addCondition("paper_id = '" . $paperId . "' AND student_id IN (" . implode(',', $studentIds) . ")"); $criteria->order = 'id ASC'; $result = getAttributes($this->findAll($criteria)); } return $result; } // 获取答错题的学生记录 public function getWrongByStudentIds($paperId, $studentIds) { $result = array(); if ($paperId AND is_numeric($paperId) AND $studentIds AND is_array($studentIds)) { $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->addCondition("paper_id = '" . $paperId . "' AND student_id IN (" . implode(',', $studentIds) . ") and is_right!=1"); $criteria->order = 'student_id ASC,paper_id ASC,type ASC'; $result = getAttributes($this->findAll($criteria)); } return $result; } public function l_getWrongByStudentIds($paperId, $studentIds) { $result = array(); if ($paperId AND is_numeric($paperId) AND $studentIds AND is_array($studentIds)) { $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->addCondition("paper_id = '" . $paperId . "' AND student_id IN (" . implode(',', $studentIds) . ")"); $criteria->order = 'student_id ASC,paper_id ASC,type ASC'; $result = getAttributes($this->findAll($criteria)); } return $result; } // 刘红伟 public function ll_getWrongByStudentIds($paperId, $studentIds) { $result = array(); if ($paperId AND is_numeric($paperId) AND $studentIds AND is_array($studentIds)) { $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->addCondition("paper_id = '" . $paperId . "' AND student_id IN (" . implode(',', $studentIds) . ")"); $criteria->order = 'student_id ASC,paper_id ASC,type ASC'; $pager = new CPagination($this->count($criteria)); $pager->pageSize = 10; $pager->applyLimit($criteria); return array('result' => $this->findAll($criteria), 'pager' => $pager); } return $result; } // 根据试卷id 学生id 试题id获取记录 public function getStudentWrongRecords($paperId, $studentIds, $topicIds) { $result = array(); if ($paperId AND is_numeric($paperId) AND $studentIds AND is_array($studentIds)) { $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->addCondition("paper_id = '" . $paperId . "' and student_id in (" . implode(',', $studentIds) . ") and topic_id in (" . implode(',', $topicIds) . ") and is_right!=1"); $criteria->order = 'paper_id ASC,student_id ASC,topic_id ASC'; $result = getAttributes($this->findAll($criteria)); } return $result; } /** * 获取试卷学生做题记录 * @param $paperId * @return array|CDbDataReader */ public function getStudentRsOnePaper($paperId) { $newInfo = array(); $sql = "select student_id,paper_id,`topic_id`,`type`,is_right,handlerIndex,answer,answer_url,scoring from " . $this->tableName() . " where paper_id = {$paperId} and handlerIndex = 1 order by `id` "; $info = $this->getCommandBuilder()->createSqlCommand($sql)->queryAll(); foreach ($info as $value) { $stu_id = (string)$value['student_id']; $temp['paper_id'] = $value['paper_id']; $temp['topic_id'] = $value['topic_id']; $temp['type'] = $value['type']; $temp['is_right'] = $value['is_right']; $temp['handlerIndex'] = $value['handlerIndex']; if ($value['type'] == 1 || $value['type'] == 11) { $temp['answer'] = $value['answer']; } else { $temp['answer'] = $value['answer_url']; } $temp['scoring'] = $value['scoring']; if (!isset($newInfo[$stu_id])) { $newInfo[$stu_id] = array(); } $newInfo[$stu_id][$value['topic_id']] = $temp; } unset($info); return $newInfo; } /** * 获取多个试卷学生做题记录 * @param $paperIds * @return array */ public function getStudentRs($paperIds) { $newInfo = array(); $testStuIds = array(); $_countSql = "select count(0) AS count from " . $this->tableName() . " where paper_id in (" . implode(',', $paperIds) . ") and handlerIndex = 1"; $counTinfo = $this->getCommandBuilder()->createSqlCommand($_countSql)->queryRow(); $count = 0; if (isset($counTinfo['count'])) { $count = $counTinfo['count']; } else { return $newInfo; } $limit = 20000; $page = ceil($count / $limit); $__sql = "select student_id,paper_id,`topic_id`,`type`,is_right,handlerIndex,answer,answer_url,scoring from " . $this->tableName() . " where paper_id in (" . implode(',', $paperIds) . ") and handlerIndex = 1 order by `paper_id` "; for ($i = 0; $i < $page; $i++) { $offset = $i * $limit; $sql = $__sql . " limit {$offset},{$limit}"; $info = $this->getCommandBuilder()->createSqlCommand($sql)->queryAll(); if ($info) { foreach ($info as $value) { $stu_id = (string)$value['student_id']; $temp['paper_id'] = $value['paper_id']; $temp['topic_id'] = $value['topic_id']; $temp['type'] = $value['type']; $temp['is_right'] = $value['is_right']; $temp['handlerIndex'] = $value['handlerIndex']; // if($value['type'] == 1 || $value['type'] == 11){ // $temp['answer'] = $value['answer']; // }else{ // $temp['answer'] = $value['answer_url']; // } if (trim($value['answer_url'])) { $temp['answer'] = $value['answer_url']; } else { $temp['answer'] = $value['answer']; } $temp['scoring'] = $value['scoring']; if (!isset($newInfo[$stu_id])) { $newInfo[$stu_id] = array(); } $newInfo[$stu_id][$value['topic_id']] = $temp; $testStuIds[] = $stu_id; } } unset($info); } return $newInfo; } /** * 获取上传成绩的学生 * @param $paperIds * @return array|CDbDataReader */ public function getHasScoreStu($examIds) { $studentIds = array(); $sql = "select student_id,exam_id from " . $this->tableName() . " as sptr join paper as p on sptr.paper_id = p.paper_id where p.exam_id in (" . implode(',', $examIds) . ") and handlerIndex = 1"; $info = $this->getCommandBuilder()->createSqlCommand($sql)->queryAll(); if ($info) { foreach ($info as $value) { if (!isset($studentIds[$value['exam_id']])) { $studentIds[$value['exam_id']] = array(); } $studentIds[$value['exam_id']][$value['student_id']] = $value['student_id']; } foreach ($studentIds as $eId => $stuIds) { $studentIds[$eId] = array_keys($stuIds); } unset($info); } return $studentIds; } /** * 做题id获取信息 * @param $ids * @return array */ public function getStuRsByIds($ids) { $res = array(); if ($ids) { $sql = "select id,student_id,topic_id,`answer_url`,scoring,simplify_answer_url,answer_trace from student_paper_topic_rs where id in (" . implode(',', $ids) . ") and handlerIndex = 1"; $res = $this->getCommandBuilder()->createSqlCommand($sql)->queryAll(); } return $res; } /** 同学优解 * @param $exam * @param $codeNow * @param $staticUrl * @param $conn * @param $isQxkPage是否全学科考试1是2不是 * @return array * @throws CDbException * @throws CException */ public function bestAnswer($exam, $codeNow, $staticUrl, $conn, $isQxkPage = 0) { $tableName = empty($codeNow) ? "student_paper_topic_rs" : "student_paper_topic_rs_" . $codeNow; $fine_topic_score = array(); $topicIds = array(); $studentIds = array(); $excellent_solution = array(); if ($isQxkPage == 1) {//如果是全学科的题目 $typeArr = array(8, 9); } else { $typeArr = array(7, 17, 27); } //获取考试试题对应优解分数 $topic_sql = "select topic_id,score from paper_topic_relation where paper_id = '{$exam['paper_id']}' and type in (" . join(",", $typeArr) . ")"; $topic_sql_rs = $conn->createCommand($topic_sql)->queryAll(); foreach ($topic_sql_rs as $item) { $fine_topic_score[$item['topic_id']] = 0.8 * $item['score']; $topicIds[$item['topic_id']] = $item['topic_id']; } // FIXME 1:优先取本班标记得分最高的优解 $sql = "select m.paper_id,m.student_id,m.sptr_id,m.topic_id,sptr.answer_url from marking_special_answer m inner join {$tableName} sptr on where m.paper_id = '{$exam['paper_id']}' and m.type = 2 group by m.topic_id order by sptr.scoring desc"; $special_data = $conn->createCommand($sql)->queryAll(); foreach ($special_data as $item) { $excellent_solution[(string)$item['topic_id']] = $item; array_push($studentIds, $item['student_id']); unset($topicIds[$item['topic_id']]); } // FIXME 2:本班得分高于80%的最高分 if ($topicIds) { $sql = "select paper_id,student_id,topic_id,answer_url from {$tableName} where paper_id = '{$exam['paper_id']}' and type = 2 group by topic_id order by scoring desc"; $class_data = $conn->createCommand($sql)->queryAll(); foreach ($class_data as $item) { if (in_array($item['topic_id'], $topicIds) && $item['topic_id'] >= $fine_topic_score[$item['topic_id']]) { array_push($studentIds, $item['student_id']); $excellent_solution[(string)$item['topic_id']] = $item; unset($topicIds[$item['topic_id']]); } } } // FIXME 3:年级标记的得分最高的优解 if ($topicIds) { $sql = <<createCommand($sql)->queryAll(); foreach ($grade_special_data as $item) { if (in_array($item['topic_id'], $topicIds)) { array_push($studentIds, $item['student_id']); $excellent_solution[(string)$item['topic_id']] = $item; unset($topicIds[$item['topic_id']]); } } } //FIXME 4:年级得分高于80%的最高分 $paper_ids_sql = "SELECT p.paper_id FROM paper p INNER JOIN exam e ON p.exam_id=e.exam_id INNER JOIN exam_group g ON e.exam_group_id=g.exam_group_id WHERE e.exam_group_id='{$exam['exam_group_id']}' and e.`status`=1 AND IF(g.mark_type=0 OR g.import_score_type=3, e.is_backlog=1,TRUE);"; $paper_ids_res = $conn->createCommand($paper_ids_sql)->queryAll(); $paper_ids = array(); foreach ($paper_ids_res as $item) { $paper_ids[] = $item['paper_id']; } if (empty($paper_ids)) { $paper_ids = array($exam['paper_id']); } $paper_ids_str = implode(',', $paper_ids); if ($topicIds) { $topic_rs_sql = "select student_id,topic_id,scoring,answer_url from (select * from student_paper_topic_rs where type in (" . join(",", $typeArr) . ") and paper_id in ({$paper_ids_str}) order by scoring desc) as a group by a.topic_id;"; $topic_rs = $conn->createCommand($topic_rs_sql)->queryAll();; foreach ($topic_rs as $item) { if (in_array($item['topic_id'], $topicIds) && $item['topic_id'] >= $fine_topic_score[$item['topic_id']]) { array_push($studentIds, $item['student_id']); $excellent_solution[(string)$item['topic_id']] = $item; } } } //FIXME 优解学生信息 $stuInfos = array(); $stu_id_str = trim(implode(',', array_unique($studentIds)), ','); $besetAnswer = array(); if ($stu_id_str) { $stuSql = "SELECT s.student_id,s.realname,c.class_name FROM student_paper_relation p LEFT JOIN student_info s ON s.student_id = p.student_id LEFT JOIN class c ON p.class_id = c.class_id WHERE p.student_id IN ({$stu_id_str}) AND p.paper_id IN ({$paper_ids_str});"; $stuRs = $conn->createCommand($stuSql)->queryAll(); foreach ($stuRs as $stu) { $stuInfos[$stu['student_id']] = $stu; } foreach ($excellent_solution as $item) { $besetAnswer[(string)$item['topic_id']]['class_name'] = isset($stuInfos[$item['student_id']]) ? $stuInfos[$item['student_id']]['class_name'] : ''; $besetAnswer[(string)$item['topic_id']]['student_name'] = isset($stuInfos[$item['student_id']]) ? $stuInfos[$item['student_id']]['realname'] : ''; if (strpos($item['answer_url'], 'http') !== false) { $besetAnswer[(string)$item['topic_id']]['answer_url'] = $item['answer_url']; } else { $besetAnswer[(string)$item['topic_id']]['answer_url'] = $staticUrl . $item['answer_url']; } } } return $besetAnswer; } }