* @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright 2008-2013 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ */ /** * CDbMessageSource represents a message source that stores translated messages in database. * * The database must contain the following two tables: *
 * CREATE TABLE SourceMessage
 * (
 *     category VARCHAR(32),
 *     message TEXT
 * );
 * (
 *     id INTEGER,
 *     language VARCHAR(16),
 *     translation TEXT,
 *     PRIMARY KEY (id, language),
 *     CONSTRAINT FK_Message_SourceMessage FOREIGN KEY (id)
 * );
* The 'SourceMessage' table stores the messages to be translated, and the 'Message' table * stores the translated messages. The name of these two tables can be customized by setting * {@link sourceMessageTable} and {@link translatedMessageTable}, respectively. * * When {@link cachingDuration} is set as a positive number, message translations will be cached. * * @property CDbConnection $dbConnection The DB connection used for the message source. * * @author Qiang Xue * @package system.i18n * @since 1.0 */ class CDbMessageSource extends CMessageSource { const CACHE_KEY_PREFIX='Yii.CDbMessageSource.'; /** * @var string the ID of the database connection application component. Defaults to 'db'. */ public $connectionID='db'; /** * @var string the name of the source message table. Defaults to 'SourceMessage'. */ public $sourceMessageTable='SourceMessage'; /** * @var string the name of the translated message table. Defaults to 'Message'. */ public $translatedMessageTable='Message'; /** * @var integer the time in seconds that the messages can remain valid in cache. * Defaults to 0, meaning the caching is disabled. */ public $cachingDuration=0; /** * @var string the ID of the cache application component that is used to cache the messages. * Defaults to 'cache' which refers to the primary cache application component. * Set this property to false if you want to disable caching the messages. */ public $cacheID='cache'; /** * Loads the message translation for the specified language and category. * @param string $category the message category * @param string $language the target language * @return array the loaded messages */ protected function loadMessages($category,$language) { if($this->cachingDuration>0 && $this->cacheID!==false && ($cache=Yii::app()->getComponent($this->cacheID))!==null) { $key=self::CACHE_KEY_PREFIX.'.messages.'.$category.'.'.$language; if(($data=$cache->get($key))!==false) return unserialize($data); } $messages=$this->loadMessagesFromDb($category,$language); if(isset($cache)) $cache->set($key,serialize($messages),$this->cachingDuration); return $messages; } private $_db; /** * Returns the DB connection used for the message source. * @throws CException if {@link connectionID} application component is invalid * @return CDbConnection the DB connection used for the message source. * @since 1.1.5 */ public function getDbConnection() { if($this->_db===null) { $this->_db=Yii::app()->getComponent($this->connectionID); if(!$this->_db instanceof CDbConnection) throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','CDbMessageSource.connectionID is invalid. Please make sure "{id}" refers to a valid database application component.', array('{id}'=>$this->connectionID))); } return $this->_db; } /** * Loads the messages from database. * You may override this method to customize the message storage in the database. * @param string $category the message category * @param string $language the target language * @return array the messages loaded from database * @since 1.1.5 */ protected function loadMessagesFromDb($category,$language) { $command=$this->getDbConnection()->createCommand() ->select("t1.message AS message, t2.translation AS translation") ->from(array("{$this->sourceMessageTable} t1","{$this->translatedMessageTable} t2")) ->where('t1.id=t2.id AND t1.category=:category AND t2.language=:language',array(':category'=>$category,':language'=>$language)) ; $messages=array(); foreach($command->queryAll() as $row) $messages[$row['message']]=$row['translation']; return $messages; } }