/** * Created with JetBrains PhpStorm. * User: xuheng * Date: 12-12-19 * Time: 下午4:55 * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ (function () { var title = $G("J_title"), caption = $G("J_caption"), autoSizeContent = $G("J_autoSizeContent"), autoSizePage = $G("J_autoSizePage"), tone = $G("J_tone"), me, preview = $G("J_preview"); var editTable = function () { me = this; me.init(); }; editTable.prototype = { init:function () { var colorPiker = new UE.ui.ColorPicker({ editor:editor }), colorPop = new UE.ui.Popup({ editor:editor, content:colorPiker }); title.checked = editor.queryCommandState("inserttitle") == -1; caption.checked = editor.queryCommandState("insertcaption") == -1; me.createTable(title.checked, caption.checked); me.setAutoSize(); me.setColor(me.getColor()); domUtils.on(title, "click", me.titleHanler); domUtils.on(caption, "click", me.captionHanler); domUtils.on(autoSizeContent, "click", me.autoSizeContentHanler); domUtils.on(autoSizePage, "click", me.autoSizePageHanler); domUtils.on(tone, "click", function () { colorPop.showAnchor(tone); }); domUtils.on(document, 'mousedown', function () { colorPop.hide(); }); colorPiker.addListener("pickcolor", function () { me.setColor(arguments[1]); colorPop.hide(); }); colorPiker.addListener("picknocolor", function () { me.setColor(""); colorPop.hide(); }); }, createTable:function (hasTitle, hasCaption) { var arr = []; arr.push(""); if (hasCaption) { arr.push("") } if (hasTitle) { arr.push(""); for (var j = 0; j < 5; j++) { arr.push("") } arr.push(""); } for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { arr.push(""); for (var k = 0; k < 5; k++) { arr.push("") } arr.push(""); } arr.push("
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