dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..', 'name' => 'My Web Application', // preloading 'log' component 'preload' => array('log'), //设置默认控制器 'defaultController' => 'login', 'charset' => 'utf-8', 'language' => 'zh_cn', 'timeZone' => 'Asia/Chongqing', // autoloading model and component classes 'import' => array( 'application.models.*', 'application.components.*', 'lib.core.*', 'lib.core.db.*', 'lib.plugins.pclzip.*', 'lib.plugins.captcha.Captcha', 'ext.phpexcel.*', 'ext.weixin.*', 'ext.phpqrcode.*', //'ext.YiiMongoDbSuite.*', 'ext.MongoYii.*', 'ext.MongoYii.validators.*', 'ext.MongoYii.behaviors.*', 'ext.MongoYii.util.*', 'ext.pChart.*' ), 'modules' => array( // uncomment the following to enable the Gii tool /* 'gii'=>array( 'class'=>'system.gii.GiiModule', 'password'=>'Enter Your Password Here', // If removed, Gii defaults to localhost only. Edit carefully to taste. 'ipFilters'=>array('','::1'), ), */ ), // application components 'components' => array( 'user' => array( // enable cookie-based authentication 'allowAutoLogin' => true, ), // uncomment the following to enable URLs in path-format 'urlManager' => array( 'urlFormat' => 'path', /*'rules'=>array( '/'=>'/view', '//'=>'/', '/'=>'/', ),*/ ), // 页面跳转 扩展类在protected/extensions/jumpage 'jump' => array( 'class' => 'ext.jumpage.jumpage', // 'successWait'=>500,//成功提示等待跳转时间,可以不指定,默认是2秒 // 'errorWait'=>6 //错误信息等待跳转时间,同上,默认3秒 ), 'tableCache' => array( 'class' => 'CFileCache', ), // database settings are configured in database.php 'db' => array( 'connectionString' => 'mysql:host=;dbname=zsy_business', 'username' => 'zsy', 'password' => 'Hbt3sZNxepnZQNPU', 'charset' => 'utf8', 'emulatePrepare' => TRUE, ), // 业务数据库 'businessDb' => array( 'class' => 'CDbConnection', 'connectionString' => 'mysql:host=;dbname=zsy_business', 'emulatePrepare' => true, 'username' => 'zsy', 'schemaCachingDuration' => 84600, 'schemaCacheID' => 'tableCache', 'password' => 'Hbt3sZNxepnZQNPU', 'charset' => 'utf8', 'enableParamLogging' => true ), 'db251' => array( 'class' => 'CDbConnection', 'connectionString' => 'mysql:host=;dbname=zsy_crm', 'username' => 'zsy', 'password' => 'Hbt3sZNxepnZQNPU', 'charset' => 'utf8', 'schemaCachingDuration' => 84600, 'schemaCacheID' => 'tableCache', 'emulatePrepare' => true, 'enableParamLogging' => true ), 'enStuffDb' => array( //英语库 'class' => 'CDbConnection', 'connectionString' => 'mysql:host=;dbname=zsy_stuff', 'username' => 'zsy', 'password' => 'Hbt3sZNxepnZQNPU', 'charset' => 'utf8', 'schemaCachingDuration' => 84600, 'schemaCacheID' => 'tableCache', 'emulatePrepare' => true, 'enableParamLogging' => true ), 'errorHandler' => array( // use 'site/error' action to display errors 'errorAction' => 'site/error', ), /*'session' => array( 'class' => 'system.web.CDbHttpSession', 'connectionID' => 'businessDb', 'sessionTableName' => 'coach_session', 'timeout' => '864000', ),*/ 'session' => array( 'class' => 'CCacheHttpSession', 'autoStart' => true, 'cacheID' => 'sessionCache', // we only use the sessionCache to store the session 'cookieMode' => 'only', 'timeout' => 86400, ), 'sessionCache' => array( 'class' => 'ext.redis.CRedisCache', 'servers' => array( array( // 'host' => '', // 'host' => '', 'host' => '', 'port' => 6379, // 'connection_timeout'=>86400, 'password'=>'X_7X40cF-3N' //'password'=>'Pq1x-oX7Jl_NmS-q19' ), ), ), 'mongodb' => array( 'class' => 'EMongoClient', //主文件 'server' => 'mongodb://mongodb:2HLuHdRhcVJgOXCl@', //服务器地址 'db' => 'school_handle_log',//数据库名称 /*'fsyncFlag' => true, //mongodb的确保所有写入到数据库的安全存储到磁盘 'safeFlag' => true, //mongodb的等待检索的所有写操作的状态,并检查 'useCursor' => false, //设置为true,将启用游标*/ ), 'mongodb1' => array( 'class' => 'EMongoClient', //主文件 'server' => 'mongodb://mongodb:2HLuHdRhcVJgOXCl@', //服务器地址 'db' => 'school_topic',//数据库名称 /*'fsyncFlag' => true, //mongodb的确保所有写入到数据库的安全存储到磁盘 'safeFlag' => true, //mongodb的等待检索的所有写操作的状态,并检查 'useCursor' => false, //设置为true,将启用游标*/ ), 'log' => array( //日志系统接口配置 'class' => 'CLogRouter', 'routes' => array( array( 'class' => 'CFileLogRoute', 'levels' => 'error,warning', 'categories' => array('system.cmodule.*', 'system.db.*'), 'subject' => 'zsyas2', 'ApiUrl' => array( 'url' => 'http://zsymonitor.zhixinhuixue.com/bug_log/write', 'username' => 'zxhx', 'password' => '533166afe82356ff5bc22ae9a263fb4e', ), ), array( 'class' => 'CNoteLogRoute', 'levels' => 'error', 'subject' => 'zsyas2', 'ApiUrl' => array( 'url' => 'http://zsymonitor.zhixinhuixue.com/bug_log/write', 'username' => 'zxhx', 'password' => '533166afe82356ff5bc22ae9a263fb4e', ), ), ), ), //redis 'cache' => array( 'class' => 'ext.redis.CRedisCache', 'servers' => array( array( //'host' => '', //'host'=>'', 'host'=>'', 'port' => 6379, // 'connection_timeout'=>86400, 'password'=>'X_7X40cF-3N' ), ), ), 'add_exam_class' => array( //考试添加班级防止重复操作缓存 'class' => 'ext.redis.CRedisCache', 'servers' => array( array( //'host' => '', //'host'=>'', 'host'=>'', 'port' => 6379, 'database' => 6, 'password'=>'X_7X40cF-3N' ), ), ), //redis 'school_tiku_cache' => array( 'class' => 'ext.redis.CRedisCache', 'servers' => array( array( 'host' => '', 'port' => 6379, 'database' => 4, 'password'=>'Pq1x-oX7Jl_NmS-q19' ), ), ), 'crm_login_cache' => array( //不在使用 'class' => 'ext.redis.CRedisCache', 'servers' => array( array( 'host' => '', 'port' => 6379, 'database' => 10, ), ), ), 'school_topic_cache' => array( //题库缓存 'class' => 'ext.redis.CRedisCache', 'servers' => array( array( 'host' => '', 'port' => 6379, 'database' => 4, 'password'=>'Pq1x-oX7Jl_NmS-q19' ), ), ), 'business_uuid_cache' => array( //不在使用 'class' => 'ext.redis.CRedisCache', 'servers' => array( array( 'host' => '', 'port' => 6377, 'database' => 9, ), ), ), 'group_server_cache' => array( //服务器分组缓存 'class' => 'ext.redis.CRedisCache', 'servers' => array( array( //'host' => '', 'host'=>'', 'port' => 6379, 'database' => 1, 'password'=>'Nb-Sq12o_Xk' ), ), ), 'redis_business_student' => array( //删除学生缓存 'class' => 'ext.redis.CRedisCache', 'servers' => array( array( // 'host' => '', 'host'=>'', 'port' => 6379, //'port' => 6377, 'database' => 10, 'password'=>'X_7X40cF-3N' ), ), ), 'add_student_status' => array( //添加学生缓存 'class' => 'ext.redis.CRedisCache', 'servers' => array( array( //'host' => '', 'host'=>'', 'port' => 6379, 'database' => 6, 'password'=>'X_7X40cF-3N' ), ), ), 'topic_province_count' => array( 'class' => 'ext.redis.CRedisCache', 'servers' => array( array( 'host' => '', 'port' => 6379, 'database' => 3, 'password'=>'Pq1x-oX7Jl_NmS-q19' ), ), ), 'holiday_report' => array( 'class' => 'ext.redis.CRedisCache', 'servers' => array( array( 'host' => '', 'port' => 6379, 'database' => 0, 'password'=> 'NmSq_19o-X7' ), ), ), 'stu_login_permission' => array( 'class' => 'ext.redis.CRedisCache', 'servers' => array( array( //'host' => '' 'host' => '', 'port' => 6379, 'database' => 5, 'password'=> 'Pq1x-oX7Jl_NmS-q19' ), ), ), 'method_use_num' => array( //考点使用量 'class' => 'ext.redis.CRedisCache', 'servers' => array( array( 'host' => '', 'port' => 6379, 'database' => 3, 'password'=>'Pq1x-oX7Jl_NmS-q19' ), ), ), 'method_video' => array( //考点视频二维码 'class' => 'ext.redis.CRedisCache', 'servers' => array( array( 'host' => '', 'port' => 6379, 'database' => 1, 'password'=>'Pq1x-oX7Jl_NmS-q19' ), ), ), 'unpaid_user_setting' => array( //未付费学生权限设置 'class' => 'ext.redis.CRedisCache', 'servers' => array( array( 'host'=>'', 'port' => 6379, 'database' => 7, 'password'=>'X_7X40cF-3N' ), ), ), ), // application-level parameters that can be accessed // using Yii::app()->params['paramName'] 'params' => array( "orders_id" => "http://zsy.zhixinhuixue.com/crm/api/id", "batch_orders_id" => "http://zsy.zhixinhuixue.com/crm/api/id/batch/", "order_interface" => "http://zsy.zhixinhuixue.com/crm/api/workflow/order/", "payment_interface" => "http://zsy.zhixinhuixue.com/crm/api/workflow/payment/", "api_username" => "zxhx", "api_password" => "183971ee2455430abbc0328f15050913", "default_server" => array( //默认业务库地址 "addr" => "", "username" => "zsy", "password" => "Hbt3sZNxepnZQNPU", ), "default_db" => array( "name" => "zsy_business", "t_pre" => "", "t_servers" => "database", ), "redis" => array( //暂时不改,java相关 "state" => "on", "expire_time" => 3600, "server" => array( 'host' => '', 'port' => 6379, 'password'=>'BkY_V42dW-w' ), ), 'user_login_cache' => array( //用户登录信息存储缓存地址 "state" => "on", "expire_time" => 3600, 'servers' => array( //'host' => '', 'host' =>'', 'port' => 6379, 'database' => 0, 'password'=>'X_7X40cF-3N' //'password'=>'Pq1x-oX7Jl_NmS-q19' ), ), 'redisCloud' => array( //学期学校对应缓存 "state" => "on", "expire_time" => 86400, 'servers' => array( //'host' => '', 'host' => '', 'port' => 6379, 'database' => 4, 'password'=>'Pq1x-oX7Jl_NmS-q19' ), ), 'phpServiceRedis' => array( //php服务,用于生成在线答题卡记录状态 "state" => "on", "expire_time" => 86400, 'servers' => array( 'host' => '', 'port' => 6379, 'database' => 1, 'password'=>'Nb-Sq12o_Xk' ), ), 'student_cache_update_queue' => array( //学生端更新缓存 "state" => "on", "expire_time" => 86400, 'servers' => array( 'host' => '', 'port' => 6379, 'database' => 5, 'password'=>'Pq1x-oX7Jl_NmS-q19' ), ), "activeMq" => array( //消息队列地址 'server' => 'tcp://' ), // fastdfs 配置信息 'fastdfs' => array( 'tracker_host' => '', 'tracker_port' => '22122', 'group' => '', ), 'fastdfs_images_url' => 'http://fs.zhixinhuixue.com/', // 默认科目Id 'subject_id' => 3, 'material_url' => 'http://zsybrain.zhixinhuixue.com/rest/textbook/tree', //教材模块接口地址 'material_param' => 'subjectId=3&depth=3', //教材模块接口地址参数 'get_topic_url' => 'http://zsybrain.zhixinhuixue.com/rest/topic/batch', // 获取试题 'get_api_url' => 'http://zsyapi.zhixinhuixue.com', // api接口 //错题本、提分方案接口地址 不同键值对应不同的业务库database表group_id 'improve_url' => array(), 'static_url' => array(), // 无需上传试卷模板类型ID 'no_template_id' => array(7, 8, 9, 108, 12, 13, 14, 15, 1012, 3012, 1013, 1014, 1015, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 3013, 3014, 3015, 2011, 3011, 4012, 4013, 4014, 4015), 'merge_topic_tpl' => array(9, 16, 17, 18, 19, 3016, 3007, 3017, 4007, 3017, 3018, 3019, 4016, 4017, 4018, 4019), 'merge_topic_tpl_all' => array(9, 16, 17, 18, 19, 1016, 1017, 1018, 1019, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 3016, 3017, 3018, 3019, 4016, 4017, 4018, 4019), 'merge_topic_tpl1' => array(2012, 2013, 2014, 2015), 'merge_topic_tpl2' => array(2016, 2017, 2018, 2019), 'merge_topic_tpl3' => array(1012, 1013, 1014, 1015), 'merge_topic_tpl4' => array(1016, 1017, 1018, 1019), 'merge_topic_tpl5' => array(3016, 3017, 3018, 3019), 'merge_topic_tpl6' => array(3012, 3013, 3014, 3015), 'merge_topic_tpl7' => array(4016, 4017, 4018, 4019), 'merge_topic_tpl8' => array(4012, 4013, 4014, 4015), 'print_topic_tpl' => array(8, 108), /*"subjectId" => array( 3 => '数学', 6 => '数学', 8 => '物理', 9 => '化学', 10 => '生物', ),*/ "subjectId" => array( 3 => '数学', 6 => '数学', 8 => '英语', 9 => '语文', 12 => '物理', 13 => '化学', 14 => '生物', 15 => '政治', 16 => '历史', 17 => '地理', 18 => '理综', 19 => '文综', 20 => '其它', 51 => '数学', ), //自定义模板类型ID // "custom_tpls_ids" => array(12,16,1012,1016,2012,2016,3012,3016,4012,4016,13,17,1013,1017,2013,2017,3013,3017,4013,4017,14,18,1014,1018,2014,2018,3014,3018,4014,4018,15,19,1015,1019,2015,2019,3015,3019,4015,4019), "custom_tpls_ids" => array(10,1010,11,1011,1009,1012,3012,1013,1014,1015,1016,1017,1018,1019,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,3017,2017,2018,2019,3013,3014,3015,12, 13,7, 14, 9,15,16,17,18,19,3016,3018,3019,3007,4007,4012,4013,4014,4015,4016,4017,4018,4019), //含二维码固定模板 "template_id_qrcode"=>array(3,0,4,1,20,6,5,2,8,108,2011,3011), // 学生错题本、提分方案存放路径 'student_wrong_isp_path' => '/var/www/vhosts/zsy/zsyapi.zhixinhuixue.com/current/uploads/', // 客户端加密 "app_salt" => "LC@5012bi", //学期开学前多少天内可以切换 "semester_allow_to_change_days" => 14, /* 'week_wp' => 'http://zsyapi.zhixinhuixue.com/rest/printer/wp', //周周练 'week_wb' => 'http://zsyapi.zhixinhuixue.com/rest/printer/wb', //错题本 'week_isp' => 'http://zsyapi.zhixinhuixue.com/rest/printer/isp', //提分册 */ // 接口请求验证账号 'api_verify_username' => 'zxhx', 'api_verify_password' => '533166afe82356ff5bc22ae9a263fb4e', 'APPID' => 'wx42e7f76857003755', 'secret' => '8f4f12e2a952c7d461c60204be4c159f', 'notification_host' => 'http://wx.zhixinhuixue.com', 'redis_on_off' => 1, 'redis_expires' => 7000, 'weixin_realm' => 'http://wx.zhixinhuixue.com', 'pay_product_info' => '', // api 'api' => array( // 题库 0 => array( 'prefix' => 'http://zsybrain.zhixinhuixue.com/rest/', 'username' => 'zxhx', 'password' => '533166afe82356ff5bc22ae9a263fb4e', ), // 打印 1 => array( 'prefix' => 'http://zsyapi.zhixinhuixue.com/rest/', 'username' => 'zxhx', 'password' => '533166afe82356ff5bc22ae9a263fb4e', ) ), "api_host" => "http://zsyapi.zhixinhuixue.com", //zsyapi接口地址 //题库 "topic_store" => array( "topic_host" => "http://zsytk.zhixinhuixue.com", "answer_pic_url" => "http://zsyapi.zhixinhuixue.com/answers", "topic_append" => "topic/batchAll", "topic_field" => "topicIds", "material_append" => "textbook/details", "material_field" => "textbookIds", "chapter_append" => "textbook/chapter", "chapter_field" => "chapterId", "module_append" => "textbook/module", "module_field" => "moduleId", ), "qrcode_path" => "upload/qrcodes/", 'mt_prefix' => 'http://mt.zhixinhuixue.net/cgi-bin/mathtex.cgi?', //生成LaTeX公式 // 教师端 Url 'te_url' => 'http://zsyte.zhixinhuixue.com/', 'get_limit_url' => 'http://api.zsyims.zhixinhuixue.com/ims/service/permit', // 权限接口 'limit_open' => true,//是否打开权限 'order_open' => true,//是否打开订单入口 'fdfs_open' => true,//是否打开fdfs 'handler_log' => 0,//mongodb 记录日志 'ruanyun_exam_interface' => 'http://openapi.tifence.com:4588/Exam/ReceiveExamInfo', //软云接口地址 'topic_type' => array( //试题类型分类 'ke' => array(1, 2, 3, 11), 'zu' => array(5, 7, 17, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16), 'xu' => array('27') ), "phantomjs_server" => "/opt/app/phantomjs/bin/phantomjs",//phantomjs路径 "phantomjs_server_en" => "/opt/app/phantomjs198/bin/phantomjs",//phantomjs路径 "html2pdf_server" => "/usr/local/phantomjs/app/html2pdf.js",//html2pdf路径 'zsy_api_url' => 'http://zsycgi.zhixinhuixue.com/cgi', //java接口地址,如学生报告,分数段等 'zsy_api_ip' => '', 'zsy_api_key' => 'zhixinhuixue.comiWK77vd6mULRsCZCMbFGIXmPN1w5Ueuw', //java接口密钥 'slab_login' => array( //慧学本登录设置 'secret_key' => "LC@5012bi", "session_expire_time" => 31536000, //session过期时间 ), 'server_callback_url' => 'http://zsyte.zhixinhuixue.com/wordapi/index', //word解析回调地址 'coach_server_callback_url' => 'http://zsyte.zhixinhuixue.com/wordapi/coach', //word解析回调地址 'formula_type' => 2, // 公式转换类型 1:mathml格式 2:LaTeX格式 'word_analysis_url' => 'http://zmp.zhixinhuixue.net/math_parse', //上传word地址 'handle_log_api' => 'http://zsymonitor.zhixinhuixue.com/bug_log/operate', //日志发送接口 'handle_log_on_off' => 1, //日志发送开关 'product_set_log' => 'http://zsymonitor.zhixinhuixue.com/bug_log/productset', //产品设置操作日志接口 'zsymonitor_url' => 'http://zsymonitor.zhixinhuixue.com/', //监控系统接口地址 //ims接口地址配置 "ims" => array( "url" => "http://api.zsyims.zhixinhuixue.com/ims/", "sign" => "iWK77vd6mULRsCZCMbFGIXmPN1w5Ueuw", "sign_url" => 'zhixinhuixue.com', ), //英语试题查询 "english_topic_search_url"=>'', //需要显示学生个性化学习宝错误码 "show_isp_error_code"=>array(5001, 5010, 5011, 5012, 5014, 5015), //个性化学习宝错误代码信息 "isp_error_code_msg"=>$isp_error_code_msg, //各学科对应逻辑题型 "third_paper_logic"=>array( 3 => array( '1'=>'单选题', '5'=>'填空题', '7'=>'简答题', '11'=>'多选题', ), 6 => array( '1'=>'单选题', '5'=>'填空题', '7'=>'简答题', '11'=>'多选题', ), 8 => array( '1'=> '单项填空', '2'=> '完形填空', '3'=> '阅读理解', '4'=> '任务型阅读', '5'=> '七选五', '6'=> '语法填空', '7'=> '短文改错', '13'=> '书面表达', '15'=> '听力', '16' =>'应用文写作', '17' =>'读后续写', ), 9 => array( '1' => '现代文阅读', '2' => '古代诗文阅读', '3' => '语言文字运用', '4' => '写作', '5' => '文言文阅读', '6' => '古诗词鉴赏', '7' => '名句名篇默写', '8' => '现代文阅读(一)', '9' => '现代文阅读(二)', '10' => '作文', '11' => '附加题', ), 12 => array( '1' => '选择题', '2' => '非选择题', '3' => '选考题', '4' => '单选题', '5' => '多选题', '6' => '简答题', '7' => '计算题', '8' => '选择题I', '9' => '选择题II', ), 13 =>array( '1' => '选择题', '2' => '必考题', '3' => '选考题', '4' => '非选择题', '5' => '选做题', '6' => '加试题', ), 14 => array( '1' => '选择题', '2' => '必考题', '3' => '单择题', '4' => '多选题', '5' => '非选择题', ), 15 => array( '1' => '选择题', '2' => '综合题', '3' => '单项选择', '4' => '解析题', '5' => '判断', '6' => '选择I', '7' => '选择II', ), 16 => array( '1' => '选择题', '2' => '非选择题', ), 17 => array( '1' => '选择题', '2' => '非选择题', '3' => '单项选择题', '4' => '双项选择题', '5' => '综合题', ), 18 => array( '1'=>'单选题', '5'=>'填空题', '7'=>'简答题', '11'=>'多选题', ), 19 => array( '1'=>'单选题', '5'=>'填空题', '7'=>'简答题', '11'=>'多选题', ), ), //二维码域名 'qrcode' => 'http://www.zhixinhuixue.com', //需求系统接口地址 "armor" => array( "url" => "http://armorapi.zhixinhuixue.net/armor/", "sign" => "iWK77vd6mULRsCZCMbFGIXmPN1w5Ueuw", "sign_url" => 'zhixinhuixue.com', ), 'cylet_api_url' => 'http://zsyte2.zhixinhuixue.com', //统考获取数据接口,已停用 'cylet_api_key' => 'zhixinhuixue.comiWK77vd6mULRsCZCMbFGIXmPN1w5Ueuw', //英语发送标注 'english_send_mark' => 'http://api.zsytk2.zhixinhuixue.com/v1/mark/send-mark', 'english_cancel_mark' => 'http://api.zsytk2.zhixinhuixue.com/v1/mark/cancel-mark', 'stomp_address' => 'tcp://', //消息队列地址 //数学对应科目ID 'mathSubjectId'=>array(3,6,51,41), 'mongodb' => array( 'server'=>'mongodb://mongodb:2HLuHdRhcVJgOXCl@', 'db'=>'school_topic', ), 'markingFinishedNotifyAddress' => 'tcp://', //待办完成发送消息 //教务管理需要记忆来源页面,操作完成返回 'needMemoryAction'=>array( 'teacher/add', 'teacher/edit', 'teacher/excelinfo', 'teacher/import', 'classes/edit', 'classes/add', 'classes/editclassified', 'classes/addClass', 'studentinfo/add', 'studentinfo/edit', 'studentinfo/addclassified', 'semester/add', 'semester/edit', ), //学生端更新报告发送通知 'sendNoticeForUpdateScore'=>array( 'status'=>'1', 'url'=>'http://api.zsyst.zhixinhuixue.com/student-api/update-new-exam', 'username'=>'zxhx', 'password'=>'533166afe82356ff5bc22ae9a263fb4e', ), 'answerCardOnlineCreateUrl'=>'http://zsyh2p.zhixinhuixue.com/', //发送生成在线答题卡任务地址 //所有操作发送日志接口地址 'logApiUrl'=>'http://api.zsyst.zhixinhuixue.com/gateway/index', 'getUniqueIdApi'=>array( 'urlSingle'=>'http://zsycgi.zhixinhuixue.com/cgi/base/uuid/next-id', //单个id 'urlBatch'=>'http://zsycgi.zhixinhuixue.com/cgi/base/uuid/next-ids/', 'key'=>'zhixinhuixue.comiWK77vd6mULRsCZCMbFGIXmPN1w5Ueuw' ), //查询所有产品订单接口 'get_all_limit_url' => 'http://api.zsyims.zhixinhuixue.com/ims/service/has-any-permit', // 权限接口 //kafka "kafka"=>',,', ///查询所有产品订单接口(假期报告) 'get_all_limit_url_gather' => 'http://api.zsyims.zhixinhuixue.com/ims/service/has-any-permit-students', // 权限接口 //cookie "domain"=>".zhixinhuixue.com", //产品设置 "product_setting_url"=>'http://zsyas2.zhixinhuixue.com/vue/', //产品下载大小限定值(单位M)(超过则后台下载) 'pack_product_file_limit' => 350, //产品下载ajax超时时间(单位毫秒) 'product_download_time_limit' => 30000, //技术支持直接登录使用超级密码 "superPassword"=>'jszc000', //静态文件版本号 "staticVersion"=>'202105131902', //在线答题卡工具读取token接口 "getOnlineToken"=>array( 'url'=>'http://olcapi.zhixinhuixue.com/online/get-token', 'username'=>'zhixinhuixue.com', 'password'=>'32011a17f2a2e2af8f72dbe59208b6c3' ), // 学生登录缓存组 'login_redis_group' => array( 'redis_params' => array( array( 'hostname' => '', 'port' => 6379, 'database' => 6, 'password'=>'Pq1x-oX7Jl_NmS-q19' ), array( 'hostname' => '', 'port' => 6379, 'database' => 6, 'password'=>'Pq1x-oX7Jl_NmS-q19' ), array( 'hostname' => '', 'port' => 6379, 'database' => 6, 'password'=>'Pq1x-oX7Jl_NmS-q19' ) ) ), //发送短信,app推送消息配置 'msgPushApi' => array( 'appId' => 'a8us6ZqMeEc2Z3mz', 'appSecret' => 'HNyc9WTK0zabp2o0rRucMF5bnJbIyWO9', 'authUsername' => 'zxhx', 'authPassword' => '9o158rBfwSmS7ZfIfdGJooqUmU3Xa03y', 'domain' => 'http://zsycgi.zhixinhuixue.com/cgi/', 'sms' => array( 'templateId' => 'SMS_100855039', 'url' => 'sms/notify/sms/send-code', ), 'appPush' => array( 'batchUrl' => 'notify/app/send-batch-msg', ), ), //阶段个性化学习宝春秋季设置 1:春季,2秋季 "season_product"=>2, //指定产品订单权限接口 "get_product_limit_url"=>'http://api.zsyims.zhixinhuixue.com/ims/service/student/permit', 'apolloYaml'=>array( 'appId'=>'xiaoben-as2-php', 'server'=>'', 'nameSpace'=>array('main.yaml','console.yaml','qcloud.yaml'), ), ), );