123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855856857858859860861862863864865866867868869870871872873874875876877878879880881882883884885886887888889890891892893894895896897898899900901902903904905906907908909910911912913914915916917918919920921922923924925926927928929930931932933934935936937938939940941942943944945946947948949950951952 |
- <?php
- /**
- * Created by PhpStorm.
- * User: Administrator
- * Date: 2020/7/6 0006
- * Time: 16:26
- */
- class HtbController extends Controller
- {
- public function actionIndex()
- {
- Url::clean();
- $data = array();
- $printName = Req::get("name");
- $classId = Req::get("classId");
- $grade = (int)Req::get("grade");
- $newCondition = array();
- if($grade){
- $newCondition[] = 'htb.grade='.$grade;
- }
- if($printName){
- $newCondition[] = 'htb.name like "%'.$printName.'%"';
- }
- if($classId){
- $newCondition[] = 'htb.class_id='.$classId;
- }
- $resultList = $this->schoolManager->getHtb($newCondition,array('htb.create_time desc','htb.htb_id desc'));
- $printList = array();
- if($resultList["rs"]){
- foreach ($resultList['rs'] as $k=>$v) {
- $printList[$k]=$v;
- }
- }
- if (empty($grade)) {
- $grade = 'ALL';
- }
- $classes = $this->schoolManager->getClasses($grade);
- $data['pages'] = $resultList['pager'];
- $data['page_total'] = $resultList['pager']->rowsCount;
- $data['printList'] = $printList;
- $data["printName"] = $printName;
- $data["classes"] = $classes;
- $data["classId"] = $classId;
- $data["grade"] = $grade;
- $this->render('index',$data);
- }
- //二轮复习个性化提分手册设置
- public function actionSetting()
- {
- $data =array();
- /*$result = $this->apiPost('/product/batch',array(
- 'productId' => 1,
- 'parentId' => 0
- ));*/
- $result = $this->apiPost('all_product/getCatalog',array('product_id' => 42,));
- $data['topNode']= isset($result->data) ? $result->data : array();
- $this->render('setting', $data);
- }
- //获取好题本子节点
- public function actionAjaxChildNode()
- {
- $parentId = Req::get("parentId");
- /*$data = $this->apiPost('/product/batch',array(
- 'productId' => 1,
- 'parentId' => $parentId
- ));*/
- $data = $this->apiPost('all_product/getCatalogByParentId',array('parent_id' => $parentId));
- if ($data->status!= 1 && !empty($data->error)) {
- echo json_encode(array("status" => 0, "message" => $data->error));exit();
- }
- $data = !empty($data->data) ? $data->data : null;
- echo json_encode(array('status'=>1,'data'=>$data));exit;
- }
- //保存二轮复习个性化提分手册设置
- public function actionAjaxSaveHtb(){
- $result = array();
- $error = array();
- if (! Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest || ! Yii::app()->request->isPostRequest){
- $error[] = '错误的来源!';
- }else{
- $grade=(int)Req::post('grade');
- $classIds = Req::post('selectClassIds');
- $pcIds = (array)Req::post('pcIds');
- $isAnswerMerge=(int)Req::post('isAnswerMerge');
- $isNewVersion=(int)Req::post('isNewVersion');
- if(!$grade){
- $error[] = '请选择年级';
- }
- if(!$classIds){
- $error[] = '请选择班级';
- }
- if(!$pcIds){
- $error[] = '请指定目录';
- }
- }
- $nodeArr = self::createTree($pcIds);
- $lastNode = end($pcIds);
- if(!$error){
- $time = time();
- $strModel = new SStudentClassRelation();
- $transaction = $this->sConn->beginTransaction();
- try{
- $date = date("Y-m-d", $time);
- $lastday = date("Y-m-d",strtotime("$date Sunday"));
- $firstday = date("Y-m-d",strtotime("$lastday - 6 days"));
- $htbGroupId = getUniqueId($this->schoolId);
- $htbIds=array();
- foreach($classIds as $k=>$v){
- $htbId = getUniqueId($this->schoolId);
- $htbIds[]=$htbId;
- $this->sConn->createCommand()->insert('math_htb_setting',array(
- 'htb_group_id' =>$htbGroupId,
- 'htb_id' => $htbId,
- 'name' => isset($lastNode['pcName']) ? $lastNode['pcName'] : '',
- 'semester_id' => $this->semesterId,
- 'grade' => $grade,
- 'class_id' => $v,
- 'is_all_html' => 0,
- 'node_ids' => json_encode($nodeArr, true),
- 'school_group_id'=> $this->schoolGroupId,
- 'create_time' => $time,
- 'is_answer_merge' => $isAnswerMerge,
- 'is_new_version' => $isNewVersion,
- ));
- //FIXME 当前周已存在则不插入记录
- $sql = <<<SQL
- SELECT * FROM math_htb_class_limit l LEFT JOIN math_htb_setting s ON l.class_id=s.class_id
- WHERE l.class_id='{$v}' and '{$date}' BETWEEN l.week_start_time AND l.week_end_time;
- SQL;
- $data = $this->sConn->createCommand($sql)->queryRow();
- if(empty($data)) {
- $this->sConn->createCommand()->insert('math_htb_class_limit', array(
- 'semester_id' => $this->semesterId,
- 'grade' => $grade,
- 'class_id' => $v,
- 'limit' => 3,
- 'week_start_time' => $firstday,
- 'week_end_time' => $lastday,
- 'create_time' => $time,
- ));
- }
- //获取班级学生
- $stuData = $strModel->getRelationsByClassId_Status_0($v);
- if($stuData){
- foreach($stuData as $kk=>$vv){
- $this->sConn->createCommand()->insert('math_htb_student',array(
- 'htb_id' => $htbId,
- 'class_id' => $v,
- 'student_id' => $vv['student_id'],
- 'create_time'=>$time
- ));
- }
- }
- }
- $transaction->commit();
- }catch(Exception $e){
- $transaction->rollBack();
- if (YII_ENV == 'production') {
- $error[] = '系统错误[SQL]';
- } else {
- $error[] = $e->getMessage();
- }
- }
- }
- if($error){
- echo json_encode(array('status'=>0,'error'=>$error));exit;
- }else{
- if($isNewVersion){
- $kafkaData = array(
- 'school_id' => $this->schoolId,
- 'msg_type' => 1,//90:重置 1:新设置
- 'subject_id' => 3,
- 'send_type' => 'math_htb',
- 'product_type' => 21,
- 'gp_group_id' => $htbGroupId,
- 'gp_ids' => $htbIds,
- 'student_ids'=>array(),
- );
- sendDataToKafka("php-product-math-htb-html", $kafkaData);
- }
- echo json_encode(array('status'=>1));exit;
- }
- }
- /**
- * 获取菜单功能层级树
- */
- private static function createTree($data,$parentId = 0)
- {
- if(!$data){
- return array();
- }
- $tree = array();
- foreach($data as $k => $v)
- {
- //递归查找
- if($v['parentId'] == $parentId)
- {
- $v['level'] = $k + 1;
- $version=0;
- if($v['pcName']=='基础版'){
- $version=1;
- }elseif($v['pcName']=='培优版'){
- $version=2;
- }
- $v['version']=$version;
- $v['children'] = static::createTree($data, $v['pcId']);
- $tree[] = $v;
- }
- }
- return $tree;
- }
- /*
- * 获取班级
- */
- public function actionAjaxGetClasses(){
- $result = array();
- $grade=(int)Req::post('grade');
- $time = time();
- $date = date('Y-m-d',$time);
- $endDate = date("Y-m-d",strtotime("$date Sunday"));
- $startDate = date("Y-m-d",strtotime("$endDate - 6 days"));
- $startTime = strtotime($startDate. ' 00:00:00');
- $endTime = strtotime($endDate. ' 23:59:59');
- //获取班级
- $hasLimitClassIds = array();
- $sql = <<<SQL
- SELECT l.class_id,l.`limit`,count(*) as c_count FROM math_htb_class_limit l LEFT JOIN math_htb_setting s ON l.class_id=s.class_id
- WHERE s.create_time>={$startTime} and s.create_time<={$endTime} and '{$date}' BETWEEN l.week_start_time AND l.week_end_time GROUP BY s.class_id;
- SQL;
- $data = $this->sConn->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
- if($data){
- foreach($data as $k=>$v){
- if($v['c_count'] >= $v['limit']){
- $hasLimitClassIds[] = (string)$v['class_id'];
- }
- }
- }
- if($grade){
- $sql = "select class_id,class_name from class where semester_id = '{$this->semesterId}' and grade = {$grade} and class_type = 1";
- $data = $this->sConn->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
- if($data){
- $i = 0;
- foreach($data as $k => $v){
- $sql = "select count(student_id) count from student_class_relation where class_id = '{$v['class_id']}' and status = 0";
- $class_student = $this->sConn->createCommand($sql)->queryRow();
- if($class_student && $class_student['count']>0){
- $result[$i]['class_id'] = $v['class_id'];
- $result[$i]['class_name'] = $v['class_name'];
- if(in_array((string)$v['class_id'],$hasLimitClassIds,true)){
- $result[$i]['status'] = 1;
- }else{
- $result[$i]['status'] = 0;
- }
- $i++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- echo json_encode($result);exit;
- }
- //选择学生 好题本
- public function actionSelectStu(){
- $data = array();
- $sname = (string)Req::get("sname"); //学生名字
- $htbId = (string)Req::get("htbId");
- if(!$htbId){
- Yii::app()->jump->error('参数错误!');
- }
- //获取班级名称以及周后推送名称
- $sql = "select s.name,c.class_name,s.grade,s.class_id,s.create_time,s.semester_id from math_htb_setting s join class c on s.class_id = c.class_id where s.htb_id = '{$htbId}'";
- $names = $this->sConn->createCommand($sql)->queryRow();
- if(!$names){
- $names = array();
- $names['name'] = '';
- $names['class_name'] = '';
- $names['grade'] = 0;
- }else{
- $data['name'] = isset($names['name'])?$names['name']:'';
- }
- $sql = "select student_id,is_htb_pdf from math_htb_student where htb_id = '{$htbId}'";
- $relateStudent = $this->sConn->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
- $studentIds = array();
- $stuIsPdf = array();
- if($relateStudent){
- foreach ($relateStudent as $studentInfo) {
- $studentIds[] = (string)$studentInfo['student_id'];
- $stuIsPdf[(string)$studentInfo['student_id']] = $studentInfo['is_htb_pdf'];
- }
- }
- if($studentIds){
- $studentNames = SStudentInfo::model()->getStudents($studentIds); //求学生名字
- if($studentNames){
- if($sname){
- $i = 1;
- foreach($studentNames as $k=>$v){
- if(strpos($v['realname'],$sname) !== false){
- $data['list'][$i]['stu_id'] = (string)$v['student_id'];
- $data['list'][$i]['stu_name'] = $v['realname'];
- $data['list'][$i]['name'] = $names['class_name'].$v['realname'].$names['name'];
- $data['list'][$i]['is_pdf'] = isset($stuIsPdf[(string)$v['student_id']])?$stuIsPdf[(string)$v['student_id']]:0;
- $i++;
- }
- }
- }else{
- $i = 1;
- foreach($studentNames as $k=>$v){
- $data['list'][$i]['stu_id'] = (string)$v['student_id'];
- $data['list'][$i]['stu_name'] = $v['realname'];
- $data['list'][$i]['name'] = $names['class_name'].$v['realname'].$names['name'];
- $data['list'][$i]['is_pdf'] = isset($stuIsPdf[(string)$v['student_id']])?$stuIsPdf[(string)$v['student_id']]:0;
- $i++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $Sem=new SSemester();
- $code= $Sem->conn->createQuery()
- ->from('semester')
- ->where("semester_id = '".$names['semester_id']."'")
- ->limit(1)
- ->query()
- ->read();
- if($studentIds){
- $intarr=array(
- "schoolId"=>$this->schoolId,
- "clazzId"=>$names['class_id'],
- "semester"=>$code['refer_code'],
- "grade"=>$names['grade'],
- "students"=>$studentIds,
- "examTime"=>$names['create_time'],
- "classify"=>9,
- "subject"=>3
- );
- $basic = imsBasicAuth($this->schoolId.'_'.Yii::app()->session['coachInfo']['coach_name'],Yii::app()->params["zsy_api_key"]);
- $rs = json_decode(Curl::http_post_Basic_json(Yii::app()->params["get_limit_url"], json_encode($intarr),$basic));
- if(!$rs){
- Yii::app()->jump->error("接口错误");
- }
- if($rs->errCode!="00"){
- Yii::app()->jump->error($rs->errMsg);
- }
- if(!empty($rs->data)){
- $data['limitstu']=array();
- foreach ($rs->data as $v){
- $data['limitstu'][(string)$v]=$v;
- }
- }
- }
- $data['htbId'] = $htbId;
- $data['sname'] = $sname;
- $data['printType'] = 'htb_stu';
- $this->render('htb_stu',$data);
- }
- //下载好题本
- public function actionGetHtbFile(){
- $htbId = (string)Req::get("htbId");
- $studentsIds = (string)Req::get("studentsIds");
- $params = array();
- if(!$htbId){
- echo json_encode(array("success" => 0, "message" => "缺少参数"));
- exit();
- }
- if(!$studentsIds){
- $studentsIds = array();
- $sql = "select student_id from math_htb_student where htb_id = '{$htbId}' and is_htb_pdf = 1";
- $stuArr = $this->sConn->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
- if($stuArr){
- foreach($stuArr as $k=>$v){
- $studentsIds[] = $v['student_id'];
- }
- }
- }else{
- $studentsIds = explode(',',$studentsIds);
- }
- if(!$studentsIds || empty($studentsIds)){
- echo json_encode(array("success" => 0, "message" => "无生成的学生"));
- exit();
- }
- $params['htbId'] = $htbId;
- $sql = "select class_id,grade,create_time,semester_id,school_group_id from math_htb_setting where htb_id = '{$htbId}'";
- $msg = $this->sConn->createCommand($sql)->queryRow();
- $Sem=new SSemester();
- $code= $Sem->conn->createQuery()
- ->from('semester')
- ->where("semester_id = '".$msg['semester_id']."'")
- ->limit(1)
- ->query()
- ->read();
- $intarr=array(
- "schoolId"=>$this->schoolId,
- "clazzId"=>$msg['class_id'],
- "semester"=>$code['refer_code'],
- "grade"=>$msg['grade'],
- "students"=>$studentsIds,
- "examTime"=>$msg['create_time'],
- "classify"=>9,
- "subject"=>3
- );
- if(isset($msg['school_group_id']) && $msg['school_group_id']){
- $apiUrl = isset(Yii::app()->params["improve_url"][$msg['school_group_id']]) ? Yii::app()->params["improve_url"][$msg['school_group_id']] : null;
- }else{
- $apiUrl = isset(Yii::app()->params["improve_url"][$this->schoolGroupId]) ? Yii::app()->params["improve_url"][$this->schoolGroupId] : null;
- }
- if(!$apiUrl){
- echo json_encode(array("success" => 0, "message" => "接口配置信息错误"));
- exit();
- }
- $schoolInfo = BusinessSchool::model()->find('school_id=:school_id', array(':school_id' => $this->schoolId));
- if(isset($schoolInfo['is_allow_download']) && ($schoolInfo['is_allow_download']==1)){
- if($studentsIds){
- $params["studentIds"] = $studentsIds;
- }
- }else{
- if(Yii::app()->params["limit_open"]){
- $basic = imsBasicAuth($this->schoolId.'_'.Yii::app()->session['coachInfo']['coach_name'],Yii::app()->params["zsy_api_key"]);
- $rs = json_decode(Curl::http_post_Basic_json(Yii::app()->params["get_limit_url"], json_encode($intarr),$basic));
- if(!$rs){
- Yii::app()->jump->error("接口错误");
- }
- if($rs->errCode!="00"){
- echo json_encode(array("success" => 0, "message" => $rs->errMsg));
- exit();
- }
- if(!empty($rs->data)){
- $params["studentIds"]=$rs->data;
- if(count($rs->data)<count($intarr['students'])){
- $limitinfo="购买过的".count($intarr['students'])-count($rs->data)."位学生可下载";
- }
- } else{
- echo json_encode(array("success" => 0, "message" =>"请先购买商品"));
- exit();
- }
- }else{
- if($studentsIds){
- $params["studentIds"] = $studentsIds;
- }
- }
- }
- $params['schoolId'] = $this->schoolId;
- $params['type'] = 5;
- $rs = Curl::post($apiUrl."/rest/download_week_pdf/index", $params);
- if(!($rs = json_decode($rs))){
- $rs = array(
- "success" => 0,
- "message" => "请求接口失败",
- );
- }else{
- //更新下载时间
- if($rs->success==1 || $rs->success==2){
- $time = time();
- if($studentsIds){
- $sql = "update math_htb_student set is_htb_download = 1,htb_download_time={$time} where htb_id = '{$htbId}' and student_id in (".implode(',',$studentsIds).")";
- $this->sConn->createCommand($sql)->execute();
- }
- }
- }
- if(isset($msg['school_group_id']) && $msg['school_group_id'] && isset($rs->downloadPath)){
- if (YII_ENV == 'pro' || YII_ENV == 'production') {
- $rs->downloadPath = preg_replace('/http\:\/\/zstatic\d{1,2}/','http://zstatic'.$msg['school_group_id'],$rs->downloadPath);
- }
- }
- echo json_encode($rs);exit;
- }
- //好题本预览
- public function actionPreview()
- {
- $this->layout = false;
- $pcIds = Req::get('pcIds');
- $lastNode = end($pcIds);
- $node_id_arr = self::createTree($pcIds);
- //设置的目录树
- $set_pc_ids = array();
- $this->getPcIds($node_id_arr,$set_pc_ids);
- //好题本数据
- $htb_rs_arr = $this->getHtbData(array('pcIds' => $set_pc_ids));
- //取出试题id
- $student_htb_arr = array();
- $all_topic_ids = array();
- foreach ($htb_rs_arr as $htb_rs) {
- if (isset($htb_rs['pcId']) && isset($htb_rs['pcName']) && isset($htb_rs['details'])) {
- $_student_htb_arr = array();
- $_student_htb_arr['pc_id'] = $htb_rs['pcId'];
- $_student_htb_arr['pc_name'] = $htb_rs['pcName'];
- $_student_htb_arr['details'] = array();
- if (is_array($htb_rs['details']) && $htb_rs['details']) {
- $_student_htb_arr['details'] = $htb_rs['details'];
- foreach ($htb_rs['details'] as $detail) {
- //控件ID:1文本编辑器 2试题
- if ($detail['pwId'] == 2) {
- $all_topic_ids[] = $detail['topicId'];
- }
- }
- }
- $student_htb_arr[$htb_rs['pcId']] = $_student_htb_arr;
- }
- }
- if (!$student_htb_arr) {
- echo '<h3 style="color: red">该节点下无内容,请不要生成,避免次数浪费!并把该情况及时反馈给研究院老师!</h3>';exit;
- }
- //题详情
- if ($all_topic_ids) {
- $_params = array('isFormat' => 1, 'isNoReplaceLable' => 0);
- $topic_info_arr = $this->apiBrainPost('/topic/batchAll', array('topicIds' => $all_topic_ids, 'subjectId' => $this->subjectId, 'params' => $_params), 25, true);
- }else{
- $topic_info_arr = array();
- }
- //题考点最高使用量
- $topic_method_use = array();
- $topic_rel_method_max = array();//试题对应的使用最多考点id
- if ($topic_info_arr) {
- foreach ($topic_info_arr as $topic_info) {
- $method_names = isset($topic_info['method_names']) && $topic_info['method_names'] ? $topic_info['method_names'] : array();
- $method_use_arr = array();
- foreach ($method_names as $key=>$method){
- $method_use_arr[$key] = Yii::app()->method_use_num->hmget('method_stat', $key);
- }
- if ($method_use_arr) {
- arsort($method_use_arr);
- foreach ($method_use_arr as $method_id => $num) {
- $topic_method_use[$topic_info['topic_id']] = $topic_info['method_names'][$method_id];
- $topic_rel_method_max[$topic_info['topic_id']] = $method_id;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //考点视频二维码
- $method_qrcode_arr = array();
- if ($topic_rel_method_max) {
- $method_qrcode_rs = self::methodVideoQrcode(array_values($topic_rel_method_max));
- foreach ($topic_rel_method_max as $topic_id => $method_id) {
- if (isset($method_qrcode_rs[$method_id]) && $method_qrcode_rs[$method_id]) {
- $method_qrcode_arr[$topic_id] = $method_qrcode_rs[$method_id];
- }
- }
- }
- $html_data['htb_set_name'] = isset($lastNode['pcName']) ? $lastNode['pcName'] : '好题本';
- $html_data['node_id_arr'] = $node_id_arr;
- $html_data['htb_text_arr'] = $student_htb_arr;
- $html_data['topic_info_arr'] = $topic_info_arr;
- $html_data['topic_method_use'] = $topic_method_use;
- $html_data['method_video'] = $method_qrcode_arr;
- $this->render('preview', $html_data);
- }
- /**
- * 获取目录id
- * @param $node_id_arr
- * @param $set_pc_ids
- */
- private function getPcIds($node_id_arr,&$set_pc_ids)
- {
- foreach ($node_id_arr as $_node_arr) {
- if (isset($_node_arr['pcId'])) {
- $set_pc_ids[] = $_node_arr['pcId'];
- if (isset($_node_arr['children']) && $_node_arr['children']) {
- $this->getPcIds($_node_arr['children'], $set_pc_ids);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * 获取好题本数据
- * @param $pc_ids
- * @return array
- */
- private function getHtbData($pc_ids)
- {
- $htb_rs = array();
- $rs = $this->apiPost('/product/detail',$pc_ids);
- $rs = json_decode(json_encode($rs),true);
- if (isset($rs['status'])) {
- if ($rs['status'] == 1 && isset($rs['data'])) {
- $htb_rs = $rs['data'];
- }else{
- echo'获取好题本数据失败,错误信息是:'.(isset($rs['error'])?$rs['error']:''),0,true;exit;
- }
- }else{
- echo 'brain:product/detail接口返回失败';
- }
- return $htb_rs;
- }
- /**
- * 试题考点二维码
- * @param $method_ids
- * @return array
- */
- static public function methodVideoQrcode($method_ids)
- {
- $rs = array();
- if ($method_ids) {
- foreach ($method_ids as $method_id) {
- $redis_json = Yii::app()->method_video->hget('content:method_video', $method_id);
- if ($redis_json) {
- if (is_array($redis_json)) {
- $video_arr = $redis_json;
- } else {
- $video_arr = json_decode($redis_json, true);
- }
- if (isset($video_arr[0]) && isset($video_arr[0]['video_qrcode'])) {
- $rs[$method_id] = $video_arr[0]['video_qrcode'];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return $rs;
- }
- /**
- * 重置列表
- */
- public function actionResetHtb(){
- $htbGroupId=(string)Req::get('htbGroupId');
- $data = array();
- $resetCount = 0;
- if($htbGroupId){
- $sql = "select mhs.htb_id,mhs.`name`,mhs.class_id,mhs.is_reset,c.class_name from math_htb_setting mhs join class c on mhs.class_id = c.class_id where mhs.htb_group_id = '{$htbGroupId}'";
- $data = $this->sConn->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
- if($data){
- foreach($data as &$item){
- if($item["is_reset"]){
- $resetCount++;
- }
- $item['total_count']=0;
- $item['create_count']=0;
- $sql = "select count(*) total_count,count(case when is_htb_pdf = 1 then 1 end) create_count from math_htb_student where htb_id = '{$item['htb_id']}'";
- $htbStudent = $this->sConn->createCommand($sql)->queryRow();
- if($htbStudent){
- $item['total_count'] = $htbStudent["total_count"];
- $item['create_count'] = $htbStudent["create_count"];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(!isset(Yii::app()->session['testFlag']) || Yii::app()->session['testFlag']==1 ){
- $resetCount = 0;
- }
- //debug($resetCount);
- $this->render('htb_reset',array("data"=>$data,"resetCount"=>$resetCount,'htb_group_id'=>$htbGroupId));
- }
- /**
- * 重置接口
- */
- public function actionAjaxResetHtb(){
- $error = array();
- if (! Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest OR ! Yii::app()->request->isPostRequest){
- $error[] = '错误的来源!';
- }else{
- $reqHtbIds=Req::post('htbIds');
- $reqhtbGroupId=Req::post('htbGroupId');
- if(!$reqHtbIds){
- $error[] = '请选择班级';
- }
- if(!$reqhtbGroupId){
- $error[]='无组id';
- }
- }
- if(!$error){
- $time = time();
- $transaction = $this->sConn->beginTransaction();
- try{
- $reqHtbIdsStr=implode(',',$reqHtbIds);
- $sql="select htb_group_id,htb_id,is_reset from math_htb_setting where htb_group_id={$reqhtbGroupId} and htb_id in ({$reqHtbIdsStr}) and is_new_version=1";
- $htb=$this->sConn->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
- if(!$htb){
- throw new \Exception('无可重置的有效数据');
- }
- $htbIds=array();
- $htbGroupId=0;
- foreach($htb as $item){
- $htbGroupId=$item['htb_group_id'];
- $htbIds[]=$item['htb_id'];
- }
- $this->sConn->createCommand("update math_htb_setting set is_all_html = 0,is_reset=1 where htb_id in (".implode(',',$htbIds).") ")->execute();
- $sql = "update math_htb_student set htb_download_time = 0,is_htb_download=0,is_htb_html=0,htb_html_path='',is_htb_pdf=0,htb_pdf_path='' where htb_id in (".implode(',',$htbIds).") ";
- $this->sConn->createCommand($sql)->execute();
- //重置后清除已存在的下载任务
- /*$task_sql = "delete from pack_product_task where school_id ={$this->schoolId} and unique_key in (". implode(",", $htbIds).") and product_type=10";
- $this->conn->createCommand($task_sql)->execute();*/
- $transaction->commit();
- }catch(Exception $e){
- $transaction->rollBack();
- if (YII_ENV == 'production') {
- $error[] = '系统错误[SQL]';
- } else {
- $error[] = $e->getMessage();
- }
- }
- }
- if($error){
- echo json_encode(array('status'=>0,'error'=>$error));exit;
- }else{
- //发消息
- if($htbGroupId && $htbIds){
- $kafkaData = array(
- 'school_id' => $this->schoolId,
- 'msg_type' => 90,//90:重置 1:新设置
- 'subject_id' => 3,
- 'send_type' => 'math_htb',
- 'product_type' => 21,
- 'gp_group_id' => $htbGroupId,
- 'gp_ids' => $htbIds,
- 'student_ids'=>array(),
- );
- sendDataToKafka("php-product-math-htb-html", $kafkaData);
- }
- echo json_encode(array('status'=>1));exit;
- }
- }
- //好题本预览
- public function actionNewPreview()
- {
- $this->layout = false;
- $pcIds = Req::get('pcIds');
- $lastNode = end($pcIds);
- $nodeIdArr = self::createTree($pcIds);
- if(!isset($lastNode['pcId']) || !$lastNode['pcId']){
- echo '<h3 style="color: red">该节点下无内容,请不要生成</h3>';exit;
- }
- $lastPcId=$lastNode['pcId'];
- //设置的目录树
- $setPcIds =$htbRs= array();
- $this->getPcIds($nodeIdArr,$setPcIds);
- //好题本数据
- $htbRs = $this->getNewHtbData(array('catalogIds' => array($lastPcId)));
- //知识点和关联题对应关系
- //382:知识点1 384:知识点2 386:知识点3 388:知识点4 390:知识点5 392:知识点6 394:知识点7 396:知识点8 383:关联题1 385:关联题2 387:关联题3 389:关联题4 391:关联题5 393:关联题6 395:关联题7 397:关联题8
- $mapColumnIdArr=array(
- 383 => 382,
- 385=> 384,
- 387=> 386,
- 389=> 388,
- 391 => 390,
- 393=> 392,
- 395=> 394,
- 397=> 396,
- );
- $htbNodes=$topicIds=array();
- //处理知识点内容
- foreach($htbRs as $item){
- $columnId=$item['column_id'];
- if($item['topic_id']){
- $topicIds[]=(string)$item['topic_id'];
- }
- if(in_array($columnId,$mapColumnIdArr) && !isset($htbNodes[$columnId])){
- $item['topic_ids']=array();
- $htbNodes[$columnId]=$item;
- }
- }
- if (!$htbNodes) {
- echo '<h3 style="color: red">该节点下无内容,请不要生成,避免次数浪费!并把该情况及时反馈给研究院老师!</h3>';exit;
- }
- //知识点加入试题id
- foreach($htbRs as $item){
- $columnId=$item['column_id'];
- if(isset($mapColumnIdArr[$columnId]) && $mapColumnIdArr[$columnId] && $item['topic_id']){
- $mapColumnId=$mapColumnIdArr[$columnId];
- if(isset($htbNodes[$mapColumnId]) && $htbNodes[$mapColumnId]){
- $htbNodes[$mapColumnId]['topic_ids'][]=(string)$item['topic_id'];
- }
- }
- }
- //题详情
- if ($topicIds) {
- $params = array('isFormat' => 0 , 'isTird' => 0 ,'isNewEnglish' => 0);
- $topicInfoArr = $this->apiBrainPost('topic/batchAll', array('topicIds' => $topicIds, 'subjectId' => $this->subjectId, 'params' => $params), 25, true);
- if(isset($topicInfoArr['status']) && $topicInfoArr['status']===0){
- echo '<h3 style="color: red">没有获取到试题数据,请稍后再试!</h3>';exit;
- }
- }else{
- $topicInfoArr = array();
- }
- foreach($topicInfoArr as $key=>$item){
- //全学科逻辑题型,只显示单选多选
- $_type_name='';
- if(in_array($item['type_name'],array('单选题','多选题'))){
- $_type_name=str_replace('题','',$item['type_name']);
- }
- $item['_type_name']=$_type_name;
- $topicInfoArr[(string)$item['id']]=$item;
- unset( $topicInfoArr[$key]);
- }
- //知识点试题顺序
- if($topicInfoArr){
- $number=1;
- foreach($htbNodes as &$item){
- $topicIdBasicType=array();
- $item['number_word']=$this->numToWord($number);
- if(isset($item['topic_ids']) && $item['topic_ids']){
- foreach($item['topic_ids'] as $topicId){
- if(isset($topicInfoArr[$topicId]) && isset($topicInfoArr[$topicId]['basic_type_id']) ){
- $topicIdBasicType[$topicId]=$topicInfoArr[$topicId]['basic_type_id'];
- }
- }
- asort($topicIdBasicType);
- $item['topic_ids']=array_keys($topicIdBasicType);
- }
- $number++;
- }
- }
- $title=$versionStr='';
- $version=0;
- $versionArr=array('基础版'=>1,'培优版'=>2);
- foreach($pcIds as $val){
- if(!$version && !empty($versionArr[$val['pcName']])){
- $version=$versionArr[$val['pcName']];
- $versionStr=$val['pcName'];
- }
- $title.=$val['pcName'].' ';
- }
- $data=array(
- 'title'=>$title,
- 'version'=>$version,
- 'version_str'=>$versionStr,
- 'htbNodes'=>$htbNodes,
- 'topicInfos'=>$topicInfoArr,
- );
- $this->render('new_preview', $data);
- }
- /**
- * 获取好题本数据
- * @param $pc_ids
- * @return array
- */
- private function getNewHtbData($pc_ids)
- {
- $htb_rs = array();
- $rs = $this->apiPost('/all_content/detail',$pc_ids);
- $rs = json_decode(json_encode($rs),true);
- if (isset($rs['status'])) {
- if ($rs['status'] == 1 && isset($rs['data'])) {
- $htb_rs = $rs['data'];
- }else{
- echo'获取好题本数据失败,错误信息是:'.(isset($rs['error'])?$rs['error']:''),0,true;exit;
- }
- }else{
- echo 'brain:all_content/detail接口返回失败';exit;
- }
- return $htb_rs;
- }
- /**
- * 数学转汉字
- * @param $num
- * @return string
- */
- private function numToWord($num)
- {
- $chiNum =array('零','一','二','三','四','五','六','七','八','九');
- $chiUni =array('','十','百','千','万','亿','十','百','千');
- $num_str = (string)$num;
- $count =strlen($num_str);
- $last_flag = true;//上一个 是否为0
- $zero_flag = true;//是否第一个
- $temp_num = null;//临时数字
- $chiStr ='';//拼接结果
- if ($count == 2) {//两位数
- $temp_num =$num_str[0];
- $chiStr =$temp_num == 1 ?$chiUni[1] :$chiNum[$temp_num].$chiUni[1];
- $temp_num =$num_str[1];
- $chiStr .=$temp_num == 0 ?'' :$chiNum[$temp_num];
- }else if($count > 2){
- $index = 0;
- for ($i=$count-1;$i >= 0 ;$i--) {
- $temp_num =$num_str[$i];
- if ($temp_num == 0) {
- if (!$zero_flag && !$last_flag ) {
- $chiStr =$chiNum[$temp_num].$chiStr;
- $last_flag = true;
- }
- }else{
- $chiStr =$chiNum[$temp_num].$chiUni[$index%9] .$chiStr;
- $zero_flag = false;
- $last_flag = false;
- }
- $index ++;
- }
- }else{
- $chiStr =$chiNum[$num_str[0]];
- }
- return $chiStr;
- }
- }