//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CppSQLite3 - A C++ wrapper around the SQLite3 embedded database library. // // Copyright (c) 2004..2007 Rob Groves. All Rights Reserved. rob.groves@btinternet.com // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its // documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without a written // agreement, is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice, // this paragraph and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies, // modifications, and distributions. // // IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, // INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST // PROFITS, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, // EVEN IF THE AUTHOR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // THE AUTHOR SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A // PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE AND ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION, IF // ANY, PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS PROVIDED "AS IS". THE AUTHOR HAS NO OBLIGATION // TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. // // V3.0 03/08/2004 -Initial Version for sqlite3 // // V3.1 16/09/2004 -Implemented getXXXXField using sqlite3 functions // -Added CppSQLiteDB3::tableExists() // // V3.2 01/07/2005 -Fixed execScalar to handle a NULL result // 12/07/2007 -Added CppSQLiteDB::IsAutoCommitOn() // -Added int64 functions to CppSQLite3Query // -Added Name based parameter binding to CppSQLite3Statement. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _CppSQLite3_H_ #define _CppSQLite3_H_ #include "sqlite3.h" #include #include #include using namespace std; #define CPPSQLITE_ERROR 1000 class CppSQLite3Exception { public: CppSQLite3Exception(const int nErrCode, char* szErrMess, bool bDeleteMsg=true); CppSQLite3Exception(const CppSQLite3Exception& e); virtual ~CppSQLite3Exception(); const int errorCode() { return mnErrCode; } const char* errorMessage() { return mpszErrMess; } static const char* errorCodeAsString(int nErrCode); private: int mnErrCode; char* mpszErrMess; }; class CppSQLite3Buffer { public: CppSQLite3Buffer(); ~CppSQLite3Buffer(); const char* format(const char* szFormat, ...); operator const char*() { return mpBuf; } void clear(); private: char* mpBuf; }; class CppSQLite3Binary { public: CppSQLite3Binary(); ~CppSQLite3Binary(); void setBinary(const unsigned char* pBuf, int nLen); void setEncoded(const unsigned char* pBuf); const unsigned char* getEncoded(); const unsigned char* getBinary(); int getBinaryLength(); unsigned char* allocBuffer(int nLen); void clear(); private: unsigned char* mpBuf; int mnBinaryLen; int mnBufferLen; int mnEncodedLen; bool mbEncoded; }; class CppSQLite3Query { public: CppSQLite3Query(); CppSQLite3Query(const CppSQLite3Query& rQuery); CppSQLite3Query(sqlite3* pDB, sqlite3_stmt* pVM, bool bEof, bool bOwnVM=true); CppSQLite3Query& operator=(const CppSQLite3Query& rQuery); virtual ~CppSQLite3Query(); int numFields(); int fieldIndex(const char* szField); const char* fieldName(int nCol); const char* fieldDeclType(int nCol); int fieldDataType(int nCol); const char* fieldValue(int nField); const char* fieldValue(const char* szField); int getIntField(int nField, int nNullValue=0); int getIntField(const char* szField, int nNullValue=0); sqlite_int64 getInt64Field(int nField, sqlite_int64 nNullValue=0); sqlite_int64 getInt64Field(const char* szField, sqlite_int64 nNullValue=0); double getFloatField(int nField, double fNullValue=0.0); double getFloatField(const char* szField, double fNullValue=0.0); const char* getStringField(int nField, const char* szNullValue=""); const char* getStringField(const char* szField, const char* szNullValue=""); const unsigned char* getBlobField(int nField, int& nLen); const unsigned char* getBlobField(const char* szField, int& nLen); bool fieldIsNull(int nField); bool fieldIsNull(const char* szField); bool eof(); void nextRow(); void finalize(); private: void checkVM(); sqlite3* mpDB; sqlite3_stmt* mpVM; bool mbEof; int mnCols; bool mbOwnVM; }; class CppSQLite3Table { public: CppSQLite3Table(); CppSQLite3Table(const CppSQLite3Table& rTable); CppSQLite3Table(char** paszResults, int nRows, int nCols); virtual ~CppSQLite3Table(); CppSQLite3Table& operator=(const CppSQLite3Table& rTable); int numFields(); int numRows(); const char* fieldName(int nCol); const char* fieldValue(int nField); const char* fieldValue(const char* szField); int getIntField(int nField, int nNullValue=0); int getIntField(const char* szField, int nNullValue=0); double getFloatField(int nField, double fNullValue=0.0); double getFloatField(const char* szField, double fNullValue=0.0); const char* getStringField(int nField, const char* szNullValue=""); const char* getStringField(const char* szField, const char* szNullValue=""); bool fieldIsNull(int nField); bool fieldIsNull(const char* szField); void setRow(int nRow); void finalize(); private: void checkResults(); int mnCols; int mnRows; int mnCurrentRow; char** mpaszResults; }; class CppSQLite3Statement { public: CppSQLite3Statement(); CppSQLite3Statement(const CppSQLite3Statement& rStatement); CppSQLite3Statement(sqlite3* pDB, sqlite3_stmt* pVM); virtual ~CppSQLite3Statement(); CppSQLite3Statement& operator=(const CppSQLite3Statement& rStatement); int execDML(); CppSQLite3Query execQuery(); void bind(int nParam, const char* szValue); void bind(int nParam, const int nValue); void bind(int nParam, const double dwValue); void bind(int nParam, const sqlite3_int64 dwValue); void bind(int nParam, const unsigned char* blobValue, int nLen); void bindNull(int nParam); int bindParameterIndex(const char* szParam); void bind(const char* szParam, const char* szValue); void bind(const char* szParam, const int nValue); void bind(const char* szParam, const double dwValue); void bind(const char* szParam, const unsigned char* blobValue, int nLen); void bind(const char* szParam, const sqlite3_int64 dwValue); void bindNull(const char* szParam); void reset(); void finalize(); private: void checkDB(); void checkVM(); sqlite3* mpDB; sqlite3_stmt* mpVM; }; class CppSQLite3DB { public: CppSQLite3DB(); virtual ~CppSQLite3DB(); void open(const char* szFile); bool is_open(){ return mpDB != NULL; } void close(); bool tableExists(const char* szTable); int execDML(const char* szSQL); CppSQLite3Query execQuery(const char* szSQL); int execScalar(const char* szSQL, int nNullValue=0); CppSQLite3Table getTable(const char* szSQL); CppSQLite3Statement compileStatement(const char* szSQL); sqlite_int64 lastRowId(); void interrupt() { sqlite3_interrupt(mpDB); } void setBusyTimeout(int nMillisecs); static const char* SQLiteVersion() { return SQLITE_VERSION; } static const char* SQLiteHeaderVersion() { return SQLITE_VERSION; } static const char* SQLiteLibraryVersion() { return sqlite3_libversion(); } static int SQLiteLibraryVersionNumber() { return sqlite3_libversion_number(); } bool IsAutoCommitOn(); private: CppSQLite3DB(const CppSQLite3DB& db); CppSQLite3DB& operator=(const CppSQLite3DB& db); sqlite3_stmt* compile(const char* szSQL); void checkDB(); sqlite3* mpDB; int mnBusyTimeoutMs; string m_strDbPath;//Êý¾Ý¿â·¾¶ }; #endif