{value}: replaced with current value of the attribute.
class EMongoUniqueValidator extends CValidator
* @var boolean whether the comparison is case sensitive. Defaults to true.
* Note, by setting it to false, you are assuming the attribute type is string.
public $caseSensitive = true;
* @var boolean whether the attribute value can be null or empty. Defaults to true,
* meaning that if the attribute is empty, it is considered valid.
public $allowEmpty = true;
* @var string the ActiveRecord class name that should be used to
* look for the attribute value being validated. Defaults to null, meaning using
* the class of the object currently being validated.
* You may use path alias to reference a class name here.
* @see attributeName
public $className;
* @var string the ActiveRecord class attribute name that should be
* used to look for the attribute value being validated. Defaults to null,
* meaning using the name of the attribute being validated.
* @see className
public $attributeName;
* @var mixed additional query criteria. Either an array or CDbCriteria.
* This will be combined with the condition that checks if the attribute
* value exists in the corresponding table column.
* This array will be used to instantiate a {@link CDbCriteria} object.
public $criteria = array();
* @var string the user-defined error message. The placeholders "{attribute}" and "{value}"
* are recognized, which will be replaced with the actual attribute name and value, respectively.
public $message;
* @var boolean whether this validation rule should be skipped if when there is already a validation
* error for the current attribute. Defaults to true.
public $skipOnError = true;
* Validates the attribute of the object.
* If there is any error, the error message is added to the object.
* @param CModel $object the object being validated
* @param string $attribute the attribute being validated
protected function validateAttribute($object,$attribute)
$value = $object->$attribute;
if($this->allowEmpty && $this->isEmpty($value)){
$className = $this->className === null ? get_class($object) : Yii::import($this->className);
$attributeName = $this->attributeName === null ? $attribute : $this->attributeName;
// We get a RAW document here to prevent the need to make yet another active record instance
$doc = EMongoDocument::model($className)
array($attributeName => $this->caseSensitive ? $value : new MongoRegex('/' . $value . '/i'))
// If a doc was found first test if the unique attribute is the primaryKey
// If we are uniquely id'ing the pk then check this is a new record and not
// an old one and check to see if the pks are the same
// If the found doc is not evaledd onm pk then make sure the two pks are not the same
$doc &&
($attributeName === $object->primaryKey() && $object->getIsNewRecord() && (string)$doc[$object->primaryKey()] == (string)$object->getPrimaryKey()) ||
((string)$doc[$object->primaryKey()] != (string)$object->getPrimaryKey())
// Then it ain't unique
$message = $this->message !== null ? $this->message : Yii::t('yii', '{attribute} "{value}" has already been taken.');
$this->addError($object, $attribute, $message, array('{value}' => CHtml::encode($value)));