getDbConnection()->setDocumentCache($this); if($scenario === null){ // internally used by populateRecord() and model() return; } $this->setScenario($scenario); $this->setIsNewRecord(true); $this->init(); $this->attachBehaviors($this->behaviors()); $this->afterConstruct(); } /** * This, in addition to EMongoModels edition, will also call scopes on the model * @see EMongoModel::__call() * @param string $name * @param array $parameters * @return EMongoDocument|mixed */ public function __call($name, $parameters){ if(array_key_exists($name, $this->relations())){ if(empty($parameters)){ return $this->getRelated($name, false); } return $this->getRelated($name, false, $parameters[0]); } $scopes = $this->scopes(); if(isset($scopes[$name])){ $this->setDbCriteria($this->mergeCriteria($this->getDbCriteria(), $scopes[$name])); return $this; } return parent::__call($name, $parameters); } /** * The scope attached to this model * * It is very much like how Yii normally uses scopes except the params are slightly different. * * @example * * array( * 'ten_recently_published' => array( * 'condition' => array('published' => 1), * 'sort' => array('date_published' => -1), * 'skip' => 5, * 'limit' => 10 * ) * ) * * Not all params need to be defined they are all just there above to give an indea of how to use this * * @return array */ public function scopes() { return array(); } /** * Sets the default scope * * @example * * array( * 'condition' => array('published' => 1), * 'sort' => array('date_published' => -1), * 'skip' => 5, * 'limit' => 10 * ) * * @return array - An array which represents a single scope within the scope() function */ public function defaultScope() { return array(); } /** * Resets the scopes applied to the model clearing the _criteria variable * @param bool $resetDefault * @return EMongoDocument */ public function resetScope($resetDefault = true) { $this->_criteria = ($resetDefault ? array() : null); return $this; } /** * Returns the collection name as a string * * @example * * return 'users'; * * @return string */ public function collectionName() { return get_class($this); } /** * Denotes whether or not this document is versioned * @return boolean */ public function versioned() { return false; } /** * Denotes the field tob e used to house the version number * @return string */ public function versionField() { return '_v'; } /** * Returns MongoId based on $value * * @deprecated This function will become deprecated in favour of consistently * using the getPrimaryKey() function instead. Atm, however, the getPrimaryKey * function actually chains onto this method. If you see this and are wondering * about what you should do if you want custom primary keys etc just use the getPrimaryKey * function as you would the getMongoId function. These two functions should never have been separate * for they are the same essentially. * * As to what version this will become deprecated:- I dunno. It will not be soon since it will be a * functionality breaker... * * @param string|MongoId $value * @return MongoId */ public function getMongoId($value = null) { return $value instanceof MongoId ? $value : new MongoId($value); } /** * Returns the value of the primary key * @param string|MongoId $value * @return MongoId */ public function getPrimaryKey($value = null) { if($value === null){ $value = $this->{$this->primaryKey()}; } return $this->getMongoId($value); } /** * Returns if the current record is new. * Whether the record is new and should be inserted when calling {@link save}. * This property is automatically set in constructor and {@link populateRecord}. * Defaults to false, but it will be set to true if the instance is created using * the new operator. * @return boolean */ public function getIsNewRecord() { return $this->_new; } /** * Sets if the record is new. * Whether the record is new and should be inserted when calling {@link save}. * @see EMongoDocument::getIsNewRecord() * @param boolean $value */ public function setIsNewRecord($value) { $this->_new = (bool)$value; } /** * Gets a list of the projected fields for the model * @return array|string[] */ public function getProjectedFields() { return $this->_projected_fields; } /** * Sets the projected fields of the model * @param array|string[] $fields */ public function setProjectedFields(array $fields) { $this->_projected_fields = $fields; } /** * Gets the version of this document * @return string */ public function version() { return $this->{$this->versionField()}; } /** * Forceably increments the version of this document * @return bool */ public function incrementVersion() { $resp = $this->updateByPk($this->getPrimaryKey(), array('$inc' => array($this->versionField() => 1))); if($resp['n'] <= 0){ return false; } $this->{$this->versionField()} += 1; return true; } /** * Forceably sets the version of this document * @param mixed $n * @return bool */ public function setVersion($n) { $resp = $this->updateByPk($this->getPrimaryKey(), array('$set' => array($this->versionField() => $n))); if($resp['n'] <= 0){ return false; } $this->{$this->versionField()} = $n; return true; } /** * Sets the attribute of the model * @param string $name * @param mixed $value * @return bool */ public function setAttribute($name, $value) { // At the moment the projection is restricted to only fields returned in result set // Uncomment this to change that //if($this->getIsPartial()) // $this->_projected_fields[$name] = 1; return parent::setAttribute($name, $value); } /** * Returns the static model of the specified AR class. * The model returned is a static instance of the AR class. * It is provided for invoking class-level methods (something similar to static class methods.) * * EVERY derived AR class must override this method as follows, *
	 * public static function model($className=__CLASS__)
	 * {
	 *     return parent::model($className);
	 * }
* * @param string $className * @return EMongoDocument */ public static function model($className = __CLASS__) { if(isset(self::$_models[$className])){ return self::$_models[$className]; } /** @var EMongoDocument $model */ $model = self::$_models[$className] = new $className(null); $model->attachBehaviors($model->behaviors()); return $model; } /** * Instantiates a model from an array * @param array $document * @return EMongoDocument */ protected function instantiate($document) { $class = get_class($this); return new $class(null); } /** * Returns the text label for the specified attribute. * This method overrides the parent implementation by supporting * returning the label defined in relational object. * In particular, if the attribute name is in the form of "", * then this method will derive the label from the "author" relation's "name" attribute. * @see CModel::generateAttributeLabel() * @param string $attribute - the attribute name * @return string - the attribute label */ public function getAttributeLabel($attribute) { $labels = $this->attributeLabels(); if(isset($labels[$attribute])){ return $labels[$attribute]; } if(strpos($attribute, '.') === false){ return $this->generateAttributeLabel($attribute); } $segs = explode('.', $attribute); $name = array_pop($segs); $model = $this; foreach($segs as $seg){ $relations = $model->relations(); if(!isset($relations[$seg])){ break; } $model = EMongoDocument::model($relations[$seg][1]); } return $model->getAttributeLabel($name); } /** * Creates an active record with the given attributes. * This method is internally used by the find methods. * Null is returned if the input data is false. * * @param array $attributes - attribute values (column name=>column value) * @param boolean $callAfterFind whether to call {@link afterFind} after the record is populated. * @param bool $partial * @return EMongoDocument|null - the newly created active record. The class of the object is the same as the model class. */ public function populateRecord($attributes, $callAfterFind = true, $partial = false) { if($attributes === false || $attributes === null){ return null; } $record = $this->instantiate($attributes); $record->setScenario('update'); $record->setIsNewRecord(false); $record->init(); $labels = array(); foreach($attributes as $name=>$value){ $labels[$name] = 1; $record->setAttribute($name, $value); } if($partial){ $record->setIsPartial(true); $record->setProjectedFields($labels); } //$record->_pk=$record->primaryKey(); $record->attachBehaviors($record->behaviors()); if($callAfterFind){ $record->afterFind(); } return $record; } /** * Returns an array of records populated by incoming data * @param array $data * @param bool $callAfterFind * @param string $index * @return array - Array of the records */ public function populateRecords(array $data, $callAfterFind = true, $index = null) { $records = array(); foreach($data as $attributes){ if(($record = $this->populateRecord($attributes, $callAfterFind)) !== null){ if($index === null){ $records[] = $record; }else{ $records[$record->$index] = $record; } } } return $records; } /**********/ /* Events */ /**********/ /** * @param CEvent $event */ public function onBeforeSave($event) { $this->raiseEvent('onBeforeSave', $event); } /** * @param CEvent $event */ public function onAfterSave($event) { $this->raiseEvent('onAfterSave', $event); } /** * @param CEvent $event */ public function onBeforeDelete($event) { $this->raiseEvent('onBeforeDelete', $event); } /** * @param CEvent $event */ public function onAfterDelete($event) { $this->raiseEvent('onAfterDelete', $event); } /** * @param CEvent $event */ public function onBeforeFind($event) { $this->raiseEvent('onBeforeFind', $event); } /** * @param CEvent $event */ public function onAfterFind($event) { $this->raiseEvent('onAfterFind', $event); } /** * @return bool */ protected function beforeSave() { if($this->hasEventHandler('onBeforeSave')){ $event = new CModelEvent($this); $this->onBeforeSave($event); return $event->isValid; } return true; } protected function afterSave() { if($this->hasEventHandler('onAfterSave')){ $this->onAfterSave(new CEvent($this)); } } /** * @return bool */ protected function beforeDelete() { if($this->hasEventHandler('onBeforeDelete')){ $event = new CModelEvent($this); $this->onBeforeDelete($event); return $event->isValid; } return true; } protected function afterDelete() { if($this->hasEventHandler('onAfterDelete')){ $this->onAfterDelete(new CEvent($this)); } } protected function beforeFind() { if($this->hasEventHandler('onBeforeFind')){ $event = new CModelEvent($this); $this->onBeforeFind($event); } } protected function afterFind() { if($this->hasEventHandler('onAfterFind')){ $this->onAfterFind(new CEvent($this)); } } /** * Saves this record * * If an attributes specification is sent in it will only validate and save those attributes * * @param boolean $runValidation * @param array $attributes * @return bool */ public function save($runValidation = true, $attributes = null){ if(!$runValidation || $this->validate($attributes)){ return $this->getIsNewRecord() ? $this->insert($attributes) : $this->update($attributes); } return false; } /** * Saves only a specific subset of attributes as defined by the param * @param array $attributes * @return bool * @throws EMongoException */ public function saveAttributes($attributes) { if($this->getIsNewRecord()){ throw new EMongoException(Yii::t('yii', 'The active record cannot be updated because it is new.')); } $this->trace(__FUNCTION__); $values = array(); foreach($attributes as $name => $value){ if(is_integer($name)){ $v = $this->$value; if(is_array($this->$value)){ $v = $this->filterRawDocument($this->$value); } $values[$value] = $v; }else{ $values[$name] = $this->$name = $value; } } if(!isset($this->{$this->primaryKey()}) || $this->getPrimaryKey() === null){ throw new EMongoException(Yii::t('yii', 'The active record cannot be updated because its _id is not set!')); } return $this->lastError = $this->updateByPk($this->getPrimaryKey(), array('$set' => $values)); } /** * Inserts this record * @param array $attributes * @return bool * @throws EMongoException */ public function insert($attributes = null) { if(!$this->getIsNewRecord()){ throw new EMongoException(Yii::t('yii', 'The active record cannot be inserted to database because it is not new.')); } if(!$this->beforeSave()){ return false; } $this->trace(__FUNCTION__); if($attributes !== null){ $document = $this->filterRawDocument($this->getAttributes($attributes)); }else{ $document = $this->getRawDocument(); } if($this->versioned()){ $document[$this->versionField()] = $this->{$this->versionField()} = 1; } if(!isset($this->{$this->primaryKey()})){ $document['_id'] = $this->{$this->primaryKey()} = $this->getPrimaryKey(); } if(YII_DEBUG){ // we're actually physically testing for Yii debug mode here to stop us from // having to do the serialisation on the update doc normally. Yii::trace('Executing insert: {$document:' . json_encode($document) . '}', 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument'); } if($this->getDbConnection()->enableProfiling){ Yii::beginProfile( 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument.query.' . $this->collectionName() . '.insert(' . '{$document:' . json_encode($document) . '})', 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument.insert' ); } $this->lastError = $this->getCollection()->insert($document, $this->getDbConnection()->getDefaultWriteConcern()); if($this->getDbConnection()->enableProfiling){ Yii::endProfile( 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument.query.' . $this->collectionName() . '.insert(' . '{$document:' . json_encode($document) . '})', 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument.insert' ); } if($this->lastError){ $this->afterSave(); $this->setIsNewRecord(false); $this->setScenario('update'); return true; } return false; } /** * Updates this record * @param array $attributes * @return bool * @throws EMongoException * @throws EMongoException */ public function update($attributes = null) { if($this->getIsNewRecord()){ throw new EMongoException(Yii::t('yii', 'The active record cannot be updated because it is new.')); } if(!$this->beforeSave()){ return false; } $this->trace(__FUNCTION__); if($this->getPrimaryKey() === null){ // An _id is required throw new EMongoException(Yii::t('yii', 'The active record cannot be updated because it has primary key set.')); } $partial = false; if($attributes !== null){ $attributes = $this->filterRawDocument($this->getAttributes($attributes)); $partial = true; }elseif($this->getIsPartial()){ foreach($this->_projected_fields as $field => $v){ $attributes[$field] = $this->$field; } $attributes = $this->filterRawDocument($attributes); $partial = true; }else{ $attributes = $this->getRawDocument(); } if(isset($attributes['_id'])){ unset($attributes['_id']); // Unset the _id before update } if($this->versioned()){ $version = $this->{$this->versionField()}; $attributes[$this->versionField()] = $this->{$this->versionField()} = $this->{$this->versionField()} > 0 ? $this->{$this->versionField()} + 1 : 1; if($partial === true){ // If this is a partial docuemnt we use $set to replace that partial view $attributes = array('$set' => $attributes); if(!isset($this->_projected_fields[$this->versionField()])){ // We cannot rely on a partial document containing the version // as such it has been disabled for partial documents throw new EMongoException("You cannot update a versioned partial document unless you project out the version field as well"); } } $this->lastError = $this->updateAll( array($this->primaryKey() => $this->getPrimaryKey(), $this->versionField() => $version), $attributes, array('multiple' => false) ); }else{ if($partial === true){ // If this is a partial docuemnt we use $set to replace that partial view $attributes = array('$set' => $attributes); } $this->lastError = $this->updateByPk($this->getPrimaryKey(), $attributes); } if($this->versioned() && $this->lastError['n'] <= 0){ return false; } $this->afterSave(); return true; } /** * Deletes this record * @return bool * @throws EMongoException */ public function delete() { if($this->getIsNewRecord()){ throw new EMongoException(Yii::t('yii', 'The active record cannot be deleted because it is new.')); } $this->trace(__FUNCTION__); if(!$this->beforeDelete()){ return false; } $result = $this->deleteByPk($this->getPrimaryKey()); $this->afterDelete(); return $result; } /** * Checks if a record exists in the database * @param array $criteria * @return bool */ public function exists($criteria = array()) { $this->trace(__FUNCTION__); if($criteria instanceof EMongoCriteria){ $criteria = $criteria->getCondition(); } return $this->getCollection()->findOne($criteria) !== null; } /** * Compares current active record with another one. * The comparison is made by comparing table name and the primary key values of the two active records. * @param EMongoDocument $record - record to compare to * @return boolean - whether the two active records refer to the same row in the database table. */ public function equals($record) { return $this->collectionName() === $record->collectionName() && (string)$this->getPrimaryKey() === (string)$record->getPrimaryKey(); } /** * Is basically a find one of the last version to be saved * @return null|EMongoDocument */ public function getLatest() { $c = $this->find(array($this->primaryKey() => $this->getPrimaryKey())); if($c->count() <= 0){ return null; } foreach($c as $row){ return $this->populateRecord($row); } return null; } /** * Find one record * @param array|EMongoCriteria $criteria * @param array|string[] $fields * @return EMongoDocument|null */ public function findOne($criteria = array(), $fields = array()) { $this->trace(__FUNCTION__); $this->beforeFind(); // Apparently this is applied before even scopes... if($criteria instanceof EMongoCriteria){ $criteria = $criteria->getCondition(); } $c = $this->getDbCriteria(); $query = $this->mergeCriteria(isset($c['condition']) ? $c['condition'] : array(), $criteria); $project = $this->mergeCriteria(isset($c['project']) ? $c['project'] : array(), $fields); Yii::trace( 'Executing findOne: '.'{$query:' . json_encode($query) . ',$project:' . json_encode($project) . '}', 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument' ); if( $this->getDbConnection()->queryCachingCount > 0 && $this->getDbConnection()->queryCachingDuration > 0 && $this->getDbConnection()->queryCacheID !== false && ($cache = Yii::app()->getComponent($this->getDbConnection()->queryCacheID)) && ($cacheKey = 'yii:dbquery'.$this->getDbConnection()->server.':'.$this->getDbConnection()->db .':'.$this->getDbConnection()->getSerialisedQuery($query, $project).':'.$this->getCollection()) && ($result = $cache->get($cacheKey)) !== false ){ $this->getDbConnection()->queryCachingCount--; Yii::trace('Query result found in cache', 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument'); $record = $result[0]; }else{ if($this->getDbConnection()->enableProfiling){ Yii::beginProfile( 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument.query.' . $this->collectionName() . '.findOne(' . '{$query:' . json_encode($query) . ',$project:' . json_encode($project) . '}' . ')', 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument.findOne' ); } $record = $this->getCollection()->findOne($query, $project); if($this->getDbConnection()->enableProfiling){ Yii::endProfile( 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument.query.' . $this->collectionName() . '.findOne(' . '{$query:' . json_encode($query) . ',$project:' . json_encode($project) . '}' . ')', 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument.findOne' ); } if(isset($cache, $cacheKey)){ $cache->set($cacheKey, array($record), $this->getDbConnection()->queryCachingDuration, $this->getDbConnection()->queryCachingDependency); } } $this->resetScope(false); if($record === null){ return null; } return $this->populateRecord($record, true, $project === array() ? false : true); } /** * Find one record, modifies, and returns it. * @return null|EMongoDocument */ public function findAndModify($criteria = array(), $updateDoc = array(), $fields = array(), $options = array()) { $this->trace(__FUNCTION__); if ($criteria instanceof EMongoCriteria) { $criteria = $criteria->getCondition(); } $c = $this->getDbCriteria(); $criteria = $this->mergeCriteria(isset($c['condition']) ? $c['condition'] : array(), $criteria); $fields = $this->mergeCriteria(isset($c['project']) ? $c['project'] : array(), $fields); $options = array_merge($this->getDbConnection()->getDefaultWriteConcern(), $options); if (YII_DEBUG) { Yii::trace('Executing findAndModify: { $query: ' . json_encode($criteria) . ', $document: ' . json_encode($updateDoc) . ', $fields: ' . json_encode($fields) . ', $options: ' . json_encode($options) . '}', 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument'); } if ($this->getDbConnection()->enableProfiling) { $token = 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument.query.' . $this->collectionName() . '.findAndModify({ $query: ' . json_encode($criteria) . ', $document: ' . json_encode($updateDoc) . ', $fields: ' . json_encode($fields) . ', $options: ' . json_encode($options) . '})'; Yii::beginProfile($token, 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument.findAndModify'); } $result = $this->getCollection()->findAndModify($criteria, $updateDoc, $fields, $options); if ($this->getDbConnection()->enableProfiling) { Yii::enableProfile($token, 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument.findAndModify'); } if ($result === null) { return null; } return $this->populateRecord($result, true, $fields === array() ? false : true); } /** * Alias of find * @param array $criteria * @param array|string[] $fields * @return EMongoCursor|EMongoDocument[] */ public function findAll($criteria = array(), $fields = array()) { return $this->find($criteria, $fields); } /** * Alias of find * @param array $criteria * @param array|string[] $fields * @return EMongoCursor|EMongoDocument[] */ public function findAllByAttributes($criteria = array(), $fields = array()) { return $this->find($criteria, $fields); } /** * Finds all records based on $pk * @param mixed $pk - String, MongoID or array of strings or MongoID values (one can mix strings and MongoID in the array) * @param array|string[] $fields * @return EMongoCursor|EMongoDocument[] * @throws EMongoException */ public function findAllByPk($pk, $fields = array()) { if(is_string($pk) || $pk instanceof MongoId){ return $this->find(array($this->primaryKey() => $this->getPrimaryKey($pk)), $fields); } if(!is_array($pk)){ throw new EMongoException(Yii::t('yii', 'Set an incorrect primary key.')); } foreach($pk as $key => $value){ $pk[$key] = $this->getPrimaryKey($value); } return $this->find(array($this->primaryKey() => array('$in' => $pk)), $fields); } /** * Find some records * @param array|EMongoCriteria $criteria * @param array|string[] $fields * @return EMongoCursor|EMongoDocument[] */ public function find($criteria = array(), $fields = array()) { $this->trace(__FUNCTION__); $this->beforeFind(); // Apparently this is applied before even scopes... if($criteria instanceof EMongoCriteria){ $c = $criteria->mergeWith($this->getDbCriteria())->toArray(); $criteria = array(); }else{ $c = $this->getDbCriteria(); } $query = $this->mergeCriteria(isset($c['condition']) ? $c['condition'] : array(), $criteria); $project = $this->mergeCriteria(isset($c['project']) ? $c['project'] : array(), $fields); Yii::trace( 'Executing find: ' . '{$query:'.json_encode($query) . ',$project:'.json_encode($project) . (isset($c['sort']) ? ',$sort:'.json_encode($c['sort']).',' : '') . (isset($c['skip']) ? ',$skip:'.json_encode($c['skip']).',' : '') . (isset($c['limit']) ? ',$limit:'.json_encode($c['limit']).',' : '') .'}', 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument' ); if($this->getDbConnection()->enableProfiling){ $token = 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument.query.' . $this->collectionName() . '.find(' . '{$query:' . json_encode($query) . ',$project:'.json_encode($project) . (isset($c['sort']) ? ',$sort:'.json_encode($c['sort']).',' : '') . (isset($c['skip']) ? ',$skip:'.json_encode($c['skip']).',' : '') . (isset($c['limit']) ? ',$limit:'.json_encode($c['limit']).',' : '') .'})'; Yii::beginProfile($token, 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument.find'); } if($c !== array()){ $cursor = new EMongoCursor($this, $query, $project); if(isset($c['sort'])){ $cursor->sort($c['sort']); } if(isset($c['skip'])){ $cursor->skip($c['skip']); } if(isset($c['limit'])){ $cursor->limit($c['limit']); } $this->resetScope(false); }else{ $cursor = new EMongoCursor($this, $criteria, $project); } if($this->getDbConnection()->enableProfiling){ Yii::endProfile($token, 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument.find'); } return $cursor; } /** * Finds one by _id * @param string|MongoId $_id * @param array|string[] $fields * @return EMongoDocument|null */ public function findBy_id($_id, $fields = array()) { $this->trace(__FUNCTION__); $_id = $this->getPrimaryKey($_id); return $this->findOne(array($this->primaryKey() => $_id), $fields); } /** * An alias for findBy_id() that relates to Yiis own findByPk * @param string|MongoId $pk * @param array|string[] $fields * @return EMongoDocument|null */ public function findByPk($pk, $fields = array()) { $this->trace(__FUNCTION__); return $this->findBy_id($pk, $fields); } /** * Delete record by pk * @param string|MongoId $pk * @param array|EMongoCriteria $criteria * @param array $options * @return mixed */ public function deleteByPk($pk, $criteria = array(), $options = array()) { $this->trace(__FUNCTION__); if($criteria instanceof EMongoCriteria){ $criteria = $criteria->getCondition(); } $pk = $this->getPrimaryKey($pk); $query=array_merge(array($this->primaryKey() => $pk), $criteria); Yii::trace('Executing deleteByPk: ' . '{$query:' . json_encode($query) . '}', 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument'); if($this->getDbConnection()->enableProfiling){ Yii::beginProfile( 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument.query.' . $this->collectionName() . '.deleteByPk({$query:' . json_encode($query) . '})', 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument.deleteByPk' ); } $result = $this->getCollection()->remove($query, array_merge($this->getDbConnection()->getDefaultWriteConcern(), $options)); if($this->getDbConnection()->enableProfiling){ Yii::endProfile( 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument.query.' . $this->collectionName() . '.deleteByPk({$query:' . json_encode($query) . '})', 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument.deleteByPk' ); } return $result; } /** * Update record by PK * @param string|MongoId $pk * @param array $updateDoc * @param array|EMongoCriteria $criteria * @param array $options * @return bool */ public function updateByPk($pk, $updateDoc = array(), $criteria = array(), $options = array()) { $this->trace(__FUNCTION__); if($criteria instanceof EMongoCriteria){ $criteria = $criteria->getCondition(); } $pk = $this->getPrimaryKey($pk); $query=$this->mergeCriteria($criteria, array($this->primaryKey() => $pk)); if(YII_DEBUG){ // we're actually physically testing for Yii debug mode here to stop us from // having to do the serialisation on the update doc normally. Yii::trace( 'Executing updateByPk: {$query:' . json_encode($query) . ',$document:' . json_encode($updateDoc) . '}', 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument' ); } if($this->getDbConnection()->enableProfiling){ Yii::beginProfile( 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument.query.' . $this->collectionName() . '.updateByPk({$query:' . json_encode($query) . ',$document:' . json_encode($updateDoc) . '})', 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument.updateByPk' ); } $result = $this->getCollection()->update( $query, $updateDoc, array_merge($this->getDbConnection()->getDefaultWriteConcern(), $options) ); if($this->getDbConnection()->enableProfiling){ Yii::endProfile( 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument.query.' . $this->collectionName() . '.updateByPk({$query:' . json_encode($query) . ',$document:' . json_encode($updateDoc) . '})', 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument.updateByPk' ); } return $result; } /** * Update all records matching a criteria * @param array|EMongoCriteria $criteria * @param array $updateDoc * @param array $options * @return bool */ public function updateAll($criteria = array(), $updateDoc = array(), $options = array('multiple' => true)) { $this->trace(__FUNCTION__); if($criteria instanceof EMongoCriteria){ $criteria = $criteria->getCondition(); } $options = array_merge($this->getDbConnection()->getDefaultWriteConcern(), $options); if(YII_DEBUG){ // we're actually physically testing for Yii debug mode here to stop us from // having to do the serialisation on the update doc normally. Yii::trace( 'Executing updateAll: {$query:' . json_encode($criteria) . ',$document:' . json_encode($updateDoc) . ',$options:' . json_encode($options) . '}', 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument' ); } if($this->getDbConnection()->enableProfiling){ $token = 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument.query.' . $this->collectionName() . '.updateAll({$query:' . json_encode($criteria) . ',$document:'.json_encode($updateDoc) . ',$options:'.json_encode($options).'})'; Yii::beginProfile($token, 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument.updateAll'); } $result = $this->getCollection()->update($criteria, $updateDoc, $options); if($this->getDbConnection()->enableProfiling){ Yii::endProfile($token, 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument.updateAll'); } return $result; } /** * Delete all records matching a criteria * @param array|EMongoCriteria $criteria * @param array $options * @return mixed */ public function deleteAll($criteria = array(), $options = array()) { $this->trace(__FUNCTION__); if($criteria instanceof EMongoCriteria){ $criteria = $criteria->getCondition(); } Yii::trace( 'Executing deleteAll: {$query:' . json_encode($criteria) . '}', 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument' ); if($this->getDbConnection()->enableProfiling){ Yii::beginProfile( 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument.query.' . $this->collectionName() . '.deleteAll({$query:' . json_encode($criteria) . '})', 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument.deleteAll' ); } $result = $this->getCollection()->remove($criteria, array_merge($this->getDbConnection()->getDefaultWriteConcern(), $options)); if($this->getDbConnection()->enableProfiling){ Yii::endProfile( 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument.query.' . $this->collectionName() . '.deleteAll({$query:' . json_encode($criteria) . '})', 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument.deleteAll' ); } return $result; } /** * @see * @param array $counters * @param null $lower - define a lower that the counter should not pass. IS NOT ATOMIC * @param null $upper * @return bool * @throws EMongoException */ public function saveCounters(array $counters, $lower = null, $upper = null) { $this->trace(__FUNCTION__); if($this->getIsNewRecord()){ throw new EMongoException(Yii::t('yii', 'The active record cannot be updated because it is new.')); } if(sizeof($counters) > 0){ foreach($counters as $key => $value){ if( ($lower !== null && (($this->$key + $value) >= $lower)) || ($upper !== null && (($this->$key + $value) <= $upper)) || ($lower === null && $upper === null) ){ $this->$key = $this->$key + $value; }else{ unset($counters[$key]); } } if(count($counters) > 0){ return $this->updateByPk($this->getPrimaryKey(), array('$inc' => $counters)); } } return true; // Assume true since the action did run it just had nothing to update... } /** * Count() allows you to count all the documents returned by a certain condition, it is analogous * to $db->collection->find()->count() and basically does exactly that... * @param EMongoCriteria|array $criteria * @return int */ public function count($criteria = array()) { $this->trace(__FUNCTION__); // If we provide a manual criteria via EMongoCriteria or an array we do not use the models own DbCriteria if (is_array($criteria) && empty($criteria)){ $criteria = $this->getDbCriteria(); $criteria = (isset($criteria['condition']) ? $criteria['condition'] : array()); } if($criteria instanceof EMongoCriteria){ $criteria = $criteria->getCondition(); } return $this->getCollection()->find($criteria)->count(); } /** * Gives basic searching abilities for things like CGridView * @param array $query - allows you to specify a query which should always take hold along with the searched fields * @param array $project - search fields * @param bool $partialMatch * @param array $sort * @return EMongoDataProvider */ public function search($query = array(), $project = array(), $partialMatch=false, $sort = array()) { $this->trace(__FUNCTION__); foreach($this->getSafeAttributeNames() as $attribute){ $value = $this->{$attribute}; if($value !== null && $value !== ''){ if((is_array($value) && count($value)) || is_object($value) || is_bool($value)){ $query[$attribute] = $value; }elseif(preg_match('/^(?:\s*(<>|<=|>=|<|>|=))?(.*)$/', $value, $matches)){ $value = $matches[2]; $op = $matches[1]; if($partialMatch === true){ $value = new MongoRegex("/$value/i"); }else{ if( !is_bool($value) && !is_array($value) && preg_match('/^([0-9]|[1-9]{1}\d+)$/' /* Will only match real integers, unsigned */, $value) > 0 && ( (PHP_INT_MAX > 2147483647 && (string)$value < '9223372036854775807') /* If it is a 64 bit system and the value is under the long max */ || (string)$value < '2147483647' /* value is under 32bit limit */ ) ){ $value = (int)$value; } } switch($op){ case '<>': $query[$attribute] = array('$ne' => $value); break; case '<=': $query[$attribute] = array('$lte' => $value); break; case '>=': $query[$attribute] = array('$gte' => $value); break; case '<': $query[$attribute] = array('$lt' => $value); break; case '>': $query[$attribute] = array('$gt' => $value); break; case '=': default: $query[$attribute] = $value; break; } } } } return new EMongoDataProvider($this, array('criteria' => array('condition' => $query, 'project' => $project, 'sort' => $sort))); } /** * This is an aggregate helper on the model * Note: This does not return the model but instead the result array directly from MongoDB. * @param array $pipeline * @return mixed */ public function aggregate($pipeline) { $this->trace(__FUNCTION__); return $this->getDbConnection()->aggregate($this->collectionName(), $pipeline); } /** * A distinct helper on the model, this is not the same as the aggregation framework * distinct * @link * @param string $key * @param array $query * @return mixed */ public function distinct($key, $query = array()) { $this->trace(__FUNCTION__); $c = $this->getDbCriteria(); if(is_array($c) && isset($c['condition']) && !empty($c['condition'])){ $query = CMap::mergeArray($query, $c['condition']); } return Yii::app()->mongodb->command(array( 'distinct' => $this->collectionName(), 'key' => $key, 'query' => $query ? $query : null )); } /** * A mapreduce helper for this model * @param MongoCode $map * @param MongoCode $reduce * @param MongoCode $finalize * @param array $out * @param array $query * @param array $options // All other options for input to the command * @return mixed */ public function mapreduce($map, $reduce, $finalize = null, $out = array(), $query = array(), $options = array()) { return $this->getDbConnection()->getDB()->command(array_merge(array( 'mapreduce' => $this->collectionName(), 'map' => $map, 'reduce' => $reduce, 'finalize' => $finalize, 'query' => $query, 'out' => $out ),$options)); } /** * Allows a user to ensure a number of indexes using the format: * * ensureIndexes(array( * array(array('email' => 1), array('unique' => true)) * )) * * where the 0 offset in each nested array is the fields for the index and the 1 offset * is the options. You don't have to define options for the index. * * or: * * ensureIndexes(array( * array('email' => 1, 'address' => -1) * )) * * @param unknown $indexes */ public function ensureIndexes($indexes) { foreach($indexes as $index){ if(isset($index[0])){ $this->getCollection()->ensureIndex($index[0], isset($index[1]) ? $index[1] : array()); }else{ $this->getCollection()->ensureIndex($index, array()); } } return true; } /** * Sets the parameters for query caching. * This is a shortcut method to {@link CDbConnection::cache()}. * It changes the query caching parameter of the {@link dbConnection} instance. * @param integer $duration the number of seconds that query results may remain valid in cache. * If this is 0, the caching will be disabled. * @param CCacheDependency|ICacheDependency $dependency the dependency that will be used when saving * the query results into cache. * @param integer $queryCount number of MongoDB queries that need to be cached after calling this method. Defaults to 1, * meaning that the next MongoDB query will be cached. * @return EMongoDocument the active record instance itself. */ public function cache($duration, $dependency=null, $queryCount=1) { $this->getDbConnection()->cache($duration, $dependency, $queryCount); return $this; } /** * Refreshes the data from the database * @return bool */ public function refresh() { $this->trace(__FUNCTION__); if( !$this->getIsNewRecord() && ($record = $this->getCollection()->findOne(array($this->primaryKey() => $this->getPrimaryKey()))) !== null ){ $this->clean(); foreach($record as $name => $column){ $this->$name = $record[$name]; } return true; } return false; } /** * A bit deceptive, this actually gets the last response from either save() or update(). The reason it is called this * is because MongoDB calls it this and so it seems better to have unity on that front. * @return array */ public function getLastError() { return $this->lastError; } /** * gets and if null sets the db criteria for this model * @param bool $createIfNull * @return array */ public function getDbCriteria($createIfNull = true) { if($this->_criteria === null){ if(($c = $this->defaultScope()) !== array() || $createIfNull){ $this->_criteria = $c; }else{ return array(); } } return $this->_criteria; } /** * Sets the db criteria for this model * @param array $criteria * @return array */ public function setDbCriteria(array $criteria) { return $this->_criteria = $criteria; } /** * Merges the current DB Criteria with the inputted one * @param array|EMongoCriteria $newCriteria * @return array */ public function mergeDbCriteria($newCriteria) { if($newCriteria instanceof EMongoCriteria){ $newCriteria = $newCriteria->toArray(); } return $this->setDbCriteria($this->mergeCriteria($this->getDbCriteria(), $newCriteria)); } /** * Gets the collection for this model * @return MongoCollection */ public function getCollection() { return $this->getDbConnection()->{$this->collectionName()}; } /** * Merges two criteria objects. Best used for scopes * @param array $oldCriteria * @param array $newCriteria * @return array */ public function mergeCriteria($oldCriteria, $newCriteria) { return CMap::mergeArray($oldCriteria, $newCriteria); } /** * Produces a trace message for functions in this class * @param string $func */ public function trace($func) { Yii::trace(get_class($this) . '.' . $func . '()', 'extensions.MongoYii.EMongoDocument'); } }