123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344 |
- """
- Train script for a single file
- Need to set the TPU address first:
- export XRT_TPU_CONFIG="localservice;0;localhost:51011"
- """
- import torch.multiprocessing as mp
- import threading
- import time
- import random
- import sys
- import argparse
- import gzip
- import json
- import logging
- import tqdm
- import torch
- from torch import nn
- from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
- import torch
- import torch_xla
- import torch_xla.core
- import torch_xla.core.functions
- import torch_xla.core.xla_model as xm
- import torch_xla.distributed.xla_multiprocessing as xmp
- import torch_xla.distributed.parallel_loader as pl
- import os
- from shutil import copyfile
- from transformers import (
- AdamW,
- AutoModel,
- AutoTokenizer,
- get_linear_schedule_with_warmup,
- set_seed,
- )
- class AutoModelForSentenceEmbedding(nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, model_name, tokenizer, normalize=True):
- super(AutoModelForSentenceEmbedding, self).__init__()
- self.model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(model_name)
- self.normalize = normalize
- self.tokenizer = tokenizer
- def forward(self, **kwargs):
- model_output = self.model(**kwargs)
- embeddings = self.mean_pooling(model_output, kwargs['attention_mask'])
- if self.normalize:
- embeddings = torch.nn.functional.normalize(embeddings, p=2, dim=1)
- return embeddings
- def mean_pooling(self, model_output, attention_mask):
- token_embeddings = model_output[0] # First element of model_output contains all token embeddings
- input_mask_expanded = attention_mask.unsqueeze(-1).expand(token_embeddings.size()).float()
- return torch.sum(token_embeddings * input_mask_expanded, 1) / torch.clamp(input_mask_expanded.sum(1), min=1e-9)
- def save_pretrained(self, output_path):
- if xm.is_master_ordinal():
- self.tokenizer.save_pretrained(output_path)
- self.model.config.save_pretrained(output_path)
- xm.save(self.model.state_dict(), os.path.join(output_path, "pytorch_model.bin"))
- def train_function(index, args, queue):
- tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(args.model)
- model = AutoModelForSentenceEmbedding(args.model, tokenizer)
- ### Train Loop
- device = xm.xla_device()
- model = model.to(device)
- # Instantiate optimizer
- optimizer = AdamW(params=model.parameters(), lr=2e-5, correct_bias=True)
- lr_scheduler = get_linear_schedule_with_warmup(
- optimizer=optimizer,
- num_warmup_steps=500,
- num_training_steps=args.steps,
- )
- # Now we train the model
- cross_entropy_loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
- max_grad_norm = 1
- model.train()
- for global_step in tqdm.trange(args.steps, disable=not xm.is_master_ordinal()):
- #### Get the batch data
- batch = queue.get()
- #print(index, "batch {}x{}".format(len(batch), ",".join([str(len(b)) for b in batch])))
- if len(batch[0]) == 2: #(anchor, positive)
- text1 = tokenizer([b[0] for b in batch], return_tensors="pt", max_length=args.max_length, truncation=True, padding="max_length")
- text2 = tokenizer([b[1] for b in batch], return_tensors="pt", max_length=args.max_length, truncation=True, padding="max_length")
- ### Compute embeddings
- embeddings_a = model(**text1.to(device))
- embeddings_b = model(**text2.to(device))
- ### Gather all embedings
- embeddings_a = torch_xla.core.functions.all_gather(embeddings_a)
- embeddings_b = torch_xla.core.functions.all_gather(embeddings_b)
- ### Compute similarity scores 512 x 512
- scores = torch.mm(embeddings_a, embeddings_b.transpose(0, 1)) * args.scale
- ### Compute cross-entropy loss
- labels = torch.tensor(range(len(scores)), dtype=torch.long, device=embeddings_a.device) # Example a[i] should match with b[i]
- ## Symmetric loss as in CLIP
- loss = (cross_entropy_loss(scores, labels) + cross_entropy_loss(scores.transpose(0, 1), labels)) / 2
- else: #(anchor, positive, negative)
- text1 = tokenizer([b[0] for b in batch], return_tensors="pt", max_length=args.max_length, truncation=True, padding="max_length")
- text2 = tokenizer([b[1] for b in batch], return_tensors="pt", max_length=args.max_length, truncation=True, padding="max_length")
- text3 = tokenizer([b[2] for b in batch], return_tensors="pt", max_length=args.max_length, truncation=True, padding="max_length")
- embeddings_a = model(**text1.to(device))
- embeddings_b1 = model(**text2.to(device))
- embeddings_b2 = model(**text3.to(device))
- embeddings_a = torch_xla.core.functions.all_gather(embeddings_a)
- embeddings_b1 = torch_xla.core.functions.all_gather(embeddings_b1)
- embeddings_b2 = torch_xla.core.functions.all_gather(embeddings_b2)
- embeddings_b = torch.cat([embeddings_b1, embeddings_b2])
- ### Compute similarity scores 512 x 1024
- scores = torch.mm(embeddings_a, embeddings_b.transpose(0, 1)) * args.scale
- ### Compute cross-entropy loss
- labels = torch.tensor(range(len(scores)), dtype=torch.long, device=embeddings_a.device) # Example a[i] should match with b[i]
- ## One-way loss
- loss = cross_entropy_loss(scores, labels)
- # Backward pass
- optimizer.zero_grad()
- loss.backward()
- torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), max_grad_norm)
- xm.optimizer_step(optimizer, barrier=True)
- lr_scheduler.step()
- #Save model
- if (global_step+1) % args.save_steps == 0:
- output_path = os.path.join(args.output, str(global_step+1))
- xm.master_print("save model: "+output_path)
- model.save_pretrained(output_path)
- output_path = os.path.join(args.output, "final")
- xm.master_print("save model final: "+ output_path)
- model.save_pretrained(output_path)
- def produce_data(args, queue, filepaths, dataset_indices):
- global_batch_size = args.batch_size*args.nprocs #Global batch size
- size_per_dataset = int(global_batch_size / args.datasets_per_batch) #How many datasets per batch
- num_same_dataset = int(size_per_dataset / args.batch_size)
- print("producer", "global_batch_size", global_batch_size)
- print("producer", "size_per_dataset", size_per_dataset)
- print("producer", "num_same_dataset", num_same_dataset)
- datasets = []
- for filepath in filepaths:
- if "reddit_" in filepath: #Special dataset class for Reddit files
- data_obj = RedditDataset(filepath)
- else:
- data_obj = Dataset(filepath)
- datasets.append(iter(data_obj))
- # Store if dataset is in a 2 col or 3 col format
- num_cols = {idx: len(next(dataset)) for idx, dataset in enumerate(datasets)}
- while True:
- texts_in_batch = set()
- batch_format = None #2 vs 3 col format for this batch
- #Add data from several sub datasets
- for _ in range(args.datasets_per_batch):
- valid_dataset = False #Check that datasets have the same 2/3 col format
- while not valid_dataset:
- data_idx = random.choice(dataset_indices)
- if batch_format is None:
- batch_format = num_cols[data_idx]
- valid_dataset = True
- else: #Check that this dataset has the same format
- valid_dataset = (batch_format == num_cols[data_idx])
- #Get data from this dataset
- dataset = datasets[data_idx]
- for _ in range(num_same_dataset):
- for _ in range(args.nprocs):
- batch_device = [] #A batch for one device
- while len(batch_device) < args.batch_size:
- sample = next(dataset)
- in_batch = False
- for text in sample:
- if text in texts_in_batch:
- in_batch = True
- break
- if not in_batch:
- for text in sample:
- texts_in_batch.add(text)
- batch_device.append(sample)
- queue.put(batch_device)
- class RedditDataset:
- """
- A class that handles the reddit data files
- """
- def __init__(self, filepath):
- self.filepath = filepath
- def __iter__(self):
- while True:
- with gzip.open(self.filepath, "rt") as fIn:
- for line in fIn:
- data = json.loads(line)
- if "response" in data and "context" in data:
- yield [data["response"], data["context"]]
- class Dataset:
- """
- A class that handles one dataset
- """
- def __init__(self, filepath):
- self.filepath = filepath
- def __iter__(self):
- max_dataset_size = 10*1000*1000 #Cache small datasets in memory
- dataset = []
- data_format = None
- while dataset is None or len(dataset) == 0:
- with gzip.open(self.filepath, "rt") as fIn:
- for line in fIn:
- data = json.loads(line)
- if isinstance(data, dict):
- data = data['texts']
- if data_format is None:
- data_format = len(data)
- #Ensure that all entries are of the same 2/3 col format
- assert len(data) == data_format
- if dataset is not None:
- dataset.append(data)
- if len(dataset) >= max_dataset_size:
- dataset = None
- yield data
- # Data loaded. Now stream to the queue
- # Shuffle for each epoch
- while True:
- random.shuffle(dataset)
- for data in dataset:
- yield data
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('--model', default='nreimers/MiniLM-L6-H384-uncased')
- parser.add_argument('--steps', type=int, default=2000)
- parser.add_argument('--save_steps', type=int, default=10000)
- parser.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int, default=64)
- parser.add_argument('--max_length', type=int, default=128)
- parser.add_argument('--nprocs', type=int, default=8)
- parser.add_argument('--datasets_per_batch', type=int, default=2, help="Number of datasets per batch")
- parser.add_argument('--scale', type=float, default=20, help="Use 20 for cossim, and 1 when you work with unnormalized embeddings with dot product")
- parser.add_argument('--data_folder', default="/data", help="Folder with your dataset files")
- parser.add_argument('data_config', help="A data_config.json file")
- parser.add_argument('output')
- args = parser.parse_args()
- # Ensure global batch size is divisble by data_sample_size
- assert (args.batch_size*args.nprocs) % args.datasets_per_batch == 0
- logging.info("Output: "+args.output)
- if os.path.exists(args.output):
- print("Output folder already exists.")
- input("Continue?")
- # Write train script to output path
- os.makedirs(args.output, exist_ok=True)
- data_config_path = os.path.join(args.output, 'data_config.json')
- copyfile(args.data_config, data_config_path)
- train_script_path = os.path.join(args.output, 'train_script.py')
- copyfile(__file__, train_script_path)
- with open(train_script_path, 'a') as fOut:
- fOut.write("\n\n# Script was called via:\n#python " + " ".join(sys.argv))
- #Load data config
- with open(args.data_config) as fIn:
- data_config = json.load(fIn)
- queue = mp.Queue(maxsize=100*args.nprocs)
- filepaths = []
- dataset_indices = []
- for idx, data in enumerate(data_config):
- filepaths.append(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(args.data_folder), data['name']))
- dataset_indices.extend([idx]*data['weight'])
- # Start producer
- p = mp.Process(target=produce_data, args=(args, queue, filepaths, dataset_indices))
- p.start()
- # Run training
- print("Start processes:", args.nprocs)
- xmp.spawn(train_function, args=(args, queue), nprocs=args.nprocs, start_method='fork')
- print("Training done")
- print("It might be that not all processes exit automatically. In that case you must manually kill this process.")
- print("With 'pkill python' you can kill all remaining python processes")
- p.kill()
- exit()
- # Script was called via:
- #python train_many_data_files_v2.py --steps 1000000 --batch_size 128 --model nreimers/MiniLM-L6-H384-uncased train_data_configs/all_datasets_v4.json output/all_datasets_v4_MiniLM-L6-H384-uncased-batch128