123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308 |
- /* -*- Mode: Javascript; indent-tabs-mode:nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
- /* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
- /*************************************************************
- *
- * MathJax/jax/output/HTML-CSS/autoload/menclose.js
- *
- * Implements the HTML-CSS output for <menclose> elements.
- *
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2010-2013 The MathJax Consortium
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("HTML-CSS Jax Ready",function () {
- var VERSION = "2.2";
- var MML = MathJax.ElementJax.mml,
- HTMLCSS = MathJax.OutputJax["HTML-CSS"];
- var SVGNS = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";
- var VMLNS = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml";
- var vmlns = "mjxvml";
- MML.menclose.Augment({
- toHTML: function (span) {
- var values = this.getValues("notation","thickness","padding","mathcolor","color");
- if (values.color && !this.mathcolor) {values.mathcolor = values.color}
- if (values.thickness == null) {values.thickness = ".075em"}
- if (values.padding == null) {values.padding = ".2em"}
- span = this.HTMLcreateSpan(span);
- var mu = this.HTMLgetMu(span), scale = this.HTMLgetScale();
- var p = HTMLCSS.length2em(values.padding,mu,1/HTMLCSS.em) * scale; // padding for enclosure
- var t = HTMLCSS.length2em(values.thickness,mu,1/HTMLCSS.em); // thickness of lines (not scaled, see issue #414)
- var SOLID = HTMLCSS.Em(t)+" solid";
- var stack = HTMLCSS.createStack(span);
- var base = HTMLCSS.createBox(stack);
- this.HTMLmeasureChild(0,base);
- var H = base.bbox.h+p+t, D = base.bbox.d+p+t, W = base.bbox.w+2*(p+t);
- var frame = HTMLCSS.createFrame(stack,H+D,0,W,t,"none");
- frame.id = "MathJax-frame-"+this.spanID;
- HTMLCSS.addBox(stack,frame); stack.insertBefore(frame,base); // move base to above background
- var notation = MathJax.Hub.SplitList(values.notation);
- var T = 0, B = 0, R = 0, L = 0, dx = 0, dy = 0; var svg, vml;
- var w, h, r;
- if (!values.mathcolor) {values.mathcolor = "black"} else {span.style.color = values.mathcolor}
- for (var i = 0, m = notation.length; i < m; i++) {
- switch (notation[i]) {
- frame.style.border = SOLID; if (!HTMLCSS.msieBorderWidthBug) {T = B = L = R = t}
- break;
- if (HTMLCSS.useVML) {
- if (!vml) {vml = this.HTMLvml(stack,H,D,W,t,values.mathcolor)}
- // roundrect.arcsize can't be set in IE8 standards mode, so use a path
- r = Math.floor(1000*Math.min(W,H+D)-2*t);
- w = Math.floor(4000*(W-2*t)), h = Math.floor(4000*(H+D-2*t));
- this.HTMLvmlElement(vml,"shape",{
- style: {width:this.HTMLpx(W-2*t),height:this.HTMLpx(H+D-2*t),
- left:this.HTMLpx(t,.5),top:this.HTMLpx(t,.5)},
- path: "m "+r+",0 qx 0,"+r+" l 0,"+(h-r)+" qy "+r+","+h+" "+
- "l "+(w-r)+","+h+" qx "+w+","+(h-r)+" l "+w+","+r+" qy "+(w-r)+",0 x e",
- coordsize: w+","+h
- });
- } else {
- if (!svg) {svg = this.HTMLsvg(stack,H,D,W,t,values.mathcolor)}
- this.HTMLsvgElement(svg.firstChild,"rect",{
- x:1, y:1, width:this.HTMLpx(W-t)-1,
- height:this.HTMLpx(H+D-t)-1, rx:this.HTMLpx(Math.min(H+D,W)/4)
- });
- }
- break;
- if (HTMLCSS.useVML) {
- if (!vml) {vml = this.HTMLvml(stack,H,D,W,t,values.mathcolor)}
- this.HTMLvmlElement(vml,"oval",{
- style: {width:this.HTMLpx(W-2*t),height:this.HTMLpx(H+D-2*t),
- left:this.HTMLpx(t,.5),top:this.HTMLpx(t,.5)}
- });
- } else {
- if (!svg) {svg = this.HTMLsvg(stack,H,D,W,t,values.mathcolor)}
- this.HTMLsvgElement(svg.firstChild,"ellipse",{
- rx:this.HTMLpx(W/2-t), ry:this.HTMLpx((H+D)/2-t),
- cx:this.HTMLpx(W/2), cy:this.HTMLpx((H+D)/2)
- });
- }
- break;
- frame.style.borderLeft = SOLID; if (!HTMLCSS.msieBorderWidthBug) {L = t}
- break;
- frame.style.borderTop = SOLID; if (!HTMLCSS.msieBorderWidthBug) {T = t; frame.bbox.w += p-t}
- frame.style.borderRight = SOLID; if (!HTMLCSS.msieBorderWidthBug) {R = t}
- break;
- var vline = HTMLCSS.createRule(stack,H+D-t/2,0,t);
- HTMLCSS.addBox(stack,vline); HTMLCSS.placeBox(vline,p+t+base.bbox.w/2,-D,true);
- break;
- frame.style.borderTop = SOLID; if (!HTMLCSS.msieBorderWidthBug) {T = t}
- break;
- frame.style.borderBottom = SOLID; if (!HTMLCSS.msieBorderWidthBug) {B = t}
- break;
- var hline = HTMLCSS.createRule(stack,t,0,W-t/2);
- HTMLCSS.addBox(stack,hline); HTMLCSS.placeBox(hline,0,(H+D)/2-D,true);
- break;
- if (HTMLCSS.useVML) {
- if (!vml) {vml = this.HTMLvml(stack,H,D,W,t,values.mathcolor)}
- var line = this.HTMLvmlElement(vml,"line",{from: "0,"+this.HTMLpx(H+D-t), to: this.HTMLpx(W)+",0"});
- if (this.arrow) {
- this.HTMLvmlElement(line,"stroke",{endarrow:"classic"});
- line.to = this.HTMLpx(W)+","+this.HTMLpx(t);
- }
- } else {
- if (!svg) {svg = this.HTMLsvg(stack,H,D,W,t,values.mathcolor)}
- if (this.arrow) {
- var l = Math.sqrt(W*W + (H+D)*(H+D)), f = 1/l * 10*scale/HTMLCSS.em * t/.075;
- w = W * f; h = (H+D) * f; var x = W - t/2, y = t/2;
- if (y+h-.4*w < 0) {y = .4*w-h}
- this.HTMLsvgElement(svg.firstChild,"line",{
- x1:1, y1:this.HTMLpx(H+D-t), x2:this.HTMLpx(x-.7*w), y2:this.HTMLpx(y+.7*h)
- });
- this.HTMLsvgElement(svg.firstChild,"polygon",{
- points: this.HTMLpx(x)+","+this.HTMLpx(y)+" "
- +this.HTMLpx(x-w-.4*h)+","+this.HTMLpx(y+h-.4*w)+" "
- +this.HTMLpx(x-.7*w)+","+this.HTMLpx(y+.7*h)+" "
- +this.HTMLpx(x-w+.4*h)+","+this.HTMLpx(y+h+.4*w)+" "
- +this.HTMLpx(x)+","+this.HTMLpx(y),
- fill:values.mathcolor, stroke:"none"
- });
- } else {
- this.HTMLsvgElement(svg.firstChild,"line",{
- x1:1, y1:this.HTMLpx(H+D-t), x2:this.HTMLpx(W-t), y2:this.HTMLpx(t)
- });
- }
- }
- break;
- if (HTMLCSS.useVML) {
- if (!vml) {vml = this.HTMLvml(stack,H,D,W,t,values.mathcolor)}
- this.HTMLvmlElement(vml,"line",{from: "0,0", to: this.HTMLpx(W)+","+this.HTMLpx(H+D-t)});
- } else {
- if (!svg) {svg = this.HTMLsvg(stack,H,D,W,t,values.mathcolor)}
- this.HTMLsvgElement(svg.firstChild,"line",{
- x1:1, y1:this.HTMLpx(t), x2:this.HTMLpx(W-t), y2:this.HTMLpx(H+D-t)
- });
- }
- break;
- frame.style.borderBottom = SOLID;
- frame.style.borderRight = SOLID; if (!HTMLCSS.msieBorderWidthBug) {B = R = t}
- break;
- if (HTMLCSS.useVML) {
- if (!vml) {vml = this.HTMLvml(stack,H,D,W,t,values.mathcolor)}
- this.HTMLvmlElement(vml,"shape",{
- style: {width:this.HTMLpx(W), height:this.HTMLpx(H+D)},
- path: "m "+this.HTMLpt(t/2,.6*(H+D))+" l "+this.HTMLpt(p,H+D-t)+" "+
- this.HTMLpt(2*p,t/2)+" "+this.HTMLpt(W,t/2)+" e",
- coordsize: this.HTMLpt(W,H+D)
- });
- dx = p;
- } else {
- if (!svg) {svg = this.HTMLsvg(stack,H,D,W,t,values.mathcolor)}
- this.HTMLsvgElement(svg.firstChild,"path",{
- d: "M 1,"+this.HTMLpx(.6*(H+D)) +
- " L "+this.HTMLpx(p)+","+this.HTMLpx(H+D) +
- " L "+this.HTMLpx(2*p)+",1 L "+this.HTMLpx(W)+",1"
- });
- HTMLCSS.placeBox(svg.parentNode,0,p/2-D,true);
- dx = p; dy = t;
- }
- break;
- if (HTMLCSS.useVML) {
- if (!vml) {vml = this.HTMLvml(stack,H,D,W,t,values.mathcolor)}
- this.HTMLvmlElement(vml,"line",{from: "0,"+this.HTMLpx(t/2), to: this.HTMLpx(W-t)+","+this.HTMLpx(t/2)});
- this.HTMLvmlElement(vml,"arc",{
- style: {width:this.HTMLpx(2*p),height:this.HTMLpx(H+D-2*t),
- left:this.HTMLpx(-p),top:this.HTMLpx(t)},
- startangle:"10", endangle:"170"
- });
- dx = p;
- } else {
- if (!svg) {svg = this.HTMLsvg(stack,H,D,W,t,values.mathcolor)}
- this.HTMLsvgElement(svg.firstChild,"path",{
- d: "M "+this.HTMLpx(W)+",1 L 1,1 "+
- "a"+this.HTMLpx(p)+","+this.HTMLpx((H+D)/2-t)+" 0 0,1 1,"+this.HTMLpx(H+D-2*t)
- });
- HTMLCSS.placeBox(svg.parentNode,0,t-D,true);
- dx = p; dy = t;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- frame.style.width = HTMLCSS.Em(W-L-R); frame.style.height = HTMLCSS.Em(H+D-T-B);
- HTMLCSS.placeBox(frame,0,dy-D,true);
- HTMLCSS.placeBox(base,dx+p+t,0);
- this.HTMLhandleSpace(span);
- this.HTMLhandleColor(span);
- return span;
- },
- HTMLpx: function (n) {return (n*HTMLCSS.em)},
- HTMLpt: function (x,y) {return Math.floor(1000*x)+','+Math.floor(1000*y)},
- HTMLhandleColor: function (span) {
- var frame = document.getElementById("MathJax-frame-"+this.spanID);
- if (frame) {
- // mathcolor is handled in toHTML above
- var values = this.getValues("mathbackground","background");
- if (this.style && span.style.backgroundColor) {
- values.mathbackground = span.style.backgroundColor;
- span.style.backgroundColor = "";
- }
- if (values.background && !this.mathbackground) {values.mathbackground = values.background}
- if (values.mathbackground && values.mathbackground !== MML.COLOR.TRANSPARENT)
- {frame.style.backgroundColor = values.mathbackground}
- } else {this.SUPER(arguments).HTMLhandleColor.call(this,span)}
- },
- HTMLsvg: function (stack,H,D,W,t,color) {
- var svg = document.createElementNS(SVGNS,"svg");
- if (svg.style) {svg.style.width = HTMLCSS.Em(W); svg.style.height = HTMLCSS.Em(H+D)}
- var scale = HTMLCSS.createBox(stack); scale.appendChild(svg);
- HTMLCSS.placeBox(scale,0,-D,true);
- this.HTMLsvgElement(svg,"g",{fill:"none", stroke:color, "stroke-width":t*HTMLCSS.em});
- return svg;
- },
- HTMLsvgElement: function (svg,type,def) {
- var obj = document.createElementNS(SVGNS,type); obj.isMathJax = true;
- if (def) {for (var id in def) {if (def.hasOwnProperty(id)) {obj.setAttributeNS(null,id,def[id].toString())}}}
- svg.appendChild(obj);
- return obj;
- },
- HTMLvml: function (stack,H,D,W,t,color) {
- var vml = HTMLCSS.createFrame(stack,H+D,0,W,0,"none");
- HTMLCSS.addBox(stack,vml); HTMLCSS.placeBox(vml,0,-D,true);
- this.constructor.VMLcolor = color; this.constructor.VMLthickness = this.HTMLpx(t);
- return vml;
- },
- HTMLvmlElement: function (vml,type,def) {
- var obj = HTMLCSS.addElement(vml,vmlns+":"+type,{isMathJax:true});
- obj.style.position = "absolute"; obj.style.left = obj.style.top = 0;
- MathJax.Hub.Insert(obj,def); // IE8 needs to do this after obj is added to the page
- if (!def.fillcolor) {obj.fillcolor = "none"}
- if (!def.strokecolor) {obj.strokecolor = this.constructor.VMLcolor}
- if (!def.strokeweight) {obj.strokeweight =this.constructor.VMLthickness}
- return obj;
- }
- });
- MathJax.Hub.Browser.Select({
- MSIE: function (browser) {
- //
- // IE8 and below doesn't have SVG, so use VML
- //
- if ((document.documentMode||0) < 9) {
- MML.menclose.Augment({HTMLpx: function (n,d) {return (n*HTMLCSS.em+(d||0))+"px"}});
- HTMLCSS.useVML = true;
- if (!document.namespaces[vmlns]) {
- if (document.documentMode && document.documentMode === 8) {
- document.namespaces.add(vmlns,VMLNS,"#default#VML");
- } else {
- document.namespaces.add(vmlns,VMLNS);
- document.createStyleSheet().addRule(vmlns+"\\: *","{behavior: url(#default#VML)}");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- });
- MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal.Post("HTML-CSS menclose Ready");
- MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(HTMLCSS.autoloadDir+"/menclose.js");
- });