# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import re
from utils.item_type_line import get_item_head_info, get_item_head_info_cn
from utils.topic_no import judge_item_no_type, get_right_no, pre_get_item_no
def stems_structure_byno(stem_con, subject="", is_danti=0):
:return:{"stem": , "item_id": , "errmsgs": [],"type":,}
head_cons = []
if not is_danti:
while stem_con and ((re.search(r"[\u4e00-\u9fa5]", stem_con[0]) is None) or
(((subject != "语文" and re.search(r"[一二三四五]\s*[、..、]\s*[^必考基础综合中等]{2,4}题", stem_con[0]) is None)
or (subject == "语文" and
re.search(r"[一二三四五]\s*[、..、]\s*.{,4}(运用|阅读|写作|选择|单选|默写|语言表达|作文|综合|诗歌鉴赏)|^([\[【]题文[\]】]|阅读)", stem_con[0]) is None))
and re.search(r"(^|\n)\s*[1-9][0-9]?\s*[..、、]((?!(答题卡|涂黑|本卷|2B铅笔|签字笔|密封线)).)*?$",
stem_con[0]) is None)):
del stem_con[0]
return "本份试卷开头格式有问题,请按试卷格式来!"
# else:
head_cons = "\n".join(head_cons).strip()
stem_str = "\n" + "\n".join(stem_con)
# 题号格式有条件清洗
# def sub1(ss):
# if int(ss.group(5)) - int(ss.group(2)) in [1, 2]:
# return ss.group(1)+"\n"+ss.group(5)+"、"+ss.group(6)
# else:
# return ss.group(0)
# stem_str = re.sub(r"(\n\s*([1-9][0-9]|[1-9])\s*[..、、]((?!\n\s*([1-9][0-9]|[1-9])\s*[..、、]).)+?)\n+\s*([1-9][0-9]|[1-9])\s*(?![..、、])([^\s\d]+)", sub1, stem_str, flags=re.S)
# 也可以用下面方法,但比较啰嗦
pattern_3 = re.compile(r"(\n\s*([1-9][0-9]|[1-9])\s*[..、、]((?!\n\s*([1-9][0-9]|[1-9])\s*[..、、]).)+?)"
r"\n+\s*([1-9][0-9]|[1-9])\s*(?![..、、])([^\s\d]+)", re.S)
while re.search(pattern_3, stem_str):
wrong_id_info = re.search(pattern_3, stem_str)
stem_str = stem_str.replace(wrong_id_info.group(0),
# print(stem_str)
# 1、获取题型行信息、按题型行切分
if subject == "语文":
con11, title_info_dict, choice_class = get_item_head_info_cn(stem_str)
con11, title_info_dict, choice_class = get_item_head_info(stem_str)
all_type = title_info_dict["all_type"]
title_type_num = title_info_dict["title_type_num"]
select_type_id = title_info_dict["select_type_id"]
each_item_score, each_item_score2 = title_info_dict["each_item_score"], title_info_dict["each_item_score2"]
# -------------------------------------------------------
res = []
item_type_classify = {} # 记录每类题型中含有的题目个数,含合并的情况
item_type_num = [] # 题型不合并
pic_no = {} # 记录每个题的图
new_item_no = [] # 将纠错后的题号再记录一份
item_groups = {"is_groups": 0, "groups_data": {}} # 公共题干的位置,从哪个题开始,比如地理选择题
if not all_type:
# 初步获取题号,题号类型
stem_str, item_no_info, item_no_type = judge_item_no_type(stem_str)
# 获取正确题号的位置,进行切分
new_item_no, items_no_idx = get_right_no(item_no_info)
one_item_split = [stem_str[i:j] for i, j in zip(items_no_idx, items_no_idx[1:] + [None])]
if items_no_idx and stem_str[:items_no_idx[0]]:
if is_danti or "【题文】" in stem_str[:items_no_idx[0]]:
head_cons = stem_str[:items_no_idx[0]]
dd = {}
for n, one_item in enumerate(one_item_split):
if subject in ["地理", "语文"]:
res, com_stem, item_groups = split_with_comstem(head_cons, one_item_split, res, n, item_groups, subject)
if com_stem:
# print("com_stem:", com_stem)
elif is_danti and not n: # 2022/2/24
dd.update({"com_stem": head_cons})
item_groups["is_groups"] = 1
item_groups["groups_data"][0] = ""
# if not n:
# mix_con = "\n".join(head_cons).strip()
# else:
# mix_con = one_item_split[n - 1].strip()
# pattern_3 = re.search("(完成|回答)下?[面列]?的?.*?[\d小]题.{,2}$", mix_con)
# if pattern_3:
# com_stem, bef_con = "", ""
# if re.search("【题文】", mix_con):
# bef_con, com_stem = mix_con.split("【题文】", maxsplit=1)
# else:
# com_stem_idx = [i.end() for i in re.finditer(r"(所以|故而?).{,3}(选择?[A-Fa-f]选?项?"
# r"|选项[A-Fa-f]正确).{,2}\n"
# r"|\n[A-E]\s*[..、、::].*?\n", mix_con)]
# if com_stem_idx:
# com_stem = mix_con[com_stem_idx[-1]+1:]
# bef_con = mix_con[:com_stem_idx[-1]+1]
# else:
# if not n:
# com_stem = mix_con
# else:
# mix_con_list = mix_con.split(r"(详解】|解析】|答案】)")
# if len(mix_con_list) > 2:
# bef_con = "".join(bef_con[:-1])
# mix_con = bef_con[-1]
# else:
# mix_con = bef_con[0]
# paras = bef_con.split("\n")
# paras = [para for para in paras if para.strip()]
# if len(paras)>1:
# if len(paras) == 2 or len(paras[-1]) >= 20:
# com_stem = paras[-1]
# bef_con = bef_con + "\n".join(paras[:-1])
# else:
# com_stem = paras[-2:]
# bef_con = bef_con + "\n".join(paras[:-2])
# else:
# bef_con = bef_con + "\n".join(paras)
# dd["com_stem"] = com_stem
# res[-1]["stem"] = bef_con
dd["stem"] = one_item
dd["item_id"] = new_item_no[n] # 题目本身的题号
dd["type"] = "" # 先题型不备注,根据答案再看
dd["errmsgs"] = []
# dd["score"] = 0
# if select_type_id and dd["item_id"] in select_type_id:
# dd['is_optional'] = 'true'
dd = {}
# 先不做拆图处理了
# print(all_type, len(con11))
if len(all_type) == len(con11)-1: # 第一部分的题型行掉了
all_type.insert(0, "")
each_item_score.insert(0, 0) # 按题型行拿的分数也会掉,先补上默认的0
elif len(all_type) != len(con11):
print("第二种试卷格式:存在题型行没有换行") # 可能造成题目和题型行在同一行
# return "存在题型行末尾没有换行或题型行中题型不明确"
# else:
# # print(all_type)
# if "非选择题" in all_type:
# error_info1 = "第" + str(all_type.index("非选择题")+1) + "大题的题型不明确"
# if any([True for one_type in all_type if re.search("必考基础综合中等面列下各", one_type)]):
# error_info1 = "存在题型行中题型不明确"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# 思路:>>>>先纠正题号,再拆分题目;等切分好后再纠正(删减添加操作)比较费时
# 按题号切分,可再加些细节!!!! 1>>题号不要求连续
# 初步判断题号类型
stem_str, item_no_info, item_no_type = judge_item_no_type(stem_str)
# >>>>切分题目
for num, one_type in enumerate(con11):
# 初步获取题号
item_no_info = pre_get_item_no("\n"+one_type, item_no_type)
# 获取正确题号的位置,进行切分
if res:
items_no_temp, items_no_idx = get_right_no(item_no_info, have_type=1, last_id=res[-1]["item_id"])
items_no_temp, items_no_idx = get_right_no(item_no_info)
if not items_no_temp:
"stem": one_type,
"item_id": res[-1]["item_id"]+1 if res else 1,
"type": all_type[num],
"errmsgs": [],
is_from_0 = 1
if items_no_temp and items_no_idx[0] != 0 and ((not num and items_no_temp[0] > 1) or
(num and items_no_temp[0] > new_item_no[-1]+1)): # 以防出现题号漏了的情况
items_no_idx.insert(0, 0)
is_from_0 = 0
one_item_split = [("\n" + one_type)[i:j] for i, j in zip(items_no_idx, items_no_idx[1:] + [None])]
# 针对多个题共用一段材料的情况2021-11-3
head_item = one_type[0:items_no_idx[0]]
if not head_item.strip() and head_cons.strip() and not num: # 2022.2.24
head_item = head_cons
# if head_item and subject == "地理":
# res, com_stem, item_group = split_with_comstem(head_item, [], res, 0)
# item_groups.update(item_group)
# if com_stem:
# dd["com_stem"] = com_stem
# common_stem_may = re.search("(完成|回答)下?[面列]?的?第?(\d{1,2})[-到至第~~-]+?(\d{1,2})题", head_item.replace(" ", ""))
# if common_stem_may:
# if not item_groups:
# item_groups["pos"].append(1)
# else:
# item_groups["pos"].append(len(res)+1)
# item_groups["{}-{}".format(common_stem_may.group(2), common_stem_may.group(3))] = head_item
# ------------------每个大题的第一题前面的图可能有漏的情况------------------------
may_oimt_pic = []
if not is_from_0:
may_oimt_pic_info = re.search("\n((\s*).)+?/>)*?)\s*\n?$", one_item_split[0])
if may_oimt_pic_info:
if len(one_item_split) > 1 and re.search("如[上下左右]?图", one_item_split[1]):
may_oimt_pic.extend(re.findall("", may_oimt_pic_info.group(1)))
# print("may_oimt_pic:", may_oimt_pic)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
if len(all_type) == len(con11):
if not is_from_0:
if all_type[num] and all_type[num].replace("题", "") not in ['选择', '单选', '多选', '不定选择']:
one_item_split = one_item_split[1:]
else: # 针对选择题第1题或前面几题题号漏了的情况
one_item_split1 = one_item_split[1:]
# ------针对分错的细节继续拆分,如上一题选项行与下一题题干没有换行-----------------
new_one_item_split = []
pattern_1 = re.compile(
r"([CDE]\s*[..、、].+?)(? 0.0:
# dd["score"] = title_info_dict["total_score"][num]
# 多图在一起的情况进行拆分
# if len(re.findall(r"第?\(?([1-9]|[1-9][0-9])\)?\s*题图", one_item)) > 1 and \
# re.search(r"", pic_info.group(1))
pic_w = re.findall("([1-9]|[1-9][0-9])[))]?\s*(?=题)", pic_info.group(2))
if len(pic_list) >= len(pic_w):
pic_no = {int(p): pic_list[len(pic_list) - len(pic_w) + k] for k, p in enumerate(pic_w)}
dd["stem"] = dd["stem"].replace(pic_info.group(2), "")
for k, pic in enumerate(pic_list[::-1]):
if k < len(pic_w):
dd["stem"] = dd["stem"].replace(pic, "")
# -----------------------------------------------------
dd = {}
if pic_no:
for i in list(pic_no.keys()):
res[i-1]["stem"] = res[i-1]["stem"].strip() + "\n" + pic_no[i] + "\n" + "第" + str(i) + "题图"
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# 可能出现选择题类的选做题
# --------最后判断一下题量是否正确-----------------------------------------
# 针对拆分后题量特别多的情况,将拆分后题量与已知题量一样的题目保留
new_res = []
right_type = [] # 记录与已知题目个数一样的分块{第几个分块,题型}
if all_type and sum(list(item_type_classify.values())) > 40: # 很可能存在大片不是题号的题号
title_type_num_all = sum([t[1] for t in title_type_num]) # 题型行给出的题目个数
if title_type_num_all > 0:
for idx, type_num in enumerate(item_type_num):
if type_num[1] == title_type_num[idx][1] > 0: # 同一题型是否题量一致
right_type.append((idx, type_num[0]))
elif title_type_num[idx][1] == 0 and type_num[1] == 1:
title_type_num[idx][1] = 1
right_type.append((idx, type_num[0]))
if right_type:
for rtype in right_type:
for idx, item in enumerate(res):
r_st = 0 if rtype[0]==0 else sum([t[1] for t in item_type_num[:rtype[0]]])
r_ed = r_st + item_type_num[rtype[0]][1]
if item["type"] == rtype[1] and r_st<=idx[\s\n]*?)*?.{,2}$",
mix_con, flags=re.S)
if subject == "语文":
common_stem_info2 = re.search("(完成|回答)下?[面列]?的?.*?[\d小各]题.{,2}\n|\n\s*阅读.*?按要求[作回]答.{,2}\n", mix_con)
bef_con = ""
one_stem = {}
if common_stem_info2:
item_groups["is_groups"] = 1
if common_stem_info1:
st = common_stem_info1.group(2)
end = common_stem_info1.group(3)
if not item_groups["groups_data"]:
item_groups["groups_data"][0] = "{}-{}".format(st, end)
item_groups["groups_data"][len(bef_res)] = "{}-{}".format(st, end)
elif subject == "地理":
item_groups["groups_data"][len(bef_res)] = ""
# item_groups["groups_data"][len(bef_res)] = ""
# elif common_stem_info1:
# item_groups["is_groups"] = 1
if (item_groups["is_groups"] and common_stem_info2) or "【题文】" in mix_con or subject == "语文":
com_stem = ""
if re.search("【题文】", mix_con):
bef_con, com_stem = mix_con.split("【题文】", maxsplit=1)
if len(bef_res) not in item_groups["groups_data"]:
item_groups["groups_data"][len(bef_res)] = ""
if not item_groups["is_groups"]:
item_groups["is_groups"] = 1
com_id = sorted(item_groups["groups_data"])
common_stem_info3 = re.search("(完成|回答)下?[面列]?的?.*?问题.{,2}\n", one_item_split[pc_idx]) # 带多问的大题
com_stem_idx = [i.end() for i in re.finditer(r"(所以|故而?|答案).{,3}(选择?[A-Fa-f]选?项?.{,2}"
r"|(\n\s*[A-E]\s*[..、、::][^\n]*?\n?)+(\n|$)", mix_con,
flags=re.S)] # add 第1条后部分 2022-2-14
# print("common_stem_info3:", common_stem_info3)
if subject == "地理" and common_stem_info3:
item_groups["groups_data"][com_id[-1]] = "{}-{}".format(com_id[-1] + 1, len(bef_res)-1)
elif com_stem_idx and subject == "地理":
com_stem = mix_con[com_stem_idx[-1]:]
bef_con = mix_con[:com_stem_idx[-1]]
# print("com_stem:", com_stem)
# print("bef_con:", bef_con)
if not pc_idx:
com_stem = mix_con
if len(com_stem) < 25 and re.search("任选一题", com_stem):
com_stem = ""
if not com_stem:
item_groups["groups_data"][len(bef_res)] = "fei"
if subject == "语文":
mix_con_list = re.split(r"(\n\s*阅读.*?按要求[作回]答.{,2}\n"
# r"|\n+\s*[((][一二三四五][))])", # 与上一条都满足时,匹配短的
re.sub("[((][本题共\d小\s]*?\d{1,2}分\s*[))].?", "", mix_con))
if len(mix_con_list) == 1:
mix_con_list = re.split(r"([((][一二三四五][))].*?[完成回答]+下?[面列]?的?.*?[\d小]\s*?题.{,2})\n",
re.sub("[((]\s*\d{1,2}\s*分\s*[))].?", "", mix_con))
if len(mix_con_list) == 1:
mix_con_list = re.split(r"\n+\s*[((][一二三四五][))]",
re.sub("[((][本题共\d小\s]*?\d{1,2}分\s*[))].?", "", mix_con))
if len(mix_con_list) >= 3:
com_stem = "\n".join(mix_con_list[-2:])
# 有([一二三四五]),但不一定有公共题文
if re.search("[((]\s*[一二三四五]\s*[))](语言文字运用|微?写作|选择|单选|语言表达|作文"
r"|.{,4}(文本阅读|诗歌阅读|文言文阅读|名著阅读|默写)题?).{,10}$", com_stem.strip()):
com_stem = ""
bef_con = "".join(mix_con_list[:-2])
if com_id[-1] not in item_groups["groups_data"] or not item_groups["groups_data"][com_id[-1]]:
item_groups["groups_data"][com_id[-1]] = "{}-{}".format(com_id[-1]+1, len(bef_res))
common_stem_info4 = re.search("(完成|回答)下?[面列]?的?第?(\d{1,2})[-到至第~~-]+?(\d{1,2})小?题",
mix_con_list[-2].replace(" ", "").replace("\n", ""))
if common_stem_info4:
item_groups["groups_data"][len(bef_res)] = "{}-{}".format(
common_stem_info1.group(2), common_stem_info1.group(3))
elif common_stem_info2:
item_groups["groups_data"][len(bef_res)] = ""
common_stem_list = re.split("([完成回答]下?[面列]?的?.*?[\d小各]题.{,2}\n"
"|\n\s*阅读.*?按要求[作回]答.{,2}\n)", mix_con)
if len(common_stem_list) > 3:
com_stem = common_stem_list[-1]
mix_con = "".join(common_stem_list[:-1])
com_stem = mix_con[common_stem_info2.end():]
mix_con = mix_con[:common_stem_info2.end()] # 没切全,还需进一步
# print("mix_con:",mix_con)
paras = mix_con.split("\n")
paras = [para for para in paras if para.strip()] # 去掉空行
if len(paras) > 1:
com_stem = paras[-1] + com_stem
bef_con = "\n".join(paras[:-1])
# print(bef_con)
bef_con = mix_con
mix_con_list = re.split(r"(详解】|解析】|答案】)", mix_con)
if len(mix_con_list) > 2: # 含解析:
bef_con = "".join(mix_con_list[:-1])
mix_con = mix_con_list[-1]
mix_con = mix_con_list[0]
paras = mix_con.split("\n") # 将混淆的部分换行拆分
paras = [para for para in paras if para.strip()] # 去掉空行
if len(paras) > 1:
if len(paras) == 2 or len(paras[-1]) >= 20: # 2段or段长
com_stem = paras[-1]
if re.search("^\s*[((]\s*\d\s*[))]", com_stem):
com_stem = ""
bef_con = bef_con + "\n".join(paras[:-1])
com_stem = "\n".join(paras[-2:])
bef_con = bef_con + "\n".join(paras[:-2])
bef_con = bef_con + "\n".join(paras)
# 此时 com_stem 为空
if subject == "地理":
if com_stem:
one_stem["com_stem"] = com_stem
if bef_res and pc_idx: # 不包括第一题
bef_res[-1]["stem"] = bef_con
if re.sub("?tbody>|?table>|\n", "", com_stem):
one_stem["com_stem"] = com_stem
item_groups["is_groups"] = 1
if len(bef_res) not in item_groups["groups_data"]:
item_groups["groups_data"][len(bef_res)] = ""
if bef_res and bef_con:
bef_res[-1]["stem"] = bef_con
# elif not pc_idx:
# item_groups["groups_data"][len(bef_res)] = ""
return bef_res, one_stem, item_groups