# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re from pprint import pprint from pyquery import PyQuery as pq # # pattern = re.compile(r"\[来源.*?\]|www\..*?com") # # filter_words = ["学科网", "高考资源网", "Ziyuanku.com", "WWW.ziyuanku.com", # "高☆考♂资♀源€网", "w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m", "本资料由《七彩教育网》www.7caiedu.cn 提供!", # "本资料来源于《七彩教育网》http://www.7caiedu.cn", "本资料由《七彩教育网》www.7caiedu.cn 提", # "高考试题来源:"] # # # def filter_word(txt_list): # new_txt_list = [] # for word in txt_list: # if not word.strip(): # continue # new_word = re.sub(pattern, "", word) # for keys in filter_words: # if keys in new_word: # new_word = new_word.replace(keys, "") # new_txt_list.append(new_word) # return new_txt_list def filter_data(x): if not str(x).replace(" ", "").strip(): pass else: return str(x) def replace_k(con): # con = str(con).replace(" ", "+") # con = str(con).replace(" ", "+") con = re.sub(r'\s(?!(src="http|_src="http|class="tiankong"|data-num=))', "#+#", str(con)) return pq(con, parser="html") def css_label_wash(content): # todo add 9-4 """ 清洗文本中带有的css标签 :param content: :return: """ # temp_con = re.sub('', "", str(content)) if re.search('|text\s*-\s*decoration: underline|border\s*-\s*bottom:', str(content)) is None: # content = re.sub('', "\n", content).strip().replace("\n\n", "\n").replace("\n", "
") def subp(s): cons = s.group(1) if '

" content = re.sub('()', subp, content) content = re.sub('

', "


", content) return content else: content = re.sub(r'', "", str(content)) content = re.sub(r'', "", str(content)) content = re.sub(r'', "", str(content)) content = re.sub(r'', "", str(content)) content = content.replace("", "").replace("", "") # content = content.replace("", "").replace("", "") content = content.replace('


', "\n").replace('

', "\n") content = content.replace("

", "

\n") # content = re.sub('', "", content) # content = re.sub('', "\n", content) # parm = False # if "
" not in str(content): # parm = True subs2img = {} if re.search('" in content: all_imgs = re.findall('|.*?', content, flags=re.S) for k, img in enumerate(all_imgs): content = content.replace(img, "&{}&".format(k)) subs2img["&{}&".format(k)] = img content = re.sub(r"<(su[bp])>(.*?)", r"【\1】\2【/\3】", content) html = pq(content, parser="html") a = [] if html.children(): # temph = [str(i) for i in html.children().items()] for line in html.children().items(): #


里面的内容可能会被过滤掉 test = str(line) # line.text() # 保留下划线及着重符标签 # 波浪线: # pq会将多个空格换成一个 # print(str(line)) if '.+?)', r"【1#\1##】", str(line)) line = re.sub(r'(.+?)', r"【2#\1##】", str(line)) line = re.sub(r'<(p style="text-(indent|align):.*?">.+?)

', r"【\1##3】", str(line)) line = re.sub(r'.+?)', r"【div\2\5##3】", str(line), flags=re.S) # line = re.sub(r'<(strong|em)>(.+?)', r"【\1##\2##\1】", str(line)) # 分开处理会比较好,嵌套的格式也能全处理 line = re.sub(r'(.+?)', r"【strong##\1##strong】", str(line)) line = re.sub(r'(.+?)', r"【em##\1##em】", str(line)) # print(line) line = line.replace(" ", "【+】") line = pq(line) new_line = list(map(lambda x: str(x).replace("【1#", '").replace("【2#", '') .replace("【p【+】style=", "

").replace("【strong##", "").replace("【em##", "") .replace("##strong】", "").replace("##em】", "").replace("【+】", " "), line.text().split("\n"))) a.extend(new_line) elif str(line).startswith("", "\n").replace("
", "\n").replace("
", "\n") + "\n") a.append(line.html()) else: line = replace_k(line) if re.search(r"\n|", str(line), flags=re.S): line = re.sub(r"\n|", "#*#", str(line), flags=re.S) line = pq(line) new_line = list(map(lambda x: str(x).replace("#+#", " "), line.text().split("#*#"))) a.extend(new_line) else: if line.text().strip(): a.append(line.text().replace("#+#", " ")) elif "

" in str(line) and "
" in str(line): line = re.sub(r'', "", str(line.html())) b = line.replace('

', ""). \ replace("
", "\n"). \ replace("
", "\n"). \ replace("
", "\n"). \ replace('


', "\n"). \ replace('

', "\n") b_list = b.split("\n") # b_list = list(filter(lambda x: str(x), b_list)) b_list = list(filter(filter_data, b_list)) b_list = list(map(lambda x: str(x), b_list)) a.extend(b_list) elif str(line).startswith("") or str(line).startswith("
"): a.append(str(line)) else: # print('test:',line.text()) # 自动去掉了图片 if line.text().strip(): line = replace_k(line) # a.append(line.text().replace("+", "\xa0") + "\n") a.append(line.text().replace("#+#", " ")) else: # if html.text().strip(): 把换行\n 都去掉了 # a.append(html.text()) # a.append(str(html)) # 会自动带上 ;&变为&; a.append(content.strip()) new_a = "\n".join(list(map(lambda x: x.strip(), a))) if subs2img: new_a = re.sub("|".join(subs2img.keys()), lambda x: subs2img[x.group()], new_a) # new_a = "

" + new_a.replace("\n\n", "\n").replace("\n", "


") + "

" new_a = re.sub("(?)\s*\n", "
", new_a.replace("\n\n", "\n")) # 2024.6.13 new_a = re.sub("
)+", "
", new_a) new_a = "

" + new_a + "

" new_a = re.sub(r'


$', r"\1", new_a, flags=re.S) # for sb, img in subs2img.items(): # 2021 # new_a = new_a.replace(sb, img) # if parm: # new_a[0] = "\xa0" * 4 + new_a[0] new_a = re.sub(r"【(/?su[bp])】", r"<\1>", new_a) return new_a def again_parse(content): # todo add 9-4 content = re.sub(r'', "", str(content)) content = re.sub(r'', "", str(content)) content = re.sub(r'', "", str(content)) content = re.sub(r'', "", str(content)) content = str(content).replace("", "").replace("", "") content = str(content).replace("", "").replace("", "") content = str(content).replace('


', "\n").replace('

', "\n") # parm = False # if "
" not in str(content): # parm = True html = pq(content, parser="html") a = [] if html.children(): for line in html.children().items(): if (str(line).startswith("", "\n").replace("
", "\n").replace("
", "\n") + "\n") else: line = replace_k(line) if "
" in str(line) or "
" in str(line) or "
" in str(line): line = str(line).replace("
", "###").replace("
", "###").replace("
", "###") line = pq(line) new_line = list(map(lambda x: str(x).replace("+", "\xa0") + "\n", line.text().split("###"))) a.extend(new_line) else: if line.text().strip(): a.append(line.text().replace("+", "\xa0") + "\n") elif "
" in str(line) and "
" in str(line): line = re.sub(r'', "", str(line.html())) b = line.replace('

', ""). \ replace("
", "\n"). \ replace("
", "\n"). \ replace("
", "\n"). \ replace('


', "\n"). \ replace('

', "\n") b_list = b.split("\n") # b_list = list(filter(lambda x: str(x), b_list)) b_list = list(filter(filter_data, b_list)) b_list = list(map(lambda x: str(x) + "\n", b_list)) a.extend(b_list) elif str(line).startswith("下述有关功和能量说法正确的是( )
  • A.物体做功越多,物体的能量就越大
  • B.摩擦力可能对物体做正功,也可能做负功,也可以不做功
  • C.能量耗散表明,能量守恒定律有些情况下并不成立
  • D.弹簧拉伸时的弹性势能一定大于压缩时的弹性势能
''' # cons = '''

UnbelievableOh..., _____ you don't mind, I'll stop and take a deep breath.






''' # pprint(cons) # print(again_parse(cons)) # print(again_parse(cons)) # print(list(map(lambda x: str(x).replace(" ", " "), again_parse(cons)))) # con1 = r'


' cons1 = """









14.下列对这首诗的理解和赏析,不正确的一项是( )
  • A.诗人离开朝廷南来已三年,恐怕自己终身奔走于宦途而不能践偿其政治抱负。
  • B.因桃符一年一换,诗人自比“桃符”,寄托了自己在新的一年仕途晋升的愿望。
  • C.颈联对仗工整,诗人以自然界万物复苏的繁丽景象来反衬出自己的衰病老迈。
  • D.本诗抒发了除夜感慨,“桃符”“烟花”“屠苏”等意象照应节令,节日氛围浓厚。
14.  B
15.  ①饮屠苏酒的顺序是自少至老,诗人说“最后饮”,表明了他年事已高。②诗人“辞”掉的是富贵荣华,表明他不再以仕途不畅为意。③“不辞最后饮”又表明他不以岁月流逝为意,以豁达乐观待之,表现了诗人豪放旷达的情怀。
14.  本题考查学生鉴赏诗歌的形象、表达技巧和情感的能力。B.“寄托了自己在新的一年仕途晋升的愿望”曲解文意。由“退归”可知,本句暗指诗人要抛却不如意的仕途,含有退隐之意。故选B。
15.  本题考查学生理解诗句意蕴的能力。诗人一扫前面的郁闷,表示要用“穷”和“愁”换取长久的健康,要屠苏酒来迎新年。正月初一饮屠苏酒是一种习俗,饮用的顺序是自少至老,诗人说“最后饮”,表明了他年事已高。“烟花”二句,以自然界万物复苏的繁丽景象,反衬自己的衰病老迈。“拟学旧桃符”暗指诗人要抛却不如意的仕途,诗人“辞”掉的是富贵荣华,表明他不再以仕途不畅为意。诗人说“不辞最后饮”,不怕轮到我最后一个把屠苏酒饮,表明他不以岁月流逝为意,以豁达乐观待之,以此观照开篇,更见苏轼豪放旷达的情怀。
""" conss = css_label_wash(cons1) print(conss)