fn.zTree._z.html 591 B

  1. <div class="apiDetail">
  2. <div>
  3. <h2><span>JSON</span><span class="path">$.fn.zTree.</span>_z</h2>
  4. <h3>Overview<span class="h3_info">[ depends on <span class="highlight_green">jquery.ztree.core</span> js ]</span></h3>
  5. <div class="desc">
  6. <p></p>
  7. <div class="longdesc">
  8. <p>All of the methods in zTree v3.x are available through the '$. fn.zTree._z' calls, open it for you to develop your own zTree plug-ins.</p>
  9. <p class="highlight_red">If you have no special requirements, please don't use this object, and don't modify the methods in this object.</p>
  10. </div>
  11. </div>
  12. </div>
  13. </div>