#!/usr/bin/env/python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # 本文件包含以下函数 # table_label_cleal:去掉表格中的换行符 # html_cleal :html文件清洗 # wash_after: 处理最终结果多余的换行符 import re import shutil # from operator import itemgetter # from itertools import groupby # from PIL import Image import base64, os, random import time import hashlib from pprint import pprint # from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # UPLOAD_FOLDER = config.UPLOAD_FOLDER import configs from structure.stems_to_groups import parse_split2group, suojin from utils.equation_extract import get_equation_instr, get_simpstr2eqn from utils.field_eq2latex import get_latex from utils.html_again_parse import css_label_wash from structure import stems_to_groups def table_label_cleal(con): """ 去掉表格中的【换行符】 """ # print(con) # print('------------------------------------------') con = re.sub(r"", "\n", con) con = re.sub(r"\n(\n|\t)+", "\n", con) count = 1 while re.search(r"\n(|)", con, re.S) and count <= 10: con = re.sub("(|||)\n(||||

)", r"\1\2", con, flags=re.S) con = re.sub(r'()\n()', r'\1\2', con, flags=re.S) count += 1 # if re.search(r"(.|\n)+?
", con, re.S|re.M): # aa = re.search(r"((.|\n)+?
)", con, re.S|re.M) # con = con.replace(aa.group(1),aa.group(1).replace("\n","")) # 将空表格的情况去掉 con = re.sub(r'[\s\n\t]*?[\s\n\t]*?([\s\n\t]*?]*?>[\s\n\t]*?


' r'[\s\n\t]*?[\s\n\t]*?

', "", con, flags=re.S) con = re.sub(r'(

)\s*([((]\s*\d\s*[))])', r'\1\n\2', con) return con def base642img(html_data, wordid): """ 【基于mathjax渲染输出是css-html格式】 将base64编码的图片保存到本地 :return: """ # 二进制图片进行转化, 按“word_id”建立文件夹 # time_str = datetime.datetime.strftime(datetime.datetime.now(), '%Y_%m_%d') # file_path = configs.IMG_FOLDER + '/' + str(self.wordid) # if not os.path.exists(file_path): # os.makedirs(file_path) # else: # 思路1:删除图片,重建文件夹,【所有的新图片都是以base64格式传过来的】 # shutil.rmtree(file_path) # os.makedirs(file_path) # 思路2:每一次再解析都将base64图片保存到本地再以路径形式返回 # st = len(os.listdir(file_path)) # 不要以序号索引的形式命名 # 统计所有base64编码 all_base64_image = re.findall(r'()', str(html_data), flags=re.S) if all_base64_image: file_path = configs.IMG_FOLDER + '/' + str(wordid) if not os.path.exists(file_path): os.makedirs(file_path) # 新图片命名1、时间戳+随机数;2、md5值命名 # name_list = random.sample(range(100000, 999999), len(all_base64_image)) for n, img in enumerate(all_base64_image): img1 = img[2].split(",", maxsplit=1) img_type_info = re.search("data:image/(.+?);base64", img1[0]) img_type = img_type_info.group(1) if img_type_info else "" # 图片格式 # 可能还有alt和style的属性,暂时先不要 w_info = re.search('( width="\d+")', img[3]) h_info = re.search('( height="\d+")', img[3]) img_data = base64.b64decode(str(img1[-1])) if img_type: # save_path = os.path.join(configs.new_img_ip, get_md5(n)+"."+img_tape) pmd5 = hashlib.md5(img_data) # img_name = "new_image" + str(int(time.time())) + str(name_list[n]) + "." + img_type # 时间戳+随机数 img_name = "new_image" + pmd5.hexdigest() + "." + img_type save_path = os.path.join(file_path, img_name) with open(save_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(img_data) flag_behind = '" />' if w_info and h_info: flag_behind = '"' + w_info.group(1) + h_info.group(1) + ' />' temp_img = '", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "

", "
", ""] self.sub_dd = {'×': '×', '÷': '÷', '°': '°', '·': '·', '±': '±', 'º': 'º', '¹': '¹', '²': '²', '³': '³', '½': '1/2', '¼': '¼', '¾': '¾', '¥': '¥', 'm³': 'm³', # '<': '<', '£': '£', # '∠<': '<', '>': '>', "A": "A", "А": "A", "Α": "A", "B": "B", "В": "B", "в": "B", "Β": "B", "C": "C", "С": "C", "c": "c", "с": "c", "D": "D", "Ε": "E", "E": "E", "F": "F", "G": "G", "g": "g", "m": "m", "N": "N", "s": "s", "t": "t", "/": "/", "=": "=", "-": "-", "2": "2", "3": "3", "4": "4", "5": "5", "6": "6", "7": "7", "8": "8", "9": "9", "1": "1", "0": "0", '  ': ' ', ' ': ' ', "〖": '【', "〗": '】', "題": '题', "单项选择": '单选', "多项选择": '多选', "不定项选择": '选择', "双项选择": '多选', "实验与探究题": '实验', } def new_pic_sub(self): """ 针对base64图片先保存到本地,入库时再换成腾讯云线上地址 # 第一版:再解析中,将二进制图片进行转化,图片怎么保存比较好,先再“天数”建立文件夹 第一版:再解析中,根据“word_id”建立文件夹 :return: """ if self.is_reparse: # css 标签清洗 self.html = css_label_wash(self.html) # print(self.html) # 保存base64编码的图片 self.html = base642img(self.html, self.wordid) self.new_html = self.html self.new_html = table_label_cleal(self.new_html) self.new_html = self.new_html.replace("\n", "
") def html_cleal(self): # =======清洗mathjax标签======== if "MathJax" in self.html: # 再解析中存在mathjax公式渲染的标签 all_mathjax = re.findall('(()*)', self.html) for jax in all_mathjax: latex = re.findall('()*', jax[0]) if latex: latex = "${}$".format(latex[0][0]) self.html = self.html.replace(jax[0], latex) else: self.html = self.html.replace(jax[0], "") # ======再解析中的css清洗及新图片处理===== self.new_pic_sub() # =====特殊符号处理===== html2txt = re.sub(r"|".join(self.sub_list), "", str(self.html)) # ("", " ") #2020/4/7 html2txt = re.sub("|".join(self.sub_dd.keys()), lambda x: self.sub_dd[x.group()], html2txt) # 2020/4/1,4/7,4/20 html2txt = re.sub("[不非]定[向项]选择", "不定选择", html2txt) html2txt = html2txt.replace(r"\\[{\\text{V}}V\]", "Ⓥ").replace(r"\\[{\\text{A}}A\]", "Ⓐ") \ .replace(r"\\[{\\text{W}}W\]", "Ⓦ").replace(r"\\[{\\text{X}}X\]", "Ⓧ").replace(r"\\[{\\text{G}}G\]", "Ⓖ") \ .replace("\uf067", "γ").replace('', "γ").replace('\uf020', "").replace("\u3000", " ")\ .replace("\u2003", " ").replace("\x7f", " ").replace("\xa0", "") html2txt = re.sub(r"(

\s*)【例题(\d+)】", r"\1\2、", html2txt) html2txt = re.sub(r"\\\(|\\\)", "$", html2txt) # 把格式标签单独拆分为一行,再在题目切分为小题完了之后再组起来!!!!! html2txt = re.sub(r'(

)', r"\1

", html2txt) # 域公式的转化处理;\可以在前端显示,不需要用latex渲染 try: html2txt, newhml = get_latex(html2txt, self.is_reparse, self.wordid) if newhml: # 存在域公式转图片时,需要将原文本的域公式也转为图片信息 self.new_html = newhml html2txt = html2txt.replace("【omml-latex】", "") except: html2txt = html2txt.replace("【omml-latex】", "") # 字符串公式的处理:如Fe2O3, 在结构化之后处理比较好 #
处理 html2txt = re.sub(r"", "\n", html2txt) # =====题型行的统一处理===== # ---->>>>>题型行可能放在表格中 if len(re.findall("", html2txt)) >= 8: # 这个限制还不太严谨 for tt in re.finditer('(((?!()).)*)', html2txt, re.S): tt_list = re.split(r'^\s*]*?>|

|[\n\s]*?]*?>' r'|\s*\n|\s*$|\n\s*]*?>|]*?>

', tt.group(1).strip()) # \s*[$\n]这样无效 tt_list = [col for col in tt_list if col.strip()] if " ".join(tt_list).replace(" ", "") in ['得分评卷人', '评卷人得分']: html2txt = html2txt.replace(tt.group(0), "") else: pass # html2txt = html2txt.replace(tt.group(0), "

" + " ".join(tt_list) + "

") # html2txt = re.sub(r"||", "", html2txt) # ---->>>>>end html2txt = re.sub(r"()\s*([一二三四五六七八九十]\s*[、..、::]?.{2,6}题)", r"\1

\2", html2txt) html2txt = re.sub(r'([一二三四五六七八九十])\s*[、..、,,::]\s*(论述|填空|探究)题?[与和、、,,\s]*?(计算题|实验题)', r"\1、\3", html2txt) html2txt = re.sub(r']*?>



', r"\1", str(html2txt), flags=re.S) html2txt = re.sub(r']*?>\s*(([一二三四五六七八九十])\s*[、..、,,::]\s*(.{2,4}题)\s*)[\n\s]*?', r"\1", str(html2txt), flags=re.S) html2txt = re.sub(r"

\s*([一二三四五六七八九十])\s*[、..、,,::]?\s*(计算|[解简]答|实验|作图)题?[与和、、,,\s]*?(计算|[解简]答|实验|作图)", r"

\1、\2题", html2txt) html2txt = re.sub(r'


', "", html2txt) html2txt = re.sub(r'

\s*[((]\s*[一二三四五六]\s*[))]\s*选考题\s*.?\s*.{,4}(?', r"


", html2txt) html2txt = re.sub(r'


', "


", html2txt) html2txt = re.sub(r'


', r"


", html2txt) html2txt = re.sub(r'([一二三四五六七八九十])\s*[、..、,,::]?\s*(单选|单项选择|选择|不定选择|多选|多项选择|填空|计算|[解简]答|实验|作图)\s*(?!题)' r'([((]\s*本题|.*?\d分)', r"\1" + "、" + r'\2' + "题" + r"\3", html2txt) html2txt = re.sub(r'([一二三四五六])\s*[、..、,,::]?\s*(单选|单项选择|非?选择|不定选择|多选|多项选择|填空|计算|[解简]答|实验|作图)题', r"\1" + "、" + r'\2' + "题", html2txt) html2txt = re.sub(r'([一二三四五六七八九十])\s*[、..、,,::]?\s*[((]\s*本大题(.*?选项中)', r"\1" + "、" + "选择题", html2txt) # + r"\2" html2txt = re.sub(r'

\s*([一二三四五六七八九十])\s*[、..、,,]?\s*[((本大题]*?(.*?选项中)', r"\1" + "、" + "选择题", html2txt) if self.subject != "语文": html2txt = re.sub(r'([一二三四五六七八九十])\s*[、..、,,::]?\s*([((]\s*(每小题|本大?题)((?!(选项)).)+?[))]|综合题)', r"\1" + "、" + "解答题", html2txt) else: html2txt = re.sub(r'([一二三四五六七八九十])\s*[、..、,,::]?\s*([((]\s*(每小题|本大?题)((?!(选项)).)+?[))]|综合题)', r"\1" + "、" + "综合题", html2txt) html2txt = re.sub(r'(?)\s*([一二三四五六七八九十]\s*[、..、,,::]?\s*(单项?选择?|选择|不定选择|多项?选择?|填空|计算|[解简]答|实验|作图)题)', r'


\1', html2txt) # html2txt = re.sub(r'




\s*(\d\s*[、..、])' # r'|




\s*(\d\s*[、..、])', # r"



\1\2", html2txt) # html2txt = re.sub(r'

\s*[^一二三四五六七八九十]{,3}\s*[、..、]\s*(选择|不定选择|单选|多选|计算|[解简]答|实验|作图)题', r"

一、\1题", html2txt) # =====答案解析关键字的统一处理===== html2txt = re.sub(r'【\s*().)+?/>\s*)*?([解答])\s*().)+?/>\s*)*?([析案])\s*' r'().)+?/>\s*)*?】', r"【\3\6】", str(html2txt)) # 2022/4/28 html2txt = re.sub(r'

\s*(解\s*[::])', r"

【解答】", str(html2txt)) html2txt = re.sub(r'(

||\n)\s*(参考译文\s*[::])', r"\1【参考译文】", str(html2txt)) html2txt = re.sub(r'【[^【】]*?(答案|[解分][析答]|详解|点[评睛])[^【】]*?】', r"【\1】", str(html2txt)) html2txt = re.sub(r'(\n\s*|\s{2,})(答案|解析|解答|详解|点评|点睛|考点|专题)\s*[::]', r"\1【\2】", str(html2txt)) html2txt = re.sub(r'(\n|^|

)\s*(([1-9]|[1-4][0-9])\s*[..、、])?\s*\[\s*(答案|解析|解答|详解|点评|点睛|考点|专题)\s*\]', r"\1\2【\4】", str(html2txt)) html2txt = re.sub(r'(\n|^)\s*(分析)\s*[::]', r"【\2】", str(html2txt)) if "【解析】" not in html2txt and "【解答】" in html2txt and "【分析】" not in html2txt: html2txt = re.sub(r'【解答】', "【解析】", str(html2txt)) # =====其他关键字的处理===== html2txt = re.sub(r'


', "", str(html2txt)) html2txt = re.sub(r'


', r"


", html2txt) html2txt = re.sub(r'


', r"


", html2txt) html2txt = re.sub(r'




', "", str(html2txt)) html2txt = re.sub(r'


', "", str(html2txt)) html2txt = re.sub(r'




)+', "", html2txt, flags=re.S) html2txt = re.sub(r'




)+', "", html2txt, flags=re.S) html2txt = re.sub(r'[((]\s*([A-Z\dⅠⅡⅢⅣⅤ]+|IV)\s*[))]', r"(\1)".replace(" ", "").replace("(IV)", "Ⅳ"), html2txt) html2txt = re.sub(r'[((](\s*\d\s*\d?\s*分?\s*)[))]', "(" + r'\1'.replace(" ", "") + ")", html2txt) html2txt = re.sub(r'\[来源:.*?\]', "", html2txt) html2txt = re.sub('


', '', html2txt) html2txt = re.sub('w\s*w\s*w\..*?(\.\s*c\s*o\s*m|\.cn)+|(?', r'<\1>', html2txt) html2txt = re.sub(r'', r'
', html2txt) html2txt = re.sub(r'


', "


", html2txt) # == == =对可能的题型行的处理 == == html2txt = re.sub("




)*\d{1,2}\s*[..、、].+?)", r"


\1", html2txt)\ .replace("【非选择题】", "") # =====选项的处理===== html2txt = re.sub(r'(


)', r"\1


\3", str(html2txt)) # =====题号的处理===== html2txt = re.sub(r'([ED]\s*[、..、].*?(\s|\s*))(([1-9]|[1-9][0-9])\s*[、..、])', r"\1


\3", html2txt) html2txt = re.sub(r'((|\n)\s*(\s*)?([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]))\s*' r'([((]\s*(\d{1,2}[.\s\d]*?分|.{2,3}题?)\s*[))]|解析?\s*[::]|【解析】)', r"

\1、\5", html2txt) html2txt = re.sub(r"

\s*([1-9]|[1-9][0-9])\s*([((]20\d{2}\s*[\u4e00-\u9fa5、、]{2,9}[))])", r"

\1、\2", html2txt) html2txt = re.sub(r"

\s*([1-9]|[1-9][0-9])\s*(【(解析?|答案?)】|(解析?|答案?)\s*[::]|\[(答案|解析)\])", r"

\1、\2", html2txt) html2txt = re.sub(r"

\s*([1-9]|[1-9][0-9])\s*([((]\s*\d+\s*分?\s*[))])?(【(解析?|答案?)】|(解析?|答案?)\s*[::]" r"|\[(答案|解析)\])", r"

\1、\2\3", html2txt) html2txt = re.sub(r"(|\n)\s*().)+?/>)\s*([1-9]|[1-9][0-9])\s*" r"([((]20\d{2}\s*[\u4e00-\u9fa5、、]{2,9}[))])", r"


" + "\n" + r"

\4、\5", html2txt) # 【susp_img】 html2txt = re.sub(r'(|\n)((\s*\s*)?(\s*)?\s*)' r'(([1-9]|[1-9][0-9])\s*[、..、])', r"


" + "\n" + r"\5", html2txt) html2txt = re.sub(r"(


).)+?(\s|[/\"]>))(([1-9]|[1-9][0-9])\s*[、..、].{,20}本[大小]?题\d+分)", r"\1

" + "\n

" + r"\4", html2txt) html2txt = re.sub(r"((\s*\s*)?(\s*)?((\s*\s*)?" r").)+?/>(\s*)?)*?\s*)\s*(([1-9]|[1-9][0-9])\s*[、..、])", r"


" + "\n

" + r"\8", html2txt, flags=re.S) html2txt = re.sub(r'(


', r"\1



", html2txt) html2txt = re.sub(r'(


', r"\1



", html2txt) html2txt = re.sub(r'(


', r"\1



", html2txt) html2txt = re.sub(r'([1-9]|[1-9][0-9])\s*([((]\s*\d{1,2}[.\s\d]*?分\s*[))])\s*[、..、]', r"\1" + "、" + r"\2", html2txt) # =====图片的处理===== # 1>>根据图片宽高的异常值判断删除隐藏图片 def sub1(ss): if float(ss.group(1)) <= 3 and float(ss.group(2)) <= 3: return "" else: return ss.group(0) html2txt = re.sub(r'', sub1, html2txt) # 2>>将图片中带有的汉字去掉 html2txt = re.sub(r'(.+?', r"\1 />", html2txt) # 将">换为" /> # 3>>建立图片id字典,对原图片信息第一次替换 html2txt = re.sub(r'( src=".*?files)\\image', r"\1/image", html2txt) all_image = re.findall(r'', html2txt) src2subs = {} subs2src = {} for src in all_image: # 校本题库上传的图片名称是随机数,故设置映射 # kk = re.search('( 20: mathpix = "" w_h_info = re.search(r'" subs2src['"] = new_src for k, v in src2subs.items(): html2txt = html2txt.replace(k, v) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ========html 转 list========= html2txt = re.sub(r'(|

', r"\1

" + "\n

", html2txt, flags=re.S) # >>>>>> 先替换后再切割 # 不能简单按 \n 切割,表格里面也可能有换行,应该先替换后再切割 subs2table = {} all_table = re.findall(r'
', html2txt, flags=re.S) for k, v in enumerate(all_table): subs2table["".format(str(k))] = v html2txt = html2txt.replace(v, "".format(k)) # <造成的css标签冲突处理 2021-10-13 def sub2(ss): if re.search(r'^(img|/?h[123456]|/?su[bp]>|t\d+b>|br\s*/?>' r'|/?(p|span|font|article|ul|ol|div|strong|em|table|t?body|html|head|t[drh])(\s*|\s+style=.*?")>' r'|/?[a-z]+ (style|rowspan|colspan|class)=.*?">)', ss.group(1)) is None: r1 = "<{}".format(ss.group(1)) r1 = re.sub(r"<(span (class|style)=)", r"<\1", r1) r1 = re.sub(r"<(p (class|style)=)", r"<\1", r1) return r1 else: return "<{}".format(ss.group(1)).replace("", "").replace("", "") html2txt = re.sub("<([^<]{1,30})", sub2, html2txt) # >>>>>> html 切割 con_list = sum([re.split('

|', i) if len(re.findall("

|", i)) > 1 else [i] for i in re.split(r"\n+|

(?!)|", html2txt)], []) # html2txt)[:-1] con_list = [re.sub(r"^\n*\s*(

|)+", "", ii) for ii in con_list] # pprint(con_list) # >>>>>> 替换回去 if subs2table: con_list = [re.sub(r"|".join(subs2table.keys()), lambda x: subs2table[x.group()], ii) for ii in con_list] # 剩余个别标签处理 con_list = [re.sub(r"^<([a-z]+)>[\s\t\n]*$", "", i.strip()) for i in con_list] # 2020/4/7,14 con_list = [re.sub(r"^(
", r"\3、\4", i.strip()) for i in con_list] # 把最后可能还存在的或考号信息去掉 con_list = [re.sub("|[…O•.\s]*?密[…O•.\s]*?封[….O•\s]*?装?[…O•.\s]*?订?[….O•\s]*?线?[….O•\s]*?$" "|((学校|班级|姓名|座位号|准考号|[学考]号)[\s::_]*?){2,}$", "", i.strip()) for i in con_list] # =====答案行格式处理==== temp_list = [re.split(r"^((\s*).)*?/>\s*)+)", v.strip(), maxsplit=1)[1::3] if re.match(r'(\s*).)*?/>\s*)+?(参考|考试|试[题卷]|物理|理综|数学|化学|生物)' r'(答案|解析|答案[及与和]评分(标准|意见|细则))\s*$' r'|(\s*).)*?/>\s*)+?评分标准' r'|(\s*).)*?/>\s*)+?(参考|考试|试[题卷])' r'(答案|解析|答案[及与和]评分(标准|意见|细则))\s*(物理|理综|数学|化学|生物)?\s*$', re.sub(r"[上下]?学[年期]|[\d—【】..、、::(())年\s]|[中大]学|模拟|[中高]考|年级|[学期][末中]|[高初][一二三]", "", v.strip())) else [v] for v in con_list] con_list = sum(temp_list, []) # =====对可能的题号的处理==== 如2、3、4、5、 加了【fei】 # 重新修改!!!!!!!!!! con_list = [re.sub(r"^\s*([1-9][0-9]?\s*[..、、])", r"【fei】\1", i.strip()) if (len(re.findall(r"(^|\s*[..、、])\s*[1-9][0-9]?\s*[..、、]", i)) >= 3 and len(re.sub(r"[\d..、、\s]", "", i)) < 2) else i for i in con_list] # =====头尾清除没用的信息===== if con_list and re.search(r"[\u4e00-\u9fa5]||", con_list[0]) is None: con_list = con_list[1:] while con_list and re.search(r"声明[::].*?著作权属.*?所有|(邮箱|用户|日期|QQ)\s*[::].+?", con_list[-1]): con_list = con_list[:-1] return con_list, subs2src, self.new_html def del_no(item, item_no_type=1): """去开头的题号""" if item_no_type == 2: item = re.sub(r'^\n*\s*[((]\s*([1-9]|[1-9][0-9])\s*[))]\s*[..、、::]?', "", item) return item item = re.sub(r'^\n*\s*([1-9]|[1-9][0-9])\s*[..、、::]', "", item) return item def html_cleal_test(htmlf): # 不用 html2txt = re.sub(r" ", "", htmlf.read()) # ("", " ") # html2txt.replace("①", "(1).").replace("②", "(2).").replace("③", "(3).") con_list = [re.sub(r"^\n+\s+

", "", ii) for ii in html2txt.split("

")[:-1]] # pprint(con_list) if re.search(r"[\u4e00-\u9fa5]", con_list[0]) is None: con_list = con_list[1:] return con_list def get_md5(image_id): """ 由于hash不处理unicode编码的字符串(python3默认字符串是unicode) 所以这里判断是否字符串,如果是则进行转码 初始化md5、将image_name进行加密、然后返回加密字串 """ image_name = str(image_id) + str(time.time()) + str(random.random()) image_name = image_name.encode("utf-8") md = hashlib.md5() md.update(image_name) return str(md.hexdigest()) def wash_after(res_dict, item_groups, ans_groups, subject): """ 1.处理最终结果多余的换行符;2.对题文中已给答案的选择填空进行替换;3.选择题的细分 :param res_dict: [{},{},,,] :param item_groups: 题组; ans_groups: 答案分组 :return: """ pattern1 = re.compile( r"([是为点]|等于|=|=|有|存在)\s*_+(().)*?/>|[^_;;。?!,\n])+?)(?| 1000 and ( len(re.findall(r"\n\s*([1-9]|1[0-9])\s*[..、、].+?", end_con)) > 4 or len(re.findall(r"[((]\s*[))]|_{2,}", end_con)) > 6): sr['errmsgs'].append("原试卷格式有问题,导致本题可能包含了很多非本题的题文") # if not re.sub(r"[(())\n\s]", "", sr["stem"]): # sr['errmsgs'].append("本题没有题干,请检查题干格式是否正确") if "-" in str(sr["item_id"]) and sr['type'] in ["选择题", "填空题"]: if (not sr["key"] or sr["key"] == "见解析") and re.search("[A-H]+", re.sub("[;;、、\n(())\s]|\d+分", "", sr["parse"])): sr["key"] = re.sub("[;;、、\n(())\s]|\d+分", "", sr["parse"]) sr["parse"] = "" # 把首尾的换行都去掉 # sr["stem"] = table_label_cleal(re.sub(r"\n\s*","
",sr.get("stem", "").lstrip())) # 将选择题和填空题中的题干中出现答案的情况 去掉答案 kuo_con1 = re.search(r'([是为]|等于|[==有]|表示)\s*[((]\s*([A-Zc][A-Zc;;和与、、\s]*?)[))]\s*(.?($|\n|
|))", sr["stem"]) if sr['type'].replace("题", "") in ["单选", "多选", "选择", "不定选择"]: # sr["type"] = "选择类" # 针对选择题在题文中已给出答案的处理 if kuo_con1: sr["stem"] = sr["stem"].replace(kuo_con1.group(0), kuo_con1.group(1) + "( )" + kuo_con1.group(3)) sr["key"] = kuo_con1.group(2).replace("c", "C") if not sr["key"] else sr["key"] elif kuo_con2: sr["stem"] = sr["stem"].replace(kuo_con2.group(0), "( )" + kuo_con2.group(2)) sr["key"] = kuo_con2.group(1).replace("c", "C") if not sr["key"] else sr["key"] # sr['options_text'] = "" elif sr['type'] == '填空题': # sr["type"] = "解答类" ans_list = [] # 针对填空题在题文中已给出答案的处理 sub_n = 0 while re.search(pattern1, sr["stem"]): blank_con1 = re.search(pattern1, sr["stem"]) sr["stem"] = sr["stem"].replace(blank_con1.group(0), blank_con1.group(1) + "____" + blank_con1.group(5)) ans_list.append(blank_con1.group(2)) sub_n += 1 if sub_n > 5: break while re.search(pattern2, sr["stem"]): blank_con2 = re.search(pattern2, sr["stem"]) # 这里的限制条件易出错,可以再判断一下 sr["stem"] = sr["stem"].replace(blank_con2.group(0), blank_con2.group(1) + "____" + blank_con2.group(4)) ans_list.append(blank_con2.group(2)) if re.findall(r"_{2,}", sr["stem"]): sr["blank_num"] = len(re.findall(r"_{2,}", sr["stem"])) if not sr["key"] and ans_list: sr["key"] = "; ".join(ans_list) # 换行符处理! sr["stem"] = sr.get("stem", "").rstrip() # sr["stem"] = get_equation_instr(sr["stem"]) if "options" in sr: # 对选项部分进行格式处理 for i in range(len(sr['options'])): sr['options'][i] = get_simpstr2eqn(sr['options'][i].strip()) # sr['options'][i] = get_equation_instr(sr['options'][i].strip()).replace("\n\n", "\n").replace("\n", "
") if "slave" in sr and sr["slave"]: # 带小题的大题,格式处理,高中数学没有这一功能 for s in sr["slave"]: s["stem"] = s.get("stem", "").rstrip() s["parse"] = s.get("parse", "").strip().replace("解答:解:", "解答:").replace("解答:解:", "解答:") s["key"] = s.get("key", "").strip() # sr["slave"] = sr.get("slave", "").replace("\n", "
") else: # s["parse"] = css_conflict_deal(s["parse"]) # "css 冲突标签处理" sr["parse"] = sr.get("parse", "").lstrip() sr["parse"] = re.sub("^【解[答析]】\s*", "", sr["parse"]) # sr["parse"] = get_equation_instr(sr["parse"]) sr["key"] = sr.get("key", "").lstrip() # sr["key"] = get_equation_instr(sr["key"]) if not sr["parse"] and not sr["key"]: # 答案和解析都没有 sr["parse"] = "" sr["key"] = "" # sr['errmsgs'].append("本题缺少答案和解析") elif not sr["key"] and sr["parse"]: sr["key"] = "见解析" elif re.sub("见解析|略|空|无|没有|答案", "", sr["key"]) and not sr["parse"]: sr["parse"] = "" # if "本选做题缺少解析" not in sr['errmsgs'] and "本题缺少解析" not in sr['errmsgs']: # sr['errmsgs'].append("本题缺少解析") # 辅助标签处理 # sr["analysis"] = "" if "analy" in sr: # 存在题目分析时,将其放在解析里 # sr["analy"] = sr.get("analy", "").strip().replace("\n\n", "\n") if len(sr["analy"].replace(" ", "")) >= 10: sr["parse"] = "【分析】"+sr["analy"] + "\n【详解】" + sr["parse"] del sr["analy"] if "chapter" in sr: # 如选修4-5:不等式选讲 if sr['item_id'] + 1 <= len(res_dict): chapter_no[sr['item_id']] = sr["chapter"] del sr["chapter"] # 是否为选做题"is_optional",两种形式不会同时出现 if "option_st" in sr: # 带有此标签的后面的题目都是选做题option_score # option_st = sr['item_id'] # is_optional = True # if "," in sr["option_st"]: # option_score = int(sr["option_st"].split(",")[-1]) del sr["option_st"] # 将选择题改为单选或多选,"is_multiple_choice" sr['type'] = re.sub("([单多])项选择题?", r"\1选题", sr['type']) sr['type'] = sr['type'].replace("题题", "题") # .replace("简答", "解答") # sr['type'] = re.sub("(计算|简答)题?", "解答题", sr['type']) if sr['type'] in ["选择", "选择题"]: # 有的科目只有选择题,不分单选和多选 if len(re.findall("[A-Z]", sr["key"])) > 1: sr['type'] = '多选题' elif len(re.findall("[A-Z]", sr["key"])) == 1: sr['type'] = '单选题' info_x = re.search("^[((](多)选题?[))]", sr["stem"].replace(" ", "")) if info_x: sr['type'] = '{}选题'.format(info_x.group(1)) # if "options" in sr: # sr['type'] = '选择' # else: # if re.search("_{2,}", str(sr)): # sr['type'] = '填空' # else: # sr['type'] = '解答' if sr['type'] == '多选题': if len(re.findall("[A-Z]", sr["key"])) == 1: sr['errmsgs'].append("本题答案个数与题型(多选题)不符") # sr["is_multiple_choice"] = 'true' elif sr['type'] == '单选题': # sr["is_multiple_choice"] = 'false' if "options" in sr and len(sr["options"]) > 4: sr['errmsgs'].append("选项个数多于4个,与题型(单选题)不符") if len(re.findall("[A-Z]", sr["key"])) > 1: sr['errmsgs'].append("本题答案个数与题型(单选题)不符") # elif sr['type'] == '不定选择题': # if len(re.findall("[A-Z]", sr["key"])) > 1: # sr['type'] = '多选题' # elif len(re.findall("[A-Z]", sr["key"])) == 1: # sr['type'] = '单选题' # else: # sr['type'] = '选择题' # if "缺少答案" not in "".join(sr['errmsgs']): # sr['errmsgs'].append("本题缺少答案") elif sr['type'].replace("题", "") in ["单空", "多空", "填空"]: sr['type'] = "填空题" elif subject != "语文" and sr['type'] not in ["选择", "选择题"]: sr['type'] = "解答题" # """按照原先高中数学解析的最后输出格式整理输出""" # sr["type"] = sr['type'].replace("非选择", "解答").replace("题题", "题") # print(“) sr["topic_num"] = sr['item_id'] sr['errmsgs'] = ";".join(sr['errmsgs']) sr["parse"] = re.sub(r"试题【([分解]析)】", r"试题\1:", sr["parse"]) # 解析 sr["key"] = re.sub("([;;]|
)\s*$", "", sr["key"]) if 'susp_pic' in sr: del sr['susp_pic'] if 'is_optional' in sr: del sr['is_optional'] if 'spliterr_point' in sr: del sr['spliterr_point'] if 'score' in sr: del sr["score"] del sr['item_id'] # ---------------------字符串公式处理-------------------------------- # sr["stem"] = get_equation_instr(sr["stem"]) # sr["key"] = get_equation_instr(sr["key"]) # sr["parse"] = get_equation_instr(sr["parse"]) # if "options" in sr: # sr["options"] = list(map(get_equation_instr, sr["options"])) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # pprint(res_dict) if item_groups and item_groups["is_groups"]: # print("item_groups:", item_groups) # print("ans_groups:", ans_groups.keys()) res_dict = stems_to_groups.regroup(res_dict, item_groups, ans_groups) else: for one_res in res_dict: one_res = parse_split2group(one_res) if "slave" in one_res and one_res["slave"]: # 带小问的试题题文也设置一下字体 one_res['type'] = '小题多问类' one_res["stem"] = re.sub(r'(


\n*' r'|

\n*)([^\n]+?)', r'\1\2', one_res["stem"]) elif "options" in one_res and one_res["options"]: one_res['type'] = '选择类' else: one_res['type'] = '解答类' if re.search("(阅读|针对|结合).{,4}[资材]料|(\n|^)\s*材料一\s", one_res['stem']): one_res["stem"] = re.sub(r'(


\n*' r'|

\n*)([^\n]+?)', r'\1\2', one_res["stem"]) # pprint(res_dict) # 换行符替换 convert_huanhang(res_dict) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # if chapter_no: # 章节标签下移一位 # for c, v in chapter_no.items(): # res_dict[c]["chapter"] = v # 选做题"option_str"处理 # if select_type_id: # for s in select_type_id: # if len(select_type_id) == 2: # res_dict[s - 1]['option_str'] = "2选1" # elif len(select_type_id) == 4: # res_dict[s - 1]['option_str'] = "4选2" # else: # res_dict[s - 1]['errmsgs'] += ";
选做题不是“2选1”和“4选2”类型" # if option_st: # print("option_st:", option_st) # for s in range(option_st, len(res_dict)): # if (len(res_dict) - option_st) == 2: # res_dict[s]['option_str'] = "2选1" # elif (len(res_dict) - option_st) == 4: # res_dict[s]['option_str'] = "4选2" # else: # res_dict[s]['errmsgs'] += ";
选做题不是“2选1”和“4选2”类型" # 再解析中的新图片上传腾讯云 # 再设置一个入库接口,点击入库,才开始从本地上传图片 return res_dict def convert_huanhang(items_list): """ 递归 换行符替换:\n -->
:param items_list: :return: """ if isinstance(items_list, list): for k, one_i in enumerate(items_list): items_list[k] = convert_huanhang(one_i) elif isinstance(items_list, dict): for k, v in items_list.items(): if k == "answer_type" and type(v) == str: items_list[k] = configs.answer_type[v] else: items_list[k] = convert_huanhang(v) elif isinstance(items_list, str): items_list = items_list.strip().replace("\n\n", "\n") items_list = re.sub('\n*(

\n*)$', "", items_list) items_list = re.sub(r'(

)\n+', r"\1", items_list) items_list = re.sub(r'(


).)*?)\n+()', r"\1\2

\4", items_list) items_list = re.sub(r'(

.+?)\n[\n\s]*(\n\2", items_list) while re.search(r'(


|)', items_list, flags=re.S): items_list = re.sub(r'(



)', r"\1

\2", items_list, flags=re.S) items_list = re.sub(r'(


).)*?)\n*$', r"\1\2

", items_list) items_list = re.sub(r'()(((?!


', r"\1\2

", items_list) # 将\n 换为

items_list = linefeed2p(items_list) return items_list.replace("\n", "
") else: return items_list return items_list def linefeed2p(item): """ 换行标签替换为

标签,表格内的还需单独处理 :return: str """ # def subp_table(ss): # 表格里换行标签的处理,先看看情况是否需要处理 if re.sub(r'
',"", item).count("\n") > 1: subs2table = {} all_table = re.findall(r'.*?
', item, flags=re.S) for k, v in enumerate(all_table): subs2table["".format(str(k))] = v item = item.replace(v, "".format(k)) lines = item.split("\n") newlines = [line if re.search(r"^


$", line) else "


".format(line) for line in lines] item = "".join(newlines) if subs2table: item = re.sub(r"|".join(subs2table.keys()), lambda x: subs2table[x.group()], item) return item def css_conflict_deal(item): """ 针对", ">") # 2021-8-24 # item = re.sub("<(?!img src)", "<", item) # 还有表格 item = item.replace("$<$", "【*_*】") item = re.sub("", "\n", item) item = re.sub(r"<(/?su[bp])>", r"【\1】", item) item = re.sub(r"<(/?span|p style=|/?p>|/?strong>|/?em>)", r"【\1", item) if re.search(r"(?", item) item = re.sub(r"【(/?span|p style=|/?p>|/?strong>|/?em>)", r"<\1", item) return item def insert_sort2get_idx(item_list, num): """ :param item_list: 拍好序的列表 :param num: 插入的数值 :return: 插入的位置 """ add_n = 0 for i in range(len(item_list)): if num > item_list[i]: add_n += 1 else: break return add_n # def find_seq_num(num_list): # """ # 针对切分题号时切错的序号进行纠正,考虑序号是连续且正常的情况下 # 将连续的数字进行分组 # :param num_list:输入[3, 4, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14] # :return: [[3, 4],[8, 9],[12, 13, 14]] # """ # seq_ranges = [] # for k, g in groupby(enumerate(num_list), lambda x: x[0] - x[1]): # group = (map(itemgetter(1), g)) # group = list(map(int, group)) # seq_ranges.append(group) # return seq_ranges # def del_exception_value(item_list): # """ # 去列表中的异常值,题目越多,越容易突出异常值 # :return: # """ # import numpy as np # max_v = max(item_list) # arr_mean = np.mean(item_list) # 均值 # arr_var = np.var(item_list) # 方差 # while max_v > len(item_list)+4: # item_list.remove(max_v) # print(item_list) # arr_mean = np.mean(item_list) # 去最大值后的均值 # arr_var = np.var(item_list) # 去最大值后的方差 # max_v = max(item_list) # # print("均值与方差:",arr_mean,arr_var) # if abs((item_list[-1] - item_list[0] + 1) - len(item_list)) <= 3: # return item_list # else: # exception_value = [] # for i in item_list: # # print(abs((i - arr_mean) / arr_var), i) # if(abs((i - arr_mean)/arr_var)) > 0.3: # exception_value.append(i) # right_seq = [i for i in item_list if i not in exception_value] # return right_seq def pic_transfer(con_list): aft_opt = [] # 针对选项后是题目图片的情况,进行移位 if "\n" in con_list[-1]: ccon = re.split("\n+", con_list[-1]) while re.match("0 and v['item_id'] - item_list[k-1]['item_id']>1: # if if __name__ == '__main__': # -------------生成requirements.txt--------------- # pip freeze > requirements.txt # import os, sys # # project_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # 找到当前目录 # print(project_root) # # # 找到解释器,虚拟环境目录 # python_root = sys.exec_prefix # print(python_root) # # # 拼接生成requirements命令 # command = python_root + '\Scripts\pip freeze > ' + project_root + '\\requirements.txt' # print(command) # # # 执行命令。 # os.system(command) # ----------------一键安装 requirements.txt------------ # pip install -r requirement.txt # python_root + '\Scripts\' + pip install -r requirements.txt # import os # rrr=os.path.basename(r"http:/pstatic.dev.xueping.com/data/word/2020/08/12/5f338d18e2cce.docx") # print(rrr) # item = "7.南洋劝业会是1910年中国在南京举办的第一个世界博览会,历时达半年,中外30多万人参观。如表是南洋劝业会“物产会”展品目录,由此可知


分类 具体内容
天产品 农业部 五谷、园蔬、树艺、储藏、器具、肥料、水利、益虫害虫标本
蚕桑部 茧、丝、桑种标本、蚕种标本、器具、场室模型
水产部 麟醫、介甲、两栖、腔囊、植物、储藏、器具、舟船模型
药材部 植物、动物、金石、制合器具、储藏器具
矿采部 五金、石炭、杂矿、采矿器具、炼冶器具、山场模型
狩猎部 皮革、牙角、毛羽、器械、各种标本
工艺品 染织部 漂染、机织、机器、场舍模型
服装部 衣服、冠履、带配、陈设、装饰、各种制造之器具
陶磁(瓷)部 陶器、磁(瓷)器、土器、制造器具、窑厂模型
髹漆部 雕填、磨甸、彩绘、八宝、器具、工场模型
琉璃、珐琅部 琉璃、珐琅、景泰蓝、荡磁(瓷)
竹木、笺扇部 竹器、木器、藤器、柳条器、竹簧器、笺纸、扇、画纸
玉石部 玉器、石器、器具、工场模型
牙角、鞣革部 牙器、角器、骨器、马尾器、牛革器、马革器、羊革器、鹿革器




""" res = HtmlWash(t1,'11111111',"高中物理").html_cleal() print(res)