海洋天气预报区)": ["viking", "Viking"], "维金": ["viking", "Viking"], "“海盗号”探测器": ["viking", "Viking"], "北欧海盗的": ["viking", "Viking"], "英国威尔士": ["Wales"], "不付赌金而溜掉": ["welsh", "Welsh"], "威尔士(人)的": ["Welsh"], "赖账": ["bilk", "skunk", "welsh", "Welsh"], "威尔士文化的": ["welsh", "Welsh"], "威尔士猪": ["welsh", "Welsh"], "无线相容认证": ["Wi-Fi"], "X 射线": ["X-ray", "x-ray"], "X 光": ["X-ray"], "X 光照片": ["X-ray", "x-ray"], "X 光检查": ["X-ray", "x-ray"], "像 X 光一样(能看透外表)": ["X-ray"], "像 X 光一样": ["X-ray"], "字母 X 的代码词": ["X-ray"], "用 X 光拍片(或检查)": ["X-ray"], "用 X 光拍片": ["X-ray"], "X 光的": ["X-ray", "x-ray"], "与 X 射线有关的": ["X-ray", "x-ray"], "用 X 光线检查": ["X-ray", "x-ray"], "使用 X 光": ["X-ray", "x-ray"], "静电复印件": ["Xerox"], "施乐": ["Xerox"], "静电印刷品": ["Xerox"], "美国公民": ["Yankee"], "洋基队(美国棒球队名)": ["Yankee"], "洋基队": ["Yankee"], "依地语": ["Yiddish"], "依地语的": 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"从事多种经营": ["diversify"], "进行多种投资": ["diversify"], "临时绕行": ["diversion"], "绕行路": ["diversion"], "转移注意力的事物": ["diversion"], "供消遣": ["divert"], "转接(电话)": ["divert", "transfer"], "转接": ["divert", "transfer", "screen"], "剥除": ["divest"], "剥夺财产或权利": ["divestiture"], "夺去称号": ["divestiture"], "剥离资产的行为": ["divestiture"], "转让所有权": ["divestiture"], "意见分歧的": ["split", "divided"], "分配的": ["divided"], "分享的": ["shared", "divided"], "是…的分界线": ["divided"], "彩金": ["dividend"], "分频器": ["divider"], "极令人愉快的": ["divine"], "(凭直觉)猜测": ["divine"], "(通过探矿术)发现(水源)": ["divine"], "跳水运动": ["diving"], "可割的": ["divisible"], "可分割的": ["divisible"], "分组表决": ["division"], "师的": ["divisional"], "造成分裂的": ["divisive"], "与 … 离婚": ["divorce"], "离婚判决": ["divorce"], "与(某人)离婚": ["divorced", "divorce"], "离婚的": ["divorced"], "脱离…的": ["divorced"], "将…分离": ["divorced"], "(速度)极快的": ["dizzy"], "使人眩晕的": ["dizzy"], "使人感到变化太快的": ["dizzy"], "傻乎乎的": ["dizzy"], "使晕头转向": ["dizzy"], "使思想混乱": ["dizzy"], "令人眩晕的": ["dizzying"], "极高的": 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"强迫(某人)接受申斥": ["haul"], "强迫…接受申斥": ["haul"], "(用卡车)运": ["haul"], "运": ["van", "haul"], "(帆船)突然改变航道": ["haul"], "(赛季)得分总数": ["haul"], "得分总数": ["haul"], "经营运输业者": ["hauler"], "(英、德、匈、罗)豪勒": ["hauler"], "(人和动物)臀部和腿部多肉的部分": ["haunch"], "臀部和腿部多肉的部分": ["haunch"], "腰腿部": ["haunch"], "梁腋": ["haunch"], "出没(像鬼魂一样)": ["haunt"], "(鬼魂)出没": ["haunt", "walk", "haunting"], "萦绕在…心头": ["haunt"], "(长期)困扰": ["haunt", "haunting"], "常去(某地)": ["haunt"], "鬼魂出没的": ["haunted"], "(地方、场所)幽灵出没的": ["haunted"], "幽灵出没的": ["haunted"], "满面愁容的": ["haunted"], "对(某地的)经常光顾": ["haunting"], "对经常光顾": ["haunting"], "有产者": ["have"], "富国": ["have"], "显示出": ["show", "stamp", "have"], "带有(性质、特征)": ["have"], "进行(活动)": ["have"], "产生(影响)": ["have"], "使保持": ["hold", "have"], "与(某人)性交": ["lay", "hump", "have", "poke"], "(在家中)招待": ["have"], "辩过": ["have"], "安置 … 于港中": ["haven"], "为…提供避难所": ["haven"], "鹰派人物、主战分子": ["hawk"], "鹰扑": ["hawk"], "放鹰行猎": ["hawk"], "鹰派分子": ["hawk"], "主战分子": ["hawk"], "(似鹰般)贪婪的人": ["hawk"], "灰泥托板": ["hawk"], 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"公诸于众的": ["public"], "公开场合的": ["public"], "大庭广众的": ["public"], "广为人知的": ["public"], "志趣相投的群体": ["public"], "低价吧台": ["public"], "政治记者": ["publicist"], "宣传员": ["publicist"], "公众的注意": ["publicity"], " 推广": ["publicity"], "宣传业": ["publicity"], "广告行业": ["publicity"], "引起公众关注的事物": ["publicity"], "广为宣传的": ["publicized"], "由政府": ["publicly"], "由公众": ["publicly"], "公众可以获取(或购买)地": ["publicly"], "公众可以获取地": ["publicly"], "发行(书、杂志等)": ["publish"], "(作家、 音乐家等)发表(自己的作品)": ["publish"], "使(作品)出版": ["publish"], "使出版": ["publish"], "(在互联网上)发表": ["publish"], "宣读(法令、结婚预告)": ["publish"], "向第三方传布(诽谤)": ["publish"], "向第三方传布": ["publish"], "橡胶圆盘": ["puck"], "(德)普克": ["pucker", "puck"], "使折叠": ["pucker"], "爱恶作剧的": ["puckish"], "精灵似的": ["puckish"], "(餐后)冷布丁": ["pudding"], "冷布丁": ["pudding"], "肉馅布丁": ["pudding"], "血香肠": ["pudding"], "(液体)形成水潭": ["puddle"], "形成水潭": ["puddle"], "(在泥潭、浅水滩)打滚": ["puddle"], "用胶土填(洞)": ["puddle"], "用胶土填": ["puddle"], "把(黏土和沙)捣成胶土": ["puddle"], "把捣成胶土": ["puddle"], 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["purify"], "净化(心灵)": ["purify"], "洁净": ["purity"], "森林边缘带": ["purlieu"], "(作品)词藻华丽的": ["purple"], "词藻华丽的": ["rhetorical", "purple"], "紫色衣服(或料子)": ["purple"], "紫色衣服": ["purple"], "(古罗马、拜占庭)紫色衣服": ["purple"], "深红色染料": ["purple"], "(古罗马)要职": ["purple"], "要职": ["purple"], "拥有特权的职位": ["purple"], "大红袍": ["purple"], "(使)成紫色": ["purple"], "成紫色": ["purple"], "(使)发紫": ["purple"], "发紫": ["purple"], "大要": ["purport"], "据说的": ["supposed", "purported"], "重要意义": ["purpose"], "有价值的意义": ["purpose"], "有明确目标的": ["purposeful"], "(猫等满足地)呜呜叫": ["purr"], "呜呜叫": ["purr"], "(机器等)发出低沉震颤声": ["purr"], "发出低沉震颤声": ["purr"], "(人)发出愉快的声音": ["purr"], "发出愉快的声音": ["purr"], "(猫等满足时)呜呜的叫声": ["purr"], "呜呜的叫声": ["purr"], "(机器等)低沉的颤动声": ["purr"], "低沉的颤动声": ["purr"], "人高兴发出的声音": ["purr"], "(德、捷)普尔": ["purr"], "(获奖)奖金": ["purse"], "放进钱包": ["purse"], "(女用)手提包": ["purse"], "撮起嘴唇(以表示反对等)": ["purse"], "撮起嘴唇": ["purse"], "继续探讨(或追究、从事)": ["pursue"], "继续探讨": ["pursue"], "沿着…前行": ["pursue"], "追求(某人)": ["romance", "pursue"], "追求…": ["romance", "pursue"], "力劝(某人)接受聘用": ["pursue"], "力劝…接受聘用": ["pursue"], "追逐赛": ["pursuit"], "(生理学)追视": ["pursuit"], "追视": ["pursuit"], "承办者": ["purveyor"], "散播者": ["purveyor"], "移动身体(或身体的一部分)": ["push"], "移动身体": ["shove", "push"], "(军队)挺进": ["push"], "挺进": ["thrust", "push"], "奋力前行": ["push"], "贩卖(毒品)": ["push"], "坚持不懈地做": ["push"], "促使(达到某程度或状态)": ["push"], "再三强调": ["push"], "超越(极限)": ["push"], "接近(某年龄或数字)": ["push"], "推击(球)": ["push"], "推击": ["push"], "使(栈)准备接收顶层数据": ["push"], "使准备接收顶层数据": ["push"], "把(数据)移至栈的顶部": ["push"], "把移至栈的顶部": ["push"], "对(底片)作增感处理": ["push"], "对作增感处理": ["push"], "伏地挺身": ["push-up"], "隆胸的": ["push-up"], "执意强求的": ["pushy"], "(粗俗语)女性的阴部": ["pussy"], "女性的阴部": ["pussy"], "(儿童用语)猫咪": ["pussy"], "脓包": ["pussy"], "开航": ["put"], "推铅球": ["put"], "期货买卖": ["put"], "用力插入": ["put"], "将…送往": ["put"], "使…前往": ["put"], "使与…连接": ["put"], "(在…上)书写": ["put"], "使处于(某状态或情况)": ["put"], "使受到…的影响": ["put"], "把…视为(或列为)": ["put"], "推(铅球)": ["put"], "(船)(沿某个方向)行驶": ["put"], "给…估 (值)": 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["saccharine"], "极甜的": ["saccharine"], "和颜悦色的": ["saccharine"], "把 … 装入袋子": ["sack"], "麻布(或厚纸、塑料等)大袋": ["sack"], "麻布大袋": ["sack"], "一袋(的量)": ["sack"], "(通常指在战争中)洗劫": ["sack"], "擒杀": ["sacking", "sack"], "宽松直筒连衣裙": ["sack", "shift"], "宽松女袍": ["sack"], "宽褶后拖曳地裙裾": ["sack"], "萨克葡萄酒": ["sack"], "(军队或军事集团)劫掠": ["sack"], "(在美式足球中)擒抱(四分卫)": ["sack"], "擒抱": ["sack"], "把…装进袋里": ["sack"], "麻袋布": ["sacking"], "擒杀(四分卫)": ["sacking"], "把…装入袋子": ["sacking"], "宗教性的": ["sacred"], "不容干涉的": ["sacred"], "(棒球)作牺牲一击": ["sacrifice"], "作牺牲一击": ["sacrifice"], "祭牲": ["sacrifice"], "基督的献身": ["sacrifice"], "弃卒": ["sacrifice"], "(棒球中)牺牲打": ["sacrifice"], "牺牲打": ["sacrifice"], "牺牲性叫牌": ["sacrifice"], "以…为祭品": ["sacrifice"], "(棋)(故意)弃子": ["sacrifice"], "(棒球)做牺牲打": ["sacrifice"], "做牺牲打": ["sacrifice"], "(棒球)以牺牲打使(跑垒者)进垒": ["sacrifice"], "以牺牲打使进垒": ["sacrifice"], "(桥牌)作牺牲性叫牌": ["sacrifice"], "作牺牲性叫牌": ["sacrifice"], "具有牺牲性的": ["sacrificial"], "抛售的": ["sacrificial"], "亵渎圣物": ["sacrilege"], "悖理逆天的行为": ["sacrilege"], "该受天谴的": ["sacrilegious"], "亵渎神明的": ["sacrilegious"], "让人难过的": ["sad"], "不能令人接受的": ["sad"], "(歌曲或音乐)显露悲伤的": ["sad"], "显露悲伤的": ["sad"], "(人)可悲的": ["sad"], "不受人尊敬的": ["sad"], "老土的": ["sad"], "(面团)发得不好的": ["sad"], "发得不好的": ["sad"], "季节性情感障碍": ["sad"], "(使)黯淡": ["sadden"], "(使)悲伤": ["sadden"], "装马鞍": ["saddle"], "脊肉": ["saddle"], "后背部": ["saddle"], "耐火黏土托架": ["saddle"], "鞍部": ["saddle"], "鞍点": ["saddle"], "给(马)装鞍": ["saddle"], "给装鞍": ["saddle"], "(驯马师)使(马)参加比赛": ["saddle"], "使承担(责任、任务)": ["saddle"], "苦行僧": ["sadhu"], "(印)萨杜": ["sadhu"], "萨杜": ["sadhu"], "(性)虐待的": ["sadistic"], "遗憾的是": ["sadly"], "使人悲伤的事(或难过)的事": ["sadness"], "使人悲伤的事的事": ["sadness"], "使人悲伤的事": ["sadness"], "狩猎旅行": ["safari"], "观兽旅行": ["safari"], "旅游期间": ["safari"], "外出期间": ["safari"], "不损害(或危害)健康的": ["safe"], "不损害健康的": ["safe"], "(地点或局势)安全的": ["safe"], "不会丢失": ["safe"], "不会被拿走": ["safe"], "不致引起争议的": ["safe"], "(棒球)成功上垒的": ["safe"], "成功上垒的": ["safe"], "(选举中席位)十拿九稳的": ["safe"], "无风险的": ["safe"], "喂(年轻人打招呼时说)": ["safe"], 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"黑人城镇": ["township"], "黑人居住区": ["township"], "住宅(或工业)新区": ["township"], "住宅新区": ["township"], "6英里见方的地区": ["township"], "同镇的人": ["townsman"], "同乡人": ["townsman"], "引起中毒的": ["toxic"], "令人极不愉快的": ["toxic"], "极其有害的": ["toxic"], "中毒性的": ["toxic"], "(财政)(债务)有毒的": ["toxic"], "(证券)有毒的": ["toxic"], "有毒物质": ["toxic"], "毒效": ["toxicity"], "小摆设": ["toy"], "受人控制(或利用)的人": ["toy"], "受人控制的人": ["toy"], "玩具的": ["toy"], "和玩具有关的": ["toy"], "个头很小的": ["toy"], "小体型品种的": ["toy"], "漫不经心地考虑": ["toy"], "心不在焉地(或紧张地)摆弄": ["toy"], "心不在焉地摆弄": ["toy"], "不热情地(或有节制地)吃(或喝)": ["toy"], "不热情地…吃…": ["toy"], "找出根源": ["trace"], "描绘(事物的过程或发展)": ["trace"], "画(图、线)": ["trace"], "描摹": ["trace"], "(手指、嘴唇等)沿着…移动": ["trace"], "沿着…移动": ["trace"], "描记图": ["trace"], "扫描线": ["trace"], "挽绳": ["trace"], "交线": ["trace"], "(数)迹": ["trace"], "迹": ["trace"], "可描绘的": ["traceable"], "追踪者(器)": ["tracer"], "滑竿": ["track"], "滑条": ["track"], "赛道": ["track"], "电影(或录像)的声迹": ["track"], "电影的声迹": ["track"], "径赛运动": ["track"], "行为方式": ["way", "track"], "获得方式": ["track"], "轮距": ["track"], "针迹": ["track"], "印制线": ["track"], "跟踪(进展情况)": ["track"], "跟踪摄影": ["track"], "移动摄影": ["track"], "运转正常": ["track"], "跟随(利率、股价等)": ["track"], "把(学生)按能力分班(或组)": ["track"], "把…按能力分班…": ["track"], "留下(脏)足迹": ["track"], "(天气)沿…移动": ["track"], "沿…移动": ["track"], "(唱针在唱片纹道中)移动": ["track"], "(前后车轮)轨迹吻合地移动": ["track"], "轨迹吻合地移动": ["track"], "(电子)统调": ["track"], "统调": ["track"], "跟踪器": ["tracker"], "[自] 跟踪装置": ["tracker"], "按学生能力分组": ["tracking"], "器官系统": ["tract"], "咏唱": ["tract"], "驯良": ["tractability"], "易处理": ["tractability"], "(正式)易驾驭的": ["tractable"], "附着磨擦力": ["traction"], "附着摩擦力": ["traction"], "牵引术": ["traction"], "机车总称": ["traction"], "拖车头": ["tractor"], "(在证券交易所)交易": ["trade"], "同行业者": ["trade"], "(体育界)转会": ["trade"], "转会": ["trade", "transfer"], "交换运动员": ["trade"], "执照酒商": ["trade"], "信风": ["trade"], "贸易风": ["trade"], "营运": ["trade"], "(在证券交易所)交易": ["trade"], "互相交换": ["trade"], "(某物)替代(某物)": ["trade"], "对骂": ["trade"], "将(运动员)转会(或转队)": ["trade"], 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"移项": ["transpose"], "转置阵": ["transpose"], "转置": ["transpose"], "进行变换": ["transpose"], "双轮轻便马车": ["trap"], "U型管道": ["trap"], "防臭瓣": ["trap"], "放狗隔栏": ["trap"], "存贮装置": ["trap"], "(水管)存水弯": ["trap"], "U形管": ["trap"], "抛靶器": ["trap"], "抛球器": ["trap"], "设陷阱(或夹子、捕捉器)捕捉": ["trap"], "使中计": ["trap"], "抓捕": ["trap"], "使无力改变": ["trap"], "使受限制": ["trap"], "把…困在": ["trap"], "被卡住": ["trap"], "(英足)停(球)": ["trap"], "(棒球)抓住(从地上弹起的球)": ["trap"], "暗色岩": ["trap"], "爵士乐手的打击乐器": ["trap"], "使…陷入险境或困境": ["trap"], "(衣服、身体部位)夹住": ["trap"], "给马戴饰物": ["trap"], "(足球)停球": ["trap"], "停球": ["trap"], "储存(气体、水等)": ["trap"], "吊杠": ["trapeze"], "受困的": ["trapped"], "捕兽者": ["trapper"], "拙劣的作品": ["trash"], "窝囊废": ["trash", "wet"], "甘蔗叶(梢)": ["trash"], "甘蔗叶": ["trash"], "甘蔗渣": ["trash"], "(计算机)把(文件、程序)送进回收站删除": ["trash"], "把送进回收站删除": ["trash"], "清空(磁盘)": ["trash"], "剥(甘蔗)皮以使其更快成熟": ["trash"], "剥皮以使其更快成熟": ["trash"], "痛苦经历": ["trauma"], "心理创伤": ["trauma"], "(经历)痛苦难忘的": ["traumatic"], "痛苦难忘的": ["traumatic"], "造成精神创伤的": 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