123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241 |
- <?php
- /**
- * PHPWord
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2011 PHPWord
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * @category PHPWord
- * @package PHPWord
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 010 PHPWord
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.txt LGPL
- * @version Beta 0.6.3, 08.07.2011
- */
- class PHPWord_Writer_Word2007 implements PHPWord_Writer_IWriter {
- private $_document;
- private $_writerParts;
- private $_diskCachingDirectory;
- private $_useDiskCaching = false;
- private $_imageTypes = array();
- private $_objectTypes = array();
- public function __construct(PHPWord $PHPWord = null) {
- $this->_document = $PHPWord;
- $this->_diskCachingDirectory = './';
- $this->_writerParts['contenttypes'] = new PHPWord_Writer_Word2007_ContentTypes();
- $this->_writerParts['rels'] = new PHPWord_Writer_Word2007_Rels();
- $this->_writerParts['docprops'] = new PHPWord_Writer_Word2007_DocProps();
- $this->_writerParts['documentrels'] = new PHPWord_Writer_Word2007_DocumentRels();
- $this->_writerParts['document'] = new PHPWord_Writer_Word2007_Document();
- $this->_writerParts['styles'] = new PHPWord_Writer_Word2007_Styles();
- $this->_writerParts['header'] = new PHPWord_Writer_Word2007_Header();
- $this->_writerParts['footer'] = new PHPWord_Writer_Word2007_Footer();
- foreach($this->_writerParts as $writer) {
- $writer->setParentWriter($this);
- }
- }
- public function save($pFilename = null) {
- if(!is_null($this->_document)) {
- // If $pFilename is php://output or php://stdout, make it a temporary file...
- $originalFilename = $pFilename;
- if(strtolower($pFilename) == 'php://output' || strtolower($pFilename) == 'php://stdout') {
- $pFilename = @tempnam('./', 'phppttmp');
- if($pFilename == '') {
- $pFilename = $originalFilename;
- }
- }
- // Create new ZIP file and open it for writing
- $objZip = new ZipArchive();
- // Try opening the ZIP file
- if($objZip->open($pFilename, ZIPARCHIVE::OVERWRITE) !== true) {
- if($objZip->open($pFilename, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) !== true) {
- throw new Exception("Could not open " . $pFilename . " for writing.");
- }
- }
- $sectionElements = array();
- $_secElements = PHPWord_Media::getSectionMediaElements();
- foreach($_secElements as $element) { // loop through section media elements
- if($element['type'] != 'hyperlink') {
- $this->_addFileToPackage($objZip, $element);
- }
- $sectionElements[] = $element;
- }
- $_hdrElements = PHPWord_Media::getHeaderMediaElements();
- foreach($_hdrElements as $_headerFile => $_hdrMedia) { // loop through headers
- if(count($_hdrMedia) > 0) {
- $objZip->addFromString('word/_rels/'.$_headerFile.'.xml.rels', $this->getWriterPart('documentrels')->writeHeaderFooterRels($_hdrMedia));
- foreach($_hdrMedia as $element) { // loop through header media elements
- $this->_addFileToPackage($objZip, $element);
- }
- }
- }
- $_ftrElements = PHPWord_Media::getFooterMediaElements();
- foreach($_ftrElements as $_footerFile => $_ftrMedia) { // loop through footers
- if(count($_ftrMedia) > 0) {
- $objZip->addFromString('word/_rels/'.$_footerFile.'.xml.rels', $this->getWriterPart('documentrels')->writeHeaderFooterRels($_ftrMedia));
- foreach($_ftrMedia as $element) { // loop through footers media elements
- $this->_addFileToPackage($objZip, $element);
- }
- }
- }
- $_cHdrs = 0;
- $_cFtrs = 0;
- $rID = PHPWord_Media::countSectionMediaElements() + 6;
- $_sections = $this->_document->getSections();
- foreach($_sections as $section) {
- $_header = $section->getHeader();
- if(!is_null($_header)) {
- $_cHdrs++;
- $_header->setRelationId(++$rID);
- $_headerCount = $_header->getHeaderCount();
- $_headerFile = 'header'.$_headerCount.'.xml';
- $sectionElements[] = array('target'=>$_headerFile, 'type'=>'header', 'rID'=>$rID);
- $objZip->addFromString('word/'.$_headerFile, $this->getWriterPart('header')->writeHeader($_header));
- }
- $_footer = $section->getFooter();
- if(!is_null($_footer)) {
- $_cFtrs++;
- $_footer->setRelationId(++$rID);
- $_footerCount = $_footer->getFooterCount();
- $_footerFile = 'footer'.$_footerCount.'.xml';
- $sectionElements[] = array('target'=>$_footerFile, 'type'=>'footer', 'rID'=>$rID);
- $objZip->addFromString('word/'.$_footerFile, $this->getWriterPart('footer')->writeFooter($_footer));
- }
- }
- // build docx file
- // Write dynamic files
- $objZip->addFromString('[Content_Types].xml', $this->getWriterPart('contenttypes')->writeContentTypes($this->_imageTypes, $this->_objectTypes, $_cHdrs, $_cFtrs));
- $objZip->addFromString('_rels/.rels', $this->getWriterPart('rels')->writeRelationships($this->_document));
- $objZip->addFromString('docProps/app.xml', $this->getWriterPart('docprops')->writeDocPropsApp($this->_document));
- $objZip->addFromString('docProps/core.xml', $this->getWriterPart('docprops')->writeDocPropsCore($this->_document));
- $objZip->addFromString('word/document.xml', $this->getWriterPart('document')->writeDocument($this->_document));
- $objZip->addFromString('word/_rels/document.xml.rels', $this->getWriterPart('documentrels')->writeDocumentRels($sectionElements));
- $objZip->addFromString('word/styles.xml', $this->getWriterPart('styles')->writeStyles($this->_document));
- // Write static files
- $objZip->addFile(PHPWORD_BASE_PATH . 'PHPWord/_staticDocParts/numbering.xml', 'word/numbering.xml');
- $objZip->addFile(PHPWORD_BASE_PATH . 'PHPWord/_staticDocParts/settings.xml', 'word/settings.xml');
- $objZip->addFile(PHPWORD_BASE_PATH . 'PHPWord/_staticDocParts/theme1.xml', 'word/theme/theme1.xml');
- $objZip->addFile(PHPWORD_BASE_PATH . 'PHPWord/_staticDocParts/webSettings.xml', 'word/webSettings.xml');
- $objZip->addFile(PHPWORD_BASE_PATH . 'PHPWord/_staticDocParts/fontTable.xml', 'word/fontTable.xml');
- // Close file
- if($objZip->close() === false) {
- throw new Exception("Could not close zip file $pFilename.");
- }
- // If a temporary file was used, copy it to the correct file stream
- if($originalFilename != $pFilename) {
- if (copy($pFilename, $originalFilename) === false) {
- throw new Exception("Could not copy temporary zip file $pFilename to $originalFilename.");
- }
- @unlink($pFilename);
- }
- } else {
- throw new Exception("PHPWord object unassigned.");
- }
- }
- private function _chkContentTypes($src) {
- $srcInfo = pathinfo($src);
- $extension = strtolower($srcInfo['extension']);
- if(substr($extension, 0, 3) == 'php') {
- $extension = 'php';
- }
- $_supportedImageTypes = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'bmp', 'tif', 'tiff', 'php');
- if(in_array($extension, $_supportedImageTypes)) {
- $imagedata = getimagesize($src);
- $imagetype = image_type_to_mime_type($imagedata[2]);
- $imageext = image_type_to_extension($imagedata[2]);
- $imageext = str_replace('.', '', $imageext);
- if($imageext == 'jpeg') $imageext = 'jpg';
- if(!in_array($imagetype, $this->_imageTypes)) {
- $this->_imageTypes[$imageext] = $imagetype;
- }
- } else {
- if(!in_array($extension, $this->_objectTypes)) {
- $this->_objectTypes[] = $extension;
- }
- }
- }
- public function getWriterPart($pPartName = '') {
- if ($pPartName != '' && isset($this->_writerParts[strtolower($pPartName)])) {
- return $this->_writerParts[strtolower($pPartName)];
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- public function getUseDiskCaching() {
- return $this->_useDiskCaching;
- }
- public function setUseDiskCaching($pValue = false, $pDirectory = null) {
- $this->_useDiskCaching = $pValue;
- if (!is_null($pDirectory)) {
- if (is_dir($pDirectory)) {
- $this->_diskCachingDirectory = $pDirectory;
- } else {
- throw new Exception("Directory does not exist: $pDirectory");
- }
- }
- return $this;
- }
- private function _addFileToPackage($objZip, $element) {
- if(isset($element['isMemImage']) && $element['isMemImage']) {
- $image = call_user_func($element['createfunction'], $element['source']);
- ob_start();
- call_user_func($element['imagefunction'], $image);
- $imageContents = ob_get_contents();
- ob_end_clean();
- $objZip->addFromString('word/'.$element['target'], $imageContents);
- imagedestroy($image);
- $this->_chkContentTypes($element['source']);
- } else {
- $objZip->addFile($element['source'], 'word/'.$element['target']);
- $this->_chkContentTypes($element['source']);
- }
- }
- }
- ?>