39 KB

  1. # @Author : lightXu
  2. # @File :
  3. # @Time : 2018/11/22 0022 下午 16:01
  4. import time
  5. import re
  6. import cv2
  7. import os
  8. import random
  9. import traceback
  10. import numpy as np
  11. import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
  12. from import get_ocr_text_and_coordinate
  13. from import tf_settings, utils
  14. from segment.sheet_resolve.analysis.choice.choice_m_row_column import get_choice_m_row_and_col
  15. from . import get_title_number_by_choice_m
  16. def get_interval(word_result_list):
  17. all_char_str = ''
  18. location = []
  19. for i, chars_dict in enumerate(word_result_list):
  20. chars_list = chars_dict['chars']
  21. for ele in chars_list:
  22. all_char_str = all_char_str + ele['char']
  23. location.append(ele['location'])
  24. pattern1 = re.compile(r"\]\[")
  25. pattern2 = re.compile(r"\[[ABCD]")
  26. def intervel(pattern):
  27. group_list = []
  28. for i in pattern.finditer(all_char_str):
  29. # print( + str(i.span()))
  30. group_list.append(list(i.span()))
  31. # print(group_list)
  32. sum_intervel = 0
  33. size = 0
  34. for group in group_list:
  35. left_x, right_x = location[group[0]]['left'] \
  36. + location[group[0]]['width'], location[group[1] - 1]['left']
  37. if abs(location[group[0]]['top'] - location[group[1]]['top']) < location[group[0]]['height']:
  38. if right_x - left_x > 0:
  39. sum_intervel = sum_intervel + right_x - left_x
  40. size += 1
  41. # print(sum_intervel // size)
  42. return sum_intervel // size
  43. intervel_width1 = intervel(pattern1)
  44. intervel_width2 = intervel(pattern2)
  45. return (intervel_width1 + intervel_width2) * 2 // 3
  46. def preprocess(image0, xe, ye):
  47. scale = 0
  48. dilate = 1
  49. blur = 5
  50. # 预处理图像
  51. img = image0
  52. # rescale the image
  53. if scale != 0:
  54. img = cv2.resize(img, None, fx=scale, fy=scale, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
  55. # Convert to gray
  56. img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
  57. # # Apply dilation and erosion to remove some noise
  58. # if dilate != 0:
  59. # kernel = np.ones((dilate, dilate), np.uint8)
  60. # img = cv2.dilate(img, kernel, iterations=1)
  61. # img = cv2.erode(img, kernel, iterations=1)
  62. # Apply blur to smooth out the edges
  63. # if blur != 0:
  64. # img = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (blur, blur), 0)
  65. # Apply threshold to get image with only b&w (binarization)
  66. img = cv2.threshold(img, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV + cv2.THRESH_OTSU)[1]
  67. # cv2.namedWindow('image', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
  68. # cv2.imshow('image', img)
  69. # if cv2.waitKey(0) == 27:
  70. # cv2.destroyAllWindows()
  71. # cv2.imwrite('otsu.jpg', img)
  72. kernel = np.ones((ye, xe), np.uint8) # y轴膨胀, x轴膨胀
  73. dst = cv2.dilate(img, kernel, iterations=1)
  74. # cv2.imshow('dilate', dst)
  75. # if cv2.waitKey(0) == 27:
  76. # cv2.destroyAllWindows()
  77. return dst
  78. def contours(image):
  79. _, cnts, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(image, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
  80. bboxes = []
  81. for cnt_id, cnt in enumerate(reversed(cnts)):
  82. x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(cnt)
  83. bboxes.append((x, y, x + w, y + h))
  84. return bboxes
  85. def box_coordinates(img):
  86. img_arr = np.asarray(img)
  87. def axis_break_point(img, tolerance_number, axis):
  88. sum_x_axis = img.sum(axis=axis)
  89. sum_x_axis[sum_x_axis > 255 * tolerance_number] = 1 # 白色有字
  90. sum_x_axis[sum_x_axis != 1] = 0 # 黑色无字
  91. sum_x_axis_list = list(sum_x_axis)
  92. sum_x_axis_list.append(0) # 最后几行到结束有字时,使索引值增加最后一位
  93. split_x_index = []
  94. num = 1
  95. for index, ele in enumerate(sum_x_axis_list):
  96. num = num % 2
  97. if ele == num:
  98. # print(i)
  99. num = num + 1
  100. split_x_index.append(index)
  101. # print('length: ', len(split_x_index), split_x_index)
  102. return split_x_index
  103. y_break_points_list = axis_break_point(img_arr, 1, axis=1)
  104. x_break_points_list = axis_break_point(img_arr, 1, axis=0)
  105. all_coordinates = []
  106. for i in range(0, len(y_break_points_list), 2): # y轴分组
  107. ymin = y_break_points_list[i]
  108. ymax = y_break_points_list[i + 1]
  109. for j in range(0, len(x_break_points_list), 2):
  110. xmin = x_break_points_list[j]
  111. xmax = x_break_points_list[j + 1]
  112. all_coordinates.append([xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax])
  113. return all_coordinates
  114. def get_choice_box_coordinate(left, top, word_result_list, choice_img, cv_box_list, choice_bbox_list):
  115. shape = choice_img.shape
  116. y, x = shape[0], shape[1]
  117. # cv2.imshow('ocr_region', ocr_region)
  118. # if cv2.waitKey(0) == 27:
  119. # cv2.destroyAllWindows()
  120. all_digital_list = []
  121. digital_model = re.compile(r'\d')
  122. for i, chars_dict in enumerate(word_result_list):
  123. chars_list = chars_dict['chars']
  124. for ele in chars_list:
  125. if['char']):
  126. all_digital_list.append(ele)
  127. new_all_digital_list = []
  128. i = 1
  129. while i <= len(all_digital_list):
  130. pre_one = all_digital_list[i - 1]
  131. if i == len(all_digital_list):
  132. new_all_digital_list.append(pre_one)
  133. break
  134. rear_one = all_digital_list[i]
  135. condition1 = abs(pre_one['location']['top'] - rear_one['location']['top']) < pre_one['location'][
  136. 'height'] # 两字高度差小于一字高度
  137. condition2 = pre_one['location']['left'] + 2 * pre_one['location']['width'] > rear_one['location'][
  138. 'left'] # 某字宽度的2倍大于两字间间隔
  139. if condition1:
  140. if condition2:
  141. new_char = pre_one['char'] + rear_one['char']
  142. new_location = {'left': pre_one['location']['left'],
  143. 'top': min(pre_one['location']['top'], rear_one['location']['top']),
  144. 'width': rear_one['location']['left'] + rear_one['location']['width'] -
  145. pre_one['location']['left'],
  146. 'height': max(pre_one['location']['height'], rear_one['location']['height'])}
  147. new_all_digital_list.append({'char': new_char, 'location': new_location})
  148. i = i + 1 + 1
  149. else:
  150. new_all_digital_list.append(pre_one)
  151. i = i + 1
  152. else:
  153. new_all_digital_list.append(pre_one) # 遇到字符y轴相差过大就结束
  154. i = i + 1
  155. content_list = list()
  156. for index, box in enumerate(choice_bbox_list['regions']): # rcnn识别的框匹配题号
  157. box = box['bounding_box']
  158. box_coordiante = (box['xmin'], box['ymin'], box['xmax'], box['ymax'])
  159. horizontal = box['xmax'] - box['xmin'] >= box['ymax'] - box['ymin']
  160. vertical = box['xmax'] - box['xmin'] < box['ymax'] - box['ymin']
  161. choice_number = {'number': 999, 'location': box_coordiante}
  162. content_list.insert(index, choice_number)
  163. for digital in new_all_digital_list:
  164. digital_coordiante = (digital['location']['left'], digital['location']['top'],
  165. digital['location']['left'] + digital['location']['width'],
  166. digital['location']['top'] + digital['location']['height'])
  167. if utils.decide_coordinate_contains(digital_coordiante, box_coordiante):
  168. if horizontal:
  169. box['xmin'] = digital['location']['left'] + digital['location']['width'] + 1 # 从数字处截取
  170. if vertical:
  171. box['ymin'] = digital['location']['top'] + digital['location']['height'] + 1
  172. box_coordiante = (box['xmin'], box['ymin'], box['xmax'], box['ymax'])
  173. content_list[index]['number'] = int(digital['char'])
  174. content_list[index]['location'] = box_coordiante
  175. break
  177. for box in content_list:
  178. box_coordiante = (box['location'][0], box['location'][1], box['location'][2], box['location'][3])
  179. mtx = []
  180. for cv_box in cv_box_list:
  181. if utils.decide_coordinate_contains(cv_box, box_coordiante): # 若fasterrcnn未识别到选项框,单独的ABCD也舍去
  182. mtx.append(cv_box)
  183. matrix = np.asarray(sorted(mtx))
  184. dif = matrix[1:, 0] - matrix[:-1, 2] # 后一个char的left与前一个char的right的差
  185. dif[dif < 0] = 0
  186. dif_length = np.mean(dif) # 小于平均间隔的合并
  187. block_list = utils.box_by_x_intervel(matrix, dif_length)
  188. # block_list = utils.box_by_x_intervel(matrix, 5)
  189. choice_count = len(block_list)
  190. choice_option = ','.join(list(a_z[:choice_count]))
  191. combine = np.asarray(sorted(block_list))
  192. min_temp = np.min(combine, axis=0)
  193. max_temp = np.max(combine, axis=0)
  194. abcd_coordinate = {'xmin': int(min_temp[0] + left), 'ymin': int(min_temp[1] + top),
  195. 'xmax': int(max_temp[2] + left), 'ymax': int(max_temp[3] + top)}
  196. single_height = np.mean(combine[:, 3] - combine[:, 1])
  197. single_width = np.mean(combine[:, 2] - combine[:, 0])
  198. box['location'] = abcd_coordinate
  199. box['single_height'] = int(single_height)
  200. box['single_width'] = int(single_width)
  201. box['default_points'] = 5
  202. # box['choice_option'] = choice_option
  203. box['choice_option'] = 'A,B,C,D'
  204. if max_temp[2] - min_temp[0] >= max_temp[3] - min_temp[1]: # x > y 横向
  205. box['row'] = 1
  206. box['column'] = choice_count
  207. else:
  208. box['row'] = choice_count
  209. box['column'] = 1
  210. return content_list
  211. def choice_line(left, top, image, choice_bbox_list, xml_path):
  213. t1 = time.time()
  214. word_result_list0 = get_ocr_text_and_coordinate(image, ocr_accuracy='accurate', language_type='ENG')
  215. # word_result_list0 = [{'chars': [{'char': '1', 'location': {'width': 25, 'top': 11, 'left': 63, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'A', 'location': {'width': 23, 'top': 11, 'left': 142, 'height': 53}}, {'char': '.', 'location': {'width': 35, 'top': 11, 'left': 162, 'height': 53}}, {'char': '[', 'location': {'width': 17, 'top': 11, 'left': 197, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'B', 'location': {'width': 28, 'top': 11, 'left': 213, 'height': 53}}, {'char': ']', 'location': {'width': 18, 'top': 11, 'left': 241, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'C', 'location': {'width': 50, 'top': 11, 'left': 290, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'D', 'location': {'width': 59, 'top': 11, 'left': 333, 'height': 53}}, {'char': ']', 'location': {'width': 34, 'top': 11, 'left': 389, 'height': 53}}, {'char': '5', 'location': {'width': 18, 'top': 11, 'left': 519, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'A', 'location': {'width': 24, 'top': 11, 'left': 586, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'T', 'location': {'width': 33, 'top': 11, 'left': 603, 'height': 53}}, {'char': '[', 'location': {'width': 17, 'top': 11, 'left': 650, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'D', 'location': {'width': 25, 'top': 11, 'left': 812, 'height': 53}}, {'char': ']', 'location': {'width': 34, 'top': 11, 'left': 842, 'height': 53}}, {'char': '9', 'location': {'width': 28, 'top': 11, 'left': 963, 'height': 53}}, {'char': '[', 'location': {'width': 24, 'top': 11, 'left': 1022, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'A', 'location': {'width': 26, 'top': 11, 'left': 1042, 'height': 53}}, {'char': '[', 'location': {'width': 25, 'top': 11, 'left': 1091, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'B', 'location': {'width': 18, 'top': 11, 'left': 1121, 'height': 53}}, {'char': ']', 'location': {'width': 18, 'top': 11, 'left': 1139, 'height': 53}}, {'char': '[', 'location': {'width': 24, 'top': 11, 'left': 1171, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'C', 'location': {'width': 25, 'top': 11, 'left': 1188, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'H', 'location': {'width': 33, 'top': 11, 'left': 1206, 'height': 53}}, {'char': ']', 'location': {'width': 26, 'top': 11, 'left': 1288, 'height': 53}}], 'location': {'width': 1256, 'top': 9, 'left': 58, 'height': 57}, 'words': ' 1 A.[B] CD]5 AT[ D]9 [A [B] [CH]'}, {'chars': [{'char': '2', 'location': {'width': 25, 'top': 96, 'left': 61, 'height': 51}}, {'char': 'A', 'location': {'width': 24, 'top': 96, 'left': 139, 'height': 51}}, {'char': '[', 'location': {'width': 16, 'top': 96, 'left': 202, 'height': 51}}, {'char': 'B', 'location': {'width': 24, 'top': 96, 'left': 215, 'height': 51}}, {'char': '3', 'location': {'width': 33, 'top': 96, 'left': 233, 'height': 51}}, {'char': 'C', 'location': {'width': 25, 'top': 96, 'left': 292, 'height': 51}}, {'char': '[', 'location': {'width': 17, 'top': 96, 'left': 348, 'height': 51}}, {'char': 'D', 'location': {'width': 26, 'top': 96, 'left': 365, 'height': 51}}, {'char': ']', 'location': {'width': 35, 'top': 96, 'left': 390, 'height': 51}}, {'char': '6', 'location': {'width': 27, 'top': 96, 'left': 519, 'height': 51}}, {'char': 'A', 'location': {'width': 23, 'top': 96, 'left': 594, 'height': 51}}, {'char': ']', 'location': {'width': 35, 'top': 96, 'left': 614, 'height': 51}}, {'char': '[', 'location': {'width': 17, 'top': 96, 'left': 649, 'height': 51}}, {'char': 'B', 'location': {'width': 25, 'top': 96, 'left': 662, 'height': 51}}, {'char': 'I', 'location': {'width': 33, 'top': 96, 'left': 680, 'height': 51}}, {'char': '[', 'location': {'width': 16, 'top': 96, 'left': 727, 'height': 51}}, {'char': '[', 'location': {'width': 23, 'top': 96, 'left': 801, 'height': 51}}, {'char': 'D', 'location': {'width': 25, 'top': 96, 'left': 821, 'height': 51}}, {'char': ']', 'location': {'width': 17, 'top': 96, 'left': 847, 'height': 51}}, {'char': '1', 'location': {'width': 24, 'top': 96, 'left': 956, 'height': 51}}, {'char': '0', 'location': {'width': 33, 'top': 96, 'left': 973, 'height': 51}}, {'char': 'L', 'location': {'width': 20, 'top': 96, 'left': 1025, 'height': 51}}, {'char': 'A', 'location': {'width': 28, 'top': 96, 'left': 1038, 'height': 51}}, {'char': '[', 'location': {'width': 23, 'top': 96, 'left': 1103, 'height': 51}}, {'char': 'B', 'location': {'width': 26, 'top': 96, 'left': 1122, 'height': 51}}, {'char': ']', 'location': {'width': 10, 'top': 96, 'left': 1148, 'height': 51}}, {'char': 'I', 'location': {'width': 20, 'top': 96, 'left': 1180, 'height': 51}}, {'char': 'C', 'location': {'width': 24, 'top': 96, 'left': 1193, 'height': 51}}, {'char': 'I', 'location': {'width': 28, 'top': 96, 'left': 1211, 'height': 51}}, {'char': '[', 'location': {'width': 23, 'top': 96, 'left': 1248, 'height': 51}}, {'char': 'D', 'location': {'width': 27, 'top': 96, 'left': 1268, 'height': 51}}, {'char': ']', 'location': {'width': 17, 'top': 96, 'left': 1295, 'height': 51}}], 'location': {'width': 1255, 'top': 94, 'left': 57, 'height': 56}, 'words': ' 2 A[B3 C[D]6 A][BI[ [D]10 LA [B] ICI [D]'}, {'chars': [{'char': '3', 'location': {'width': 25, 'top': 178, 'left': 60, 'height': 53}}, {'char': '[', 'location': {'width': 25, 'top': 178, 'left': 122, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'A', 'location': {'width': 18, 'top': 178, 'left': 143, 'height': 53}}, {'char': ']', 'location': {'width': 18, 'top': 178, 'left': 160, 'height': 53}}, {'char': '[', 'location': {'width': 17, 'top': 178, 'left': 197, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'B', 'location': {'width': 27, 'top': 178, 'left': 214, 'height': 53}}, {'char': ']', 'location': {'width': 10, 'top': 178, 'left': 241, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'C', 'location': {'width': 48, 'top': 178, 'left': 293, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'D', 'location': {'width': 118, 'top': 178, 'left': 334, 'height': 53}}, {'char': '7', 'location': {'width': 97, 'top': 178, 'left': 445, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'I', 'location': {'width': 21, 'top': 178, 'left': 572, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'A', 'location': {'width': 30, 'top': 178, 'left': 585, 'height': 53}}, {'char': ']', 'location': {'width': 27, 'top': 178, 'left': 620, 'height': 53}}, {'char': '[', 'location': {'width': 18, 'top': 178, 'left': 647, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'B', 'location': {'width': 25, 'top': 178, 'left': 662, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'I', 'location': {'width': 39, 'top': 178, 'left': 680, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'E', 'location': {'width': 34, 'top': 178, 'left': 711, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'C', 'location': {'width': 25, 'top': 178, 'left': 738, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'H', 'location': {'width': 29, 'top': 178, 'left': 756, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'E', 'location': {'width': 21, 'top': 178, 'left': 795, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'D', 'location': {'width': 29, 'top': 178, 'left': 809, 'height': 53}}, {'char': ']', 'location': {'width': 18, 'top': 178, 'left': 845, 'height': 53}}, {'char': '1', 'location': {'width': 20, 'top': 178, 'left': 958, 'height': 53}}, {'char': '1', 'location': {'width': 31, 'top': 178, 'left': 971, 'height': 53}}, {'char': '[', 'location': {'width': 25, 'top': 178, 'left': 1020, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'A', 'location': {'width': 27, 'top': 178, 'left': 1041, 'height': 53}}, {'char': ']', 'location': {'width': 10, 'top': 178, 'left': 1068, 'height': 53}}, {'char': '[', 'location': {'width': 25, 'top': 178, 'left': 1101, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'B', 'location': {'width': 18, 'top': 178, 'left': 1122, 'height': 53}}, {'char': ']', 'location': {'width': 18, 'top': 178, 'left': 1141, 'height': 53}}, {'char': '[', 'location': {'width': 24, 'top': 178, 'left': 1174, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'C', 'location': {'width': 26, 'top': 178, 'left': 1191, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'H', 'location': {'width': 35, 'top': 178, 'left': 1209, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'L', 'location': {'width': 30, 'top': 178, 'left': 1236, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'D', 'location': {'width': 29, 'top': 178, 'left': 1259, 'height': 53}}, {'char': ']', 'location': {'width': 18, 'top': 178, 'left': 1294, 'height': 53}}], 'location': {'width': 1257, 'top': 175, 'left': 55, 'height': 59}, 'words': ' 3 [A][B] CD7 IA][BIECH ED]11 [A] [B] [CHLD]'}, {'chars': [{'char': '4', 'location': {'width': 50, 'top': 262, 'left': 61, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'A', 'location': {'width': 83, 'top': 262, 'left': 104, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'B', 'location': {'width': 83, 'top': 262, 'left': 179, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'C', 'location': {'width': 82, 'top': 262, 'left': 255, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'D', 'location': {'width': 56, 'top': 262, 'left': 330, 'height': 53}}, {'char': ']', 'location': {'width': 36, 'top': 262, 'left': 391, 'height': 53}}, {'char': '8', 'location': {'width': 26, 'top': 262, 'left': 516, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'A', 'location': {'width': 25, 'top': 262, 'left': 592, 'height': 53}}, {'char': '.', 'location': {'width': 35, 'top': 262, 'left': 693, 'height': 53}}, {'char': ']', 'location': {'width': 35, 'top': 262, 'left': 843, 'height': 53}}, {'char': '1', 'location': {'width': 20, 'top': 262, 'left': 955, 'height': 53}}, {'char': '2', 'location': {'width': 30, 'top': 262, 'left': 968, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'L', 'location': {'width': 20, 'top': 262, 'left': 1018, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'A', 'location': {'width': 29, 'top': 262, 'left': 1031, 'height': 53}}, {'char': '[', 'location': {'width': 18, 'top': 262, 'left': 1101, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'I', 'location': {'width': 25, 'top': 262, 'left': 1239, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'D', 'location': {'width': 34, 'top': 262, 'left': 1257, 'height': 53}}, {'char': 'T', 'location': {'width': 30, 'top': 262, 'left': 1284, 'height': 53}}], 'location': {'width': 1258, 'top': 259, 'left': 56, 'height': 58}, 'words': ' 4ABCD]8 A.]12 LA[ IDT'}]
  216. t2 = time.time()
  217. print('choice ocr time cost: ', t2 - t1)
  218. # print(word_result_list0)
  219. # try:
  220. # intervel_x = get_interval(word_result_list0)
  221. # except Exception:
  222. # intervel_x = 15
  223. intervel_x = 3
  224. img = preprocess(image, intervel_x, 3)
  225. cv_box_list0 = box_coordinates(img)
  226. content_list = get_choice_box_coordinate(left, top, word_result_list0, image, cv_box_list0, choice_bbox_list)
  227. tree = ET.parse(xml_path) # xml tree
  228. for index_num, choice_box in enumerate(content_list):
  229. abcd = choice_box['location']
  230. number = str(choice_box['number'])
  231. tree = utils.create_xml(number, tree, abcd['xmin'], abcd['ymin'], abcd['xmax'], abcd['ymax'])
  232. tree.write(xml_path)
  233. return content_list
  234. def choice_m_row_col0(left, top, image, choice_bbox_list, xml_path, img, choice_box):
  236. t1 = time.time()
  237. tree = ET.parse(xml_path) # xml tree
  238. choice_m_dict_list = []
  239. for index0, box in enumerate(choice_bbox_list['regions']): # rcnn识别的框匹配题号
  240. box = box['bounding_box']
  241. box['ymin'] = box['ymin'] - 3 # lf_7_2 1change
  242. box['xmax'] = box['xmax'] + 3
  243. box['ymax'] = box['ymax'] + 3
  244. m_left, m_top = box['xmin']+left, box['ymin']+top,
  245. box_coordiante = (m_left, m_top, box['xmax']+left, box['ymax']+top)
  246. tree = utils.create_xml('choice_m', tree,
  247. box_coordiante[0], box_coordiante[1],
  248. box_coordiante[2], box_coordiante[3])
  249. single_choice_m = utils.crop_region(image, box)
  250. row_col_dict = get_choice_m_row_and_col(m_left, m_top, single_choice_m) # 所有的小框, 行列等
  251. if len(row_col_dict) > 0:
  252. # single choice_m ocr result
  253. res_dict = get_ocr_text_and_coordinate(single_choice_m, ocr_accuracy='accurate', language_type='CHN_ENG')
  254. choice_m_cal_num = [0]
  255. for index, ele in enumerate(res_dict):
  256. words = ele['words']
  257. location = ele['location']
  258. width = int(location['width'])
  259. height = int(location['height'])
  260. if width > height:
  261. abcd_str = 'ABD'
  262. cal_num = max([words.count(char) for char in abcd_str])
  263. choice_m_cal_num.append(cal_num)
  264. max_num = max(choice_m_cal_num)
  265. if max_num < 2:
  266. direction = 180
  267. choice_option = a_z[:row_col_dict['cols']]
  268. else:
  269. direction = 90
  270. choice_option = a_z[:row_col_dict['rows']]
  271. row_col_dict.update({'direction': direction, 'option': choice_option})
  272. choice_m_dict_list.append(row_col_dict)
  273. title_number_by_choice_m_list = get_title_number_by_choice_m.get_title_number(row_col_dict, choice_bbox_list, img, choice_box) # choice_m相对坐标 list
  274. for element in title_number_by_choice_m_list:
  275. if row_col_dict['bounding_box'] == element['bounding_box']:
  276. row_col_dict.update({'title_number': element['title_number']})
  277. for index_num, choice_box in enumerate(choice_m_dict_list):
  278. if len(choice_box['bounding_box']) > 0:
  279. abcd = choice_box['bounding_box']
  280. name = '{}_{}*{}_{}'.format('choice_m', choice_box['rows'], choice_box['cols'], choice_box['direction'])
  281. tree = utils.create_xml(name, tree,
  282. abcd['xmin'], abcd['ymin'],
  283. abcd['xmax'], abcd['ymax'])
  284. tree.write(xml_path)
  285. return choice_m_dict_list
  286. def choice_bbox_vague(choice_m_list0, x_y_interval_ave, singe_box_width_height_ave, direction, image_size):
  287. img_width = image_size[0]
  288. img_height = image_size[1]
  289. choice_list_temp1 = []
  290. choice_list_temp2 = []
  291. index_list1 = []
  292. index_list2 = []
  293. for index, ele in enumerate(choice_m_list0):
  294. if int(img_width) < int(img_height):
  295. choice_list_temp1.append(ele)
  296. index_list1.append(index)
  297. elif int(img_width) >= int(img_height) and ele[0] < img_width // 2:
  298. choice_list_temp1.append(ele)
  299. index_list1.append(index)
  300. elif int(img_width) >= int(img_height) and ele[0] >= img_width // 2:
  301. choice_list_temp2.append(ele)
  302. index_list2.append(index)
  303. if index_list2 == []:
  304. choice_list = [[choice_list_temp1, index_list1]]
  305. else:
  306. choice_list = [[choice_list_temp1, index_list1]]
  307. choice_list.append([choice_list_temp2, index_list2])
  308. choice_bbox_all = []
  309. for choice_m_list1 in choice_list:
  310. choice_m_list = sorted(choice_m_list1[0], key=lambda k: k[0])
  311. xmin0 = [ele[0] for ele in choice_m_list]
  312. ymin0 = [ele[1] for ele in choice_m_list]
  313. xmax0 = [ele[2] for ele in choice_m_list]
  314. ymax0 = [ele[3] for ele in choice_m_list]
  315. if direction == 180: # vertical
  316. x_diff = x_y_interval_ave[0]
  317. s_width = singe_box_width_height_ave[0]
  318. choice_bbox = (np.hstack((np.array([min(xmin0) - x_diff - 3 * s_width, min(ymin0)]), np.array([max(xmax0), max(ymax0)])))).tolist()
  319. choice_box = []
  320. for element in choice_bbox:
  321. if element < 0:
  322. choice_box.append(0)
  323. else:
  324. choice_box.append(element)
  325. choice_bbox_with_index_list = (choice_box, choice_m_list1[1])
  326. choice_bbox_all.append(choice_bbox_with_index_list)
  327. elif direction == 90:
  328. y_diff = x_y_interval_ave[1]
  329. s_height = singe_box_width_height_ave[1]
  330. choice_bbox = (np.hstack((np.array([min(xmin0), min(ymin0) - y_diff - 3 * s_height]), np.array([max(xmax0), max(ymax0)])))).tolist()
  331. choice_box = []
  332. for element in choice_bbox:
  333. if element < 0:
  334. choice_box.append(0)
  335. else:
  336. choice_box.append(element)
  337. choice_bbox_with_index_list = (choice_box, choice_m_list1[1])
  338. choice_bbox_all.append(choice_bbox_with_index_list)
  339. return choice_bbox_all
  340. def get_direction(words_res_dict, choice_m_mum=1):
  341. choice_m_cal_num = [0]
  342. for index, ele in enumerate(words_res_dict):
  343. words = ele['words']
  344. location = ele['location']
  345. width = int(location['width'])
  346. height = int(location['height'])
  347. if width > height:
  348. abcd_str = 'ABD'
  349. cal_num = max([words.count(char) for char in abcd_str])
  350. choice_m_cal_num.append(cal_num)
  351. # max_num = max(choice_m_cal_num)
  352. counts = np.bincount(np.array(choice_m_cal_num))
  353. mode = int(counts.argmax())
  354. # if max_num/choice_m_mum < 2:
  355. if mode < 2:
  356. direction = 180
  357. else:
  358. direction = 90
  359. return direction
  360. def choice_m_adjust(image, choice_m_bbox_list):
  362. for index0, choice_m in enumerate(choice_m_bbox_list): # rcnn识别的框匹配题号
  363. box = choice_m['bounding_box']
  364. box['ymin'] = choice_m['ymin'] - 3 # lf_7_2 1change
  365. box['xmax'] = choice_m['xmax'] + 3
  366. box['ymax'] = choice_m['ymax'] + 3
  367. m_left, m_top = box['xmin'], box['ymin'],
  368. # box_coordiante = (m_left, m_top, box['xmax'], box['ymax'])
  369. single_choice_m = utils.crop_region(image, box)
  370. row_col_dict = get_choice_m_row_and_col(m_left, m_top, single_choice_m) # 所有的小框, 行列等
  371. if len(row_col_dict) > 0:
  372. if choice_m['direction'] == 90:
  373. choice_option = a_z[:row_col_dict['rows']].replace('', ',')[1:-1]
  374. else:
  375. choice_option = a_z[:row_col_dict['cols']].replace('', ',')[1:-1]
  376. choice_m.update(row_col_dict) # 更新 bounding_box
  377. choice_m.update({'choice_option': choice_option})
  378. return choice_m_bbox_list
  379. def choice_m_row_col(image, choice_m_bbox_list, direction, subject, xml_path):
  381. choice_m_dict_list = []
  382. # 或在长宽比接近的choice_m中选取
  383. if not direction:
  384. random_one = random.randint(0, len(choice_m_bbox_list)-1)
  385. choice_m_for_dircetion = utils.crop_region(image, choice_m_bbox_list[random_one]['bounding_box'])
  386. res_dict = get_ocr_text_and_coordinate(choice_m_for_dircetion, ocr_accuracy='accurate', language_type='ENG')
  387. direction = get_direction(res_dict)
  388. for index0, box in enumerate(choice_m_bbox_list): # rcnn识别的框匹配题号
  389. box = box['bounding_box']
  390. box['ymin'] = box['ymin'] - 3 # lf_7_2 1change
  391. box['xmax'] = box['xmax'] + 3
  392. box['ymax'] = box['ymax'] + 3
  393. m_left, m_top = box['xmin'], box['ymin'],
  394. # box_coordiante = (m_left, m_top, box['xmax'], box['ymax'])
  395. single_choice_m = utils.crop_region(image, box)
  396. try:
  397. row_col_dict = get_choice_m_row_and_col(m_left, m_top, single_choice_m) # 所有的小框,行列
  398. if len(row_col_dict) > 0:
  399. if direction == 90:
  400. choice_option = a_z[:row_col_dict['rows']].replace('', ',')[1:-1]
  401. if 'number' in box.keys():
  402. title_number = box['number']
  403. else:
  404. title_number = [-1] * row_col_dict['cols']
  405. default_points = [-1] * row_col_dict['cols']
  406. else:
  407. choice_option = a_z[:row_col_dict['cols']].replace('', ',')[1:-1]
  408. if 'number' in box.keys():
  409. title_number = box['number']
  410. else:
  411. title_number = [-1] * row_col_dict['rows']
  412. default_points = [-1] * row_col_dict['rows']
  413. row_col_dict.update({'direction': direction, 'option': choice_option,
  414. 'number': title_number, 'default_points': default_points})
  415. choice_m_dict_list.append(row_col_dict)
  416. # else:
  417. # del choice_m_bbox_list[index0]
  418. except Exception:
  419. pass
  420. try:
  421. choice_m_box_dict = get_title_number_by_choice_m.analysis_s_box(choice_m_dict_list)
  422. choice_m_list = [[ele['bounding_box']['xmin'], ele['bounding_box']['ymin'],
  423. ele['bounding_box']['xmax'], ele['bounding_box']['ymax']] for ele in choice_m_box_dict]
  424. x_y_interval_all = []
  425. s_box_w_h = []
  426. rows_list = [ele['rows'] for ele in choice_m_box_dict if ele['rows'] == 1]
  427. if len(rows_list) == len(choice_m_box_dict):
  428. w_list = [ele['single_width'] for ele in choice_m_box_dict]
  429. h_list = [ele['single_height'] for ele in choice_m_box_dict]
  430. w_arr = np.array(w_list)
  431. h_arr = np.array(h_list)
  432. s_box_w_h.append((int(np.mean(w_arr)), int(np.mean(h_arr))))
  433. x_y_interval = s_box_w_h
  434. x_y_interval_all.append(x_y_interval)
  435. else:
  436. for index, s_box in enumerate(choice_m_box_dict):
  437. all_small_coordinate_dict = s_box['all_small_coordinate']
  438. all_small_coordinate_list = [[ele['xmin'], ele['ymin'], ele['xmax'], ele['ymax']] for ele in
  439. all_small_coordinate_dict]
  440. col = s_box['cols']
  441. rows = s_box['rows']
  442. if rows == 1:
  443. continue
  444. else:
  445. x_y_interval = utils.get_x_diff_and_y_diff1(all_small_coordinate_list, col)
  446. x_y_interval_all.append(x_y_interval)
  447. all_small_coordinate_list = sorted(all_small_coordinate_list, key=lambda k: k[1])
  448. s_box_array = np.array(all_small_coordinate_list)
  449. s_box_wid_hei = (
  450. int(np.mean(s_box_array[:, 2])) - int(np.mean(s_box_array[:, 0])),
  451. int(np.mean(s_box_array[:, 3])) - int(np.mean(s_box_array[:, 1])))
  452. s_box_w_h.append(s_box_wid_hei)
  453. whether_nan = [ele for index, ele in enumerate(x_y_interval_all) if 'nan' in ele]
  454. if len(whether_nan) == 0:
  455. x_y_interval_all0 = x_y_interval_all
  456. else:
  457. if len(x_y_interval_all) == 1:
  458. x_y_interval_all0 = s_box_w_h
  459. else:
  460. x_y_interval_all1 = []
  461. for element in x_y_interval_all:
  462. if element not in whether_nan:
  463. x_y_interval_all1.append(element)
  464. x_y_interval_all2 = [x_y_interval_all1[0] for i in range(len(whether_nan))]
  465. x_y_interval_all0 = x_y_interval_all1 + x_y_interval_all2
  466. x_y_interval_arr = np.array(x_y_interval_all0)
  467. if len(x_y_interval_arr) == 1 and len(rows_list) != 0:
  468. x_y_interval_all_arr = np.array(x_y_interval_all)
  469. x_ = int(np.mean(x_y_interval_all_arr[:, 0][0][0]))
  470. y_ = int(np.mean(x_y_interval_all_arr[:, 0][0][1]))
  471. x_y_interval_ave = (x_, y_)
  472. singe_box_width_height_ave = s_box_w_h[0]
  473. image_height, image_width, _ = image.shape
  474. image_size = (image_width, image_height)
  475. elif len(x_y_interval_arr) == 1 and len(rows_list) == 0:
  476. x_y_interval_all_arr = np.array(x_y_interval_all)
  477. x_ = int(np.mean(x_y_interval_all_arr[0][0]))
  478. y_ = int(np.mean(x_y_interval_all_arr[0][1]))
  479. x_y_interval_ave = (x_, y_)
  480. singe_box_width_height_ave = s_box_w_h[0]
  481. image_height, image_width, _ = image.shape
  482. image_size = (image_width, image_height)
  483. else:
  484. x_y_interval_ave = (int(np.mean(x_y_interval_arr[:, 0])), int(np.mean(x_y_interval_arr[:, 1])))
  485. s_box_w_h_arr = np.array(s_box_w_h)
  486. singe_box_width_height_ave = (int(np.mean(s_box_w_h_arr[:, 0])), int(np.mean(s_box_w_h_arr[:, 1])))
  487. image_height, image_width, _ = image.shape
  488. image_size = (image_width, image_height)
  489. choice_bbox = choice_bbox_vague(choice_m_list, x_y_interval_ave, singe_box_width_height_ave, direction,
  490. image_size)
  491. choice_m_dict_list_all_tmp = []
  492. for index, choice_box_ele in enumerate(choice_bbox):
  493. choice_bbox_ele = []
  494. if direction == 180:
  495. choice_bbox_ele0 = choice_box_ele[0]
  496. choice_bbox_ele = [choice_bbox_ele0[0], choice_bbox_ele0[1] - 2,
  497. choice_bbox_ele0[2], choice_bbox_ele0[3] + 5]
  498. elif direction == 90:
  499. choice_bbox_ele = choice_box_ele[0]
  500. choice_region = utils.crop_region_direct(image, choice_bbox_ele)
  501. choice_path = xml_path[: xml_path.rfind('/')]
  502. cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(choice_path, 'choice_region_' + str(index) + '.jpg'), choice_region)
  503. choice_m_box_dict_new = [choice_m_box_dict[i] for i in choice_box_ele[1]]
  504. choice_m_dict_list_part = get_title_number_by_choice_m.get_title_number(choice_bbox_ele, choice_region,
  505. image, choice_m_box_dict_new,
  506. x_y_interval_ave, subject, direction)
  507. choice_m_dict_list_all_tmp.append(choice_m_dict_list_part)
  508. if len(choice_m_dict_list_all_tmp) == 1:
  509. choice_m_dict_list_all = choice_m_dict_list_all_tmp[0]
  510. else:
  511. choice_m_dict_list_all = []
  512. for i in choice_m_dict_list_all_tmp:
  513. choice_m_dict_list_all = choice_m_dict_list_all + i
  514. except Exception as e:
  515. print(e)
  516. traceback.print_exc()
  517. choice_m_dict_list_all = choice_m_dict_list
  518. return choice_m_dict_list_all
  519. def choice_line_with_number(left, top, image, choice_bbox_list, xml_path):
  520. t1 = time.time()
  521. word_result_list0 = get_ocr_text_and_coordinate(image, ocr_accuracy='accurate', language_type='ENG')
  522. t2 = time.time()
  523. print('choice ocr time cost: ', t2 - t1)
  524. # print(word_result_list0)
  525. intervel_x = 3
  526. img = preprocess(image, intervel_x, 3)
  527. cv_box_list = box_coordinates(img)
  528. content_list = get_choice_line_box_coordinate(left, top, word_result_list0, cv_box_list, choice_bbox_list)
  529. return content_list
  530. def get_choice_line_box_coordinate(left, top, word_result_list, cv_box_list, choice_bbox_list):
  531. all_digital_list = []
  532. digital_model = re.compile(r'\d')
  533. for i, chars_dict in enumerate(word_result_list):
  534. chars_list = chars_dict['chars']
  535. for ele in chars_list:
  536. if['char']):
  537. all_digital_list.append(ele)
  538. new_all_digital_list = []
  539. i = 1
  540. while i <= len(all_digital_list):
  541. pre_one = all_digital_list[i - 1]
  542. if i == len(all_digital_list):
  543. new_all_digital_list.append(pre_one)
  544. break
  545. rear_one = all_digital_list[i]
  546. condition1 = abs(pre_one['location']['top'] - rear_one['location']['top']) < pre_one['location'][
  547. 'height'] # 两字高度差小于一字高度
  548. condition2 = pre_one['location']['left'] + 2 * pre_one['location']['width'] > rear_one['location'][
  549. 'left'] # 某字宽度的2倍大于两字间间隔
  550. if condition1:
  551. if condition2:
  552. new_char = pre_one['char'] + rear_one['char']
  553. new_location = {'left': pre_one['location']['left'],
  554. 'top': min(pre_one['location']['top'], rear_one['location']['top']),
  555. 'width': rear_one['location']['left'] + rear_one['location']['width'] -
  556. pre_one['location']['left'],
  557. 'height': max(pre_one['location']['height'], rear_one['location']['height'])}
  558. new_all_digital_list.append({'char': new_char, 'location': new_location})
  559. i = i + 1 + 1
  560. else:
  561. new_all_digital_list.append(pre_one)
  562. i = i + 1
  563. else:
  564. new_all_digital_list.append(pre_one) # 遇到字符y轴相差过大就结束
  565. i = i + 1
  566. content_list = list()
  567. new_all_digital_list = sorted(new_all_digital_list, key=lambda k: k.get('location').get('top'))
  568. for index, box in enumerate(
  569. sorted(choice_bbox_list['regions'], key=lambda k: k.get('bounding_box').get('ymin'))): # rcnn识别的框匹配题号
  570. box = box['bounding_box']
  571. box_coordinate = (box['xmin'] + left, box['ymin'] + top, box['xmax'] + left, box['ymax'] + top)
  572. choice_number = {'number': 999, 'location': box_coordinate}
  573. content_list.insert(index, choice_number)
  574. for digital in new_all_digital_list:
  575. digital_coordinate = (digital['location']['left'] + left, digital['location']['top'] + top,
  576. digital['location']['left'] + digital['location']['width'] + left,
  577. digital['location']['top'] + digital['location']['height'] + top)
  578. if utils.decide_coordinate_contains(digital_coordinate, box_coordinate):
  579. content_list[index]['number'] = digital['char']
  580. new_all_digital_list.remove(digital)
  581. break
  582. for box in content_list: # 计算间距
  583. box_coordiante = (box['location'][0], box['location'][1], box['location'][2], box['location'][3])
  584. mtx = []
  585. for cv_box in cv_box_list:
  586. if utils.decide_coordinate_contains(cv_box, box_coordiante): # 若fasterrcnn未识别到选项框,单独的ABCD也舍去
  587. mtx.append(cv_box)
  588. matrix = np.asarray(sorted(mtx))
  589. dif = matrix[1:, 0] - matrix[:-1, 2] # 后一个char的left与起一个char的right的差
  590. dif[dif < 0] = 0
  591. dif_length = np.mean(dif) # 小于平均间隔的合并
  592. block_list = utils.box_by_x_intervel(matrix, dif_length)
  593. # block_list = utils.box_by_x_intervel(matrix, 5)
  594. box['abcd'] = block_list
  595. matrix_distance = np.asarray(sorted(block_list))
  596. dif = matrix_distance[1:, 0] - matrix_distance[:-1, 2] # 后一个char的left与起一个char的right的差
  597. distance = np.mean(dif)
  598. return content_list