#!/usr/bin/env/python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- """ 域公式转latex """ import re, os import configs from pprint import pprint from func_timeout import func_set_timeout SUB = {"A":"Ⓐ", "V":"Ⓥ", "W":"Ⓦ", "X":"Ⓧ", "G":"Ⓖ", } # def get_latex(item): # if r"$eq \\f(" in item: # item = re.sub(r"\$eq \\\\f\((.+?),(.+?)\)", r"$\\frac{\1}{\2}", item) # # if r"$eq \\r(" in item: # item = re.sub(r"\$eq \\\\r\((.+?)\)", r"$\sqrt{\1}", item) # # if "$eq \\\\o\\\\" in item: # while re.search(r"\$eq \\\\o\\\\al\((.+?),(.*?)\)", item): # ss = re.search(r"\$eq \\\\o\\\\al\((.+?),(.*?)\)", item) # # 将非变量的{}修改成{{}} # s1 = "$_{{{sub}}}^{{{sup}}}".format(sub=ss.group(2), sup=ss.group(1)) # s1 = re.sub("|\s", "", s1) # if not ss.group(2): # eq_info = re.match(r"\$\s*(.+?)", item[ss.end():]) # if eq_info: # s1 = "$_{{{sub}}}^{{{sup}}}$".format(sub=eq_info.group(1), sup=ss.group(1)) # s1 = re.sub("|\s", "", s1) # item = item[:ss.start()] + s1 + item[ss.end()+eq_info.end():] # # return re.sub("|\s", "", s1) # else: # item = item[:ss.start()] + s1 + item[ss.end():] # else: # item = item[:ss.start()] + s1 + item[ss.end():] # # # s1 = "$_{{{sub}}}^{{{sup}}}".format(sub=ss.group(2), sup=ss.group(1)) # # return re.sub("|\s", "", s1) # # item = re.sub(r"\$eq \\\\o\\\\al\((.+?),(.*?)\)", sub1, item) # # ac_info = re.search(r"\$eq \\\\o\\\\ac\(○,\s*([A-Z])\)", item) # if ac_info: # if ac_info.group(1) in SUB.keys(): # item = item.replace(ac_info.group(0), SUB.get(ac_info.group(1))) # # return item # @func_set_timeout(3) def get_latex0(item): while "$eq \\\\f(" in item or "$eq \\\\r(" in item or re.search("【域公式】.*?\\\\o\\\\", item): if "$eq \\\\f(" in item: # item = re.sub(r"\$eq \\\\f\((((?!\\\\[fr]).)+?),(.+?)\)", r"$\\frac{\1}{\2}", item) item = re.sub(r"(【域公式】.*?)\\\\f\((((?!\\\\[fr]\().)+?),(((?!\\\\[fr]\().)+?)\)", r"\1\\frac{\2}{\4}", item) if "$eq \\\\r(" in item: item = re.sub(r"(【域公式】.*?)\\\\r\((((?!\\\\[fr]\().)+?)\)", r"\1\sqrt{\2}", item) if re.search("【域公式】.*?\\\\o\\\\", item): # if "$eq \\\\o\\\\" in item: while re.search(r"【域公式】.*?\\\\o\\\\al\((.+?),(.*?)\)", item): ss = re.search(r"(【域公式】.*?)\\\\o\\\\al\((.+?),(.*?)\)", item) # 将非变量的{}修改成{{}} s1 = "_{{{sub}}}^{{{sup}}}".format(sub=ss.group(3), sup=ss.group(2)) s1 = re.sub("|\s", "", s1) if not ss.group(3): eq_info = re.match(r"\$\s*(.+?)", item[ss.end():]) if eq_info: s1 = "_{{{sub}}}^{{{sup}}}$".format(sub=eq_info.group(1), sup=ss.group(2)) s1 = re.sub("|\s", "", s1) item = item[:ss.start()] + ss.group(1) + s1 + item[ss.end()+eq_info.end():] # return re.sub("|\s", "", s1) else: item = item[:ss.start()] + ss.group(1) + s1 + item[ss.end():] else: item = item[:ss.start()] + ss.group(1) + s1 + item[ss.end():] # s1 = "$_{{{sub}}}^{{{sup}}}".format(sub=ss.group(2), sup=ss.group(1)) # return re.sub("|\s", "", s1) # item = re.sub(r"\$eq \\\\o\\\\al\((.+?),(.*?)\)", sub1, item) ac_info = re.search(r"\$eq \\\\o\\\\ac\(○,\s*([A-Z])\)", item) if ac_info: if ac_info.group(1) in SUB.keys(): item = item.replace(ac_info.group(0), SUB.get(ac_info.group(1))) return item.replace("【域公式】$eq ", "$") # @func_set_timeout(5) def zifu_match_combine(split_eq): """ 递归函数,将成对括号进行组合,目前先按成对的括号进行转化 :param split_eq: :return: """ if len(split_eq) < 4 or ")" not in split_eq or "(" not in split_eq: return split_eq for k, i in enumerate(split_eq): if i == ")": for subk, j in enumerate(split_eq[:k][::-1]): if j == "(": # print(split_eq[k - subk - 1 - 1]) bef_left_kuohao = split_eq[k - subk - 1 - 1] if bef_left_kuohao == "\\f": # dou_index = split_eq[k-subk-1-1:k+1].index(',')+k-subk-2 # bb = split_eq[k - subk - 1 - 1:k + 1] info1 = re.search(r"\\f\((.*?),(.*?)\)$", "".join(split_eq[k - subk - 1 - 1:k + 1])) if info1: new_s = "\\frac{{{one}}}{{{two}}}".format(one=info1.group(1), two=info1.group(2)) new_split_eq = split_eq[:k - subk - 1 - 1] if new_split_eq and new_split_eq[-1] == "(": new_s = "{" + new_s + "}" new_split_eq.append(new_s) new_split_eq.extend(split_eq[k + 1:]) return zifu_match_combine(new_split_eq) elif bef_left_kuohao == "\\r": info1 = re.search(r"\\r\((.*?)\)$", "".join(split_eq[k - subk - 1 - 1:k + 1])) if info1: new_s = "\sqrt{{{}}}".format(re.sub("^\s*,", "", info1.group(1))) new_split_eq = split_eq[:k - subk - 1 - 1] if new_split_eq and new_split_eq[-1] == "(": new_s = "{" + new_s + "}" new_split_eq.append(new_s) new_split_eq.extend(split_eq[k + 1:]) return zifu_match_combine(new_split_eq) elif bef_left_kuohao in ['\\o\\al', '\\s']: info1 = re.search(r"(\\o\\al|\\s)\((.*?),(.*?)\)$", "".join(split_eq[k - subk - 1 - 1: k + 1])) if info1: new_s = "_{{{sub}}}^{{{sup}}}".format(sub=info1.group(3), sup=info1.group(2)) new_s = re.sub("|\s", "", new_s) new_split_eq = split_eq[:k - subk - 1 - 1] new_split_eq.append(new_s) new_split_eq.extend(split_eq[k + 1:]) return zifu_match_combine(new_split_eq) elif bef_left_kuohao == '\\x\\to': info1 = re.search(r"\\x\\to\((.*?)\)$", "".join(split_eq[k - subk - 1 - 1:k + 1])) if info1: new_s = "\\bar{{{}}}".format(info1.group(1)) new_split_eq = split_eq[:k - subk - 1 - 1] if new_split_eq and new_split_eq[-1] == "(": new_s = "{" + new_s + "}" new_split_eq.append(new_s) new_split_eq.extend(split_eq[k + 1:]) return zifu_match_combine(new_split_eq) else: new_s = "".join(split_eq[k - subk - 1 - 1: k + 1]) new_split_eq = split_eq[:k - subk - 1 - 1] new_split_eq.append(new_s) new_split_eq.extend(split_eq[k + 1:]) return zifu_match_combine(new_split_eq) # @func_set_timeout(36) def get_latex(item, is_reparse=0, wordid="123456"): """ 第一通道: 将文本中的域代码字符串能转化latex的先转化,不能转化的就暂时用域代码格式 第二通道: 再解析时,遇到域代码,将域代码转图片处理 考虑先转化:根式、分式、上下标、to、\s :param item: :return: """ is_first = 1 item = item.replace("\\uf028", "(").replace("\\uf029", ")") # 2020-6-21 new_item = "" # semi_succ_dict = {} while re.findall("(【域公式:[^【]*?】)", item): all_eqs1 = re.findall("(【域公式:[^【]*?】)", item) # 遇到嵌套的域公式,无法获取完整,故加【 all_eqs = list(set(all_eqs1)) all_eqs.sort(key=all_eqs1.index) print(all_eqs) new_eqs = [] fail_n = 0 for eq in all_eqs: raw_eq = eq.replace("\\\\", "\\").replace(" \R", " \\r") eq = raw_eq.replace("eq ", "").replace("【域公式:", "").replace("】", "") split_eq = re.split(r"(\\f|\(|\)|\\r|\\o\\al|\\x\\to|\\s|,)", eq) split_eq = [i for i in split_eq if i] res_eq = zifu_match_combine(split_eq) # print(res_eq, split_eq) try: if "".join(res_eq) == "".join(split_eq): # 转失败 fail_n += 1 new_eqs.append(raw_eq) elif re.search(r"\\[a-zA-Z\d]{1,5}\(", "".join(res_eq)): # 没有完全转成功 fail_n += 1 new_eqs.append(raw_eq) # semi_succ_dict[raw_eq] = "【域公式:eq {}】".format("".join(res_eq)) # new_eqs.append("【域公式:eq {}】".format("".join(res_eq))) else: # mathjax不能渲染sub和sup new_eq = "".join(res_eq) def deal2(yy): new_y = yy.group(2) if yy.group(1) == "": new_y = "_{" + yy.group(2) + "}" if yy.group(1) == "": new_y = "^{" + yy.group(2) + "}" return new_y new_eq = re.sub("()(.+?)", deal2, new_eq) new_eq = re.sub("()(.+?)", deal2, new_eq).strip() if not is_first: # 如果不是第一轮转化,则将前面转化后的$去掉 new_eq = re.sub(r"(?(.+?)", r"\s(,\1)", eqs) # eqs = re.sub("(.+?)", r"\s(\1,)", eqs) # new_eqs2raw[eqs]=raw_eq # except: # pass # else: # eqs = re.sub("(.+?)", r"\s(,\1)", i.group(1)) # eqs = re.sub("(.+?)", r"\s(\1,)", eqs) # new_eqs2raw[eqs] = i.group(0) # else: # print("域公式中含latex表达式!!!") # new_eqs = list(new_eqs2raw.keys()) # new_eqs.append(file_path) # eqcode = "】【".join(new_eqs) # try: # requests.get(r"http://localhost:9001/FieldEq/Eq2Png/?eqcode=" + eqcode, timeout=30) # except: # pass # # 在生成图片的文件夹中对应判断图片再进行替换 # eq_imgs = os.listdir(file_path) # if eq_imgs: # raw_eqs2img = {} # for img in eq_imgs: # w_h_info = str(img.replace(".png", "").split("__")[-1]).split("_") # w = int(int(w_h_info[0])/1.27+1) # h = int(int(w_h_info[1])/1.27+1) # name = str(img.replace(".png", "").split("__")[0]) # idn = int(name.split("_")[-1]) # new_name = name + ".png" # os.rename(file_path + "/" + img, file_path + "/" + new_name) # eq_img = ''\ # .format(configs.new_img_ip, wordid, new_name, w, h, new_eqs[idn-1]) # raw_eqs2img[new_eqs2raw[new_eqs[idn-1]]] = eq_img # if raw_eqs2img: # for k, v in raw_eqs2img.items(): # item = item.replace(k, v) # new_item = new_item.replace(k, v) # else: # new_item = "" # else: # new_item = "" return item, new_item if __name__ == '__main__': import requests,json # f = "t=【域公式】$eq \\\\f(v0,a)$=【域公式】$eq \\\\f(6,1)$ s=6s, $eq \\\\r(6)$ " # print(re.sub(r"\\\\o\\\\al\((.+?),.+?\)", r"\1",f)) # p1 = r"C:\Users\Python\Desktop\test\24\25.html" # html = open(p1, 'r', encoding='utf-8').read() # # print(html) # print(get_latex(html)) # f = "eq \\f(\\f(1,2)×0.82,0.2×10)】【eq \\f(6,1)】【eq \\f(\\x\\to(OC)-\\x\\to(OA),2T)】【C:/Users/Python/Desktop/test/temp" # res = requests.get(r"http://localhost:9001/FieldEq/Eq2Png/?eqcode=" + f, timeout=30).text # print(json.loads(res).replace("\r\n", "")) f = "【解】解析 (1)因OB绳处于竖直方向,所以B球处于平衡状态,AB绳上的拉力为零,OB绳对小球的拉力FOB=mg. (3分)
(2)A球在重力mg、水平拉力F和OA绳的拉力FOA三力作用下平衡,所以OA绳对小球的拉力FOA=【域公式:eq \\\\f(mg,cos 60°)】=2mg. (3分)
(3)作用力F=mgtan 60°=【域公式:eq \\\\r(3)】mg. (3分)
答案 (1)mg (2)2mg (3)【域公式:eq \\\\r(3)】mg" # f = "【域公式:eq \\f(v0,a)】" aa = get_latex(f, ) print(aa) # item = "【域公式:eq \\f(【域公式:eq \\f(6,1)】,3)】geeghe】threthtrh" # new_eqs2raw = {} # 域代码_原始文本 # for i in re.finditer("【域公式:(.*?)】", item): # print(i.group(0)) # if re.search(r"\\sqrt|\\frac|\\bar", i.group(1)) is None: # 不能包含latex命令 # if "【" in i.group(1): # 嵌套 # cout = i.group(1).count("【") # try: # 根据嵌套的【找到最外层的】 # raw_eq = i.group(0) + "】".join(item[i.end():].split("】")[:cout]) + "】" # eqs = i.group(1) + "".join(item[i.end():].split("】")[:cout]) # eqs = "eq " + eqs.replace("【域公式:", "").replace("【", "").replace("eq ", "") # eqs = re.sub("(.+?)", r"\s(,\1)", eqs) # eqs = re.sub("(.+?)", r"\s(\1,)", eqs) # new_eqs2raw[eqs] = raw_eq # except: # pass # else: # eqs = re.sub("(.+?)", r"\s(,\1)", i.group(1)) # eqs = re.sub("(.+?)", r"\s(\1,)", eqs) # new_eqs2raw[eqs] = i.group(0)