// // XMLConfiguration.h // // Library: Util // Package: Configuration // Module: XMLConfiguration // // Definition of the XMLConfiguration class. // // Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH. // and Contributors. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 // #ifndef Util_XMLConfiguration_INCLUDED #define Util_XMLConfiguration_INCLUDED #include "Poco/Util/Util.h" #ifndef POCO_UTIL_NO_XMLCONFIGURATION #include "Poco/Util/MapConfiguration.h" #include "Poco/DOM/Document.h" #include "Poco/DOM/AutoPtr.h" #include "Poco/DOM/DOMWriter.h" #include "Poco/SAX/InputSource.h" #include namespace Poco { namespace Util { class Util_API XMLConfiguration: public AbstractConfiguration /// This configuration class extracts configuration properties /// from an XML document. An XPath-like syntax for property /// names is supported to allow full access to the XML document. /// XML namespaces are not supported. The name of the root element /// of the XML document is not significant and ignored. /// Periods in tag names are not supported. /// /// Given the following XML document as an example: /// /// /// value1 /// value2 /// /// /// /// /// value5 /// value6 /// /// /// The following property names would be valid and would /// yield the shown values: /// /// prop1 -> value1 /// prop2 -> value2 /// prop3.prop4 -> (empty string) /// prop3.prop4[@attr] -> value3 /// prop3.prop4[1][@attr] -> value4 /// prop5[0] -> value5 /// prop5[1] -> value6 /// prop5[@id=first] -> value5 /// prop5[@id='second'] -> value6 /// /// Enumerating attributes is not supported. /// Calling keys("prop3.prop4") will return an empty range. /// /// As a special feature, the delimiter character used to delimit /// property names can be changed to something other than period ('.') by /// passing the desired character to the constructor. This allows /// working with XML documents having element names with periods /// in them. { public: XMLConfiguration(); /// Creates an empty XMLConfiguration with a "config" root element. XMLConfiguration(char delim); /// Creates an empty XMLConfiguration with a "config" root element, /// using the given delimiter char instead of the default '.'. XMLConfiguration(Poco::XML::InputSource* pInputSource); /// Creates an XMLConfiguration and loads the XML document from /// the given InputSource. XMLConfiguration(Poco::XML::InputSource* pInputSource, char delim); /// Creates an XMLConfiguration and loads the XML document from /// the given InputSource. Uses the given delimiter char instead /// of the default '.'. XMLConfiguration(std::istream& istr); /// Creates an XMLConfiguration and loads the XML document from /// the given stream. XMLConfiguration(std::istream& istr, char delim); /// Creates an XMLConfiguration and loads the XML document from /// the given stream. Uses the given delimiter char instead /// of the default '.'. XMLConfiguration(const std::string& path); /// Creates an XMLConfiguration and loads the XML document from /// the given path. XMLConfiguration(const std::string& path, char delim); /// Creates an XMLConfiguration and loads the XML document from /// the given path. Uses the given delimiter char instead /// of the default '.'. XMLConfiguration(const Poco::XML::Document* pDocument); /// Creates the XMLConfiguration using the given XML document. XMLConfiguration(const Poco::XML::Document* pDocument, char delim); /// Creates the XMLConfiguration using the given XML document. /// Uses the given delimiter char instead of the default '.'. XMLConfiguration(const Poco::XML::Node* pNode); /// Creates the XMLConfiguration using the given XML node. XMLConfiguration(const Poco::XML::Node* pNode, char delim); /// Creates the XMLConfiguration using the given XML node. /// Uses the given delimiter char instead of the default '.'. void load(Poco::XML::InputSource* pInputSource); /// Loads the XML document containing the configuration data /// from the given InputSource. void load(Poco::XML::InputSource* pInputSource, unsigned long namePoolSize); /// Loads the XML document containing the configuration data /// from the given InputSource. Uses the give namePoolSize (which /// should be a suitable prime like 251, 509, 1021, 4093) for the /// internal DOM Document's name pool. void load(std::istream& istr); /// Loads the XML document containing the configuration data /// from the given stream. void load(const std::string& path); /// Loads the XML document containing the configuration data /// from the given file. void load(const Poco::XML::Document* pDocument); /// Loads the XML document containing the configuration data /// from the given XML document. void load(const Poco::XML::Node* pNode); /// Loads the XML document containing the configuration data /// from the given XML node. void loadEmpty(const std::string& rootElementName); /// Loads an empty XML document containing only the /// root element with the given name. void save(const std::string& path) const; /// Writes the XML document containing the configuration data /// to the file given by path. void save(std::ostream& str) const; /// Writes the XML document containing the configuration data /// to the given stream. void save(Poco::XML::DOMWriter& writer, const std::string& path) const; /// Writes the XML document containing the configuration data /// to the file given by path, using the given DOMWriter. /// /// This can be used to use a DOMWriter with custom options. void save(Poco::XML::DOMWriter& writer, std::ostream& str) const; /// Writes the XML document containing the configuration data /// to the given stream. /// /// This can be used to use a DOMWriter with custom options. protected: bool getRaw(const std::string& key, std::string& value) const; void setRaw(const std::string& key, const std::string& value); void enumerate(const std::string& key, Keys& range) const; void removeRaw(const std::string& key); ~XMLConfiguration(); private: const Poco::XML::Node* findNode(const std::string& key) const; Poco::XML::Node* findNode(const std::string& key); Poco::XML::Node* findNode(std::string::const_iterator& it, const std::string::const_iterator& end, Poco::XML::Node* pNode, bool create = false) const; static Poco::XML::Node* findElement(const std::string& name, Poco::XML::Node* pNode, bool create); static Poco::XML::Node* findElement(int index, Poco::XML::Node* pNode, bool create); static Poco::XML::Node* findElement(const std::string& attr, const std::string& value, Poco::XML::Node* pNode); static Poco::XML::Node* findAttribute(const std::string& name, Poco::XML::Node* pNode, bool create); Poco::XML::AutoPtr _pRoot; Poco::XML::AutoPtr _pDocument; char _delim; }; } } // namespace Poco::Util #endif // POCO_UTIL_NO_XMLCONFIGURATION #endif // Util_XMLConfiguration_INCLUDED