Must set setting.check attributes, see the API documentation for more related contents.
Linkage relationship between parent and child nodes:
check: affect the parentaffect the child
uncheck: affect the parentaffect the child
2, Explanation of treeNode
1), If you need to initialize the node is checked, please set treeNode.checked attribute. See the API documentation for more related contents.
2), If you need to initialize the node's checkbox is disabled, please set treeNode.chkDisabled attribute. See the API documentation for more related contents and 'chkDisabled Demo'.
3), If you need to initialize the node don't show checkbox, please set treeNode.nocheck attribute. See the API documentation for more related contents and 'nocheck Demo'.
4), If you need to change 'checked' to other attribute, please set attribute. See the API documentation for more related contents.
5), By the way, please see the API documentation for 'treeNode.checkedOld / getCheckStatus / check_Child_State / check_Focus'.